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Okay with the new leaks, we can safely assume the hierarchies are power-based, which would make Metagross, Dragonite, Gyarados, Tyranitar, Latios, and Latias all scale to Deoxys and Mew, who are Planet level and MFTL+, because they are of a higher rank in the hierarchy. Enough to solo most anime verses even without Mega Evolutions. Thoughts?
god i hate autistic power scalers
why do you people hate anything and everything?
We can’t get an accurate measurement of their power because Goku isn’t located anywhere on the chart.
That's easy, Goku is at the top. Of everything. All the time ever. Goku could take on every single pokemon at the same time and come out unscathed.
If we're using power levels, then think of Dragon Ball's Zeno. He's a weak fighter and you can probably just knock him to the pavement, but his ability to erase anything and everything puts him purely above all else. That's how this pantheon works. Megafug might hit physically harder than the absolute god, but god's abilities and status as a creator god place him at the higher echelon than a sky god. It's not about raw power, but what their abilities can do.
Even then, with recent lore revelations in place, Arceus isn't as absolute as we once thought, even in its fullest, rawest form. All you have to do is bruteforce with bigger capabilities that can overwhelm it before it adapts, or, far more simply, use an instant nuke of the highest caliber.
The hierarchies are based on relation. Metagross etc are avatars of the weather trio who in turn are children of Dialga and Palkia. The other Legendaries listed outside the initial circle aren't "weaker", they just exist outside that lineage.
Are you referring to the stuff like the movies? I don't think any of the leaked myths mentioned him jobbing at any point. Besides to human cock.
No the original thing literally says "circle size represent power".
It is powerscaling them
Arceus is omnipotent within poke-pokeverse
I'm looking at the sheet and I don't see any mention of that.
Arceus was basically put into an "adapt or die" situation against the giants that were formed from the pieces of its egg, and the leaked mythos made a very clear point that it was a hard-fought battle rather than a cakewalk, because it had to survive long enough to adapt and eventually overcome the trials of its new existence.
DBZ sucks ass
On the other hand, the leaks showed that Slakoth is such a chump literal human women can kill them for fun.
Oh, I see what you mean. He's strong, but not all-powerful, and he can still be challenged and put in a tough spot.
Ultimately, Arceus is a creator god, not an omnipotent one like monotheistic religions have.
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Ah for some reason this image doesn't translate that line.
But yeah its the small line under the list, i'll just slap on a translation next to it. If you don't believe me you the google translate image shit surely is good enough to translate it.
Goku destroys all of them with a single punch btw
...is what KWABceus tells herself to cope with the fact that Goku oneshots her verse.
Translation seems right, but that still means Arceus, and Dialga and Palkia are superior to those who reside on the outer rims.
Arceus is a fucking massive circle while Mew and Tyranitar are much smaller. There is that massive grey circle, but that seems to be more of just a general shape to connect similarly-categorized gods together, like how the orange triangle's vertices are the three lake spirits. No one would suggest that the spirits are superior to Arceus just because the triangle is bigger than Arceus's circle.
doesn't matter, Goku still yields to Xianxia characters
that Chinese genre makes Western power scaling look like toddler fights
Gee I fucking wonder what DBZ is based.
If Genesis Supernova is universe level, why doesn't it destroy the universe?
Is it power as in literal might, or power as in authority, valid question.
Bit of both, probably. Pokemon in bigger circles have relatively higher strength, but greater authority over creation.
Baisically this all goes like Touhou, the regular four-move battles are largely ceremonial and serve to solve arguments without destroying the world every time. Should you use your full power, you'll be judged by Arceus (like, proper judgement, not Judgement as a move).
And it's not just for all the big guys, if a Magcargo melts you into elemental carbon it's getting the bonk too.
I rolled a Metagross with Guts, but it's surprisingly not really doing that much damage. Its STABs fucking suck. Being weak to knock-off is a fucking nightmare too.
They swapped raw power for bullshit power. Uliquorra is #4, but he's actually the strongest Espada.

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