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Game also got a PC build

>the leaker is not releasing any more details
Certified faggot.
>"even with lag"
Are you shitting me
If the playable build aint posted on /vp/, it's not real. Fuck off to Xitter. You fucking gay tranny
this honestly leads me to believe it's real lmao
We knew from the start that he wouldn't leak ZA, but there was rumors he shared his copy with others (probably because he wasn't codemonkey enough to create a patch to run it).
Dudes playing an unfinished version of the game.
Surely this one has a QA phase
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*cough cough*
>the shiny Sound from pla Is back
and just like that, ZA Is already confirmed to be a better game than sv and swsh.
the replies to someone complaining about that are insane. i now understand why gamefreak is so successful people are fucking idiots
>uhm but anon, it's not the final release, it'll get patched, heh
we're on the sixth round of that fucking argument that gets disproven every time and counting
will never get something nice again because these idiots truly believe they patch the games
>even with the lag
This will NOT be solved on finished game lol
>pla had the worst lag of any pokemon game
>Is shocked when pla 2 still has lag
ur dum
>They will fix the tree and wingull animation
They don't
>They will fix the lag in over world you'll see
They don't
>Dudes playing an unfinished version of the game.
of course. why should they learn from their past experiences?
just repeat the same slop with the same bugs and lag over and over
fuck me you people are thick
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We won Stunfiskbros
When is scarlet/violet being finished?
So like every fucking shitty game they've released the past ten years?
your comment is implying that recent pokemon games DONT have lag upon release
desu if theres one thing i be okay with someone not leaking would be Z-A because nintendo would actually pay for the best international hitmen to take them out
i hope he gets raped to death for reporting this like its a verifiable leak
if anyone should be "punished" before the leaker, it's him.

>i hope the leaker gets away with it
See diamond/pearl walking speed
a PC build of a game that's targeting switch hardware is not going to be optimized for PC, let alone a prerelease debug build
and we don't even know what kind of hardware he's running, it could be a laptop from 2013
>just repeat the same slop with the same bugs and lag over and over
That's been Pokémon since XY, good observation
it's wild to remember that certain people had lgpe and swsh protos in their hands in 2018 but couldn't do anything with them
Why would you not post more fucking details? Or release it? Bitch baby
>pla had the worst lag of any pokemon game
Did you not play S/V??? Compared to those games, PLA ran smooth as butter.
Do you think the leaker gets off somehow to edging people like this?
I mean he's already going to get sued for 100 million dollars, might as well throw out Z-A and Gaia and go for the billion dollar special.
>X/Y source code
Finally, people will be able to make it not shit.
>Stunfisk is in the game
Whoa... this is incredible information. That's all I needed to know.
Sv only had lag on emulator tho
>The only pokemon confirmed to be in thé game so far isn’t even from gen 6
Kalos has no identity

LOL NO... You definitely didn't play the game
I'm more interested in the XY source code for a proper PC port and possibly make the game not really shit in many aspects. It's a really cute entry with lots of potential.
Nice meme
why would it have a pc build
Remember how Ryujinx had a fuck ton of bugs running BDSP when that first leaked? Emulators often need finetuning and updates for individual games, it's why their websites often have compatibility lists.
they test before making the console build, they forgot to remove the PC build on Pikmin ISO.
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So is Gaia. More screenshots incoming
funny how scatvomit defenders are the people who never played the fucking game
Centro is a faggot just parroting stuff he sees in the PPG threads and discord and passing it off as his own findings.
why the fuck are these people only deving on roblox? like god damn you could not pick a worse game engine
Centro posts obviously fake bullshit all the time. Why in the fuck would anyone ever listen to that stupid nigger?
SVfags are fucking retarded
This is how we got the Affleck leak
This. I have no fucking pity for him since he's bein such a huge faggot
Be patient, they still have to finish Sword/Shield
He's bullshitting. No footage and he's saying the most generic shit possible about his experience playing the game
I will believe it when see it.
>stunfisk is in the game
>that's all you're getting
I don't understand those leakerfags.
They're fucked anyway. It's their chance to blow the shit up by leaking upcoming stuff. What's the point of not doing this? Moralfaggotry? Fear (of what, they're fucked anyway)? Fat hope of not being caught and punished?

Stupid cowards.
Fuck that, I want a switch 2 release date. GF must have some info abut that somewhere.
Nintendo's strongest warrior right here to say fuck no Scarlet on switch lags like a thirty car pileup because they for some fucking reason decided to render a small moon-sized area of ocean at all fucking times no matter what else is happening for some asinine fucking reason known only to the rape dwarf living in god's anus and Violet lags *even more somehow* and nobody has been able to figure out why.
> The whole game has leaked bros

Okay, so who are the freaking STARTERS!?
This is what Nintendo/GameFreak/TPC get for never showing anything. Pokemon doesn't need annual releases but you could at least have some hype annual shows.
That stupid faggot Riddler Khu sure has been quiet. Not so tough of a leaker now that someone actually has 1tb of leaks from GF/TPC, huh?!
>GameFreak removes Stunfisk in the final release just to fuck with the leaker
He tried to act like he knew Gaia all along but after that I think he stayed quiet cuz he’s scared shitless lmao
Hi Joe
Let’s just say you truly got your hand into this, how do you realistically leak it everywhere without getting tracked down? Go to Africa somehow and dump it there?
>Dropped alien plotline
>Dropped Zygard plotline
>Half the map has been removed
>Dropped third version to release a new gen for an aniversary
We were robbed so fucking hard
I doubt morality is a factor given that he got the leaks from phishing a Game Freak employee but I hazard to guess it’s so the target on his back isn’t even bigger than it already is for posting classified information? Leaking the entirety of the new game that we haven’t seen anything of officially besides a cinematic trailer and logo reveal would basically guarantee him getting fucked up the ass, literally in prison or metaphorically with legal fees.

With all that said I still agree that playing coy with the whole “I can’t actually leak anything but Stunfisk is in ;^)” is fucking retarded. Either shut up and don’t mention anything about the game or drop something actually meaningful if you’ve already decided you wanted to be in this deep
truly sad
We were robbed and it isn't a true remake or third version but at least we're getting Z-A.
This is all I want to know and maybe a new Mega or two (and yes I already know about the Mega Zygarde and Zeraora shit)
dunking on yawnfaggot aside this is extremely disappointing. XY had all the makings of some truly weird and memorable schizokino, but shitfreak got spooked by yokai watch and squirted SM out instead of finishing what they started. gen 6 truly was the start of the end, but not in the genwars meme way.
Terrastalization and gigantimax were boring as fuck and paradox pokemon were a mistake
megas/primals were the only good gimmick
Nintendo are going to buttfuck these people anyway. I don't know why they're not just dumping, because when they do get caught "at least i didn't dump Z-A bro" isn't going to get them off any lighter.

Unless they're a third world jeet with a government that doesn't care
Megas are shit
It was the other way around. It had better performance in emulator.
Roblox enslaved zoomers so now its the only thing they know and are too far gone to learn something like C
Thats fake
Tera is probably the most well thought out and balanced gimmick they've ever introduced. It's a genuinely good idea.

It looks like absolute fucking dogshit, though.
It saved some of my favorite pokemon from the bin of being completely unusable so I like it. Wish they were evolutions, though.

Also primal groundon/kyogre are insanely broken but they're also really cool and honestly they seem like by far the best pair of box legendaries in terms of how their in gameplay and their lore/thematics match up. Drought/Drizzle being their abilities instead of the >>>>pressure they went for later was fantastic.

Ok sure balance-wise it's a good gimmick and pretty interesting in gameplay but by fucking god it's so ugly, if I never see another mon with the stupid statue on their head it'll be too soon.
Megas gimmick available after their Gen 6 debut:

HOME (data)

Yeah, shit enough that they remained throughout the franchise, yep
>It's good because it overstayed it's welcome
>if I never see another mon with the stupid statue on their head it'll be too soon.
I wish the leaks detailed who came up with the idea so we could assign a name to the fucker who thought of giant hats. I get their function (easy recognition while battling and transforming), but fuck me, they still look shit.
They should've just made it some kind of floating ghostly indicator
Say it's the residual energies or some shit
Um................no lmao. Boot up your game on Switch and hang out in the lake that has the Dondozo in it right now
3D Era Pokemon has literally ALWAYS had lag. If anything, this is the most believable part of the entire thing.
Dev builds tend to have lag yes
Though this is GF, so can't promise any of that will be fixed in the final release
Alien plotline?
>let's waste new evolutions on a gimmick that was quickly replaced with another new gimmick in the later gens
nice revisionism
>All the retards taking the bait
Fucking underages
Because he has no leak.
some of the megas went to things with three stages already so they were never going to get an evolution
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they should have made the crystalline reflections of the pokemon's body project an image of the type they're turned into. or put a crystal inside the pokemon's body representing the type
but we all know why they went with the shitty hats, the merch/toy potential on those is insane
accept that this is the board now
>Mega-Zygarde used Z NUKE!
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>has the power to ultimately fuck over Gamefreak harder than ever
>chooses not to release it
Nigga they are already likely heading for your ass as we speak ready to ruin your life for years to come. What's one more life sentence?
Honestly I'm pissed about them not sticking to those cool ass battle cameras. Like holy shit, Gamefreak was capable of that during gen 6 and chose not to roll with it? I feel like I'm living on the worst god damn timeline
>but muh motion sickness
Have you tried not being a little bitch?
so in theory you can build your own game with this thing when it's leaked?
Anon... when will you finally learn...
Brother it's fucking Gamefreak.
if I had to guess, they couldn't find a proper angle for those cool shots that would be able to keep every pokemon in frame (like when Zekrom roars and the camera switches to a high angle, that same angle probably wouldn't work as well for a smaller mon) and they couldn't be assed to tweak them on a case-by-case basis so they scrapped it
It wouldn't be difficult to scale the camera path with the height/width of the pokemon it's focusing on. Just gamefreak being gamefreak.
You'd literally just have to have like 4 presets and a flag on each mon added to tell which to apply.
Course that reasoning is probably in the ballpark for why, even if it is stupid.
>masuda was trying to do pokemon battle revolution ass camera for XY
>forced to tone it back
we were really too hard on masuda...
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Fucking this.
Fucker has no idea that if he can get away with the leaks he released already he can get away with anything and if he can't then he's already fucked two ways from sunday anyways so he should just leak it anyways at this point.
Nintendo will not fucking stop until his life is completely ruined if they do manage to catch him, holding onto the build will not change this in the slightest.
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>You'd literally just have to have like 4 presets and a flag on each mon added to tell which to apply.
too much worku smarr indie company children have phones prease understando (raughs)
Maybe we will get more news this year after all
>random anons come up with a solution in the snap of finger
Gamefreak truly are incompetent fucks.
Getting caught for leaking old documents is a thing, getting caught for leaking a new product that will actually damage sales will get him to randomly commit suicide by stabbing himself 47 times on the back while in prison
fake until there's a screenshot
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>Getting caught for leaking old documents is a thing
Bro he leaked the entire plot, details and design documents of the upcoming horizons anime already and among the old design documents is a ton of stuff they'll have the legal excuse that they would have reused it for new games. It's not just a bunch of random scribblings on word docs.
This is not spaceworld tier where it affects absolutely nothing about the modern pokemon ip in the short or long run, he's already getting jailed forever and suicided in prison if caught whether he leaks the new game or not.
Pretty much this. Nintendo might just ignore the old stuff they don't really care about, but if the upcoming info (or, even worse, an entire playable build) is leaked, the glowies will get involved, and then the leakers are definitely fucked six ways to Sunday, see: GTA 6.
Holy shit Nintendo is going to put the leaker's head on a pike and parade it through Tokyo.
Nigga the whole anime got leaked.
The pokemon company makes arguably more money out of the animes than they do the games.
Do you all think it’ll really remain unleaked until release? People seem rather adamant about it.
>makes more money out of the anime
>anime is in a death spiral
>they will have to start trying with the games again soon
>they will have to start trying with the games again soon
No kek.
If the anime somehow does bad enough that children actively change the channel when it's on they'll move on to other alternatives of advertisement for the merch before they legitimately touch the games.
>this when it supposedly has a pc build
confirmed real
Everyone has their breaking point, we just gotta reach the leakers sooner before Nintendo and Gamefreak gets to him or its game over.
If i was one of the higher ups at Nintendo i would just hire a bunch of mercs and hunt the fucker down and torture him to death until he gave me all of the info back and told me to whom he sent the documents to. People here don't seem to understand how big of a financial blow this will be for Nintendo and GF if this fucker leaks ZA. And he himself doesn't seem to understand how much he fucked up, he is literally dealing with a company that has enough money to make him and his entire family disappear in an extremely painful way.
>People here don't seem to understand how big of a financial blow this will be for Nintendo and GF if this fucker leaks ZA.
Because it isn't much of a hit.
>If i was one of the higher ups at Nintendo i would just hire a bunch of mercs and hunt the fucker down and torture him to death until he gave me all of the info back and told me to whom he sent the documents to.
Already in progress probably, lol. Nintendo = yakuza.
This is why he has to leak it, he already lost everything if they manage to get their hands on him, at least he can do some damage before he's gone.
>People here don't seem to understand how big of a financial blow this will be for Nintendo and GF if this fucker leaks ZA
They'll be okay, Goldsmith. its only a couple of cents.
or theyre lying about having running game files. Them drawing the line here smells like bullshit
The game is a system seller for Nintendo, so they are counting on it to sell the next console, not to mention Nintendo owns 2/3s of TPCi so all of the profit lost by this being leaked will also affect them.
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>he is literally dealing with a company that has enough money to make him and his entire family disappear in an extremely painful way
>leakerbro wakes up in an abandoned warehouse
>family strapped to torture devices
>Masuda comes out on a tricycle
>tells leakerbro he simply has to catch every Pokemon in a pokeball and transfer them to home or the devices will go off after a set time limit
>The game is a system seller for Nintendo, so they are counting on it to sell the next console
it's a switch game not switch 2
>not to mention Nintendo owns 2/3s of TPCi
straight up not true
>The game is a system seller for Nintendo, so they are counting on it to sell the next console
>still thinking nintendo is releasing the switch 2 in 2025

Silksong is coming before the switch 2 at this point, nintendo is literally waiting until the switch stops selling.
Yes you are right i was under the impression that Nintendo now owned Creatures inc.. In that case Nintendo still owns 1/3 of the TPC
>the next console,
It's a switch game anon.
>not to mention Nintendo owns 2/3s of TPCi
Nintendo owns one third of pokemon, not TPCi
You don’t know what lag means
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>can we get a link to the game?
>can we get a video?
>a screenshot?
>any evidence whatsoever that you are actually playing it?
Yes, maybe he's just reveling in the attention and drawing things out, but it's possible that more recent software has more watermarking or other identifying factors that could lead back to him. IE they could further narrow down who had access to that specific build of ZA than people who had access to 10-year-old source code.
They also aren't making a text leak with easily confirmable/debunkable details which means they can't think of anything that wouldn't be discreditable in a few weeks and they definitely want to milk the attention for months.
Nope the map is real
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well leaker, you're an odd fellow but I must say, you leak a good game.
if it was obtained through phishing it wouldnt matter because the stored version he got would be who he ratted or whatever he did to copy all this shit. it would lead back to the coomer employee who wanted a hot single in his area
Leaker-kun is probably blackmailing GameFreak for billions of dollars to not leak gen10 and ZA. That's why we still don't have anything on them
>Game also got a PC build
Does it really? Or is it just that the demo/incomplete version is tested on a computer instead of loading it on to the intended hardware?
Like how most demos for games are tested in development.
Why leak it when you can blackmail gamefreak instead ?
>the people behind the wealthiest franchise on the planet
Lol have fun disappearing.
they already are because he stole about 2600+ instances of personal info
>we have ZA
>we just won't show it, zero, nada, nothing, no gameplay, no screenshots, no writing what we saw, no file names cuz uhh whoa leaking this game? now that's wayyy too far think of le heckin gamefreak
>just trust me bro
If at least 5 people in that discord had access to this alleged PLZA nds file then at least one of them would have leaked it somehow, but still no. This shit really reeking of lie, they never had the game in the first place and just want to keep their teasy spotlight for a while longer
so retail version
Nearly every game is built and tested on PC first, even Switch games. Consoles are just locked down and restricted PCs, which has its pros and cons.
To be fair I do believe it since why'd you invite unwanted attention from Nintendo by showing anything from it? All of this leaking shit hangs on wherever you think the "line" is. These leakers seem to believe new stuff is the line that will enrage Nintendo. Imo they already crossed the line and Nintendo are already infuriated, they've technically already leaked info about the game
>Consoles are just locked down and restricted PCs
Shhhhhh don't say that, kids will start commiting suicide
Anon that's what I said.
The leak is "it has a PC port!" but I doubt it does. It's more likely just the internal build that you test on a PC because you make games on consoles... On a PC.
this, and only this
Yes they are full of shit or retarded.
>the line
They've crossed that multiple times by vulnerating company data, employees personal information. Anime future projects and movies. Its not just "prototypes", they've crossed the line because of plain ignorance already, so yeah, them being retarded is pretty much confirmed at this point.
OK but where's the Pokémon Z version leak?
or are you telling me they really didn't think to make a Z version back then?
They probably cancelled it in the planning stage, hence no data
Those run fine though. It's really just SV that runs like shit (on the Switch, anyway).
All we got was the codename, "Ounce", which tells us fucking nothing.
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Exactly. He sounds like some sort of moralfag.
"Stealing is okay, as long as what I'm stealing isn't too new" sort of BS.

Do we even know who the leaker is? The closest I've seen to a source is that cuck faggot Centro who isn't even posting everything in the original Japanese.

Also, do we know if the leaker is the one who breached GF's shitty security (or lack thereof), or if that was someone else? Either way, I hope someone hacks the faggot and forces the ZA and Gen 10 stuff out of his nigger hands.
They would have been able to sell just as many crystalline figures with an LED in the base that makes them shine the respective type's color. Make the type-related particle effects more obvious and you're good.
>and swsh
In fairness, SWSH was made before PLA, so it wasn't a thing yet. Even the overworld doesn't have shinies in SWSH (unfortunately).
PLA was made at the same time as SV as well.
>Either way, I hope someone hacks the faggot and forces the ZA and Gen 10 stuff out of his nigger hands.
Fucking This, corporate bootlicker leaker
I played it recently and didn't have any real lag issues. Didn't even need to overclock (though it runs slightly better if you do, but it's not very noticeable).
>>56623943 is correct. SV runs like shit.
This is wrong. I played through the entirety of both games, once on emulator, once on real hardware, and it runs way better on an emulator (especially after the emulators got some patches to iron out most of the remaining issues).

It runs like total shit on real hardware, even when overclocked, and especially when handheld.
Probably is Joe, sounds like something retarded he'd say.
Problem is that it's probably not bait, some of these people are unironically this fucking retarded.
>it would lead back to the coomer employee who wanted a hot single in his area
Whom, I might add, will be easy enough to identify for whomever comes in to clean up GF's cybersecurity nightmare, so that's also a moot point.

Nigger just wants attention, I think.
Their parents cutting off their dicks is going to make them do it anyway, may as well tell them the truth about consoles now. Most of them don't even believe in Santa any more anyway.
It's the switch, and it's Pokemon, it will have lag. I don't believe for a single moment that it's real simply because the dude just goes "teehee, here are absolutely no details at all and I won't tell any more, trust me bro"
It seems it was only planned but never made because they were working on other non-Pokemon projects at that time (hence the year gap). At best, we get production materials or cut content (such as the confirmation of South Kalos).
Can confirm.
I mean, it seems to have been staggered development just as it was a staggered release, which is pretty normal for Game Freak.

Either way, it doesn't really excuse SV for not having the shiny sound nor overworld catching, but then SV would still be mediocre even if it had those.
It was clearly 2 different teams working on each, and they likely didn't have much interaction during development.
I don't think the shiny overworld sound is that great anyway, it just lets people be even lazier with shiny hunting. It would be handy for trying to find something small like a Tandemaus, but overall it's not that big a deal.
I'm aware it was two different teams, which is what I alluded to, but it's still a staggered release between their A team and B team. That's how they've done it for the longest time now.

I have no issue with the shiny sound except that I didn't hear it half the time. The shiny sparkle in the overworld is also great. I don't see it as lazy when it's tiny or you can barely tell the difference between the shiny and regular forms (especially when running around in the overworld).
>I don't see it as lazy when it's tiny or you can barely tell the difference between the shiny and regular forms (especially when running around in the overworld).
If you can barely tell the difference, why do you care about having it?
Why not? It's relatively rare, it has shiny sparkles, sometimes the differences are minor but noticeable (e.g. Clefable's ears), and it fills out a dex entry so you can see the shiny form in your dex. It's a completionist thing, perhaps, but it's still handy.

And sometimes, you're just running around and totally miss something so it's handy to draw your attention to it. I would have missed a Bidoof in PLA, for example, if it wasn't for the sound/animation.
Then why mention it in the first place? If that was really the goal then the leaker would have just said he doesn't have it instead of weird "guess what I have that you don't have" bragging
>Why not?
Because you can't tell the difference?
Not that anon but I think the leaker is an attention whore, so may be doing it for "bragging rights" or is a liar. Either way, the faggot clearly wants attention.
Nigger, I literally just gave you plenty of reasons to want it, and I said "you can barely tell the difference" and added "especially ... in the overworld".

Stop arguing semantics for the sake of arguing, faggot.
All leakers are attention whores. Just look at Jujutsu Kaisen.
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Call me a Skeptical Sally, but I really don't think this guy's got the game.
Man even if this is all fake and gay its still fun to imagine the game could leak at any time. The most fun Ive had with pokemon the last few years is when the switch games have leaked early, messing around with you guys to tweak the emulator and get them running weeks before they released.
Hi Sally.
I'm aware. The Transformers leakers are some of the most autistic leakers I've seen in a while though. Total retards.

Never watched/read that series but I hear it's good. And that it makes girls wet.
Please Sally is my mothers name, call me Skeptical
SV doesn't have the shiny sound because it's so badly coded that Pokemon literally spawn out of bounds and inside walls, so uncatchable shinies would spawn and frustrate people
PLA is coded better
You say that but do you really think Game Freak would give a fuck if uncatchable shiny spawns were a thing? Because they clearly didn't give a fuck about anything else in that game.
If it's already in a playable state then release must be soon, right? March or April?
Isn't most of the data they got for 10 year old games? To get that and prerelease builds of new games, but nothing for recent games makes no sense
Probably March alongside the new console. It was originally meant to be out this year, anyway.

Not sure, but at least some of the Gen 6 stuff was encrypted (seems to have been, expectedly, easy enough to crack at least some of it), so it's possible Gen 7+ is there, just will take time to break into.
>Pokémon Legends Z-A is fully playable
Fake until proven otherwise, motherfucker.
the leak is from august the game releases next year this is not even in beta phase.
literal fanatic breakdown won't lead you anywhere.
Oh. If he wanted to keep that stuff under wraps thats one thing, but giving it to your friends while keeping others out is just sitting on your treasure hoarde. It defeats the legal argument that he didn't distribute it if he did, just only to a select few.
Is the alien thing even real?
That's how you know it's real, only Gen 3 doesn't have lag
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>Q&A phase
Considering it was meant to be out this year and was apparently delayed (apparently it's a lot of the quests and such which aren't finished), and it'll be using PLA as a base, it wouldn't surprise me if it's well and truly in the beta phase at this point.
Awfully fake and anyone entertaining it is genuinely stupid.
I kneel
Considering it's now confirmed he was responsible for nuking following Pokemon, and we also cucked us out of the Battle Frontier in ORAS... No, Masuda can get fucked.

Also, he nuked the trumpets from orbit in ORAS. What a shitty remaster/remake of the RSE soundtrack.
Yawnfag is so fucking mad right now. He tries like 10 gen 4 and gen 5 hate thread lmfao
>Have you tried not being a little bitch?
Agreed, all the people whining about this sort of stuff are total faggots.
I've got eye problems, but you don't see me whining about shit like motion sickness.
Just grow some fucking balls. Kinda hard when those niggers cut their balls off though.
Guess they sell the dev versions kek
>Dropped [FANFIC]
>design documents of the upcoming horizons anime
has this been shown already?
Finally woke up, yawnfag?
Anon do you know just how big Pokemon is?
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Did somebody ask for MEGA Flygon?!

(Because it's not happening)
Hurry up and leak this kusoge, I want to compare it to Palworld and laugh at tendie brandniggers.
>verification not required.
That's even better.
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>nintendo would actually pay for the best international hitmen to take them out
For years I've been hearing "Muh Nintendo ninjas, Muh Nintendo hitmen", but all Nintendo does is close old rom sites and cancel fan projects.
What type are those trapinches?
>he doesn't know
Aren't they using Unity? If so, the PC "port" is literally just a few button presses.
No, they use an in-house engine.
Well yeah, that's the version we will all be playing.
and that part where they got Gary Bowser jailed for 14 months and then made him their payslave for the rest of his life
The shading is all fucked and the picture looks suspiciously blurry, yet considering how shitty and lazy Gamefreak is.......I honestly can't even tell anymore.
>flygon Is getting a regional replacement
yet another proof that they hate that shitmon
did you not see what they did to the guy who uploaded New Super Mario Brothers Wii?
>leaker is unironically a tranny
What was your first clue?
Gary Bowser has a life fucking sentence paying them, retard
honestly this looks way too good to be real, not the designs themselves (those are shitty enough to be real) but the resolution of the game and the shadows seems way too high. then again, that could be the blur on the screenshot masking the shittiness
>what was basically a villain to nintendo has BOWSER as his last name
this shit is straight out of a cartoon kek
Like two days ago
Facts don't care about your feelings, Cücklos shill.
It looks like a screenshot of cycles in Blender, I'm an active Blender user and it just gives off those vibes, idk, at most you can argue it's like a pre-rendered scene, but otherwise, fake as fuck.
The mayor of Washington, DC has "Bowser" as her last name so every once in a while there's a very chuckle worthy headline in the local news
>Gen 10 information could tell us more about the Switch 2
Now if that got leaked that would be absolutely crazy
Are they actually a tranny? I need proof so that I can put out a hit on another tranny.
Stop lying, all horizons got was documents from early draft and ideas which obviously got changed in production. For example, Dot is NOWHERE in these leaks despite she being a main character, the horizon leaks are outdate as fuck.
have you played violet/scarlet on the switch?
Are you pretending to be retarded?
im not pretending
"I was only pretending to be retarded!"
lmao neet pretending he's a tough guy going to hire a hitman
t. troonlover
>Roblox alphart is retarded
FAKEST SH** I EVER SEEN! But the masses are imbeciles and desire to be entertained and so will lap this up. Humans never fail to disappoint.
go back, tourist faggot
"tourist" like this shithole full of unwashed sex offenders is worth visiting
Clearly you care enough to be here.
Go back to KTT2 then virtue signalling retard
I want the damn ZA leak to be real so bad because it would be the funniest fucking shit ever and it would BTFO Gamefreak and Nintendo for ages to come.
The game being leaked in a playable state before the first trailer would be peak comedy.
While it would be fucking hilarious, you're insane if you think that it would be leaked in a playable state. Not even the actual finished product will be playable now that Gamefreak knows that they can get away with it thanks to SV
>you're insane if you think that it would be leaked in a playable state
Even a beta version of a game is playable. It's irrelevant if the game is unfinished or buggy. If I can boot it up on an emulator, it's playable.

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