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>i finish peridot, it's a good game D E S U
>orevald and rg are busy and also partially mindbroken by the teraleak to do more of peridot
>bunken's favorite startermon turned into a pedo rapist and empyreanGODS won
>bunken starts up giovanni origins, a sadly kind of mediocre 'replay KANTOOO' game except where you're giovanni's friend, except not really
>tiramisu comes to a close with desolation
>john and ose prison break in unbreakable ties after seething over derek's shitty team
>mercury beats up the legendaries in eevee edition
>i then start up covenant, since it won the gamejam

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images.


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator
Hopefully they're good in this game
>slow battles
>wild pokemon are level 5 whereas the trainers are rocking level 8-10s
>no running shoes and a low encounter rate (i'm sure that'll change later when i don't want wild packs of niggers to show up)
>nothing i can do vs flying types
w e w

even rosen was doubles only, so, like, at least it was kind of faster, in some regards...
my guess is that the gy- oh sorry, VICES in this game will be based off the seven deadly sins, with the first one being acedia/sloth, since that seems to be the general 'theme' of this route

>beggars are just lazy

i like the oddish standing there with the rest of the niggas in a row kek
>desert level literally on the first route
what a good strong first impression
it only took 13 badges but by god giovanni had a successful raid, I just had to upload malware via a floppy into the radio tower's computer and bam, distraction for the cops. while they were out and about the gang busted into the goldenrod jail and freed sparky and made a clean getaway. unfortunately giovanni still managed to fail, as sparky turns out to be the biggest rat. it's even revealed in the present he's living the good life in kanto
Yeah, just training while looking for things I wrote as notable checks
Route 1 being a desert? Hopefully the game will keep up the uniqueness.
what is this regional even supposed to be

>this route just keeps going on and on, no repels, no potions, tons of wild grass, a bunch of trainers with birds and bees (pachirisu's only attacks are grass and ground)
i must be missing something
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this game has been servicing gen 1-3 like it's a two dollar whore, with giovanni being left in the dust. also a change of pace, the start of battle dialogue boost wasn't stats up, it was free sticky web! for once I had rapid spin for it but come the fuck on just stop being a dick
>get to town
>no fucking pokecenter anywhere
>try to wander around looking for one, because my starter is fainted
>run into this trainer out of nowhere and fucking die then get yeeted back to the first town across the shitty first route
you'll be forever gay faggot

on the flip side, the music in this town is really good. i can't place it. i'm guessing a mega man desert stage? doesn't really sound like it that much though

kek, finally
maybe the entire point of the game is that giovanni sucks or something? idk
i would have preferred it be even more unique and just not included a desert level at all kek
>training facility in pokemon centers of 500$ to fight two audino that shit themselves and die with memento turn 1
not the worst thing ever, hopefully healing items and repels aren't retarded
I was wondering when Fisherman's Horizon would show up...
poryCHADS....we're absolutely safe from the pokefucking if it's all based on old ainu myths n shiet
>first VICE a 'lost woods' type puzzle with literally no hints on which door is the right one
i think this guy has the right idea of things
>the regional natu is a dark/flying type with power trip
>no stat boosting moves
i wasn't expecting hone claws at level 8 like the rookidee line but couldn't you at least have given it pursuit or something as just a low level dark move, the only dark STAB it has being 20 bp is cruel

more flashback shit, but in the actual plot we steal the masterball schematics from kurt and sell it to silph co
see the problem is that i'm sure there's supposed to be a hint to this heccin epic puzzle, but that would involve S L O W L Y walking out of the gym without my FUCKING running shoes, and talking to all these shitty NPCs that drop empire tier essays on me about how they're depressed (GET IT? LIKE THE EPIC DEADLY SIN OF SLOTH, HEHE IT'S AN EPIC PERSONA REFERENCE YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND) until i find the one that gives me the right info

by the time i do that i'm sure i could just solve this shit with brute force
and so, at the leader already

>she drops a whole epic schizo rant on me straight from r/im14andthisisdeep
great. the even better news is that this is fucking slow as shit, so if i end up having to redo this garbage i get to sit through all this again
>she automatically procs yawn on you
please kill yourself
>this is better to the eeveejannies than Berserk or Star in the desert
Glad to see that RozenDev hit another home run, h-haha...
>trainer had level 83 nidoqueen that just used poison sting and scratch
what the hell
...well, it wasn't the fucking cancerfest that was rosen's first gym, but not great. rotom (electric/psychic) in gym 1 sucks dick but whatever it wasn't hard, the yawn shit also wasn't too annoying


apparently i'm a whole third of the way through too and this is just not impressing me at all so far, just actually fucking how
maybe it's the regionals or something, or people think the dumb schizoshit is 'deep' or whatever
i actually genuinely hate you

>you beat the dumb bitch and she becomes motivated again
i'm sure it was explained why that's the case somewhere in the magic schizoshit. either way, i'm going to bed
i skipped it but
>the MC apparently used to be a top tier programmer in their field who was just unmotivated all the time (coincidentally, just like the gym leader i just fought, who's called a VICE)
>you get this flashback right after the bitch starts talking about how DREAMS can change the world
hm. now i just wonder, possibly wonder what the grand twist in this game might be

levelup learnsets for stone evos being shit, kek
oh also the desert theme is just a chiptune version of the desert theme from golden sun, that was way offbase kek
>Yawnfagposting in the wake of ZA not being dumped
It's kinda fitting tho
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There should be a romhack with a very puritan girl character who speaks about purity and morals n shit, then her pokemon team is picrel
Give people time, I'm certain someone will make a romhack showcasing all those stories
>game is now putting trainers off screen but still able to ambush you
Sides have recovered from samurai plap, so I'll play a bit more tonight
I completely forgot there were two faggots blocking this entrance kek
Don't forget Ursaring/Piloswine
>Team Rocket attacking Silph
I'll pick this back up later tonight. Team Rocket plot makes me want to scream
That's horrible
Oh yeah, Berries heal for 20 despite the item description, forgot to mention this earlier kek
I'll fix that, because it invalidates Berry Juice. Oops.
>the dragon gym leader had regidrago as the ace, two free stat boosts
>have to find "the founder" before I take on the league again
>somewhere on route 26 that's conveniently blocked off
why is this nosediving right at the end
remember to check for hidden items that aren't actually hidden items identifiable with the item finder but rather pokeball items physically hidden behind set pieces!
throwing in the towel, this game has been teasing me with exp candy xls but no place to buy them, my team is average 80 but the cap is 100. went to try activating debug and broke the game, this game isn't worth re-extracting to fix it, fuck it. mon variety is nice, it's mostly bug free, but other then the shit I've already complained about, because it's a story told through memories all the colors are washed out in the overworld, it's so dull. couldn't recommend it
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Sucks to hear kek
it just didn't want to end despite doing nothing plotwise, it's like a bad prequel movie. I think there are more of those flashback moments of firered/gen 2/3 then there are actual plot beats with giovanni in a game with his name on it.
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>5 trainer gauntlet
was pretty ez thoughever, mainly because you get healed before the boss
I'll do the gym tomorrow
Yeah the flashbackshit seemed really unnecessary from what I saw kek
Nigga, turn on integer scaling.
the gooner squad hall of fame challenge
>No antigravity fishing rod
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Mythchads we keep eatinig
Should've brought Sandslash to the underground lab...
Also, finally understand what Alt team means. Left a lot of exp behind.
Zapdos is defeated.
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Oh shit! I can't wait!
What a shock, I never wrote notes on notable surf spots...
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I can't believe we nearly got a Mega fucking TAVROS with Fur Coat as it's ability, Jynx we knew had a scrapped Mega for ages, it wasn't bad either, seemed like it was custom built by a smogon tryhard, even has Magic Guard to avoid stealth rock damage and such, sadly missed a few of the leaks and revelations due to being dead tired and the (not) jannies running the thread to the ground with pedo and faggot spam, can't believe southern Kalos was also real. The ZA leak was a fake sadly, I really wanted to see things escalate to a cataclysmic level.
Skarmory is a fantastic debuffer with some great bulk, the issue for it is it runs out of PP way too fast.
Wow, this game seems fantastic.
Oh anon, it's just a matter of time by now, I'm afraid some devs might start trying to nuke Typhlosion from their games.
Thanks, and kek
GG on getting as far as you did. I don't understand how you could fuck up what seems like a great and simple concept for a game. Just have Giovanni be your friend, no gyms, and you do heists together and shit on isolated maps like some Hitman/Thief/Dishonored level, that's it, that's all
Too bad you missed the mach 9000 heatseeking trainers I'm sure the game would begin throwing at you
i will if I remember
Kek, too bad indeed
>game seems fantastic
It's at least better than the chinksloppa one I did, and that dumb one about being stuck in a desert for eternity, but it's astronomically worse than the PMD game and Berserk at least just based off the first third
I'll head back tonight, maybe the rest of it will be kino (it won't)
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Oh no she is even worse
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Oh, she really didn't put any stab moves on it
It's an okay toxic staller, but Combusken will be doing 99% of the lifting in this section.
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Wonder if the MC will be able to get here and get that if I pick it up with Eda
No kidding, Eda's cock is carrying the team extremely hard
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Oh nobody can even learn the TM(Solar Blade)
You can revisit this area with the mc after the main story of the demo is done, I assume nothing you pick up with Eda stays though

Don't neglect Milotic either once it evolves
Even while a Milotic it was struggling a bit with the amount of grass types but now that it got Ice Beam Combusken won't have to solo carry
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Oh neat she has a different dialogue box from the MC
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I thought she jumped because she knew Latias was nearby, no she is just that dumb
>decided to look up covenant while bored to see if there was some way around the lostwoods bullshit

>find a reddit post on r/pokemonromhacks from the dev where he cries about Emerald Seaglass being too popular, says his game (remember, this is a GAMEJAM DEMO) is just like Seaglass, not even a single person was interested in it, then after he got deleted he posted it to r/rxmp and got no replies

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Funny bug
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Wonder how many of those are in here
Still less scary than seeing the CMD window pop uo
thanks bro. in retrospect it seemed like an excuse just to have kanto/johto but different gym order
>Wonder how many of those are in here
a bunch
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Would be neat if the dev pulled a pizza tower and had a small chance of one of the jumpscares being changed into something funny
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Neat little section for october
>the shittiest games vanguard and shitstones make some random folder in appdata for saves, forcing me to replay them
>empyreanGOD keeps the save in the install folder, meaning I wouldn't have to
I will anyway at some point because I'm deranged but it's nice to have the option
So yeah, I'll start thinking on ways how to 6-0 this doubles battle.

A key might be to draw both of your enemies' attacks onto one mon, while using Protect, thus earning you a free turn to attack with the other one.
And Mega Mightyena is a given as well, Sucker Punch against a team of 6 Psychics is brutal.
hey uh
where is peridot anon, and has it been ported to 3DS yet?
aw oki
ty though
Eh, I gave up on 6-0ing him. Breaking through Focus Sash, Mega Alakazam and all that bullshit in doubles, without losing a mon, is too much of a riddle to me.
sensible gg
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Oh damn, now I really can't wait to put the king in his place
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The Absols in this route really make me feel like shit is going to hit the fan even more soon
Nice shiny Skarmory.
So here, the two plot threads finally converge.

That's been it for the last chapter of Desolation.

It's been a hell of a ride and I can, without a doubt, agree to the sentiment that Desolation is one of the better - if not best - fan games out there at the moment. As for every massive game that left an impression, I'll write a longer review later, let's see how its score compares to that of Rejuvenation, Rebrorn and Empire.
What game are you playing? Looks interesting.

Would be great if everyone included their game name in the screenshot like Tiramisu.
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Unbreakable Ties, it's one of the games everyone played a while ago
In mine they usually aren't there because I only screenshot a small part of the screen and on PC it's all the way in the top left corner
have we played mauve yet?
One final GG. Glad you enjoyed this one
Usually we do just say what we're playing in the OP, or we do a multi LP on a single game
Speaking of, maybe this should be our next multi kek
>200 hours of playtime
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Wonder if the dev will keep the joke with one of the beta testers in his basement comparing him with a Slaking
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Can't I just adopt this cat from the street? A shiny litten just hanging around could be caught by a third rate trainer that doesn't appreciate the perfection that is incineroar
don't forget the scariest part french it also has it's own launcher like xenoverse which I'm sure is a good sign
Wandering around in the dark was actually pretty simple kek, maybe I'm just used to it
I don't think Seaglass is particularly impressive either, but lol
Makes me wonder if he did the game on essentials gbc solely to try an get in on the seaglass "market"
gg, yeah, reeve is pretty dumb if you're playing on his field
It mostly depends on how everyone screenshots their games t b h, I'm pretty sure everybody does it differently that reminds me, I need to sort my screen folder a bit kek
Give us argument to try it
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I can already detect the NTR in the air
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And so can Rocky
holy fucking kek
CHAOS dreams was truly ahead if it's time...
it's not virtualization
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>The southern Kalos blew up so hard that even the jannies blew their load and put 403 music on it
GG, this fuck sucks as well, there was an optional superboss, but that was tied to the bird sidequest you can't do.
I heard of it and the art seemed decent if it's the game I am imagining.
I assume when Pokemon Desolation Episode 7 comes out (it totally will in two weeks, not coping really really hard or anything) all the patchfixes of Episode 6 will be included in it as well, so I'll do the Burd and prison quests first.
Okay, next up is Pokemon Opalo! Decided to give Mexican fan games a try for once and this one was really highly rated.

(Actually wanted to play Gaia, but there's currently no way to do so on Mac. I should really get a Windows notebook from somewhere.)
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Do you have fun with your pedo romhack?
Btw, when downloading Opalo I've stumbled upon this one-star review of it.

>q-quoi?? youi only translated it to Anglaise ??

Just lmao @ French and their inflated sense of self-importance.
what in the shadow the hedgehog is this?

(..god I hope this worked.)
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Nice to have these buyable, expensive but worth it
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Wait what, Kleavor's HA should be sharpness
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And Mewscarada doesn't even have one programed?
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I went to check on Kleavor on the PBS and I realized something
Where is Stone Axe
A small typo, the shelter's on Route 11
Yeah, that's an issue with a good bit of spic games, a lot of the gen 8/9 abilities/moves aren't implemented
Meowscarada not having Protean is really odd though kek
Well hopefully next update they will have the newer stuff implemented, will probably want to continue this save instead of starting all over again
>A small typo, the shelter's on Route 11
Noted. Internal route names didn't match the ingame ones until a couple months ago, so it was easy for me to get confused.
is there an equivalent thread but for the official games
>plays whatever
If you want to do an official game, go for it.
>playing any official game after black and white

lmao @ your life
I know people are probably sick of hearing me talk about the leaks, but holy shit, XY insider was right all along, XY was gonna be a game about aliens, I can't fucking believe it dude, the anons in the leaks file found AYYY LMAO versions of Diantha's theme and a music file named "spaceship arrives", Gamefreak left Kalos unfinished and took a bunch of pieces from it including Zeraora to forcefully cram it into SM because they were afraid of fucking Yokai Watch and rushed things into the gutter, what is this timeline dude?
I don't think there's any issue with posting here, what game do you have in mind?
>playing an official game past gen 3
>afraid of yokai watch
wow that's sad. 2 and 3 aren't terrible games but they were never gonna make the pokemon killer
right now i'm playing sapphire, but i added some extra rules here and there
the game is in japanese
i stop to talk to every npc, translating everything, writing down in a spreadsheet kanji, translation and pronounciation of most words
i translate dex entries, too
i catch everything before moving to the next route (fucking surskit took me a while)
i'm basically doing the opposite of a speedrun or nuzlocke, by playing the game as slowly as humanly possible
then there's also the rules i have always followed in all of my games: no grinding against wild encounters, no buying items aside from pokeballs, no legendaries on my team, battling against every single trainer is mandatory etc
to make things even slower i even spammed save states until i got a shiny treecko
i'm after petalburg right now (forgot to take a screencap), and i need to choose my team members
Gamefreaking sperging the fuck out over nothing killed this franchise, truly we leave in the darkest timeline.
Noted, seems fairly autistic, but you do you anon.
this is just the beginning of the autism, bro
i specifically picked japanese sapphire because i want to transfer ageto celebi to it, so i have to complete colosseum as well
i fell into a rabbithole of japanese events recently, and between ereader cards, bonus discs and distribution demos, gen 3 was the obvious candidate to start with
Fair enough, I typically used the pomeg berry glitch myself whenever I played gen 3 games, but it's been so long that I don't remember the exact values anymore.
>he doesn't know about the translated celebi menu in NA colosseum
my old copy of ruby is pal, so the usa bonus discs are of no use to me
on the other hand japan has a bunch of cool events exclusive to it
>Makes me wonder if he did the game on essentials gbc solely to try an get in on the seaglass "market"
You're probably right kek
There's no part of this game that made me think it really needed to be done in the gen 2 style
The kino is incoming. Brace for impact
Just remember it has a pretty slow opening, and it's also extremely easy for the most part (like, slightly more difficult than a normal main game easy)
Definitely would recommend trying some kind of challenge run on this, even blind
There usually are a couple of playthrough threads that pop up every now and then, nothing that's as long lasting as this has ended up being albeit
/nuz/ probably isn't the worst, even if you're doing a challenge run unrelated to that
Dammit kek, he got me too
Whiteouts: probably like 7 if I count the gym grinding sessions
Well, as long as you're having fun with your autism kek
GG. Glad you enjoyed it.
Good pick and good luck. Opalo's a good time if you're okay with a slower burn game.
Edward really is one of the best characters.
alright, let's get back into this...i hope maybe there's an actually good game i'll find today

>in order to complete this sidequest, it's not enough to have the letter this faggot wants, you need to go out and catch a wingull or pelipper who would deliver said letter
oh cool the migraine and unfocused eyes are starting up again

um....twittertrannies who migrated here for the teraleak...our response??
Pinsir ohko'ing my flying types aside, pretty ez kek
holy fucking shit WHY




you absolute fucking niggerfucking trannies can never take the example of a game like rejuv or whatever where the fast travel is free, good god

haha...get used to the X item shit, it crops up a lot
>exit town
>the guy in front of the town entrance isn't a trainer, but instead gives you an exp all

>there's an entire side path that leads around this guy, as if he were a trainer, and given how there's literally no potions or fucking anything you're likely to be half dead and will just skip talking to him because you think he'll fight you and will miss the exp all
starting to believe the rosenfag either bribed or is good friends with the judges on shitcord
>haha...get used to the X item shit, it crops up a lot
Can't be worse than what Bunken went through in Giovannit's origins desu
but the gen 2 art, the nostalgia for the game I watched my fav vtuber play?!?
okay, well, the professor finally stops being a jew (can't change it by hiding one letter) and lets me pick a starter
not sure why you're given a grass pick here when you already get a grass pachirisu at the start...
i'm not really a big fan of piplup especially in games that shit all over empoleon's moveset, so i guess i'll go fennekin

honestly, i didn't really feel pressured by that shit outside of the ground gym and the champion fight desu
maybe one other fight i can't think of at the moment
either that, or 'we want the emerald seaglass audience' (this game has absolutely nothing to do with seaglass nor does it even look like it)
>can't change it by hiding one letter
man, my head really is fucked today kek
>Fight again with my team not half ded
>Win easily
>foul play's BP is listed as ???
that's not at all how it works?

it's 95 BP, it just uses the opponent's attack stat for calculation?
>wynauts as wild encounters on the first route
i'm so glad i never encountered any my first time heading to the desertshit. why the fuck would anyone do this
at least they just seem to only have splash and shit
those things to the left of the fat guy are berry trees

taking berries in this game has it so that you take the trees and just leave the berries hanging in mid air, apparently

there didn't seem much of a point in re exploring with rock smash, all i got was a calcium and some occa berries
>egg i've just had since the beginning of the game hatches into the wingull i need to complete the sidequest
oh goody goody YES i'm so glad i have to walk the desertcuck walk again
fantastic reward, really just encouraging me to do these sidequests here
so it's not the 7 deadly sins. the first town was about apathy or whatever, this is about fear/lack of bravery

basically just sounds like the 'real' MC is a massive NEET. can't wait for the 'lust' town when it's revealed he used to creep on women, or more likely his crush got fucked by chad and tyrone
>you have to catch a dark type to be able to access the city
>also, you can get penalized 3 times and get arrested
i don't like where this is going already

thankfully my natu was already dark type so i didn't have to deal with the 'tism
oh wow i hate it already

also the music here sucks
>everytime you run by one of these faggots they have to deliver their whole paragraph to you before checking your party for dark types
>this happens coming and going, even if there's no way you could access a PC or something to remove the dark type from your party
this actually fucking sucks
>city is fucking gigantic
>but also you can barely go 2 steps without getting stopped by the commie police who deliver a whole fucking sermon to you for breathing air
>the indeedees who accompany the hooded faggot just start randomly screaming at you telepathically
>no idea where to go
this sounds like orevald's nightmare

anyway, thankfully i did figure it out, somehow
I can see how this beat something like fnaf eevee but that star in the desert game and beserk looked more fun then this
ah yeah, i hate when that happens, just have an inky black void in my basement with an HM in it

you CAN go into the apartments in this complex, but can't for others, no indication on really where you can go, just what the fuck

it's not like berserk or PMD didn't have their own issues, but just goddamn man
also again, i do think you'd really like berserk yourself if you played through it
>find the 'PC guy'
>he uses pokemon you can't find in this region
>it's just the 3 kanto starters

and of course, he has a pokemon he can't just send to the fucking PC, you have to make space in your party. it's 2024 but i guess we're still having this issue.
>this is a limited time thing
so like, if i didn't think i could walk into these apartments specifically, because all the other instances of this in this city have the police ask you for a loicense and kick you out, i'd just miss this entirely, great
yes. yes yes YES!! kantoGODS, we will always WIN
the sad part is that this game probably could be cool, if it was just like, made by a competent dev
>Can't even set a self switch to drastically lower the amount of dialogue after passing through once
Truly amazing
They were, just from what I'm seeing here kek
And like Wagie said, they have their own issues, but fuck, this seems really really rough compared to those two
>the level grinder for the gym (which is at 25) is still using level 10 audinos
the best part is that i'm playing the revised version which has maybe a tenth of the bugs it used to have, could you imagine downloading this day 1 and then seeing the judges vote it as top spot for the spotlight kek
>Man these leaks threads are getting shittier and shittier, there's not even interesting le-
>One of the leaked documments for gen 5 goes into a heavy amount of detail about wanting to add a Yiddish town into the Jew York based game
>It was going to have a mechanic where you would earn extra rewards for giving shekels to kikes
those clover updates have so much new material kek
keeping it in mind but I wanna wait till I forget a bit more from you guy's lp of it
that was way less annoying than the first gym thankfully
this guy's gimmick is that...even though all his gym trainers use dark types, he just uses normal types. cool

also he summons wonder room and puts perma magic coat on his mimikyu but whatever. i don't know the mimikyu's type, i think it might be grass/ghost, and then once its 'Cosplay' ability wears off it becomes ghost/normal

didn't they also call fairy type trannies in the internal names too? kek
chudfreak BTFOing all the mentally ill leftoids who worship this franchise
fair enough
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it's so fucking over
I also saw that the renegade Venam/Amber fight is made (and very autistic), so that'll be ""fun""
>they began to implement this before even finishing the renegadeshit or the story mode teams

also, any bros willing to become one of ayrei's 60 playtesters? haha..
>the part of the story that sucks give me an anger migraine, fix this bug now
>Playing Vanguard more than necessary
no thanks kek
>step into the 'chemical cleanup' zone, which just looks like a poison type version of the bug catching contest from JOHTOO
>decide i don't want to do it
>walk out of the building
>the theme from inside the building has now fully replaced the world map theme (and persists even after battles)
very cool. i guess i'm going to have to love the sonic chemical plant zone theme from now on

anyway, have the regional gulpin

i haven't really talked about the plot for this game because, like, there's barely any other than the weird obvious dream schizoshit where all the characters are dream versions of the MC's failures in reality, but man you'd expect at least like one halfway likable character
from their dialogue it sounds like there was something i was supposed to do, but missed it, and apparently if i fuck up again it's game over

i have no idea what the fuck they wanted, the reason i went to commie city in the first place was to save the professor's aides so i assume it was just that, but no it was to 'unlock a piece of my heart' whatever the fuck that means. all the while screaming at me about whatever psychotic schizophrenic bullshit was on the writer's mind when he made it. god what a miserable fucking game
YES! EVERY game MUST have the famous KANTOOOO roadblock

it's normal/ice, with snow warning as an ability. why would you just make snorlax but worse as le bulky ice type
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>Bill from Kanto was named after BILL FUCKING GATES
>Aegislash used to have 80 base HP instead of 60
>Tyrantrum used to have 141 attack
>Mega Charizard Y used to have Gale Wings as it's ability
>Mega Garchomp used to get a +20 boost in speed instead of special attack when Mega evolving
>Mega Alakazam, a Pokemon that has an item it can't get rid of in any way used to have Magician as it's ability
>The Ashnime had a map during an image that is the completed Kalos map including the recently leaked south Kalos
>Gen 5 was both going to have a "playboy" mechanic of charming girls via your Pokemon as well as a motherfucking area 51 zone
>/vp/ loses it's fucking shit over the leaked shoe sizes of pokegirls
>One of the few actually confirmed gen 10 leaks that was related to the shitty new anime heavily the next region will be island based and tied around exploration, with a codename of Gaia (Greece bros?)
>Cyrus has been confirmed to be an autistic NEET
>Original Spheal was meant to resemble a bowling ball and it had a counterpart penguinmon that was meant to resemble a bowling pin
>Several fucking anons doxx themselves in the leak threads by being absolute fucking retards
>XY insider was actually a hoax, but the guy still correctly guessed a bunch of shit that was scrapped from XY correctly anyway (task failed successfully)
This is beautiful, what a fucking time to be alive.
Who knew Gamefreak themselves were chuds just like us.
>Didn't they refer to fairies as trannies
Oof, it's time to go back to hell huh?
it's cool that not-gengar has a normal office instead of something interesting. you'd think snorlax would be a god in the dream realm or subconcious realm, get a slowking kind of upgrade since it's always sleeping. same with that koala mon
what a design, and levelup move

i still have basically no good attacking moves on it other than foul play

haha... can't wait for some of the shit to end up in Z
>>Bill from Kanto was named after BILL FUCKING GATES
i mean, he is a cult leader, what'd you expect?
what could've been...
empyrean is even funnier now
>Mega Garchomp used to get a +20 boost in speed instead of special attack when Mega evolving
dodged a fucking bullet there, idk if this is retribution from some very angry palworld fans or the stars have aligned but damn this is one hell of a happening
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they did mention that the music box you use to wake it up could accidentally wake the player up, and if that happens shit will hit the fan, so you need to use it sparingly. but i don't really know what that means
i honestly thought he was one of those ninji things from mario
it really looks like the gen 2 party sprite of gengar just slightly tweaked to me
i honestly can't tell if i'm supposed to laugh at a lot of this game's dialogue, it's just really painfully unfunny

at least with rejuv or something it's also unfunny but you can tell they try to make a lot of jokes, with this...i mean i just don't know man
>Recover/Cosmic Power/Black Sludge
I could see that being a bit annoying if you don't have ways to deal x% HP like I do, it gets fucked by Leech sneed + Curse
At least it doesn't have minimize kek
>Not in a ice area
Do they at least justify it kek?
>base 104 attack with pre nerf gale wings
He's the bravest bird for a reason
>pokemon are nearly all fainted or badly hurt
>try to rush to next town (because the starting town has no pokecenter, for some inexplicable fucking reason)
>get ambushed by some edgy faggot who i guess is supposed to be the rival
>still manage to get through most of my team

>text glitches out on what his ace is supposed to be
>gets an attack and speed boost out of nowhere and sweeps the rest of my shit
and then because, again, there was no pokecenter in the starting town which is where i set out from, i got kicked to the pokemon center in the darknigger town which is on the other side of the map

i am so fucking tired

nah it's just a random snorlax in the starting town lmao
>At least it doesn't have minimize kek
It used to in older versions.
>he's supposed to set a taunt on your starting mon
>it instantly wears off the same turn
great coding, did dr. demice work on this?
like what am i supposed to be feeling from this dialogue? unsettled? angry? sad? i'm just bored man

this game is basically trying to do what perish song did except 1000x worse
one of the weirdest 4th wall breaks ever, this isn't a dev or anything it's just completely out of nowhere on some random npc

>the grinding area is locked out of this pokecenter because....it just is, alright, you don't get to use it anymore
i think this might be the most pretentious fangame dev i've ever seen. i'm sure it's for some 'artistic' purpose that i'm obviously to uninteligent to understand
okay maybe that's going a bit too far when octavius exists, but i'm just really irritated right now kek
>made the 'do you know what you just did?' joke except with the casino

you have to spend 5 'ecoins' for a trip to get here and you only get 25 from the first robot guy who gives you the 'ecoin case', so i wonder if you can softlock yourself, very empire-like. one might even say....empirean
>trainer who says he's going to build 'psychic powered cars' called 'elon' and he has a bunch of slowpokes
you say buck i say broken
again, i don't really have any idea what the fuck i'm doing, so i guess i'll just boost my 'ecoin' count
>Switch out on Steelix's Dig
>It lands before the switch, like pursuit
Is that a gen 2 thing kek
Either way, My team gets raped because I have 4 flying types kek, Gengar and Venusaur do most of the heavy lifting, gonna try a bit more by being reckless with my other mons to set up kos
desu I kinda figured since all of the grimers have minimize, definitely a good change kek
Dig & Fly acting like Pursuit is something I came up with.
looks like you're paying your way to cryptoland
okay, i just went into one of the two buildings i could access and went to the top, apparently this seems like the right way to go since i'm getting screamed at by schizos again

the rewards from the casino seem about as big of a scam as crypto as well, 32 coins per vitamin but 64 per power item for EV training
maybe could try moving on? i know you can get high level nidorinos and such soon, and the level cap is 40
>the rewards from the casino seem about as big of a scam as crypto as wel
Hold the bag, er voltorb, goy
>the gimmick of this gym is that you have to step on the right tiles, and if you fuck up you pay casino coins
i think this is the first time i've seen the casino ever actually be used in this kind of way in any of these fangames, and for good reason, this sounds really fucking bad

but i did get a lot of coins from voltorb flip, so idk maybe not
Yeah, ez
Whiteouts: 10
Electabuzz was 100% the scariest for my team, since it outspeeds and ohko's 3 of my mons, and 2/3hko's Venusaur
Skarm would also be scary if I couldn't just wipe out half it's hp by swapping in one of my foddermons on Brave bird kek
>this guy turned into a lechonk
the fuck is going on in this game

i thought the theme for this section was supposed to be 'NOSTALGIA BAD' but it just ended up being 'GREED BAD'? i dunno

so it's not as bad as i thought, but it's still really annoying. you just have a 50/50 chance of getting it right and if you fuck up, it's all the way back to the beginning

the coin penalty is basically so low that you can just play one game of voltorb flip and never have to worry about it, which begs the question of why even have it in the first place. if it's just to encourage you to play voltorb flip, put better rewards in the casino
remember when i said it wasn't as bad as i thought?

...never mind

and the music is insanely fucking grating

there's like a slightly differently shaded path you can use for the first one of those, but if you try using the shaded path for the second one you get led into a 'false path' and lose 5 coins, very epic

you have to use the path off to the left there which has Z E R O indication of how you're supposed to work it out other than brute force

....please let this just be the end
uh sweetie how else are you gonna learn to not gamble?!?
repulsive design for a repulsive (hopefully) final boss

he has 4 lechonk (just realized i never grabbed a screenshot, they're actually a pretty cute piggy bank design) and the oinkologne, everything gets +1 to atk/def and the oinkologne gets +1 to everything but speed
>mc goes 'something's wrong, i should look around here'
>the automatons outside begin to attack
please no

as bad as it is to say i almost ALMOST prefer empire forcing you to grind 20k coins at the casino to move on with the plot
so you're supposed to know to go into the town that was previously blocked off (with no indication you could go there now) and apparently this guy is using an 'illicit packet' to somehow warp the mc's dream, or something. i don't fucking know just end please
shit boss, but what else is new
his gimmick is that he rolls a die to create some effect on each of his mons somehow
skarmory gets focus energy
klefki gets helping hand (it just spammed fairy lock kek)
lairon makes your def and spdef go down by 1
the regional crustle gets 'deep concentration' idk what that even is, maybe endure or something
you get the option of taking their cocaine bag from them, i assume it's the 'bad ending' if you do, but i really don't care

then you black out and one schizo cutscene coming right up
oh thank fucking god

i don't even care about the shitty 4th wall break let me out
congrats. it looks like some bullshit where the mc was living the high life, wanted more money anyway and did some stupid shit, failed, and tried to blackmail his boss with photos of his mistress. truly high art, just what I want in my pokemon
gg kek
this game is a mess

i have no idea why this is a pokemon game when it's clearly some kind of silent hill bullshit. i mean, at least they revealed their cards early this is all le heccin dream and all the villains are the piece of shit mc's own thoughts, but that just means i care about anything that happens in this game even less. why do i even want to see the mc get better? i barely even know them other than the fact they're really greedy, really apathetic and a coward. hell i barely know any character in this game.

to say nothing of the actual gameplay itself, which is horrid. i think every single section of this game had something i either intensely disliked or was at least extremely annoyed by. that is IMPRESSIVE, for a demo that lasts maybe 5-6 hours. it wasn't as overall as literally unplayable like rosen was, but it was still an extreme slog. the music choices are bad, it's like dragon's den from GSC but it's 80% of the soundtrack. the gen 2 stylization is pointless, i mean cool, but whatever. there's barely any side content and the stuff there is is both annoying and shit to do.

the only thing i can give this game credit for, is that at the very least it wasn't boring like some of the other gamejam games i did, but it's not really interesting even with the whole 'yeah dream vices' premise, and i would've dropped it quickly if i hadn't known it was a quick demo. that, and the regionals are pretty good, at least the designs.

and i will never understand how the tranny expo judges determined this was THE game, more than the PMD game, more than berserk, more than....okay, i guess that's kind of it kek. but good lord. this demo doesn't have any kind of feeling of a satisfying narrative completion, it's not a short game that can be judged quickly like tower of ashes, nothing, it's just absolutely baffling. i couldn't even find why people liked covenant in the eevee expo 'cord.

no hope for this game and rosen. if i had to give a number, 2/10
thanks bros. yeah i assume once we move on to the vices like 'wrath' or whatever it'll show he ended up killing his boss or blowing up his building or something.
you know, the mental issues of a depressed and misanthropic white collar worker, perfect material for pokemon. a PT clone? one of those retro horror games from puppet combo or chillas art? nah fuck that shit
didn't you play another game recently where your heart was shackled or broken, you could only have 3 pokemon on your team, something like that?
>You just get fucked over

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