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The Real Traitor Edition

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Previous: >>56585237
>Fucks over a decade worth of content for cheap pandering
>Rica beefing with Ohtani in the last mile
So there are no leaked discussion from before the end of Journeys/Aim to be a Master?
Why did he do it? Why did he BETRAY Ash and all the children?
Absolutely nothing.
probably because he was too retarded to come up with an idea of what to do after Ash won something important, or maybe it was the autismo
Samefag. Now talk about how Trannyrizons niggers deserve a shovel up their lunge until the skulls are exploding
More like he willfully betrayed the manchildren. He argued children wouldn't care if Ash kept losing forever, only long time fans who didn't matter to him.
Why are most detractors of the Likonime so horrendously violent?
Also I heard something about everything about horizons getting leaked, is that true?
Yuyama basically wanted to keep up the status quo of jobbing and blueballing, nobody inside the team liked it
>Also I heard something about everything about horizons getting leaked, is that true?
No, only early concepts and ideas were leaked which have already changed or were scrapped in the final version of the early episodes.
>everything about horizons
It was all pre-release concepts that were still in development, most of which seems to have changed like the heroes being nine instead of six and Friede eventually betraying the group.
Liko's Final Team

>Yandere Cat
>Violent Hat
>Creepy Weasel (Female of course)
>Funny Tentacles
>Blood for the BLOOD GOD Turtle

Now what should be in final slot? Lapras or Vaporeon?

And she ends the journey by going to Rakua and discovering the truth of the world (human/Pokemon breeding).
Liko and a female Machamp.
Anything about Machamp in leaks?
That man? That man should be the sworn enemy of every single person who grew up watching the anime and having to deal with Ash losing league after league after league for the dumbest fucking reasons. He is the enemy and should NEVER be forgiven.
He thought HE was the final arbiter of Ash's destiny. He thought Ash should be the eternal loser, constantly striving in his eternal summer, and constantly always coming up short. A personal Dorameon series of his. He didn't betray Ash because to him he is only following the path he thought Ash should be in like an overprotective parent, blind to all criticism.

And why shouldn't he believe this? After all, there was no power above him that pushed for change, Ishihara, Masuda, Sugimori, they all of them failed to correct him. For over 20 years they failed. And certainly no subordinate will question him, not one of them were even promoted to take over for him. Part of the Japanese culture, you see. The old-timers keep their positions as long as they want as long as they don't fuck up big time and the subordinates can only wait for them to retire before getting promoted.

What can you do against an unfair system that is ruled by blind idiot god like that?
yeah but didn't tajiri specifically say Ash was a huge core of the anime + Shudo's stuff influences GF's work to this day? SV's finale was basically a Shudo movie with all the themes about mysticality, destruction, parenthood, friendships, etc
really interesting that TPC was planning to do the exact same shit they did to the 4kids actors
That's how Game Freak and The Pokémon Company themselves work. No heads rolled at either despite the state Scarlet and Violet released in because they still sold gangbusters and restructuring would take effort. Ash only got ousted once they finally became worried about ratings.
Not just Ash but also Team Rocket being the eternal loser trio.
You know now I know why Japan is still stuck in the Lost Decades.
konami pulling this shit to Kojima, Square-Enix fucking over everything not FF related multiple times (still mad about Figureheads and World War Machine). Sony being stupid about crossplay...
>>Blood for the BLOOD GOD Turtle
Can Liko contain such a menace
Liko wouldn't get harmed by the turtle, she's the courier of its mighty holiness
Those themes aren't unique to Shudo(who died like twenty years ago) you fucking moron, just a typical coming of age story
Thank god she's the one recipient of its mercy
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>duhh ahh a whole-ass bunch of anime cutscenes totally unlike everything else and the fact it confronts parental abandonment a lot more than Lusamine and Lillie is just a coming-of-age story
So about the original six heroes, was it a good idea change them or not?
I think we've got a really cool line up atm, don't really care about Arboliva but I guess gen 9 rep in there's a good idea
Fucking based pic, saved.
I like the mix of legendaries and non-legendaries. It's cool.
I think the heroes are a generally boring thread in general. Liko and Roy retracing some guy's footsteps is just gay. I like our protagonists but I wanna see them be more proactive and individual, and less reverential to adults, teachers, and old legends.
I was literally just thinking about Melli being Penny's ancestor, what a coincidence.
> Hack Game-freak
> Nothing about Pokémon Legends Z-A, something Game-freak actually developing.
> Somehow flies on entire planning for PM2023 development despite Game-freak not being involved with the anime productions.
> I-its totally t-true guyes.
Horizonfags gotten desperate.
Japan is an entire nation of boomers. Crazy how their demographic bomb is reflected on old farts holding positions of power in creative processes and refusing to let go of shit that isn't working
Did Pikachu and Ash's tojo VAs really not like each other? Why not? Did one of them steal the others rice field or something?
They fell out at some point, but if their strained relationship is mentioned in a meeting then it's clear that they couldn't keep their professionalism during those sessions
it's bad all over the world but it's uniquely bad in korea and japan

rumours rika's hard to work with (dunno how much water that holds, but i've heard that over the years) plus the accusation of embezzling art grant money. the accusation is likely bullshit since it was stated by an angry former manager and reported by a tabloid known to be liars, but you know how the Nipponese treat rumours way worse than Hollywood

i've heard it may have been a recent estrangement, people on Twitter claim they weren't on speaking terms during the final year of Journeys

it could just be typical 'humans clash over shit that does not matter'. like how apparently Gary's VA in the US hates the rest of the 4kids cast enough that he posted on Serebii and Bulba to mock them when they were all recasted... supposedly
From my part, I think them ditching some wild parts like Pachirisu and Blastoise for focusing on the Galar/Hisui/Paldean batch was the better decision, as the story incorperates their elements more appropriately. Entei to cross the lands, Lapras to go through the ocean and whatnot.
>Yuyama didn't want Ash to win in Alola...
The least hysterical XYfag/Ash self-inserter. The trauma of these manchilds and their shitty fanfic will haunt them for the rest of their lives.
>Rica is hard to work with
Doesn't the other chick literally just make the sounds for Pikachu? Wtf are they fighting about in the booth? Does she not say Pikachu good enough or something? Lmao
>Gary's va acting in character
Atleast we have that.
>not using the /padt/ filename
More pleasantly surprised about the Galarian Moltres being included.
Yeah it was always my favourite of the Galarian Birds, it's nice having around even if it doesn't pop up much
it's a thing where they have actors say nonsense lines but you have to feel their emotion, and it's hard as fuck. Stitch's VA, that guy in Chowder's VA, Cloud in the FF7 remake's VA, even fucking Vin Diesel as Groot said that's extremely fucking hard to do

Pikachu's words also react to Ash, so the shit like how in XY where Pika does shit like count down how much time is left before Future Sight hits makes sense if it's live recorded

Also Japanese VAing doesn't use booths, they're apparently all in one big room
New leak, Liko and Roy are not the protagonists of the Gen 10 anime. It's over for them
Why do you compare English dubbing to japanese ones, dumbass?
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forgot to add, but it could be rica being annoyed with Ash and Ikue calling her out on it or even Rica having to go while Ikue stays.

I initially thought it was 'TPC had bad relations with Ikue AND Rica' but no, Rica commented so that confirms my suspicious that TPC was trying to get rid of them both and used that as an excuse
Rica brought it on herself to getting kicked out or pardon my incorrect phrasing, parting on her own terms with all the allegations hovering coincidentaly over her head. Ohtani keeps her nose clean so there was no beef with her.
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Why does that make you butthurt, dumbass?
it's pretty fucking sad japanese society takes the words of someone with a clear grudge and a shitty tabloid at face value
>or even Rica having to go while Ikue stays
But this happened? Iku IS Pikachu, not just in the main anime but also in the games, shorts, parks, etc. The only exception is Detective Pikachu
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i mean, that's why terrence howard was so asspained at RDJ for years before he turned full schizo because RDJ stayed while he got kicked off

Granted, Howard got kicked off for demanding way more money than RDJ, iirc
nipsz always say rica matsumoto has bad actitutte and she is rude
God, why do you dubfarts always make it Howard? That shit got chewed through more than enough
>Liko's Final Team
Probably with atleast one Knightmon, Gallade or something like that, inversing the whole gender-based Pokemon selection
armarouge is probably the easiest one to point too, but i'd love a gallade on the main cast
>Gallade gallantly becoming her knight
Yep, if no Armarouge then this is my next pick.
Maybe the realization that Ash is replaceable but Pikachu isn't? Ohtani have a another big role as Chopper too, something that Rica doesn't have.
Pikachu is the mascot, it's a no-brainer who stays on board.
>Gets to vent her brattiness through Sango
Perfect outlet.
Has Rhydon died yet?
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just to put it in perspective, according to the leaks, this titcow is 11 years old in this scene.
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What do they feed people in hoenn
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>More pleasantly surprised about the Galarian Moltres being included.
That soul sucking birb? It drained all the life out of that mineworker
Give me a qrd of the leaks. All that I know is that there was one autist on the production team who didn’t want Ash to ever win, and that Serenafags made death threats to someone.
Yuyama went
Others went
>Bruh stfu old man
Yajima got death threats MAINLY over the reappearance of Serena alone, those are explicitly listed as "foreigners" doing the threats.
Yuyama ruined the Ashime.
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rica fucked
Did anything come out that effects the shipping meta or are we still at a stalemate there?
This was already confirmed false
Kunihiko Yuyama (executive director of the anime until SM) was the one pushing the idea that Ash needed to lose every league and get reset at the start of the next series.

Yajima and Tomiyasu were the ones who wanted Ash to grow, and Tomiyasu finally got what he wanted.

The staff agreed that there needs to be a balance between what Yuyama wants and what the fans want.
>No heads rolled at either despite the state
Name one company who rushed release to appease stockholders where this happened.
But Ash losing the Indigo League was Shudo 's idea, right? So in a way, Yuyama was continuing Shudo's legacy.

Perhaps Yuyama was misunderstood... Well up to XYZ it was awesome even with the losses.

SM is pure retardation, JN was a bit better but the art style for Ash specifically was awful (he should have kept his XYZ design in both SM and JN, Chicken chan should have been the contest girl, and Lillie x Mallow should have been canon. The matchups on M8 in JN were garbage, the finals should have been Ash vs Cynthia with Cynthia borderline forfeiting for Ash's victory to look convincing. Leon was meh, no hype. Gloria should have been Koharu's rival at "doing nothing", I. E. being the " glamorous friend " dunking on respected Koharu, like Gloria makes a movie and Koharu seethes, then makes a movie too outshining Gloria, a rivalry. Kinda like Gary was to Ash).
>Adamant and his buddies were the ones shitting on Tomiyasu all the time for not being Yajima
>turned out he was the savior of the anime all along
Will Xyzygotes and SMpedos stop fighting each other now that we know who the Real Villain is?

Tobias, Cameron, Alain. He was behind it all.
Was it ever considered for Ash to face the E4? The original series only featured Bruno.
Was Tobias able to challenge Cynthia?
Can you fuck off with your schizobabbling, yuritroon?
Someone post that loli Cynthia comic where Tobias turns out to be an incel who never got over being beaten by a grill.

Speaking of Yuri. Thoughts on Ann facesitting Liko?
>BOTH XY and SM were in the same boat
>Schizoid still makes it about his Adacunt boogeyman
God you got fucking nuked and banned multiple times for obsessing over his ass, can't you take a hint?
Yes. He even got a post-mortem video celebrating his life.
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I have arrived with terrible news.
Nothing new, really. All kids want is Demon Slayer and Oshi no Ko for some reason.
>The dip towards the Arora ed league without any recovery by the time of Journeys Premiere
Jesus Christ.
>Shilling something that wasn't available at the time
I meant nowadays. During XY and SM's flop era the trends were Attack on Titan and Yokai Watch.
Is this anon right?
That was mainly due to the TV Tokyo CEO moving pokémon from thursdays to sundays, where it had to compete against the far more popular Chibi Maruko-chan

The timeslot change killed the ratings and the anime never recovered
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Is this legit? feels like fake wording
So, which Pokemon is Ash’s dad?
Kids at 4-6 really hated early XY lol.
The same retard who machine-translated the corocoro magazine back in april (Who got shitload of things wrong) is also the same faggot who machine-translates these leaks.
they was watching youkai watch instead
Obviously fake.
I want more Meowscarada to do that to Liko.
No, that isn't it. The Yokai Watch anime started in 2014. XY started in late 2013. Kids ages 4-6 just weren't into it. But their interest picked up in 2014.
What’s this about?
the problem with the anime is that it should have grown alongside its audience

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