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Have there been any hex maniac leaks or design docs? If theres a short hair hex design somewhere I'll genuinely suck Ken sugimoris dick
yeah. there was a myth about her being the origin of moo moo milk
Hex Maniac's tiny chest leaking milky
I read she is 28 years old and weighs 237 pounds
Hex has a massive futa cock
she french
Tbh finally getting a fucking answer about the vanishing Hex Maniac in the background of that one battle and the whole "No, You're not the one." thing is unironically the thing I probably want most out of these links, I don't even give a shit about the new legends game or new console, next gen, I just want this fucking mystery to be solved.
That was one of the first things they leaked anon
Classic, anon, thanks for the laugh.
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what if they kissed indeed
No and Hex is canonically small chested and would never want to have anything to do with you, cope cumskull
>No and Hex is
Hex Maniac is a trainer class.
All Hex Maniacs are different. We see the same model and sprite as an abstraction because Nintendo won't make a single individual model for every single trainer that exists.
Shut the fuck up retard
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Don't attempt to reason with him, he's too far up his own ass.
That's right, she leaked out all of the milk and now she needs to refill her drum

Would you help her filling it up?
The one we all know is an individual character, she's called Helena/Sayoko, she's flat chested and would never want anything to do with you.
I thought she was called Hitomi?
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She's known as Sayoko in Masters
How are these fucking flat to you? You can see breasts incredibly easily. Just because you like little girls doesn't mean every girl is fucking flat.
She is a little girl, and those are tiny boobs. You sound like your mom refused to breastfeed you as a baby.
>The one we all know is an individual character, she's called Helena/Sayoko
The most famous one is the milk merchant in Dendemille town nigga
The ghost in the Lumiose elevator is probably more well known than Helena as well
Helena is the one that actually looks like the artwork, which is what you know hex maniacs for.
>all these mental gymnastics before understanding that hex maniacs are literally basic bitch wannabe-goth girls
>like of fucking course they'all look the same
Doesn't look goth.
Because they aren't, they are normal girls who think they're "quirky" for liking spooky stuff
Waiting for the hex maniac leaks (or acerola)
Hex maniac's original role in XY was literally the second document they leaked.
Didn't you already post this?
Aren't you asking questions that have already been answered?
That wasn't my question, but this is my reply.
It was leaked that hex maniac canonically has gigantic breasts
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Hex is a Hoenn character. Kalos has no women
how does she smell?
with her nose
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will i get bullied by Hex for not being french?
Smelly, enough to make you aroused for hours.
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Hex pheromones will placate ur mind as she uses her thighs to suffocate you. Then you have to worship her as a ghost
no but if you don't speak fr*nch you won't understand a single word from her either
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does she make wine by stepping on grapes?
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Worshipping her tits and curvy body.
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would she get along with the south italian Iris? They can trade wine and bread.
Hex isn't even that hot and all her art is off model trash
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t. hexpert
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she is so nice.
They literally all look like the artwork you mouth breathing retard.
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These threads are devolving into retards spewing the same regurgitated ritual posts at each other. Possibly a consequence of there being too many Hex threads in a short amount of time, but for fucks sake get some new material.
She smells like your gradma's old clothes stored in the attic
Cut milking minigame onboard the mother ship in south kalos.
I wish hex maniac would leak into my mouth
>off model
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Suffer five million punishments offmodelfag
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Hex maniac in her first steps into Hex/Occult stuff.
Looks more like Hex and Calem's daughter.
Better get your throat ready, OP.
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where in france does Hex live
There are many hex maniacs in fr*nce
Most hang around towards the north for some reason
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she's pale and the mediterranean climate of the south makes her burn.
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She cute.
Hex if she didn't have status to have her overworld model unique instead of a straight recolor.
God bless you Merchant
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Thread quality is rapidly declining. Fatfags from the atrocious /v/ threads have found our haven. All is lost.
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Good to know Calem's daughter is as cute as her mom.
Bastard may have captured Hex first, but this one is mine
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Big tiddy goth gf is good and all, but tiny tiddy pretty good too
I can smell this thread.
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Big kitty goth gf good too.
That is because she doesn't comes outside during the day, so she doesn't get much sunlight. We don't know how tanned she could get
looks like a not-fat filia
Good. Inhale the musk, my friend.
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>not-fat filia

So... Filia? Filia isn't fat. Your brain has been rotted by too many repuslive fetish threads.
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well, french rhymes with stench
time for corruption
Wacky Friday
still waiting for homura hime
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Look at Filia's design sheet. There are notes to specify that her silhouette has to be thick and shapes are to be kept round and chunky.
Also look at some of Ahad's early sketches, she's rarely seen truly slim in those. There's always been some thickness to her shape. Even in the pic you posted, she's soft around the waist and thighs.
And finally look at those story mode stills and the skullgirls mobile sprites in which she's shown before acquiring Samson. She's clearly depicted as thin in those, as if to drill in the point that she's gained weight with Samson's influence.
And I forgot to reply like an absolute buffoon. You are allowed to laugh at me just this once.
Hey, if the beta notes admit my girl was a bit beefy from the beginning, I ain't complaining.
In fact, I'm actually impressed these guys made a good decision.
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Happy Halloween hexbros
Hot. Would rail, beta maniac is so huggable and soft I am sure.
Posting catbox links to porn on a blue board should be made a banneable offense, atleast don't put it cringe nigger music if you want to make a lewd video
>look at Filia's design sheet

>"Small Body"
>waist is smaller than her shoulders
>notes her thickness is in her thighs
>stomach contours directly into skirt

You're deranged.
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>Hey Anon, these normal pills aint sh
what's with these repulsive fatfags?
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Lonely wine-o Hex.
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step on grapes, help her make wine.
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Maid Hex here to serve.
>tfw not a trainer who gets beaten by hex maniac and now you have to pay up with your body
How much breastmilk does she produce per day?
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Depends on several factors including but not limited to diet, time of the year, stress levels, air quality, sleep schedule, and genetics
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Well you ever see those old big milk jugs?
Gimme neet goth gf with big lactating tits
That plump belly under her tight dress is so hot.
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>disgusting fat gut

No, also kill yourself.
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>straight up porn
Please leave
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...I want milk
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Something seems off with my Hex...
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Don't worry about it :)
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For the sake of my skulltism and the thread avoiding any further allegations I think we should avoid referencing anyone else concerning body types.
She's still fat, just regular fat and not fetish character fat.
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You're an actual crazy person if that's you're definition of fat. I dunno what to tell you.
She is above the target weight for a young woman. Fat. However, you can be much fatter than that which would be called obese.
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I mean, I guess you could try and argue BMIs but uhhhh
>Hourglass with massive thighs with noodle calves and arms in every image
Allegations continue to not look good.
>massive thighs
Cute hex but she stole my snacks....
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They are notably wider than her calves, yes.
What snacks?
>those depictions of Filia in particular
>pre-samson Filia out of all of them
Her actual weight is shown in he corner of the left. She has to cinch like Purrugly.
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How long does it take her to get full?
is this a bit?
Yes. To claim she isn't fat, earlier Filias were posted.
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I am now confused by what these people are trying to get at so I will simply post hegs.
fag hag heg
>Thread staying up for days
Stop spamming your images, let this thread die already
My wife and my daughter
PoV: You're Calem and you're introduced to your daughter
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Now we have canon loli maniac
describe the scent
She must be starting, so a mix of lavender, sweet soft incenses, and soap (she will get used to the ashes).

If Typhlosion raping girls in a cave is canon, then small loli hexes are canon as well.
breathe in deep as u can
The model is the same size as the final. No more loli than the current one.
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4 Hex Maniacs
>There's one impostor among us...
You can kill me for that, sorry.
ADHD brained asswipe
Doesn't look that way to me.

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