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my fursona has been a Typholsion for years of my life, and I've spent around thousands of dollars on furry commissions of my stoner typhlosion character. I am going to fucking kill myself. All a waste. The escapist passion of my life is now associated with this shitty story. All down the drain. I am going to shoot myself in the head. Been looking for a reason lately and this blow came out of nowhere stripping me of my last little hobby that's been keeping me going. The leaker will have at least this furfag's blood on his hands.
Fresh pasta
Stop being lazy and copying from another post
>going to fucking kill myself.
Please do it immediatly and write my exact post # on your retarded note so I know how (You) saw my post. Making this embarrassing thread alone pretending to be sad about a fucking drawing should be enough to deserved to receive a lethal injection, chop chop inbred.

In a while nobody will remember this meme. No one remembers the old ones I saw everywhere years ago.
Just wait it out.
so just rework it into a regular animal that has quils and give it a fire motif. problem solved
honestly, anon, murking yourself over this is.. very dumb. you're a good lad I'm sure, but currently, you have 3 options:
1: stick it out. show that your character was made before the leaks happened, and that it's just sheer awkward coincidence. who knows? it might become the next vaporeon, but there's still normal fans of the mon.

2: change it into something similar but different. they're based on honey badgers and a yokai based around badgers, why not recreate the character and make it untethered to a series?

3: abandon the character as a whole and create something anew. Like the ashes of a phoenix, it shall rise again. Worst come to worst, you could sell the character as an adoptable for some money to get it back and then make a new identity.
Why the fuck do you retards think this is real
It was already called out as copypasta
it's 5 am cut me some slack
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Anon please for the greater good, please do it and then leave a note blaming Game Freak. The media blowout would be so fucking hillaious.
What if Typhlosion was TRAPPED and BETRAYED inside a cave forced to fuck underaged kids for MILLENIA?
because I saw the original copypasta and answered the same, also because my tard ass is friends with a bunch of furries
>You now remember THAT comic with Flannery and Typhlosion in the hot springs
You were a furry before that anyway
So nothing is lost
This. Just become Flames the Hedgehog.
Don't do it, my dude
This too will pass. Don't let some story hurt you this much.
Your own headcanon is what matters. Your commissions aren't these stories
.... it's over...
I dunno, the Vaporeon meme is still going strong
Meanwhile, Sableye-chads like myself:
What did Vaporeon do?
Be compatible.
Why did lord Arceus betray typhlosion
Did you know? That in terms of male human to female pokemon breeding...
a real typhlosion would embrace the freak
Typhlosion's new lore is accurate to all furfags though.
this is bait
Kek, this needs to be reposted everywhere as many times as we can, it’s so fucking funny
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>my fursona has been an Ursaring for years of my life, and I've spent around thousands of dollars on furry commissions of my paladin Ursaring character. I am going to fucking kill myself. All a waste. The escapist passion of my life is now associated with this shitty story. All down the drain. I am going to shoot myself in the head. Been looking for a reason lately and this blow came out of nowhere stripping me of my last little hobby that's been keeping me going. The leaker will have at least this furfag's blood on his hands.
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if anything the mon is more based now, everyone loves cunny anyways and just pretends they don't becuase they are faggots. starting a new crystal playthrough and choosing him as my starter. fuck normal fags and all puritan fags, typlosion is based and gets laid/sacrifices himself for his loving wife. only roasties, zoomer retards and fags will hate him and that makes him even more based. fuck normies, viva la fire!
this is a good copypasta HAHAH
It's a non-canon story
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my fursona has been a Octlilery for years of my life, and I've spent around thousands of dollars on furry commissions of my clumsy octillery character. I am going to fucking kill myself. All a waste. The escapist passion of my life is now associated with this shitty story. All down the drain. I am going to shoot myself in the head. Been looking for a reason lately and this blow came out of nowhere stripping me of my last little hobby that's been keeping me going. The leaker will have at least this furfag's blood on his hands.
typhlosion is even cooler now and if you think otherwise you're retarded.
...go on...
>everyone loves cunny anyways
This is such a wild idea that I can't begin to imagine how long you have to live on this board to get it
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that's what I'm saying, this is a nothing burger in the real world. nobody will even be talking about this irl. only internet freaks who spend all day online will know about dumb shit like this. normal people are too busy with work and family.

love typlosion and he is now a rebellious Chad who takes young girls and sacrifices himself for them. someone should make pics of him wearing the Chad sunglasses now.
>deliberately lures the father knowing that the father would try to protect his daughter
>sacrifices himself for them
Post some of your commissions, I still love this guy story be damned
You didnt read the story or have poor reading comprehension.
Who will remember this shit in 1 year?
Definitely not normies, doubt anyone will be talking about this shit at all out in real life
Yeah the Vaporeon meme went away in like 2 days and nobody remembers it anymore.
I will. This new lore actually really reveals a lot of what gf wanted to do with the pokemon franchise, but westerners are too pozzed by jewish culture to appreciate it. it's really a shame, some of this ancient tribal storytelling is pretty interesting, and the other stuff makes me wonder if they were going somewhere with it.
I can't wait for the hype to calm down because i've been waiting for a moment to enjoy talking about something genuinely interesting that's not politics for a while.
western retards ruin everything they fucking touch and that's why we can't have nice things or the "more mature" pokémon stories reddit faggots keep asking for. the ones with the fucking glasses and the beards with the fucking retarded open mouth faces. how ironic isn't it, that when they get what they ask for, this is their reaction. how mature right?
dont die to internet attention whores.
>deliberately uses flamethrower at night while "picking berries" while knowing that her family must be worried
>sends her to make noise, giving their location to the father
>>You didn't read the story or have poor reading comprehension.
Go buy another fucking key chain you weeb fucks
>hunts and gathers for food
>while the girl is getting firewood to live she gives away their position by NOT following his instruction correctly
Shut the fuck up retard
Holy shit did you actually just call me the r word?
>my fursona has been a Typholsion for years of my life, and I've spent around thousands of dollars on furry commissions of my stoner typhlosion character. I am going to fucking kill myself. All a waste. The escapist passion of my life is now associated with this shitty story. All down the drain. I am going to shoot myself in the head. Been looking for a reason lately and this blow came out of nowhere stripping me of my last little hobby that's been keeping me going. The leaker will have at least this furfag's blood on his hands.

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