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why can't westerners into folklore
don't they have folklore
only americans can't do that because they have no culture or folklore
>A nude guy fucking a tree

Wow such refined tales of wonder and meaning, very impressive
they would if they didn't kill the people with culture and tradition
imagine starting your civilization with abrahamic religion
amurica killed all the local people with folklore
then jews started calling a bunch of different amurican groups white
thinking white was rad, amurica forgot its real folklore
so our children are weebs now
you answered your own question
all americans know is rape natives shoot each other get fat and die
that's why unova gave us gears, ice cream and trash bags
We have folklore
Paul Bunyan
Johnny Appleseed
American folklore
>This man planted appleseeds all across America to help his fellow man
>Be careful up on coffin mountain, there are these strange coffin animals that might explode and leave a hole in the ground!
>Skinwalkers are very scary monsters that will mimic you, stay inside and don't go out into the forest at night

Japanese folklore
>A man got lost in the blizzard and decidd to FUCK a snow woman
>A man saw a fox and she turned into a fox lady so he FUCKED HER
Ironically enough, the typhlosion story seems to be inspired (partly) by a native american myth
why is it so capitalist/expansionist-coded
where's the fantasy? where's the fairy tale?
Christianity got rid of the degeneracy. Cope and seethe
aka the weakest shit ever, including john "give up in the face of industrial progress" henry
fippy bippy
the fat one is an amurican child
he is stealing asian folklore to become a weeb
they use it as bludgeoning weapons too and they have gay sex
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American folklore thread? For me, it's the Squonk.
america? a joyless death cult born of empire and bereft of spiritual connection to nature? you don't say!
>the folklore of a giant guy who literally just chopped trees and had a big blue cow, no creepy or mysterious shit
>same with the guy who planted a bunch of trees all over united states
for fucks sake even jap interpretations of them are better
>muh bestiality on my children's game
>let 10 year olds read my tranny fanfics
to be fair all the people who had the folklore got trail of tears' or similar
yeah a creature that kills itself by dissolving in its own tears rather than be caught is about the most you're gonna get from a nation of servile cucks
Yep Japanese folklore is based
I can't believe the lapras one was pic related
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Snallygaster, that shit is kino
Europe has tons of folklore
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Oldie but goodie
makes you wonder what would have been if the ethnic groups with cultivated traditions continued to exist
Okay but most of the weird animal ones are true. Kinda funny we memed everyone into thinking sasquatches aren't real (just so people would stop hunting them).
the really old stuff got destroyed in america. blame the yuros.
>used to go to the jersey beach a ton as a kid
>parents would always drive back in the dark
>back when jersey still had pine forests along the roads instead of concrete hellscape
>used to think I saw this thing running in the woods beside our car
I still can't believe Housamo ruined him.
It's really funny how Christians in the middle ages wanted to eradicate all Pagan faith but also just stole their coolest traditions and "declared" them Christian, like Christmas trees and Easter eggs.
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>Eats your axe handle
>Refuses to elaborate
What was his fucking problem?
The first American settles wete literally banished from Europe because they were too fucking weird
I'm honestly glad Hawaii got to keep its stuff
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move aside PEASANTS

the KING has some bridges to (buck)break
crazy how all folklore is just "what if this woman got fucked by an animal"
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Colonizer devilry.
Real American folklore goes back to the sky people and coyote.
Did you know he was the moon for a bit?
nobody tell this retard to actually read the bible cover to cover
Because people who are into folklore tend to be well read.

Coombrained millennials and zoomers are not in the same crowd
>the ethnic groups with cultivated traditions continued to exist
We do, retarded white devil.
these are the kind of people we killed with smallpox blankets, so there'd be room for magic underwear mormons to start businesses selling soda with extra pumps of sugar syrup (because caffeine is immoral)
Yeah, I'm finding this situation funny because at the end, they were just attempts for folklore and nothing else, but to the mind of these ignorant zooms zooms it's like reading porn fiction I guess lol
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The European seething in this thread is hilarious. Better luck next time buddies.
>the above
Immortalized in every single fantasy work ever made
Replaced by >>56605903
What are you even saying OP? This stuff was cut from the Japanese version too.
>sirs redeem our folklore
>zoomer still insists on bringing millennials to hell with him
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my wife paul bunyan is so cute
I hate Americans so much. You have terrible healthcare, you're uneducated and ignorant, you can't name other countries and have no culture of your own, you barely travel the world and are xenophobic and uncultured, you're moral prudes, you don't create anything of value and just dump your garbage onto every other country, your government is garbage, you're unhappy and shriek about garbage like freedom to own implements to kill thousands of children and shout racial slurs at people and act like its some profound statement to do so, you worship capitalism and corporation without any thought to your fellow man, your superstitious and religious despite being in a country without such ties, and you end up creating dozens of religious cults and push them onto the world and also try to push your idiotic and inane morals on others like the right to rape women and force them to give birth to babies, your food is awful and just better recipes stolen from other real cultures, your people are obese whales that shake the ground with your ignorant pride and lard, your country has suffered no real hardships and forced to develop on its own, your people are spoiled and dumb, you genocided and enslaved millions of people and practiced obscene imperialism upon others, you're obsessed with cars and destroy the environment just so you can jerk yourself about not having to use public transportation, you are the absolute worst this planet has to offer.

American, I hate your people and I hate your country. But moreso, I hate you.
>North Americans think it's cool to have foklore about not getting outside and touch grass because of scary monsters
I think you're on the wrong side of the story you wanna tell
>why can't westerners into folklore
The majority of the west has forgotten its own original folklore.
Because it's full of gay ass Greeks who can't stop fucking each other.
the stuff above are immortalized meanwhile the shit below are literal tinfoil hat territory
>didn't live in the coombrained deviantart era of the internet
Trust me, millennials were pretty bad 20 years ago. Not as bad as zoomoids now, but still bad
America haters are so creepy
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anon I breathed the internet during the .alt years, millennials are horny but are well read in myths

>why can't westerners into folklore

Ironically, I thought the Rapidash fucking was a reference to Son of The White Mare, or some similar myth about how gods fucked horses to make men, demigods, and more horses - which were frequent stories amongst the Celts and Indo-Aryans.

Supposedly the inspiration was a Native American Myth - The White Buffalo Woman(?)
>le spookie cryptids xd
You're overdosing on copium if you think those are "better" than the ancient, culture defining myths that influenced literally thousands of pieces of media even do this day.
I thought horse fucking was a common folklore among all ancient cultures. from the likes of zeus and loki to even china
You've just filtered out the coombrained retards to time. Zoomoids are far worse, I'll agree, and they also make it mainstream.

I think a good comparison is with furries. Millennials hated furries and it was still niche and gross, but they existed. Furries are widely accepted by zoomoids
Zeus preferred bulls though. Or at least, make his enemies' wives fuck bulls.
millennials "hated" furries, until said haters are actually outed as furries themselves
what you're describing are dumb nerd "hierarchies" that is never really followed unless you're a weeb
like I said anon, I browsed during the win95 office97 halcyon years
yeah but we're talking about zeus himself, I think he has also fucked women as a bird and a canine too
there's also some weird hellenistic copium where the greek gods went furry because lmao egyptians
>these are the kind of people we killed with smallpox blankets
So the real Americans, not the white pretenders.
plus the whole smallpox thing is a myth that's repeated to wash the hands of the white devils from being held accountable to their on going genocide.
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oh hey he's currently on fortnite
>smallpox blankets
wasn't that proven to be false
>Move to Loveland Ohio before first year of High School
>First week of going to Loveland High School and someone I've made friends with tells me about this frog man who has a magic wand
>Ask more about the Frog Man
>Apparently locals think he lives in Loveland castle
>I'm surpised to hear Loveland has a castle at all
>Friend offers to show me where it is
>After school we walk like 30 or 40ish minutes to this giant castle
>Explore the area
>Spend the next 4 years walking around loveland's forrest
>Never got to see Frog Man
>Move away after High School and haven't been back since
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Did you look under the castle?
Pretty much every american cryptid would get analy raped by a single european fairy
They banned every book in American schools that isn't the bible and lord of the flies
can you fuck off with the commie language?
your mothman is a coward he doesn't actually kill people fuck off moron
The entirety of UFOlogy is American folklore and it spawned all of sci-fi
>implying gnomes aren't real
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The Japanese write better American folklore than the Americans themselves.

Here, John Adams slays the giant snake that ate his mother with the help of an eagle.
t. mr tweedy
this is just another case of mutt retard zoomers not having any culture besides nigger worship and tiktok
retarded dicksucker alert
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George Washington beats a tiger to death with his bare hands.
that's just garfield
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Ben Franklin carries a cannon to blow up the British.
We don’t need pagan bullshit stories where some guy fucks a rock or whatever, we have the inerrant word of God.
if your god really loved you he'd show every so often for a booty call; arceus 1 yahweh 0
Yes proven false. You think the people who would use leeches in medicine had germ theory?
we do, americans don't
Ah yes, the ‘let me make the most extreme absurd argument’ take. Classic fag move
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George Washington protects his wife from the British.
classic sky jew worshipper cope
You know we have tons of weird sex stuff in the Bible too, right? You DID read the word of our Lord and don't simply parrot meaningless xenophobic ideologies, right?
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Millenials are the ones who started behaving like that.
How old were you 10 years ago?
you probably think millennials were born in the late 90s were you
>I'm mad
OK lol
Tell that to Lot and his daughters
>he says this on a book that casually shows off incest and people banging livestock
>sky jew worshipper meltdown
Wanna eat the flesh of a dead Jew, drink his blood, cut off our foreskins, and then molest some choir boys?
okay but use woahjack this time it's not funny if I can't see the bald men with glasses getting mad at each others
More like late 80s. Seriously, then they were joined by gen X people who believed themselves young and zoomers
I know, I'm a millennial. And I can tell you that millennials behave way differently than zoomers or even late millennials. We were lucky enough to be in the age were books were still a thing.
I'm so confused by this babble what are you so mad about? The united states is 1000x the size of your euro country none of these sweeping generalizations are accurate.
>can't name other countries
Sure we can, but why should we care about your country when it's 1000s of miles away? That's like you caring about some random african country. It's more important for us to know which states are which, since those are like small countries (and sometimes huge countries, like texas)
> you barely travel the world and are xenophobic and uncultured
why would we travel? I can travel 1000 miles and see the grand canyon, deserts, beautiful oceans and pine barrens. Or I can go to Hawaii which is far more beautiful than anywhere else.
> and shout racial slurs at people and act like its some profound statement to do so
we have an extremely diverse population of naturalized immigrants, so who are you talking about specifically?
> like the right to rape women and force them to give birth to babies
other countries also have abortion bans, or incredibly strict and early abortion laws. It's also based on state.
>your food is awful and just better recipes stolen from other real cultures
Do you mean the food brought here by immigrants looking for a better life? How is that stealing?
>your country has suffered no real hardships and forced to develop on its own
No real hardships? What do you mean by this statement? What is a "real" hardship to you? Because the people in Appalachia would beg to differ.
>you genocided and enslaved millions of people and practiced obscene imperialism upon others
didn't the brits also do this? and worse?
>you're obsessed with cars and destroy the environment just so you can jerk yourself about not having to use public transportation
Sorry, when you have a gigantic country muh no cars walkability matters less than being able to take one highway from the east of the united states to the west
>I hate you.
You are ignorant and it's sad.
Pagan melty
>cut off our foreskins
The New Testament is anti-circumcision, stuff like Jesus making a snide remark about it to some priests after he healed someone and Paul complaining about the "Judaizers" trying to circumcise Gentiles. The conclusion in the NT is that you've been spiritually circumcised by accepting Christ and you don't need to be physically circumcised. The only Christians who circumcise now are retarded Americans who want to be Old Testament Jews and worship Israel
don’t cry, jew worshipper
okay fag, why should I care what a EuroTrash has to say tho?
>errm akshully JEWsus deboonked that
>hurr amurica is biggerer so its the bestest
God you're so fucking dumb it hurts
I accept your concession
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>American folklore is just some poor photoshops with no proper story attached
he’s right btw, it’s is just one of the publicly acceptable forms of racism along with hating whites
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>hiding behind folklore to disguise your sick fetishes
a real man doesn't hide
Plenty of folklore in the form of Cryptids, of which we have a ton.
>Jersey Devil
>Flatwoods Monster
>Not Deer

To name a few.

As for culture, every state has its own culture, no different from how each country in the EU has its own culture and mythos. Too bad Europe has become a failed authoritarian state these days. Only a matter of time before we have to stomp out another German dictator for you.
>I'll have you know I'm 0.01% Cherokee and has seen skinwalkers!!!
>You know what would be cool! A monster with big feet! Heh heh, big stinky feet...
>I saw a dog with mange the other day. Omg, so magical and spooky.
>Heckin' wowzers, is that Slenderman????
american culture is way too homogenous to compare to europe
you go from france to poland you might as well be in a different dimension
>american culture is way too homogenous to compare to europe
Spoken like someone who's never been to America and knows nothing about America. Crossing the border from one state to another alone is like entering a different country.
>you go from france to poland you might as well be in a different dimension
Nah, they're both authoritarian bullshit.
what do gay jews got to do with christianity, other than use it to hide their own degeneracy? jews reject Christ. sounds like you have a lot in common with them
spoken like someone who has never been to a different country and thinks the difference between new york and texas is anything more than regional
we can
americans just don't know any
>M-muh dark 'cryptids' m-muh AR15 in the woods
Shut the fuck up
why are north american-or rather usa ones just poor camera shit
get a load of this jew worshipper lmao
>t. seething Eurocuck
Sure is nice having freedom of speech and guns. I can't imagine having to pay for a TV loisence, or risk having butter knives taken away by a nanny state
>britain = europe
everyone knows britain is just little america, 51st state, same shit, different continent
Okay, well, enjoy having your country overrun by third world rapists, while your governments turn a blind eye to their crimes. That one applies to all of Europe, so checkmate, Eurocuck
It's true. All the Westoids twitter fags harassing Japanese artists for drawing erotic art of a 17 year old fictional character are also 100% unironically racist cunts.
Nigga they literally tried to build a mosque on top of WTC.
america is a continent , not a country. america has more lore than any of the other continents combined
Yeah, TRIED, but that shit got shut down
You mean anglos? Their folklore is invading and ravaging other human groups and eating the chippie with Lizzie.
>Only a matter of time before we have to stomp out another German dictator for you.
You are the most delusional, uninformed retard if you seriously think that. Germans are literally scared of waving their own flag if it's not for a football cup.
not true either
other continents have thousands of years of lore
america has some modern sensationalist stuff, and mere fragments of native americans myth
Except for Australia and Antarctica I guess :^).
have you read Greek myth? like 90% of it is Zeus turning into an animal, raping a mortal woman and Hera torturing her cause shes jealous
don't let the twittards learn about this. their heads will explode once they realize they're being racist against Native Americans when they MeToo'ed Typhlosion.
here's the folk tale where the Typhlosion/Slaking story was based on btw
>no argument
Dumb fucking nigger kike
>dude finds out leftrannies are the racist they complain about all the time
>A man got lost in the blizzard and decidd to FUCK a snow woman
King shit.
Imagine seething this hard because a cartoon badger fiddles children
>extremely uncomfortable
Octillery is senseless, it doesn't evn have any moral of the story, the sons arc is just violent retardation all the way to the end
>satan fucks a bitch who gives birth to a scary horse
Probably the closest thing America has to the kind of folklore they're going for in the leaks
I mean if you're going to include skinwalkers than you might as well include other Native American myth which absolutely includes animal-fucking.
>European forest-related folklore focuses on unseen magical creatures that mind their own business while having the potential to spirit away those who become lost
>American forest folklore reflects their own lawless & bloody frontier history, being full of violent supernatural hunters that will shred you if you come across them
Mirror, mirror on the wall...
Why do Europeans always want to pick fights with us Americans? We have so much in common, you know. We both have excellent Pokemon games based off places from our homelands! We have Pokemon Black 2 and White 2, and you guys have...

Well... Hm...

Well, maybe Gen 10 will be the time you guys get a good game based off of your region!
people won't tell you this but our ancestors hunted down every gnarly creature which is why modern europe is mosty left with benevolent fairies and icelandic elf sex. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2015/mar/25/iceland-construction-respect-elves-or-else
>Japanese folklore
>extended story about how a single woman who was scorned by her lover turned into a spooky monster and now hunts men
>American folklore
>”yeah there’s this fuckin weird thing that looks like a mole crossed with a coyote that loves eating horse shit”
They do, they just call it Star Wars and Marvel
I would honestly be ok with the folklore angle if it weren't for human and pokemon relations getting too friendly in recent years as well as the increase of anthropomorphic pokemon.
It just gets creepy and almost implies people are still fucking their mons.
Kids aren’t taught Greek mythology anymore so they don’t know about swan rape.
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It's not folklore when the magical creatures and deities involved actually exist
anon we literally have "myth" origins of why phenomena or certain animals/plants exist. or are you telling me four seasons don't exist in real life?
American folklore has a legless Alligator with a propeller tail that impales people on its back. Why am I supposed to hate American folklore again? It sounds fun.
>Be careful up on coffin mountain, there are these strange coffin animals that might explode and leave a hole in the ground!
This has to be bait.
>and almost implies people are still fucking their mons.
That's the intend. As if it wasn't obvious obvious enough anyway.
I dunno Anon, can you think of a good Pokemon game set in a European region? Just one will do it
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surprised none of the drafts were with ninetales, its directly based on the kitsune and theyve already played with the idea of it pretending to be a human to trick men in the anime
>Why am I supposed to hate American folklore again?
no one said that you zoomer nigger retard
dare i ask for context
>It's not interesting if i cant coom to it
>cover to cover
All the interesting stuff is front loaded in the old testament.
Like Genesis 19.30-38
It's not like you named a good game either. SV was better than BW.
>bawwww it's not my culture so it doesn't count BECAUSE I HATE AMERICANS WAAAAHHH


The fact that you're so far up your own ass with obsessing over another country only proves that yours is a third-world shithole with nothing to be proud of.

>america is a continent , not a country

By your logic, every other country's name is "The Republic" or "The Kingdom," meaning your nationality is either "Republican" or "Kingdomer."

>bawww the poor natives
>but those dirty indians have no culture like we do

You're still the same imperialist eurotrash inbred degenerate sociopaths you were 500 years ago. At least whites living in both the American nation and the American continents have culturally assimilated with both black Africans and Native Americans, and yes that includes mixed ancestries of all three.

>mere fragments of native americans myth

Of course entire countries like Guatemala and Bolivia where indigenous ancestries still form the majorities mean absolutely nothing to you because MUH RACIALLY MONOLITHIC LATINXES.
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Does it have to be *only* western folklore OP?
Pre-Islamic Turkey origin story is kinda cool
>westerners can't into folklore
???? Pic related mogs literally anything Japan has towards folklore and that isn't even getting into AYY LMAO's
I see wood man, I clap!
its a girl
she's got saggy tits if you look close
>literally some guy in a costume making a fake video is what Americans consider "folklore"
That's honestly so fucking sad
Woah, no need to seethe over your cultural inferiority (or inexistence).
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Since America existed their mythos has been the forefront dominant folklore in the world.
>bigfoot isn't a worldwide cultural phenomenon because... because... I'm a salty seething foreigner???/
My folklore is other cultures pop culture.
Tha's why I clap.
>Roswell isn't American folklore because... because.... because.... I'm a seething salty foreigner
You need to have more convincing arguments than that
>Since America existed their mythos has been the forefront dominant folklore in the world.
True, hence why Pokémon has the Bigfoot Type and not the Fairy one.
I can't believe there are people delusional enough to think it's not weird and actually completely normal for there to be a bunch of stories where these children mascots rape people
>bringing up millennia old mythos from before America was a thing
oh... so sorry! I'd have accepted Tolkein and his work as a proper rebuttal but you were too retarded to make it!
Everybody knows the Nazis invented flying saucers
Claiming it's American is cultural appropriation
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Zelda had a flat woods monster. Thought that was pretty funny when I was a kid.
>cow abductions
another part of American foklore!
Actual retard or just ignorant? No surprises there, lardmerican. Say thanks we invented liposuction.
got anything better for your lack of an argument?
t. south american

FWIW we all know when people say "America" they refer to the country and not the continent, even if it's technically incorrect that's what everyone understands. The continent is referred to as the Americas.

America, the country, has stripped itself of any tradition, even the one left by their forefathers, and what's left is a dogshit brainrotten woketard culture.

The Americas have lots of culture and lore indeed, not nearly"more than the rest combined" but there's a lot of culture yes. Unfortunately most American countries are slowly being poisoned by the amerimutt cultural virus. Big cities in Brazil and Chile are already diet USA
>creates an entire essay ranting about another country's people while calling them xenophobic
Textbook leftist hypocrisy.
They do, not that any vp mutt would know about it
Oh fuck, Norwegian. Didn't expect reading that on here today.
I think you've gotten it confused, (You) and the rest of the world have become so Americanized, you confuse your equivalent of a Civilization cultural defeat as the US lacking any culture, not realizing the things you think of globalized modern day society that you take for granted is American culture down to the Smart Phone you're probably shitposting this on.
This. When people say "Americans" they usually refer to the USA. America has a lot of interesting culture and lore, now lost because well those people were genocided, but still.
>Unfortunately most American countries are slowly being poisoned by the amerimutt cultural virus. Big cities in Brazil and Chile are already diet USA
The Amerimutt virus is not just confined to the Americas, just look at SKorea.
>Zelda had a flat woods monster.
It was still amazed to see the flatwoods monster in a shounen jump series when I watched Dandadan even if it was a fat sumo version
I mean, at least you're admitting you're well aware that your entire culture is being a corporation slave, which is not folklore, and this is why you're unable to comprehend attempts at mythology like Game Freak tried to do with these leaked stories. That's all we wanted to point out, hence the OP.
* I was amazed
pretty sure any irish would shit themselves at the sight of a fae
Star Trek is my favourite folklore
>third worlders and Europoors screeching about their inferiority complex towards Americans
must be a day ending in y
We can, we're just having fun with this whole thing, why so serious?
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There is more folklore in the United States of America than whatever shithole you come from, and it's way more diverse too because of the geographical, cultural differences the USA has compared to any other Country in the World. It spans enough landmass and different biomes that it's essentially it's own continent.

lmfao, it's ironic you think you can gatekeep it. Area 51, Ayylmaos, Bigfoot, the Jersey Devil, Moth Man. Plenty more all American culture.

Realistically, just about every singular media trope in existence is American culture, but because it's so widespread, so influential, across every inch of the globe, you guys somehow go braindead and refuse to accept it's culture/folklore because America lives rent free in your head.
>>Be careful up on coffin mountain, there are these strange coffin animals that might explode and leave a hole in the ground!
Excuse me?
>My folklore is based on living memory so I can better clap to it
/me claps
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It's a part of US culture, as is your T-shirts, bluejeans, and anything from Hollywood.

US Folklore would be more like the Jersey Devil, Mothman, The Flatwoods monster, Roswell and basically any 20th century/21st century Alien folklore.

Then theres all the shit that takes place in the 19th Century that you retards keep going >CURIOUS 19TH CENTURY FOLKLORE HAS 19TH CENTURY THMES
fpbp. this is what happens when you have such a young country built on razed ground. the only folklore the us has is native holdovers, cryptids (which aren't even folklore really, and mostly came into being in the information age), and random characters like johnny appleseed. america was founded after the enlightenment, empiricism, and widespread literacy had gutted any hold myth/folklore had in the west, america never had a chance. europe, secular as it's become, at least has its millennia of folklore and mythology dating back to prehistory. euro transplants in the us almost never carried over their traditional beliefs because the us was an assimilationist protestant state, so we became a nation with no body of traditional/folkloric knowledge. stupidly modern nation
>American education the post
Individual cities in Europe have more history than any of your states
Watching Americans cope is really funny, kinda cute even
Your country is not even 300 years old guys, lol. You have no chance to compete with countries that are literally thousands of years old
a whole people who've never known a life that wasn't disillusioned and demystified, how boring is that. not a single fucking parable or ghost story
>Individual cities in Europe have more history
History can just be a recorded record of who farted the most.
It's hilarious you use Europe though, as if the glory of the Roman Empire, the might of Napoleonic France, the sun never setting on Mercantile Britain, or the brutality of the USSR is somehow an accomplishment a shithole like Romania can claim as their own.

Only when you try to stack together an entire continent of 50ish different Countries against the singular United States of America can you even formulate an Argument.
the bibble isn't western.
>It's good cause it's le 2,000 years old
lmfao hows that working for the Abbos?
Yeah, people need to enjoy the folklore of their ancestors and make use of it in fiction more. Tolkien did and look how well that went.
My folklore is stuff like Jesus turning one fish and one loaf of bread into feeding a crowd, or how Paul Bunyan chopped down more trees than a bulldozer.
>country is not even 300 years old
>it's culture dominates the world
>had an entire pokemon region based it's country mainly one of it's states
sounds pretty good bro
>my folklore is so much more refined because it features large amounts of bestiality and other weird sex shit
Imagine being pretentious about fucking bestiality, how lame can you get
Oh my bad, imperialist lenses are so much more fun and attractive when your fairy tales are centered around either princess, kings, or waking up magically as a princess/king.
Our fairy tales are agknowladged to be fake and a construct of imagination, at least someone was honest. I GUESS you could harken back to Greek or Mesopotamian tall tales as that is where our western world originated from
You've just agreed with me.
Even single cities on their own have way more history and cultural relevance than the US to the extend that the US can only compare itself to Romania
>Even single cities on their own have way more history and cultural relevance
That's not true at all though lmfao
The only European thing that comes close to what the USA is was the Roman empire. Which was so long ago, any modern European trying to claim it as their own is laughably "WE WUZ KANGZ" tier pathetic.
>Only when you try to stack together an entire continent of 50ish different Countries against the singular United States of America can you even formulate an Argument.
they're absolutely comparable in geographic size. native americans had an immense wealth of folklore and mythology, legendary battles, etc. but they existed in oral society so none of it got recorded and all the storytellers who would have remembered it got murked by westoids. in another 300 years what does the united states have to show? romania literally does have a rich culture you mongoloid. you not knowing about it doesnt mean anything. do you consider military might and plunder to be the only measure of a society's success?
>inb4 le stupid natives never invented writing so it's their fault
a system of writing only developed independently 4 times and none of them were in europe. every writing system in europe comes from egyptian syllabaries. literally the only reason the written word reached europe is because the mediterranean was hospitable to trading and cultural exchange.
Half of those issues I'm willing to bet your culture suffers from too. The US is half a continent, I may not know the geography of Isreal or the Slavic nation borders well but I'm pretty sure that information isn't as pertinent to me as math or physics. Gwt off your high horse or show me why you think you're so great.
japanese folklore is like folklore from everywhere else in the world. American folklore is advertiser friendly mcdonalds kids films for puritans which in itself is mostly salvaged from the corpses of the six nations
But its my people's folklore
>they're absolutely comparable in geographic size.
??? That's retarded, those are 50 different Countries, the USA is one united mass. Geographically the comparison doesn't matter at all.

The fact you have to LARP as if theres some greater pan European union while you guys couldn't even make it 100 years from the last time you started blowing each other to shit is wild

and Im supposed to think the USA is the weak on? on brink of collapse? We've got 2 oceans between us and any credible threat, our two land neighbors are our greatest allies.

You should be more worried about Monke man, and thanking the US every day NATO gets to bail you out of WW3.
>eurocuck seething his shithole isn't as successful as america even though they're white
>only when you combine an union of states can you compare to the american empire
America is still a weaker union in context than all those others; most of Texas claims to fame come from things it either derived from the mexican empire or from being part of the US, which in turn it's derived from their wealth accumulated as descendants of the British empire.
The US was made by freemason bongs roleplaying as Romans but in the end is a vile mass of rootless merchants and mercenaries like Carthage.
Nothing the US has ever produced is of worth.
>We've got 2 oceans between us and any credible threat, our two land neighbors are our greatest allies.
Didn't Canada burn down the white house as a joke?
>the one Country that spans from sea to shining sea and speaks the same language is a weaker union than 50 different countries that can't agree on shit all speaking different tongues
fucking kekkk
America is 50 different states that can't agree on shit and there is no official language so there are places where people speak entirely in Spanish or to a lesser extent French
>t. posting from smartphone, wearing graphic T-shirt and bluejeans on an American board on an internet popularized by the USA
you literally have gotten brainbroken by paradox games if this is how you understand world history.
>those are 50 different Countries, the USA is one united mass
>he thinks present day nation-state borders mean literally anything on the scale of european history (50k years btw)
borders have shifted constantly, and the reason there are so many nations in present-day europe is because of the sheer cultural, linguistic, and religious diversity in such a small area. this is what i would consider the measure of a civilization, not military might or material wealth. violence and the accumulation of good are animal behaviors. higher order thinking, the creation of worlds and preservation of history, these are what make humans special. pick literally any present-day european nation and the wealth of its cultural, religious, political history btfos the united states. america is a country of barely-human automata that only know consumption
Smartphones: assembled in China
T-Shirt and Jeans: Indonesia
Internet: Built on technology invented by an Englishmen

Much culture, very wow
>t. speaking a european language, the invention of which enabled every technological innovation you mentioned
nice try faggot. maybe if you wrote this in cherokee you'd have a point
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90% of Canadas population lives within 50 miles of the US border, and their economy and existence is entirely dependent us.

Most Europeans can't comprehend the kind of unity and teamwork we have going on in America because of their own fractured world.

Pic related, the Great Worm Wall. one of the greatest modern wonders of living in the USA, that the retarded hicks in the South will fuck around and find out first hand if they try disrupting the unity we have now in a chimpout.
>Most Europeans can't comprehend the kind of unity and teamwork
Is that what you call your civil war and daily school shootings?
More and more websites display English first as American English and not English English.
>doesn't address the context of the quote
I shant be addressing your garbage reply
>cotton gin
>assembly line
>took feench design for iron ships and refined it to the point of popularization
>the telegram and telephone
>harvesting electricty
>cultivating tobacco for the first world
You're just shitposting at this point.
>muh websites
>t. posting from land discovered and developed by Europeans about achievements derivated entirely from European science
Being American means nothing
I'm Irish-American so I still remember some of the old tales, but no most Americans have forgotten real folklore so this is hard filtering them
>Retarded bong trying to claim American inventions as theirs
>I shant be addressing your garbage reply
That's OK, it would only be more schizo babble and trying to appropriate other cultures achievements.
Have fun winning your argument in hollywood like your strong proud nation did with Vietnam.
>English is the most common language spoken in the United States, with approximately 239 million speakers. The US is the world's largest English-speaking country

Considering the US has the chance to be speaking English well past bongland being nuked by Rusland the whole 'IT STARTED IN UK" is irrelevant.
I know of the youkai folklore, but I'm still going to make jokes about it.
I mean, the same goes for Mexican and Brazilian.
You don't have a real argument, you refuse to address anything of substance in the context while repeating braindead babby's first American stereotype as if you've added something meaningful to the conversation and haven't exposed your lack of any ability to have two braincells touch.
Everything that you've posted are small itinerarions from previous European developments based on a long history of European science
They won't understand that because it's all recent. The common idea of folklore is event + time = culture. Give it five hundred more years and people will be talking about all that stuff as folklore.
Yeah, I concede.
Enjoy your folklore about what you bought last week in a mall.
So Nikola Tesla was a Unitedstatian now?
America is an European invention and as such it has no independent identity. Deal with it
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>when the memes write themselves.
You rang?
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IMO, the main point of the stories was to integrate gen 2 and 3 pokemon into the in-game lore/culture better. Gen 1 pokemon had plenty of cool stuff like that in the dex entries and early pokemon anime. The anime moved away from that somewhat as gen 2 became a more international product, so the myths were an attempt at picking up that slack in gen 4. However, they ended up mostly getting dropped again, as I'm sure plenty of people ar Game Freak and TPC said there was no way the international community would receive creepy yokai-esque folklore well. And they were right; just look at what's happening now.
>europoors and third worlders crying about their culture losing to the stronger American culture
must suck to be you guys
How reductive. If the inventions those Americans made aren't seperate enough from the concepts or theories produced before them then nothing invented in the last 500 years is either. All noodles come from China, anything related to a sewer system is aping off the Roman Aquaducts to where we will just credit the Romans. Africans didnt invent the banjo when it is so heavily inspired from the european lute.
Clearly nobody was as close to discovering electricity as Franklin was.
Not even getting into Edison vs Tesla, zIm talking about Franklin.
True. All statues and memorials are heretical.
the only authentically "american" culture that isn't simply an extension of european cultures is native, and arguably syncretism between euro/native and euro/african cultures that took place in america
>Not even getting into Edison vs Tesla, zIm talking about Franklin.
You shouldn't have to, you should just ask what won, AC or DC?
>Clearly nobody was as close to discovering electricity as Franklin was.
You mean William Gilbert, right?
European culture doesn't exist in your retarded example.
It's all Roman.
actually i think the origin and development of the language is more relevant than a hypothetical future, personally. english would not exist without europe. that's where it is from. it definitionally is a west germanic language, the constitution of the english language is entirely european, save for a few loanwords. if you're trying to talk about an english that isn't indebted to europe you're being retarded
>actually i think the origin and development of the language is more relevant than a hypothetical future
fucking why? The oldest language in Europe with ties to the Indo-European language is Basque, and that's fucking irrelevant in modern day.

European languages are all rooted in Latin anyways, so the place you draw a fork in the road anyways is all political.
Anyway, I find Appalachian Folklore to be the only thing that interests me, mostly because they have some cool stories such as the stairways that go to nowhere because they are a gateway to another world. Maybe because Appalachia is the only place I've found in the East Coast where one it really does feel like something terrible happened here centuries ago, and the barrier between worlds does feel thinner for lack of a better word.
*That interests me in the US
Pacific Northwest is it's own beast, and going north Inuits and Canadian natives have an especially painful and brutal folklore interwoven with contact.

Northeastern Canada there is even folklore that tell tales of the Vikings they traded with.
>sex good
>cryptids bad
> Indo-European
whoops, meant Paleo-European
And that is fair, I've never been west of the Mississippi, so I can't say anything beyond it. I've heard stories of the PNW for years, and they keep making media about it, so there has to be something to there
>European languages are all rooted in Latin anyways
stupid retard alert! not even close. that's only the romance languages (spanish, portuguese, french, italian, and romanian). the germanic, slavic, celtic, and hellenic languages branched off well before latin was developed, and even if they hadn't latin isn't the genetic predecessor of the romance language, but rather another romance language descended from the proto-romantic language.
we aren't talking about basque, which is the reason it's not relevant to this conversation. the language that is relevant is english, a west germanic language.
>How reductive. If the inventions those Americans made aren't seperate enough from the concepts or theories produced before them then nothing invented in the last 500 years is either
500 years ago European universities were starting to consolidare modern science as the end of a process that started in the Ancient world.
Nothing the US has ever done comes close to this collective achievement of the European people.
>Nothing the US has ever produced is of worth.
>completely ignores the list of inventions used worldwide today
>as the US lacking any culture
Most literate amerimutt. I didn't say USA has no culture, I said it has a garbage one. Rotten apple is not the same as no apple.

>down to the Smart Phone
smartphones are part of the brainrot indeed. I'm using a pc btw
And what Country in the world has the largest amount of English Speakers, is the most relevant Country in the world in the last Century, and the only global super power currently?

You bring up the English cope, as if that suddenly makes Americas accomplishments European well after independence.

If you're going to do that anything accomplished by the English might as well be the Romans achievements and the USA is just the modern re-incarnation of Rome, with the English being the middle child.
You need polytheistic religions to have folklore
English is spoken worldwide because of the British Empire Anon.
Hmm.... is that true? Pretty sure the Muslims have folklore, and I can think of more than a few Europeans examples, or is this going to turn into a no true scotsman discussion over what Monotheism means?
English is only relevant today because it's the main language spoken by the USA, and US culture has driven the western world, and therefore the world since the beginning of the 20th Century.

if the USA didn't exist, there'd be no fucking reason for poos to continue speaking English, let around rest of Europe and for it to be anything but a remnant in barely inhabited geographical shitholes like Canada and Australia.
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Kys Gnome hater. Your days are numbered
white america is nothing but an extension of europe, that's correct. the genealogy of american culture is almost entirely european. you seem to be trying to conceive of an america without european influence, which is impossible. i think you're maybe underage by how you keep bringing up the romans, presumably because you can't wrap your head around the fact that there's ~45,000 years of european history before the death of christ.
Abrahamism isn't that bad.
It is the secularized Protestantism that the US has that is soulless.
Catholics and Orthodox Christians have tons of colorful saints and folk heroes.
>Completemy based on the European science of the era
>Both earlier and contemporary European inventions with very similar characteristics already exiting
I wonder why
B8 thread, enjoy your catharsis becase thats all youre getting
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>the genealogy of american culture is almost entirely european
Europeans don't get to have it both ways where they make fun of American's going >"MUH ITALIAN HERITAGE" and stating they're not European, while simotaneously trying to claim every accomplishment of Americans post 1776.

I'll make it real fucking easy for you, there's an entire global commonwealth of Ex British cucks in it, and as you can see, the USA is nowhere to be seen in it's membership.

meanwhile the only fucking reason the UK exists today is because of American G.I. Joes on the Western front.
protestantism is hostile to folklore because it prizes individualism over community, and community is the way folklore is created. america's founding principles are similarly individualist, so i don't think any other denominations could have served as its unofficial state religion
what a sick group of people
Paul Bunyan was invented for an ad campaign.
That doesn't negate the fact America produced MANY inventions used today. If anything it asks the question why didn't Europe improve on their earlier inventions first?
>Europeans don't get to have it both ways where they make fun of American's going >"MUH ITALIAN HERITAGE" and stating they're not European, while simotaneously trying to claim every accomplishment of Americans post 1776.
two completely different arguments made at different times by different people. the italian and irish american stuff is mostly in jest anyway. i'll let you pretend america is anything but a soulless collection of corporations held together by "protestant work ethic"
So was Santa Claus.
Stolen Native myths turned into horror movie plots aren't organic American myths.
> i'll let you pretend america is anything but a soulless collection of corporations held together by "protestant work ethic"

In the same way you pretend to yourself that your empires height 400 years ago somehow had a higher peak than America today, and live in ignorance about the complete dominance has had since it's inception.
This is probably the closet thing to a natural American myth.
Maybe sasquach as the second.
US is a global powerhouse. People today don't speak English because Britian holds any influence, people speak English because Amerca controls the global currency backed by the dollar and every other country wants to do business with the America.
again you keep talking about military power and material wealth, presumably because those are the only measures of worth americans can conceive of. violence and the accumulation of goods are animal behaviors. higher order thinking, the creation of worlds and preservation of history, these are what make humans unique.
Would that make the Salem Witch Trials a folklore myth, since it was a communal incident?
Europe did Americans just ended dominating the market because of economies of scale.
The same reason why Japan never ended dominating the global market and why China has displaced the US in just a couple of decades
>since it's inception
the USA was literally seen as irrelevant by most other nations of the world until ww2 and it's only because of ww2 that they acquired any dominance at all outside their immediate neighbors. Couldn't even finish manifesting their destiny.
Trying to explain to an usonian why their empire isn't so great is like trying to explain writing to a dog. Their heads are just shoved that deep into their own shit to see anything but.
>and material wealth,
you do realize every popular tourist destination in Europe was a show of power and material wealth in the times it was built.
This guy's cool
that's right, and yet they simultaneously had great intellectual and cultural wealth. it's not material wealth itself that bothers me, it's material wealth without anything beneath it
Typhon was Gaia's final and greatest monster she created to kill the Olympians.
Zeus is often disabled in these stories via a sneak attack.
Typhon was so mighty and powerful he scared the Gods from Greece and they all fled to Egypt and dressed themselves as animals - becoming the Egyptian pantheon.
Zeus then typically recovers and strikes Typhon down with a great lightning bolt, leaving a volcano in his place.
>there isn't cultural or intellectual wealth because it doesn't appeal to me >:((
you're like the idiot who says American folklore doesn't exist because it inherently turns you off because you can't understand it.
>Native Americans aren't Americans
>folklore in the rest of the world: cool monsters and scary spooky people and shit
>folklore in japan: this is a story about ho lee fuk who raped a dog and killed his children then raped their bodies.
but the bible is full of rapist, pedophiles and murderers ?
>call your civil war
what country at least 200 years old hasn't had a civil war in it's history
America is a Protestant Anglo Nation in its identity.
Natives were pests to the foundational American culture, and that hasn't changed much.
Cryptids aren't folklore, they're just 70s and 80s era Hollywood monsters shoved in the woods in basically the minds of everyone that talks about them.
Nah, but the Church is!
What makes me sad is America was making some serious attempts at cultural wealth in the 1900s and it got murdered. Now you need to go areas *without* material wealth to find interesting things in America.
all folklore that matters is western. No one cares about you fucking insectoids
Why do people just say things? Look up the Turkish Origin Myth
Pokemon have had human intelligence since the beginning of the series, really. They never were 'just animals'.
There shouldn't be a lot of surprise there.
500 years ago America wasn't a country. In three hundred years it was the inventor of the nuclear reactor and lead the hegemony of space travel and satellites, with universities that are the envy of the world. The sciences America has produced in such short time is staggering.
>it was the inventor of the nuclear reactor and lead the hegemony of space travel and satellites
Everything made by inmigrants from Europe
>he doesn't know
Aww haha
Strange way to say all your great minds fled Europe.
once they left Europe for America, they're American not European.
We have creepypastas and urban legends
It is just shitposting and chronically online mental midgets. Both should be ignored
t. American
Cute copium
Sadly doesn't change the fact that Americans forced the top Nazi German scientists to work for the US after WWII
lmfao they willingly jumped into American arms hands wide open
it's cute you think they all would have preferred the Bolshevik option.
Thread's already at bump limit, unfortunately, but I have definitely noticed that people seem to actually have either no memory for details or low media literacy.
I went to sunday school (just the kids hour downstairs while the more complicated sermon hour went on, not jew school), and all the parables were easy enough to understand. I read king arthur and beowulf and greek and norse mythology collections before bed as a kid, and later also 1001 nights and japanese ghost stories.
Nobody knows details of these things, nobody knows references to these things, nobody can recognize the difference of form of these things. Japan has a lot of "a ronin went out at night after the villagers told him not to, he saw a ghost and was so scared he died/ran off never to be seen again;" but also some you could only interpret as "be polite constantly/don't look a gift horse in the mouth." Grimm's fairy tales is half the 'a child didn't go to bed when his parents told him to so das kindenburgler von schlemblehaube sucked his brain out through his ear' meme and half "here's some fantastic story that doesn't go anywhere that I thought up while daydreaming about how clever I am in particular." Slavic is that on acid (yeah his head's the size of a windmill. it's a dragon but with chicken legs and a horse tail). Non-Christianized stories are "don't fuck with the gods, kid" ('do what your parents say' but darker). The fae are assholes and should be removed from reality.
While other people I talk to only recognize whatever disney referenced when they made it into a movie and don't know that "Heracles" is greek while "Hercules" is roman, and can't tell what the moral is meant to be unless it's stated outright. Annoyingly the people who do know these things are into specific anime/games that reference them. Mostly Fate, unfortunately.
That's exactly the thing, obviously they agreed to work for the Americans to avoid punishment in exchange
That's what "forcing" means sweetheart
They agreed to work with Americans in order not to be kidnapped and forced to work in prisons for the Soviets like they did to their own citizens.
The Soviets got plenty of former German scientists who did not like the Americans and choose very incorrectly to side with the pinkos.

Seethe harder that the ones who chose America were the better scientists
More like they were given an opportunity to escape worn torn Europe for a western heaven untampered by War that was slated to make trillions off industry in rebuilding Europe.
Does that mean Africa can claim all inventions because out of Africa theory?
Why do you people always think that if its mentioned in the Bible it must be because its good or being put forth as something to do? If you read that its incredibly explicit this is a BAD thing
>pride and lard
fucking kek
>If you read that its incredibly explicit this is a BAD thing

Is it though?
What did the Moabites and Ammonites ever do to you?

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