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>Professors thought Arceus and legendaries were sterile/genderless when really its because they only mate with humans
>change their gender and bodies to be ideal for their mates
>Human/pokemon demigods are the most powerful in the series
>When he died the hero was immortalized by Arceus and became the three lake spirits
This has singlehandedly revived my interest in the pokemon franchise.
Non canon smut written by a possible troon
>plass didnt feature sex with god
yet another reason to hate that tech demo
>redditfag or twatterwaffle
Based tranny obsesser
>Random Japanese fokelore that inserts Pokemon written by a possible troon = Cannon
Yeah no.
Why can’t Pokémon be as simple as capturing animals in the wild? I mean that’s what it’s intended to be right?
This is a /pol/ack raid isn't it?
>literally the guy doing worldbuilding for final sinnoh
>the guy doing worldbuilding
I dont remember any of this being in the games?
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>Had twins fight the giant
>Giant is implied to be Giratina
>Lucas and Dawn suspiciously lack a father just after a gen where the player finally had one
>Lucas and Dawn are also handpicked by Arceus to be taken to the past for PLA to fight Giratina
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>lots of black white and gold like arceus
>add the red and its giratinas colors
>lucas has blue elements like dialga
>dawn has pink elements like palkia
I thought the giants are the shards of the God egg>Reggis>Type plates?
Shit. Now I feel bad for sticking the embodiments of Arceus' husband inside Ultra Balls.
>Giant is implied to be Giratina
One the other versions of the story, thge one where the man gives his life to shield his kids and the kids defeat the titan. Arceus returns to them and takes the man's soul and infuses it into Mesprit, Uxie and Azelf.
How does that answer what I asked you absolute retard
pokemon fans are so gullible, i guess all you need to do to convince them of anything is create a google doc and write a bunch of random shit
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There are different versions of the myth that have the giant(s) (kyojin) be different. One version has them the fragments of Arceus' egg, while other versions like the one in OP be a later creation of Arceus.
this version has the unnamed giant being a part of a trio with dialga and palkia, associated with destruction, which sounds the most like giratina. it dies, becoming the weather trio. giratina doesn't seem to have fully been realized until quite late.
Almost every player character in Pokemon doesn't have a father
missing the bit before Ia and Ea change, their dad dies defending them from the titan.
This means that Dialga and Palkia have humans forms too, since they literally transform to fight the Titan
>All color, sound, and calm disappeared from the surroundings.
>People and Pokemon disappeared.
>The Titan roared from the void.
whats wrong. did the tranny obsession not work. guess you gotta go back to the drawing board.
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Cute and canon
Bump for Arceus titties
This. Fake until proved real.
It sounds like an anti-sex tranny is trying to blame it on the trannies to get everyone to stop talking about pokesex.
>literally [fanfiction]
Tranny shit and fake.
The only reason you think it's not canon is because the game dialogue (and a few other things) are censored for the west.

Humans used to marry Pokemon.
Let's take a look at the Canalave Library with literal translations shall we?
>ひとと けっこんした ポケモンがいた: "There once were Pokémon that married people."
>ポケモンと けっこんした ひとがいた: "There once were people who married Pokémon."
>むかしは ひとも ポケモンも おなじだったから ふつうのことだった: "This was a normal thing because long ago people and Pokémon were the same."
Not cannon my ass.
>other versions of the story
So this is fucking fake.
You understand that everything in the leak is just concepts and drafts right
It's not rape; but marriage exist in the Japanese version of dps
Ia (Dialga) being Light and Ea (Palkia) being Time feels strange, the concepts don't really have duality. The legendary chart from 2005 already has them listed as gods of spacetime. While I don't know when they decided on the name Pearl, Diamond as a game name was decided before even Ruby and Sapphire because Masuda wanted it to represent the ultimate Pokémon game, and Ruby and Sapphire as names were stepping stones to that. We had both version names officially revealed in October 2004. Dialga is part Steel to represent time as a hard concept, and Palkia is part Water to represent space as a fluid concept. Lucas and Dawn having those names (well, Kouki and Hikari) may be a carryover from them wanting to use light.

In Gen I development material, Red's father is actually the Silph employee that gives you the Lapras, his unique overworld sprite is listed internally as OTOUSAN and was switched out for a generic one in the final game.
t. giant
Also Lucas and Dawn both have names that relate to light
There's one story where they're born from Arceus' claws and tears, which would probably be the clearest explanation of the types
Arceus’ human form looks like Cynthia
Palkia’s human form (so her real form) looks like Dawn
Light and time existed due to the Big Bang
/pol/ard fell for weak lies and is now schizo posting about trans to whole board. Leave.
/pol/ loves Sinnoh and Arceus. That’s just a projecting twitter tranny
I wish we'd get a part 2 where Arceus goes through his Zeus arc and impregnates human women for shits and giggles
dawn also means something similar to light. guess which pokemon's myth name means light?
i have nothing for lucas however
Lucas is a Latin masculine given name (from the verb "lucere" - "to shine"), from which the English name Luke comes.

Might also come from Lucius, which comes from the latin word for light
wow, ty.
>Arceus created Palkia and Dialga, then took human form to craft earthly vessels for them to be born onto this world
>via raw baby-making sex with the first human man she found
It wasn't some random dude. It was a man who had loved and cared for her at her weakest.

>written by Yuu
>reading it as female name
It's a unisex name and Yuu is just another reading for the kanji Suguru uses. Not a troon just a fucking guy, dude
Cool theory. Could easily imagine them being the human forms.
>never know who’s the charger that knock up arceus and what does he look like
Feel bad man
Nice bunch of shitty not canon text
The wiki faggots didn't bother to translate really important footnotes like the one outright stating that the giants are NOT pokemon.

ユングの言うところの 母胎からの分離の恐怖やショックの象徴。 なお巨人のみポケモンに非ず。




1 is attached to

The shards of the egg that became the giants are representative of Jungian fear of separation and the giants are not pokemon

2 is attached to

The note says that it is not meant to be taken literally but is metaphorical, Ia represents males and pokemon while Ea represents women and humans.

3 about the tree of life is supposed to represent the growth of living beings

4 refers to
>こうして一つの天と地と海を持つ世界が産まれた。 ※4
This is literal and refers to a pangaean continent, different from the current world's split-up continents.

I'm going through the leak myself and the footnotes that people are ignoring have some really important stuff.




Ia is inspired by the Yamato people and Ea is inspired by the Ainu. So yeah no shit all of this is heavily inspired by Ainu folklore.
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A bunch of this actually did show up in the games slightly rewritten, but the gods' names were replaced with question marks instead

悲しんではいけない 怒ってはならない
悲しんではいけない 怒ってはならない
エアが悲しむ イアが怒る
悲しんではいけない 怒ってはならない
月が血に染まる 太陽が消える
悲しんではいけない 怒ってはならない
悲しんではいけない 怒ってはならない
悲しんではいけない 怒ってはならない
悲しんではいけない 怒ってはならない

Pic is speculation from ages ago so it didn't have the answers, but noticeably Aus (アウス in Japanese, three characters) corresponds to the three question marks while Ia and Ea (イア, エア, two characters each) correspond to the spots with two question marks.

Aus was used as a placeholder name in Battle Revolution before being officially introduced as Arceus but going by the question marks remaining in the games, Aus might be its true name as a deity.

And yeah a lot of this is in the Japanese versions of the games but got localized out of the English releases like the pokemon marriage line
You think the original human who fought the super-giant was a guy who looked like Ash?
Hence why Ash is randomly in the right spot to save the world like fifty times.
And notably while the number of question marks corresponds to the names in Japanese they're all replaced with three question marks in English.

Betray not your anger, lest ??? will come.
Weep not with sorrow, or ??? will draw near.
When joy and enjoyment come natural as the very air, that is happiness.
Let such be blessed by the hand of Master ???.
Those words were spoken often as customary.
And the localizations are filled with random changes and additions which are nowhere to be found in the original text and outright contradict stuff in general

"Offer only friendship to those around you.
Angering ??? in turn confounds you.
Sorrowing ??? will in woe drown you.
A land, once riven, cannot become new.
Let only peace and amity surround you."

あらゆるものを友にせよ ??を怒らせてはいけない
??を悲しませてはいけない 裂けた大地は戻らない
Really cool shit, thanks for sharing.
If Lucas is supposed to resemble the human version of Dialga and Dialga is the hero's son I'd imagine they would have some resemblance.
I need a canon design on her human form
trAsh isn't canon to the games you fucking faggot
Also it seems that the translations people keep sharing of the creation myth are of the first document (pmyth01.doc) when that's the second-oldest version, instead of the updated v5.2 version. (pmyth05.2.doc)

The original version of the creation myth is in 増田さん神話資料.doc and is completely different and kind of bizarre (Aus eats cats).
I'm sorry
'Cooler Ash, aka Red'
Speaking of people posting translations of stuff that's already outdated INSIDE THE FUCKING FILES, the Typhlosion story is also an old version. The final version has Slaking instead.

After the girl and her daughter return to the village, it's the girl's own brother who bullies them. In the final version of the story the pelt transforms the girl into a Slaking and she kills her brother and mother and vanishes with her daughter. This version also adds a last paragraph of "and that's why humans don't eat Slaking meat, because they're half human".

少女にはもうどうしようもなかった。 ケッキングになった少女は弟を殺し、母親も殺した。

Interesting how when you look up the writer of the myth stuff in the leaks (中津井優) you get a ton of stuff from Japanese fans from years ago complaining about how much they hate him




And no despite what retards on /v/ are saying Nakatsui is not a woman.

書籍「田尻智 ポケモンを作った男」の女性社員一名を巡る騒動


what a shitshow
>the Typhlosion story is also an old version. The final version has Slaking instead.
The typlosion version is dated after Slaking though, and no "more text=it has to be final" is not the case.
Anyone have a link or something to all the versions of the myth? I want to see the timeline of how things progressed and changed
Based, reminder to trannies that YWNBAW and only you are thinking about degen sex 100% of the time.
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Yuu is not a woman's name you retard
It's in the footnotes


It's literally in the leaks. The guy who ripped all the shit from GF doesn't know Japanese. Cope
Their fathers are Pokemon.
>[Moans loudly and vanishes up a mountain]
Where i can find all these texts of creation lore? are they already translated or its in nip?
Its in nip obviously. Its DP>DP仕様>pmyth with the have fun part of the leak.
thank you
People thinking this is canon are just retard and don't know how "canon" works.
There are other version about Arceus story in the leak, stating that there were many concept behind it and they decided the simplest story to put in the game, and that, only that, is the canon one.
I cant seem to find it under that name on the drive, is it renamed to something else?
I can’t believe that pokefucking is canon
The biggest GigaChad of them all. His jaw was so sharp that it scattered light like a prism.
>names referencing light
Honestly this is very cool, but it's mostly fluff they "repruposed" or just took out of the wolrdbuilding drawer when necessary. Cool to see behind the veil but how faithful they are to the original brainstormed ideas is debatable.
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>Origin Egg?
Ready to jump his ass

Oh yeah, its Regigigas time. Even if getting whipped by Arceus made him weak as shit, its fucking based that all the Regis that made up the cosmic egg just decided to Jungian Fear of Birth and Existence attack Arceus.
Seems its the person who wrote the SM mega evolution entries and the galarian fossils ones.
Celestica people = Arceus’ descendants
>written by a possible troon
>actually calls masuda out for his lies on the dexcut
based, this wiki is a goldmine
>will never know about the human form of arceus
>when it’s a beautiful woman
Why did they do this to us?
Actually Dialga is partly Steel-type because for centuries the clocks were completely mechanical and the ticking sound of time was the metallic sound of the clocks' gears.

Palkia is partly Water-type mainly because pearls come from the sea.
>Palkia is partly Water-type mainly because pearls come from the sea.


I much prefer the christian shudo mythology to pagan arceusslop
Arceus has never been christian you western tard.
In every single form and fashion its always been Shinto.

Arceus has always been shown to be a Kotoamatsukami and his creations are Kamiyonanayo which is why they were in pairs.

back to school
learn to read
I did not say any of what you claim
steel type was proto light type, just look at Doom Desire and mirror shot
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>"The power of defeated giants infuses this Plate."
Oh fuck
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>Giant Trio (regis)
>Giant King (Regigigas)

Now it doesn't seem so random that Gen VIII games were all about giant pokemon.

>these things are unrelated
They, and the leaks all use the exact same characters for "Kyodai" meaning "Giants"
Did the leaks say anything about the Foreign Building in Hearthome? What's the backstory behind it?
Has there been any mention of Unown in the leaks yet? Because as far as the actual canon in the games goes, that's the only Pokemon other Palkia/Dialga/Giratina/Lake trio that has some sort of definitive connection to Arceus and the creation process.
I love goddesses falling in love with human men stories, it's a shame the man almost invariably meets a tragic end
The lake trio being from Arceus's husband is neat though
>The reason they can calm down the two twins is because it's their father
>His soul is embodied in humanity so Arceus loves all of humanity
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>Cogita might be one of Arceus's avatars
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>Comes back and reveals herself to be Arceus
Volo gonna have aneurysm
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This is a translation of the 7.1 revision of the lore. This time they seem to split Sinnoh into a "natural" Eastern half and an "advanced" Western half (which is a theme that carried over into the final game). Plus here the Lake trio seem to be formed from the dead Ursaring.
Just want to point out that the notes split the Ia and Ea factions as Yamato Japanese and indigenous Ainu as themes so yeah that fits.
>Your text is not canon, its content is never transcribed in a game.
>It's just one version of a text, among many that tell all and their opposite.
>It's not even the most recent version.
Possibly a fake leak.
>Turn a specific situation into a general rule that applies to everyone, when there's never any question of that.

The state of average members who fixate on two lines of text that haven't even been retained, to speak of canon. The desperation of these people.
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thinking about the plate descriptions in Legends, it would fit this version of the myth
>"The other side of this world was given by the Original One to its raging third."
>"That which fills the other side of the world can shape the rage and mold it."
>"The third being raged, raining down bolts of anger."
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So in the Sinjoh Event, You see the creation of an egg, which in the world of the pokemon NOBODY has ever seen. You and Cynthia are the first ones to do so.

So seeing how in the games, the canon is the most accurate, the time when pokemon and humans had separation occurred, and pokemon could only reproduce by having an egg granted to them by Arceus, because that is how all eggs are made?

this would imply that somewhere along the line Arceus seperated humanity and pokemon.
Look up who Shudo is.
all lore translated: https://files.catbox.moe/9y2mn2.zip
includes stuff missing from tcrf but too lazy to upload myself
2chan thread
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>Giant is implied to be Giratina
This sounds like Arceus formed giratina second, who was the Shiva-like destroyer god. But this titan got reckless and needed to be contained. Which then led to the events of the distortion world and giratina's imprisonment.
Nta but the DP.zip is in the havesomefun__randomfileboxent zip. It got autoremoved from the google drive because of the rape stuff I think, but an anon in the proto thread posted a gofile download link for it
oh I didn't know the old names were also in revolution
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Cynthia's bloodline is divine
Gives a whole new meaning to "pokegoddess"
Unlikely given that the old verses are implied to have been written by her, which are the perspective of the last of the celesticas.
Maybe not Cogita but I do hope we get more human incarnations of pokemon. Good way to get more lore.
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Poor Giratina
>fucking Cogita is fucking Arceus by proxy
Cynthia is either a direct descendant of Arceus or Arceus herself
>or Arceus herself
Now that's a desperate reach.
Cynthiafags are always glazing their waifu
Cynthia isn't Arceus. Cogita is Arceus or at least an avatar of Arceus.
Volo can be considered an ancestor to Cynthia, but how Volo is related to Cogita is unknown as its not explored upon.
Cogita isn't arceus or an avatar of arceus.
Volo is related to cogita by being from the same race of people, the celesticas.
Nice fanfic
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RkNyW41KIelUXRkgHT8y7KBijPUybfJf its in the backup gdrive here
Lucas is a Greek name, Lucius is a Latin, both from the same PIE root
Where are we getting this info from?
Fuck Arceus via Cogita
From your fanfics.
Cogita is not Arceus. She's just another long-lived person like Volo.
Volo is Arceus.
>pressures the player into meeting Arceus
>is tsundere with the player(memories of fucking the last hero, perhaps?)
>conveniently doesn't want to be in the same room as arceus
Cogita is just an old lady he brainwashed
>Cogita being Arceus makes Cynthia a demi-goddess
hair isn't arceus enough
The havesomefun_randomfileboxent zip is back, get it before it's gone again
Because she isn't related to Arceus.
what are they exactly? just Arceus worshippers?
This file is a 21 page document from Yu Nakatsui that seems to go into quite a lot of detail about mythology from around the world. This part in particular seems to outline the approach that he was going for when he wrote the myths:
>However, this does not mean that all myths around the world have anthropomorphic gods who reside in the heavens and are characterized by their immortality as their protagonists. Among peoples who have no written language and have passed down myths orally to the present day, it is more common to find myths that have as their protagonists not gods like these, but human ancestors, or animal companions who can speak human language and whose distinction from them is often very vague.

He also talks about the different types of creation myths, and you can see how they influenced the different drafts of the creation myth.
Basically. They worshipped Arceus, something happened that killed most of them and scattered the few who survived, then the foreign clans came to Sinnoh and appropriated Celestica's cultures and beliefs but each group interpreted things different which split them into the Diamond and Pearl clans.
Do you think we'll ever go to the super ancient times in a legends game? Do you think the market could handle human-pokemon relations 20 years after DP?
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Thanks, I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out all-in-all
I would worship her
Wonder if Arceus would be pleased or would come down in human form to mog her for pretending.
No, because they still have to have pokéball tech to carry these fuckers around (you saw the Clans in L: A) and there's a hard limit of "recently from the events of L: A" which happens around 1920's (a hundred years behind the "modern" era give or take, considering the modern games constantly references of-the-moment things that date the games to real world chronological times), so the earliest I can see would still only be 1900, depending if they want to bullshit 25-ish years as "recent" per Laventon's estimations.
If anything, this leak should tell you they have a scope of the games and lore they want to keep to and Dexit was probably as much in wanting to explore the past of the pokémon world, before the codified game progression of the modern. And given the two wildly differing settings (a barren wilderness to document the pokémon that inhabit it and a urban regeneration project member respectively) it shows they're not scareed to not slavishly copy themselves with this series, even if they know they need to reprint RG in essence every Gen.
>Betray not your anger, lest ??? will come.
>Weep not with sorrow, or ??? will draw near.
>When joy and enjoyment come natural as the very air, that is happiness.
>Let such be blessed by the hand of Master ???.
>Those words were spoken often as customary
Holy shit, I totally forgot about this one Sinnoh myth. There were never any fan theories about what it meant. And it was even referenced again in PLA.
So it's actually a holdover from the version of the myth where Dialga and Palkia were born from Arceus' claws/anger and tears/sorrow respectively.
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>Cynthia is either a direct descendant of Arceus or Arceus herself
or she becomes gods avatar/vessel when he visits Earth
But those two are siblings...
Poor Giratina
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>Please stop killing the bears, meet up with a whale unarmed at the ocean and bring two witnesses so we can discuss peace
>Bears killed the whale for no reason
>Bears jump and kill the guy
For what reason.
But she isn't.
So were Zeus and Hera
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>the weather trio were born from a nose
oy vey
The absolute god Anus was born
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Someone already said it but.
That means the human form of Arceus very likely looks just like Cynthia or Cogita if not REALLY close. I guess a male version would look just like Volo.
I can't blame the guy who fucked Arceus if it looked like any of the two gals. Who the fuck would say no???

It's all interpretation. Or close.
I think the main differece is that the clan of Shirona and Volo is God's chosen people...
But Akari and Kōki are God's chosen champions.
One is related to God.
The other is closer to God.
Which is why Volo and Shirona lose.
Because they are going against "God's will".
It's like a small kid defying his dad to a slap fight. Hit dad way too hard and straight into the ground the kid goes.
And their names reference Light, but they are not the light, so in other words it's Arceus telling everyone to GTFO out of the way because its light is coming right behind/by the side of Akari and Kōki. Which are just the "advent" of light. Not the light itself, the light is Arceus/The avatar of Arceus coming with us anywhere we go, even if we don't have Arceus on our team, the key items related to him means it's always close, watching, learning about the world it created and then Dialga and Palkia finished completing, while also every once in a while BONKING Giratina with its champions or by its own hand for being retarded. But never killing it because Giratina is necessary as a counterbalancing force for the universe.
We sure she ain't an aberration from Gyratina?
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wanted to make a cleaner screenshot of the entire arceus love story
Zeus is that you.... again?
Gonna bet against the current narrative and say that the Celestians or whatevs all those blondies aren't descendants of Arceus, but from Giratina. Which makes their quest for God ironic and the few times they get endorsed be penitence through action instead of lament.

It explains too their fallen angel/SEX BOMB beauty. It's deceptive, but they don't know this.

>"Then who's related to Arceus directly?"
Either no one alive that isn't a Pokemon or all of the protagonists of the Pokemon games are, which would explain why they are all chosen ones from birth.

It also gives all the Shirona fights a whole new level of irony.
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i don't think that's too much of a stretch, it's honestly more plausible than them being connected to arceus. volo is able to convince giratina to do things, namely rip a hole in spacetime, and it even fights on his behalf.
and cynthia is explicitly in possession of it in the gacha, too.
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why did she do it
There we go, regi rebelled against God is Canon, proof is right there.
>It was a time when the world had yet a name to be called, in other words, it was a time when the world did not hold a distinct shape.
>A single giant egg was there, and nothing more than the Absolute God Aus existed.
>Aus desired the genesis of the world, but the effort needed was far too great and utmost difficult.
>So, Aus produced three offshoots that divided its own power into 3.
>The God of Light Ia radiates and shines on all things.
>The God of Time Ea rouses and manages all things.
>The black titan destroys all things, returning them to null.
>The 3 siblings were born.
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>Aus commanded Ia and Ea to shape the world and ordered the giant to break the egg. >Afterward, Aus fell into a deep sleep.
>When Ia let out a great neigh, light filled the world. Wherever Ia walked, light extended gently, illuminating the surroundings.
>When Ea let out a great neigh, time was released. Wherever Ea walked, everything slowly began to move.
>The giant, blessed by Ia and Ea, was filled with power. The giant swung his fist down onto the egg.
>The egg was pierced, cracks formed, and the shell shattered. From inside, countless humans and Pokémon spilled out.
>The giant began to kill those born from the egg, one after another. Even when Ia and Ea tried to stop him, the giant did not listen.
>everytime I fapped to Cogita, I was fapping to Arceus all along
What am I supposed to do with this revelation?
My cock's confused.
>Ia and Ea were troubled over whether to kill the giant but could not bring themselves to kill their own brother.
>Therefore, they decided to choose exceptional beings from among the humans and Pokémon born from the egg to kill the giant.
>Ia and Ea selected an especially strong and wise human and said to them: "Please kill the giant. That being is our brother. We cannot kill him ourselves."
>The human replied: "How can we defeat that terrifying giant with our power?"
>Ia and Ea said: "We will give you companions who will grant you strength."
>Three Pokémon appeared before the human.
>When Ia and Ea neighed together, the three Pokémon's forms began to change rapidly. The three Pokémon became the god of eyes, Rei; the god of heart, Ai; and the god of voice, Hai.
>When Rei awoke, everything appeared there. Colors and shapes were born. When Ai wished,
everything could be felt there. A gentle presence spread. When Hai shouted, everything trembled there. A blissful melody began to resonate.
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>Ia and Ea said:
>"With Rei's power, the giant's movements will appear to stop.
>With Ai's power, you will understand the
giant's thoughts as if you could hold them in your hands.
>With Hai's power, you will no longer tremble
at the giant's shouts."
>The human and the three Pokémon gods combined their strength and defeated the giant.
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>Then, Ia and Ea appeared before the giant's corpse. Feeling sorrow for the death of their brother, Ia and Ea shared half of their souls with the giant. As a result, the giant's soul and body split into three.
>His body became the sky, the earth, and the sea.
>His soul was reborn as the god of the sky, Rayquaza; the god of the land, Groudon; and the god of the sea, Kyogre.
>Rayquaza enveloped the heavens, Groudon supported the mountains, and Kyogre embraced the seas.
>Thus, the world was born.
>"Three beings whose power can hold both time and space fixed."
>"Two make matter, and three make spirit, shaping the world."
>"The third being raged, raining down bolts of anger."
>"The other side of this world was given by the Original One to its raging third."
>"That which fills the other side of the world can shape the rage and mold it."
>"The rules of time and space change within the opposite world."
>"The rift is born of disorder on the other side of this world."
are Cynthiasimps all coal black

Cynthia is Seviper food
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>A Pokémon that is said to live in a world on the reverse side of ours. It appears in an ancient cemetery.
>It was banished for its violence. It silently gazed upon the old world from the Distortion World.
>There is one Hisuian verse that tells of a powerful light creating a deep shadow.
Ash is heavily implied to be a descendant of Sir Aaron. And there is another Aura Guardian with a Pikachu he sort of resembles. I’d guess there is some potential ancestry here. Either Arceus had a third human child or a sibling of the man is Ash, Aaron, etc’s ancestor.

If I were to take a guess Aura Guardians likely have some relation to him.
He’s in Sun and Moon and Pokemon Masters EX.
Who is Aldith descended from?
I'm curious about the giants and titan. Based on what I've been reading here they seem to be the Regis. Does that make the Titan Giratina?
>It silently gazed upon the old world from the Distortion World.
even as a kid i always felt a deep sadness from this entry
Those words might be interchangeable with it being Regi in earlier versions and Giratina closer to DP release.
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There's several versions of the myth, and several versions of the giant. They all use the same Japanese word, kyojin, that can translate to giant or titan. To sum the different ones up
>Reek, a primordial giant who gets dismembered by two gods, one human and one pokemon, in order to create the world and various gods
>several giants that are born from arceus' egg fragments that attack him, and are defeated and used to create dialga and palkia. there's another version where it seems there's only one giant, and that giant is also used to create the lake and weather trio
>a giant created by arceus to destroy walls and expand the universe. it turns on arceus and wants to destroy everything, and arceus can't defeat it. arceus has dialga and palkia with a human that defeat the giant. the giant's corpse becomes mt. coronet
>a black giant created by arceus as dialga and palkia's brother. his purpose is to shatter the egg of life that contains all humans and pokemon. he starts killing them, and dialga and palkia create the lake trio to help a human slay him. mourning their brother, they share their souls with him, and his body becomes the world and his soul becomes the weather trio
As you can see, a couple versions make the giant sound like Giratina, and a couple versions more like the Regis. Note that there is a footnote that explicitly says the giants aren't pokemon. But who knows, that might have been changed too, none of this was set in stone
>>a giant created by arceus to destroy walls and expand the universe. it turns on arceus and wants to destroy everything, and arceus can't defeat it. arceus has dialga and palkia with a human that defeat the giant. the giant's corpse becomes mt. coronet
We will never know who’s the chad that fuck arceus and give birth to time and space ;((
>giratina is batman
>the giant's corpse becomes mt. coronet
Thinking about it, you'd think it'd make more sense for Heatran to specifically be related to Mt. Coronet, as its tutelary deity
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Cogita, Cynthia and Volo all likely come from a people who call themselves the Celesticas and everything points out to them being related to Giratina. Not to Arceus. Which fits their color scheme too (Gold in head (haird), black attire), except for Volo who was so obsessed with Arceus he made himself an Arceus fit.
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Arceus fell in love with the human, and the human fell in love with her, so the two of them had gentle, loving, consensual sex for the purpose of procreation. She's nothing like that degenerate asshole Zeus who would fuck whatever he felt like just because he felt like it.
They aren't the regis. The regis were created much later.
>MFW Arceus is literally a deadbeat Mom and Dad who abandons their respective husband/wife once the kids are born.
>Years later he lays the path for their offspring to travel the land and save the world and meet their fellow Mon siblings.
>Technically speaking, Arceus has spent more time with you than your own mom because it never leaves your side (Spiritually). It also protects you from death and disease I guess.
It all makes sense now.
I love 2000s emo era anime drawings good job
Maybe the golems were created in the image of the giants?
>Gen 3-9 protags
Their destiny is to save the region/world/universe from one of the various legendary pokemon out there
>Gen 2
>Stop some has beens from squatting in this radio tower
>Gen 1
>Stop the Yakuza from stealing people's Pokemon

I think Red and Gold's Dad's were just dead beats regular old humans.
the azure flute was the flute of arceus' lover and he healed her with his song
I want Arceus to hop onto my azure flute
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Not really.
By catching Mewtwo we avoid the BS that Ash had to deal with in the first Pokemon movie and the possibility of it getting out of hand real quick + stopping Giovanni from ever acquiring Mewtwo with a Master Ball.
Gold catching Lugia leads him to the Celebi events and to the actual true defeat of Giovanni. He also catches Mewtwo which left released. Again denying an asset to an enemy he doesn't even know he's fighting.
He also stops Silver from going into the dark path that his father went into. Just by being a good sport. Avoiding a potential Volo/Team Whatever situation later in the future.
If Giovanni isn't beaten twice over in the past and in the future and also the Admins have to be silenced too to stop the return of his boss, if we fail to beat Team Rocket in the past and the future, both across the Sevii Islands and then the remnants of Rocket in the time-skipped Kanto at the same time, if we fail, Team Rainbow Rocket happens.
Red and Gold's destiny was to stop a problem so complex that it had to be dealt with in both past and future, a multi-generational effort to avoid a multi-universe threat from emerging in their own universe not long after.
The only time it wasn't dealt with in another universe or several even, the Mega-Evo/Gimmick universe got struck in Gen 7, and it's clear said universe or destiny was fighting back because if we weren't there by pure chance to stop Team Rainbow Rocket, Red and Blue had already arrived to Alola for the Battle Tree gig so they would have jumped into action late but they would have clapped the invaders in the end.
They didn't get the chance to because we did so first by noticing and acting immediately.
Honestly pretty cool, they had to work together across time without knowing they were actually doing so. And in the end, when they finally mean, they battle. Not knowing they are bidding farewell to a collaboration across time and space.
This was Gen IV, blame Arceus for fixing an issue in a weird way.
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ok so judging by that text obviously the Titan that died and became a mountain wasn't either Regigigas OR Giratina because its body became Mt. Coronet in Sinnoh. I get people assuming it's Giratina but where are they getting Regigigas from?
Big Golem.
That's it.
reminder dialga and palkia fucked too making humanity and pokemon.
well what's different in pmyth05.2.doc?
Giants infusing plates, Giants were born from eggshards, gigas has the normal plate.
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>>When he died the hero was immortalized by Arceus and became the three lake spirits
So the lake spirits are Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo?
Mewtwo is not even that big of a threat. At worse he can mind control some people and cause a localized storm.

Gen 3 and on wards features legendary pokemon that range in power from world destroying to universe resetting. There are even Pokemon that are extra dimensional beings from outside of this universe.
Mewtwo ain't shit now in days. Hell, I'm pretty sure Deoxys can take Mewtwo.
mewtwo is the strongest battler in game lore
>Deoxys can take Mewtwo.
it does in the edgy pokespe manga
Insane cope
I doubt lore wise Mewtwo is gonna compete with many other legendary and mythical Pokemon. Even by gen 3 he is way out classed. All three of the main legendaries are capable of wiping most life off the face of the planet in terms of lore. In gen 4 they are basically gods, again I really don't think he is gonna do much.
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Nah mewtwo would win. This is a serious case of "never meet your heroes" because in the games those "basically gods" get beat up by a regional starter, in the lore they get beat up by a lone swordsmen, and in the anime they get beat up by a bunch of floating cubes.
Mewtwo doesn't have any mythos backing him up but he's literally the apex of human engineering, and if there's anything the mythos indirectly advocate for it's the ability for humans to fuck shit up when they put their mind to it. A mewtwo who's gone unchecked for a couple months could shred most legendaries apart.
>Cyrus is in the dark world with Giratina
>she reveals her true form
>they had many children together and Giratina finally found peace
As was God's plan all along.
>mewtwo was made with mew and a human, Blain's DNA
Holy shit, blaine's a pedo too!
mewtwo was created in a vat through CRISPR
Kinda weird that he was so obsessed with creating a clone of a little girl. And wasn't Blaine gear towards fire types, just like typhlosions?
The passion for cunny burns brightly
blaine added his dna in Special
The creation myths don't really iterate on one another as much as just change details.
I don't know if there was a progression from 01->5.2 or if they're meant to be parallel.
Because 02 or 03 refers to a being that seems very much like Giratina and the later ones don't.
Roughly the same. The leaks have brought me back to Pokémon after the embarrassment that was scat and vomits dlc. Carmine and Kiki should be hanged for high jacking the series.
The mega evolution entries are some of the best in the series.
Nothing past gen 5 is canon anyway.
Regis aren't mentioned in any of the creation myths.
Neither they, nor the Kanto Birds nor Johto beasts are brought up.
Gyarados, Dragonite, and Tyranitar are though, so I guess they're more cosmologically important than Ho-oh or Regigigas, lol.
Translated properly or just run through DeepL/ChatGPT?
The story from that one seems most explicitly Japanese inspired.
Later ones seem to take more from Indo-European or Mesopotamian myths, but that one has a very Japanese style to it.
>Indo-European or Mesopotamian
they're literally just fucking ainu myths you moron
You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about you stupid shithead.
Which Ainu Myth do you think was the basis for the 'Creation Myth' set?
Which ones involve the creation and destruction of the World Tree?
Are you even following the conversation?
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What would he think?
this all happened before pokeballs so I doubt he cares that much
He's a confirmed pokefucker I have no sounds of that.
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>Arceus fucking a human
>Big Bang
It was right in front of us all along.
>beyond the nothingness the giant howled

thats girratina's entrances down to a tee. it enters from nothing.
Too much human wankage in these stories. Peak neutralfaggotry.
Need full pic of the source
And more anthro Arceus
Lol whatever you say Regigigas
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They're in the creation diagram
>They, and the leaks all use the exact same characters for "Kyodai" meaning "Giants"
The leaks use Kyojin 巨人 (a noun meaning titan/giant) not Kyodai 巨大 (an adjective meaning giant) when talking about the thing(s) that fight Arceus. They do use kyodai when describing things as giant like the life tree or the big mountain.
To add to your post, Kyojin is also used when referring to the lesser regis. So if these Regi = Giants fags are willing to stick to their guns, then Regice is a giant and Reigigas is a nothingburger.
even if this is fake this may be one of the most entertaining leak seasons so far. way better than alola starter leaks dare I even say better than playing scarlet violet a month early leaks.
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He'd be fine until he learns that Arceus enjoyed getting dominated by her strong human husband.
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Dude they are literally right there on the corners of the triangles learn how to read
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this version of the creation diagram seems to be an earlier draft that was made before Giratina was conceptualized as the darkness to Arceus’ light because that creation diagram/sigil is used in the games but has a third circle in the center next Aus, Ia, and Ea
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>people joked about why a teenager could go around with god in a ball
>turns out its because they are children of said god
Everyone's talking as if it's clear/canon that Cynthia is related to Arceus, Cogita or Volo. Or that she actually is Arceus/Cogita. I feel like I'm missing a step because I've never heard any of this before, I thought she was just a hot chick

Is there actually any proof of this anywhere? Evidence that they're not just a thematic similarity?
>Arceus had sex with a human to birth to Palka and Dialga
>Those children then have birth to Pokemon and Humans respectively
So... humans came from the children of Arceus... which came from a human?

Can somebody square that circle for me.
Headcanon arrived at by various different anons including me. The man who nursed Arceus back to health is the Ancient Hero spoken of in Hisuian legends, who's the same person as Lucas from DP and then L: A, with Arceus taking Cogita's form again and again to wait for Her husband's return, per my headcanon.
the man who nursed Arceus back to health is the same man who was the ancient hero***
I like the idea of it, but I'd rather just have Lucas be a descendant.

We've got immortal humans like Oz and Cogita, why not just have Arceus make her husband immortal?
There's been rewrites of the creation story drafts. So you had arceus mating with a human to make palkia in one version while you have palkia giving birth to humans in another.
Anons pick whatever version sounds best
It's not true. The Old Verses were written by Cogita, and the verses imply rather heavily that she is not Arceus and that she does not personally have any attachment to the hero. But since it's only a heavy-handed implication rather than a directly stated fact, people are headcanoning that Cynthia is a god with a 20 foot long futa lama cock
Hey, I liked Arceus already (in the "normal" sense) WAY before the gigaleak. Sure, I had always had my own fanfic headcanon that Arceus had sired a Christ-like figure with a human (in the Immaculate Conception sense; Arceus being the divine father and the human mother raising the child, yadda yadda; y'all can complain about THAT all you want.)
So to say that the myth about Arceus mothering Dialga and Palkia through a human father doesn't surprise me.
Because the origin stories told how the man died but Arceus loved him still. A mortal reincarnating, to unite with his Immortal wife millennia after millennia, re-affirming their love through the ages to each other is more appealing to me than him just being Immortal himself. And as Arceus made the world, She made Her creations mortal. Him dying is as much a celebration of the cycle of Her creation as it is a sorrowful event.
both half human incest sounds very greek
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>the Titans body turned into Mt Coronet
It's pretty self-contradicting at several points still. I don't think we can translate the proto-lore into what currently exists.
>Is there actually any proof of this anywhere?
No, but when did that ever matter to this fanbase.
>Cynthia is related to Cogita or Volo
uh, just look at them ?

also Cynthia got blessed by Arceus in Masters
She might not be a descendant of Cogita or Volo, but rather one of their cousins/etc. For all we know, that's just what the people of Celestica looked like.
>Cogita is Aus in human form or at least the avatar of Aus
Would explain her seeming immortality, her signature pokemon being that of spring, creation, and love, her color scheme being arceus minus the gold ring, how volo (her foil) has an art scheme much closer to Regigigas whilst imitating the image of Aus, much like a mockery of how Arceus took part of Gigas for its ring, her knowledge that (You) are out of time and space, her knowledge and ownership of the plates, her knowledge of the legendaries, and how she knows that the genies are “out of time” in comparison to the rest of the legends. This also implies that, if the games are to mimic the folklore, that the “Legendary Hero” mentioned in PL:A is the human who died and became the lake trio, which adds weight to the various caves morbidly being possible representation of tombs for the hero. It would also imply that, at least in the true timeline, Lucas was who was ripped from time and space, not Dawn, and that Akari is the true ancestor, not Rei, as the legendary hero was most certainly male.
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All celestica people had long lifespans. Volo is also long-lived and will continue to live for a very long time as well.
Enamorus is symbolic for Cogita watching over the new people of Sinnoh prosper after the destruction of Celestica. Possibly even symbolic for her love/hatred for Volo and how she helps him because he is one of the few surviving members of her people but also undermines him at the same time because of his heretical views on her god.
Volo's phenotype is closer to Arceus than Cogita's.
All celestica people worshipped arceus and knew a lot about the pantheon. They're the ones who built the temples and etched the heiroglyphs. And they also had knowledge of the events that would come in the future.
While easy to conflate, the Giant(s) are NOT the Black Titan. The Giants are the shards of Aus’ egg, hence why there was more than one, whilst the black titan is assuredly Giratina. Ea is Dialga, Ia is Palkia, and the unnamed black titan is Giratina, seemingly scrubbed from history and why, in DP, you find it in a labyrinthian maze shrouded from the world. Regigigas is the shell of Aus, hence its discontentment with creation after Aus cracked its egg with Giratina. This is further supported by the type chart, as Giratina can easily harm Regigigas being dragon (myth), but Regigigas can’t as easily harm Giratina with its normal (godly) typing due to the black titan’s ghost (void/anathema) typing - this also explains why Aus/Arceus had trouble with the Black Titan Giratina and required Ea and Ia - losing their normal (godly) typing in exchange for their other typing - which FURTHER reinforces the demigod status of Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina in comparison to Regigigas and Arceus/Aus. This also explains why Regigigas was able to stand up to Ea and Ia when confronted singularly, but why it lost when on a United front - not dissimilar to Greek mythology. Having been stripped of everything but still a giant nonetheless, Regigigas created facsimiles - Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Regidrago, Regieleki - of the original egg shards in the vain hope to usurp Aus and return to nothingness with its brethren. The reason why Giratina’s dex entries suggest its violent nature is because it was literally created to be the one that destroys. It’s a literal Satan in the world of Pokemon - not necessarily good or evil, but adversarial. Generation 1’s legends are that of genetic theming - the origin of biological life. Generation 2’s legends are that of folklore - how we perceive life. Generation 3’s legends are that of the physical world - life in the objective. Generation 4’s legends are that of the mythical world - the religious meaning behind life - the subjective.
Counterpoints for shits and giggles because this is the most interesting Pokemon has been since imagination-theory got disproved by GF. While the people of Celestica are said to be long-lived, we meet only two who also happen to be very closely related to the story of Aus and possible avatars of the characters within, my theory being that Cogita is the female avatar of Aus, whilst Volo is either the “cast off” shedding of the Black Titan or related to those of The Giants, leaning towards the latter due to both his height and his role in the context of the story of wanting to “defeat” Aus/Arceus - in addition, he is said to of been “using” Giratina rather than them being a true union, hence why Giratina fled after being defeated by (You) whilst Volo remains defiant. If Enamorus was to be symbolic of the new people of Sinnoh, then it (in theory) should tie the genies to Sinnoh, not Unova. In addition, the genies are said to be out of time in PL:A and not native to Hisui/Sinnoh/Sinjoh. As far as heretical views on her god, I half agree - I believe his views are heretical but Arceus is also Volo’s god, or at least an entity of whom he recognizes as divine. A further stretch is that Volo’s “Celestica” outfit (for lack of a better term) is that of idolatry, NOT worship. In regards to who of the two is Cynthia’s ancestor, I believe it to be Volo, but one of the major themes of PL:A is that character ancestor’s are NOT 1:1 of the original characters in terms of morality or themes, hence Cyllene being “good” and Volo being “bad” being a neat flip on the plot of DP. Cogita, however, does not seem to be the ancestor of any known characters, has knowledge of the universe that no one outside of Aus (including Volo) should know, is in companionship with a Pokemon embodying spring (life, birth), treats the plates with placidity as opposed to Volo who treats them with extreme care and deference.
pmyth05.2"Aus" is the only origin that actually lines up with games.

The only thing missing the lore of pmyth05.2"Aus" is Giratina. Everything else lines up perfectly with what we see in game, learned in Arceus Legends, and what the Flame/Earth Plate convey about the hidden lore of Giants and the Cosmic egg, as well as explain why Gyrados is in the Hall of Origin sigil.
Giratina could be the giant as the pokedex stated it was banished for violence. It also appears in an "ancient cemetary" on top of being a ghost type meaning that it's corpse was divided to form Palkia, Dialga and Mt. Coronet while its soul was banished to the reverse world where it manifested as a ghost pokemon.
Giratina could be the egg shard, or it could be born from the shadow of Arceus rather than be creates directly like in Sinjoh ruins.
Sinjoh ruins suggest that Giratina is a literal creation of Aus/Arceus like Ia/Ea/Dialga/Palkia
yeah but Giratina is the only thing that doesn't show up in pmyth05.2"Aus", but everything else almost perfectly lines up with the game. Except that Dialga and Palkia split up the continents from Pangea rather than Regigigas.
Pokemon “lore” is dogshit and inconsistent
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Where's Mew in all of this?
Weren't they're the progenitor of all Pokémon?
It was only theorized according to the pokedex due to men's ability to learn every move and transform, but it isn't conclusive as evidence.
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I still go with the body headcanon:

Long before the heavens and earth, there’s an egg within an empty void.

From that Egg, Shin-O was born.

She was alone and lost, within an a sea of nothingness.

It was from her loneliness that she severe her hands and create a child: Aus.

She was satisfied at first, as she had company. but she realized that they’re still lost within the void.

It was there she had an idea.
She had Aus take her heart and Lungs, and use them to fill the void with matter.

Aus did so, and Ia and Ea was born.

Ea’s breath gave space, Ia’s beat flow time.

Together, the Earth and Heavens are formed.

However, the void threatens to destroy what they just created.

Worried about this, Shin-Oh commanded Aus to take her bones and use it as support

Aus did so, and Na was born.

Na was sent to the other side, and use it body to grant support to the heaven and earth.

Thus, the material world was complete.

Despite the completion of the Heaven and Earth, it’s still empty and lonely.

She commanded Aus to take her flesh and populated it with life.

Aus did so, and Mu was born.

Mu began to divide and spread its countless children across the heavens and earth

But the children are empty, blind, and powerless.

She then gave Aus the final task to take her mind, and spread them across their children.

Aus did so, and Ry, Ay, and Hy, were born.

Ay filled the children with emotions

Ry filled the children with wisdom

Hy filled the children with power

Thus the Heavens and Earth are filled will life.

With the task done, Aus ascends beyond heaven and earth, knowing that Shin-O is no longer with them

She sacrificed her physical form to create the world as it is today.

However, her spirits lived on, through Aus, and all of her children.

As if the world is the complete form of Shin-O, herself.
An outer being like the other mythicals in the chart.
So if Gigas had nothing to do with the whole titan part of the lore, where does he come from? Was he just created later for some other reason? Seems odd he'd be left out of a creation myth that explains the origins of many other legendaries
If he's not a titan he was likely just built in the image of the blank plate titan, him being a golem and all.
His role isn't that fancy. He just moves continents around, basically a janitor in the grand scheme of things.
Popular theory right now is that he's a giant/titan, but according to the creation glyph, it's another "creation god" alongside Lugia and Ho-oh, being a lesser god that was able to create some stuff on its own. Not directly involved with the forming of the world, but did some stuff afterwards.
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Yeah, but that seems like a really weird thing to be created for. Why did the continent need to be moved anyways? Did Arceus just not like where the land was? And even then, Groudon existed before Gigas in the myth as a guardian of the land. Couldn't he just do it?
That makes even less sense to me though. The engravings state that the flame plate was infused with the power of defeated 'Giants', plural. Did giants just exist back then alongside the Titan without being mentioned, or was Gigas just created in the Titan's image for whatever reason?
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>Cogita's/Cynthia's side bangs
>Alt Tina's gold side horns
i think im going schizo
It's probably in the best interest of everything that a third party handles moving landmasses considering Groudon and Kyogre's naturally beef with each other. Plus Regigigas would be okay with simply moving land, whereas Groudon would just ask "Why not expand the land in that direction? Problem solv-*gets blasted by kyogre and starts another genocide war*"

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