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Chaotic Meatball? Dat be you doe?
it's only a matter of time then
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Hmmm either a false-flag r u r retarded
Oh ffs of course a poketuber is hoarding it...

Let's just be patient and let them enjoy it for the time being, I'm assuming the game technically isn't finished yet right?
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>rumors of a cabal of rich and shady investors trying to take down Pokemon via Palworld's lawsuit fallout (gamefreak's 9/11)
>the most insane sexualized "scrapped lore/beta leaks" surfaces out of nowhere
>ZA rom supposedly leaks just hours after the latter
Oh for the love of god, just leak this shit already
It will, just you wait
Shit is getting real fucked up right now
Motherfuckers love being a tease

Hope everyone get fucked in the ass and sued by Nintendo
The latest leak in the whole thing is from May. That's literally 3 months after Z-A was announced. It isn't set to release for a year after that.
Don't be retarded. The game isn't even finished, much less leaked and fully ready to play.
When this shit leaks. This shits going to be funny
Reminder that all of this also stemmed from a dev clicking a phishing link that was heavily implied to have been a fake porn link.
If 8 retards had the rom it would have been leaked by now and they all would be raped by Nintendo without any mercy
I can't believe I used to watch this guy
What a fucking loser
It's not okay to be a transphobe and I hope he faces backlash over this
lol enjoyed getting cancelled for being transphobic OP. btw your "challenge" suck shit and preplanning all your nuzlocke encounters is retarded you fat slob
This, so much this, xister. All those evil heckin' bigots have no place in the pokerman community...
>>rumors of a cabal of rich and shady investors trying to take down Pokemon via Palworld's lawsuit fallout (gamefreak's 9/11)
If that shit does not get leaked in a week, then the existence of the ZA build is fake and gay (
This incel needs to be cancelled
We as a community do not accept transphobes
God that guy is a turbo fag
Says the teapot to the kettle, enjoy your (you). attention whore
They're not hoarding shit. They have nothing.
Lol, can't wait to cancel this dude on twitter. >>56599952
Just cancelled him, thanks everyone.
>>ZA rom supposedly leaks just hours after the latter
Where it is? Liar. You are lying just like these Discord idiots who have nothing more to leak so they come up with fake bullshit to keep being relevant.
It's borderline schizo but the easy explanation is:
TLDR; Microsoft + other really powerful people coordinating this might be involved because they have for years used XBOX/MS to attempt to buy Nintendo or most of it and their IPs, but they can't because it still makes too much money so whenever Nintendo Execs and investors get approached by MS/XBOX they laugh at their faces and leave.
Devaluating the company through external means is the only way MS + powerful allies/cabal can win this. Like how Suda51 or the Senran Kagura people sold out to the Chinese once they fucked up financially.
MS is attempting to create a Nintendo-sized happening in conjunction with other people to take the cake for themselves and possibly "The West" because this likely involves the U.S. gov as it is some geopolitics BS and MS has military contracts and some of its hardware doesn't sell well in Japan due to Nintendo.
By buying and becoming Nintendo, they would be winning even when losing.
Like how Coca Cola sells bottled water so even if you don't drink Coke, they still come out on top. Or how the real owner of Coca-Cola is the same one as Pepsi so not drinking products from one means the real owner is winning anyways because you drink from the other.
Same here.
Doesn't matter if you buy XBOX or not, most Japanese buy Nintendo hardware so MS would be winning anyways.
>2nd TLDR; Making Japan a country-sized version of Okinawa in all levels to fuck with other regional nations that do not fall in-line with the West + fucking with the CCP/BRICS plans in Asia.
It's all stupid 5D chess that shouldn't be happening.

It's probably a hacked version of XY, they got nothing.
you're right, that's very schizo
Time to sleep, anon
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irony posting is never ironic retards
I hope it was the very same tranny that wrote all the pokeporn for maximum pottery

palworld should capitalize on this somehow
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Erm, it's not irony you evil chudcel :~)
check your privilege
Is Z-A finished already? I would have assumed it wasn't and they were actually going to wait it out and make a quality game.
I find it funny how the only confidently leaked info about Z-A from this is that 2 Pokemon beginning with Z are getting Megas.
that or microsoft's game division is incompetent
your explanation is more fun, though
isnt ZA meant to release in late 2025 or some shit? How can there already be a playable version of the game?
Games need to be finished long in advance and generally reuse codebases.
Also how the fuck would you make anything if you couldn't test it?
the big question I have is if the thing they got was compiled already or if they compiled themselves (they've had the files since august), and if they used a hacked switch to play it since the emulators are both dead and would need to be patched to work with the new game
anon, the builds that have been leaked of older games are at least several years from when they released, or at least months before
is it not a stretch to believe that maybe the game's already finished a year or so before it gets out?
>Like how Suda51 or the Senran Kagura people sold out to the Chinese once they fucked up financially.
this is how I find out senran kagura died? fuck man
A game should be playable in some form for most of the time making it, even if it's incomplete or buggy. It'd be insane if they didn't have a playable build at this point honestly.
I am happy. Sanrio will reign supreme!
>he thinks they just start making games as soon as they announce them
classic retard behavior
Do people ACTUALLY think this or is it just a meme?
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>Be a Japanese software developer
>Work for one of the most reputable video game companies on the planet, yet life is still miserable
>Half your fans issue your company death threats, the other half just have contempt for you
>Feel lonely and want someone who understands and accepts you
>See an ad for dating singles
>Click on it and malware fucking everywhere
>Turn off computer and put a support ticket into the IT department
>The whole time youre getting your computer reimaged some hacker keylogged you and downloaded a Terabyte of your work projects from your portal
>Later get called into a meeting with your bosses
>They are trying to hide their anger but failing miserably at it. Try explaining it to them but its hopeless. Everyone thinks youre a moron for what you did.
>So not only do your fans hate you, your boss and employees hate you. You cant go anywhere without someone hating you for existing
>Go home and crawl up in a ball of self loathing and regret not wanting to be alone

Life is suffering
>>Half your fans issue your company death threats, the other half just have contempt for you
surely you're not talking about game freak, the same company with millions upon millions of snoy-poisoned tendies willing to sperg out at anyone who dares say anything but the highest praises to the company and the pokemon franchise
Are you 13? Dumbass retard.
you are based in my heart, Takabe-san
Start interrogating every tranny 1 by 1 and waterboarding them until we eventually find the troons with the rom and recover what's ours

Look bro, I hate gamefreak too. Just amusing myself by writing pasta.

I still legit feel bad for the employee who this happened to.
a lot of people here think this
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More like
>Be Japanese software developer
>Land cushy gig for the lower arm of the richest company in your nation
>Get to basically do whatever you want because japanese labor laws make it near impossible to get fired
>Live a life of hedonistic pleasures blowing your paychecks on JAV, Sake, and otaku knick-knacks
>See JAV porn ad
>Click it because seeing tits is top priority
>Goon on company time using the company computer and clock out to enjoy weekend playing gatcha
>Unbeknownst to you, your information has been passed around like a whore to discord trannies who proceed to leak info
>Get called into a meeting
>Everyone, including yourself, is confused because hacking is a crime, and crimes are bad, so why would a person do bad thing?
>Your boss tells you to keep a low profile while they "figure things out"
>You have a small amount of guilt based on your upbringing and culture, but deep down know you won't get fired or reprimanded in any serious way because the company you work for keeps a small team intentionally to build "family"
>Go back to gooning

Anyone with it will be EXTREMELY stupid if they try leak anything about a future game, Gamefreak won't care much about old shit from old games, but upcoming games is just asking for lawsuits.

Well apparently it was meant to be released this year but has been pushed back for dual release/Switch 2 release, so if anything, it's probably like 99.9% done, the extra time means they can polish more things.
You know they're just going to keep writing more pokemon snuff smut and jerk off the entire time as usual
>its gonna be another fappening situation
>what is metroid prime 4

stupid ass nigga
Is every person you don't like a secret jew tranny you schizo retards?
>tranny that wrote all the pokeporn
You're a retard for believing kiwiniggers know anything about how Japanese names work in that country. The guy's name has always been the same, the different name is from google translate being retarded.
>machine gave me a different name
genuinely hang yourselves irony posting is gay and only twitter addicted leftoids do that shit.
my filter blocked this. thought you should know
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Good filter, you've won this one.
good goy, you get 5 minutes without your chastity cage as a reward
shut the fuck up tranny, go do something productive like killing yourself.
Get the fuck off and go jerk off you tiny dick
How about I do you one better:
>what is Smash Bros for he WiiU
Sakurai didn't even know that was planned since Iwata announced it before it was even in production.
>Is every person you don't like a secret jew tranny you schizo retards?
Dude, it's just name calling. Calling dicordtrannies "discord trannies" is pretty common
>>tranny that wrote all the pokeporn
>You're a retard for believing kiwiniggers
>genuinely hang yourselves irony posting [blah blah blah]
I can see eye to eye on that my nigga.
How are you still falling for the sharty bait? That was almost three hours ago?
It was bait to make you mad and it worked, nobody who actually likes trans people posts here because they know better than to subject themselves to harrassment so your bizarre anger and suicide encouragement is misplaced.
You're probably so mentally incontinent and inbred that you won't even be able to read this reply
cool projection buddy.
just admit you're the tranny in the thread and shut the fuck up.
besides you are a phoneposting retard.
Oh I was referencing the Uncle Phil meme
god please have something about switch 2 inside this rom
i hope game freak gets nuked to oblivion
Lets see if you understand something, you stupid fucking retard, the japanese government has laws that would prohibit a foreign company from owning Nintendo
Oh, my mistake.
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>Everyone, including yourself, is confused because hacking is a crime, and crimes are bad, so why would a person do bad thing?
There definitely is Switch 2 shit in there if gen 10 is cross gen like they say. But the leaker has no intention of releasing it and we may not even get SWSH and SV now thanks to discord mods
At this point, its just a matter of time.
I remember that the Scarlet and Violet ROMs were circulating in a private circle for like a week or so before they were made public.
If its true, and the leaker did distribute the PLZA beta, its just a matter of time before one of the recipients cracks and hands it out to a few others. Then they crack and hand it to a few others. So on and so forth before eventually the pool of people who have it is so large, someone eventually cracks and releases it publicly.
And it will be LEGENDARY
>8ish people
It’s only a matter of time until everyone gets it if real.
I played S/V two week before release. But I figured it was some early beta or some shit because even without looking for it I could see how insanely glitchy it was.
All of your "anime lesbians" are canonically straight and will get married to men and have kids in the future, and they would put you a bullet to the head if they saw you.
>But I figured it was some early beta because I could see how insanely glitchy it was.
anon, I...
>he doesn't know
be careful there anon, you might step on a landmine
No, that was just the SV experience, anon. I'm sorry.
He is 100% getting done for life now. It's one thing hacking then keeping it to yourself. But sharing it with 7 other people? Nah Nintendo's gonna destroy this man. And rightfully so as opposed to their emulator and Palworld shit
Why can't I be a discord tranny?
it's likely as broken as launch scalet and Violet
I'm waiting for the next Pokemon presents
I call bullshit but if true it's bound to leak
This is one time I can agree with the sentiment
GTA6 leaked over 2 years before release, same goes for the insomniac wolverine game
If that many people have it, it'll get leaked eventually.
Projection headcanon
Actual truth
>Everyone, including yourself, is confused because hacking is a crime, and crimes are bad, so why would a person do bad thing?
uninronically how most japanese people actually think and behave
>The Kabala would bring down their own most profitable campaign
Are you retarded? The sexual leak was written by a femoid and that's 100% the reason it was never canon to begin with
Nah. They've all decided to be super secret club about it.
If this is real why is the name of the person posting it censored? If it's some random person who cares but if it's the leaker's Discord account that would make it credible
Playable might not mean complete, maybe there's only a couple of the first areas playable or something. It might also mean the whole game is complete but not polished yet/buggy depending on how far in development this is.
Probably wants to keep snooping around the discord for leaks. If he reveals the dudes discord name there is a chance the troon nukes the whole discord.
This, its all a meme, leak was dumped already
Can't wait for Nintendo's lawyers to fuck them too. The best thing, to do, unironically, is release everything and blame the original guy.
Seething obese incel hands typed this post
it obviously isnt real. A screenshot wouldve been instantly posted the second they got a title screen loading
So these faggots
>breach gamefreak, leak past games code and assets, documents
>leak info on the phished dev, fucking his work for probably a simple mistake
>leak future anime projects
>But future game projects are a nono!
Whats the fucking mindset? Legal issues??? Its already illegal for fucks sake, the literal thing everyone wants is the boundary they wont cross, and people have to "wait till release for the leaks"??? Do they want money or some shit?? Are they retarded?
anon you and others said the same thing when legends arceus first got leaked back stop with the forced revisionist gaslighting tactics dummy we all on vp were not born fucking yesterday come on now LOL
>a game leaking a couple weeks before release
>a game with only a reveal trailer leaking months early, runs on emulator, but nobody is sharing any photos cuz is secret teehee
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Boy either this is a setup or this retarded fucker got too cocky.
So, we either have discord trannies actually holding ZA in their hands and they're gatekeeping it from people on a hilariously idiotic attempt at avoiding catching a deluge of buggerus in anasu from GameFREAK and daddy Masuda, all of this despite the fact they're already mega fucked anyway just for having any involvement in this.
Or they have nothing and are absolutely fucking desperate for attention and can't get over themselves so they're faking actually having it.
Either case they're fucked, since they haven't shared images I doubt they actually have it.
me when I deny the truth
or or or they are playing hot potato with the official leaking pokemon documents and then pretending to have said documents just so they get attention doofus retard
Fair, but a bunch of discord faggots going "ha ha, we have the rom and we're not sharing because reasons" is the kind of faggotry these retards would get themselves into. They don't realize or think that just because they haven't done much anything else, that it will save them from getting absolutely ass reamed to oblivion.
Unironically they are absolutely fucked. Discord isn't going to save them, because they'll sell these fuckers out to keep the discord business going.
Can someone not just hack a discord account for the download link? If someone can hack a multi-million dollar company half a world away then a single discord account should be child’s play
This goes far beyond pokemon Anon. This actually all started with hackers from the furry board trying to leak Disney content. It set off the hoard of Disney Lawyers both in company and partners/subsidiaries like Hasbro. Counter hackers were sent out, like some kind of corporate hit squad, comprised mostly of Disney Furries. This is spilling out of control. We won't be able to hide this war at the rate things are going. It all started with Harambe. 2016 Anon. The bridge divide between man and animal! It's all collapsing! Please! You must believe me! I'm from the future Anon! This is a cursed timeline! Disney Deathsquads were supposed to be meme Anon! It is vitally important you listen to me! YOU HAVE TO CHANGE THE FUTURE! YOU HAVE T-

Go back to twitter
>Or they have nothing and are absolutely fucking desperate for attention and can't get over themselves so they're faking actually having it.
Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if nobody, not even the original hacker/leaker, has PLZA nor Gen 10 source code.
It's possible that they couldn't find it, or they did, but chose not to exfiltrate it for whatever reason.
But they know that PLZA and Gen 10 are what people actually want, so they're just teasing about it for the sake of clout.
Especially because, if its just source code, you'll still need whatever unique compiler GameFreak uses to actually compile the game.
Plus the compute power and time for a single hacker's system to actually compile the entire game.

But I guess it's also possible that they did get a pre-compiled ROM as well as the source code for PLZA, along with just the Gen 10 source code.
Either way, if more than one person has it, I really think its only a matter of time before it gets out. And it will be glorious.
The most likely scenario is that they have next to nothing about future projects.
You really think such massive attention whores would post nothing if they actually had it? They would have posted a screenshot or given out game details at the very least.
That’s why I’m guessing they only got old shit.
qrd? I'm finding nothing on this.
The biggest incels are tranny freaks. This community doesn’t need you degenerates! Chads rising!
Pokemon is troon friendly
According to the leaker it's playable from start to finish but has clearly unfinished models, some moves not implemented, and half the text not translated to english yet.
The hypocrisy in gatekeeping access to your special club of having a leaked rom because having the leaked rom is illegal is hilarious.
No, there's allegedly an unfinished build floating around. Probably really buggy and unpolished, but hopefully it gets out
Means nothing
Who knew palworld was capable of fighting back.
You think marketing, art, merch, etc based on a game can be done on release day without finalized materials and designs, dumb fuck? Get a job holy shit.
The gdrive with an early ZA build is apparently being shared on discord so a few people can check the leakers' claims. It was supposed to stay private but it looks like someone broke the promise, we may see more of the game soon
Why do autists believe that cutting off their cock & balls will make them into a woman? I thought that asspies were supposed to by highly intelligent people…
X and Y have builds from 2011 that have some basic playability, despite coming out in 2013.
Who cares about that texas tranny fanfic?
>Whats the fucking mindset? Legal issues???
Betting that they don't actually have anything from the switch era of games, and that they're just making shit up to get some kind of fame.
If it's true, though, it's because they're worried Ninendo/Gamefreak will increase their response and actively hunt down any and all information that's slowly getting leaked out. Assumedly Nintendo doesn't care as much if we're looking at unused beta sprites and high-rez photos of advertising, but they could be worried that Nintendo cares very deeply about their unreleased cash cow game and any beta assets that it might be using.
So based and literal more accurate
That's ok. It's too soon. I hope they hoard it until 3 months later the sell of Z-A.
Let's not make Switch emulation impossible forever.
Because Nintendo is a cursed god. No curse comes from a untouched god.
>leak future anime projects
You're retarded
lmao stupid fucking bitch ima go start spreading this. not shocking you're retarded enough to leak your acc while also being a transphobic pos

Trans rights! go fucking off yourself
I really can't tell if it's real or not due to the sheer amount of anons shitposting and trannies running damage control, but supposedly the leaker was streaming a build of gen 10 a while ago, can anyone confirm this is real? I found nothing yet and I'm highly pessimistic about the whole thing's existence by now.

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