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The newly leaked myths are simply myths and are described as such. Like all myths, they do not describe literal historical events but instead serve as an explanation for the world's behavior, culture, etc.

This content was cut from the final game. This arguably makes it not even canon whatsoever.

Every single Pokemon breeder, day care attendant, and even Professor Elm himself (who specializes in Pokemon Eggs) refers to eggs as "mysterious". Every expert in the Pokemon world literally does not understand where Pokemon eggs come from, suggesting it's magical or super natural phenomena.
>Every single Pokemon breeder, day care attendant, and even Professor Elm himself (who specializes in Pokemon Eggs) refers to eggs as "mysterious"
I refuse to believe characters are genuine when they say this. Somebody HAS to know where Pokemon came from but obviously they don't tell the player character for the same reason you don't tell kids how their mom got pregnant.
imagine her being raped by a typhlosion
she seems more of a machamp type
She's way too old for him
Why is it so hard for you to conceptualize magical reproduction for magical creatures?
there's no point arguing about this. We have no proof to either side
Why are you so against the idea of sex happening in these games?

At the end of the day it’s easier to explain than “magical egg that popped out of nowhere”.
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Pokémon have sex for one reason
They were made for human men
too old
>“magical egg that popped out of nowhere”
A magical explanation literally makes more sense than a sexual one, especially when an egg can appear in mere moments.
God gets rammed by fat sinnohan hikers. It's fucking over
Vrification not required.
Because the canon doesn't support it nor do the concept lore leaked recently.
Handle reality better, these things were always meant to breed viviparously.
Who’s the girl
this. apart from gen 5 all the protags are around 10
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>This content was cut from the final game. This arguably makes it not even canon whatsoever.
imagine the pokemon world would be real. and we would have it instead of our IRL world. in this world people fuck animals already, imagine if those animals could talk or even give some kind of consent on top? it would be like "normal" to fuck pokemon. it would be so comon, that nobody would even care if they hear about it from somewhere.

what you're describing is game mechanics, NOT lore. game mechanics are created so a game is playable and they don't have a gender because they wanted to avoid you mulitplying legendaries too easy. stop lying to yourself and accept how things are. does not matter what is canon. it's canon if you think about it.
(MOST) pokemon cant talk they literally make animal grunts. obviously people would fuck pokemon if pokemon were real but animals also talk in our folktales, yet they cant in real life
they can learn to talk
>shilling her jewtube
You're not Game Freak and the lore didn't change, as long as you understood people and pokémon fucked. Otherwise, yes it very much did change.
lucario can talk, some can learn to talk, they might do sounds which does not talk like speech to you but they are actually talking and some humans are able to understand it - which is shown in the anime and by some NPCs ingame. and I could keep going with the list.

sure some pokemon are less self aware than others but my point still stands.
thats why i said most. some pokemon CAN speak human languages, others have their own language etc, but not all of them
and where is your point?
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Built for Slaking men
Man, what a beautiful body on that woman. What a shame she ruined her face with editing. Would've saved and kept til death otherwise.
Arceus isn't God. He's just the god of the Pokémon. Any physicalized character, any symbol, or any concept of the actual God in any reality is not God. YHVH (Yod Heh Vau Heh) means "to exist" and even that is a shallow approximation. God, in essence, is the amalgam of everything both conceivable and not. Existence and non-existence fundamentally have no barrier. All matter is fundamentally energy; all energy is fundamentally data in motion; all data is fundamentally uniform, paradoxical, and immaterial. That is the most simple and truthful explanation of the collective message of philosophy, religion, and science alike which one can give. Remember: The Tao that can be spoken is not the Eternal Tao.
great, now point out where pokemon ever says yahweh, retard.
didn't think so.
the unown are.
that's ponyoouji
Nice, reading comprehension faggot. My point is much bigger than literalism and semantics.
The unown are more like metaphor for symbolism's influence on the creation of language
creating the matter, fundamentally all energy and all motion material and inmaterial from their own dimension resonating with what is happening in the normal pokemon world. if that does not sound like what you said, I don't know what is.
I'd say the poke fucking thing wasn't cut from the game, just condensed into "pokemon and humans used to be closer to the same thing and would.even get married." Or whatever it said

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