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Pokephilia /pō-kē-ˈfilēə / n. sexual attraction of a human toward a pokemon, which may involve the experience of sexual fantasies about the pokemon or the pursuit of real sexual contact with it. Note that pokémon on pokémon is not pokephilia.
Post female pokémon with male humans and solo female pokémon. F human/M pokémon are allowed too, but not solo male pokémon.
I assume OP has no loving parents
Do pokemon in human form count?
Can’t argue when OP has 777 as trips.
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Pokemon cannot consent. More than that, you’re just as repulsive to them as you already to other humans.
Please repent, or you’re going to hell.
>Pokemon cannot consent
Unless the pokemon has mind control abilities or can manipulate causality like Arceus and the creation trio, in which case humans can’t consent (hot)
Animal fucking nigger lol
There are probably a decent number that can't for various physiological or mental reasons, but surely a bipedal tool-wielding being with psychic powers a "5,000 IQ" could manage informed consent. Seems pretty clear whatever their capacity to communicate their own ideas, a vast majority understand and obey human speech. Now if you wanted to talk about power dynamics in HMoFP (or HFoMP) relationships...
peak fatherless behavior
Kill yourself, puritan zoomer mutt.
Trump lost.
>animal fucking calling anyone a mutt
Stop saying that it will turn somebody on.
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>calls other people “mutts”
>is attracted to mutts
Just because a pokemon can wield a tool and solve puzzles that humans can’t figure out, it doesn’t mean that humans and pokemon can understand each other. Being able to do A&B doesn’t mean the entity can do C&D.

This all operates on fiction, rejected cut content, and literal nonsense. As it stands, finding Pokemon attractive means you find animals attractive.
>this all operates on fiction
lmao no shit
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Behold the perfect spouse
>basically a regular human girl but loves you unconditionally like a pet
>that, and the psychic-enhanced sex
>this all operates on fiction
>finding Pokemon attractive means you find animals attractive
I.e. the perfect spouse and the ideal mother. I see why Wally chose her
Meaning it’s not canon material and is just zoophile delusions, retard-kun.
>underage xitter puritan is also an iToddler
i shiggy diggy
Chat is this real
if that still-totally-wrong thing is what you meant, why did you write an entirely different sentence?
hispanic nazi zoomer retard. keep sucking elon musk's dick you fucking fat filipino, i hope your crackhead parents beat you
My beautiful bug-horse wife I have consensual relations with
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You would fit in well as a groyper faggot
>you accidentally go to hard/rough during sex
>opens a black hole in front of you and kills everything within a 10 km area
Your honor, my client was just fuckin his wife
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lmao nigga at least I got parents
>Pokemon cannot consent
And yet (you) capture them in balls too small for their bodies and force them to fight their own kind for pocket change from 10 year olds and metal pins, sometimes to near death and even actual death depending on the medium.

You do all this, and think you're the good guy. But I have consensual love with my Vulpix and you call me bad?
and once again, we arrive at the inevitable truth that Ghetsis Was Wrong But N Was Right
Pokemon can consent lapras and can read minds, others can verbally communicate
>No art of the human throwing her back in the sea after pumping and dumping her
>Pokemon cannot consent
More like Pokemon wont wait for your consent, amirite?
No one uses the localized names
Can't basically any psychic Pokemon consent though
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N was always right. That's why he wins.
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You ever find the idea of a giant horse bug trying to adapt to a new lifestyle of a human so damn appealing and cute? Imagine having a female Milotic wife/gf, who’s just a noodle fish girl, trying to move on from her pokemon lifestyle and evolve to a more traditional and “normal” lifestyle in order to make your relationship work.
Yes, as could any Pokemon capable of reading minds or emotions because they'd understand your intent as soon as you were within reading distance of them.
All of them consent to cockfighting each other. So they can consent to sex.
>unnatural green hair
it all clicks together now
You ever notice he and Wally have hair that is the same shade as Gardevoir?
Unnatural hair = inert Pokegenes.
If you think about it more: psychics with actual powers akin to their pokemon.
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We're absolutely going to get at least one doujin from a notable kemono artist about Lapras aren't we
There's already one of Reshiram becoming a tradwife
which pokemon types are the biggest sluts, the most loyal and the rapists?
That's not localized. That's original name.
The localized one is Gardevoir.
There was a Snorlax story?
Loyal: gardevoir
Rapist: Typhlosion
If you listen closely you can already hear some of them drawing.
God i want to kiss that neck
No, someone was begging the artist to add her in.
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leave it to me professor I'll complete the sex dex and breed them all
Lapras can canonically understand human speech. It can 100% consent
Gardevoir is capable of raising children and understanding human speech and thoughts.
What's even the point of human girls if Gardevoir can do everything and will be always loyal to you?
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Checked digits have spoken and pokephilia is the truth
Exactly, thats why they made it a taboo.
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Everyone's forgetting Mew which was canonically in a relationship with a human in SPMD.
Fun fact: Did you ocotpi only live about a year, and after mating both the male and female die, but the female only dies once her clutch hatches?

Something to think about...
so that's when it went to absolute shit
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Today I may need to remind them...
Clearly he's in on supressing the truth
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Quick, claim your wife

Mine is Mega Lucario
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Already married mine
Why is Mr. Krabs's woman in there?
Remove her, she's a pure loyal wife and for justin ONLY.
Why does the fact that this is basically canon-adjacent if not outright canon get me going so much. In theory it doesn't really change anything from a personal perspective, but now it's like, damn I wanna FUCK Lapras
Can somebody post that old image of Mikan sitting on a Magnemite?
Honestly it really gets the noggin joggin about why certain people have some of the same abilities as the pokemon they chose. Maybe it's actually genetic and are predisposed to said pokemon due to ancestral bloodlines
holy cringe
Get your fucking rags off.
One mystery I'll never understand: Why did Pikachu have a fucking thing for ketchup?
Justin betrayed Reshiram and is unfit because he got married supposedly
Say ketchup like a japanese person 10 times fast.
This is the same man who was shocked that Team Plasma's way was wrong compared to the power of friendship in terms of power, I wouldn't put any stock in Colress' thoughts on pokemon abilities
Silence, troon. Men would have a Pokémon under them sooner than getting anywhere near your rotting wound.
Most furfaggots are troons tho
Now I get why Lapras only shows up in Union Cave on Fridays.
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Arceus is a slut.
If God demands sex, that's not a suggestion anon
Fem human on "male" mon is the sickest form of degeneracy
Agreed, only male on female pokemon is tradition.
Now that we know pokefucking happens, the question is how normalized is it. Is it expected that every single trainer fucks their pokemon or is it a very rare thing?
Every single one of your human pokewaifus has been absolutely ran through by fat pokecock.
I mean if its a cold night and its just you and your Arcanine you gotta keep warm somehow
They've been ran through ass to throat by my armies of half-octillery spawn.
>about to canonize
It was already canon since gen 4, and if it wasn't, then some scrapped irl fables with the names swapped to Pokémon wouldn't have changed that. Why are all /trash/fags illiterate secondaries? The thread name even contradicts the description under it.
Cynthia has canonically fucked her Garchomp
In retrospect, it's very strange they even kept that bit in since they scrubbed all the rest. Someone on the team was absolutely adamant that Pokémon married humans and would not budge and I think we all know by now who it was.
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Pokemon version of this when?
People just sigh when they see a young dude with Gardevoir
>he must be one of those losers who can't get a real girl
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Was N the product of a human and a Gardevoir relationship, but because of the obvious implications they left him in a forest to be raised by Pokémon?

That would explain how he can understand Pokémon feelings, being directly product of the "emotions Pokémon" (I know it's technically Embrace but all dex entries mention their understanding of human feelings)

Plus mysterious plus green hair (I know anime logic but surely there are more clues than "N is a Zoroark"
I guess it depends on the level of bond you have. And a minimal level of consent.
Imagine sticking your dick in an Arcanine's dorito on a snowy night while trying to stay warm
I always figured N was a Zorua that transformed into a human and forgot that it was a Pokemon.
If you remember back in SM, there are canonically massive Machop-line clubs run by women where they all gush with heart eyes over the pokemon, so with that in mind it must be something that's tacitly accepted but considered strange the same way an otaku culture is.
I'd prefer a Delphussy honestly.
Or even a Flareon.
They scrubbed the rest because they were literally placeholders meant to demonstrate to the writers the kind of old fable vibe they were going for, again many of them are literally slightly-tweaked versions of fables from real life. The one that made it in didn't "slip through the cracks", it was what they decided on writing for the game after using all of that as inspiration. This isn't hard to understand.
Well his empathetic nature does track with that of Gardevoir
Fuck the false prophet, Lord Helix shall smite thee
I mean that must be the anime.
Empathic. Green hair.
His fucking character theme is called EMOTIONS.

Gardevoir are known to understand human feelings
N is known for understanding Pokémon feelings

It was in our noses all the time.
Also my one gripe is that every AI drawing of a male Gardevoir is given a horse's cock.
That poor Gardevoir that was violated by Ghetsis though....
Doesn't matter, mines is changing her name to sirpregknight
My wife doing yoga
Ghetsis is really his biological gather?
If so, yeah I could totally see him doing that.

I mean I mean, look at the leaks.

Ghetsis fucking a Gardevoir then kill her but keeping the baby alive isn't so fucked up after all.
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Master... I know we just met but now I want you to kill all "male" mons
The brony board is the other way around, anon
>5-6 Krilla following them like little ducklings
Awww, always nice to see new families
Anyone that likes Rapidash is a cuck
Implying condoms don't exist in the Pokémon world.
How so? it has a story and no cuckoldry is involved, sperg.
Bronyfags still exist? I thought they be zombies by now. Shouldn’t you be jacking off to irl horse porn?
I heard divorce rates for human-gardevoir marriages are at 0%
Ursaring wife story is the cuck one
If a man fucks a female mon the child is human but all of their kids were ponyta meaning she was fucking other Rapidash and telling the guy to kill them.
I'm putting the maid uniform on the braixen Batman!!!
>Implying you wouldn't want a couple dozen kids with your wife while your youth lasts
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>Go to a specialty breeding ranch.
>Its run by just one guy and his lady pokemon.
>No breeding partner for the pokemon anywhere to be seen.
Hmm... What could this mean?
Cope harder
Oh you know..
Bitch its in the damn story
You didn't won either because what was leak is cut and rejected ideas that didn't make it into the final product which mean it isn't canon
Then typhlo story is also cucked since they became typhlosion and not humans in the end. Even if it was a female the one who had the baby.
Her garchomp is female you retarded queer.
Rapidashs shouldn't winks at young Innocent farmhand so often
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Imagine a relationship so tight that even words of love and affection aren't said but both partners are so in tune they know exactly what the other is saying in their hearts. Thats what marriage to a Gardevoir is: a bond so deep words aren't needed
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>Her garchomp is female

They with Lucario could have a threesome.
Even with her Milotic.
>He still thinks that rejected cut content is canon
Why are /vp/edos so braindead?
I want them all on my bed.
You're the one bitchin about it
Masuda said something like "he's as smart as a supercomputer", so he's probably a hybrid between a human and an alakazam since alakazam's pokedex entries say exactly the same thing. So do metagross', but they can only reproduce with ditto.
None canon.
N's mother was a Gardevoir. I say was because Ghetsis is a cunt who killed her and left N in the wild
You think pokemon can evolve to become more anthropomorphic over time to adjust to living with their human spouses?
Gardevoir is still a PSYCHIC type, anon.
And was only Psychic then.
That makes sense for more recent starters.
Curious that they went with Fairy as a secondary type. I FUCKING WONDER WHY
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The Vaporeon poster worked at Gamfreak. We can't keep denying this reality bros.
Because emotions, girly and cute
Plus, they're basically guardian angels, so Light ≈ Fairy.
is . is there a male pokemon on female human version of this thread? the infinite shitposts don't count
No think about it: generations of marrying and having children with humans must result in some pokemon losing their distinct feature to blend in better among their partner's society thus resultinng in hybrids somewhat like this. It wouldn't be too Farfectch'd
>male pokemon on female human
absolutely disgusting. heresy. arceus does not approve
>male pokemon on female human
Get the fuck out you sick cunt
Fuck off cunt
Who cares, post anyway
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Poke male on human female should be an instant ban
Yeah sure, I mean they become more like us and so they can be closer in more human activities.
Fucking Cinderace for example, a FOOTBALL player.
Meowscarada doing street magic and being a pickpocket at the same time.
You have your dog, whore. Use him.
Typhlosion (Male) x groomed & raped girl and Slaking (male) x rapecorrected girl are both canon now

Mommy Arceus has lot of smiting to do of she doesn't approve this stuff. Rapidash (Female) telling her Human Stud to kill Male Rapidashes was funny as fuck though, female hypergamy in action
I wanna know where the male human on male pokemon thread is
If you wanna be fucked by a male Pokémon go ahead post your husbandos.
What's your point?
Damn, where will I poz my gardevoirs(male) neghole now?
Heed thy word children of God for She demands love and loyalty to those who take her children as brides. Love them as She loved her spouse
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Personally I prefer when pokemons having their pokemon brain evolve from their human dad’s genes causing them to think and have awareness of humans do. I can easily imagine a Snivy having awareness of her “appeal” to a certain audience that she advertise products with her “imagery”. A Milotic getting a job application for a underwater sea-theme dating restaurant where she dates random male trainers for dinner. Or a Lopunny becoming a celebrity star all thanks to their human dad’s genes. They still can’t speak, but they have similar IQ of humans. Imagine pokephilia becoming so normalize in a few years you see a snooty Primarina with a smart phone live streaming in a beach for her male trainer’s “fans”.
Thou might think being unchaste is Her will but nay it goes against it. Honor thy partner as thou would honor thy parents, for Her will is that of unity.
Haven't we only seen like 50 gb out of the full terabyte of leaks so far? Is there a possibility for more stories?
You realize species like Alakazam have an IQ of 5000?
Nah, a pokemon that can't respond with those three special words that reassures your bond would never be able to verbally convey their feelings for you and that would just be cruel and would render them as lesser than you.
pokedex entries are literal impossible fanfiction tier just like these sex stories
Just because you don't like fantasy doesn't make it fake. It's a world where cats spit fire and become wrestlers.
And a female Alakazam has enough IQ to know where your “special spot” is at.
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I want a happy marriage with a female Typhlosion after the rape ofcourse
That's because he just copypasted a piece of /spt/ and changed the title
>Why are /vp/edos so braindead?
to make you seethe, and it's working
He can't stand a blessed union, filthy savage
Oh I get it, old vs new pokephilia
Lopunny isn't loyal anyway
take off your blasphemous name, ingrate.
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young poke girls that pay with their bodies after losing their matches probably get filled with warm milkies every single day
if they don't have money it's cheaper to buy pokemon food and get fed cummies every day
They recently got revitalized by a Sonic autist GOD.
Disgusting roastie
I'd say 1/4th to 1/5th of the population does it. It's small enough that it's considered odd, but big enough that turbo normies can't bash on it.
t. cunnychud
Poor lass, someone should help her turn those hallucinations into reality.
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Claiming Lopunny
according to the stories they were the instigators in most of them, plus yeah they did consent in each case
God damn, I'm going to need 4 monitors for this wallpaper.
The "stories" are fake and not constant with Pokemon lore so no.
>Not doing your Pokémon raw
Don't be a fag anon
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Meowscarada, obviously
Before, condoms made no sense. Now that we know pregnancies can happen? Condoms suddenly have their place. You don't want your ace pokemon to get preggers after celebrating a big gym win and have her not be able to fight for weeks/months.
No but I mean now knowing that you can get them pregnant, nope.
Typhlosion paws typed this post
neither does the actual sinnoh folk story that made it in the game match actual human and pokemon relations but alas people keep sticking to it like its a book of law KEK
For real.
Interspecies breeding is official.
I like that dude's gardeviours.
I'm sure the Pokemon world has whacky herbal contraceptives, like that flower the Romans harvested to extinction.
Holy fucking based.
Uh, herbs make you lose relationship points with your pokemon
>P*lworld sneaked its way in
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Please meet my beautiful kitsune wife.
It makes sense now
They just drop eggs once inseminated anon. Fuck your Pokéwife silly, watch her push the egg out, carry on
Would a Human-Pokémon hybrid be allowed to fight in his own Poké Battles? Maybe in the ancient times the stories are talking about?
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Lapras is clearly the superior Pokemommy since her half-human kid could strangle Ursaring to death
Where do you think the psychic trainers come from? Those that levitate their Pokéballs themselves.
I'm now fairly sure Sabrina from Kanto is a hybrid of a human and some psychic gen 1 mon. Not sure if they can fight their own battles, but they're there. Now, was Hypno or Alakazam the pa?
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I would an octillery
In SV, Pokemon eggs not claimed by the player will simply go to the academy.
>arceus does not approve
How dare you speak for our Goddess who loves human creampies canonically
She's perfect
I'm retarded, tell me more about why you think this.
pon poon
Gardevoir gained the human-like egg group, it used to be amorphous egg group only.
>Draining Kiss
>Dream Eater
>Body Slam
I think it's kinda like anal sex. It's a taboo, almost no one talks about it in public, but it happens sometimes, and people know it happens. Married couples might regularly enjoy anal sex, but they would never talk to anyone else about it, even to people they talk to about their sex life sometimes. It's something that can be very wholesome even if some people think it's wrong and perverted.
She should be added to the females compilation
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Pokémon girls...pretty...
You wouldn't an audino, right?
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fuck, forgot pic
We know Joker
>Condoms suddenly have their place.
In the trash right? ..right?
Being a deadbeat dad isn't cool. Hatch your own kid and if they want to be a trainer pokemon, then you vet the fuck out of prospective trainers before agreeing to the adoption.
she's so cute bros
Pokémon don't need a dad. They hatch and can immediately live in the wild.
Honestly marrying my Gardevoir has been the best decision i ever made. Actually rescued her from a Team Rocket slave ring along with a Houndour that had been abused.
You sir are a disappointment. Having a child is one of Arceus' greatest gifts and should be cherished as such
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I am completely normal about Audino and should be allowed near them.
I'm not saying I wouldn't care, I'm just saying it's not needed. Pokémon are strong creatures, they are immediate autonomous.
Brother, I know it.
The child between a human male and female pokemon would be a human child that would require both parents to raise as a symbol of unity
She's built to be married and filled with love
never played this game but I keep seeing people freaking out over the ability to fuck monsters and I have one question
Because they're there
Porn addiction I assume.
Tucker have you ever read the Sacred Texts of Arceus?
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Why would you not?
Why is this even a thread on /vp/? the /trash/ thread has actual porn ffs.
Because this is an enlightened discussion on the possibilities of female pokemon evolving naturally to become closer to humanity thus making our kinds as one.
I want to cream inside Lucario's tight warm cookie and have her cum all over my dick while her body is convulsing in pleasure, I want to pound that sweet jackal like there is no tomorrow
Frank you don't have to tell us what you and your wife Lorraine (unique choice for a Lucario by the way) do every night.
mega based
Yes yes very based, you aren't their neighbor though.
You're no longer needed.
Hmm, maybe. In that case I would raise them with all my love and care of course to grow up to a formidable, strong and happy adult.
Dude is a few generations deep
are you
Alongside its mother, of course. Can't have the child experience mommy issues
Sabrina's dad was a Gengar.
Unfortunately my Gardewife and I hear those two fucking like Lopunnies in heat.
Of course.
Lady Arceus blesses those who raise their child in a loving home
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How can human females even compete?
simple solution is to make Gardevoir scream even louder anon
I recognize that human!
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>t. unwilling to do what it takes to sate her needs
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How can she explain this in a video?
Sorry, but I’m not interested in poke-pussy. If any of my ‘mons get too handsy they’re not coming out of their ball again for a month
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Why are flygons so hot
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>implying you have a choice when a mon really wants it
we can do this easy way, or we can do this the hard way. the choice is yours
Honestly my wife and i have reached the point in our marriage where just being in each others arms while relaxing at night makes us whole and are enjoying life as it comes by. Doesn't mean we don't fuck, just that we know our speed
What if it felt really good though
I ain’t gonna bother to find out
He is still one of the world's greatest researchers, so much he was in team rainbow rocket which is just the gathering of the greatest masterminds in every single timeline.
Because the alternative is human women
Hypno. I shall repent my many years of rudeness towards this mon by helping create the next generation of psychic types.
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>Vaporeon was innocent
>Lapras and FUCKING OCTILLERY were the actual sea harlots
apologize right now.
And yet he still doesn't comprehend how complex the relationship between a man and his Gardevoir (or Lucario in Frank's case) is.
Damn Lady Gaga hit the fuckin wall
Wally's Gardevoir is canonically male and later transitioned into Gallade
That was a shitty fuckin retcon
Their suction mouth makes complete sense now
It was always canon
They say it's not out of cope and not being in the final game
But in the mind it is
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>295 replies
Female pokemon are kind, purehearted and passionate lovers. They can fight and you can have HUMAN children with them. Why the fuck would you not? Its like the perfect version of a woman
Lapras being a freak has been known.
Imagine if a male Ralts had its own evolution line that ended with Gallade. I wonder what the opposite of Kirila would look like?
what did he mean by this?
Where is sneasel? Where is Jynx?
If “hit” stands for “slammed onto” and “wall” stands for “my cock” then you’re absolutely right.
He and his Lucario wife are on their fourth child
He does understand it, he's just saying 99% pokemon are not as smart as humans and thus incapable of proper consent.
Stick your dick in the Xurkitree for all I care, but he probably can't consent, nor can caterpie...
"They say, Pokephilia is the purest form of love."
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It finally makes sense why that Lapras was always there on Friday in Union Cave.
I hope these leaks get people to draw more fat ugly hag Hypno rape. Or regular lovey dovey sex either one.
Game Freak has fallen, billions must cope.
I kneel.
you're just trying to keep all the caterpussy for yourself
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Point and laugh
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For me its only on-model Gardevoir.
So we finally have a MoF thread now?
It was bound to happen lmao.
>Inb4 thrown into /trash/
Lapras can comprehend human thoughts and Gardevoir is actually the most human pokemon. Git gud nerd
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Hope not
It's just be flat out fucking there

Yeah and slug cats use complex tools + understand the iterator symbols but you'll still be called an animal fucker by deranged zoomers for lewding a slugcat.
fucking based
has there been an avatarfag more BTFO than you
We kept it classy and on topic so need to purge it. As long as we keep the smut to a minimum the mods and jannies don't seem to mind
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Dall-3 actually didn't disappoint
Every fucking time, i swear to Arceus...
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0bon made me find flygons attractive
Why did they do this
Based af
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Checked and posting in an ebin bread.
/hmofp/ general when????
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Like what is it about them?
Is it the red eyes?
Being a pear dragon yet slender at the same time?
That fancy stripped tail?
The long, thin antennae they have?
That face?
When this one hits Archive
It’s already here. We’re just waiting for General #2 to come by.
General #2 will come once the thread hits archive. Real question is, which pokephilia picture should represents #2?
This looks like beta Rayquaza
This obviously
should probably go through all the leaked mons, then the other canon mons like froslass, ledian, and such, and then just do whatever after that.
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How about this?
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Gotta use the full one
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It's gone too far
I linked that one cause it was the last version by the original artist, but the more the merrier!
Maybe I'm alone in the flygon lust
Dang it
Flagon consoling gardevoir saying "don't feel bad I didn't get anything either"
Hoping that some anon would color this
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Nope, Flygon is pretty cool, though planemons are my beloved.
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There are going to be more additions, I think.
Still waiting for Ogerpon
I'd add her but we need more space
She has a pretty cute belly. I don't know. I don't really see much art of her in the wild and the first thing I think of when I see Flygon is the compfag bitch threads.
At least flygon is on the banner
Your fav isn't even there...
she may be a mutant but she is still beautiful
The OG artist stopped at Giratina, and there's a few extensions by different artists floating around at this point. An anon who wants to can just pick one and color, I think.
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Hope to see Charizard, Feraligatr and Sceptile.
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You need to see the 0bon's flygon art if you haven't already
They infected me
Get his art up on e6 and I'll check it out.
>Pokemon cannot consent
Yet the leaked Lapras story suggests otherwise. As per it's Pokedex entries, Lapras can read minds and understands human speech. It beached itself in front of a dude knowing full well what he'd do to it, then proceeded to do the same thing several more times. That's not just consent, that's advertising that the buffet is open for business.
And don't even get me started on Arceus deliberately assuming the form of a human woman so that she could fuck a human man - you can't tell me that the God of all Pokemon isn't capable of consent and didn't premeditate that shit by choosing a form she knew would appeal to the dude.
>Maybe I'm alone in the flygon lust
Nah, you're just on the wrong board. All the good Flygon art tends to pop up in the *other* pokephilia threads down ""there""; given that there's been a large influx of newcomers since the leaks, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to oblige your desire for a Flygon image dump - you just need to ask.
I think they have a pixiv
Japanese artists without one that only use X are annoying because they have to show you every ramen dish they're eating for some reason.
the people that designed the games that have them are into it. Gamefreak wanted to bang them, too. It was proven in the leaks recently. Ask Gamefreak staff why they think Pokemon are hot.
reminds me I made an Arceus AI bot many months ago and made her female because I thought it was cute

turns out I was just ahead of the curve
Anon we are way past bump limit lmao

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