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If the leaks are not canon then what does this diagram mean denialfaggots? Why does it explicitly say in-game that the plates were made from the giants that Arceus killed? Why does the prayer at the end of the Lake Trio myth coincide with Sinnoh Myth and Old Verse 18?
This is the reason why humanoid/furry bait pokemon should have never existed. As soon as Gardevoir was drawn the lines between people and pokemon have been blurred to the point that even the staff at GF is fantasizing about fucking pokemon. Next time you see a new starter trio, hope to god they aren’t bipedal.
plates are from Arceus egg (or proto-Arceus)
eggshell plates turned into giants, it just beat them back into being just plates
>As soon as Gardevoir was drawn
>Absolutely NONE ZILCH ZERO leaks have featured Gardevoir in any capacity
How big was pokemon porn in 2005 anyway
Ultimately only what actually ended up in the game is canon. No amount of external material changes that, wouldn't even matter if it was released in an official capacity. BDSP and PLA for example are a completely separate canon.
But yes, all that being said, a lot of what's been leaked lines up well with the end product.
It's canon but the explicit pokesex stuff isn't canon for obvious reasons outside of "pokemon and humans married/took each other as wives/husbands at one point in time due to there being 'no differences' between the two"

Whether that's cultural or physical differences is up for debate, and everything else that isn't explicitly stated in-game is speculation, though it is damning that remnants of the Typhlosion, Rapidash, and Octillery stories made it into DPPt in the Canalave Library.
Learn what canon actually means first.
I do faggot, answer my question
>BDSP and PLA for example are a completely separate canon.
from each other or from the rest of the series?
A project's bible is basically just a glorified working draft that can be adhered to however closely the creators want. So if the shit isn't cannon, and there are valid reasons to believe it's not, then we'll never know what any of that means. I think they just added it to look like a cool Kabalah tree religious thing.
not very, at least if you count the games only, jessie and misty getting porked by mons is as old as time and somewhat significant but not even remotely to the level of today's volume of porn.
Honestly I'd say Cynthia and Lucario were more of a nuclear bomb on Pokemon in terms of porn over Gardevoir. Gardevoir mostly attracted the "totally not furry" community, which is significantly more niche
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Cyntia, Gardenia, Lucario, Roserade so on and so forth, gardevoir took a bit to catch up since the game sprite made the face hard to decipher, i would say gardevoir didn't start to show up until it's debut in the anime and even then it was a slow one comparatively.
it's not canon because that's how an internal bible works, it's subject to change at any time between each release during each writting session at the office
everything is always growing and changing in ways that we don't have hindsight about because it's meant for internal purpose
the canon of the series if what is in the games and that's where it ends
The myths are theme studies, they were never explicitly meant for content, but it's stuff the writers wrote to explore the themes and stories they did want to include and tell in the games.

Shouldn't be a surprise that some parts of them ended up in the game and a lot didn't.
What does that diagram mean? Didn't check the leaks
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In canon we have:
Arceus was born from egg
Arceus created pokeplanet
Arceus is conected to giants.
Arceus created pokemon
it's funny we haven't even gotten a CRUMB of game gardevoir in the new leaks
just some anime model sheets.
In Pla:
We learned that Arceus as pokemon is just an avatar
Arceus is indeed a deity
Giratina is no longer a badguy and in Platinium is actually a hero
The pokemon universe is very prone to history repeats
Big enough. Haruka was pure porn fodder.

>skintight cycling shorrts
>relatively big tits for a child.

>Anon doesn't understand iterative design and some things are cut, others stay throughout the creative design process
That's because during this era gardevoir wasn't really a thing, in the game it was this weird jellyfish with a pointy nose and puckered lips from what could be perceived from the sprite and official art, it wasn't until the anime debut of it that people realized "oh that's just a green haired woman, I'd fuck that sure"
>Why does it explicitly say in-game that the plates were made from the giants that Arceus killed? Why does the prayer at the end of the Lake Trio myth coincide with Sinnoh Myth and Old Verse 18?
I tried looking up the lake trio myth and couldn't find anything. Could you elaborate? What does the prayer and myth and verse say?
I remember seeing Lopunny porn prior to the game's release
and Lucario remains part of the furrybait fox trinity to this day
Gen 4 really was where horny took over
> BDSP and PLA for example are a completely separate canon.
You've no idea what the concept is

This isn't even a series bible
Please tell me you are baiting
So, let's say you are Christian and you somehow find an old journal proved to be Jesus' where he says Marie actually got some random dude to prego her, would you say it's not canon because it's not in the Bible? The creators clearly kept all of that stuff around instead of deleting it, took time to create it and even put most of that stuff already in the games, these documents are just confirmed details of existing in-game canon lore. Like the Abyssal Ruins runes, you would say the document finally giving us their traduction is not canon because the traduction isn't in the game?
Canon doesn't mean "has to be present in the original artwork" or else stuff like an author's interview where the author give more details on said work wouldn't be considered canon either, even though it comes from the author. Same here, might be hidden info but it checks out with actual in-game info, was kept around and not destroyed, and is clearly canon.
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You don't understand what "canon" actually means. When any type of media is developed, you typically go through a number of drafts before you get to the final revision. Early drafts are not canon, precisely because they are a draft and not the final product. Even if this all wasn't leaked and Game Freak officially released all the lore documents in a concept book, it wouldn't be "canon" since they would just be showing off unused concepts. Whether the unused concept "checks out" with the established canon is also completely irrelevant.

As another example, Nintendo released a concept image for BotW where there were UFOs. That doesn't mean that UFOs exist within BotW as part of the canon, it was scrapped content.
it's really funny you should use the Bible as an example because the word "canon" actually comes specifically from theology/studies of religious scripture and it literally means "books that are a part of the Bible", so in your example, no, that would not be canon by the very definition of the word
hello señor rookidee sent señor ayayay no es fake es hada
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> それぞれの文化が生み出す神話は当然、その文化に独特のものであり、世界中の神話の内容はそれゆえ、きわめて多種多様なものである。日本をはじめ、ギリシア、ゲルマン、エジプト、メソポタミア、インド、あるいは古代メキシコやペルーなど、いわゆる「文明」の発達がみられた古代文化においては一般的に、神話の主人公になっているのは、太古にその活動により世界と人類を発生させ、人間の運命と生き方を定めた上で、現在も天上にある神界に住み、そこから世界を支配しつづけていると信じられていた、不死の神々であり、姿形なども大部分が擬人的に観念されていた。しかしだからといって世界中のすべての神話が、このような天上に住み不死を特徴とする擬人的な神々を主人公にしているわけではない。文字をもたず、現代まで口伝えで神話を伝承してきた民族のあいだには、このような神々ではなくて、人間の祖先たちであるとか、その仲間で彼らとの区別が多くの場合にすこぶる曖昧な、人語を話す動物たちを主人公にする神話がみいだされることのほうが多い。

> この類の話に主人公として登場する、祖先や動物たちは、それらの話に物語られている事件がおこった後で、なかのあるものたちは天に昇って太陽や月になったとか、あるいは他界に行き死者の国の支配者になったなどともいわれるが、他の大部分のものたちは、彼ら自身がまさにひきおこしたその事件により、初めて明暸に定められることになった区別に従って、ただの人間および動物になり、やがて死んだとみなされている。しかしそこで物語られているその彼らの行動とそれによっておこった事件こそ、世界の秩序と人間の運命を決定し、今にいたるまで人々が遵守してきた制度や習俗を発生させたとされているので、その点では彼らには明らかに、ギリシアや日本などの神話の神々とも、共通するところが認められる。つまりこのような祖先や動物たちを主人公としている話も、こういう意味をもつ太古の出来事を物語り、そのことを通してそれぞれの文化の世界観を表明しているという点では、ギリシアや日本などの神話とまったく一致しており、それゆえその同類とみなしてもよいように思われるのである。
Jynx is literally based on the gyaru bitches that were basically GF's neighbors over at the company building.
Shut the fuck up retard, it's not canon and will never be canon
I remember being flashed by gay Lugia art around 2005 when I just wanted to google a pic to draw it
Bro this is a video game where developers very clearly and deliberately have power over every little detail that they want to be part of the games in an official capacity. saying the unreleased lore is canon is as legitimate as saying the beta designs are canon.
>they didn't delete the beta designs, they kept them around on file, so they are canon
Not to mention they reference the Ursaring story in PLA.
Not how it works. It's like saying all the unused beta sprites are offficial canon Pokémon, when they are not. Creative design is an iterative process. You start with a concept, build from it, and remove/add shit as necessary.

Then you release your product, and what is presented, is canon. You can addendum this with supplemental, officially released material. But shit that has been sitting on a hard drive for 20 years, and was never intended to be released, is not canon
I still remember going to my dad's on weekends, printing out doujins of Ash fucking Misty back in 00 and fapping to it through the week. good times
>When any type of media is developed, you typically go through a number of drafts before you get to the final revision.
It terrible this has to be clarified in this fanbase.
It's really hard to just have fun with the leaks when there's idiots fucking using google lens and mtl to grab these snippets of concepts going through development that are clearly works in progress that they either changed or scrapped completely seriously.
Next thing you're gonna tell me the games are censored because they didn't use beta pokemon too ffs
Probably just some stuff they added to make the arcues cutscene cooler like what does the pic of los angeles in the back mean?
pokelore was based when it was just buddhism (ofc, they removed the buddha statues from red/green in gen1 for the western release) and not that monotheistic creation shit.
It is clear that the very broad strokes of the story are still canon, or at least they still inform GF's internal worldbuilding
There is more Jewish and christian influence in Pokemon than buddhism, but to be fair most Pokemon plots are bad so it doesn't really matter.
>Next thing you're gonna tell me the games are censored because they didn't use beta pokemon too ffs
That 100% sounds like someone would unironically claim on /vp/.
>If the leaks are not canon
They aren't.
If they aren't published IN THE GAMES, they are factually NOT CANON. Simple as.
Poképhiles were a thing since gen 1, retarded gen 3 tourist
Marie is french not spanish lil bro you're talking to a ESL frog
I’m still confused. Why is Salamence left out? What do Metagross, Latios, and Latias have to do with Kyogre? Why would Fug just reiterate the same theme of RSE with Dragonite, Gyarados, and Tyranitar? Why would Groudon be connected to Cressslia and Heatran? Is Gordon even Garchomp? Is Heatran even Dahabu? Saan at least sounds related to Cresselia.
The image we've seen in the leak is an unfinished version (it doesn't include the 4th circle in the centre). It's likely that they've changed the Pokemon that appear in the pantheon since that version was made.
Doesn't matter if it's canon or not, the fact that it exists is enough.

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