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When 1 dog mauls a baby, you don't automatically classify all dogs as baby maulers, do you?
So why do you do it when 1 typhlosion rapes 1 girl?
Typhlosions are the pitbulls of rape
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Uh oh
Surely female Typhlosions don't engage in the same degeneracy, right?
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Coordinated smear campaign by discord trannies
Slaking and Piloswine are guilty of the same thing (and Slaking even more)
At least their victims were grown women typedo
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>grown women
LMAO how many rape stories did gameFREAK write?
As that Anon says, they wrote the story three times, just with Typhlosion replaced with Slaking and Piloswine. I think the Slaking one is the only one with a sentence about not eating meat but otherwise they're the same.
In reality no one gives a shit about slaking and piloswine you stupid schizo. If some local nobody and a public figure commited the same felony, guess what will make it to the news?
>no argument
Keep coping.
>no argument
Literally learn to read, I even made an analogy in case you got lost.
Because I have a rape fetish.
Made up headcanon and analogies aren't an argument.
female Typhlosions need to breed too
As opposed to
>I summon my boogeyman [discord tranny] to explain this!
LMAOOOO get a clue faggot.
you know this site is made up almost entirely of racists who don't understand the concept of individuality right
Tourist post.
yeah and I'll be glad to leave once this shit blows over
They can just ask a human man and they will give them dick willingly
Hopefully you'll leave sooner because you're not contributing anything other than tired old opinions regurgitated by idiots who don't use this site.
Maybe, but a single instance of mauling shows the potential that they're all capable of mauling at the drop of a feather
All male Quilavas must be castrated for the safety of our society
You won I give up im sorry anon
That sociopath whore in the Slaking story deserved it
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>he doesn't know the first version of typhlosion story had slaking, and the final version had piloswine
nobody is blaming slaking for the slakoth story because it was justified
Pit bulls have really mauled people though you fucking idiot. No typhlosion has ever raped anyone. The only example was a myth that got rejected because even Game Freak’s has SOME standards
>in reality no one hates Slaking or Piloswine. while Zoomers have always hated Typhlosion and have been waiting to cancel it
Silence Typedo
This, bitch had it coming and should be thankful it was only a struggle snuggle session which she probably enjoyed and humbled her as a person, now she gets to carry Slaking's babies as penance.
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A Typhlosion kidnapped another girl near Mt. Moon. The gym leaders refuse to do anything about it, they just said "let nature take it's course" and "the girl knew what she was getting in to".
I think I'm going to have to move away from the Indigo Plateau, things are only getting worse and our champion is a pokefucker too. Is Unova safer?
Everyone jokes about shitbulls eating children.
>Typhlosion when it finds a minor unattended.
Slaking is a Chad while the Piloswine one is just the typhlosion story but that doesn't make sense because typlhosion is the one that could touch your head to make you forget. Hisuian typhlosion is also in PLA the same region these stories should have happened and is a ghost type(typhlosion died in the story)
The stories were written in 2005 anon, even the setting of Sinnoh wasn't set in stone at that point, let alone the lore of Hisui from a prequel like PLA. Even gen 4 pokemon weren't decided yet, Hisui typhlosion wouldn't be invented until almost a decade later.
>almost a decade later
Well, way more than a decade. More like 15 years
The original draft of the Piloswine story had Slaking.
>When 1 dog mauls a baby, you don't automatically classify all dogs as baby maulers, do you?
Actually, yes. People meme about how pitbulls love to maim and eat babies all the time.
They reuse old concepts all the time. Why even make a typhlosion ghost type if it wasn't inspired by the story?
I know but slaking story makes more sense in the slakoth one and slaking has not kitsune like powers to shapeshift or make people forget. It just works better for a ghost type typhlosion.
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>Slaking when he finds a minor alone
>2 stories about slaking
>slaking isn't in PLA at all
>final draft of the story features Piloswine, not Typhlosion
>no special treatment for Piloswine in PLA
It's a mere coincidence, Typhlosion was selected for PLA for the same reason as Samurott and Decidueye, not for a weird story written 20 years ago
In that story typhlosion dies(ghost type). It doesn't mean all typhlosions are rapist cave pedos. They can just reuse the yokai concept that it's what matters, that's what I mean.
So what I'm hearing is, I should disguise myself as a Typholsion and make the whole thing come full circle?

Hey babe, come into my rapecave. I mean, Ty. Ty Phlosion.
never happened redditurd.
why was it important that she didn’t see his face before him waking up? what is it implying?
>sex is not mentioned, let alone not consensual sex
Why are Zoomers so retarded?
Because Typhlosion/Piloswine/Slaking are shapeshifters in this story. They eventually reveal themselves to be a Pokemon but the girl think it's a man.
are these unique ones or can all pokémon do that
There are tons of actual canon mentions of dead pokemon in the games and like alola Marowak is the only to gain a ghost type and has a story behind it (red/blue), why would they refer to a story no player was aware of? makes no sense
Can all animals shapeshift or only foxes?
as someone who's favourite pokemon is piloswine, I'm constantly scared, because I can't say anything or else it'll get streisand effect'd to the mainstream.
Usually only ghost/psychic type Pokemon can shapeshift i think? So it's more a yokai story with a pokemon name in this case.
Anon they had an entire autistic lore for Arceus schizo summoning circles that only game freak themselves knew what was about.
>When 1 dog mauls a baby, you don't automatically classify all dogs as baby maulers, do you?
Pitbulls maul babies. Pitbulls are baby-maulers. Any question?
>sex is not mentioned,
The translation was sanitized by the AI.
>Is Unova safer?
s-sure bro.
OP is a pitnigger owner
>woman falls unconscious for an unknown period of time
>suddenly awakes with a baby, HER BABY, in her arms
>the baby is a Pokemon
no it wasn't. You're just retarded
Eggs (cracanonically appear out of nowhere in the games anon. No sex needed.
>t. can't speak moonrunes
We know.
It's still implying the Pokemon forcibly impregnated her, sex or no sex. And if there truly is no sex in the Pokemon world, then that is the closest equivalent to rape.
nta but that's likely because pokemon is usually aimed at kids so the explicit details about the egg coming out of vagina/cloaca is downplayed as a result
No, I absolutely class all pitbull and related breed dogs as baby killers, because I've heard stories of one of every breed savaging a baby, even if not all end up with a body count. Can't change nature and it's in those cunts' nature to destroy small weak things.
So yeah, it's in Typh's nature to be a forcible fuck.
And yet Arceus' egg came out of nowhere, in these leaked documents. So they're sticking with that.
Nice projection Zoomerino.
We need something to cull the human population now that polio is (nearly) extinct. Pits do the jobs none of us want to do.
Either way that's how the pokémon world works. So no, there wasn't any sex and there wasn't any rape.
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Eggs are cradles not wombs, that's why dipshit.
>He doesn’t live in Kalos
KEEEEEK. Enjoy your rape badgers loser. I’m gonna be rollerskating to that hot bug lady’s gym and- why is the ground rumbling?
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>it doesn't matter if the woman was forced to conceive a child while unconscious and thus unable to consent, it doesn't count as rape because there was no penis-in-vagina penetration that involved inseminating the womb!
>it also doesn't matter that by this logic, Arceus happily blessed this nonconsensual encounter with a child, implying God itself cares not for consent as long as humans and Pokemon are having interspecies babies!
Arceus is a degenerate, regigigas did nothing wrong.
you're both retarded, human x pokemon breeding is canon and there's nothing wrong with it
>be retarded zoomer asleep
>someone places a baby in my retarded zoomer arms
>wake up
>ehrmegeddd!!!! I was le raped!!!! Holy kino heckerin diddy epstein reference fr fr no cap ohio gyatt mah rizz so strong it works while asleep
Total Zoomer Death
slaking did nothing wrong
>Uh your honor, this dumb kid just THOUGHT that I impregnated them in their sleep! The baby came out of nowhere!
I don’t think this excuse is gonna hold up in court.
It was explicitly HER CHILD. The story insisted to spell out the nature of interspecies relationships back when humans and Pokemon were on equal footing as primal species that it was H E R C H I L D .
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based pitbull hater
I hate all dogs though
No one should be allowed to own any over 30 lbs without a license.
Doesn't exist in the pokémon world.
Eggs appear out of nowhere, Arceus' egg appeared out of nowhere, that's how the pokéworld works retard.
>real life folklore is just fictional stories made to scare kids or teach a moral lesson
>folklore in a video game MUST be canon historical events that totally happened in-universe...b-because it just is!
>folklore for a video game that isn't even in the video game and was left on the cutting room floor are also events that totally happened and is just as canon...b-because it just is!
Holy hyper copium fighter 2 turbo EX plus
You're still not addressing the fact that, with your insistence on "oooohhhh there is no sex there is no impregnation new life is just magically created :)" that Arceus happily rewards Pokemon for drugging and kidnapping humans by blessing them with offspring (of which they naturally interpret the human as the mother).
Because the only way life can just "magically appear" is if Arceus itself blesses the event. Arceus is CANONICALLY APPROVING of Pokemon DRUGGING AND KIDNAPPING HUMANS.
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>it doesn't count unless they explicitly show them fucking
It seems like an Aus problem and Regigigas should beat the shit out if it again.
>stuff that didn't get into the games
You don't know what canon means, do you?
>you don’t classify all dogs as baby maulers, do you?
Yes, I do. And I’m tired of pretending I don’t.
>t. mudslime or kike
Make the licence an actual graded test including home suitability assessment too.
And all dogs, not just the big fuckers. Dogs are 4 legged babies needing constant care and enrichment, any cunt unable to comprehend that shouldn't be allowed to have any, they take kids off people for less.
The Giants that Arceus fights after being born are referenced in Legends: Arceus, being the origin point of Types based on the fact that the plates are made with "the energy of defeated giants".
The sidequest "Traces of a Lost Village" is about collecting the pieces of a journal belonging to a man who was saved by and basically married a Froslass. Very similar in nature to the tales written for GameFreak's internal documentation, but obviously toned down for a kid's game by making the relationship implications more subtle and never delving into the nature of said relationship in the first place.
The stories are what GameFreak keeps in mind when writing about the primal Pokemon world, when humans and Pokemon were indistinguishable, and thus, relationships and interspecies offspring were seen as normal until humans began developing a greater sense of superiority to Pokemon.
>something that hints at it is canon so it must also be canon
kek lmao even
They arent eggs in the first place and pokemon in PLA cant breed. Marriage =/= sex
And what happens when two people who like each other very much spend a lot of time together, and one of them wants to have a baby?
Arceus blesses them, and new life is created. Just like what happens at the Daycare. Just like what happens between Nebby and the opposite sex member of the Cosmog line.
Typhlosion can’t shapeshift or hypnotize people though. people only picked it since it’s the one they want canceled.
>When 1 dog mauls a baby, you don't automatically classify all dogs as baby maulers,
Maybe you don't. You don't know me.
Typhlosion still is the one that has a ghost form now and ghost types can do this stuff. The original story doesn't matter anyway. It's just yokai inspirations and lore about humans and pokemon living together
>Marriage =/= sex
Is this true, bros? wtf
Headcanon until explicitly stated.
Appearing in Game Freak-approved materials or developed games of theirs ARE explicit statements, you immature brown-minded motherfucker. Hasn't the last 3 days taught you cunts anything? They likely have chapter and verse on where eggcradles come from, none of which make reference to them being laid (because they NEVER inferred they were laid ever) and you're still stamping your feet trying to desex creatures with sexes.

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