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>was the one single-handedly behind the pokefucking shit
>designed Pokéstar Studios
>was the one who wrote all the mega dex entries
>apparently is a dick who has zero respect for Pokemon
How have they not fired this fag
Everything he writes is good
He wanted to work for Atlus but got stuck at gf instead.
Not even original work
Shut up illiterate scum Godbless this employee for actually having talent and bring a good writer the mythology and creation myth are some of the best I’ve read. The legends actually have morals to them like isops fabels and old fairy tails. Btw Megas are one of the best things that ever happened to this series so please tourist be gone!
Feels like it, or any other JP studio really. SM/USUM’s dex entries feels like the only time he didn’t need to censor himself.
>myth are some of the best I’ve read
>Megas are one of the best things that ever happened to this series
Not the entries retard because it shits all over the megas
America when the mythology walk in
>good writer with talent
he just copypasted folklore but replaced the animals with pokemon
also if you really liked megas you wouldn't like the dex entries that shit all over them and retcon them
pokestar studios was kino and this man is based beyond belief.
Most of pokestar was shit tho contests were far better
>zoomers when the mythology walk in
Fixed that for you
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Remember this? :)
you mean best
Those folklore stories are literally some of the coolest things to come out of Pokemon leaks in a long time. As is the Arceus origin story which he created. People keep failing to understand that the "pokesex" stories are in fact just folklore stories that did not happen that are made to exist in the Pokemon world as they do in ours. The creation myth as it is is likely not TRUE it is just what the people of Sinnoh and or the rest of the world think.
You didn't play the games.

There is no creation myth with an egg in the Pokemon world. Arseus literally shows you a vision of the creation of the universe and when you tell people about it they have lines saying that they've never heard of anything like it.
What the fuck is this
You. Didn't listen to what I said. I don't view this leaked creation myth as canon since it is not what made it into the games. What I SAID was that what the people of Sinnoh believe to be true in DPPt at least is likely not exactly what happened because it is a CREATION STORY mimicking a real god's one and no likely what happened lol.
>was that what the people of Sinnoh believe to be true
AGAIN, when the player is shown a vision of this and tells it to people nobody has ever fucking heard of it you illiterate retard
Based. All of this lore is my favourite part of the leaks as well, along with the beta Pokémon, of course.
Suguru Nakatsui is just a vastly inferior version of Takeshi Shudo.
> Arseus literally shows you a vision of the creation of the universe
No it doesn’t. It shows you the process of the creation of life out of nothing.
>mythology revolving around sex is always good
disingenuous /pol/ock moment
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Someone drew some serious artwork of a couple of the tales and this is the coolest shit I've ever seen
NTA that's a good thing because mega shit is retarded
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Sex is literally one of the most important pillars of life, you fucking retard. If people didn't fuck to reproduce and ensure their genes lived on and strengthened, they wouldn't have incentive to hunt and survive. We'd all just fall over and die from complacency because there's nothing driving us, and sure as fuck nothing resembling a legacy.
That's why almost all mythology created hundreds or thousands of years ago centers around sex, or a male proving himself worthy to a female.
>There is no creation myth with an egg in the Pokemon world.
The fuck are you talking about retard it's literally in the Diamond and Pearl library in Canalave city. It's also on the fucking plates.
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You can just tell he wanted to work for Digimon or any other "grown up" monster franchise but was stuck on Pokémon.
You really are obsessed with dodging the bestiality at play here
Post more this shit is actually cool
Holy shit, that is so fucking cool. I hope to see more cool fan creations based on these leaks.
Where is the outrage from the Japs? He needs to be lynched.
It's folktales that take place in an era where the distinction between Man and Pokemon didn't yet exist. I.E, both were primal, tribal creatures who functioned similarly to each other.
Most japs are respectfully ignoring the leaks because acknowledging or viewing leaks is considered extremely shameful unless it's to admonish their existence. The only real reactions are going to be on underbellies like 2ch, where all the dregs of Japanese society who don't care about cultural standards lurk.
Japanese cultural standards make no sense.
Based, at first it was funny but now all the retards meltdown because their favourite games weren't always insipid highly sanitized wholesome chungus slop is very annoying.
Couldn't they have made them without sex.
every single thing this man has done aligns perfectly with my interests. i can't hate him, i can't even only like him.
i love him, i'd suck his dick if i got the chance.
That would cheapen them, could we have made the bible without sex? Yes, but it wouldn't be as interesting

Unfortunately this and what I've seen on 4chan is all that I've seen. I am an artist and I'd like to take a crack at it but I am also lazy lol. Actual cool not for laughs art of this shit is peak
Have you ever read folklore stories before? Many Pokemon are based off yokai as it is, so having them stand in for Yokai and other monsters in folklore makes a lot of sense, especially in the generation with stories about how Pokemon and Humans USED TO MARRY. It literally fits in that Sinnoh especially would have folklore stories like this.

Like. This is like the people who play Hades and then scream when they find out that in the original myths a bunch of these fuckers are fucking animals, their siblings and nieces and nephews. It's mythology, man.
Couldn't they have made you without sex?
Pokestar studio's is based though.
He's so fucking lucky bros... He could easily overpower this shitmon and just decided he wanted her affection...
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up until today, I thought "media literacy" was just a low-spectrum gen z/alpha buzzword based in real-world application and paid no mind to apparent overuse of the term, but now seeing it in full effect over the last few days in a subject I'm passionate about, I think I finally understand

which is to say, we (western society) are cooked
If you demerit new words because they are just "low-spectrum gen z/alpha buzzword" you were pretty dumb to begin with.
Language evolves, and as it evolves linguistics change. There is merit to even the most "brain-rotted" word. It's part of the social memes we pass on and imprint society with.
This is less about "media literacy" and more the fact that because culture has evolved to where the media you consume IS your personality because there's barely any forms of self-expression anymore that garner attention due to the way the internet and opportunist companies have completely reshaped socialization. So if you enjoy something that has negative elements in it, then people will assume you approve of those negative elements and agree with them.
Like a character? Pray they haven't done any morally questionable things, or that means you support and defend their wrongdoings. And god HELP YOU if that character is under 18.
>get hired by Gamefreak, a young man with big dreams hoping to you use his skills for work
>have a background in creative writing
>get tasked to write up mythic-esque flavor text to expand upon the lore of the world
>draw from your own culture where gods, spirits, and animals regularly fuck humans with or without a disguise
>it is never brought up in published canon kinda like how steampunk Numenor was discarded later in the overall Tolkien mythos or that Sauron was originally an evil cat
>schizos seethe and go batshit over it after your coomer coworker couldn't keep it in his pants and clickef on the wrong link at work
Yep lmao. People who lack media literacy do not analyze what they intake whatsoever, and apply no critical thinking to anything they engage with. That's why people are seriously coming away from this stuff like, thinking that Gamefreak are genuinely gross for writing this. It's fucking crazy. ESPECIALLY because they were never meant to be real stories that happened, they are MYTHS, stories passed down through generations as cautionary tales in culture. Folklore is often meant to scare people from repeating the same mistakes... for example the Typhlosion one could be told to child to scare it from ever going off on its own/teach a lesson of stranger danger quite literally lol. Real-life folklore is very often made to keep people in line with superstitions
Yeah but the thing is that these people take everything at face value and do not analyze their media and think about WHY things exist and what purpose they have for existing beyond their moral outrage at problematic concepts. You are right about why it's come to be this way, but it is still definitely media illiteracy lol
The term media literacy is often tossed by them to discredit your interpretation of media if it doesn't align with them. Weird how it suddenly popped up in this social climate.

I thought lacking media literacy meant someone missing a reference to older media like "oh is it a Shakespeare reference?" no, it meant to them that you are wrong in your opinion "this [media] is actually a critique on capitalism", etc.,
>shit all over them and retcon them
how so? pushing beyond your limits, even if it's with the power of friendship, has repercussions. you have limits for a reason.
>>designed Pokéstar Studios
Holy based
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I'm aware that language evolves over time, I actually consider myself an amateur etymologist because I get pissy when people cry about words' meanings changing over time when they've meant the same thing for hundreds of years, just that they evolve to get used in different contexts.

The problem is that irony is so baked into youth culture, my culture that I grew up with in the course of the last 8-10 years (I'm 24), that it's starting to get really difficult to discern "serious" from "satire" when "satire" vs "irony" in and of itself is a conflict present in the same discussion.

Maybe I don't like thinking too much in one direction but at the same time, I don't want to perform the mental gymnastics of determining if "skibidi" as a descriptor in the same connotation as "fucking" as a descriptor is supposed to be taken seriously or not. There's no functional difference between the two aside from "skibidi" being derived from a soon-to-be-outdated meme. It's very tiring, imo.
I like Pokestar, I think it's a damn shame we didn't get F-00 or Humanoid as actual Pokemon
That is not what it means.

Media literacy refers to the ability to interpret and understand how various forms of media operate, and the impact those media can have on one's perspective. Which is exactly why people freaking out about how the pokesex folklore is so awful and disgusting when why it exists is very clear and is not a fetish thing at all lol
>Yep lmao. People who lack media literacy
stopped reading here
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You're right, though I think he might have been referring to the corrupted "buzzword" version I was used to hearing. Another phrase with one meaning and multiple uses to add to my list.
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But this isn't the bible.

This is a children's media franchise about monster collecting and battling.

It gains nothing from sex. It has literally zero reason to talk about sex.
This might come as a shock to you, but theres a mechanic called breeding in the game.
It's all about kowtowing to your masters. Literal cuckshit. Just look at every jap as the Cuckold from Cuckold Simulator and they start to make sense.
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That's why the versions in the Canalave Library don't mention it. The most detailed of any of them reduces the entire Octillery part of the story to "A young man, callow and foolish in innocence, came to own a sword," in the first line alone.

The Typhlosion story in-game is a 3-line-long poem about a non-descript Pokemon that masqueraded as a human, and humans masquerading as that Pokemon with its hide.

Obviously the sex stuff doesn't need to be in the games because it's designed for children, but the fact that any of those stories were considered for the final product, the same product that has the story of Pokemon and humans marrying at one point in time (in the JP version, because localization) has to speak to some degree about what other kinds of cautionary tales would be told in this fictional universe.

It's an interesting conversation to be had. Kids aren't gonna need to know or care, but by the time D/P was out, the people who played RBY were growing up or growing out of Pokemon. Someone (or multiple people) probably thought of that and said something along the lines of "why don't we include loosely mature themes while catering to the age rating and tuck them away in an in-game library for the people who want to find it?" I'm sure they didn't want the uncensored drafts of them to come out, but what we've seen over the last few days, is the pure essence of worldbuilding, present in the Pokemon games.
westoid retards need to have marvel sanitized for them because no one wants to talk about loki getting fucked and giving birth to an eight legged horse
James Turner would have to be the worst
If he wrote the mega dex entries then no his writing is not. Those were all non-canon bad faith edge written with no respect for the existing writing. Mega evolution was and always will be power of friendship and it would be fucking retarded if the power of friendship mangled your friend's bodies into bloodlust pain agony or other such edgy bullshit.
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I thought the whole point of XY/SM was that it was an alternate timeline to the rest of the series alongside ORAS, and the convergence happened during ancient Kalos where Mega stones were either created from the ultimate weapon being made, or where it wasn't made, where the other side (a parallel world based on card art) ended up being that TCG set that added BREAK Evolution, and that was the friendship/trainer's bond stuff Colress was always on about.
Picrel is a scuffed timeline I made back in Gen 7. Didn't think about the TCG stuff until later and didn't update it. Now that I think about it, it's probably fanfic, but we were starved for lore at the time.
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The Quentin Tarantino of Pokemon
>designed Pokéstar Studios
This alone makes him the best
pokemon fucking sucks. it's star wars for zoomers- just play even one different game.
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So Disney fairy tales are canon as brothers grimms original works.
Is this the person who was phished
>apparently is a dick who has zero respect for Pokemon
Not that guy but

>Interesting how when you look up the writer of the myth stuff in the leaks (中津井優) you get a ton of stuff from Japanese fans from years ago complaining about how much they hate him



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>I'll treat you to a special grooming today!
kek this one is based

interesting though, i cant say i disagree
You sound like some dumb fanboy, megas are pain and agony even in the manga
The anime is the most non canon shit ever
>I thought
This implies you think and don't just repeat poketuber drivel.
Sex is the way we, humans, create life, which is why sex is a prominant part of creation myths. Abrahamic mythology is an exception where Yahweh simply farts things into existance.
Ledian's spear is for shoving into Nate's ass
>avatarfagging with a munchlax
i just know you tip the scale over the 400 pound mark
>It gains nothing from sex.
I will never understand Americans and this huge taboo of sex. Sure, literal cock fighting is fine but the good ole sexo, how dare.
>I'd like to take a crack at it but I am also lazy lol
Then you're not an artist.
>This is a children's media franchise about monster collecting and battling
Children would be a lot more mature than you about it.

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