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No one knows who the leaker is, tensions is so thick you can cut with a knife. Masuda and legal department trying to threaten the leaker with jail, but things are out of control. Everyone is demoralized beyond belief due to Palworld lawsuit backlash and AZ being cancelled.

Japanese trending topics now include the words Typhlosion, and you know exactly why.

This is a PR nightmare.
Wait what was cancelled? I havent heard of a project called AZ, I am terribly out of the loop.
>No one knows who the leaker is
Titikaka Matsumoto, custodian
>and AZ being cancelled.
Wait, Pokemon Arceus Z is cancelled? What?
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Good. Fuck them. They deserve this for squandering such potential to the point where a random indie parody game could outdo them.

Legends arceus Z, just the next game in that style
I wish ZA was cancelled.It would be poetic
>No one knows who the leaker is
Takuto Takabe
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I think they'll just bring back Masuda from TPC and have him do a Stalin purge, go full scorched earth and get rid of the angry devs (hopefully, the leaker too). He doesn't give a fuck about people crying or anyone else's opinion, it's the perfect person to be put back in charge. GameFreak clearly needs someone with a stronger pulse in charge.
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To add to this, he got phished off a porn site because he used company info for his account like a dumbass
No AZ the tall guy from XY, he's been cut from Legends Z-A.
this is horribly selfish of me, but i'm actually kind of glad that most people are so awful at cybersecurity. it means my bare-minimum common sense goes a lot farther since criminals don't have to try as hard.
Masuda's not the same persion after Dexcut. The joy he felt from drinking Pokeslurpers' bloody tears over it have driven him insane and now all he does is do rectal bug insertion experiments on his secluded island.
Wasn't his name leaked?
Unironically this.
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You get what you fucking deserve.
This is revenge. There's no other way to put it.
Is the porn site story real or was it just some regular phishing mail ?
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>Everyone is demoralized beyond belief due to Palworld lawsuit backlash
What the fuck were they expecting when people were very quickly able to sus out that they quickly went to enable a patent and then go "umm, you guys, we're suing you for violating our patents but we're not telling you which one(s)". Out of any other kind of response that nintendo/TPC could have, how could they not expect people to see this for trying to cut out competition that they're treating like an actual threat? Instead they've pulled a shitty stunt that if it wins, it sets a precedent and damages any potential future creature collector games to do any innovation. They basically set themselves up to have the gaming industry root against them.
What the fuck were they thinking?
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Palchads we won.
I thought the Japanese were on their side
>Everyone is demoralized beyond belief due to Palworld lawsuit backlash and AZ being cancelled.
This fanfic sucks infinitely more than the fanfiction GF wrote and hidden for years. 1/10
Get stomped and humiliated you worthless boomers. And I hope palworld rapes you.
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It's over gamefreak, I have the high ground
That's what you get for bullying those weaker than you.
This is some Lucario/Renamon tier resemblance…
salazzle is hotter
No, just the Japanese pokemon fanbase and indie developers. The latter because PP called themselves a small indie team and it upset them mostly.
>The latter because PP called themselves a small indie team and it upset them mostly.
It's the truth, why are they such sore losers?
>Years ago when the "spyro dragon" toy to video game shit was on the craze and popular, nintendo and pokemon didn't have amiibo yet
>idea springs to mind
>send nintendo a detailed email about how they could make a gacha type pokemon game where the pokeballs open to reveal pokemon inside
>have them include shinys for varience and collectable marketability
>"We're not accepting unsolicited ideas"
>months later, amiibo and its limited shit
>nothing from pokemon
>pokemon quality goes downhill "lol what is open world games"
>sword and shield shit from not able to have all pokemon, and there's barely any animations
>sword and shield story is bland and toothless
>scarlet and violet, texture shit and the various bugs
How would I know man? I'm not an independent Japanese game developer.
By western standards they are a small indie team (at least when PAlworld released, dunno about now).

But this is from Japan, whose definition of Indie game is like 1-3 people doing it after their 9-9 grind, I could see why.
Screencap this post, we'll see Masuda returning in a leadership position to GameFreak.

They'll go for a 'Return to Form' sequel and ditch all the SwSh+ ideas. Fans will actually like the new game, but it will just be the 1994 formula that worked so well for them in Ruby/Saphire and D/P.
>Instead they've pulled a shitty stunt that if it wins, it sets a precedent and damages any potential future creature collector games to do any innovation.
Anon Japan doesn't take precedents into account
indie japanese game devs are sadly more likely to accidentally sell their IPs off to a publishing company to brutally rape and milk until there's nothing left. Reference, Cave Story and I think La Mulana too. But mainly Cave Story.
Bro, Gamefreak themselves still calls themselves a small indie company.
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>Nintendo gets cocky and tries to push down Pocketpair without realizing they have Sony Money backing them up
>right as tensions are high about the Palworld lawsuit, Pokemon "coincidentally" experiences a Gigaleak that irreparably damages the brand's child-friendly image with all sorts of sordid tales of interspecies relationships, rapes and killings, and most importantly, could potentially risk divulging vital information about Switch 2 since GF is one of Nintendo's most trusted developers, and they've no doubt been fucking around with Switch 2 hardware for several years now
Fuck around and find out.
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>nothing from pokemon
picrel is literally what you described, and it's on a "toys-to-life" game as well
also they literally can't state that they took ideas from fans because those fans can sue for royalties
Only as self-inflicted punishment. They have the highest-grossing IP on Earth, there's zero reason why they couldn't scale up.
>They deserve this for squandering such potential to the point where a random indie parody game could outdo them.
By being worse
>she thinks this will have any influence on the legal process
"I see you have a rock-solid legal case here, unfortunately 15 years ago one of your employees took an indigenous myth about animal rapists and replaced the animal with one of your characters so I have to award the case to the defendant Pocketpair"
do you even read the shit you write before you hit Post?
The patent that you're talking about draws reference to one that they already filed some years ago. Please do like 5 minutes of actual reading.
Those stories are pretty much just existing yokai stories but repurposed with pokemon. Unlike the santized west shit like Naruto and Bleach among others are also read by young children.
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There were no leaks under Masuda's tenure. The nanossecond he left, we had SpaceWorld.

What type of tyrant this man was, that no one dared since 1994 leaking anything?
>fans because those fans can sue for royalties
If I had any part in the fucking pokemon IP maybe. But they're the one with the pokemon IP. Maybe translation issues, but how could they not understand physically buying a little pokeball with opened up to reveal a little pokemon figure where the bottom had an NFC chip on the bottom with the pokemon which when placed down on a reader would go to the game world. Only thing I didn't explain was what the game would actually be, so it was for them to figure it out.
Generally yeah and contrary to what people here think it's not because they like Pokemon but because they dislike pocketpair and their design philosophy not to mention trying to pull the
>we arr smarr indie company!
angle after partnering with MS and Sony.

Basically they're coming off as grubby Jews to the nips.
Maybe Masuda was the culprit all along...
>If I had any part in the fucking pokemon IP maybe.
it doesn't matter, if you got a letter from them saying "thanks, we'll put your idea in the game" you could go to court and say "they took my idea and I want a part of their profits, here's a letter as proof" and they couldn't do shit. This has happened before (not with pokemon though), I'm not making this up
do you think every game freak employee is a partial owner of the pokemon ip?
>how could they not understand physically buying a little pokeball with opened up to reveal a little pokemon figure where the bottom had an NFC chip on the bottom with the pokemon which when placed down on a reader would go to the game world
are you blind? I literally posted a picture showing exactly that
Why would you ever sign up to a pornsite and why would you ever use your company email for that
Please, try and use your fucking brains for once, you jobless retarded ass zoomers.
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I'm going to just burst your bubble because I can
>>Nintendo gets cocky and tries to push down Pocketpair without realizing they have Sony Money backing them up
Even if it worked like that Sony has no reason to help since they gain more if they lose. Especially if they have to sell the palworld IP to pay fees.
>>right as tensions are high about the Palworld lawsuit, Pokemon "coincidentally" experiences a Gigaleak that irreparably damages the brand's child-friendly image
with all sorts of sordid tales of interspecies relationships, rapes and killings,
It's not really doing that at all, most developers, creators etc just make edgy shit like that for fun pic related
>and most importantly, could potentially risk divulging vital information about Switch 2 since GF is one of Nintendo's most trusted developers, and they've no doubt been fucking around with Switch 2 hardware for several years now
>since GF is one of Nintendo's most trusted developers
Who told you that? They're third party developers you know.
Possible legal argument would be that given Sinnoh has all this religious inspiration and uses Japanese folklore that Palworld is nothing like Pokemon, which would limit the case to solely the patent with nothing else (yes it's already limited, but you can slip things into cases, and this leak really helps make sure it does not slip in) so it's a court case of 'can pokemon patent this mechanic' as opposed to 'is this a rip off of the Pokemon concept,' because the Pokemon concept, specifically for Sinnoh (therefore Legends Arceus) is all that shit. It being leaked now means it's public record, as opposed to private confidential work product.
>no one will believe I'm a lawfag
>this isn't a guarantee but what I'm suggesting is possible
>are you blind? I literally posted a picture showing exactly that
I assumed that thumbnail was an ingame screenshot and not the something they actually did. Pardon my retardation
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>but you can slip things into cases
Anon, if you tried to talk about nonsense like that in court when it isn't relevant you would get laughed out.
Hes Todd Howard levels of fucking murdering employees for the slightest thing
My company made me use my personal email for company work, should I be worried?
You don't have a separate work email?
No law is entirely a game of slipping things in. It's how you bring it up though the lawyer doesn't just scream it in court, nor does anyone get to just bring it up. So say Nintendo brought up 'they infringed on our patent,' judge says 'how,' Nintendo says 'we have a catch monster ball mechanic, and they have a catch monster ball mechanic' (not sure entirely that's the patent but for example), they show a video comparison, judge asks a few questions about the similarity in mechanics, and then the judge suggests they have a copyright claim as well, so (1) decides the issue on the matter of the patent claim but suggests/allows them to refile on a general copyright claim (2) says fuck you you didn't file the copyright claim so you can't file one at all, just decides on the patent, (3) says no decision and lets them refile the entire case as copyright + patent. I'd need more case details to know how this benefits either side, but no you can manipulate cases like that.
I just hope they get absorbed by tpc and nintendo
You say that like Nintendo hasn't been trying that for decades and just can't get the needle to move on the matter.

Game Freak's gotta stay independent so they make their wonderful independent titles like Tembo The Badass Elephant and Little Town Hero.
Palworld doesn't actually break the patent you both are referencing. Pocketpair didn't copy PLA's catching mechanics. They recycled their own catching mechanic from Craftopia, which came out before PLA.
They sided with Pokemon because they're consumerist corporate drones. It doesn't actually matter what Pocketpair said or did.
That's what you get for the dexcut, fuckers.
>I see you have a rock-solid legal case here
There's nothing "rock solid" about abusing the patent system.
There's a black MAGA nazi used his own personal email to sign up to tranny porn sites to comment. People do retarded things, especially if they want to hide what they're doing (bet his wife/gf wouldn't want him spending money on porn for example). He's still retarded, but don't act like he's the first fucking idiot to use work emails for porn or other on the internet.
Same. With so many easy targets, normal users like us can get away from trouble with just bothering to remember passwords.
it’s a plass style game so it’s not like anybody would be sad if this shit got canned
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TOp 10 anime redemption arcs?

That is a maybe.

Masuda fits the perfect petty lawful evil boss type. People were probably scared of not letting him get his way. He is always the more silent during interviews, refuses to speak English even though he is fluent, and Ohmori is always glancing at him, as if meaning, 'I didn't say anything wrong, right, M-mr. Masuda?'

When he was around Pokémon was modernizing at a slow pace, but it was still decent. XY were ultra boring and even more linear when compared to B2W2, but they had fun new mechanics and it was the one generation were gimmicks were done right, with mega evolution being popular to this day. He arguably commited a mistake cutting the Battle Frontier then blaming the players, but many people were still on his side and could understand his argument of 'we're too lazy to add anything extra or very hard'.

He let Ohmori direct Sun/Moon while he did hookers in his office and snorted coke, but was still around to direct the game towards the Ruby / Saphire script that always worked.

Then in SwSh, he was only seen when the Black Day arrived, and he announced with cold blood that 75% of the Pokémon were getting culled, lying that they were working on better animations and balancing. That is when he went full, 'They'll buy it anyway' and never returned.
Didn't Nintendo also "update" their existing patents after Palworld released to be more similar to Palworld mechanics and otherwise just way more broad
i wonder where the phisher lives and what they look like
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...at being a broken mess
>a basically complete game
>cancelling it instead of just releasing it anyway and still making 99.9% of the money they would have anyway
my fucking sides, anon
You're all a bunch of retarded gossiping schizos making shit up
>They sided with Pokemon because they're consumerist corporate drones
If they did they would have sided with pocket pair.
Well yeah, palworld is a broken mess. That's part of why it's worse
Nah that would suck
Wishful thinking
>Masuda and legal department trying to threaten the leaker
lmao, come on now Anon. A fucking game director sending legal threats? Make your shit believable.
Game Freak are assembling a crack team of mercenaries and hitmen RIGHT NOW to go on a cross-continent journey to hunt down and bring each leaker to justice.
I'm sure you know, bro. Which tranny faggot helped you write your heckin awesome style reporterino, nigger? NIGGER
>company email for that
So your partner wouldn't have access to it. A lot of people were found out to be using their work email during the Ashley Madison leak.
didn't masuda even joke that they wanted to make a mega flygon for oras but they've seen so many fan designs that they decided against it as one of them would certainly end up too similar to the official one?
Wtf is happening over there?
Literally? Yes. Sexually? Yes.
He used the Masuda Method on his staff
That Salazzle is way too big, just sayin
So... Not team rocket this time
that's because she a fire type silly.
I did like Giga Wreckers alt. that was a fun game.
pretty much, like a couple of months later.
I specifically didn't mention that in that list cause yeah that one's pretty ok.
would probably be the end of /vp/ as we know it
(and good riddance)
Its time for nintendo to just buy them out and dissolve them as a company
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Imagine not having multiple different e-mails across different services just to ensure your safety. Pic related are just my g-mails ones, for example.
Nowadays I just have 3 phone numbers, but in the past I've also used to have multiple different phone numbers (started doing it when smartphones with dual sim cards started being a thing) becase each one was like $3/month.
I have 4 Zoe and Grizzbolts at my disposal, they fucking suck at everything but it's a flex.
Got a source to back up your claim?
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They actually had to amend the patent to make the lawsuit work. Basically, the idea is that since 3 shakes of the pokeball is a mechanic which originates in Pokemon (although it only has real gameplay role and effect in Palworld) the game violates a patent which was filed some time ago as amended this year after Palworld was released.

Japan does not have a precedent-based legal system like the US. It uses a strictly law-based system like most of the world.
It's so bad it's getting mogged by a Korean knockoff.
Biguru I'm anasu
Mistah Merriku...he tried to warn us...bageru... was real...
Kek the fuck did he do now?
The spheres in Palworld aren't limited to just 3 shakes btw.
as a big fan of puzzle platformers Giga Wrecker was complete dogshit. Hell the best thing I can say about Little Town Hero and SwShit is that they weren't the worst GameFreak games I played in 2019.
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>Tembo the Badass Elphant flopped
>Little Town Hero flopped
>Studio's youtube channel abandoned

The irony is that tragedy struck right when they started to get on their asses to try and raise the franchise's standards. Right when they gave themselves the time to make a proper game, when Legends is looking the most promising.

It's poetic because the lack of Pokémon Z was the fault of their own hubris, deviating resources for the Gear Project. And right when they're about to rectify it, they're struck by this leak fucking up their whole plans and possibly the brand as a whole.

Karma, divine punishment, call it what you want. Game Freak had it coming. Years of absolutely no direction and not giving a fuck. TPCi being run by the same kind of idiots too. Too little, too late. The beauty of seeing this studio, that basically lives off of their luck from creating the world's most profitable franchise, fall down from grace in style.
masuda left gf a while ago
GF being reduced to workhorses and TPC having more control over the IP soon. Imagine mons designed by GF but the games as a whole being developed by a completely different studio, something like ILCA. Maybe even Nintendo gets more piece of the pie.
OP sounds like one of those Youtube grifters
Agreed. Still hope Pocket Pair wins.
>"Rightoid youtubers are grifters!"
>"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a bunch of Hasan and Vaush videos to get caught up on."
Sounds like shit
and that is in the LEGAL side
hey could bribe the judge
Slog the court to make the oponent give up
Or make the lawsuit be reveseted again and again until it get aprove

This last seems to be their favorite
aanaada they may already have a "favorite" judge to aprove their shit
>AZ being cancelled.
bullfucking shit
>aanaada they may already have a "favorite" judge to aprove their shit
And Japan has an extreme problem with biased/corrupt judges too, like there was one who found a guy guilty of molesting a girl on a bus when there was literally camera footage of him with both his hands visible at all times. The judge just went "yeah well maybe he could've done it somehow" and found him guilty and it took like 3 years of the guy fighting it before that got thrown out.
The japanese are on gf’s side, that anon is just on crack. Even the actual Zun from Touhou took a shot at pocketpair on social media which is pretty damming.
lmao this nigga actually watches the Quarter Pounder, how embarassing
Unrelated by why is that quote evil? I need context.
It just sounds profound to me and I even want to co-opt it for a project I am working on.

Please, explain.
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>attacked Palworld out of pure spite and pity
>gets fucking gigaleaked way worse that Capcom’s back in 2020
You get what you’re fucking deserved
I don't eat quarter pounders, let alone watch them. Curious that you didn't deny watching infamous leftoid grifters, however.
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Not only this
All those dickheads who put their entire lives for this franchise and protecting thier false God, all those smug basterds will an hero themselves in droves the moment it’s truly over
Please let it all burn to the ground, this thrill is going to be worth it
>most developers, creators etc just make edgy shit like that for fun pic related
Nintendo is extremely anal about everything, what makes you think they won't have a problem with people writing furry smut when they're supposed to be working?
He's back from Japan already?
it's all a lie
Your mistyping of "by" instead of but and failure to put a comma after "Unrelated" made your post completely incomprehensible. After I took 45 seconds to decipher it, I can tell you that his "evil quote" is just some shit from an Avengers movie someone edited onto that picture.
>This is a PR nightmare
It's been one PR nightmare after another since the dex cut

How are they going to recover?
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Oh. I am stupid.
It is such a good quote though inn the context that focusing too much in the past will weight you down. You will never move forward if you resist change. Sometimes change is needed and nostalgia just clouds your mind.
This is an old pic
He is staying there for WAY longer given what happened. We will see him without his ass guaranteed
It's probably a reworded Chairman Mao, Joseph Stalin, or Machiavelli quote. Those show up a lot reworded and out of context in other fiction.
OK if I have to share such a large chunk of opinion with Chairman Mao and Joseph Stalin maybe it's time for me to reconsider if this is an actual good quote.
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I’m glad and I hope it’s very bad. As bad as Swshit and SV. Make better games. Now.
The story is hilarious, but I'm questioning if there is any evidence the employee used his company mail to register for porn sites beyond his name getting leaked.
Nah, it's just an example of why good writers don't necessarily make good leaders.

To expand a bit more. That quote, and other quotes like it from the Thanos character in the movie that it's taken from, borrow heavily from eastern collectivist thinking. Of course that character is literally deleting people, the quotes it's modified from are talking about using propaganda to make the public forget the "dark past" of revolution and think about the great future that can come from collectivism and working together.

This is why it's applied to Game Freak in OP's pic, the idea is that a "purge" would need to take place so the future of Pokemon could be better. I think the way you were looking at the quote was more like something Confucious might have said, which would be a lot more positive than Mao and Stalin, both of whom relied heavily on the willingness of their citizens to move on and not focus on the past to erase history. Remember, words can mean more than one thing to different people. Have a nice night, anon!
Same here anon, it just makes sense

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