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>saying ‘typhlosion is my favorite pokemon’ a week ago
>’good choice, he’s cool and carried in gen 2’
>saying ‘typhlosion is my favorite pokemon’ now
>’Ah! A fellow pokefucker! I too wish to be knotted and creampied by a technicolor fantasy animal!’
Please go to Hell and yiff there forever.
I hate everyone.
typhlosion was always a furfag mon especially on this board
golurk morelull
>The Cyndaquil line has been my favorite every since I got Silver, my first Pokemon game.
>This comes out.
It's a sting, but, I'm going to keep my Typhlosion. I don't care how the others see me. She's my favorite, and always will be.
Thats loaded because you can say that about any pokemon.
It clearly changed in the last 3 days to now be an excessively bad connotation.
Who cares
At least the Pokefuckers claimed him before the pedophiles. That's probably better maybe.
haha same!
>giving a fuck about what other people say and what memes suggest.
must suck to be you.
enjoy life and give a fuck.
the more i browse this board again the more i realize "pokefucker" haters were the real dumbasses in this fanbase all along. i can't believe it. not to defend porn, but man it just feels like jumping through hoops to convince people you're not attracted to something no normal person on God's green earth would ever care about.
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>tfw Typhlosion is my longstanding favorite
>second is Absol
I'm going to start drinking red rum at the rate things are going.
>he doesn't care about public sentiment
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what is this sudden typhlosion sanitizing sentiment on /vp/ all about

you assholes are the ones that tried to force that typhlosion shitting meme
public sentiment thinks george floyd was a hero, hitler was a bad person, and Christianity is bad.
lmao. lol. no.
Kids are off school today
Typedos were always degenrates. NOw it's just made into canon
The good thing about this is that if this falls on Soccer moms and Karens, they will refuse to buy pokeslop anymore and Palchads will rise
Don't deny, that's actually not bad taste.
>unreleased text
I guess it's canon that Raichu evolves again then
they clearly ment to say "learn to not give a fuck"
Typhlosion was always really popular with female fans.
I'm in the same boat. I was looking forward to running through Colosseum and every game with a nice team from there, get as many ribbons as possible and get Hisuian Typhlosion out of my Colosseum Quilava, but I'm too aware of everybody making it look like such a faggot I can't see it as the cool Pokémon I thought it was as a kid kek. I'll get over it though, I don't care about the memes, they're just prominent now
This is crazy. You zoomers are fucked.
You and OP the kind of idiots who think you can only play a game when everyone else is
>already liked typhlosion
>leaks happen
>like him even more and think of him as an even bigger Chad than ever before
don't know why you're seething anon
gonna go breed my typhlosion until I get a shiny now
I've got mad anxiety over replaying HGSS now
can you not be racist for at least 5 fucking minutes nobody believes floyd was a hero blacks just don't want police to abuse their authority especially when its their job to not be extra and just handcuff somebody plus take to jail thats its retard
>not be extra
All typhlosion, slacking, etc. threads should be banned for a month
>dude is resisting arrest and trying to run
>no don't handcuff him and retain him it might offend someone!!
You have literally only found this board today.
>say typhlosion is fav pokemon
ok gonna go coom to typhlosion then. dedicating this nut to you, schizo.
meanwhile in reality
>say ty is favourite to girl
>she says same
>we fuck
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I can't WAIT for this joke to be run into the ground for an entire year! Oh boy, I'm so excited!!!

I hate all of you.
>Autists unironically concerned with the reputation of a cartoon animal
Severe, SEVERE autism if this is you.
The issue is it's pedophilic which is an obvious fucking problem that now a starter mon is a pedophile
yes, GIRL
now, the reason we like ty may be different, but who cares about the details
>who cares about details
Hence this girl has a dick
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hahaha get fucked Typhedophile
It's a bit bigger than that though. It's basically confirmed the game freak had pedophiles in their employ and had their fantasies contributing to the series. This is tip of the iceberg.
>Hence this girl has a dick
that's not a girl that's a boy
and having or not having a dick isn't a detail, it's a pretty big aspect
Girls can have dicks though
Boys are not the only people with Denise's.
only in america and canada
No, it's always been a thing everywhere.
You're not fooling anyone.
>thirdie outs itself again
Latinx moment
The way it went for me is like this.
>Say Typhlosion is my favorite
>She says hers is Charizard
>We fuck
>Now Typhlosion is her favorite
first, stop trying to fuck up everyone else's language, amerimutt
secondly, am europoor
Based fellow Silver/quil bro.
For me my favourite was Quilava, I had to deal with the weird zoophile type furries while typhlosion bros had the relatively tame anthro furries. Now I feel like they aretaking the heatand repaying me for my years of suffering.
We will all weather the storm, pwople will go back to Gardevoir/Lucario/Lopunny and we might get some non fetish fanart of our line as a result.
>inclusive terms are bad
Nah bro
Writing pedophilic bestiality rape is kinda odd yeah
Silence porko
hes always going to be my favorite i wont let faggot retards ruin him for me
Fuck you geekin off duh? All Black people want police abolition, meanwhile the darkskinned people of African descent that don't are all token reformist cracker ass oreo Uncle Tom faggot-ass coons who tap dance for Massa and probably also are rape-phlosion defenders
correction, pinche gringx, it's latine
>>inclusive terms are bad
>Nah bro
latinO includes all men
latinA includes all woman
they're inclusive terms already
Jesus Christ. Grow up you fucking baby.
And Latinx (or latines if that's easier) covers both. Also, there is more to gender than man and woman.
Latine is acceptable, latinx is some hijx de putx gusanx basurx
We actually use Latin@ in LatAm.
Stop doing that. I will report you for spam if it continues.
Badgers don't have knots though
You're gonna squeal about me to the pigs lmao you really are a gusanx, fidel would've sent you to the gulag
>Also, there is more to gender than man and woman.
can you point out where does it say that in the Bible?
>esl response
Get out of my sight, Pokefucker, or I will shave your teeth with a fork.
the bible is transphobic drivel, how about you read the iceman inheritance or settlers for some real literature, brainlet nazi faggot KKKracKKKa?
Lmfao who are you trying to fool, yourself?
typical atheist, go back to r3ddit, mr r/IamVerySmart
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>Typhlosion story concludes that all Typhlosion are human hybrids
>all those old jokes about Typhlosion being a yellow human
nigga I'm a five percenter, atheism is yakubian tricknology just as much as your faggy bible
Typhlosion? My Hero. I will stand by him. Always.
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oh no no no no no no HAHAHAHA
I hate crackers so much i want white genocide to be real and i will drink cracker blood and perform acts of necrophilia on transfemme cracker corpses
I hate crackers
>Meganium and Typhlosion
They should both be moved up a respective tier.
crackers make me sick because they're not natural creatures
genocide the whites, on crip
Listen man, you either get shamed by normies or you're praised by us, there's nothing you can do about it
>george floyd was a hero
He wasn't
>hitler was a bad person
He was
>Christianity is bad
It isn't
I tried so hard to not let public perception change my opinion of vaporeon, but it was like my loyal wife turned into a whore overnight and got fucked by everyone on the internet at once when that copypasta became a meme. It made her so undesirable to me.
Christianity IS bad, through
I'ma nickname mine 'Hot Cosby' from now on.
OJ innocent, all the blood evidence was planted
Hisuian typhlosion is different from regular typhlosion through
>Hitler was a bad person
Why? Looking at what Israel does today, he was 100% in the right.
Vaporeon never recovered
It's fantasy, not real
>He cares about public sentiment
Normalfags OUT
hitler literally created the israeli mossad to genocide palestinians, ashke-nazis aren't real jews
not my job to educate your cracker ass
Vaporeon wasn't that popular before the meme. Typhlosion already is, so I wonder if that'll play a role in how long this'll drag on. Vap fans still have it worse though.
Mao is my chigga
What happened to this thread?
how can you sheltered 4chan crackers sit idly by playing pokemon when the Black man is suffering
thank allah that vp cracker mods are self-loathing whites so i can promote black supremacy with impunity
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and to prove my point
girls still love him
troon lost his mind against the bible
bible is what made YOU life your mind, crackerlicious hoe
actually yes, if you claim something you have to back it up otherwise your argument isn't valid you stupid fucking ape.
Typhlosion was always just a poor man's Charizard and the inferior Gen 2 starter choice. Typhlosionfags were just very aggressive in shilling it to cover up this insecurity.
albino apes like you don't deserve rights just die and allow us to cwalk over your grave
you do know most black americans are christian right?
Any more posts from women like this?
black protestantism is purely aesthetic, christianity and heteronormativity was forced on them by the colonizer race aka crackers. real Black people are five percenters
probably, i only got that one from twitter's random algorithm
we waz five percenters now? shut the fuck up retard and go back to x-tter
>lunatic troon raving to himself and the odd passerby in this thread for like 60 posts
Its actually sad
cracker ""women" deserve rape
ebony princesses deserve love
not as sad as the middle passage and slavery, cracker faggot
no YOU SHUT your cracker MOUTH up and go back to the sloburbs
Yeah i guess its pretty pathetic to be enslaved
Almost as sad as thinking cracka is an insult and not the ultimate cope
I will grind cracker bone marrow into powder and snort it
allah is on my side cracker, you and all your relatives and ancestors are an inherently parasitic and genocidal race created by yakub that needs to be eradicated from mother gaia
Well its not fun anymore when you out yourself as obviously trolling.
al qaeda never called me nigga
iirc i remember seeing a woman who liked gijinkas and thought the lore story that got leaked canonized gijinka. can't exactly remember how she put it. i'll post it if i can find it.
ok that's pretty funny. Have a (you), you good little parasite, you.
no one cares cracker
my people are dying and its your fault
>Me, a freak: No <3 Typhlosion sex
strong crackers, weak crackers... they all deserve to be genocided as payback for colonialism
sageing the thread now because crackers are worthless
changed my mind, crackers need to be alerted to their crackerosity
crackers don't deserve clean drinking water
cracker genocide isn't real but it should be
Feraligatrchads won
accidentally shat my pants just now, i blame crackers
...in my headcanon.
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Yakub al Shaytan's children are closely following your every move, mr nigger.
We are everywhere, we lurk in the snow...
We will force feed you unseasoned butter chicken from the dephts of the tundral north...
Expect us
>public sentiment thinks christianity is bad
You're a lunatic.
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anotha one
You just know.
I wonder how many "apricots" he fed her
>Monster gets a girl (no actual age is actually given/referenced) and keeps her to himself
>Feeds her, builds a home, but wont let her go far
>They have children and he care of her and their child, even during the winter
>Girl left clues that bring her father/search party closer to finding her every time she went out
>Monster is aware of this, warns her about doing this but doesn't stop her
>Dad finds her, and the monster knows that he has to confront him
>Lets her choose between him or returning home when
>Willingly dies for them without much struggle, having taught her his burial rites in knowing this
>Girl regards him as her husband and their offspring, and honors her partner as he had asked her to
>Lives miserably when returning home

I dont get whats so bad about this, it sounds like a pretty good old-folks tale not unlike a less glamorous beauty and the beast
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You are a fool.
True, but you are an even bigger fool.
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What the fuck? Kinda looks like Family guy
you don't remember the fat guy always talking about lolis in every, if not almost, mainline game?
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girls love him
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>"I too wish to be knotted and creampied by a technicolor fantasy animal!’
same and based
I will hear no more of this.
I'm going to go play Metro 2033.
thats basically the point
Most of it is just either outrage from terminally online zoomies who need something to cry about or morally appeal to their peers or retards who like fanning the flames of those idiots
Everyone else either wrote it off as non-canon or just enjoy it for what it is
you left out the part where every time she asked to leave he bashed her head until she was unconscious
I'd call you a woman with how much you're exaggerating, but women are the ones who actually love the story.
This and being a skylafag are the biggest losers thanks to the leak. Its getting very fucking old even though the pokefucker shit was funny on the first read
Have fun anon
I'd love a source on that. I'd love to shove it in the face of any Israslime supporter.
What kind of berries you need to provide to make a women to defend her groomer?
found this in /v/
I cancelled typhlosion, never allowed on my teams again, feraligatr is better anyway
You don't have fun with Metro: 2033.
You just make it a little further each time.
Imagine being so weak-willed that you allow the meme opinions of others to influence what you truly like.
I always evolved my Eevees into Vaporeons. Vaporeon was my favorite water type in a gallery of shitty fish, ugly tentacles, and a literal god damn star taped to a second star. Even when better water types started coming out in later generations, Vaporeon was always my bro (sometimes my sis). I always picked Cyndaquil in GSC, and in HGSS. Because I'd always get a Vaporeon. Water dog is cool. Typhlosion is a god damn unit and the name was cool as shit to my 13 year old self.
And you know what? If the creators of the game think he needs to nut in some route lass after a battle is over, you bet your ass I'm gonna let him.

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