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Pokegirl gooner chads we win.
Translate desu baka
の話ばかり。 アニメではないが、本編広報でもTPCは人物の広報に目が行きがちな 印象がある。ポケモンそっちのけなのがいつも気になる。
ポケモン世界の盛り上がりをきちんと広報してほしいと思っている。 今のTPCの担当の方というよりも、脚本の方が我々の指摘に対して どう考えているのかが正直知りたい。
担当者は「改善します」しか言えないだろうので、結局のところ作家が どう思っているのかが聞きたい。
ポケモンとして面白いものを作ったうえで女性客を取ることを考える べきだろう。
杉森:男同士とかどうでもよくて、「人間とポケモンの絆が尊い」とかの ほうが余程よくないか。 そういうことをしてこそポケモンでやる意味があるのではないのか。

Sugimori: "I don't care about the truth behind someone's death. I want the protagonist to survive."

Iwao: "The focus is too much on human characters; it’s always about human characters no matter what. It's not an anime, but even in the main promotions, TPC seems to focus on human characters. I'm always concerned that Pokémon is being left aside. I want proper promotion of the excitement in the Pokémon world. Honestly, I want to know what the scriptwriters think about our feedback, rather than the current TPC staff. The staff can only say 'we will improve,' so I want to know what the writers truly think."

Sugimori: "GF doesn't care about attracting female customers."

Matsunomiya: "It's the other way around. You should make something interesting as Pokémon first and then consider attracting female customers."

Iwao: "Even if we want to attract female customers, the current plans are half-baked in many ways."

Sugimori: "I don't care about bromance; isn't 'the bond between humans and Pokémon is precious' much better? Doing that would give meaning to using Pokémon."
>the current plans are half-baked in many ways
At least he's honest but still fuck him
>Sugimori and Iwao
This makes sense since Legends Arceus was their project and it's the most focused on the Pokémon any modern game has been.
Weird line of thought. Pokemon is super popular among women.
Why would I trust this shit after the fake gen 5 discussion "leak"?
But Pokemon already has a ton of women into it, or at least that's the impression I was given.
it's almost as if it's fake
What's the source for these staff discussion articles? I wanna read through them specifically.
your mom is fake
replying to myself, it's the "映像案件" folder of the leaks if anyone wants to check for themselves
what is this in relation to though? The anime (for which this is very true atm)? Games? Franchise as a whole?
Was this not already glaringly obvious when they released Masters.
I know they're speaking in terms of appealing to kids, but the focus on human characters in the current anime is much more appealing to me than the billion filler episodes about showcasing the Pokémon of the week while the plot and humans remain stagnant. It feels much less like a cynical advertisement and like it takes some proper effort to make.
People at pokemon company don't understand animals at all, Pokemon need to do more than just scream their name and spit energy beams.
These are some of the most out of touch people in existence. Except this guy
>You should make something interesting as Pokémon first and then consider attracting female customers
And yet they just ignore him.
>GF doesn't care about attracting female customer
Probably cringe, but I was just talking to someone about how making the monsters more interactive would be immersive
I like Sugimori's headspace
No anon, that's actually a cool idea and should be a thing. I can imagine my adamant only team eating spicy food together.
Based Iwao, i don't play Pokemon for the human characters.
Ahh, makes total sense. Iwao is 100% right in that case, in the current anime the pokemon are barely even characters.
No shit. I noticed it around BW where there was much more gushing about the npc characters than the pokemon themselves(to be fair, they were slightly more involved in the story than before). I guess GF/Nintendo/PTCI noticed and capitalized hard on that cuz by the time XY wrapped up and SM cane out there were plenty of people going crazy over and aiming specifically for the trainer cards in the TCG. Then Pokemon Masters hit, which is all about the human characters
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This has been obvious if you pay attention to how drastically design philosophy has changed. Compare Koga the ninja that uses poison mons to this faggot.
>Iwao: "The focus is too much on human characters; it’s always about human characters no matter what. It's not an anime, but even in the main promotions, TPC seems to focus on human characters. I'm always concerned that Pokémon is being left aside. I want proper promotion of the excitement in the Pokémon world. Honestly, I want to know what the scriptwriters think about our feedback, rather than the current TPC staff. The staff can only say 'we will improve,' so I want to know what the writers truly think."
Holy FUCK Iwao truly is based, this is so true. Ohmori has made the series focus too much on humans since ORAS, he is completely right.
My thoughts exactly. And that’s not my only problem with the characters, they don’t even look like from the Pokémon world anymore they are more similar to Demon Slayer OCs.
Every Japanese female Pokemon fan I see on social media get wet with the male trainers, but only a few care about the Pokemon.
Case in point, all the art Kieran got from them when the DLC released.
you can say the same of male fanartists, all pinups of female characters and very rarely do pokemon unless is porn with a female character. But there's indeed still a huge chunk of fanartist regardless of gender that do draw the pokemon a lot, some even exclusive the pokemon in cute or cool ways, there's no shortage.
ORAS? Since Cynthia lmao.
Why couldn’t they have focused on humans for their rape fetishes instead of sabotaging Pokémon?
I guess it just sums up to there being more male furries or something, I dunno.
You can tell from the convo here that there's concerns about Pokemon inevitably losing the literal thing the series is about in favor of slowly becoming another generic shonen...or worse, falling into the inevitable crab evolution tree to become more fucking moeblob high school shit because too many in Japan keep seething that their last happy days before being an eternal worker drone were back then or in college.

The school shit already was starting to infest the series more and more, and Gen 9 had the school be a major thing. And I wouldn't be shocked if behind the scenes there is a legit gang war being fought as we speak between the staff who want to keep the focus with Pokemon on the creatures themselves, and those in TPCi who just want it to be generic shonen/high school slice of life for infinite money in Japan only.
Matsunomiya in s based
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>Iwao: "The focus is too much on human characters; it’s always about human characters no matter what. It's not an anime, but even in the main promotions, TPC seems to focus on human characters. I'm always concerned that Pokémon is being left aside. I want proper promotion of the excitement in the Pokémon world. Honestly, I want to know what the scriptwriters think about our feedback, rather than the current TPC staff. The staff can only say 'we will improve,' so I want to know what the writers truly think."
>Sugimori: "GF doesn't care about attracting female customers."
Erm... PokeSisters, our response?
Kieran is an outlier. Besides N, I can't think any other male pokemon character more popular than the pokemon with women.
make cute and pretty pokemon and female pokemon fans will buy the merch
only a degenerate subset care about the male characters, and that pales in comparison to the women who buy eevee merch or a giant wailmer plush for 200 dollars
it's like chasing waifufags instead of just making an anime little kids will enjoy, or a game people actually want to play
Sugimori was the one credited with coming up with Pokemon Masters.
Also they can just make a balanced story, they did this fine in multiple games like BW and Legends. Back when the series barely had a plot in gens 1-3, it also didn't feel like it was supposed to tell a story about the bond of humans and pokemon or about how important Pokemon are but rather that it was about you following your dreams. That felt like it was the job of anipoke.
There are not so many compelling stories you can tell with pokemon, they have started to get repetitive specially doing over and over the alternate universe stuff. I understand pokemon are the thing that makes the series what it is, but human stories can be exploited far more.
>Sugimori: "I don't care about bromance; isn't 'the bond between humans and Pokémon is precious' much better? Doing that would give meaning to using Pokémon."
I remember when female fan hijacked an official Pokemon TCG popularity contest to decide which characters would be featured in a new set of sleeves and voted for the Subway Boss duo.
Nobody bought them.
This has been true since Gen 5
The dex cut happened because Ohmori cares more about humans than Pokemon
do you have a source on this? can we even be sure of the sales of merch? I don't think that data is available
Japanese people in general hate monsters and things they can't personally relate to. That's why the last few Digimon movies have been nothing but human dramas
Only thing I could find is a Pokerin post about it:
Steven was also still in stock (another character popular with females).
Then why make a freaking MONSTER CATCHING franchise in the first place?
>GF doesn't care about attracting female customers
Well they managed to do that anyway, so... mission failed successfully?
That's why humans barely get merch and no wonder if they did most sv characters ugly on purpose
I'm going to assume this is speculation. Subway Masters are super popular and sell out fast, this is why they have a fuck ton of merchandise like figures, scales, plushies, clothes etc. that most don't get.
The monster catching came first. Now they need to make money, and to do so you make high school moeshit
we have known this already for almost fifteen years
And most of them die or lost popuarity
>You have to make your games more inclusive.
>But Jude-Sama, we can't make woke Pokemon designs. They are more like animals.
>Focus on the human characters then.
>But it's a Pokemon Game.
>Either you do that or your successor will.
>Hai, Jude-Sama.
>I want the protagonist to survive."
Mistranslation. Ikasu means "make good use of". Sugimori is saying that the mystery is retarded and the character is pointless.
>Ikasu means "make good use of"
That would be 活かす and not 生かす my dear friend
To be absolutely fair, the pokemon themselves have always been limited in personality because they just say their own name and stand around looking cute. I don't think anyone's going to take storylines about the interpersonal drama between an electric rat and a bitchy penguin seriously.

Also, the humans typically have genuinely more appealing designs, even in the older gens.
Do people know this one is fake
NTA but have you considered this is a transcription of a private meeting that could have typos in it. It happens a lot with kanji that have the same pronunciation. If something doesn't make sense in context, don't just stay with it.
So we are going to be able to catch humans in future games? Neat
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In Gen 1 the pokemon were the real stars and the anime gave them excellent treatment, but from Gen 2/3 onwards this has slowly changed, and Gen 5 changed it completely. Now the pokemon are a mere accessory for the trainers.
I'm not surprised that the Kantomon are still the most popular, they left their mark.
Based fuck fujos
You're projecting a bit too much- in other conversation logs, Sugimori is one of the people complaining the current anime doesn't have enough school shit going on because it's not synchronising with the current game. It's not a statement about moe or school stories, it's literally "keep the focus on pokemon and the games"
In one hand I get there's so much you can do with the theme of "Human and Pokémon living in harmony" as the core message over and over, environment good exploitation bad.
It always bothered me too how Gamefreak for over 25 years of franchise can't quite establish how much pokémon are pets or smart enough or just wild animals for humans, or have such a convenient bond they'll fight for people and they go "Oh woww with the support of my pokémon I can achieve my dreams!!" stuff

They could try giving Pokémon a little bit more agency, even specific pokémon playing a role in the game stories that doesn't fully revolve around getting caught by a human (you). I guess Crown Tundra with Calyrex was a step in the right direction for this
on the other hand thank you for actually trying to translate instead of just chunking it into a shitty mtl. I shudder to think all of these fucking mtl floating around are gonna get retranslated into all other languages and float around for fucking decades.
If you can be as wrong as the person writting it why would the other Anon do the same then?
I mean, it's all experience and how comfortable you are reading Japanese to notice a typo like that. I just say this because I've seen it in unedited work. They are as prone to typos as we are.
It's a fucking henkan mistake you drooling imbecile

生かす makes no fucking sense in this context and if you had half a brain you'd understand that
Well, you shouldn't assume that your own interpretation of a word is more correct than the one of the person transcripting it (who has full context) just because the use of a single letter might be erroneous.
...Unless you're Sugimori himself.
The plot of the next game is that it becomes public knowledge that humans and pokemon have been interbreeding for generations, and the Evil Team believes themselves to be "pure" humans who assert mastery over both pokemon and the filthy hybrids. The Joys and Jennys are the main heads of the resistance, as they've been dealing with this shit forever. The game will undermine its own message by letting you catch wild Joys and Jennys.
>生かす makes no fucking sense
He's literally talking about death in his first sentence, how does 生かす make no sense?
Is there some other meaning to 人の死 that you just made up in your mind?
You could do that without sidelining the pokemon so much you know. Shit like Paldean Winds for example focuses too much on stupid human shit, to the point the stories doesn't even need to take place in the pokemon world.
you pokemon masters sex
Just put yourself in the shoes of this person, having to very quickly transcribe what they're saying in a meeting with almost no time to stop and look at the kanji that come up first when you type in the letters. You just type it and press enter because you gotta be fast and miss one of the kanji turning into the wrong reading of what you wrote, but this is just an internal record no one gives a fuck so you don't even reread it. Like I said, it's all experience in seeing how this could happen.
and again, I'm not even saying that's what happened here. Just something to keep in mind as all of these documents come up.
This is proving the exact opposite >>56602997 so what the fuck are you babbling about
Well, yeah. Ever since gen 5 pokemon has been focusing way too much in humans. Gen 6 through 8 didn't even bother explaining shit about their legends, they were focused more on "your rival is insecure :(" stories. Gen 9s story is the first one in a while that actually focuses on pokemon, expect for the team star shit, and that's why its the worst one.
I understand that perfectly. I just don't comprehend why would anyone be so bent on the fact that said person comitted a mistake rather than just assuming that there's a direct correlation between the two sentences being said.
Either way it would be a transcription mistake and not a mistranslation. If I was transcripting, I'd use 生 too here.
Localizers do the same thing all the time hitting their heads around something that to a native speaker would be obvious.
The real answer would be to write good human characters AND explore their relationship with their Pokémon by making Pokémon into proper characters instead of mascots of the week. But that's clearly too hard for GF, so nevermind.
Gen 9 is proof that you can have a good story with both humans and Pokémon without the Pokémon feeling tacked on
It did what Gen 5 tries to do but failed because it focused too much on human drama
My reading personally is that he's saying he doesn't really care about the circumstances of a character's death, and that he wants to leverage the characters to make the pokemon shine more, basically. That's why the living reading there seems a little off to me. But I could see it going either way, you know?
Not a surprise, the current weekly anime is largely a human centered plot "drama" with Pokemon as "tools" to make things convenient for humans good & bad.
From when are these logs?
The next gen will be about how, in the distant far future, humans and pokemon have interbred so much that they've become the same thing, like how reploids and humans merged into the carbons. All the characters are humanoids with bestial traits and superpowers.
Did you play SV? Honest question
>That's why the living reading there seems a little off to me
Because you don't have the context of what was said before.
The idea of human characters overshadowing Pokemon comes right next, so it makes sense to me they were talking about human characters exclusively right before that.
If your own interpretation makes you doubt when the other makes more sense with the little context you have it looks like overthinking to me.
Sorry for arguing over something stupid, but having worked in translation before and having people "correct" me many times when it ends up I was right always makes my blood boil.
that's referring to turo you fucking tourist
nah it's fine man, i get that completely. That's why i don't like saying something is "wrong" outright when I don't have the context, and i enjoy thinking of why something wouldn't make sense at first glance like that. It's all part of the translation process to butt heads a little to get to a better interpretation of what was said or a better appreciation of how you got there.
I guess we're colleagues then. Keep up the good work!
How do you know that?
I wouldnt mind this if the humans were well written, but theyre not
Already knew this for many years why would this is surprise to anyone i dunno
That wasn’t fake centro is just trying to down play it
The bond between humans and pokemon is a precious thing indeed
Based fucking Iwao-dono. Truly the saviour of these modern mistakes. Fuck Ohmori.
yeah and that's why SM sucked
It was fake, people can't find it in the files
This has been obvious since gen 5.
Gen 7's endless cutscenes of Lillie and even before the fucking loser gang of gen 6, culminating in whatever the high school drama and family bs gen 9 has is the proof of this. Gen 8 I'm not that familiar with but the fact that leon is shilled 2 minutes in is telling.
And that has only paid off in Alola which provided the most boner inducing bitches
>conveniently omitting Gen 5 forcing Cheren and Bianca down your throat to say nothing of substance at the beginning, middle, and ending of every single town and route
BW started this.
When did this conversation take place?
>Super popular series whose main gimmick is the collection and training of monsters for fighting.
>Series slowly declines
Is rael.
Last Tuesday IIRC
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Sugimori is a hack
What? Proof?
July 2022 I guess? >>56609707
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>Sugimori: "I don't care about bromance; isn't 'the bond between humans and Pokémon is precious' much better? Doing that would give meaning to using Pokémon."
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>even Cooler
Kokushi Musou (Zeromaru)
Wait, if this is from 2022, which game or story are they even talking about? Does anyone die in SwSh?
Scarlet and Violet would have been in development around then. Maybe they are referring to the professor?
Pretty much every single transcript I've read makes me think Sugi is just absolutely based and the soul of Game Freak.
Oh, maybe. I wonder if they changed the story after this meeting or whatever this is because I feel like the reception of SV's story was very positive with the fans.
Then who the hell did they mean with the "bromance"?
The only Digimon movie without human characters as the focal point was X-evolution... and maybe that CG Agumon racing thing. Actually the Savers movie too, but Masaru comes back and the girl is basically a human in all but name.
>turns everyone in to JoJo OCs
I fucking knew it
Animalfaggotry cancer dictates that the pokemon are mere beasts, like your dog and cat that you have at home. For this reason, there's very little that can be done with the pokemon, so focus is shifted primarily to the human characters.
I don't think they are talking about a game.
Read the thread idiot, the text says literally the opposite because OP is a faggot >>56602997
Don't they just mean fujopandering in general?
>meanwhile gen 9 human designs are trash
Wait, is this about the anime and Goh? That would make a lot of sense actually. Didn't they announce the end ashnime a few months later?
Nothing about this is about the designs. Learn how to real nigga
who is that blond at the top middle
It makes sense.
The trainers can be "collected" in that one mobile game, and we all know how much money gachas make.
A gacha for the Pokemon and a gacha for the trainers sounds more reasonable than two Pokemon gachas.
>A gacha for the Pokemon
That's literally what the TCG is.
I know, that's kinda what I was saying.
Putting more focus on the trainers lets them actually SELL the trainers the way they've mostly been selling the pokemon.
Cooler is genuinely an example of what he means, actually. Frieza gets to have the fact he's tiny and has the effeminate lips and so on counter balance the coolness of his design, making for something memorable. Cooler, meanwhile, is just trying too hard to be cool, and is lamer as a result.
Iwao is the man we all need. And yet all we got (and going to get for unforeseeable future) is Ohmori. Fuck Ohmori. Fuck Masuda. Fuck GF. Fuck them all.
so does anyone even know the context of this??
>I understand pokemon are the thing that makes the series what it is, but human stories can be exploited far more.
Then just drop the story
this is about the preproduction of pokemon horizons
Wait pokemon horizons have reproduction scenes????
You're the only scrote in this thread who gets it. They're trying to attract more female fans because they've PROVEN to buy lots of merch of both human characters and Pokemon. They know they can only milk so many Pokemon, and they know that a lot of human characters have female fanbases ready to spend money on them.
Male fans only spend money on porn (sometimes) or the occasional figure; but females will buy tons of pins that cost a few cents to make, keychains, plushies, and other low cost high profit margin goods with their favorites on it. Human characters also have more potential for product. They want to be like Gundam where the human characters are shilled as hard as the mecha.
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So basically, the old farts are thinking along the exact same lines as I have for ages. The Pokemon world has monsters existing alongside humans, and we predominantly experience that fictional world from the perspective of the humans, but even though marketing has increasingly put focus on the individual human characters and the most easily marketable monsters, as separate entities, the actual interesting part and the core fantasy of the Pokemon world is the bonds between humans and Pokemon (and it's not worth creating and telling stories with the Pokemon IP that focus too much on only the humans).
Though I think this goes both ways; I'm fascinated by the existence of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and it almost completely cutting out the human element in favor of a Pokemon PoV.
This shouldn't be shocking considering how much they focus on the gym leaders nowadays.
>iwao Is the only guy at GF who still know what pokemon Is really about
no wonder he made the only good 3d pokemon games
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Don't see an issue with this, there's very clearly a demand for Pokémon content that isn't focused on the creatures
fuck you kill yourself coomer i literally want you gurgling on your own blood you ruined a fun game concept i like
So that's why like 90% of SV characters are fujobaits
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I don't understand.
Why are the Pokémon humans still cardboard none-characters if they are focusing on them more? Is Gamefreak just that trash at writing?
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And yet when Heroes gave a new golden form to Cooler it was with his fifth form.
Digimon are people not monsters
Makes sense, that form is what makes cooler distinct from Freezer or Kold. Their species gets to design how those power ups look so he'd naturally incorporate his spin to it.
Is it too much of an ask to have something like pokemon territorial disputes where different groups of pokemon cause a lot of destruction for more land control? And perhaps to look at the perspective of one of the mons caught up in this?
It's not like the anime has shied away from this idea either with pokemon causing destruction around them. Unfortunately with their current mindset though they would probably try to inject some corny human drama about how awful it is or whatever.
The older I get the more I think Pokemon are lame and the games suck. I just like the cute Pokegirls. I don't even finish the games I barely touched SV. PLA was actually fun I put like 100 hours into that. But the girls are the main appeal at this point.
Most regions are a few cities seperated by swaths of wilderness.
Cuz that's the only thing memorable about Cooler, his Super Shredder appearance
Vegeta and Buu follow the cool but silly principle as well, early/scouter Vegeta being short and dorky looking before you learn what he's capable of, Buu APPEARING non threatening but being borderline unmanageable
17, 18, 19, 20, and Cell were nitpicked by the managers until Cell became "Perfect," who's an absolute baller, but that actually works out because he contrasts with the gentle Gohan so well, highlighting Gohan's growth in their battle
They could still show entire forests being burned down or mountainsides collapsing over say a couple of Tyranitars getting pissed off over some Primeapes/Annihilapes acting like niggers, it's not even anything deep they would have to do. Just show what realistically would happen with wild pokemon regarding land, and or territorial trespassing.
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>Japanese hates monsters
Pretty much, yeah. Look into Little Town Hero if you want to see the extent of their writing capabilities.
he's absolutely right, tryhard designs are shit
Fuck this all. Cant wait for the fan hating, lgbt and dexit shit to bury these jap boomers.
OP is full of shit, that meeting ends with gamefreak shitting all over the proposal and cancelling the 2024 pokemon movie FOR focusing on humans too much
There's only so many times you can make pokemons of the same animal
yeah is the movie about a kid who commit suicide over cyberbullying or some shit like that, hence the death mention
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>Japanese people in general hate monsters

>Pokemon Company keeps trying to make movies about human drama and friendship between boys to appeal to the women who watch Conan and Jujutsu Kaisen and Game Freak keeps telling them to fuck off, it's hilarious

>They tried to propose a movie about two boys investigating the suicide of their friend after they were bullied on social media to which one of the Game Freak guys said "I don't care why some human died"

And again this is for a 2024 movie that never happened. It was cancelled.
they could just adapt BW into a movie with Hilbert as protagonist and please both the fujos and the people who want pokemon driven stories
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It really does beg the simple question of
>why is this a Pokemon movie?
That's literally what gamefreak said

OP is full of shit
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OP is being dramatic about it, but that's the basic takeaway, innit? Game Freak higherups discussing just how badly people in charge of Pokemon outside of Game Freak misunderstand the franchise's core appeal, to the point they pitch ideas for anime movies where the monster creatures don't even seem to matter. So Game Freak shoots them down, like they should.
Yeah they're SHOOTING THEM DOWN retard
I don't understand why you're this angry, we both understood what is happening in the transcript.
Return to origin.
pokemon are lame as fuck how many times are they going to tell the same story about muh bonds with muh pokemon

pokegirls are cute

simple as
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TPCi is trying to turn Pokémon into Digimon, then. Great...
Give me the option to fuck my wife Kirlia already
Nothing better to show our bonds than hot public sex with my Kirlia in a picnic
The best things about these leaked conversations is that it proves what we all suspected. Masuda and Ohmori are directly responsible for every shitty decision.
The games would be much better if they weren’t involved in the decision making process.
Didn't stop them from appealing to the fujos with Raihan and Kieran, and pokémon designs like Inteleon.
How do you know that? It would make sense but I wonder if you can prove that, through more context or whatever.
>"We should focus less on the humans and not focus on female fans."
>AHA! So that's why they... did the complete opposite!!
How fucking stupid are you?
>something like pokemon territorial disputes where different groups of pokemon cause a lot of destruction for more land control
Nigga that's literally the plot of SV what are you on about
You don't understand the problem do you?
Story revelant gym leader, related to Pokémon
Inherently connected to Ogerpon and his desire to be a strong trainer to make up for his shortcomings, related to Pokémon
Literally a Pokémon

>movie about two boys investigating the suicide of their friends
NOT related to Pokémon

Pandering to fujos is not the problem they are discussing, it's about doing so without keeping Pokémon in mind.
>popular among women
In the sense that they like having pikachu or pichu profile pictures and seeming "uber-kawaii." while not knowing more than 10 pokemon names or the actual titles of games.

In other words, they wanna look cute and fuckable. They don't actually give a fuck about the franchise.
And yet that still just looks like trying too hard to be "Cool Frieza". Cooler is Poochie
Why would they want to be seen as cute and fuckable by a bunch of unwashed autists?
That wasn't implied whatsoever.
You are so fucking clueless, it hurts.
All my female Pokémon friends have more playtime in SV than my male ones. If anything, Pokémon games are made for women who love slow "comfy" games.
Troons don't count
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>Sugimori: "I don't care about bromance; isn't 'the bond between humans and Pokémon is precious' much better? Doing that would give meaning to using Pokémon."
My sides
My fucking sides
Wait which fake leak?
you are dellusional
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>Nigga that's literally the plot of SV what are you on about
Without the fucking human element bleeding in, SV has way too much of the human side creeping into its plot.
(you) the player go and stop the MAN MADE time travel machine that risks fucking up the ecosystem of Paldea. I'm talking about natural conflicts between animals in the wilds without any human involvement.
They're all real women you obsessed retard. Go outside sometimes.
Pokemon centric stories are shit and invariably result in an entire species of Pokemon being portrayed as a single character LUCARIO
Cause the human centric stories we have right now are so much better written right?
There's way more room to explore the pokemon side, but the top fucktards at the pokemon company and Game Freak to an extent are insistent on focusing more of the Human side outside of Iwao and Sugimori.
Pokémon having simple territorial disputes without any other story elements is boring though. It's a conflict without substance. It doesn't make for an interesting story.
>Cause the human centric stories we have right now are so much better written right?
Yes they are. Hop having to come to terms with not being cut out for battling is a good story. Nemona pushing away potential friends by being a battle autist is an interesting story. Kieran being mogged by the protagonist and having a breakdown is an interesting story.

“Ohhhh these Digglet are fucking up a campsite” is not interesting it’s just a thing happening
>“Ohhhh these Digglet are fucking up a campsite”
Not that anon but I'm gonna argue that shit like Digglet fucking up a campsite should be an issue among several other issues. Pokemon should be fully integrated into the world. You should just constantly see mons doing shit. Vanillish should sell icecream. Bidoofs should hang out in hoards. Rattatas should end up in buildings and have to be chased out. The world as it exists is set up for shit like that to be done, but instead of doing that somebody made the decision to just have Pokemon trainers act like Pokemon is an Olympic sport that a minority of society participates in with most people having like 1 - 3 Pokemon and not much interaction with them. So it's the debate between what I described, and what Pokemon actually is at the moment. For the games I don't give a shit all that much about the storylines, it was the mechanics I was interested in. I want access and wide access to the mechanics as fast as possible, but now there's a dialogue and character focus that is supposed to attract females. For the anime contrast up to about Hoenn to anything past Hoenn. The Pokemon just did shit and interacted. That's what I was most interested in as a kid, and clearly there's an idea that kids would still be interested in that now. They act more like animals now.
is legends arceus really worth it?
boomers like iwao just have to accept that the human characters are the future

there are diminishing returns with pokemon noone cares about the newer ones there might be 1 or 2 like mimikyuu but people only want the original 151

human characters get popular in every gen because they're cute
>why they... did
It's pretty clear that they were on the losing side of the argument and the TPC execs they were opposing won out.
Again, read the thread. This was about a movie that ended up bejng cancelled due to those exact concerns. They listened to them, they "won the argument".
sure maybe for that movie but they lost out in the end since SV is fraught with fujobaiting garbage on a level we've never seen before
I like new pokemon its just their new designs have been mostly bad, at the same time as the games are worse/more annoying, and so I have dropped the series. Im not that picky either, I think most of the designs from BW and XY were good
But there'd be diminishing returns with human characters too. I agree that there needs to be fewer new pokemon, but the actual problem is that the way they are caught and interacted with hasn't changed. At this point there is zero expectation that you catch every last one, and it was already for absolute autists back when there were only 151.

There should instead be greater focus on your personal collection and how you can best make use of it. And it should happen organically as you explore the world rather than being scripted and full of mystery niggas.
No shit, did you find out after Gen 5 started doing more interactions and then bringing them back in Gen 7? Or with Pokemon Masters and official merch?
That's most fans, and if they're buying merch of a Pikachu then they're still giving TPC money.
>more women play then men
Yeah that's why Pokemon sucks now. Women have zero fucking standards.
I'm so glad the series became fucking dogshit to appeal to fat ugly whores.
You dont talk to women ever except maybe your mom
The zero standards buyers are mostly parents IMO
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>Sugimori: "GF doesn't care about attracting female customers."
On top of this, the unfortunate truth is that they need to take a page out of fan-fic meta and give each individual Pokémon and stage an internal rating out of 5 and create tiered facilities that let whatever loser play with whatever their favorite Pokémon is at an appropriate power level
1000+ units at this point, and maybe a 10th of them are actually worth a damn at high level play
Throw the jobbers a bone and let the fag that loves Luvdisc of all things have an arena where it isn't worthless, and I'll bet you more people would play longer
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Ever since Scarlet and Violet it gave me the impression they were trying to implement some kind of social link feature like Persona so it makes sense.
Can't wait to date some pedo poke milfs!
This alligns with Sugimori pushing for a game like Masters, doesn't it?
It happened because they wanted to sell Home subscriptions.
Explain your reasoning.
God your reading comprehension is fucking garbage.
They did not complain about fujo pandering in general, they complained about how the movie handles it. They didn't like that it had very little to do with Pokémon, so they cancelled it. That's how much they disliked the lack of Pokémon involvement.
SVs story is literally impossible without Pokémon due to how involved they are in the story. They avoided the movie's mistake here. Whether there's fujo pandering or not is completely irrelevant because it was never the main concern. Fucking dumbass.
Why are you still here you retard
Fuck off lmao
i dont think they expected raihan be popular with fujos
whats the fujobait in sv? the most popular charcter was rika she is not a fujobait i think you are confusing fujo and yume
Lame. Kinda wish pokemon would reference the real world nature and use it to spread environmental messages once in awhile. Not just about global warming, which everyone is tired of hearing about, but other shit like deforestation and pollution from factory runoff.
The problem with Luxray isn't its design according to popular opinion, rather it's how awful it is despite its well-loved look. It is so bad it may be felt in-game, by a causal player during a casual playthrough.
really like these ideas
Pollution made some of our friends, so not the best place to tackle it.
I'm pretty sure they knew. He was designed by a woman iirc
Use your brain to connect the dots, if you have one
Modern day kids would look even worse than that if he was made now fuck off.
let me date miriam PLEASE
The Hawaiian oil spill one is favorite of mine.
We have Galarian Weezing and Cursola, Alolan Muk to a lesser extent
I like the way you phrased this :)
As a female, I'm a big fan of Archie of team Aqua, and know he has a pretty big fan base. As did Guzma and many other hot villains. Fujoshi and Fudanshi are some of the most hardcore fans of many IPs. As female characters are getting objectified less and less in the mainstream, we still get to enjoy the uncensored thirst trap designs like exposed abs
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Pushing for human focus is just further down the path toward low iq/empathy normalfag pandering.
a pokemon movie with 0 humans would be amazing, but it will never happen
>Sugimori and Iwao argue that the planned movie they're discussing sounds dull because Pokemon aren't involved with the central plot at all, only human characters are, embroiled in human drama (suicide of a friend or whatever)
>Iwao questions what goes on at TPC's and the anime production's side, wondering what the actual writers who come up with this stuff are thinking, instead of the management middlemen who are constantly smoothing over their opinions in communications
>Sugimori answers the implicit question with "I bet they think GF doesn't care about attracting female customers"
>Matsunomiya joins in arguing that they should first make something that's properly Pokemon-themed, *then* worry about making it interesting to girls as well
>Iwao says that the anime production's plans are half-baked
>Sugimori says he doesn't care about the human drama with the suggested male leads (which supposedly would attract female viewers, because they like "bromance"?), and reiterates that what's important in a Pokemon story is the bond between humans and Pokemon
So how exactly does this relate to Masters? The mobile game that's constantly being marketed using the franchise's human characters, rather than their companion Pokemon?
Ogrepon is proof that there's the ability to make Pokémon focused stories that you as a player can get emotionally invested in.
I dunno man, I feel like Ogrepon goes too far
Things like railroading the box legends, korai/miraidon, ride pokemon, soaring Lati twins, that shit takes me out of all of it
Removing choices by forcing an "experience" on you is never good, especially not in Pokémon, and Ogrepon sorta forces you into that situation

I don't care about Ogrepon as a unit because I didn't hunt or breed it, it was just handed to me, and I know every other player will experience that same scenario
Maybe if it was a cartoon or movie, itd resonate more, but the fact that I HAVE to "catch" this thing in a forced scenario for completion removes any sense of personal interest
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I get what you mean, but the alternative for unique/legendary pokemon is to sit in some fuckoff cave until a player decides to save in front of it and throw ultra balls until it submits. Pokemon has always narratively suffered from how it pushes a message of friendship and bonds while the simple act of catching pokemon is kidnapping at best and violent conscription at worst, never mind the implied brainwashing. Befriending a wild pokemon before it joins voluntarily is a step that should have been taken years ago, and Ogerpon at least has a story arc instead of being flatly handed to you within two minutes of meeting it.
I feel like it's dumb to fixate on any specific demographic anyway; with something globally appealing like Pokemon, you're unintentionally limiting the mass appeal by aiming specifically for women, or kids, or 30yo fans from 1999. Just focus broadly on making pokemon as immersive as possible, and you can't lose.

Having said that, I do think there's a massive "mature" market they could possibly tap into if the timing is right. Maybe not outright bestiality, but I'd tip my hat to them if they turned this PR nightmare leak to their advantage.
Kill yourself
when was this?
they obviously changed their mind when SWSH came out
In the last couple of years, I've come to the conclusion that legendary Pokémon as a whole were a mistake, at least being able to capture them, and I think they should have been hidden super bosses that reward you with a powerful move for beating them

Things like alternative dimensions and being able to hold gods in your pocket while fucking NOBODY in-game acknowledges or gives even the slightest sliver of a fuck about it makes the fact that gods exist at all seem so pointless
Commodifying them as objects to be traded by making the one on the box exclusive to either version makes them even more toothless as "gods"
You're not even allowed to use the fuckers in battle facilities
This is why gen 4 jumped the shark. They firmly overstepped that boundary between shinto-esque local nature deity or secret super-powered 'mon in hiding, and just threw pokeJesus and time and space and void into the mix. Nobody WOULD look twice if the local forest spirit quietly allies with you for a time; only locals would typically notice, and that's only if the 4d being entirely retracts its influence from the area.
>act of catching pokemon is kidnapping at best and violent conscription at worst, never mind the implied brainwashing.
Pokemon explains this away in most cases by having the Pokemon come to you in tall grass/caves/water. Any Pokemon that willingly shows themselves to a human entering their habitat is curious about humans, and the ritual of battling and weakening a Pokemon before 'capture' is a show of the trainer's superior strength, to prove that a trainer's ability surpasses the Pokemon's and that the Pokemon can grow to be stronger themselves by allying with a human trainer (or at the very least, experience human society at their side).
Still, I find it incredibly interesting that the franchise has on several occasions questioned the use of Poke Balls as a technological shortcut for forming a bond and easing the introduction of Pokemon to human society. N in gen 5 breaks out from under the yoke of his propagandistic upbringing and... vows to create a world where Pokemon and humans live in such harmony that Poke Balls are no longer needed. Then we have Ash's Pikachu, who from the very beginning has categorically hated being in Poke Balls. These examples exist, in spite of just how important the Poke Ball is to the franchise's identity and iconography.
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Let's look at their criticism objectively with hindsight now. This seems to be from July 2022, so they're likely talking about SV.

>Sugimori: "I don't care about the truth behind someone's death. I want the protagonist to [to have a bigger role]."
>Iwao: "The focus is too much on human characters[...], I want to know what the writers truly think."
Sugimori is likely referring to the mystery of Turo's death. As a story factor in SV, he's right. This wasn't something people cared about. It wasn't really in focus, at least. The Turo story is related Arven stuff, and Arven story was entirely about the bond between him and his Pokemon. The Turo stuff just comes up later as an extension of it. Sugimori is also right about the protagonists, and the recent protags dwindling popularity validates him.

Maybe the writers believe this complaint is overblown. Because there is a large amount of focus on the bond between people and Pokemon, with Arven and the legendries, it's just that there is also a focus on the human characters alongside it. Whether you agree with Iwao or not, the reception to these human stories has been pretty positive. SV got a lot of negative reception, but that was largely in regard to its buggy, half-baked gameplay side of things. The reception to its human characters' story was very positive.

>Iwao: "Even if we want to attract female customers, the current plans are half-baked in many ways."
Rejecting a demographic of female fans entirely is... an approach. But that aside, Iwao saying that the current plans are half-baked rings hollow. Both SS and SV got a very large following from female fans. They actually succeeded in this. SV in particular got a lot of female fans, even with its females characters. Rika and Penny were very popular with females. There was little bromance in SV, and the males got much less attention in SV from female fans, which does suggest that the female fans liked bromance. The current approach worked.
It helps that a lot of female fans also want Nemona to kabedon them and challenge them to a pokemon battle, just as much as the men playing do.
>Rika and Penny were very popular with females
female (male).
You guys are missing a lot of context here. They're talking about the TV anime and the future web anime and movie.
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This isn't even talking about the games. People are bringing up Turo/SV, and none of that is true. I read the entire thing this is taken from. They're talking about some spinoff movie/TV thing.

There is a meeting between the producer/director/staff of this spinoff adaptation project. They discuss the setting and characters of the project with Game Freak staff. It's set in Kanto, aimed at adults, and features the original 151, and seems like a pile of trash in story. They talk about details like a character is slandered online on twitte. He gets depressed after cyberbullying and suicide comes up. Yes, this is a Pokemon story. They want to show the "dark side of social media." Sugimori complains that this has nothing to do with the Pokemon world. If you want to talk about social media, go ahead, but make sure it is about Pokemon at least. This story would be no different from one set in real life where someone opened a TCG booster pack and got a rare card and got cyber bullied. You need to justify why it's set in Pokemon world.

The blurb we're reading is the brief discussion the Game Freak guys have AFTER the TV/movie staff has left.
The story is about investigating someone's death, hence the "care about the truth behind someone's death." The protagonist of this story barely ever appears, hence the "I want the protagonist to appear more."

Iwao's complaints about the writers are directed at this side project's writers, not the game writers. He says the staff here just listened to us, but he'd rather confront the writers of this shitshow personally. They are trying to get a female audience with this, hence the social media crap. There's a story bit of homo romance between two characters named Shin and Gil, who have misunderstanding gay drama. That's the "bromance" part they hate.

This project was canceled. None of this is about the games. It's just some shit adaptation that no one liked.
It's literally nothing you're making a big deal about.
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>monster collecting/fighting franchise
>make it about humans
what the fuck are marketing teams telling game devs that they need to erase the appeal of the game to pander to friendless autists?
What's really funny is that a lot of pokemon knockoffs do the exact same thing, the monsters are just there for their own sake, have little to no agency or relevance to the world at large, and the game could be easily rewritten with the human characters fighting under their own power. The knockoffs inevitably fail or underperform, and yet for some reason pokemon moves closer to its imitators.

The same thing happens with Monster Hunter and its own knockoffs like God Eater and Toukiden. The love and care that goes into creature design and worldbuilding gets ignored in favor of making a nondescript evil force for generic plotlines about human drama.
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Yes, this is what I mentioned:
It was supposed to be a movie aimed at a female audience that focused on friendship between men. The main characters were changed to a guy and a girl and they added a new Pokemon to be central to the plot instead of just the original 151.
Friendless autists like collecting neat creatures and having numbers get bigger though.
I did not get the impression this is the same as the movie you're posting. This is very different. They also use a detective Pikachu in this. This isn't supposed to be the same detective Pikachu from other places, but a new one, that's interchangeable in personality. They can and do have several different, unrelated projects going on at the same time. I don't have any reason to believe that this project, and the one you're posting about, with more than 151 Pokemon, a different setting, a different cast, basically literally no similarities to the one in this document, are the same. Correct me if you have some better reason to believe otherwise.
You're probably right, but Centro tried to present the projects as the same since he mentioned "bullying" etc. as part of the plot of the story with Light and Akari.
That is Centro through. Somewhere between a leech and an idiot.
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I know this is in reference to the anime, but these are all points that are well reflected in the games
If they can understand this much, why is the series in the state that it is?
Maybe because they don't believe these are reflected in the games. These are literally the top guys, the directors, writers, artists in the series since day 1. They decide what goes on in the games. They have such a strong influence on the series that these are the guys being confronted about the spinoff anime stories.
There are tons of women posting on this board right now about how they want to be raped by typhlosion
Sorry for fucking blog posting in this fucking thread, but another thing I wish they would do is get rid of "Ride" Pokémon like in SuMo & Arceus, and fuck off with HMs
Let Pokémon in your party accomplish field tasks they should biologically be able to do without need for superfluous hurdles for the sake of hurdles
Let fire Pokémon or electric Pokémon light dark places, let water Pokémon carry me across water, let fire Pokémon or ones with claws clear away obstructive foliage
Let me feel smart for being "prepared" and let me bond with my 1s and 0s by having them do chores for me
absolute retard
No, I see what he means.
A lot of the story of Masters revolves around the trainers' bond with their Pokémon, it's why they're a Sync Pair.
A trainer cannot use a Sync Move with their Pokémon if their bond is not strong enough, it's why Lear was a Sync Move-less loser for the longest time within the game's plot. It was only when he realised the "power of bonds" and sync'd with the Hoopa from his childhood that he got a Sync Move.
Multiple event stories within the game also revolve around a specific trainer developing a bond with either a new Pokémon, or strengthening their current bond with their Pokémon. Hell, it's the entire point of the Arc Suit plot from the most recent anniversary.
So in a way, yes, Masters is exactly what Sugimori is talking about.
Paldea says the opposite, there wasn't a single sexy pokegirl or gym leader.
Thsts coo
Did you just memoryhole the internet being horny over one of the professors for months, or did you just play Violet?
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Ah yes, the "months" of all of the "internet" being horny. Fucking no one gives a shit about her.
This design philosophy is exactly why Charizard is beloved, though. It's cool, but not to a perfect degree. It has awkward skinny arms, a long neck, and a fucking potbelly, but it still kicks ass in spite of those flaws, which actually increases its cool factor, and those imperfections also double as making it "cute" when it's in a docile state because it's not a creature that's hyper-specialized to be a JRPG party member who only exists to fight.
Then you are missing the original intent of limiting locations you can access until you progress with story.
There should be less story
Go anywhere you want, let the wild Pokémon and their high levels be what deters you, or throw caution to the wind and take risks
Emphasis on choice is the key thought here
Well you are in luck. SV has low restrictions.
You're saddled with Korai/Miraidon, one that can't even be traded out if you're retarded enough to get attached to it
Let me ride on something I caught myself
there's other ways to do that beyond "why the fuck can't Machamp move boulders"
>that bottom rosa
holy shit
untrue, pokemon has some of the cutest male characters. they excel at making female customers happy unlike every other franchise who have ugly and or unappealing guy protags
Absolutely BASED Sugimori. And confirmation that foid pandering is what is ruining this franchise since gen 6.
Clearly they’re not the ones actually taking decisions and that document was them complaining about the current state of the franchise.
what character are they even talking about
Some are decently cute, but what does it matter when virtually none of them have any character?
It's more likely that the bulk of women that like pokemon are in it for the cute creatures and light hearted baby JRPG
No character we know of. Possibly someone named Light and/or Akari.
See >>56626239 and >>56627366
tl;dr they're not even talking about the games at all, they're talking about some spinoff anime that was canceled
none of this is at all relevant to the games
It’s stupid to try to attract the female audience specifically. If something is popular with men, women will get into it for attention anyway.
>Iwao's complaints about the writers are directed at this side project's writers, not the game writers
Yeah and surely there is zero overlap between the two. These people just magically stopped being writers for game freak.
>stopped being
They were never writers for game freak to begin with
>but what does it matter when virtually none of them have any character?

the female characters dont either. men never complain about that so why should i about male characters? i just dont care. im here for moe males and monster breeding. collecting things and making neat teams is fun and its very fun when you have cute boys to look at instead of roid beast uggos like every other franchise has for their lame male characters.
What were they doing there, then?
Yeah, but men don't have standards for anime women, so it's only to be expected
There's also the matter that a lot of them are ugly, especially in newer gens, but as you do
I think there's some confusion here, let me go over it clearly.

This is a meeting between two different teams. Game Freak(GF), and staff from The Pokemon Company(TPC). GF are the game developers. They sent people like Sugimori, a supervisor for Pokemon games and brand; Iwao, a director and game designer for the games; Matsushima, another OG from 1993 who supervises the writing and world building in Pokemon and has been in-charge of such things in every game; Matsumiya, THE main story writer for nearly every mainline Pokemon games. These are the people on the same side. They're sitting with Iwao, complaining about the bad adaptation story. The guys deciding everything in Pokemon games are the ones bashing the story of this adaptation. When Iwao said
>Honestly, I want to know what the scriptwriters think about our feedback, rather than the current TPC staff. The staff can only say 'we will improve,' so I want to know what the writers truly think.
He isn't referring to any of the game's staff. They're right there with him, agreeing with him. As he mentioned here, they're talking about TPC.

TPC is the name for Game Freak, Creatures Inc. and Nintendo join venture as the brand managers of Pokemon. They're largely involved in marketing, merchandise, movies, TV shows and so on. They're not the game developers, and don't have any say in how those games are developed. TPC is trying to make this new anime, and its story sucks, so the GF staff is telling them this is retarded. Throughout the entire meeting, the TPC staff listens to and obeys GF commands. After the TPC staff is gone, and only GF staff remains, they have this conversation >>56602997 that you see here. When the final product wasn't to GF's satisfactory standards, they canceled it.

No one here is complaining about the games' writing. The guys who write, direct, design and illustrate the games are the ones complaining. They're the ones writing the games. They're complaining about the adaptation.
desu the plot isn't even that hard to salvage just make it so that their friend left his pokemon behind
badabing badaboom you can write like five movie synopsis with that concept in less than an hour
All I can tell from these leaked annals of inner, non-publicized GF interviews and passages is that Sugimori has always been /ourguy/
>and don't have any say in how those games are developed
Delusional. Why do you think the games started pandering to the west when TPCi was created?
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Here's a human to focus on
please explain in great detail how a company has any say over their parent company's business
After reading the translation it would be nice to have a balance with the pokemon having their own personality and it not just being about the humans even when it is in the video game only a couple characters really Matter to the plot. People are talking about how appealing the characters are in the thread when that was not any of the points they were talking about on this photo. Yes human character designs matter but it's not what was being discussed
HAHAHAHAHA, she's fucking Hawaiian and Okinawan, holy shit
Because TPCi is in charge of marketing, which includes the contents of the games, the deadlines, the target audience, everything. They do develop the games but they tell game freak what to put in them and when they expect them to be ready.
I care about the battles mechanics & the hero's journey conveyed by BATTLING through tough challenges. I also love glitching in the older gens. As long as the anime & games depict that, I am good. Lamely, there were way to many cutscenes of boring shit in the recent games + the new anime is boring AF. Pls just restart the anime with Red, Blue, Green and Yellow (from the Mange) as protags
>TPCi tells Game Freak (their bosses) what to do because... they just do, ok?
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>Because TPCi is in charge of marketing, which includes the contents of the games
I can't even begin to explain how wrong this is
>Because TPCi is in charge of marketing, which includes the contents of the games
Some of you retards just want to be mad so badly that you say the stupidest shit imaginable to justify it
Nice lack of arguments retards
Game Freak are just game devs
All the marketing is handled by TPC because it’s partly Nintendo and Creatures, two structures that are bigger than game freak and deal with what surrounds the franchise, such as oh I dunno, the consoles the games come out on in the first place?
Nigger you’re fucking delusional if you think marketing doesn’t impact the actual contents of the media you consume. This entire fucking thread proves you wrong, they wanted to yaoibait to pander to fujos. What makes you think the implementation of characters like Kieran into the games, or the hoards of nigger NPCs we have since gen 6, are any different?
>Nice lack of arguments retards
the argument is "there isn't a single company in the world that answers to the orders of its subsidiary" and your only counter argument ios "nuh-uh". You don't deserve legitimate discussion, any argument is wasted on someone suffering from retardation as acute as yours
TPC is also subsidiary of Nintendo and Creatures, not only Game Freak.
>I made a retarded claim that I can't justify
>argue against it
If you want to prove you're not retarded and doing this in good faith, the burden of proof that GF is beholden to TPC is on you.
GameFreak has final say in everything relating to the core aspects of the series. This includes games, designs, writing, ect. GameFreak is in charge of the IP, and you can tell because of how the GameFreak big heads talk about it in various meeting notes (not just these).
TCP is in charge of marketing. They can pressure GameFreak for more marketing opportunities (games, gens, mons), and they can ask for specific marketing opportunities (anime fans, female demographic), but they can't outright tell GameFreak what to do. A major point of tension during the 3DS era, particularly with SuMo, was centered around TCP wanting a new gen for the anniversary, and GameFreak really not having the time to make the game. Again, TCP can apply pressure and request that GameFreak perform, but GameFreak is the one that says it's time for the performance.
>Where's Nintendo in all this
Nintendo keeps the lights on and provides support in exchange for exclusive publishing rights. Nintendo really doesn't do too much on the front lines these days, mostly just acting as a go-between for licensing out the IP to other studios for spin-offs, providing support studios/staff to help with production, and acting as a mediator/legal representative if disputes show up, either internally or externally.

GameFreak is, as far as the Pokemon IP is concerned, the boss. What they say, goes. It's why they're complaining about the TCP staff always saying "we'll do better"; TCP are naturally subservient to GF, but GF thinks they're just going with the flow instead of actually improving, and want the script writers' direct opinions.
A pokemon movie with only one human girl that romances a pokemon would be even better
By "changed", I think you mean "deteorated"
> A major point of tension during the 3DS era, particularly with SuMo, was centered around TCP wanting a new gen for the anniversary, and GameFreak really not having the time to make the game
…and they ended up making it anyway.
Yup. Honestly, this trend started with Journeys which put a ton of focus on returning old characters while basically forgetting to showcase the Gen 8 dex. Horizons has taking it to another level with the bloated human cast and their issues. The Pokémon just feel like window dressing.
This explains why gen 9 was such a piece of dog shit
>paldea detractor cant read the thread
TPC isn’t a subsidiary. It’s a separate company that GF, Nintendo, and Creatures have controlling stakes in. An actual subsidiary is like TPCi or the various branches of TPC in Asia. Those are owned by, answer to, and get resources from the main Japanese TPC.
TPC does have power and autonomy of their own, and they aren’t just lap dogs and can push back in these discussions. However, since the other players have such large stakes in the company it’s rare that something is going to get through without everyone being mostly on the same page.
Well clearly it happens sometimes, this thread is proof.
They were talking about the cancelled movie
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Thank you for an actual honest answer. Tired of these anons being all smug over others not playing a damn mobile phone gacha game to know its plot beats.

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