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>h*man bois getting cucked by BTC
>literally every woman in the board wants his babies
>won't ever face consequences
He literally died to a human kek
here we go
>every woman in the board
he can have all the troons he wants along with your shitty spic porn lmao
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>women read a story about being kidnapped, drugged and raped
>they love it
Why are they like this
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I saved this image and I hate myself for it.
>NTRfags here to spread their tranny shit
Full pic?
Been grinding on my pillow all day, I am so horny for that thing ithurts.
I wish I was a girl so I could get raped by pokemon
>Rapes and grooms human female child
>Talks a big game about "I will kill your father if it comes to it"
>Gets btfo'd by a fucking geezer
Meanwhile, Female pokemon literally offer up male pokemon for Human Males to kill and eat.
fpbp that's the exact same fate every faggot pushing their cuck fetish deserves
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>Verification not required
Girls have cooties though
>You can kill and eat my family kind stranger
Female pokemon are heartless. Also human males can only win with weapons as one died along with an ursaring in a scuffle.
>one died along with an ursaring in a scuffle
>with an ursaring
You realize the fucking feat it is to kill a pokemon with a fucking spear or bow? Especially a grizzly bear pokemon. Past Humans in pokemon must have been fucking built completely different. Hell, I'd not be surprised if the "coexistence, peaceful catch pokemon after friendly battles" era only came around because some random pokegod saw humans were too fucking good and killing poekmon and were on the way to wiping them out.
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Wasn't it all about picking males that hadn't fathered children yet (thus weren't contributing to the gene pool and thus weren't vital in persisting the herd, since this was lifted from NA myths) but to never hunt the breeding stock or young, to not risk the herd's health?
I mean given she told her husband he could hunt the man from the east side of the plain, who'd taken the form of a rapidash, but hadn't fathered ponyta (due to stealing the mane), it just seems that was the more likely reading of the whole thing.
Still a heartless whore for getting innocent lives killed because they wouldn't touch her used goods. Kill all female pokemon.
>cyndaquil babby
What gives? Obviously, we all know the offspring is the same species as the mother.
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>Female and her Human BVLL culling beta males from the genepool
Fuck, If I was a male pokemon I'd rather risk it with a human girl too.
I just don't get it, is it supposed to be the same reason you can hunt male deer but the females have more stringent rules?
I imagine pokemon with the really wonky gender ratios are due to incel/femcel situations. All starters have this because they killed the majority of females
Fuck that. I wish to be a typhlosion and rape all these women. They all need to get a child and be for use in this world. Feeding every one of you my berries
Who said it was their choice? Again, NA myths on their entire existence, thus gotta look at it the way females declining to breed with males they deem unworthy, or weaker than the head of the herd or whatever. They are just superfluous to a wild herd if they're not actively seeking to protect or provide for the herd and their young (because most males of species kill the previous regime's young, to bring the females in the herd into heat, thus any born in the herd belong to the male leaders), not strong enough to challenge for position, not lucky enough to jump a female when no-one was looking. There are more young males and one may yet surpass his sire and take over the herd. But if they haven't done it by dinner time, TS.
Male humans get female pokemon, male pokemon get female humans. Such is the ways of the world that Arceus has created.
Only in disgusting hick regions like Sinnoh. Meanwhile the glorious Kanto has human get with other humans and pokemon stick with pokemon.
It's about wildlife conservation. The reproductive rate of wild animal populations is limited by the number of females. Populations will remain stable as long as there is a single male remaining in the herd, meaning males are "free" to hunt without thinning the population, unlike females.
Im more scared of Machokes owned by girls
Quite possibly. I don't hunt, much less know if you can hunt deer where I live outside being part of a private shooting club or otherwise involved game club, but most likely the deer rules are to avoid shooting females that can still give birth for many years, to keep the population vital (guessing it's something like only the older females who haven't foaled in a year or two) and see it similar to there. The rapidash saying the allowed hunts are the ones who are least likely to cause harm to the herd overall by being removed from the gene pool. Which could even be a benefit, as much to leave a gap in structure to allow maybe some younger bucks to fill the gap, so to speak. Allow for the challenging of the herd's leaders by one the younger ones maybe.
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Poképhilia is canon to the entire universe. It just wasn't talked about when they had more important shit to shove into 2MB of space.
You say that like humans aren't dropping nuclear dickings on pokemon women at the same time.
>Using comedic dialogue
Yeah just like how that little scene in Deadpool And Wolverine where Thor is shedding tears for Deadpool was meant to be a joke but still considered canon
The joke is he is buying a water stone for his GF as an anniversary gift. The evolution part is because that's what you do with water stones and she probably had a pokemon that evolved with it.
Uh-huh. That's why you're malding over poképhilia. Odd you acceot it as canon in other games but jokes in your childhood. Almost as if you're a puritanical bitch bitching out over losing the great culture war you'd fought for so long, intent to put the nasty 4chinners in their place.
The joke is we have Game Freak's most intimate thoughts on the topic, which along with the canon inserts, asides and events they've been adding since inception proves they accept a poképhilic universe. Thus it's just jokes to 7 year olds but to adults it's a double entendre - it could well be a poliwhirl, in honour of Tajiri (it being a direct rip-off of a Gen 1 game) and we know what water stones do to them. Or it may be an Eevee to match LGE's Eevee either, especially because funni meem dodge. Point is it was added as so deliberately, just like traces of a lost villiage and "there once were pokémon who married humans, there once were humans who married pokémon".
Typhlosions are bros with their male trainers. The former fucks female trainers they win against, and the latter fucks their female Pokemon.
>Sinnoh FOLKTALES aka myths
>Obvious joke line about poliwhirl and a way for players to know that the stones evolve pokemon.
Show us how horny you are for it.
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Another soul added to the list of Pokemon who you can't say are your favourite anymore.
> Vaporean
> Lopunny
> Gardevoir
> Drifloon
> Hypno
> Typhlosion
I hate the internet and Game Freak so much.
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>canon lore
>"no, the pokefucking crack can't be about pokéfucking, depsit egame freak canonisingf pokémon marriage prior"
A-bloo-bloo-bloo, baba need a new dipey?
myths have to start somewhere
>Folk story aka bullshit
Interesting not a single married pokemon in the games at all.
Too late, already came on my pillow :>
Not gonna be the last time today and we both know it.
I know...need a little time to recharge so that I can be up and ready for my husband
>Implying he'd care about whether you're "ready" or not
His cave, his rules.
Its funny people think the stories on humans and Pokemon relationships are bullshit in a series where all myths are true.
Of course not! my body is all his to play with. If he wants to mate with me again I will get on my back and spread my legs apart, as presentable as I can...hoping for more creampie
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I want to be bread my typloshion:3
As I said, "A-bloo-bloo-bloo, baba need a new dipey?" Maybe mummy can tug you off and tell you not to worry about those mean boys (and girls, kek this awakened our lovely sisters to active participants) on the internet laughing at you for still trying to be 7 years old pushing 30.
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I know this is going to happen eventually...
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This is my first time on /vp/ in years. Can someone give me the short version of what's going on with Typhlosion?
If this goes full mainstream, expect Typhlosion getting the treatment of the Porygon line or Jynx.
Not even being a starter will save it.
Leaks show an unused story about a Typhlosion keeping a woman in his cave and knocking her up, most women here are into that Beauty and Beast kind of story and also really want to fuck Typhlosion. There are also leaks of a bunch of more of these folklore tales, all of them basically include humans having sex with Pokemon and having kids with them.
remember those weird myths in the sinnoh library? the ones that said humans married pokemon and were even pokemon themselves? well apparently there was a bunch of unused myths that got leaked. they involved pokemon taking humen women as wives and impregnating them.
what happened to porygon?
He's a pedo, a groomer, a rapist and he shits all over the forest.
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Impregnated by scientists who created him
Caused seizures
Blamed for giving children seizures despite the fact Pikachu did it
He's blacklisted but he did nothing wrong.
Electric Soldier Porygon appeared.
Due to that, Porygon only appears in the games and as extremely small merch releases. It has NO anime-centric episode (every Pokémon has at least 2 or 3, with Porygon having zero. It only appears in the background of the anime.

Probably because the pokémon company wants to avoid causing PTSD to any of the now-grown adults affected by Electric Soldier Porygon.
Yes, the name of the myth is literally Native American ecology philosophy. Its about sustainable hunting
Can you at least type like a girl?
How do they type like?
someone post the story again
What's wrong with the way I typed?
to be fair...
that list is kind of small considering how many pokemons there are.
??? Did I miss something
You're more likely to meet another guy rping as a woman than meeting a Troon. This is all in your head
How would Typhlosion brand his sluts?
with blast burn
the ones that die are too weak to give him strong babies
Purple flame womb tattoo.
>guy rping as a woman
Isn't that what troons are?
not really, or at least the ACK troons aren't, they're their own disgusting thing that nobody likes
No, that's a catfish.
Dex say that he kill babies.
That's like, every fucking ghost type though and a lot of the other mons too
If you look at the dex entries you rapidly understand why the pokemon world seems to mostly be wilderness outside of a few cities and towns
Which trainers are Typhlosion's favorite?
Flint blaine and brock
>look up episode on Wikipedia
>the article picture is literally a video clip of one of the seizure causing sequences
Kinda surprised they show it full speed at all. If you go to the Japanese page there's no pictures or videos whatsoever.
Keep your human women
I'm trading up
I saved this image because I thought it was hilarious.As long as you aren't jerking off to it there's no reason to hate yourself
...You aren't jerking off to it are you?
I think this is just the guy making a shitty one liner
i know, but internet just love to freak out with some and ignore others
Based anon going to become the Lake Trio
It was actually mostly a scare. It was collective hysteria and Japan still hasn't forgotten about it.
The News would tell people how badly this affected kids, then show the clips. Kids in the room who weren't as susceptible as the original victims would believe they have to be hurt, and so they were.

I think anime still has warnings to this day, all because of this. It was HUGE news in Japan and not something that can be forgotten easily.
This probably won't. Some nerds online talking about the games won't stop merch,/anime appearances, etc. and it'll blow over pretty fast
>young and naive woman becomes a tradwife and bears her husband's child
>twitter fucking PANICS
Okay, but a Typhlosion nutting in you in the middle of winter has to feel great
the part where they put his skin on her and she turns into a typhlosion spooked me though
>ignore seizure warnings all over the fucking place about anime and let your epileptic kids watch them anyways
>blame the company that made the anime
I have as much sympathy for the parents who complained about this episode as the ipad moms.
His cock is naturally hot all the time
If you're a woman don't change how you type the fucking lowercase shit most girls do is obnoxious and makes them look retarded
Japan is a lot more sensitive that they let on.
A episode of the "Ghost Stories" anime never aired and became lost media because it features Kuchi-sake Onna. Mothers says it looked too much like kids with cleft palate and this was mocking them.
Spyro 1 got tweaked in several ways because they thought that the speed of the game was too fast for Japanese games, and that rapid movements of camera would make them sick.
Also, several Pokémon episodes never aired because they features the attack Earthquake (and there are many earthquakes in Japan)
I literally don't understand what you mean by that? How does that determine what sex you are
I haven't followed this franchise for over a decade but I'm pretty sure "person transforms into a Pokemon" happens a few times in the anime.
Yes that's exactly it. Lots of Ungulate species like Horses and Deer reproduce using a harem method, where a single male will jealously guard a harem/herd of females he mates with, leaving the majority of males to either wander around alone or in all-male herds where they never reproduce. It's why during mating season the males get into such brutal fights despite there being more than enough females to go around, because the winner will monopolize every single female and the loser dies a virgin. Hence cultures across the entire world often had traditions (often explained through stories just like this one) explaining how not to overhunt into extinction the animals you needed to eat to survive by only eating those individuals who weren't reproducing anyway, while leaving the breeders alone. Modern hunting regulations are just a continuation of this, where Bucks are fine to kill because killing them won't affect next years population.
You know the rules
Typhlosion's harem...
Yeah, that's because you don't want to accept the truth, even after the leaks revealed GF's opinions back up the non-joke take.
>Being kidnapped and raped is OK if he's hot, makes you cum, and brings in the money
Is this really how it be?
It's crazy to think about how Japan is overly sensitive about shit like that yet you can walk in any bookstore there and buy softcore school girl hentai.
How new are you? Women love serial killers
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Unironically yes, you can get away with ANYTHING if you're attractive enough
It doesn't, although the guy who told you you didn't sound like a woman probably believes it does. I'm just saying not to listen to his advice and try to type like a typical woman on purpose because the way most women text is dumb
This is way funnier with the audio, adapt it for the sound extension.
Akari rimming Typhlosion while he mating presses Dawn.
I think I will continue to type like I am extremely horny for typhlosion and that I need to pee badly.with that said; God I wish he was real so that I could bounce on hiiss hot warm cock until the knot gets stuck inside me and we just sit there cuddling! God please please please end this
Or post on /gif/ and link it back here. If this is on twatter it's a shame I hate how that website makes downloading content so difficult to save I'm sure YouTube seethes about youtube2mp4 but they can't do shit.
I'm just going to leave this post I sent in a similar thread to someone just like you here:
Cool. I'm going to go on a walk tomorrow, take in the sunlight and fresh air, say hello to my neighbors, and talk with my friends, family, and girlfriend.
You are going to finger yourself to a cartoon lizard.
You're fucking disgusting, and I probably shouldn't say that considering you seem like the type to find others pointing out how appalling you are kinky. Seriously, get a life. I don't mean that insultingly, I just can't understand how you can possibly live with yourself.
I am jerking my penis to her jerking off to an animal and it feels good
Only one species impregnated God fuck off with this forced ntr shit you faggot
Kek, based.
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>get curios about the leaks
>everyone is interested in it because pokephilia
digimon wom
Sorry this is a lot of text.have fun with whatever you you're doing! I am going to masturbate until I pass out today
Fucking weirdooo freak, do not do that
>how that website makes downloading content so difficult to save
Typhlosion mindbreaks women so easily.
Please tell me there's more like this...
I like seeing them like this
Alright, have fun. Just keep in mind that when push comes to shove masturbating to cartoon lizards from a kid's video game isn't going to help you escape femceldom anytime soon.
It is, I'm coming to her house to rape her and force her to eat berries.
Just leave them be, everyone on this board is just like this
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;///; only thing that's goong to save me is a big warm cock raping me! I need him so badly, just came bit I feell like doing again!! Hngssh
You are awesome. I don't know how this shit eluded me.
I just nutted but thanks.
Turns out Typhlosions are skinwalkers and they like human girls.
I'd like to see TPCi "first partner" their way out of this one. Typhlosion was my first partner, if you catch my drift.
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Human bros, we just can't compete
Honestly? Yes, that's how it is
Wish I could suck the cum out of your penis
Begone faggot.
Need more posts of women getting horny for Typhlosion. We could probably make a collage with all the content.
Did you not read the story...?
Your welcome, I like that Typhlosion's lewds is growing
>posts of women getting horny for Typhlosion
Those don't exist
Stand still, let me suck it
>Meanwhile the men are being taken by Lapras, Octillery and Arceus
Why can't humans just be together!?
This is the truth Arceus wanted us to see.
Do you guys think the father enjoyed killing the fucker?
Disgusting freak
No matter what, the father's genetic legacy is tarnished by a typhlosion...
Nah, for him it was just killing another m*al pokemon. The day probably fucked a dozen female pokemon on the way to the cave. Remember, female pokemon explicitly offer up m*ale pokemon to human MEN. The dad probably wasen't even mad, likely thought his daughter was just playing a joke.
>>literally every woman in the board
Yeah all zero of them
That's not how biology works Anon, please go back to school
They're all being shameless whores in public for all of us to see, anon.
The daughter and grandson became Typhlosion in the end. Unless he had other children his lineage is basically over. Kinda weird to wrap your head around from a bio perspective, people and pokemon can interbreed and even change into eachother through enough intercourse but they give birth to full blood humans OR pokemon in the stories. So the two changing to a different species means they have none of the fathers DNA anymore.
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Can you tell which school teaches Pokemon biology?
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They be spreading the love.
Akari really wants him to have more friends.
Chadrappidash that worships her husband like a good mare does to any man
virgin typlosion that can't get a fuck without blackmail
Doubt he's a virgin with how much these women here are offering themselves like breeding cattle.
>"I fed you berries, you are now my wife."
>I was claimed so bluntly, so decisively.
>merely informed that I was already in a relationship, no ifs and buts about it
>dear me, I'm such an ungrateful bitch for even making him say it...
>my beloved (finally) returns home
>expectant that I'll eat the berries he's brought
>that I would lay with him tonight, as is my duty
>I pick up the first berry, thanking my husband...
Keep on going
Not really
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Why does everyone want to be a girl and get pregnant from typhlosion now or are you all just joking
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These are actual women who want to be impregnated by the badger.
I know, right? I want the same but with female Typhlosion that forces me to impregnate her over and over again.
Hey! Don't out us!!
You've been doing it all day already and no one said to stop.
There's women on /vp/??
You'd be surprised how many girls are into monster fucking fiction.
Ive literally stopped. Relaxing right now
There's women on basically every board. I'm honestly fucking shocked people are still surprised by this.
There are no women on the internet
Fuck, you got me, man. You're right.
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All the previous wholesome art of these two have been corrupted and it's hilarious
Especially on /y/ and /trash/
>Father, mother and their two kids
Me, my husband and our perfect Iv kids
this implies that human males want to even go near w*men when we have an unlimited supply of hot pokepussy
>Somehow turned into cuckshit
You guys really just can't help yourselves huh
Yaranaika, oh god.
All these women birthing Cyndaquills.
My husband gave me w beautiful children~
you really think he won't ALSO fuck boys?
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IDC if women want to schlick / dildo themselves to pokemon rule 34. Infact I encourage it, because that way if they criticize my need to give backshots to vaporeon ass up face down style and my usage of imported japanese sex toys to replicate it then they are hypocrites.
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I was thinking since the story involves the Johto version of Typhlosion, what if he came back after his death as his Hisuian counterpart and that's the reason it's a ghost type
Then they became a family afterwards
This is my favorite Pokemon image.
>It's an origin story for Hisuian Typhlosion
>Asking his wife to burn his remains and sing a song was no accident
Trust me, the (women) fapping to pokeknots aren't the ones rebuking you for your choice of cocksleeve
Nah, those incidents aren't comparable to this. Typhlosion will be fine, they still slap Vaporeon on everything for instance.
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holy trinity of rapemon
Based and redpilled. Trannies deserve the rope.
t. troon
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>literally was gutted by the proud father
>meanwhile wild females ursaring addicted to human cock ask you to kill all "male" mons
Wholesome art
>every woman in the board
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Given there's no m/m storyfables and they even decided God was Female, seems gayness doesn't exist.
And having a chubby dommy mommy Typhlosion keeping me captive in a cave and feeding me for sex sounds just as good to me as a daddy Typh is to the femanons.
wait, what? source?
There were 3 versions of the same story with minor differences in the folder, first had slaking, second had typhlosion, third had piloswine
Anons determined Typhlosion would be 20cm at most so human cock can still be bigger
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Your little sister couldn't either.
*Kill you*
What now cuck?
Won't unrape her cunny, too bad.
>Why are women horny and submissive?
Why are you complaining? Are you stupid?
Typhlosion is only 5'7", why is he depicted as towering over human women? The height difference would actually be about the same as a normal himan couple.
The "women" are 12 at most.
Holy shit I need that
there's nothing even wrong about 15 year old girl, shitty meme, it should be like 10 - 12
Why the FUCK are people still surprised that women want to be fucked silly by a big strong primal creature? It's the least surprising thing in the world
Akari is 15 in PLA
Anyone have the 12 version?
I know there is one
I can be your typloshion tonight?
>women want to schlick / dildo themselves to pokemon rule 34

Why do you talk like this is an issue and nota blessing?
This is fucking hot. A delight.
Typhlosion has the power to make women like this.
Yeah I don't get it either
You know what they say
Through dick, unity
Pokephiles, rejoice
Am I pokephile if I just like watching pokegirls get fucked by horsecock and knot?
I have no interest in fucking pokemon.
In fact you're worse, you're a pokephile with shit garbage taste
No different from orc or tentacle porn imo
At least make it badger cock.
In a way
It makes you a cuck unless you're self inserting as the mon
>as the mon
He didn't say anything about mons. I read that as regular animals with female Pokemon trainers.
I've literally never seen that drawn
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Ask, and you shall receive.
Wise words
that Female Ursaring was seriously fucked up slut
>cheats on her Ursaring mates with Otouto-kun
>cheats on Otouto-kun with Ursaring males to get pregnant with their kids
>once she has gotten kids she tells Otouto-kun to kill them
>She continues bringing male Ursarings for Otouto-kun to kill after being done fucking them
Aniki-san did nothing wrong by killing that psychotic bitch. No wonder the Lapras-kid went on Ursaring killing spree if this is how they behaved
There a complication of these somewhere?
One of the many theories as to why SA fetishes are a thing is that it allows someone to fantasize about certain taboo acts and sub fetishes under the pretense that they're being forced and have no real culpability in engaging in.
I genuinely hope this starts a trend of more art of women pregnant with Typhlosion's Cyndaquills.
Uniornically this but also more art of other pokemon impregnating human females and human males impregnating pokemon as well.
How am i suppose to know. Although In this day and age there's still people that never heard of Bad Dragon.
While I don't care much for other male Pokemon aside from Typhlosion, I concur with the female Pokemon part.
>pregnant with Cyndaquills
Her kid was a half-human half-Typhlosion.
And the art in the OP has a Cyndaquill.
You make it sound like it is a bad thing
A female Pokémon or human female can either give birth to a pokemon or a human, wild stuff.
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Please tell me someone has made Handbanana Typhlosion artwork
>All I know is "ball" and "good" and "rape"
I know right, imagine the possibilities
> you born as a boy child of gardevoir and human
> you can turn into a female-looking gardevoir (or vice versa)
it would be extremely fun life to have
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> removed
> removed
> removed
> this post is locked
Where's that image of the kid with a Vaporeon and he tells the guy he's about to battle that that's his mom.
No wonder all male h*mans are Gary Stus in these stories.
Pretty sure that's by Hinghoi. Search danbooru?
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> that proud vap
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>heh nothing personnel kid
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This nigga singlehandedly sent reddit jannies into overdrive
Its funny how much human males get wanked in these stories.
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they've been removing tons of threads
That's a cool figure, I'd like to have one of those.
>tfw the second most famous poketuber from my country has disabled comments

What a generous act of this pokemon to adopt an orphan
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Same reason why so many men have NTR fetishes despite harbouring a fear of getting actually cucked
Did I? That wasn't my intention at all
Wait, in the story the child is a human.
>had to larp as a whiteboi (yellow) to pull it off
It isn't the win Typhlosioncucks think it is.
>page doesn't exist
Why is Twatter so bad?
you need an account to see NSFW posts
Yeah, I'll pass.
Wasn't there a story where the Ling Bears absolutely fucking demolished a human village?
But I'm a heterosexual white man.
Well you can be a tranny if that helps
use xcancel
>a Nitter instance that actually werks
Neat. Thanks.
Nigga in PLA you literally find a Froslass who you can't catch because she's still "owned" by her dead human husband who's journals you find.
Ever notice that despite Porygon making way more sense for the role, they keep using Rotom for the pokedex thing.

There's a reason for that.
Son why are you on Reddit
Ironically Typhlosion was always probably like the 2nd most popular rape fantasy pokemon for women in Gen2, right after the Houndoom line, and was pretty far up in the running for a good long while.

>Bodyplan is such that it can be drawn feral or like it's just moving like a dude
>Simple to draw
>Defining trait is being absolutely fuckmad all the time in animation
>Literally raging heat
>Sharp teeth and claws
Not hard to figure out why, thing is basically a werewolf that's on fire. Bitches love werewolves.
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where ingame IS that? i have PLA up and running
Where'd you find this picture of all the women on /vp/?
Request #82 from Mani in the Ginkgo guild
It's called traces of a lost village, it's a request given by a bloke inside galaxy HQ and it's unlocked starting from beginning of doing story missions in the alabaster wastelands, but not sure when it opens up, I haven't replayed L: A and it's been 2 1/2 years since I did that mission.
The epilepsy thing, really? Can't TPC let bygones be bygones?
Family friendly company. Hey Hamato, check out this rapefic I just wrote! Haha let's put it among the rest.
They literally made its final evolution be itself having a fucking seizure and glitching out so no.
It doesnt help actually but thanks for the input nonetheless
>men read a story about kidnapping, drugging and raping
>they love it
There. Your desires are literally made for each other.
You know how in Japan cartoon characters don't have four finger hands and a lot of western cartoon characters get edited to have five fingers?
People say it's because of association with the yakuza. But that's a bullshit cover.
The truth is that foreign publishers get pressured by a specific "victim interest group" and basically either extorted to not have public backlash or forced to comply.
The makers of the Odd's World games revealed that when they tried to publish there.

There's also that one Toho film about a nuclear war that they had to censor heavily because of interest groups of Nagasaki victims.
>The truth is that foreign publishers get pressured by a specific "victim interest group" and basically either extorted to not have public backlash or forced to comply.
This does not make sense.
"foreign publishers get pressured by a specific "victim interest group"". For... what? What the endgoal? Just pressured for fun, for the sake of it? I'm confused. "Hey we want your characters to have 5 or 3 fingers just because"

I don't understand why they scrubbed the pokemon, the episode makes sense, but to never reference porygon EVER? It's a 3d model, that's not what was causing seizures, what the fuck is their problem?
Based, fuck them kids.
People should start using this team composition in competitive matches. is comp even a thing anymore? I quit Pokemon after gen 7.
Worse than yarinaka, it's the babyfucking tails comic
The what
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So should I actually play PLA?
I've avoided modern pokemon games for years after USUM sucked ass but the leaks have me a bit interested.
Are you a white woman?
Yes anon add my disc 09kfssdn3235
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It's not amazing, but it's still the best Pokemon game in a long ass time
two babies one fox
do not look into this further
its the best pokemon game on the switch. make of that what you will.
Honestly I would say buy it just to support gamefreak trying to do something different with this franchise.
Oh you sweet innocent child... it contains scat too btw
2 girls one cup but with tails, cream the rabbit, and some babyfur OC
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>psyke your hot yandere rapist boyfriend was actually a giant dragon badger the whole time
What's the appeal?
hey don't count out us gays we want the BTC too
That's a fucking ditto trying his best to fit in. He doesn't know what humans talk about other than their significant others, so is just trying to make small talk. Don't blow his cover please. He's trying his fucking best.
Tell us how you want to get fed berries and have your tight gay ass bred by typhlosion cock, anon.
We had a good thread, someone make a new one.
>What the endgoal?
Money. "Give us money or we'll throw a big fit and say you're bigots."

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