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Is this the turning point against GameFreak for all the normies? Or will they defend beastiality like they have everything else?
Remember when they wanted to sue Rule 34 (Paheal) for Charizard bestiality entries in Jewgle Images?
So they had to change their tag to Porkyman.
You're a pearl clutching autistic child, normies could not give less of a fuck about this.
Sorry faggot, western pronoun using faggots aren't normies, and their outrage because they cannot segregate fantasy from reality will have no effect on anyone. I mean, notice how the Japanese side of the fandom, which doesn't have subhumans who cannot segregate fantasy from reality, aren't having the same reaction? They aren't try to le cancel Typhlosion as if it were a real person who actually sexually assaulted a real underage girl. They are talking about the security breach. The actual reality of the situation.
Normal fags will forget about it the moment they actually show footage of Legends ZA.

So next Pokemon Day probably.
Anon, you don't leave your room or 4chan,how would you know what normies think
It is trending for a whole day with no sight of ending
Dude got so overworked he had to write a bunch of fanfic to get past the boredom.
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>The defense against beastiality is "Le heckin leak is bad"
The shills are here in full force
I've seen people love it.
>Or will they defend beastiality like they have everything else?
Normalfags are the ones still posting the Vaporeon copypasta like they're the funniest people alive
People are realizing they want to have sex.
it's a woman
Anon, the writer is a man, Suguru Natsukoi. He's the Game Scenario writer for Gen 4 and Lead World Concept Director for Legends Arceus as well as Scarlet and Violet.
Hey dipshit, you know exactly what we mean by pronoun using discord zoomerretard, having pronoun in bios, using "singular they", inventing shit that was never used in English while intentionally ignoring the english gender neutral singular pronoun "it" or "ye", but you intentionally are ignoring that and acting in bad faith by trying to pretend we aren't talking about your gender pseudoscience bullshit destroying the English language, but pronouns in general.
There is no bestiality, this is just weird ass internal docs from GF that no one was meant to see. but you cannot segregate fiction from reality so you think its bestiality.

More over, these docs do not even "endorse" bestiality, its not like it some discussion about how to enforce some bestiality agenda in Pokemon. So its not about bestiality, its you trying to force that because you cannot segregate fiction from reality.

Third, the docs aren't even explicit badly written smut. Its more like a copy of actual myths. So again, its not about bestiality. And if its not bestiality, because nothing like that has occurred in reality, how is a internal bizarre document leak from GF "bestiality" and how is pointing this fact out a defense of bestiality? Because its not, you just cannot segregate fiction from reality.

Its time for you to admit you cannot segregate them, and this is a social problem.
>Anon reads a story about a pokemon raping a child
>it's not beastiality because it's based on a Greek myth about beastiality
They will simply realize that they need to actually establish how Pokemon are born. That will be something we get shown in the next game and the making of an egg to put them in. Then people will just go
>Gamefreak only had that as beta lore. THIS is how Pokemon are really made, it is through love between Pokemon and then the baby just simply appears
Nigga, you take memes way too seriously. Go back to shitter
No, they just claim that it's non canon because the works weren't ever released
And then when they encounter someone who actually does want to fuck Vaporeon, they're immediately grossed out and horrified
Yes anon, your inability to segregate fiction from reality, and being incapable to under contextual cues does make you genetically inferior.

Yes anon, the fact that the story isn't actually badly written smut, which has explicit details of a pokemon having sex with a human girl, but is instead written as a myth, does make an automatic difference in the context. Yes anon, the story itself doesn't translate into your logic that GF is evil for advocating bestiality. That is a jump in logic that is only possible if you cannot segregate fantasy from reality and ignore contextual cues. Like, god damn, you xitter faggots couldn't survive in the real world.

10 years ago, I would not have been replying to you this seriously because I would assume this is just obvious bait, but the depressing thing, is you go xitter, and you see these retard pronoun in bio faggots committing the same logical leaps of jump and inability to segregate fiction from reality, and then you look at the Japanese side of the fandom, and they actually behave MORE like normal people used to because they can understand fiction isn't reality,I cannot treat it as bait anymore. You people are mentally ill and you need to be told. This is a serious social problem.
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>Written by one troon
>Not canon
>never in the games
>Just Japanese foke tales with "X" Pokemon
>Not even constant with Pokemon lore (Slakoth has no ears)
No it will just be a zoomer and newfag meme for a weak or so and then be referenced by pokephiles when it will be shown false.
Worse its not even canon fiction is just some fokelore insert Pokemon by a transgender
>All anon can do is claim it's not beastiality because it's a myth ignoring that it's a myth about beastiality
NTA, but he actually has a point. It's a proposed in-universe myth, not endorsement of an idea.
You're doing the same as looking at To Kill a Mockingbird and saying that Harper Lee supports segregation because racism is practiced by sone of its characters. Even worse, since you're saying bestiality (an action) is being committed because of text in a fiction. It's like looking at someone saying "I had sex with your mother" on xbox live and trying to say that's proof of your parents' infidelity.
Can I get the stories please? I need to read them all
Anon, we've seen a man have children with a Froslass in LA and the Canalave Library entries. This is canon to The games. It stops being myth when we see it happen in game.
Never played the games eh low iq tourist?

Based and high iq
>It's like looking at someone saying "I had sex with your mother" on xbox live and trying to say that's proof of your parents' infidelity.
>Lore written by the actual people in charge of the series is the same as some random on Xbox live talking shit
Favorite Pokemon?
Only if normie means someone who is mentally adjusted. Anyone who is emotionally rattled by the material in these leaks is mentally unwell. I may be addressing insane people, but why on earth would you let any of this stuff affect your perception of a character in a franchise that you've probably held dear since you were a child? Please get well. You can start by no longer absorbing all of the absurd reactions by exceedingly immature adults and maladjusted teenagers on twitter like a mindless sponge.
That's actually smart, too bad they aren't smart enough to do it
Normal people already stopped caring or got tired of the ahah sex jokes and are seeing the stories for what they are, simple folklore tales
It's childish retards who can't let go the ahah sex crap
This undoubtedly leaves a bad image for gamefreak, I'm sure they will do something about it, basically it is trending that their creatures are pedophiles
>Folklore tale to explain hunting bad
>Feel the need to include beastiality for some reason
>The kids playing the game: *does not care* *they are just videogames* *is attracted to misty* *is attracted to gardevoir*
>Those kids grow up

why are all western normies like this?
It's a man, Google Translate just fucked up his name
>Outraged Catholics
The pope said the exact opposite but okay retard
you were probably not alive for the demon fear mongering but ok gen alpha
>Never played the games
No I did
They'll just make sure no pokemon design nor concept can be too "menacing" from now on as a response to the rape backlash, enjoy your cotton candy shitmons forever.
Singular they has been used for over 500 years retard.
no one cares lol
>demon fear mongering
Nah they were right the bohemian grove is real and the elites really are a bunch of child raping satanists
is there someone translating these without google or?
There's a reason why they never made those public, you know? It's like the Vatican archives have bunch of satanic and heretic stuff in there that will never see the light of day.
>Outraged Catholics in the 90s/00
those were evangelists, retard
This, everyone knows Catholics aren't real Christians but heretical Mary and saint worshippers.
Post the Milotic story nigger
It's just the Octillery one with Milotic instead.
Milotic was just Lapras's story.
it was a mislabeled file, that file contains the lapras story
>All this pokephilia official fanfiction was written by the same very horny woman

What else do we know about Yuu Nakatsui?
That she's just a guy and Yuu is a mistranslation of someone you're probably more familiar with
That Google mistranslated Suguru Nakatsui's name
where slaking story
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You know what? I'm saying it.
It's really interesting how hellbent Pokemon fans are on keeping Pokemon shit. Any other fanbase of any other setting normally wants their setting to be good and interesting. They want to see it's history, characters, factions, political situation, culture, religion and concepts developed, sensible, believable and cool. They want interesting storytelling. Except for Pokemon fans. They want it shit. Mystery Dungeon, Electric Tale of Pikachu, Black and White and Pokespe made Pokemon interesting and fanbase only screams:
>No! It's too much! Make it shit again! Make it simplistic! Pokemon should never be good and interesting!
No wonder why Sword and Shield and Scarlett and Violet were so successful. Even a basic, simple plot for a villain like N's Backstory, Ghetsis, Guzma and N's exploration into the morality of Pokemon filters the fuck out of Pokefags. Any worldbuilding, good storytelling, or anything remotely complex seems to cause literal, physical pain in them. It's unbelievable really.
b-b-but the chuds said MTL will replace trannylators?
SV's Arven plot was infinitely more mature than anything in BW though.
I hate MTL but a human translator easily could've made the same mistake, there's no way to know how he reads his name unless you already knew who Suguru Nakatsui is or you looked up the Gamefreak employee list, even Japanese people will fuck up reading and writing eachother's names all the time. That's why in anime you'll see sometimes characters introduce themselves by saying how their name is written.
Not a tranny.
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Why have you quit Star Rail? I'm having trouble keeping thread quality high up here in /hsrg/.
Anon, you don't leave your discord group or Twitter to know normal people drop it after making a joke about it and moving on.
>Or will they defend beastiality like they have everything else?
I don't think you understand what bestiality is if you think fucking a pokemon counts. It's xenophilia at best. The reality, though, is that it's entirely a non-issue, since Pokemon aren't real.
Can you post them all? My dick is already out so I need a good fap before I go to sleep
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All the good posters moved on to ZZZ
Pokemon aren't animals.
Please anon, describe your interactions with normal people and why they're okay with Typhlosion rape

i agree with you but you sound like a massive faggot
honestly most of you malding about trannies or some shit in the comments are literal faggots. none of this is that bad but all of you are talking about xitter or some other stupid unrelated bullshit. also bestiality is really hot and has been for decades. i dont separate fiction from reality. theyre both bad. i just dont get fucked by dogs because it would promote bad behavior in the dog and fuck it up mentally.
It is European Culture
Reminder that having more than a singular pronoun is fucking retarded, and your retarded language got us in this mess in the first place.
Why are you okay with Xenomorph on human rape?
the fuck are you on about, who doesn't love explorers of dark/time/sky?
With all due respect, English is not a real language. English is a composite of French, Gaelic, Dutch, and Finnish.
he's to blame for all the vulgar texts
I'm against rape in children's franchises anon
So NOW we split hairs?
sorry wrong url
I've noticed more people on Twitter acknowledging it as being humorous, and more people acknowledging that the stories are meant to resemble folk tales and not "true stories" and even then they are seen as non-canon/writing-exercise folktales meant to stay internal.

Mind you, the damage may have been done from how wild people were acting yesterday, and this could change GF's trajectory permanently. But at least the court of public opinion seems to have shifted.
wait really? That's why that shits says "porkyman"
Children need to be educated. Pokémon is now the franchise of groomers
>And then when they encounter someone who actually does want to fuck Vaporeon, they're immediately grossed out and horrified
It's the same with pedophilia. They love to make jokes about Diddy, Epstein and every other recognized pedophile, but they freak out and act prudish when they find out that a guy in his 20's fucked a 17 year old girl. I wonder why they're so retarded.
I'm a normie.
we're going to blame the LGBTQ for this
Society is finished with people like you.
Hell yeah
No, Arven is Hugh tier at best.
Maybe if you're 13.
This didn't move the needle at alll, especially with actual normies (not the online fags on twitter and your discord server)

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