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Was there absolutely nothing about Gardevoir in this leak?
irrelevant bitch
>Gardevoir are canonically pure
Good. Enough of this plantfuckery.
Nothing at all
They didn't thought it was hot in the slightest
There's nothing to leak. Her egg type is humanoid, she is said to have the ability to read human emotions and looks almost like a human woman. You just know every night there's countless Gardevoirs gasping as they are lovingly mating pressed by their trainers
You have to commend them for not chasing after the lowest hanging fruit, also she's not directly inspired by any specific yokai so she doesn't have a story to rip off. Doesn't mean the possibility of Gardevoir and humans fucking isn't extremely high given the recently revealed stories about humans fantasizing fucking even fucking octilleries.
Nothing yet. There might be something as there's a terabyte of data to sift through.
Wait and Hope.
She doesn't need berries, hypnosis or shape shifting to get human semen
there's more gardevoir art than about 900 pokemon combined
>it was all old fables i.e. cautionary tales with morals like "don't go out in the woods alone at night retard" and "don't torture baby pokemon to death or you'll piss off their parents you fucking freak"
of course none of these would be about gardevoir since nothing bad ever happens with them
Don't forget "Don't fuck a Lapras before catching her or else she'll dump the kid on you and skip town"
She's a paper doll.
gardevoirs are cursed souls who are turned into that form as punishment for being selfish and ignoring the suffering of others
i think that one's more along the lines of "don't fuck aquatic pokemon, doesn't matter if it comes out human or pokemon someone's gonna be left out and it'll fuck the kid up"
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if you're talking about the myth stories alone there were like 20 total in the folder, half of which were about origins, creation, arceus etc. and the other half of pokefucking and waifufaggotry with pokemon that are all in pic related
not to say there couldn't be another folder with weird shit in but it looks like this is it when it comes to the weird folklore stuff between humans and pokemon
She's a femcel, just accept it.
Which folder, which directory?
>She's a femcel
no such thing
Psychic type retard
Maybe if they did something so kinky on humans that it warrants a whole story written about it, but it's just a boring human that pretends to be a pokemon
Gardevoir was one of hte last Pokemon designed for Generation 3, replacing the Spiderlily Bug PSychic Pokemon as the Waifu mon
Nothing related to gardevoir has come out yet.
In the coming days, after all the leaks are known, the only gardevoir related leaks will be employees joking about wanting to fuck them.
If there's internal company emails in there like the gigaleak - hoo boy..
Only the purest of humans will ever get the chance of having a Gardervoir of their own as it is already been explained in Ralts' pokedex that it will not approach a human if it detects negative emotions, making them super rare to find one and catch it. Only way to obtain one is if a trainer trades it with you, which is a dumb idea in itself.
You should consider yourself extremely lucky if you manage to catch a Ralts, evolve it into a Gardervoir, make it your wife, and make passionate love to it every night, because you are the 1%.
That's mainly just ralts. PMD1 gardevoir stood by gengar even though she didn't think he was that great of a person.
>That's mainly just ralts
It should still apply to Gardervoir considering they're more intelligent than their first evolution. While a Ralts will avoid humans with negative emotions, a wild Gardervoir will avoid all humans regardless of their nature. Unless a human meets their standards, they'll simply believe it's not worth their time to go out and find themselves a trainer to bond with.
Because Gardevoir is a pure and noble partner that is a loving wife and mother. I thought you fags knew this already
Trips of Truth, Gardevoir is a living Saint for Arceus
But wouldnt a gardevoir be slightlymore accepting of flaws on humans if they're more intelligent, like, say, a ralts feeling a suicidal person's thoughts would avoid them while gardevoir would know that they're struggling and thus, decide to help them out? Ralts would settle for pure-hearted people all the time while gardevoir would be fine if humans had some flaws, i do think gardevoirs have standards and would likely avoid any rapists or deranged maniacs like any sane person, of course.
Literally none of these stories needed to have humans fucking pokemon. Could have easily just been something like these.
>Village women torture and murder slakoth then angry horde of vigoroth and slaking rampage the village and injure/kill people
>Cocky hunter indiscriminately kills Rapidash. Winter comes and food supply is low but no game to hunt so they suffer
When a Gardevoir has chosen you to bond with, it's truly a wonderful feeling. Its almost as if you're being reunited with a part of you that you never knew was missing. A sense of true wholeness. And as the years go on that bond only grows stronger and you'll soon feel like everything makes sense in the world. And then it hits you: the birth of a child that you and your soulmate have created from this bond and true clarity as you realize this is what your ancestors strove for. Return Sinnoh Man, return home in the arms of a Gardevoir.
A Gardevoir will always gravitate to someone that despite their failures and faults still tries to do right by others.
Not humans, vorefag.
A gardevoir would probably still see most people as basically niggers for the types of intrusive thoughts, double think, and moral myopia most people exhibit without realizing it.
Ralts, Kirlia and Gardevoir? I'm not a pure person in any way whatsoever, so why would they ever care about a bastard like me?
By all metrics, I'm a sick fuck, and would probably would never see one in the wild.
I'd pretty much prefer using my time to try to find and catch a Feebas, a pokémon that according to the pokedex, most people ignore and even shame, and for the same reason would be an amazing pokémon to emotionally bond with.
Rather, any shitmon would be fucking better to bond than Gardevoir.
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Her gyaru ancestor. Confirming the previous beta leak were it stated she was originally grass/psychic
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What about Mawile and Froslass, did they get anything?
Wait, what the fuck? QRD?
Probability of humans fucking gardevoir isn't high because of dex entries of the line.
m8 Frosslass had her story in PLA, it got into the game.
God I wish
They're literal yokai folktales but retards on /vp/ think they're canon.
I was just asking if they got anything new because both are pretty big name "classical" yokai unlike typhlosion who's basically just a big badger
They didn't "need" to but that's what makes them more authentic as folktales
Most of them iirc are basically just actual irl folktales
Kirlias love seeing their trainers happy though and anyone would be happy if they could marry a cute Kirlia
Badgers were seen amongst the same as tanooki, otters, weasles, coyotes and kitsune. But Typhlosion's story was actually based on a 'mama bear' story, where a bear did that to a woman.
Problem: getting a Kirlia.
Isn't most of the lore related stuff in the leak (so far) Gen 4 related? Secret Gardevoir fuck lore would be part of the gen 3 lore. Probably with something that's Gen 3 worldbuilding related.

>My wife and children died at sea Gardevoir, I've never felt so alone ...
typhlosion, piloswine, and slaking aren't gen4 and slaking is gen3, I'm not sure you can actually get any of them in DPP except piloswine
Anon, a Gardevoir can sense your self doubt and self hatred and if one did see value in you, you bringing yourself down would honestly cause it pain. The moment you accept a Gardevoir into your life you'll experience something men only dream of: acceptance despite all of your faults and follies. A Gardevoir will not just accept for who you are but will help you accept yourself, that you actually have worth. Because Gardevoir is the embodiment of selfless love. Embrace it.
She's basically in every single game post debut, even if they did nothing with her, you know they're all thinking it.
Isn't the spider lily a bug/psychic? Which seems like Lurantis' gimmick a decade+ early.
Lurantis is a mono grass type.
>looks almost like a human woman
Exactly. It looks like a orchid mantis, but is just an orchid. So a spider lily that is just a spider.
Aww, the Pokemon that people haven't stopped drawing for two decades didn't get official porn. Let's make sad pictures..
>"I cannot come to you, but I will send you our child. A child that is yours and mine."
>The man took the boy home and raised him.
>Years passed, the boy grew into a young man, and the father died.
>The young man was left all alone.
don't have one night stands or consumate relationships that you won't maintain because it's unfair on those you may bring into the world.
can't believe we got beta designs for so many mons but there's not even a trace of early Gardevoir designs, what a waste
wrong, galbi had no evolutions and the spider lily evolved from the walking flower. their pokedex entries show how their design and concept eventually became absorbed into gardevoir's line what with kirlia's horns being used to sense feelings and all that
Was God herself taking human form to get time and space mating pressed into her by a dude not enough for you?
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>normocel onionfuckers are getting so jellymad RN
Its because relationship between gardevoirs and trainers are simple and obvious but also too pure and probably gamefreak are too degenerate to enjoy. We talk about people who write about octilery fucking and typhlosion rapist.

But gardevoir is to lovely to be a part of insanely degenerate tropes. .

Gardevoir is more about lovemaking than simply fucking. Young male trainers once they start their puberty and start discovering sex at some moment will go to bed with their gardevoirs, simply because they have hormones raging and they are horny, gardevoir will provide a safe environment for pubescent male trainer for sexual practice because of Gardevoir appearance and behaviour.
>Gardevoir is more about lovemaking than simply fucking
This. Not only they have psychic powers, their defining trait is ability to read human emotions. Sex with with them vs. sex with regular women or pokemon is like 3D vs 2D, it's more than sticking your dick in a hole and can't be easily described in a degenerate hornyfic.
Gardevoir abandonment should be punished by summary execution
Also this. Sex with gardevoir is simply next level, ascended from simple copulation.
This but also the gardevoir herself will get hornier from synchronizing with her horny trainer and eventually the sex devolves into passionate love making that leads to both parties being left exhausted.
This is basically the mental connection during sex that makes it greater.
She can most likely feel what you feel because of the whole psychic empathy thing they have, but I wonder if she could make YOU feel what she feels
>ywn get to experience the pleasure of being cummed inside without the gay
It goes without saying that Gardies are made for human cock, so there's no need to write about it desu
>Implying love is a negative emotion

We get it Anon, you'd pump and dump just like the Octillery story. The rest of us are not so pathetic.

>Verification not required.
Finally someone gets it. A roastie who writes about animals stretching her totally not self insert's unholy cunt for months on end to the point of forced pregnancy and mindbreak avoids the sanctity of consensual, loving and approved by the lord, baby making sex with someone as cute as a Gardevoir.
>The ability synchronize most likely allows her to share what she is feeling with you.

>Verification not required.
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Ehh it was all degenerate smut slop,nothing worth reading outside of a shitpost.
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>Ehh it was all degenerate smut slop,nothing worth reading outside of a shitpost.
Are you kidding me
The story with Arceus alone has been the greatest shit this series has seen in years
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>Are you kidding me
>The story with Arceus alone has been the greatest shit this series has seen in years
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You didn't read it
Literally a purer romance than whatever schlock you're thinking of, and you've got the gall to bandy around accusations of coomerism
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>You didn't read it
Correct, you didn't
You should feel slightly ashamed of yourself for a brief moment
Porn brainrot
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Sorry but your accusations have all the weight of a feather when you'll wilfully misrepresent what you've apparently read
Now you should feel slightly ashamed of yourself for a slightly longer moment
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I've been looking for this shit for ages actually where the fuck is it from I found it when I was in like high school
Don't know the name,but a thread yesterday had the whole comic series posted.
can't find it, link?
aye meant the thread but ty anyway
Gardevoir is already popular enough, she doesn't need more attention. My Gardevoir profile is constantly getting attention.
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Why would there be?
Gardevoir was the last design on the board, somehow made it to a major plot point in the game (wally's partner) despite that and it's a pokemon that... quite honestly wasn't that well designed in the game it debuted, it took literal years for gardevoir to take shape both in the game sense and design wise.
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> experience the pleasure of being cummed inside without the gay.

I dont think that's how Gardevoir emotion synchronisation works.
I mean you wont feel everything what gardevoir feels but surely you will feel emotions associated to that feeling. So lets say you cum inside gardevoir, gardevoir feel that but you wont, but that feeling will add more happiness to her, and that happiness is also transfered to you. Its more like synchronisation makes you both feel your both emotions combined.
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Wait a minute.
>Took the bait award
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Least degenerate Gardevoir
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We already know she fucks humen men
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because this "leak" only contains animeshit model sheets, retarded loer fanfictions that were immediately discarded, and a few powerpoint of nothing burger. Even the code source is irrelevant since pokemon hacks have reverse engenieered the whole thing DECADES ago.
Where's the punchline?
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The punchline is that Gardevoir still doesn't regret that decision
>waaaah my shillmon that’s loved by everyone, immune to Dexit, constantly pandered with buff, merch, and anike appearences WASN’T called a pedophile, isn’t trending on Twatter while everyone dances in its grave, and won’t be erased from the series. And already gets enough porn to last 10 lifetimes over without have to be called a sex offender
Gee fucking whiz, Gardecunts are whiny
She's a psychic onion

She's Psychic/Fairy
>durr green must be grass type
Gardevoir wife
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was inspired by the recent leaks and wrote something in the same vein. hope you enjoy. no its not lewd. though with the ending feel free to interpret it how you want

Stopped reading there
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The power to flatten mountains, but not enough resolve to do it.
Is this what you call slave mentality?
For what reason is there to destroy a mountain when you have a roof over your head, a warm bed to sleep on, 3 hot meals a day, daily showers, and nonstop sex with your beloved trainer all day long?
The masculine urge to destroy the mountain of course.
thats why gardevoirs are girls
The urge is originating from her trainer in this case
Also her Mega is litterally her (or him) in a Bride gown with their chest horn split in two.
>on model sexy Gardevoir

God, I love it. Anyone got Gardevoir like this but with exposed hips?
cute but why is it muted?
It's not muted for me.
what song is it playing?
Darude - Sandstorm
Oh yeah? Well then, two can play at that.
You just lost the game.
You ever go down on a Gardevoir? They actually taste like pinap berries
Nice story anon, the transformation thing may have leant a bit too much into the fetish side of it, but for the rest is a great story.

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