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To all pokegroomers out there, learn some media literacy. You are taking stories that were never meant for the public eye to justify your inane perverted fantasies. Given the way they're written and the way they being it's very likely these are rough draft for folklore stories like the ones found in the library in Gen 4 and they would've been modified if they made it into the games.

As such it's inane to think that this justifies inane groomer fantasies, these ulgy, perverted fantasies that go against the spirit of the franchise. Verily indeed, anyone who thinks these stories to be significant needs to rethink the whole thing. Stop sexualizing Pokemon.
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I want the people who are calling these stories perverted and disgusting to say the same about the Ainu and Native American folktales they were direct retellings of which featured real-world animals instead of pokemon
You got eternally btfo faggot.
If you had a shred of self respect you would stop making these thread immediatly
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>media literacy
Stopped reading
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We won.
you lost
>still at it
you're one dedicated autist
I give you that
>even inanefag's image filename has "ho" in it
you lost SO hard
Take it easy nigga it's just a bunch of words.

All fields
"media literacy" is reading the stories and seeing that the moral is don't hunt for sport/live in harmony with nature but don't go out at night. we might even agree on your actual point that these are by one person and didn't make it in to the actual games, but that's not what the words you're using mean.
you're being a dumbass on purpose, nevermind.
>"muh media literacy!"
Stfu faggot. We all know you people throw that term around to defend whatever slop you enjoy and to scream about people enjoying some good shit instead of your slop.
Door swings both ways if people can bring any bs into the games you can too.
The Ainu and injuns are disgusting perverts too and deserve to be subjugated by colonists for that.
>incel mad that women enjoy Typhlosion more than him
Based. Drag the indigenous perverts for coming up with this smut.
To all you retarded zoomers who have no friend, who spend their time on the net, who use pronoun and buy into western gender pseudoscience.

Stop using faggot orwellian terms like media literacy. Its a fake word invented by bread tubers who try to survive with their evil worldview by trying to claim all media is leftists, and if you disagree, its because you lack "media literacy".

What does that word mean OP huh? Are you proud you are literal over consuming children cartoon? Aren't you a fucking adult?

Here's a better lesson, how about you fucking learn to segregate fiction from reality? Why is that so fucking difficult? How come the average Japanese can do it but the mentally ill westerner cannot? You treat fiction like reality? Thats a better lesson, because then your reaction to this isn't to use it to justify fantasy manifesting into reality, you'll just treat it as a funny and bizarre thing that happened at GF.

Maybe you need to be physically punished? From my experience with zoomer women, hurting them oddly fixes their mental illness real quickly, as if the pain causes their genes to wipe out your brainwashing.
If all the humans in those stories were replaced with a pokemon nobody would give a shit as hard.
what took you so long, my nigga?
retard, it's just coomers with a persecution complex pretending to be their own boogeyman
notice how every thread this "one" poster appears in it's totally random whether their filenames are greek, randomized, iPhone, or whatever else, even for the same picture. It's like how shaun isn't even the real shaun anymore it's just a discordfag.
The siberians are fucking disgusting and deserve to be shamed. They never built land and the Aztecs are the most evil civilization, alongside the Cannanites. The parallels between the Aztecs and modern mexican narco culture are so close its almost comical. Even the name "native america" feels like a slur, because these people have no link to the USA.
They are all fake stories I already explained this a million times but brain dead zoomies/newfags wont listen because its a meme right now or whatever.
TLDR the smut isn't constant with the lore itself so its non-canon
Native Americans constantly go missing or are found raped and dead. They want to blame whitey but we all know they are doing that to each other.
What an inane statement. These stories don't mean anything is the point, they're stories that were never meant to the public was never meant to see and if they made it to the games they would've been heavily modified.

Verily so, my whole point is less about the content of the story but the way pokegroomers and those lacking in media literacy are using them to push an inane agenda.
Pokephiles view these stories as lewd myths that justify pokephilia. Normies view these stories as lewd myths that justify pokephilia. You lost.
Good choice friend, but for me its the Kantonian Ninetales.
People are civilized beyond the age of myths now, if we weren't we'd still be drinking animal blood and offering sacrifices to pagan gods
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Play the games sometime.
What Pokemon did people marry exactly?
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Like, seriously play the fucking games sometime.
Froslass is said to be Human so not really an argument
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My fellows, the prophecy was true. This is the point of no return. The degeneracy and the corruption is sealed forever.

You had the chance /vp/. You blew it. What you see in pic related is Alolan Ninetales in a hundred thousand years and human genes mixed into one.

Shame upon you!
Thank you. Both sides are retarded. These are surprisingly well written and shows the creative talent left in Gamefreak. People sadly are immature or consumed with brain rot.
You're being very insensitive to various African tribal beliefs right now anon. Stop being racist.
Shut up idiot learn to read then you would know there is no porn in the stories
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It's actually criminal how lacking your knowledge base is.
What pokémon did people befriend and live with anon? There doesn't seem to be any explicitly stated or ruled out in that entry, so from what I see, it's anything goes as long as they have a bond. Which is another thing the series plays up as part of this - pokémon are as intelligent as humans, not lower beasts like real world animals (not that the "lower beast" label means much - cows are lower beasts, cows can have best friends, favourite humans and be as personable a doggies. But they taste fucking amazing with salt and pepper walked across a flat-top, so humans ignore all that to eat the beef).
It has a pokédex number, it has Typings, it evolves from a base stage. It's a pokémon annon.
In fact, the only difference between it and Aus in the lore bible leaks is that they actually told a version of a Japanese folklore myth in-game, instead of just using it as colour for the ethos of Gen 4. because they both take the form of a human, both fall in love with a man and have kids and both ultimately leave him. TRhey also both love their husbands strongly enough to mourn their passings (the Froslass being uncatchable implies she is Owned. And the only human we hear interacting with her is the man who's journal fragments she held and reclaimed after the battle with Arceus' Champion).
The prophecy came true alright. Sadly it was the prophecy of the great Justification - it was foretold there would come a day when Game Freak's true thoughts on their series would come to fruition and that the faithful would be rewarded for their expectations. Sorry you thought they couldn't possibly, but that's what you get for ignoring Japanese culture and the age of the devs directly making the games (because they were in that key age demo, where they were furry receptive, but not constrained by the modern exhibitions of furry elsewhere in other series).
>You are taking stories that were never meant for the public eye to justify your inane perverted fantasies
perverted devs
perverted franchise
umm racist much??????
baka desu senpai
Media Literacy means nothing in the face of Death of the Author no matter what you might say or want I can interpret this art however I want and there is nothing you can do about it
>Given the way they're written and the way they being it's very likely these are rough draft for folklore stories like the ones found in the library in Gen 4 and they would've been modified if they made it into the games.
Explain why they needed to include sex between pokemon and humans in the folklore of a made up world. Why did a story about hunting being bad require interspecies romance when you could have instead done something like "There were Typhlosion in the forest, but man hunted them into extinction. Without the Typhlosion the Scyther ate all the resources and the villagers died."
They were literally just referencing real-world indigenous folklore while constructing Sinnoh myths.


Time to cancel the injuns.
>It's not bad because they were being lazy and copy pasting real world myths about beastiality
I'll ask again Why did a story about hunting being bad require interspecies romance when you could have instead done something like "There were Typhlosion in the forest, but man hunted them into extinction. Without the Typhlosion the Scyther ate all the resources and the villagers died."
>why they needed to include
There is no "they" is was one shitty employee
oh wow using unrelated buzzwords
go and vote for your beloved trump if you have to

also I don't need to justify anything, nor do I need anything canon to do what I do.
Because they were using folklore as references in writing exercises that were never even intended to see the light of day. Are you retarded? No need to answer that.
This is cope.
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imagine coping about Canalave this fucking hard for this fucking long. go touch some grass like I did, you dysgenic r*dditor
I would rape icefox right up her ice cream cookie, with such extreme violence they’d write a throwaway lore gag about it.
>Never intended to see the light of day
>Ignoring Canalave Library and Froslass in LA
wouldn't that just lead to frostbite on your dick?
If a random team rocket grunt can survive a point-blank hyper beam, I can survive this uppity slut’s frosty pussy.
Yeah, but imagine:
>Pokemon Legends:Typhlosion
Never played PLA, but that Canalave Library story wasn't interspecies, it stated that pokemon and humans used to be the same species in the distant past
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Given we now have all of these little internal notes, we know that humans and Pokemon have and always were different beings from one another. We do however now have a third type of being in Pokemon known as giants who were describes as different beings from both humans and Pokemon.
i for one like that game freak treats pokemon lore as a japanese yokai folklore to reminds us these aren't just cute animals as thr pokemon company forces us to see them as. Sure, a lion is cute and cool but they are also savages but unlike pokemon they do not pass the harkins' test and don't have supernatural powers. Wish gamefreak was allowed to make pokemon keep this weirdness lile how XY was about aliens and megastones mutate your pokemon into bizarre forms and not just seen as a power up. if gen 4 was about folklore amd gen 6 about aliens, what was gen 5 about?
Yeah, after this backlash they're never going to do anything remotely like this again. Pokemon are going to just be cute animals from here on out.
This, also you groomer freaks are LITERALLY normalizing sexual assault with your “””jokes””” and ensuring that real people are hurt
Gen 5 had this weird lore that blacks were people.
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Too late, everyone Just Knows now.
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>He posted it again
>a human
this a new level of cope holly shit
Dude it's just a joke. I think only 5% of people are actually getting off to it
Most people are offended by it and calling Game Freak perverted furries
>He can't refute it
You are literally the product of God fucking a human male.
pokegroomer is such a hilariously retarded term I could cry laughing over it
That's what makes it so funny
they're drunkards for a reason and have high rates of fatal car accidents. If you are a male native you are more likely to crash and die in a DUI by a lot.
Probably has something to do with your whole culture being ripped apart. It is what it is but we can't deny whites had a role to play, even if the natives also did terrible stuff in return.
Praise jebus
That image has nothing to do with Typhlosion or Octillery sex.
You're busier crying about people keeping it to their fantasies than going after the dangerous groomers who actually hurt real life people.
You continue to lose each and every day.
The only part whites had a role in was introducing them to guns, alcohol and mechanical horses, or do you think non-whites aren't responsible for their own actions??
>what is the trail of tears
Whites forcefully took their land, what are you talking about
doesnt the manga reference pokephilia somewhere?
>Native American tribes never took each others land or hunted each other to extinction!!
>They would never ever ever trade for guns so they could kill their neighbours!!!
Wow it's fucking nothing
White groups like poles suffered far worse throughout their history, yet you don't hear them bitch all the time centuries after.
Boo fucking hoo, chief prepping bull.
>nooo poles had it worse!
>that means whites have never done anything bad ever!
>avatarfag still trying to save face
it's over bro
lol, lmao
What? Whites still did take it
>Image clearly shows GameFreak puts this in the games
>"No it doesn't count because it's not a 1:1 recreation"
>dilating this hard
Something being forbidden doesn’t make it false.
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>media literacy
Do you even know what that phrase means you retard? I doubt you do.
AAAAND you can absolutely fuck off after saying that. You sound just like a tourist who came from twitter because you clearly have NOT played the fucking games. Get the fuck off my board you pompous cunt. All this talk and misuse of "Media literacy" and you don't have any fucking clue just how much managed to get into the games.
See the following posts
and procedure to bugger off.
>media literacy
nice selfie
>alolan ninetales
You must be a newfag, 'cause he's been around for a long time
Who was tasked with the setting and background by Masuda, on Game Freak company time, to worldbuild for their upcoming game. Seethe.
>you must be a newfag, 'cause he's been around a long time.
My ass he has, and even if he has been I couldn't give less of a fuck. Op is a faggot who can't into lore that's already in the games and should fuck right off.
And on another note. What the fuck does the inclusion of a picture of a regional form have to do against ANYTHING I said?
Oh that's right.
so try again faggot.
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I'd wondered how mad you would be about this lmao
Sorry bro, it's Arceus-sanctioned now
It's still an interspecies relationship between a human man and a Froslass. Froslass, who is based on a Yuki-Onna, putting it in the same ilk as all the internal documentation lore featuring other Pokemon playing the roles of yokai in relationships with humans.
The Typhlosion story has shades of European folklore.
The husband whose face the wife is forbidden to look at is a classic "Animal/Monster as Bridegroom" motif, eg East of the Sun and West of the Moon.
Eating the berries => Persephone eating the pomegranate.
Transformation by animal pelt is common in lycanthropy.
It does seem like the kind of folklore that would exist in the Pokemon world.
It sounds like this >>56618648

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