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Reminder that the only ones making this weird are the insane American parts of the fanbase that think "ALL SEX IS BAD AND NOW I MUST KILL KILL FUCKING KIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLL"

What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
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Nevermind that there are already IN-GAME EXAMPLES THAT WERE NOT CUT of the jap pokesex myths lmao
/vp/ confirmed does not even play the fucking games
Sex is yucky and furfags yiff in hell.
Beastiality and rape are normal for 3rd worlders we know
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pokesex is already in the games
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>The entirety of Europe is "third world" now according to Americans
Why do you Americans ALWAYS have to be so weird, and so strangely OBSESSED over sex?
Just all the time, its all you depraved freaks ever think about, while screeching "Its bad STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT"
Get some rope.
The board is half full about retarded Americans screeching that Typhlosion being a pedo rapist while being entirely and utterly unaware of actual japanese folklore.
You are actually a retard. Read a book you dumb nigger.
>Why are you sooo weird about beastiality and rape omggg I'm going to cry like a spazzing bitch
>Kidnapping someone to drug, rape and impregnate them isn't bad
Okay Poopjeet good morning saar
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>The literal GOD of the setting turned themselves into a human woman, to have sex with and have kids with a man
Why are Americans like this?
reminder that the only ones without any objections to sexual content in children's media are troons, kikes or mudslimes (or europeans, which are often a combination of the previous 3)
You Americans are the one sexualizing content and making folklore and myths weird.
You are depraved freaks to see all of this as just sex.
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Lmao zoom-zooms like you would have melted from pre-2018 internet.
You sound like you definitely cave CP on your SSD
sex is a literal requirement for reproduction you retarded troonoid
>I would have taken objection to kikery and degeneracy
that's not a bad thing
Just have sex with other species you prudes
tfw your country isn't old enough to have based bestiality myths.
Mutts are the most degenerate on the planet,yet try and act like puritans.
behead /pol/ moralfaggots
>muh degeneracy
Kill yourself
You wish you were European, goatfucker.
>moments before fucking the beakless squid dinner
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Zoom-zoom brain is so fried, poke at it and laugh.
everything you see around you, you owe to white people. modern architecture, plumbing, electricity, civilization in general, you owe it all to us. even the culture you consume is overwhelmingly american. you need us, without us you would be nothing but a subhuman animal, shitting on the ground, raping your livestock and screeching in mud huts. never forget this.
Is there a difference these days?
Same with /v/. I make a thread there to talk about the actual gameplay in a game and none of them even knew about it, even if its a game the board widely talks about.
>no argument left and calls you muh boogeymen.
I accept your trannycession.
Mudslimes literally can’t stand seeing women on the streets without them hiding their hair
Troons are the people who complain about this the most on twitter
All of the sexual intercourses described in the myths lead to procreation which is directly against Jewish interests
You are projecting
I never took photos of that particular quest btw, but here is proofs I at least play the fucking game
>white people
How's your mutilated dick doing?
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Ok kiddo, get back to your containment board.
White trash are nothing but backwoods retards where i live. Go fuck yourself
>a bunch of random text in a white background
>Source is "Trust me bro"
>Completely inapplicable to any final version of the Gen 4 games and later gens.
The only reason you are shilling this is because you are a disgusting freak, simple as
To keep it on board topic, also lmfao even B Team Gamefreak makes an unfinished game
White people love Arceus/Palkia mother daughter ffm
You are not white
I'm shilling it because it makes nu-/vp/ have an utter meltdown, and also because new loredrops on the setting are fascinating.
We were ROBBED of a more yokai like pokemon setting is what you should be taking away from this, anon.
Pic related is concept art Cacturne from the leak.
Concept art of the Beldum line from the same leak
No one actually plays the games, why are you surprised? Especially twitter users. They just play the first 5 hours then drop it and carry on tweeting
>Ya'see, everythang you see around you, you owe to da magnificent whyte peepole. Modern Architecture, plumbing, electricity, and civilization in general, you owe it all to dem white peepole. Even the cultca you consume is overwhelmingly american. You need dem, and without dem you would nothing but a subhuuman anima, shitting all on the ground, raping your livestock, screeching in da mudhuts. Neva foget dis.

Shame there aren't more people like Ruckus who are honest about the world around them.
>no actual counter-argument
concession (and chimp-out) accepted
You're the only chimp here, you sound exactly like him. Post arm brownoid.
Cut/Beta Lore content is not real lore, this is like if people had found an old Star Wars script written by Lucas where the characters instead of fighting with light sabers did it with skateboards and suddenly everyone said that all the jedi masters being experts on skateboards is canon.
Stop using our White website, our White language, you ungrateful shitstain. You need us, Europeans don't need you. Every day, you hate us because of envy everyday, your genes remind you of your inferiority. I have no sympathy.

A million of Africans can literal die if the Eastern Europe grain supply collapses. Your lives depend on Europeans.
How come you are speaking English?

While speaking our language, on technology invented by Europeans, on a website made by a White man called moot.

This is a European world. You use a 7 day calender that Europeans made, on a 12 month calendar the Europeans made. On a time and decimal system Europeans made.

You need us, we don't need you, and yet, this fact makes you angry.
The only chimp is being a faggot who denies that you should appreciate and respect Europeans because they built this world. At least the East Asians deep down understand, but this is something that you not only fail to understand, but deep down resent, the way an ugly person hates a beautiful person, because deep down you see the truth and you hate it, so you want to smash the European down.

I mean, this faggot has the nerve to call someone "white trash" while he speaks a European language because his own language, and his own people, are worthless.
Reading through threads like these give me the weirdest feeling, like the large majority of posts aren’t coming from genuine people so much as some kind of simulation machine
I know this post will get completely ignored but I wonder if at least one other person here feels the same way
>English language = European
>Winnie the Pooh = European
>Disney = European
>internet communication = European

Ok kiddo, go back to your containment board for reminding people reality.
The vast majority of Whites are starting to fucking hate ungrateful brown people. I mean, you know its something when even Canadian libs are starting to feel the fatigue of ungrateful pajeets insulting Europenas.

Thank god, the 2010s was shit. I am enjoying this race awakening.
it’s probably because the idea of people acting like this on /vp/ of all places is just a weird contrast, like a severe manbaby who tards out about their totally epic political hot take (its the most lukewarm 4chan take ever) while gorging themselves on my little pony and sugary goodies to stimulate their brain
Stop talking to yourself tard. You're not some intelligent smug person, you are a fucking loser.
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>Goes from le american to le european.
You fags can't even keep your agenda together. I'm just going to assume you're commie spybots.
>White people invented everything
>How dare you, I will insult you by using a White people language that I speak because Europeans dominated the world so much English became a defacto latin franca

I wonder if they know deep down?
Marx was jewish and the last thing marx would be is pro-European israeli.
To repeat what I've been saying. The Japanese, unlike Arabs and Whites, are genetically more intelligent and also are able to segregate fantasy from reality.

I noticed that Whites and arabs in particular, have a real difficulty segregating fact from fiction. Whites and arabs have been brainwashed to think a book is literal reality for thousand of years, this has the unfortunate side effect of causing many Europeans (not all) of being unable to understand that fiction is not reality. In the way a 1500s European may have taken the bible as a literal representation of reality, the modern European pronoun using faggot sees a fictional series and also treats it as a literal representation of reality. So of course, Westernoids see this and take fiction seriously and thus are saying stupid shit by treating some internal weird ass fanfiction from GF internal document, in a way that no sane person should. Women are even more guily of this sin, because women cannot think with reason.

The Japanese can, so they don't really see it the same way
Modern-day 4chan is probably the greatest “artificial engagement” site of all time, which is really saying a lot because Twitter is currently jampacked with shitty bots and blue checkmarks (and blue checkmark bots).
Every so often I mull over why the IP counter got removed, but I always end up thinking that, at bare minimum, that it’s partially because this place is trying to hide how fast it’s bleeding genuine users and how most threads are just fake interactions. Even the fastest boards like /v/ would top out at around high 60-low 70 IPs at bump limit, but think about it even harder:
>Phonefags using mobile data, which adds a new IP even when it’s the same guy who posted from another device earlier
>Chronic ban evaders
>Actual bots
>Severely mentally ill samefags
>Several posts are made by drive-by posters who only make like 1-2 posts, so the vast majority of each thread is carried on the backs of a very small amount of people
>Bonus Round - there’s so many recognizable dumbfucks that the amount of actual “anons” is even lower
These days, I feel like 4chan is entering it’s swan song: threads are so insular and have so few people in them nowadays that it comes across like some genuine uncanny valley type of feeling, where you know that something is horribly off and inorganic.
If you say so robo Comrade.
The retarded thing is it's clear that shit was never meant to be canon lore and it's just based of old folktales so at worse they would just be in universe folktales instead of something that actually happened.
>literally angry that he doesn’t have a daughter to kick around as his fuckmeat
Do female pokemon have cooties?
We are laughing because you are the one unironically trannyposting.
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Everything about this post is correct. Nothing feels human anymore. I hate term dead internet theory but the longer it goes on the more true it feels.
>making pokephilla canon isn't weird because of all my european movies about how pedophilla is actually good
Kill yourself
Nope try again
>Several posts are made by drive-by posters who only make like 1-2 posts, so the vast majority of each thread is carried on the backs of a very small amount of people
Been here since 2007. That's always been the norm. When you do this too much you're asked to put on a tripcode so we can ignore you.
ur gaye
it's a national founded by british bogfolk who thought england wasn't repressed and miserable enough, what do you expect?
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At least I'm not a robot. And dick is pretty gud.
Ironic to complain about lack of engagement, yet here you are, posting the exact reason why nobody wants to talk to you.
>I hate term dead internet theory but the longer it goes on the more true it feels.
part of my belief is that it’s becoming less and less of a theory because I think that people are starting to abandon the mainstream internet for closed off groups like discord servers, which makes the “dead internet” part even more visible
I don’t have any real proof for that but it’s just been a growing feeling for me
closed-off communities isn't dead internet though that's resetting back to the oldest state, maybe it'll just keep cycling from cliques to hub sites to "social media" fuckfests and around and around forever
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>Americans lacks basic reading comprehension
I may be ESL (euro) but at least I can read posts you fag. I said we were robbed of a more yokai-like pokemon, that it is a canon that WOULD HAVE BEEN much better.
Are all Americans as stupid as the ones you see on this shithole?
You are so retarded you don't even know Buddhism exists in these countries, everyone likes to believe their little made up fantasy world, because everyone on this planet is retarded in their own special way. That's why the human race as a whole is a retarded group that will drive itself to extinction because they can't stop burning fossil fuels and coal, that's why natural disasters these days are getting stronger and more destructive. So don't say stupid gay ass shit like Asians are the smart chosen race, no race is smart or special they are all retarded just like you.
Calm down Abdul.
This is a pokeyman board sweaties
>its all you depraved freaks
Funny then how it's places like France that refuse to extradite Roman Polaski but yeah I guess raping children has never been seen as depraved by Europoors
Eat shit cockroach eating Asian nazi.
It must’ve been like looking into a mirror
Whiter than you Mohammad.
Retarded newfag you may not be able to tell on this godforsaken board but 4chan has always hated furfags now yiff in hell
Europeans are a million times more sex positive than Am*ricans. Teenage girls can get free birth control in several countries. Prostitution is legal in about 25 countries, of which 10 even have regulated prostitution. Everyone in Europe gets proper sex ed, not the "uhm sex is evil so don't have sex ok?" bullshit you retarded mutts are doing. I'd tell you to go fuck yourself but you're probably scared shitless of the mere thought of that.
The funny part of me is that because of bots, I’ve actually found it much easier to just ignore retarded posts now
You are so retarded you actually think All the people living in the middle east are black, I am actually white because My great grandfather imegrated from turkey to Egypt back when the bristh faggots owed us money, at the time of the Egyptian monarchy the British owed us a few million dollars, while you were in your emo "humiliation century" phase where everyone fucked you in the ass.
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>Level 69
European law is all over the place and even as a euro its really fucking confusing
I think the only constant is that england or whatever are giga-prudes about literally everything
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Nobody even mentioned black people retard. If this is an attempt to pretend to be a bot I have to genuinely commend you.
>Nobody even mentioned black people
Then why are you saying whitter than me you shit eating retarded cockroach.
Because it's a meme you dip. You're the one race baiting on the fucking pokeyman board.
It just opens a slew of questions and theories
>gore, murder, torture? Grandma get's burned alive? Safe PG 5 rating
>children's game
Trannies really think people will let shit like that slide, back to xitter
i can’t wait to impregnate pokemon in the next game!
>How come you are speaking English
It's the only language a пeдep like you will undersand
>While speaking our language
You are not from Europe Tytone Remeriz O'Cheng. And Eruopean is not an ethnicity but American cope
Rest of this drivel banks on you being a "European".
>t. about to get raped and impregnated
>Having sex with animals in normal in OP's country
Shouldn't Israel be bombing you
God I wish I was Akari
>You're the one race baiting on the fucking pokeyman board
That's rich coming from a country that likes to make a lot of loli anime.
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>"I would have taken objection to kikery and degeneracy. That's not a bad thing."
Anon, the internet has gotten worse. Bullshit you've taken objection to kikery and degeneracy.
>everything you see around you, you owe to white people. modern architecture, plumbing, electricity, civilization in general.
Don't forget the myths and legends we have ourselves of our own people fucking animals too. It ain't just the japs you niɡɡer.
Bro is actually getting pissy over memes about pokesex. It truly isn’t that deep bruv, shit will blow over in a few weeks tops, and just remain as a little inside joke in the fanbase :p
this is just a ripoff of jesus and revelations and being faithful and without sin to defeat the devil (aka not going to hell) lol altho Arceus went the more kinky route and wanted to get fucked by a man for fun i guess

most of these leaks are just ideas from other religions or games lore of what creation and gods. too bad the actual games don't show any of that and its just elden ring stitching scattered lore pieces together to see the real picture
Europeans are so obsessed.
They are relifags that have the weirdest cults ever
They know their ruling class is the worst scum in the planet and that they're completely powerless about it so they just overcompensate acting like soccer moms to save face
Why are you ignoring me senpai you haven't replied to me for a while now, I just want to rape your cute little plump Asian asshole, senpai my dick is throbbing for your virgin incel ass.
it will never be canon once again yiff in hell furries your degenerate sex fantasy fetishes is only in beta form other then that it's unofficial fanfiction garbage cope and die off
>Thinks kidnapping and rape are wrong
and see this is why your an incel
No, only the Malthusians, which are in all the so called "first world" countries. They are in charge of your media and things like Blackrock and Vanguard.
to be fair, europe is full of degenerates. Many of their "brightests minds" signed a letter defending the actions of Bernard Dejager, Jean-Claude Gallien y Jean Burckardt (pedos)
Yes, every country is third world without the Soviet Union around, save for the PRC. The "Owners" in the west were letting more people in the " first world" prosper in order to keep them from doing a Bolshevik style revolution and rallying with the Soviet Union. With the Soviet Union gone since the early 90s, the Western Oligarchs/Plutocrats no longer feel the need to cater to the masses, even in the "first world", and thus they have gradually and incrementally been revoking all prior concessions, why cost of living has shot up, why the "recession" never ends
Brother how about you do some research on a little fella called Epstein

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