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The leaked Pokemon "rape" stories are obviously homages to greek mythology, in which Zeus would take on the form of random animals and have sex with human females. It's why Greek mythology has so many demigods, Zeus alone had over a 100 kids this way. It's not just filthy fanfic ok.

They probably scrapped it because it's not very PG
Ok. But why did they base it off of that? It has no place with pokemon. They still wrote pokemon into Japanese lore and had pokemon and humans fuck and kill eachother. They didn't have to do that. But they did. They wrote about pokemon and humans killing and fucking each other. They weren't forced. They could have thought about something else or altered the stories to remove the rape and beastiality. But they didn't. They wrote about Typhlosion being a pedo rapist and slakoth babies getting killed and more rape and suicide out of their own free will. Then saved it on their servers for over a decade. That's just fucking retarded.
Does that mean every single instance of pokemon on human was just Arceus under a disguise?
except the one with Arceus, that was just Arceus without a disguise
What if... consider this...

What if Arceus did it more often and sometimes uses an alter ego as Lapras or whatever to have some fun?
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>greek mythology
Try literally any countries mythology, there's a reason why the horse fucker one is literally just labeled as it is. The typlosion one seems to be a reference to a japanese one(where a drunk tanuki basically just threatens a woman into being his wife, then realizes he'll die so he gives her a song)+the very much used in other mythology person wearing pelt=animal thing.
I should type faster. had the same idea posted.
The stories really aren't that bad. The concept of "those who came before us were uncivilized" isn't new.
>Greek mythology
It's not, it's just japanese folklore. The crane who marries a guy who saved her, the swan maiden, etc... It's just normal folktales that exist in a lot of cultures in diferent places.
Pearlclutching normalfags are so FUCKING annoying. They get off to being offended.
but what if gen10 is greece and the leaked stories been actually gen10 content?
>They didn't have to do that
Yeah thats why it was never used
>But they did
Who is they it was one probable transgender
It's common in Japanese folklore
>it's just Japanese folklore
>that involves rape and killing
Such a good idea to combine that with pokemon! It's japanese folklore! That changes everything!
>It has no place in pokemon
>keeps it on their servers after already getting things leaked multiple times
>One probable transgender some of these files go back nearly 16-20 years in age. Unless you have the gumption to find out the actual time-stamped date these files were last saved/edited, the most likely case these stories started being scribed was for gen 4, or somewhere in the 2004-2005 area.
Troons were but a speck in the gay's minds, barely even n errant thought back then in most people's minds.
Troons were called traps or whatever back then regardless the stories are not constant with the lore itself, Slakoth has no ears to cut off for example.
Wasn't there a tale that claims a Chinese princess visited an eastward island and was raped by a monkey there, causing the first Japanese to be born? Rape and murder in folklore is literally nothing new.
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from the darker pokedex entries you can get a feel that they really want this to be canon, but they cant because of Nintendo's kid-friendly image.
The fucked up beta pokemon that got leaked also point towards this
They should just cut the bullshit and grow Pokemon up already. This series has gotten too safe/soft.
"they didn't use it" but kept writing shit like that for multiple generations it seems lmao, I'd expect it say from the 1st or 2nd gens when it was still new in the Gameboy color but Arceus is pretty new for me, they knew what kind of series they were writing by then and just kept thinking of murder and rape WHICH IS COOL BY ME, those darker bits are my favorite part in Pokémon games, apparently it was only the tip of the iceberg
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I agree. They had some really good shit going for gen 5, it's too bad it got so much backlash since I would love another gen where it's nothing (or almost nothing) but new Pokemon and a rich, heavy story. It's as if they think they have to target one single demographic and nothing else.
Rapidash bros we dodged a bullet.
This is less weird than what the pokemon fan club president says ingame.
Probably because they wanted to make more mature games. PLA is the closest we ever got to that, and it has a lot of "grown-up" undertones.
The appeal of traps was the dick, they weren't cutting off their dicks and manically campaigning for preschoolers to also do so or else they'll kill themselves
This, they should make the franchise actually exciting again after the stale as fuck shitshows of the last few gens.
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The leaks feel like karma to gamefreak for excluding Klara from pokemon shield. Nobody wanted Avery. Typhlosion is still a better starter pokemon than Meganium.
Why do you retards keep saying this? Why did they combine that with pokemon?
>want to make pokemon more mature
>jump from literally Barney the Dinosaur level straight to rape/murder/child killing
Dude I wanted pokemon to be more mature but I didn't mean that. Just make it less fucking retarded and for 5-year-olds. But there's no doubt now game freak is actually beyond fucktarded so they can't accomplish this even if they try, as we now know.
The dark pokedex entries were always there. I guess they wanted to make Shin Megami Tensei but were stuck with Pokémon.
Do notice that when the anime director got free reign to do as he pleaded while the execs were busy with the Porygon disaster, he made the Mewtwo movie which had CD dramas like this


At minute 2 they start talking about Pokémon discoveries and how brutal they were. Everyone involved seems to want to write Pokémon as the monsters they are.
>bro just destroy the 30 year old world's most successful franchise's image and make it into SMT lite
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This is exceedingly obvious to everyone who has bothered to actually read them.
However, it’s still fucking funny.
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it surely based on some mythology, similar to a lot of Pokemon lore itself based an IRL mythology,

that's why I also think that it fits pretty well in the canon-lore, anyhow it was a fun read.
The games are for kids (which is why they didn't include this stuff in the game), but ultimately there still has to be some sort of lore that explains the origin of the Pokemon universe. And if you look at the vast majority of creation myths/folklore, they involve similar things to what we saw in the leaked texts. It's not even like they were particularly graphic about their depiction of sex, like people seem to think. In fact they don't actually mention sex at all, people just assume that sex happened even though everything we've seen in the game suggesting that Pokemon just generate eggs without actually having sexual intercourse.
I wanted to tell you it doesn't need to be smt but fuck it, Digimon already got a +18 game. It's there for whoever wants to buy it.
Though it's not like we need to jump to M rating, but going E to T would be amazing, just stop being for little kids and release games for teenagers like the Shonen Jump magazine. Pokémon at times was bordering on those levels of maturity but they've been regressing hard. Mewtwo movie set a golden standard.
Sonic is a good goal. It's colorful, undeniably for young people but it's not afraid to show more intense action and themes.

Also we're talking as if kids didn't freaking love violence. Robots destroying monsters, dbz, superheroes fighting to death, even 3 years old babies love that so it's not like sales would lower

What’s destroyed the image is the absolute stagnation of the series. It’s too big to fail, might as well make it interesting.
This shit has always been there, Pokemon lore is full of mature stuff, just not explicit.
There's no point to waste human resources on writing pokefilia if your company's franchise is oriented at children.
Not like this SMTbros

Nu smt is already smt lite. They won't even show blood.
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Japan has plenty of native monster fucker stories thoguh, no need for greek ones

And then there's popular media like inuyasga which is entirely about women fucking monsters
Okay and?
It's not like Sakamoto wrote a Kid Icarus prequel story about how Palutena's Dad fucked everything on sight.
Or Zaslav pitching a Zeus GoW game where you slav titans and bitches.

Be real.
/r/cringe was a mistake
Cute fish
I'm not familiar with Japanese mythology, are there stories the Pokémon specific ones are based on? Like are they word for word?
>Ask writers to come up with mythology
>Make them read real world mythology
>Have them write myths based on what they have read and give it a pokemon twist
>Send the dumb shit the writers have made to editorial, pick and choose what you think works and leave the rest.
>Keep the discarded stuff for documentation and copyright purposes
It's like you dumbfucks have no idea how writing processes work. Jesus christ. Weak willed fucking limpwristed losers. Go watch your dumbed down disney shit.
The little mermaid turns to seafoam and dies
Sleeping beauty gets raped in her sleep, abandoned and gives birth to twins.
Loki of nordic mythology tranforms into a mare to get impregnated by a stallion in order to give birth to Sleipnir
Humans are horny and stupid. Enjoy humanity.
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theyre actually an aggressive menace
Also extremely invasive, please dont release them in your area
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You know what? I'm saying it.
It's really interesting how hellbent Pokemon fans are on keeping Pokemon shit. Any other fanbase of any other setting normally wants their setting to be good and interesting. They want to see it's history, characters, factions, political situation, culture, religion and concepts developed, sensible, believable and cool. They want interesting storytelling. Except for Pokemon fans. They want it shit. Mystery Dungeon, Electric Tale of Pikachu, Black and White and Pokespe made Pokemon interesting and fanbase only screams:
>No! It's too much! Make it shit again! Make it simplistic! Pokemon should never be good and interesting!
No wonder why Sword and Shield and Scarlett and Violet were so successful. Even a basic, simple plot for a villain like N's Backstory, Ghetsis, Guzma and N's exploration into the morality of Pokemon filters the fuck out of Pokefags. Any worldbuilding, good storytelling, or anything remotely complex seems to cause literal, physical pain in them. It's unbelievable really.
You're absolute right. They should have never added these stories to Diamond and Pearl.
>but kept writing shit like that for multiple generations it seems lmao, I'd expect it say from the 1st or 2nd gens when it was still new in the Gameboy color but Arceus is pretty new for me
Anon, the .doc files the myths are in were last updated in 2005. Almost twenty years ago. Arceus is not "new" at this point, and Pokemon as a whole was still less than ten years old at the time they were written. If anything, the autistic lorefagging docs show how gen 4 was the last one that had any soul like this.
It's because Pokemon has a large group of normalfag/casual fans. Basically everyone around 30 years old considers themselves a pokemon "fan" because they played the games as a kid 25ish years ago. There's a much smaller core of real fans that like all the stuff you listed, but they get drowned out anytime something big hits the normalfag news realm, like with Pokemon GO and now this.
Based take, but unfortunately this is what happens when your franchise is more or less ripped straight off of Dragon Quest. You get the same type of fans with the same type of problems.
I haven't read all of them but no, much like most stuff that uses folklore as a basis (inuyasha, mushishi, ghibli) they just follow the same general tropes and narrative structure. For example all these stories involve someone doing something they knew they were not supposed to do and because of that it ends badly for them or a loved one, which is a universal element in fairy tales across the world since they were always meant to serve as warning or lesson for the commn people.

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