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Enjoy prison faggots
Lol they bigmad
Lmao even
At least they get to live every Pokefans dream of getting raped
why does this "guy" like to deepthroat game freak's boots so hard?
Nintendo, execute this man!
That’s not out of context pokemon
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leave the giant corporation alone dot jay pee gee
Leaking the staff's secret smut fanfics is nowhere near as bad as leaking Sword and Shield and those guys were let go with a fine.
I mean I would normally not hate leakers, but doxxing people is a dick move.
how do these people reconcile being the most obsessed, prechy, brainwashed propaganda-spewing leftists with being the staunchest, fiercest bootlickers of the biggest multimedia corporation on the planet?
This is why they should just dump everything.
Nintendo are goingo to throatfuck them anyway, so why try to hoard it now?
No, child. I will not. This is why your life is already over, stalker.
No personal details have been released, even though they were stolen. These leakniggers are parsing information and witholding stuff they want to keep for themselves

The leak was probably a huge ctrl c + ctrl v operation without thought of what could be in the folders
idk anon, tendies have more in common with magats DESU
Buck Broken Fanbase
not on xe/xitter
>No personal details have been released, even though they were stolen.
I've heard the exact opposite?
I've seen people hating leakers a lot recently and I can't really fathom it. In the case of a game leaking a few days early I could at least rationalise it as petty jealousy, but for something like this it's purely in the fans interest, and doesn't even really hurt the company
shut the fuck up gimmick account
As I said earlier I only have an issue with them if they outright doxx people.
Corporations are religion.
Have you seen them? I've seen hundreds of images, files, etc. from the leaks so far and nothing as far as personal details beyond people saying "doxxing is taking things too far >:[". There has been zero proof of any personal details being released.

Game Freak said in their statement that files that included personal details were stolen, but as far as I've seen, none have been released. Just like how the leakniggers aren't releasing the Z-A build they've got. I'm sure they're thinking that they're being more legally safe and smart by not releasing it, but Nintendo will fuck them either way.
doxxes typically get wiped from the internet very quickly.
>#Nintendo #FBI #POTUS
People used to just treat their preferred company like their favorite sports team, now they treat it more like family, a religion, etc etc. So by leaking this, you are hurting Nintendo, and Nintendo is their precious family, so you hurt them.
what's so bad about leaking stuff? Why don't they want us to see the thought process behind a beloved franchise? I'm being sincere here.
That's not evidence of personal details being released.

Doxxing information spreads just as far and wide as anything else, even if it's deleted from public domain places. They still find their way around as people continue to spread it like whackamole. If they'd been released, I can guarantee that someone would be able to provide actual evidence by now (nobody has)
All I know is I've heard they were leaked and I have no current reason to not believe that claim.

also why would anyone spread actual evidence (crime)
They haven't doxxed fucking anyone. That's a lie spread by corporate bootlickers to demonize the leak.
GameFreak's statement mentions personal data was compromised, doesn't mean the leaker will drop it. He hasn't dropped any of it.
Some photos appeared buried in folders and were removed quickly, they weren't compromising at all, just some employees chilling and celebrating a birthday.
Some files (word, etc) have names in the metadata, but those are names that appear regularly in game credits, they aren't any mystery. And you have to go out of your way to see them anyway.
There's no other personal data, no physical addresses, phones, nothing that exposes them.
fun fact the initial article saying game freak got doxxed has a publish date of october 10th, but we didn't even have the leak on that date
The burden of proof is in the accuser, retardkun.
Bring the evidence.
>fun fact the initial article saying game freak got doxxed has a publish date of october 10th, but we didn't even have the leak on that date
it's almost as if people can have a leak earlier than they release it........
Well I don’t use shitter, therefore it’s irrelevant. Only things that personally affect me are important.
you're the one accusing. common consensus is they were doxxed. you're the one accusing them of not being doxxed. learn how burden of proof works.
Technically spreading any of the leaked shit is a crime by breaking copyright and IP law and isn't damaging to Nintendo's corporate interests (and Japan's)? All of this was never supposed to enter the public domain and they're going to seek legal damages from those responsible.

Again, there's absolutely no evidence of doxx being released. You are fucking stupid for beliving that they have been without any evidence.

What has actually been released are numerous sprites, anime character sheets, future multimedia plans, meeting details, the stories etc. And there is plenty evidence of these thigns as they posted constantly. Personal details? Nothing.

Getting personal details isn't the same as releasing them. Do you know what doxxing is? You have to actually publish the details.
>. common consensus is they were doxxed.
Common consensus is not evidence.
provide proof
GameFreak stated the data was breached. The leaker probably has access to it.

Actually releasing it is a very different matter.
The leaker breached them in august, why would they only choose to make an article now if they were afraid of info getting out?
The proof is that no doxx have been published. Nobody has actually seen it. Nobody has screenshots. Nobody has anything.

Hearsay is not proof of publication
it is literally a form of evidence. it's so obvious that you're trolling so I will not reply anymore. please learn how debates work.
Bootlickers are so fucking disgusting, holy shit. It's like they lack a human soul.
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The anon is fucking stupid and doesn't realise that doxxing requires people to publish said personal information.

They haven't been online long enough to know that finding or stealing someone's personal information isn't doxxing until you publish it into the public domain.
lack of proof is not proof. you need to provide actual proof if you're gonna claim something that goes against common consensus.
(You) are the one accusing the leaker of doxxing. (You) have to back your accusation.
Why would they even be mad, they get to know all the cool and spicy secret stuff we always believed the franchise had.
Thought you said you weren't going to reply
If lack of proof is not proof why is your entire argument "there's no proof they didn't get doxxed"
fucking morons in this thread
>I can immediately tell which anons I'm replying to if they make a new thread.
yep you're trolling lmao.
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>you need to provide actual proof if you're gonna claim something that goes against common consensus
because leakers as of late are all attention seeking faggots
it's nice that we're getting all this stuff but it's being dripfed and dangled above our heads so I hope the fags get raped six ways from sunday by nintendo ninjas
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The definition of words is important. If they were being published (and deleted), you'd see evidence of Game Freak staff being harassed, etc. You'd also have seen screenshots on the big leak sources like Centro, Pokeos, etc. publishing the details have lists of what has been released and none of it has any personal details.

Nothing has happened because nobody has this information besides the one person who broke into GF's servers. Until they release that information, it's not doxxing
why is he so mad
What if typhlosion was color blind, there would be no way to know he was feeding the child the hallucinogenic berries
I'd agree if we also got a rom dump of ZA and the Gen 10 beta.

Who gives a shit about the other stuff. It's interesting and Gamefreak should release it themselves at some point.
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Corporate whores deserve nothing but dried-up shit to eat forever, as it's the only way they'd ever become carbon-neutral.
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>I'd agree if we also got a rom dump of ZA and the Gen 10 beta.
They should release this as well IMO. TPCI/Game Freak/Creatures/Nintendo are going to do as much as they can to make sure that the leaker(s) are financially crippled for life given that there are 'confidential' files amongst it all. They may as well scorch the earth and release everything
Proglodyte golems have no moral integrity, that's why they want to mutilate children's gonads while also raising the AoC up to 21 years-old.
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They love to CONSOOM, and think that when the revolution happens, these companies will continue to exist for them and only evil corps they don't like will be destroyed.
There's nobody left on Twitter but genuine pants on head retards, I wouldn't try looking for anything that makes sense on that platform anymore, regardless of your and their stated political opinion.
First of all, now that it all got leaked, you were presented with pokémon and game designs that now will NEVER be official.
welp I guess Platinum, HGSS and BW are now retroactively cancelled and excised from the franchise. good day for nugenfags
jokes aside, they would never be official regardless. that's why they got cut.
>blue checkmark is a pathetic braindead corporate booklicker
Least surprising bit of information in the universe.
>it's nice that we're getting all this stuff but it's being dripfed and dangled above our heads so I hope the fags get raped six ways from sunday by nintendo ninjas
This. You either dump everything or not at all. I can't wait for Nintendo to buttfuck them for witholding Z-A and Gen X source.
God I fucking hate this retarded gimmick account faggot so much
>everyone i don't like is a leftist
You think like a child.
Sharty, pls gem this faggot.
Imagine being a corporate bootlicker
Agree. But to answer your question. Well, look into the mirror.

Bootlickers and cocksuckers aren't "people"
Since they're hoarding a bunch of info, yeah, they should be punished. Release all of it, you attention whores.
Tendie bootlickers are fucking INSANE. There isn't a single fandom more buckbroken and spineless than pokemon fans and tendies.
It's all over for you, stalker child.
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that page's owner is a tranny
that's why he's defending the rape/pedo shit from Gamefreak
in all fairness the leaker is going to be fucked into a coma when he gets caught
Nice try, stalker child. It is actually YOU who will enjoy prison
there's a set of private photos from GF staff included in the hack
Post em
Leakers deserve prison for not showing anything about legends ZA or gen 10
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>staff photos are the same as details such as your home address and contact details
you can find one of the photos in a catalog thread with Tajiri in the op post
So Nintendo is acknowledging their pedophilia fanfic????
Link it
Guys you told me the joos have invaded GF and controlling the company? I don't see any joos in this pic???
BlackRock money is controlling them, not the religion
Liberalism isn't leftism.
Praying ZA leaks now
This guy is such a fucking faggot. Almost nonstop crying posts from this dweeb. Just make a single "I think this sucks" and mute everyone talking about if it bothers you so much.
Oh so you're accusing black people now? I don't see any black people in that picture either.
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>Enjoy prison faggots
>Twitter crop
>It is not even from an official account
>It's just a buttmad twitter meme account
>Thinking it has any value

real lack of diversity
I sure hope they end up with nintendo's dick deep in their throats, not leaking everything they have is the faggiest move ever
>how do these people reconcile being leftists with being leftists
This image is cute. Also way more women working there than I thought. Good for them.
Lol I know right? People here act like James Turner and "white leftists" own the company when it's still pureblooded Japanese. Fucking retards lol
he mad lol
>YASSSS multibillion megacorporation KILL this person for showing people harmless information!!!
Literally what the fuck is wrong with people? How do you get so fucked in the brain?
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>played with fire
Leakers aren't the only ones
>Please TPC give me Serebii privileges!!! I’m such a good tranny!!!
Anon, how could you?! This is a gross violation of privacy! Delete this picture now now NOW NOW NOW!
Tendies are terminally autistic and melty if they see anything that doesn't fit the story Nintendosama sells them.
Why does the xitterfag want the CEO to be beaten?
Most of us would be on his side if the recent games were good. But when you cut corners and shit on your audience over and over, don't be surprised if they lose empathy for you...
Kiryu never kills you idiot.
>doesn't even really hurt the company
Are you serious? Just to clarify I'm not a corporate bootlicker but you're a fucking idiot if you don't think this could possibly permanently damage the brand. Squeaky clean family friendly image has been shattered, source codes leaked, old assets and scrapped monsters that could have been used in future games now unusable. I could go on and on.
They almost never reuse scrapped designs. Maybe a concept, but nobody owns the right to animals.
And why should we care after the last two generations? You think those haven't hurt the brand? Typhlosion rape won't do more damage to their reputation than the thousands of bugs in Scarlet and Violet did.
> Squeaky clean family friendly image has been shattered
If you conjure up one parent who has reacted negatively to these leaks I’ll believe you. Nobody outside of the terminally online give a shit
> source codes leaked
Nintendo will sue anyone who uses them
> old assets and scrapped monsters that could have been used in future games now unusable
Those are still usable. Hell they could even spin the leaked set into an entire subgenre of Pokémon, “forgotten Pokémon” or something.
There are M rated videogames that don't dare to even imply rape is a thing that has happened in their setting. It's one of the most taboo things you can include. If you don't think that having multiple stories of rape, animal rape at that, be leaked about their ultra safe and clean child friendly series will hurt them then I don't even know what to say.
Show me one person who says they’ll never buy Pokémon again because of the myths and I’ll concede. Nobody cares. Pokémon’s image won’t change a bit
The twitterfag still wants the leaker to get seriously hurt. Psycho behaviour.
enjoy prison leaker child
aren't leftists supposed to be anti-corporate
That's what they claim, anyway.
Reminder that badmouthing and threatening is ok as long as it's not against the poor selfless Gamefreak employess
poor game freak getting bullied by the pokemon company, the company that they literally own
Stories that are not canon to the actual content that has been released.
Background myths that may or may not simply be the schizo writings of an overworked GF employee have no bearing on anything beyond showing how weird this particular employee is.
Stop being stupid
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>cyndaquil plushie at a work station
they unhinge their jaw for corporate cock the moment they put a pride flag on their banner
they didn't play concord/dustborn
if anything they see it as pandering more than anything.
They will never have attention from internet kiddies like the leaker and their parents or corporate religion will never appreciate them
Where tf are the least being hosted, I want to look at that shit for myself
>Well I don’t use shitter, therefore it’s irrelevant
The OP pic is of a twittard you dumb faggot.
That the nigga who wrote the Typhlosion fapfic?
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Honestly, with how trigger-happy Nintendo has been lately, it takes some major balls to leak all of that shit.
I'm only going by memory but, as far as I know, don't these leakers end up getting sued if they're actually found?
Just because they arbitrarily decided to make an exception doesn't mean they don't usually do the opposite. Its hypocritical of them to acknowledge the existence of pandering.
Not >>56608317, but this dude is a leftist.
You’ve never played the games tourist begone
I think this is what's keeping them back from leaking data about future content. Nintendo would burn down the earth to get revenge.
Your life is already over leaker child, enjoy prison.
Nintendo Twitter fans would probably enact Blood Eagle rituals and perform water drip torture on leakers/pirates/emulator hosts if they legally could
It's kinda mental
The real leaker and the actual guy who snooped in with a real Gayfreak employee won't see jail time but there will be 1-3 fall guys who will end up getting raped in prison and will be forced to pay millions in damages.
That "person" is definitely a leftist
Why should we care about the whinings of a twitter memeposter again?
>played with fire, now they reap what theyve sewn

Who is this fag, Biff Tannen? It'd be "get burned"
Japan is acting unironically like that
That's nothing new. Nips have always been corporate bootlickers.
lol lmao what a fag
anons think of the BRAND!
Bro insists he's mad because of the leaked employee data but like, who gives a shit about that? Any of you anons has bothered looking that shit up?
leaker didn't actually leak that information. if he's smart he'll just delete it, if not, well, who knows.
This guy had the enby flag on his profile picture some time ago, is anyone surprised that he's like this?
'cuse me, I'm enby, I'm not like this. Thank you very much.
Wait until they leak everything else at the very least
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>gimmick account
>breaks character for soapboxing
God, these attention whores are cringe.
Unless you work for that company, I do not understand defending companies as "poor victims" of leakers. Yes it sucks, and yes companies put in effort to avoid information from leaking (like a secret recipe or trade secrets) but it is the company's fault for being insecure. Yes it is also the fault of the leaker, but these companies, especially a big one like Pokemon, should know how to keep data secured. It's an arms race and it looks like someone at GF got phished and fucked up.
And yet, theyre still making typhlosion doujin's left and right because of the leak. Fake outrage is fake
>Japan is one person
At the rate they're going, it soon will be.
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F-Fatrick? Is that you?
>blue check mark
Opinion discarded
The leakers seem to have ties with Palworld shit. They should pay the repercussions and leave Gamefreak alone.

Why is a good thing that there are more women working for them huh? Like, you think women are more competent?

But more importantly, you seem kind of stupid. The picture is of the staff of Gamefreak, may I remind you that the Pokemon company is co-owned with Nintendo, Creatures and the Pokemon Company, not just Gamefreak, and that The Pokemon Company, which has the largest exposure to foreigners, via Pokemon Company International, have a stronger say in the direction of how the brand goes? Of course you are retarded enough to take any bait that thinks James Turner is the culprit, but I would say when Pokemon Company is posting those stupid DEI takes, there is some blame to go there.
What a bunch of words being said, shame I dont like salads.
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>If only you knew how bad things really are
(just imagine)
being this much of a faggot. holy shit.
>nooooo you can share some interesting details on old games' development you have to go to prison
>The leakers seem to [FANFICTION]
you're probably a fat pozzed amerimutt so that doesn't surprise me
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They'll never get the info they need!
Fuck all tendie tenderqueer tranny goyslop gimmick account twittershitter shills.
Because Pokémon has a big female audience and women know what other women like. [spoile3]Put 2 and 2 together bro.
Wow I fucked that up but I'm too lazy to delete.
I dunno, I thought Bellibolt is quite similar to that leaked frog Pokemon from the silver demo
Damage control Twitter has arrived
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Please for the love of kek let PLZA be leaked so I can see these bootlickers react.
Game developers don't like their games being leaked because they know if they are revealed to be a shitty game people won't buy their products. Imagine if Fallout 76 got late three weeks before it's release date. All the bugs seem to the world how many people do you think would still buy it? This goes with woke shit too
Only Centro deserves that for not even leaking at all
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Soillennial shills/coonsoomers are on full panic mode.
in their world, the corporation fills in the role of the nanny state
I was confused when xhe combined "play with fire" with "reap what you sow" but this explains it.
>lack of proof is not proof
Read a book retard.
Unironically more likely to be GenZ since GenZ don't even like the idea of pirating
even if they did they wouldn't know how to do it, zoomers have an all-time low tech literacy, comparable to boomers
>since GenZ don't even like the idea of pirating
Forgive me, that's Gen Alpha. Most Zoomers pirate. and it was Millenials that fucking gave big corpos their power by suscribing to shit in the first place.
I banged your mom last night.
Found the diversity hire
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>novelty accounts breaking character to be retards again
Brand loyalty is one hell of a drug

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