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Very nice
anon she’s a 15 years old child
15 years old.
That's her BW2 design meaning she's 18 and thus legally allowed to marry Zebstrika
b2w2 only take place 2 years after bw anon. She’s 17 at most.
tall women are unattractive
i hate americans
i wish she was 13
we know, skyla.
Why are zoomers like this?
We hate you too pedo.
>almost tall as a Door
Post the battle sprite
What's to say it can't be 2 years and 11 months?
>t. manlet
I was 15 when the game came out so this just means she was made for me.
>Clay either fucked her or Yancy
Damn, he got a type.
Actual homosexual
Too old
literally the opposite of correct
throw womanlets off off cliffs
History proves you wrong.
Tall women are defective women
This! but manlets instead of tall women.
>15 year old
She only fucks Zebstrika, sorry
That's the time skip version from BW2 retards
>one head shorter than me
Our nephilim children will conquer nations.
toe cleavage
She's fr*nch though
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out of 10
I hate American Zoomers so fucking much.
am I crazy for preferring her as a blonde
>actual non AI art
>All the gooner pedos in the replies
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But man, Elesafags can't catch a break. First Clay shitposting, now beta age shitposting.
Blondes are superior
>allowed to marry Zebstrika
The pokefucking lore dump broke the minds of many
For those that can't math, she's 6'2. We probably should have guessed that based on her not wearing heels in BW2 after doing so in BW1.

She went through a growth spurt.
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Mostly envy. Their dreams about losing virginity in pure high-school romance like in their favourite Disney musicals didn't come true so they hate it and the world as well, so they want to drag everyone else (especially successful people) to their own depths of misery, stupidity and laziness.
Being a zelaot and taking religious books literally also doesn't help.
Nope. I've always thought her redesign was a downgrade. Not even a blonde vs black hair thing, I just think everything about her B/W2 design is worse.
Very nice
She's a fictional character, lil' zoom-zoom. You should be old enough to tell the difference between fantasy and reality by now.
if you like lolis but don't like IRL children, that what is it you like about lolis that isn't also present in real children?
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fuck off. If its not said in the game, its not canon.
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That's a drawing
You can definitely tell she has shorter legs here.
We have a detective
Yeah, she went from 15 to 17 in the final release
yeah, meaning she was probably only 15 in the beta and was made older in the final games
From what was said earlier, she was 17 in an earlier concept then 15, not the other way around
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faggots in this thread
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Big anime eyes. And the fact that they can’t be harmed since they are not real
14-18 are prime maating ages. she is perfect
No matter what changed, I hope Skyla is still older than Elesa cause it's funny to have the shorter one be older
Lolis also have more adult-like proportions in terms of their limbs. Real children have relatively oversized heads and torsos compared to adults.

Because anime artists have no concept of developmental anatomy besides boobs = older (still false), lolis are basically more akin to dwarves in many cases

And big anime eyes are attractive, albeit unrealistic. Anime characters are attractive, albeit unrealistic. There's no difference between a 12-year-old flat chest character or a 29-year-old flat chest character besides someone deciding they're a certain age.

And to those asking, yes I do fancy myself a detective. Just call me Pro Bono.
what's her feet size?
I've been gone for a while
What the FUCK did I miss?
Probably women's size 12 or 13.
>Because anime artists have no concept of developmental anatomy besides boobs = older (still false), lolis are basically more akin to dwarves in many cases
No, that would be you. Loli artist just draw 13-14 year old girls most of the time.
There are artists who draw actual child proportions too, see yousaytwosin for example.
t. faggots who likes being on the bottom
lolisrdead, pls
idiot forgot powerbottoms exist you can still choke someone whos ontop of you unless they way taller than you in which case nets you a manlet card.
i want to deepthroat them
I'd say 12-16, but okay.

Girls probably developed into better people when they started marrying and having children younger than now, but we'll never know for sure because it's illegal now.
>implying they're a bottom just because they're physically on the bottom
Tell us you're a retard without telling us you're a retard, retard.
>man is a manlet if the woman is taller
>woman in question is 6'3"
You don't even know what a manlet is, retard. You're probably some 5'4" chinkshitnigger who wants some BFG Dutch ho to sit on your face until you suffocate. Disgusting.
women need to be 10ft tall or they arent a woman faggot
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>I'd say 12-16, but okay.
While I don't agree, you still have good taste
Tall women are perfect
What would you prefer then?

Not like it matters when you're 30 and alone, mind you. All girls around that age are used goods anyway.
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I don't think any moment in gaming made my heart flutter more than this
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thats a tall 17 year old
t. 6’5
>26cm taller than me
tall women are so hot
17 year olds can have as much variation in height as any adult. In fact, by that point, most people are fully grown and already at their adult height. So it is actually just as common for a 17-year-old to be 6'2 as it would be for a 32-year-old.
I generally agree, but not because of the height, but because tall women usually have relatively high testosterone levels which give them manish traits.
Same desu
Her feet are 27cm, which translates to size 12 US women's shoe size.

Posted from latest leak general. Also, her feet are the biggest by 2cm, no other poke girl compares.
>Size 12 woman's feet
Footfags and tall fetishists are eating well
I'm still taller.
If every man has a thing for short girls, then shirt lovers will have a hard time hooking up when they keep getting taken.
I love tall women, I also love the fact that many guys don't love tall women because that's more women for me to play around with. Enjoy fighting for the womanlet scraps.
But do tall women like you?
They don't.
No woman likes you.
They do. I had smiles and even a gf at some point.
Tall women are also desperate, so take it as you will.
The only one that even comes within sniffing distance is Nessa at 25.5cm, which I want to say is like a 10.5 size.
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>Girls probably developed into better people when they started marrying and having children younger than now
It's always interesting seeing people symbolically masturbate to the concept of having children but never actually wanting anything to do with raising a genuine family kek
I don't get what you mean, but I for one definitely want to have children. Dunno if I'll ever be that lucky though.
>If every man has a thing for short girls,
I used to, but then I realised that were I to ever have kids (lol), I'd be cursing them if they took their mother's genetics and ended up as being manlets.

My current partner is above average for a woman (5'8), which is fine. The ideal would have been at least 5'11.

The less manlets there are in the gene pool, the better. Same with baldcels
>she's only 17 years, 11 months and 29 days old you sick fuck
They won't necessarily be manlets. I have a couple of cousins who had a tiny mother and a father who was about 6', and they're both fairly tall for girls (about 5'7" and 5'9", I think, with 5'9" being the average western male height).
Reminds me when I saw a couple of manlets that had tall fathers and short mothers but ended up being short men because of the mothers.
Too old.

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