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>Expect to see some horrible shit
>It’s just Yokai stories but with Pokémon instead of animals

I guess Zues raping women as a stork or whatever the fuck means all Greek mythology is bad? Or when a horse got Loki pregnant?
Hate to say it as I am one, but Zoomers really are puritan losers. Still hate basedjacking millennials more.
Everyone here is under 10 years old, this is impressive to them anon
Yeah, the pokesex stories are pretty tame desu. I was expecting more graphic stuff with the way the retards here were reacting, but turns out it was all just overblown overreactions from autists that have never had sex before.
From the reaction of the internet, I expected to read a very graphic description of horrific rape of a toddler.

>Its just a japanese story with a typhlosion

God, people are retarded.
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I thought the Slaking story was pretty tragic and sad.
Don't forget people with aspergers. They seem to freak out over anything vaguely sexual, probably because they don't and can't understand it. And pokemon has a lot of legitimately autistic fans.
yeah because freaky greek mythology was just a perfect fit for a kid's franchise where everything is designed to appear on a cereal box
You mean the same kid's franchise that had a Pokemon murdered in cold blood in front of its kid? The same kid's franchise that implied a man jumped to his death because he lost his criminal empire? The same kid's franchise that had a father emotionally torment his child and never express any sort of remorse, even in the kid friendly mobile spinoff? That kid's franchise?
They requested this kind of shit and paid someone to write it. This was passed around to a bunch of team members. It was saved. They actively bake "sexy" shit into child and pokemon designs to bait coomers and merchwhales while pretending to be more sanitized than disney.
Yeah it does seem that people with Assburgers react like that, and also that they're generally dumb - unlike people with autism. As seen here >>56602301
Marowak was kicked to death in Pokemon Red and Blue. In the literal dead Pokemon level. Adult themes are allowed to be in “everyone” rated games you fucking retard, they’re for everyone. Besides we were never meant to see these stories anyway.
They were clearly trying to mature the franchise dumby, clearly it would've been a failure based on your (and retards like you) reaction/s.
Probably why it never made it into any official product. The devs had some fun and explored some interesting ideas, knowing full well it would never go anywhere. To me, this paints GF in a much better light, and shows that maybe there are still some artists there that want to explore interesting ideas - instead of just replaceable drones pumping out a yearly franchise.
So a hybrid killing bears down for no reason isn't horrible shit?
aspie here and gotta be real the only people IK of diagnosed aspergers are some of the freakiest motherfuckers I've found
it's a fucking myth

also no fucking bears were actually harmed

also it was never officially released

i swear to god you people are insane
Do you think the Grimm fairy tales Disney movies are based on weren’t fucking psychotic anon? You’re supposed to have emotional intelligence and realize it was a folklore experiment and not canon.
>aspergers are some of the freakiest motherfuckers I've found
Sure, in front of their computer with their pants around their ankles. But any public mention of sex seems to cause them to lose their shit.
>women cut up and murder cute little slakoths for fun
>woman gets rape revenged
>has a baby slakoth
>her child is murdered
>she kills herself
>child killing, rape, suicide
Read a Grimm fairy tale and man up fag
From observation, this seems to be true. They're literally scared of sex outside it's basic concept.
I did when I was like 5 nigger
>ITT: people who take everything literally
Until there's a retard on youtube making the :0 face and overreacting to these stories, I think it's safe to assume people on this board is mostly memeing it up for shits and giggles.
No wonder you americans eat up top 10 "dark" and "edgy" moments videos.
>freaky greek mythology
japanese. there's eighteen bazillion stories about foxes taking on human forms to court/trick humans alone.

>a perfect fit
it literally wasn't a perfect fit that's why we're finding it in a gigaleak of unused content
What the fuck are you even saying?
Still trying to understand why you think production document shit is 'unused'. It's... not disk content.
It was. I genuinely didn't expect a story from gamefreak to actually produce an emotion out of me. These leaks paint gamefreak in a better light, honestly.

The most notable thing was just...how creepy the stories all felt. The mood of all of them just felt unsettling. They were well done.
I think the shock of it comes more from the fact that there was no reason they had to make these lore stories at all, or at the very least specify the details they did. Disney was adapting grim fairytales into family friendly movies so they couldn't//can't run from the fucked up shit there. Pokemon was a wholly original IP billing itself as family friendly and tame, the game doesn't even let you kill pokemon they just 'faint'.

It comes as a bit of a surprise when stories come out that internally they were writing backstories involving rape and beastiality. It especially doesn't help when so much of their vocal fandom create works where their characters are fucking/being fucked/raping/being raped by pokemon. It just adds that much more 'legitimacy' to that not so family friendly parts of their fanbase. A situation further incensed because another vocal part of the fanbase doesn't want to be associated with the deranged people, so any time pokemon legitimizing pokefucking people are going to speak out.
You’re being obtuse. Pokémon always had a lingering darkness in the background.

>Hey this 4th gen is gonna be about religion and shit, let’s cook up some fake stories to get a feel of how Pokemon lore would be
>30 years later a bunch if troons freak out
>The most notable thing was just...how creepy the stories all felt. The mood of all of them just felt unsettling.
Yeah I honestly think they captured that strange detached feeling of mythology well. It's like reading genesis, it's supposed to be the story of the origin of man, but it just feels so... inhuman?
Man you people really are desensitized that bestiality in official production notes for Pokemon of all thing is just quirky folklore.

There isn't this much rape and bestiality in lore for some M-rated games.
I mean
It's pretty fucking horrible for a kid's game
I played Wukong and there’s a whole character that is a pig man who is rejected from heaven because he fucks human women as a secondary character. You’re just a fag.
Or perhaps, you're just incredibly sensitive, ignorant of history, and being melodramatic? Do you think that's possible?

>There isn't this much rape and bestiality in lore for some M-rated games.
This isn't in any of the pokemon games.
Kids changing their genders and abortions are pretty fucking horrible but you people love that
So essentially it's retards with no, and I hate to say this, media literacy who are sensationalising it. (Americans and Zoomers).
>ignorant of history
I'm sorry but unlike you, there hasn't been nearly as much animal mutilation or bestiality in my family history. That's usually reserved for stuff like greek mythology, which people stopped writing because who wants to keep writing fantasies about people they know fucking horses?
Bro I am as anti tranny as it gets. Starting to wonder where all you people are coming from
So you’re just a sappy gay retard then, got it
Clearly with Gen 4 they were trying to mature with their audience (they wrote an entire mythos!) and decided to dial it down. It was a good choice considering how retards like you reacted.
>That's usually reserved for stuff like greek mythology, which people stopped writing because who wants to keep writing fantasies about people they know fucking horses?
Outstanding. I can see I'm dealing with a real intellectual heavyweight here.
People pretended not to see the signs (people used to marry Pokemon, haha my boyfriend is this Mightyena etc.) and now they're freaked out that they might have considered adapting mythology for Sinnoh.
Perhaps they were going for the "Pokemon and humans used to be more alike in the past" angle and an overzealous employee adapted all the myths, even freaky ones, at the concept stage.
Zoomer faggot
this reminds me of how ORAS had hidden story breadcrumbs about how whatever corp was behind the new iteration of Abandoned Ship (Sea Mauville or whatever) was really fucking bad
>tfw if you read everything and put it together, Cozmo's dad gave him a Pokemon as a gift that he ended up giving away
>the parents' marriage basically got ruined because dad was in Nippon work hell, which made the mom cheat on him
>so much that even Cozmo as a young kid realized something was off
there's also whatever the fuck was the deal with the girl in Strange House in B2W2 (killed by Darkrai?)
>You’re being obtuse.
I think I'm being pretty accurate in my description of what was going on. Pokemon has always had a "darkness", many poke entries are clear about this, but just think back to what happens when those entries get recognized. The hypno story had people talking, the shedninja dex entry and the driftblim story had people talking. etc
Any time Gamefreak does something that brushes against 100% family friendly image they work very hard to create it gets the fandom talking.

>Hey this 4th gen is gonna be about religion and shit, let’s cook up some fake stories to get a feel of how Pokemon lore would be
This might make sense if we got in depth stories in the games, but we don't. Those stories are whittled down to "there was a pokemon with swords" or "long ago pokemon and humans """married""". None of the in depth details made it into the actual games, and probably because anyone with a brain could see adding revenge rape in a game billed for all ages is dumb lmfao.

I don't think this is a media literacy thing. Almost everyone saying stuff online is really just memeing. Most casual pokemon fans are more likely to be weirded out by legitimate pokefucking stories in what they perceive to be a wholesome series for 8 yr olds. I don't think that's all too crazy.
They didn’t make it into the canon, THEY ARE NOT CANON.
I'm neither saying it is, nor did I say it was canon.
Are you ok anon?
That's california
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I'm not 'reacting' I am being objective. This is fucked up for a kid's game. That is not an over-exaggeration. That's all I'm trying to get you degenerates to see. You're desensitized.

Me personally, I don't fucking care, but have some perspective.
>Any time Gamefreak does something that brushes against 100% family friendly image they work very hard to create it gets the fandom talking.
Oh no!
Nobody here is that surprised, it's the normies on twitter reacting to a gamefreak almost putting grim folklore into a game for children.
This shit is literally normal for like 99% of fantasy novels written in the last 100 years, I don't get it. I think it's cool.
>This is fucked up for a kid's game. That is not an over-exaggeration.
It's not in a kids game. Whatever writers throw against the wall has nothing to do with the final product.
well, spin-off devs seems to have not cared about what Game Freak wanted
>mystery dungeon red/blue rescue team: hi you're fugitives on run from people who basically want you dead
>mystery dungeon explorers: you get THIS close to getting executed in the future (and then in the postgame you are told to kill yourself to fix the world)
>guardian signs: dude blows up an island; sure nobody actually dies but the very idea of actually blowing up an island
NTA but I think what they mean is "It's shocking to see them try this avenue".

It's like finding out all the artists of pokemon draw loli smut, or that some wholesome sitcom actor was actually fucking prostitutes on set. None if it is 'canon' but it leaves a dirty mark on the whole thing and alters people's initial perceptions.
>This might make sense if we got in depth stories in the games, but we don't.
Because they were never intended to have this in the games you retard. It's just basic writing exercises. These stories are extremely similar to real-world indigenous folklore, they were likely studying it so they could get an idea of how to come up with their own folklore.
>You're desensitized.
Anon, they took direct inspiration from Japanese and Ainu folk myths. Myths were youkai transforming into human forms to sire children are normal (ex. Abe no Seimei being a kitsune's child).
That Bear Sex CRPG Game (TM) was popular and praised by everyone. Even /v/ has its fans.
Demi Kids thought so
>Almost everyone saying stuff online is really just memeing
Quite a simple explanation and people are taking the memes too seriously. I can get being annoyed at pokefappers, but to see people deny the scrapped stories with shit like "pokemon don't have sex" is odd.
You can like fucked up shit while also admitting it's fucked up. Both are possible .Too bad most people here are retarded reactionaries and seriously believe I have it out for Gamefreak because I'm pointing out how retarded it was to make this.

You've said this a million times already. It's very irresponsible to make 1:1 adaptations of monster fucker stories for the lore notes of a kid's game. You see twitter is eating this shit up right now and that's not good publicity for the company. Like objectively, that is not a good outcome.

I know most of you aren't old enough to care about shareholders and how company image works, but there's reasons to care this is happening besides "lol take that you puritans, better not come at gamefreak-sama or you're LITERALLY outing yourself!"
>Because they were never intended to have this in the games you retard. It's just basic writing exercises. These stories are extremely similar to real-world indigenous folklore, they were likely studying it so they could get an idea of how to come up with their own folklore.
You need to calm down with your own intellectual arrogance anon, nothing you're saying is addressing what I'm talking about. I'm specifically dumbing myself down to engage with you.

>Because they were never intended to have this in the games you retard.
This is unverifiable, we have no indication of how much they intended to keep when these stories were written. We just know that after they were written only a few vague lines ever made it in.

>These stories are extremely similar to real-world indigenous folklore..
I'm well aware, everyone on this board is well aware. Nobody here is surprised or shocked to read these stories. It's just memes. Please recognize this.

My point was that regardless of what was or wasn't supposed to make it in, the fact that it was penned is going to be surprising to people who see pokemon as completely toothless. I.e. the vast majority of casual pokemon fans. The exercise is also rendered moot given none of the lessons are applied in game, what we got were exceedingly vague lines because the details themselves were obviously beyond the pale for a children's game lol.

I think people have this penchant for assuming they're the smartest one in the room so their obvious ""observations"" are taken as novel which causes them to assume people are earnestly stupid, rather than just joking around.
this is far from the first time it's revealed that there was official smut for a non-M rated show
why do you think it's gonna affect anything? especially when most of profit will come from normalfags who are not even going to be aware of this shit?
>this is far from the first time it's revealed that there was official smut for a non-M rated show
It doesn't have to be the first time. Most don't contain overt bestiality and impregnation like this.
I don’t think anyone is denying Greek Mythology is full of rape
It's the curse of the board (series fan base in general) being mostly either underageds for whom this is mind-blowing or the most mentally stunted autistic manchildren on the planet for whom this is mind-blowing.
Hopefully this phase of the leak blows over quickly because it's really fucking stale.
>Hopefully this phase of the leak blows over quickly
yeah after this phase of the leaks causing a flood of stale coomerposting blows over we can go back to the usual flood of stale coomerposting
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The stuff about arceus mythology and what the pattern actually means was interesting. Mostly the pattern
Also the concept sheets even if it did lead to mostly posting about Skyla

I want to see more meetings discussing the anime
>think of the bidnezz
oh no
This. You losers are overreacting at "overreactions", which are really just people laughing at how silly this is.
>a-a-actually we're just PRETENDING to be retarded haha!
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someone please post the octillery one
i want to draw something
Pretty much. Anyone who paid the slightest attention understands that it's clearly in the style of myths and fables. Like swap Typhlosion out for a satyr or something and you could stick it in a compendium of Aesop or Grimm's works with barely a ripple.
Millennials and zoomers are both bakcwardly prudish imo
Im autistic i hate puritans. I dont get why other autists hate sex so much
i also don't get it these are literally just ancient myths in the vein of greek or norse mythology but with animals subbed out for pokemon. yeah i guess it's a shock since outwardly the series is very kiddy but at the same time. that's just what real world folklore was like. idk i guess not every autist under the sun grew up with percy jackson
>t. zoomer autist
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>comparing mythologies dating back 2500+ years to Pokemon production assets
You're retarded.
What the fuck
This reaction is exactly why all this stuff never made it into the final cut of the game. The average Pokemon fan has the emotional maturity of an 8 year old.
>This is fucked up for a kid's game
a japanese kid's game, mind you
why has the leak brought out so many frogfaggots
>The average Pokemon fan has the emotional maturity of an 8 year old
The average pokemon fan when Sinnoh released was 8-16 years old retard.
Imagine some dumbass kid walking into Sinnoh Library and finding the story about a group of girls torturing and murdering slakoths before committing suicide.
>The average Pokemon fan has the emotional maturity of an 8 year old.
that's because the average pokemon fan is an 8 year old. you know, the target audience?
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Fuck the children and fuck puritans like you
Disney Hercules shows yeah its fine, you retard.
Most people aren’t furries and degenerates.
>They're based on folklore!
Okay? So what? How does that negate anything?
Gamefreak, a child friendly company, had polemon x human files in their servers and they had no reason to exist, regardless if they're folklore stories or not.
every company on Earth has shit like this, only they haven't been leaked yet
It's literally already all over twitter and YouTube. I've already seen the Typhlosion meme referenced in a few YouTube videos. It's made it's way into video format already. All that's left is for kids to pick up on it
the dirtiest thing coming from it was indirect there was a link to the leak that allegedly replaced the leak stuff with hentai but i cant find it
Exactly. Just reading the stuff should makes it obvious that even thinking about adapting thing is a bad idea for the branding

The fact they even entertained and wrote the stories down is peak stupidity

>in their servers
and in canon games you have
>team rocket killing a pokemon (g1, do I even have to talk about this)
>the whole deal with mauville corporation ( ORAS, this was not in original)
>Ghetsis basically grooming N into a puppet and more or less trying to kill you (without actually saying the word; BW and B2W2)
>Cyrus turning out to be just a weird kid that was neglected, which made him go with nuclear option on everyone as an adult
>that weird ghost girl in Unova, who in B2W2 gives you Lunar Wing in an abandoned house (Unova, duh)
>freaky greek mythology was just a perfect fit for a kid's franchise
They literally teach Greek mythology in elementary school.
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Sure, Jan.
Americans don't learn the fun stuff like zeus impregnating a woman as an ant (no clarification on size), let alone Horus cumming on Set's lettuce and making him eat it.
What do you want me to do dude, tell the normalfags I exclusively jack off to pokemon porn because real people just never fuckin did anything for me?
>N getting manipulated by Ghetsis into a puppet king so he can rule over Unova
>small bump
>some writer in GF clearly being dissatisfied with how work ethics are handled in Japan and putting a vague rant about it in a less likely to be visited place in ORAS
>small bump
then what the hell is a big bump in your eye
Retard, Horus isn't Greek.
They don't teach anything except Greek mythology in the US.
And they DO teach about the golden shower and swan fucking in elementary school.
nuke muttmerica
Yes. You need to explain your fetishes and desires in minute detail while repeatedly emphasizing that you have no interest in normal human sex.
>means all Greek mythology is bad
I mean they're are shit stories we only pretend otherwise because it's so old therefore that apparently makes it important culture
Beauty and the Beast
Il Re Porco
ATU 425 in general

Greek myths yes, Egyptian myths no.
Maybe the translation is a bit off? This is a fucking fever dream kek
No way the octillery bestiality child found a sword in the sea brought by sharpedo and started killing ursa for fun, until he died killed by one. I have a decent amount of Eurasian fairy tales but those are nowhere near this insanity. Maybe a Japanese expert could provide some insight
>ancient greek tales should be treated the same as modern era children stories
You're genuinely a braindead retard.
most people "freaking out" are in it for the comedy value and making typhlosion diddy memes but yes those are the few people dumb enough to actually get triggered by a bunch of reskinned ancient myths
>God, people are retarded.
Yeah, especially idiots like you who put pokemon on the same level as a story told thousands of years ago
None of that is as degenerate as bestiality when it comes to writing fiction, and you're a moron if you don't get that.
>and I hate to say this but [says retarded thing when making a retarded statement]
You people are pathetic morons.
In the modern era, I read Greek myths as a child. You can proverbially fade to black with the sex elements; "Zeus came to Leda in the form of a swan" is just as graphic as the Typhlosion tale, which is to say not at all. The violence is harder to downplay, but children are pretty resilient: I didn't fret over Heracles killing his own family because I knew it was a story.
>Childrens game
Americans and their fixation to mix both, it is the equivalent of "oh yes Cinnamonroll was assraped by Hello Kitty, read this story" there's zero fucking need for degen shit on a children's game. Reminder that Pokemon is targeted towards 10 year olds, not your Millenial pushing 40, 35 BMI ass.
Ok yeah, you're probably right.
they teach greek mythology to children lol
vp is really interesting because a lot of people fight all the time in it due to clashes of ideology..mainly because its comprised of twitter children that think everything needs be sfw and are against horny stuff (they type a lot in caps lock) vs usual boomers that cant understand why some people here arent edgy as they are
a lot of people in this thread are freaking out over people shitposting due to the leaks or want desperate to win a argument in 4chan i dont think i ever seen that
>Kid's media has mature themes
Holy fucking shit, where are all these puritanfags coming from? Don't tell me you were a saint as a kid. I know i definitely wasn't. The main story arc of my lego figures was a drug war when i was 6-8 years old.

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