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Let’s discuss the scrapped mons in the teraleak. Honestly I oddly really like this guy. Wished we had more weird mons (that aren’t ugly).
How do we know of was scrapped and not reworked into another Pokemon like Kyogre?
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the off the wall dark and edgy designs are crazy, its fun to think there was a moment in time when someone at pokemon was considering something really different

i like this guy, with his ribcage and strange anatomy and mysterious scary lack of face
As a massive Sableye fan, this shit gives me life. So cool to see the design process and a scrapped evo from gen 5.
Im happy with the mega we got, but Gigalith Sableye was peak.
Its possible that the concept for this design was creepy sea creature. It seems all of this were hired to get cooler designs into the mix. Perhaps they were already looking for sea and land creatures for RS, so it doesn't look like repurposed more like they had another take on the dex slot later on.
Call it a Ultra Beast and boom: canon.
call it a pokemon and boom; canon
I now realize this one's meant to be Purepasu, the sightseeing pokemon. It has somewhere to grab like if it was some kind of boat or tray.
This thing is ugly as fuck OP
Why would anyone want shit creepypasta mons, Pokemon are supposed to be cute or cool
This one looks like a Digimon
And this one looks like a boss from Shadow of the Colossus. The same applies to that weird gecko monolith creature that has been posted in other threads
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>This one looks like a Digimon
this one really looks like a digimon
the thing on the face covering the eyes, the chonky legs, loads of claws
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My nigga Boyatto
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A lot of the scrapped gen III mons were cool ngl
I do wonder if these edgy ones were really meant to be Pokemon or were actually experimental designs for unknown franchises. It's not rare for new games to develop through others after all
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no clue, but this one has actual unown runes on it which makes me think they were pitches for a mature pokemon spinoff with totally original monsters but still in the pokemon franchise
they made a whole new company to make pokemon coloseum, which had a darker tone than the main games and an older protag. theres a universe where coloseum had a totally different cast of crazy edgy monsters, instead of making two games and being melted into a 3ds camera software dev team
I get snow darmanitan vibes from it.
Ninfu is just straight-up Q-Bee from Darkstalkers.
Smellox polar variant
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it makes me think of a spinoff meant to be released in the 2000's to appeal to the edgier borderline audience, the aesthetic reminds me a lot of atlus games back then, a mix of death note and pokemon
I think it's very obvious what these all are.
They're concept art, concepts specifically designed to be unrestrained from Pokemon conventions, much like all the weird myth concepts that have become the main talking point. It's "Create whatever you want, and if we like the ideas we'll convert it into something that would fit pokemon".
Basically its a way to avoid sticking too close to certain norms or conventions, or getting that weird fakemon / AI generated vibe where something feels like its trying too hard "look like a pokemon", you take a concept that is made without restraint, and then refine that into something that fits within the universe.
This, concept art with the intent to look edgier and cooler so pokemon stopped being the baby franchise that gen2 made it look like.
I also think "kaijuu" was probably a key concept during the early planning stages of gen 3, which is why they were doing concept art of kaijuu-like monsters. It eventually got boiled down into the Groudon/Kyogre stuff.
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>We almost got canon Missingno

It's not fucking fair.
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Speaking of Darkstalkers, Uezari would’ve made a neat Red Riding Hood mon if it’s cloak was red.
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Literally my mom's fucking dog, there's no way his was the name they fucking picked lmfao. It predates doggo meme. Gamefreak was cookin.
>spheal wasa bowling ball for a scrapped bowling pin penguin
i want to say we wuz robbed but this would've just been another shitmon pair like volbeat/illumise or the pikaclones
>literally just sableye again but slightly different colours
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Doggu is just how it sounds when a nip says dog, then Ei is just A.
It's name is just "A Dog".
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Yea, it's hilarious that there was so little creativity in my mom's dog that they just called it "dog"
I think it's also supposed to be "Aidog" as in "love dog." It looks like a St. Bernard, which are avalanche rescue dogs. The bib looks like it has a red cross and the saddle is probably meant to carry people out of disaster areas.
Scrapped Blaziken is a lot better than the abortion we ended up with
>I think it's also supposed to be "Aidog"
no it's not, エ is "e", not "a" which would be ア
Damn. I gave them too much credit.
I mean you're right in that it's clearly a st. bernard
That squid betamon is kino. Shame it got scrapped.
how the fuck does this thing survive? like does it feet-teeth just chew up the ground and nutrients from it? would it not be in constant pain?
yhea the art is pretty cool, they really look like monsters, not poket but monsters
any idea about the name of the creator?
There are plenty of pokemon that literally eat rocks already. Also real life snails have their mouth on their "foot".
Nigga that's almost all of Gen jp names
I agree. Would have been on my team instantly.
Both of you are right really. It's ei but still pronounced with the same a sound you'd use for "aid" and "a dog." But Pokemon is full with puns like these really so it doesn't matter too much. They wouldn't use ア for the "aid" sound, "Aid" would be エイド which is indeed エイドッゴ just kinda conjoining the end and beginning of the two words (which Pokemon does VERY often anyway)

The only confusion is trying to be too rigid in Japanese transliteration. Both are correct interpretations. Like グラス can be "Glass" or "Grass" but the context would give you a clue as to what the fuck is being said. In this case, there is no context, but that's usually what GameFreak strives for with names - purposefully ambiguous double meanings.
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No Metagross?
Was that glitch ever acknowledged before Gen 3?
Do we know if there's any of these for gen 4 and 5? From what I read these are only from gen 3.
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Yes, on the English website, they spelt its name as MissingNO.
One of the TCG artists also drew it much later.
>It looks like a St. Bernard, which are avalanche rescue dogs. The bib looks like it has a red cross and the saddle is probably meant to carry people out of disaster areas.
Yeah, I think the inspirations for "aid-dog" are pretty clear.
Since we're trying to understand the meaning behind these Betamon names, would Monorabi's be called like this because he's just an one-eared rabbit?
desu i would love to know which artist came up with the edgy designs 'cause i absolutely love them and i wish i could see more of their artwork
I mean, what would be the inspiration behind it? I don't remember any relevant one-eared rabbit in folklore or history
What the fuck Huntail's original design was a great idea.
coming up with a hundred good ideas is hard
I guess so. It's funny how earlier Pokemon seemed more random and truly "monster-like" in comparison to new generations
Where is beta Farfignugletron?
Kujatta is quite literally my mom's peacock.
Why is Pokémon so awful at making birds? Toucannon and Flamigo are literally JUST birds.
>Kujatta is quite literally my mom's peacock.
Its also what the developer notes says
Toucannon and Flamigo should both join Kujatta in non-existance.
Agreed toucannon could have been better if they integrated beak blast and fucking cannon in its name into its design.
Toucannon looks much better in motion when you can see how its beak gradually heats up.
Really makes me wanna take the best of what we got and shove it into Pokemon Essentials ngl
Maybe I'll finally make that game...
the shitty bagpipe was reborm into a shitty engine in paldea
383 and 384 were probably scrapped for zangoose and seviper

all of the scrapped but one were absolute dogshit, the squid was the only good one, maybe the protoscraggy too, still better than the gen 5 version
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beta togedemaru a shit
anyway clamperl and huntail x gorebyss' rumours have a validation now, clearly brought back in gen 9 too, seems like even the scrapped mons can come back in a new redesign and concept even 15+ years later

uezari was merged with beta-castform to become the current castform, the magic ball pearl was a cute idea

F for Tochin, cute snake derp dragon
Also thank god pic related has never brought to canon life
farting houndoom is not beta.
>the shitty bagpipe was reborm into a shitty engine in paldea
Are you actually fucking stupid? Revavroom and the instruments look absolutely nothing alike beyond being objectmons made of metal. If anything they were probably the original concept for Exploud.
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this is it exactly
I think this thing is kind of intriguing, if I'm seeing it correctly it's like a book bird? not that exciting but it's an interesting idea that could've been cool after a couple revisions. probably would have been a 1 stage shitmon though.
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>red riding hood
uezari was obviously recycled and combined with beta castform to create the canon castform we have now, forecast pokemon as in it does predict like a fortune teller, all his forms have a helmet like sphere that keeps uezari's inspiration
Are you?
The sound based ogre was passed to Exploud line but the messy pipe concept with weird eyes and mouth positions was recycled into that engine shitmon.
Also Castform being able to learn Future Sight as eggmove since his debut games.
Necrozma whale
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It's a humming bird based pun, in many languages the humming birds are called colibri/kolibri etc, "book" in Latin is "liber" singular and "libri" plural and in modern Italian it's "libro".

It's that kind of basic clichè idea for a fakemon, deviantart probably has plenty of those from the when fakemons were a popular trend.
Did they make F.L.U.D.D a pokemon?
Does the inscription mean anything? Some words sounds like japanese, but I can't identify certain letters
Pretty sure it just translated to a signature in Romaji, something along the lines of "Design by (artist name)" I forget who
its color palette is just like hawlucha too
okutani jun
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wait is missingno part of the concept art as a reference or did people just assume it was based on missingno
its one autist spamming his stupid theory
Yeah that's it, I didn't want to go looking for it again, my bad
other than pokemon and xenoblade, he was the art director for an 2003 xbox game called magatama
Oh it's his eye magnified by the crystal. I thought he was holding up a TM in a case. Neat that this probably led to Mega Sableye.
Not that far from Flapple too.
>trapinch was originally completely unrelated to vibrava and Flygon
>vibrava had a prevo that looked more related
Well that explains why Trapinch looks absolutely nothing like the rest of the line while Vibrava and Flygon have similar traits.
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Beta huntail was rad, still like the final design but damn, they took out a lot of the charm
This design makes a lot more sense with Sapphire's Dex entry of Metagross eating other mons. Metagross in its current form always seemed like it would eat rocks or iron or something.
The magnified eye peering through the crystal/diamond is pretty kino
for me it's fatfuck simisear
we wuz robbed
Yep, it’s essentially what Amano does for Final Fantasy. He doesn’t conform his art style in a way that it can be used 1:1 as game/promo assets but the art and concepts he puts out are so singularly unique that it gets the creative juices flowing for everyone else to the extent that it’s very valuable to have him around.
Are you shitting me, i remember many of those
This shit looks like it was drawn by Wayne Douglas Barlowe
>Tentaquil strikes again
Sometimes I just wonder if that post was a straight up troll leak.
The name makes more sense if the gimmick was he was using a Cristal for his eye
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The first thing I though of was the Sea Strider from Expedition.
The tail on the 2nd beta looks like Gorebyss.
Is anyone else seeing this, or am I just crazy?
Also I think these guys are a duo. Both names are types of tea.
So their obsession with magnet hairs started in Gen 3, huh
I like these. These are solid theories, especially the beta Sableye's connection to the Mega. That's so fucking cool.
I think Kujatta was heavily inspired by Tezuka's Phoenix/Hi no Tori, and Lotad may have been related to the Hoppip line.
What does a mantis shrimp have to do with a mummy cyclops?
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I love this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
Even though there's nothing in this leak to support it (and arguably the Spheal/bowling ball stuff goes against it), I still hold onto the idea that Snorunt and Spheal were reworked from Wolfman and Kotora from the GS beta.

Also, has anyone been able to find a sprite for Torkoal's lost pre-evolution? The dex entry from a later build has it replacing Nosepass in the index list in the final, but a draft of Nosepass appeared much earlier with all these sprites. My guess is that when they added Torkoal (probably reworked from the box turtle), they came up with the prevo afterwards, so they were more willing to drop it entirely to re-add Nosepass in order to balance the typings of available mons. On that same note, the fact that Chimecho appears in the early drafts yet is the very last mon in index order in the final game (and is only found in one area with no trainers using it) means it was cut for something else but added back in at the last minute. Maybe they dropped a two-stage line but then needed a single mon to get back to a self-imposed limit of 200(+2) for the regional dex.
Does anyone have a comp of all rhe BWmons, the pic going around is missing some
I think this dude was part of this as well, similar head to sabeleye
1st one is kino
where are u lookin at the spritesheet?
>beta stats
>+45 to defense
>-45 to attack
Some of it feels like a stretch. Why isn’t Wobbuffet there either? Beta Wobbuffet resembles Shuppet; the name Kagebozu also was passed from beta Wobb to beta Banette, and then finally to Shuppet in the finished title. Wobbuffet also stole shadow tag from beta Banette.
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My theory is that this is early Wailord.

This is the basis for the regis / regirock.

This is Deoxys, a take on the alien monolith concept.

This is Kyogre, the water beast.

This is meant to be god of the sky (lightning theme) and eventually was replaced by Rayquaza.

Then pic related was meant to be Groudon.
Toucannon's beak is colored like a heat scale, and can gradually change color as it heats up. Its tail is also designed to resemble a cannon's fuse. They did put thought into it being more than just a toucan.
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Is this the Wobbufett you're talking about? Because I don't think Twins and Girafarig fit into this.
Do you know what build this is from by any chance? I don't think I've ever seen this Wobbufett, and can't find any more info
Oh and by "fit into this", I mean the original picture about beta Sableye. Of course Twins & Girafarig are related to Wobbufett
>Then pic related was meant to be Groudon
Looks like another take at cactus monster
I think it's more a proof of concept. It's got a lot of gen 3 design traits like the eyes, patterns, spikes and lower mouth. Color scheme is similar to Linoone.

I've seen a few suggwest this was a concept for a cocoon evolution like Cascoon.
nobinyobi sexo
I've noticed a lot of designs like shedninja and huntail are direct proof that they started babyfying stuff since gen 3.
I feel like they weren't so afraid of sharp teeth in gen 2 and before.
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>#326 Arei
Has anyone pointed this out yet?
I want to impregnate Arei
Where can I find the leaks?
That "leak" with the RS beta of a Torkoal prevo was a fake since it's allegedly dated Sept 2002 (ergo, the penultimate build) and there is no pallete data for the Torkoal prevo's box/mini sprite
can we get his portfolio? would love to compare
This one is definitely the coolest. Did it have any internal file names associated with it? Would love to see fan artists turning it into an actual Pokemon.
You trannies gonna post the link or not?
the middle huntail's fake fish looks like gorebyss
i honestly think the idea got recycled for treecko.
big are geckos.
and treecko's final form has a huge thick tail
Its a theory hedging on the sillouette being similar and how mysterious it looks
Its filename is Esper Rocket in Japanese, therefore this was likely a psychic+flying/steel type. Might actually be a Deoxys or Jirachi concept.

Though I feel they likely decided they wanted 2 mythicals - one "cute" in the vein of Mew and Celebi with a more experimental cool design.
Sounds more like the twins
Lati duo were one of the first gen 3 mon made by 2000 as per Sugimori's own words during a RS interview that Dr. Lava translated, plus the design for them was definitely finalised by May 2001 considering M05 news was on the Project Pikachu website by then. The filedate on that pic is July 2002
Gives me Hounds of Tindalos vibes, what with the angular build and a body that looks like it just jumped dimensions.
My nigga

Now the iron crab thing makes sense.
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>clamperl and huntail x gorebyss' rumours
What rumors?
i want magnet crab. every crab pokemon is dogshit now.
It just looks like they were still trying to work on this design to me
needle bag makuhita baby is cute.

snake scrafty ruined regular scrafty.

want ubausagi

that thing is objectively better than grumpig
>huntail and gorebys were one pokemon

oh wow its worthless.
it's a hound of tindalos, that's why it's transluscent and vanishes towards its edges
Why didn’t they recycle it as a Krabby regional?
They probably forgot
actually picrel was cacturne
Does someone have more info on Kodomin (leftmost, third row)? It's so cool but I have no idea what it's supposed to be.
I thunder oni I think
Honestly most of them seem like they became pokemon. They just became less SMT and more pokemon proper.

I've seen Cacturne, Metagross, Aggron, Manectric, and because of it being a completely rock monster with no real face climbing around on unown glyphs I wouldn't be surprised if >>56615127 is a very very early Regirock.
being we have evidence over and over of them going back to previous gens and refining concepts and designs that got cut, I wonder if this inspired Xerneas
Honestly the weird Skeletal energy shit going on has me thinking more about Eternatus than Xerneas
That too, but the blue colour scheme layer over a layer of lights really reminds me of Xerneas' horns
what's the green thing in this one
it looks like the creature thats wearing the skull, its just a blank placeholder
TCRF indicates Oolong here became Rayquaza, judging by the naming of its Sugimori art. If so, and taking these as a duo, it really seems to me they were merged together to make Fug
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it's crazy how close we came to pokémon games actually having a change for once
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seems like this guy was re-worked into FLUDD in sunshine. Pretty cool
literally a digimon
i think its a coincidence, i dont think the sunshine team was taking notes from gamefreak
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Lotad looks like that fake shadow bug mon that people said was from space world years and years ago
literally a spectrobe
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I swear I sketch of this design was posted years ago and was eventually "discredited" anyone remember that?
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Love that we got official art of these, wonder why they bothered, were they mons they planned to use in the anime like kecleon?
Probably mons far enough in development to warrant art but cut late into development
this could have been early groudon
Does anyone know if Kekleon has differ forms (colors) in the beta, his eReader dex enteries all have different palettes, including purple
There are a few based on literal toys, which makes me think of low hanging fruit merchandise.
get in line
they all have names now? cool!
wholesome hugging with Arei
Was likely revived into Gigalith, feels like some cave-dwelling creature
pea brain
i know, what a fucking retarded idiot
So is this fuckin thing real or not?
This is just Klawf. Similar shapes and colorations.
Klawf even has the magnetic fuzz; it just lost the awkward magnets.
The way pokemon used to be designed would be that they'd get sketched, roughed into sprites, then Sugimori (or someone directly with him) would pick the best ones and make proper artwork of them to refine the design, then the sprite would be changed to match the new artwork. These were probably the ones considered good enough for that Sugimori artwork step, but then got cut afterwards anyway
Speaking of Sugimori's artwork, in which part of ther leak are the Betamon like this one? >>56638303
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>Would've been the first Ghost/Fairy that isn't based on a pre-existing mon
Thank you very much! Shame that we didn't get anything like this with the scrapped GS mons
Pippa would ironically be enough be completely kino if they kept it and kept moving it into future generations where you could easily change natures/ivs and all that shit since I'm sure half the reason it wasn't in Gen 3 was because that was when the ability, nature, and EV system finally came to be.
Also maybe made it evolve into its own mons that represent strengths in certain stats (HP, Atk, etc.) and give the evolutions moves based off of those
It's painful that we missed out on the the squid, grass rabbit, peacock, and the bookmark bird.
That poor squid likely got cut from three gens in a row.
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that lottery pokemon
It's sableye
Bruh it's Aggron>>56612281
>lottery Pokémon
Can I get a qrd on pippa and wtf it is or it's gimmick is? Haven't had time to comb through the docos yet
people think, based on an unused pokedex entry leaked a while ago, that its gimmick was to evolve into a random pokemon
supposedly it could evolve into any pokemon chosen at random
wasn't it called evolotto?
It was renamed that by March 2002. Its name back in 2001 was Pippa.
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It's probably "Evolot". In Japanese, the word "lot" is spelt as its name is. The word "lotto" is spelt a little differently.
It has no ears or mouth and reacts based on light.
Everyone says this is rayquaza somehow and it's making me think I was genuinely created via Last Thursday-ism
I want Pippa :(
Oh man, I just realized Zuruzu is an early Scraggy/Scrafty.
I also really like Togepyon. He looks based.
Poor squid indeed. Fingers crossed we get him in the next generation then.
the squid was likely repurposed into lileep/cradily. tentacles, "eye"-markings on a "pot", etc.
What the fuck is the reddit mascot thing and the retarded yellow thing on top LMAO
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That's literally a monster from fear and hunger
>sharp teeth are what makes something baby or not
They all look like they came straight up from a Final Fantasy Game.

Why nobody is talking about that they look like Final Fantasy Enemies!?
I can definitely see it.
between this, beta hoppip, and final oddish, seems like someone at gf really liked grass types that were black blobs with light dot eyes with a plant on their head
People make the Primarina comparison a lot, but I think it just got reworked into Milotic, which is also supposed to be mermaid-inspired.
I wonder if this got refined into Deino.
This is actually a scrapped fossilmon. It looks like a mix between anvil sharks (Stethacanthus) and a pliosaur.
looks like they were trying to do a fish girafarig
looks like a dog to me with it's legs being covered by a blanket
>One of the TCG artists also drew it much later.
Pic? Which artist? If it's Arita, I'll freak.
Doesn't the japanese version of the glitch generate a different missingno image? Probably just a coincidence if true, because a japanese artist would make it look like their version, not an overseas version.
the only scrapped content that would interest me are rejected megas and the whole paradox mons working concepts. I also wonder if ultra beast had some rejected stuff too, to show is the likeness of some of them with some NPC came from something
Same, I'm not sure why people keep thinking its a mermaid. It's got a bell collar and it's back sprite shows it has dog ears
It can evolve into a pokemon at random, and some people think it's tied to the mechanic that influences how Wurmple's evolution works
Her name was Nishida. Pikachu's designer.
Can't be. Because the internal notes in March 2002 say they're unsure whether to even have a third major legend but they probably pushed ahead because the 3rd version fodder was practically there.

Sounds like just a concept image that split off into multiple Pokemon like that magazine cover Cleffa and Hitmontop originate from.
>Blaziken might have been a trio with Lati@s
it's the fact that they even felt like they had to round up their teeth at all.
It feels like they were actively going "nah this is too scary for children tone it down"
thiz became whismur line
where is the image with the unova scrapped mons
Looking for this also, also gen 4 if there is one of those
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>Scrapped Military theme
That explains why learns Explosion by level up.
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Wish I could have added her to my grass waifumon harem
i too enjoy the horrific blimp creature
i think it was just scrapped, the only edgymon that was recycled into an actual game was the cacturne one, everything else is just speculation

clutching at straws might be fun for other people, but if yalls are gonna bend over backwards trying to seek patterns yous need to get better at it
crazy that by this time, they had recoloured both jynx and bellosom but one of the staff was still trying to pitch this

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