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Normies have officially found out about the leaks and they are trying to cancel GF
You're kinda late OP
Pokémon IS normie shit, dumb furfaggot.
Makes as much sense as cancelling Genghis Khan in the past. This shit ain’t happening niggy. Too big to fall.
They'll forget about it in a month and buy the next game regardless
Holy cringe I hate newfags and zoomers
If this turns into some kind of bigger PR disaster I’ll kek
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>Multiple stories about Pokemon willingly sleeping with human men
>All that normalfags talk about is rape
The last like, 6 months of memes have all been rape-focused too. The fuck is wrong with normalfags?
Fuck normies, I'm gonna buy it anyway. Out if spite.
>Not even real stories that got scrapped and were never implemented in the games
>buys it anyway
>Pokemon legends gay ass sells 50 million copies
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Because consensual pokelove is hot and pokerape is funny
I feel like in the last 5 or so years normalfags have actually become more deranged than 4chan posters. The lockdowns fucking mindbroke them.
Normie didn't learn about greek mythology?
>The fuck is wrong with normalfags?
Externally, TPC/Game Freak is pure, wholesome, and would never do horrible things or write horrible folklore about pokemon-on-human pedophilia
Internally at TPC/Game Freak, it is anything but pure
Normies got a chance to see the internal side of TPC, and now they are raging
Try to keep up
>they are trying to cancel GF
stop ragebaiting
I concur. They're all so skittish and easily intimidated.
Outrage clicks equals money.
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Remember when Joe and other pokefags were calling 2019 the worst year they had to deal with and they were glad it was over?
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Ok but that doesn't explain joker rape, the rape painting, the rape comics, etc. The last 6 months of normalfag memes have been fucking NOTHING but rape. Something is seriously wrong with them.
I will pray for pokemon to be canceled.
Ah yes, the faggot who exposes meme to normalfags and cause them to kill said meme
Why hasn't Jewtube nuked this faggot channel already?
Same, fuck normies, newfags, and zoomers illiterate idiots! I bet you these are the same sort of sub-human as the time fags. I feel like Lysander now. He was right we can not get anything good with these idiots ruining everything.
Didn't we tell you? India superpower by 2030, bitch.
Why are you being disingenuous?
Exactly 0 seconds of this video are about "cancelling", he literally talks about the yokai folklore.
OP is as much of a fag as LIMC is. Neck yourself.
Yep. Getting lots of attention on Twitter as well:
>https://x.com/GireumNewTown/status/1845471603859370357 - 85k likes and growing
This is how the internet works nowadays. Whatever gets trending on Xitter gets regurgitated by Youtube retards and fed down to normies
Salaciousness and desensitisation to reality. I feel insane seeing retards make jokes about actual predators like Epstein or P Diddy. Real people were harmed
Zoomzooms are angry puritans, most of them are virgins who never got to experience teenage love due to covid so they are trying to ruin love for everyone else.
Nah zoomers are the most degenerate generation by far
They're both. Puritans when they want to virtue signal, but degenerates otherwise.
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thats hilarious
>B-but muh puritans
You do know that the majority of the world population don't have a chronic porn addiction problem like you fags do right?
The porn puritans have arrived and are stopping their Typh lust.
Ding ding ding. It's all about moralfagging and virtue signalling as a means to make clear your social standing. It's as simple as that
Lmao this is insanity. I swear people are genuinely retarded. He was making porn of fictional monsters and suddenly sopped because he thought the algorithm told him "Typhlosion bad" lmao what. zoomers really are the biggest followers
>no sex is mentioned
>the woman accepts the yokai as her husband
>>retarded puritanical zoomer: it was le rape like diddy fr fr no cap!!!1
holy shit what a cuck lmao
lol doubt
I guarantee you, we are in for an explosion of Typhlosion porn.
Furfaggots get the rope
>be retarded zoomer a year ago
>do the cringy smash or pass challenge
>ffwd to today
>tame myths are leaked
>retarded zoomer brain means they don't have context of other myths
>i-is that an epstein reference?
>ehrmeged le raperinos!!!!
Total Zoomer Death
That is nearly 90% of zoomers on average. We have no original thoughts, no independence, just do whatever the consensus says
1) Mythology has always been like that, anyone who doesn't understand that is a troglodyte puritan
2) It's about stuff that wasn't even supposed to be released to the public, so any discussion about censorship is moot.
3) The stuff that is there is of dubious canonicity anyway, so who cares?
4) All companies have stuff like this (hell, even worse, just think about the Disney porn vault)
Conclusion: anyone who take this shit seriously outside of being cool little lore details is unironically retarded.
Also, this is basically like someone breaking into you home while you are showering, photographing your naked ass, releasing those photos to the public and then everyone accusing you, the victim, of being a degenerate.
>Total zoomer death
Why would you want to kill 95% of this board userbase?
Yes but the irony is even the furfags are trying to disown Typhlosion. As if the monster actually commited a crime
The memification of real life sexual predators like Epstein is a psyop and you cannot tell me otherwise
Normieniggers will never read the actual leaks and get their information from shortform content creators on tiktok, so they'll say shit like OMG HOW IS THIS CANON? WHY DID GAME FREAK MAKE THIS CANON? without ever actually reading the source, or taking a moment to consider how this data was obtained and leaked, or why most of it has been sitting on internal hard drives for 20 years
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>be normalfag
>hear about "Pokemon leaks"
>hit up the internet eager to see the new starters
>get explicit Typhlosion daterape drug porn
>when asking what the fuck they get "It's just mythological world building, no different than Zeus turning into a goose to rape women. The Pokedex is already scary, did you know Beautifly EATS Pokemon?"
Imagine caring with furniggers think lmao
>Also, this is basically like someone breaking into you home while you are showering, photographing your naked ass, releasing those photos to the public and then everyone accusing you, the victim, of being a degenerate.
Nah, it's more like writing a diary entry about how angry you are at X person and you could just beat them up if you had the chance, put it down and not think about it after you've calmed down, then some nigger breaking into your house 20 years later and then getting you arrested for death threats for something you briefly vented about decades ago
Because the board would be better off
Because most posters are retarded discord kiddies or schizos.
>normies normies normies
>Lesson in Meme Culture
Cringe grifter
This is what I'm saying. Autists on this board give people way too much credit. They'll see a meme about it on Twitter/IG or a 10 second vid on TikTok and then just accept it as fact. You're giving too much benefit of the doubt to assume they'll research and find out the document is from fucking July 2005 or that it's not even canon. Nintendo's PR team are probably pissed
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Let's not forget the hot and humid summer of 92.
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Dragoneer died a hypocrite for this
Even fucking yugitubers are making fun of this
>be a gay furry furfag
>be against porn
Why are zoomers so fucking weird? Just avoid 18+ spaces you dumb fuck.
That's the point, if even they are virtue signalling then you know the meme has got wings
Is there something about this image that's meant to imply that he's trying to cancel anything? Or is this more chud self-victimization that you see everywhere these days where you convince yourself that he's attacking you.
It's not that they're trying to cancel Typhlosion, how retarded are you? It's the cooling effect that this meme will have on how Game Freak approaches their games. We will get even more sanatized games after this. Lorefags will be BTFO I suspect
>Scottish furnigger
We really should have eradicated their kind along with the Irish
Why does no one tell them the leaks are fake?
The "myths" are literally shit take from the furfinity hack a month ago.
>Source: Trust me guys, my dad works at Nintendo
OP literally said "and they are trying to cancel GF" so don't act like am asspulling this question. What about this implies cancelation at all? Why are you so quick to make yourself a victim of nothing? I bet you think great replacement is real, too.
Been keeping an eye on the leak suspects, Typh got the most so far on e6, but it's more memes than porn(75/25 or so) octillery next, and a handful for lapras and rapidash.
It's so funny watching mentally ill subhumans who want to fuck animals desperately clamor for any validation they can get.

Reminder that TPC, GF and Nintendo all sue artists for drawing Pokemon x Human porn. They obvious don't support it themselves.

>b- but they are just trying to protect their public image!!! i- i sware im epic and based on they want me to fuck animals!!
Lol the great replacement is retarded. I'm just saying I guarantee The Pokémon company is not pleased with this at all. Literally articles are being made in Forbes that imply Pokémon is some deviant series and not safe for kids
What? So what you SAID was that normies are canceling GF, but what you MEANT by that is that GF aren't happy with the leaks? One has nothing to do with the other, stop being retarded. What about the OP image or even the source video indicates a cancelation attempt at all?
>disney sues people for drawing porn of disney characters
>disney artists also draw porn of disney characters
i dunno anon that just seems normal
Why aren't fan artists doing porn? I thought zoomers would be drawing porn as soon as possible for them?
So does Disney. That doesn't prevent them from having a LITERAL vault full of porn drawn by Disney artists. People seem to forget that half the time, the biggest horny offenders are the employees directly
>So does Disney.
This is literally just random made up nonsense.
The "porn" was just outlines of the characters drawn without clothes in rough sketches for the animation processes.
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Normalfags are obsessed with rape for some reason
Greek or Japanese Yokai Legends are too much for normies. Their head would explode when they find out kappas are rapist and fist assholes to steal souls.
Get it guys? The joke is sex and abuse!!! Haha!! Abuse is funny to me because I don't understand the levity and soul-sucking weight that sexual abuse introduces into this world!
>if even they are virtue signalling
Furfaggots are addicted to virtue signalling almost as much as they are to general political bitching(mostly of left-wing variety) whenever they're not retweeting diaper vore porn
It really doesn't anon. There have been half a dozen documentaries on the Disney Porn Vault with multiple current and ex-employees confirming it's existence
Go to the video and see the comments
Have you tried not getting raped like a little bitch?
That's because they're desperate for validation. They will jump on any social cause to prove how 'normal' they are
I get being disgusted by it but like holy shit just don't go looking for it. Normalfags flooding the internet was such a huge mistake.
>Normalfags flooding the internet
I can't image the kind of insane worldview you have to have to think that having internet access is a thing normies were late adopters of...
I'm just saying, we didn't have these pearl clutchers demanding blood for every bit of weird obscure r34 they see instead of just ignoring back in the 00s or even early 10s.
Because the Internet is smaller today than it was in 2000-2010. Instead of lots of isolated sites where communities and subcultures owuld hang out, everyone is smashed together by algorithms on like 4 big websites/apps. They can't ignore it because virality is the name of the game these days, and making sure content reaches as many people as possible
You are right, every single study about ancient mythology, every joke, everything that is even tangentially related to sexual abuse should have a 1500 words disclaimer about how this action isn't supported in any way, shape or form by the individual and/or company that is making those discussion, a reminder of the horrors of sexual abuse and a link to the appropriate organisation.
Any annoyance and inefficiency due to this is a small price to pay to the surely enormous benefits that this will provide in the fight against sexual abuse.
Glad that there is among us such an amazing seeker of social justice like you, anon.
Not true, furtroons love thinking of themselves as "quirky" weirdos, what they want to be seen as is people with a silly and harmless kink who are ultimately "good"(ignore grooming teenagers on discord and telegram) and "accepting"(ignore constant lynch mobs and petty backstabbing on twatter)
I should have clarified, they want to be accepted by normalfags, in the way you describe. For example, I had a medical student recently who was overtly a furry and tried to pass it off as a personality quirk that he'd eventually become a "dogtor". I had to give them teaching since they were shadowing me for the day, but it was fucking cringe
furries are in such a weird spot regarding the rest of the cult. like I'm sure if you ask the average pronouns-in-bio if they are tolerant of furries, they will say yes, and then if you show them what furries get up to on a normal basis they will be morally outraged by it. that would be hilarious if this shitstorm caused the imminent schism between furfags and the LGBT.
So I ask again, who is demanding blood. What about that thunbnail demands blood. You just have a complex where you invent imaginary enemies who are out to get you.
If nazi furries didn't do it, I doubt that this will.
>culling half of the dex so that they can shit out an unfinished game even fast

>using a folklore as inspiration for a non canon and unreleased pokemon folklore

Why are pokefags like that? No wonder they clapped when Chadworld got sued
This. Back when people were off in their own sites and communities, it was much easier to simply not look at stuff you don't like. Don't click the thread about a ship you hate. Block the person spamming the porn that disgusts you. But now, everyone is using the same websites with algorithms that push engagement. You can keep blocking people who post porn you hate, but it's likely that more will just get pushed onto your feed. And when you can't get away from the shit you hate, you're more likely to lash out. Thus, people getting flamed and cancelled for minding their own business. All that flaming is just engagement to the algorithm too, so it just boosts those people and the cycle continues
They're just showing their real colors,they pretend every day to be squeaky clean so they snap at the first opportunity.
nazi furries was way too niche to be significant
tons of furries want to fuck pokemon
Thank you. Everything is so centralized now that you can't avoid it even if you want to
Was he really?
>>Multiple stories about Pokemon willingly sleeping with human men
Are there more GF stories, or are you talking about the gen4 folk tales and fanfiction?
If there are consensual sex stories too, post em, I wanna read em
That won't happen because what matters in these circles first and foremost is adhering to the orthodoxy, and since your average furfag is already a pronouns-in-bio who bitches daily about capitalism, israel and jk rowling, they're in the clear and if you disagree you're probably a puritan pick me trump supporter anyway.
Yup, just like the government employees confirming that aliens exist.
No problem. I still use social media, but I try to balance it with forums and indie websites. It's all so much calmer.
Algorithm-driven social media was a mistake and I cannot wait until the day it dies.
source the brionne pls
Purizooms are humorous creatures. They spent the last 6 years mocking white women, oh sorry “karens” and now their first reaction to bad news is to stamp their feet and try to cancel somebody.
Even if it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. You can’t “cancel” the world’s most popular video game lol
Afraid so
Karens deserve to be mocked and shamed. So do these people. Anyone that freaks out publicly over something dumb or insane deserves to be mocked.
You sound like a Karen. But you're just an edgy boy who probably love Joe Rogan.
>Adult pokemon fans
Lurk this board more anon and you will see that only depraved degenerates post here. Not a single sane person post on this board
Or autism.
Mostly both.
I refuse to believe normals don't know the edgier aspects of pokemon. It's impossible to not come across it even through cursory research.
>I refuse to believe normals don't know the edgier aspects of pokemon
most normal people think pokemon is something solely for very young children
we didn't gatekeep the leak enough
I fucking hate this britfag with a passion. I want to slowly saw his head off with a rusty hatchet. Fuck this retard and his legion of insufferable normalfags. Allowing these buffoons access to the internet was such a tragic mistake.
It's so over
I don't really care, normalfags will be on to the next thing in a week and the only places still talking about this will be the weirdos who actually enjoy it.
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>Joker rape
Batman finally did it that sly bastard.
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>doesn't explain joker rape, the rape painting, the rape comics, etc.
Not done by TPC or Game Freak.
That's the difference.
Normies can shrug everything else not done by TPC/GF off as furry degeneracy.
There is genuinely no other way I can explain it to you that makes it any clearer than that.
the current wave of american puritanism and sexual repression is reaching its breaking point.
Because a majority of the world population has a chronic porn addiction problem.
The only one of those actually initiated by the general populace was the rape painting. But Yes it was weird how acceptable it was to joke about it.
>be a bunch of twitter trannies and zoomers
>modern culture for the past few years is about finding out famous people are degenerate pedophiles and rapists
>these same twitter trannies who uncultured have no idea what folklore is because they do nothing but consume anime and what ever trash they see on streaming
>oh look, pokemon are based on japanese folklore which has a lot of crazy shit happening just like in any other cultures folklore
>twitter trannies and zoomers lose their minds
normal fags only see sex as a weapon. You can't cancel willing sex very easily, but with rape, just say the word and the nearest scapegoat gets lynched, in this case Typhlosion since zoomers have a weird vendetta against that thing for some reason.
they dont actually, typhlosions being sucked off hard and thats why his story is getting the most attention, its the biggest shock because more people like typhlosion. the slaking story is far worse and contains abusive shit like them getting body parts cut off and corpses, but its getting less attention than typhlosion because everyone is obsessed with it. deserved honestly, fuckass ugly monster barafag thing does exactly what you should expect from it, and theyre surprised?
Eh, same crowd that was calling all parents pedos for cleaning/dressing their own children. They have the weight of foam in water.
a baby came out of it's moms pussy
Are we next Golduck bros?
Nah, those are the misandrists screaming that "m*les are born by raping their mothers from the inside"
i know about the joker rape, but what is the painting and comix?
>are trying to cancel GF
No one cares
Now I want to draw Typhlosion. My Typhlosion.
>>Multiple stories about Pokemon willingly sleeping with human men
>>All that normalfags talk about is rape
Because the rape is directed toward the humans, low media literacy retard
When making a video article for clicks, are you gunna write about the story with pokephilia, or the one with pokephilia AND rape? Use your fucking head, I have no idea why everyone is acting like this is a strange choice to focus on.
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GF should be cancelled over this "controversy" and the main game rights should be given to a non-shit studio.
Prove me wrong.
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The best brainstorming sessions are anything goes with no rules or stupid ideas and tailored from there. But yeah there are quite a few weird ones
damn that's actually kind of disturbing
This is pretty cool, and as another anon put it quite disturbing.
I dont think its that recent though. What were the rape comics referring to?
Is this recent? Because if it is, I'm surprised.
Reminds me of those old surreal pictures. A side disturbing, a side curious.
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>Typhlosion when it finds a little boy alone in the woods
>But you're just an edgy boy who probably love Joe Rogan.
kek there it is. Feel free to dilate anytime ESL
This represents modern feminism raping female traditional values right?
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>oh no, did a developer have zoophilia stuff leak? Did masuda actually have bugs in his anus? Everyone’s freaking out it must be something interest-
>most generic copy-paste of Japanese folklore imaginable and offensive to only the most sheltered of babies
Just wait until xitter finds out what Zeus did as an animorph, or how the Minotaur was born, or why a serpent was chosen as “evil” symbology, or where the term “dog and pony show” comes from, or how selective breeding in nearly all animals is done currently, or what Walt and Miyazaki had in their animation vaults, or ad infinitum. Faggots will forget about this and move on in a week. What won’t move on is the boost in pokeporn that is about to flood shitkaku, gelbooru, e621, etc. to help solve the current drought which is why I hope this stays around for as long as possible.
no you fucking idiot, it does not
Normalfags love rape. It feels really weird.
SwSh, SV, and now these leaks are ruining Game Freak's reputation. What will happen to them?
Highest grossing game at the time
Highest grossing spinoff
Highest grossing game
No one except twitter cares and half the people that do care are either interested or are explicitly pro-leak content. The reason all the babies are crying is because they are literal gen 4 mistakes that only know dppt and hgss.
Nothing. The cycle will start anew with ZA and Gen 10.
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Funniest shit to happen in a decade.
I don't believe someone would get to be alone with 4 humongous Venusaurs. That would be insane.
AI, but sauce me plz
It's not recent but it became a meme a couple of months ago for... some reason. I'm really not sure why. The "rape comics" is probably in reference to twitter obsessing over bad venting comics about sexual assault for pretty much the whole of the last summer. I only know this because they kept getting posted on /co/
Typhlosion having its reputation with rape memes makes so much sense if you consider it to be an extension of the "ACKCHUALLY JOHTO WAS NEVER GOOD" train of thought that e-celebs and their sheep viewers are trying to push.
>mu super secret animu club of
(checks notes)
>global phenomena pokémon
Game Freak has yet to apologize.
It represents
>I'm really not sure why.
I think it just captures a primordial fear of mankind. Every woman fears it might happen to them and every man fears it might happen to someone they love and care about. Yet at the same time, it sparks a morbid curiosity and we're all kinda turned on by it. It evokes intense primordial feelings that normies are not used to be exposed to.
No one even tried.
Joker rape was /co/ meme magic becoming real
Gamefreak deserve to suffer
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its over bros everyone knows pokemon is not for children but for pedo furries im going to throw away all my games now
I was going to say "no it doesn't" but it's art and if that's what it represents for you, that's how it goes then. I'm a supporter of death of the artist.
Is that AI? I feel like AI must be vastly improving then cause it fooled me and I'm an artist...
you can tell by the saturated as hell colours in that one. the lines also feel a bit wobbly and thickness varies- can happen with real art too but this specific combination of line wobblyness and smear, extreme contrast that burns brightly, all co mes together to make it obvious to me
Her mouth is the biggest giveaway. its a mess
Now that it's pointed out to me, I see it. I would also be interested in the full image, if the genitals aren't all fucked up.
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Can someone tell me who this cutie is? I didn't play LA yet.
That's Dawn. She was sent to the past to be the player character of another game.
Alternatively, if you play as Lukas, then that girl becomes Akari, Lukas's past-counterpart.
The stories help explain a lot of the common tropes in the series. First we have multiple stories that are covering the same events, just as games have more than one version telling the same story with minor differences. One story has three distinct versions despute being the same story. The girl goes out for berries and encounters a shapeshifting Typhlosion, Slaking or Piloswine, making the three starter Pokemon of the story that lead to branching stories despite having the same sequence of events. The girl befriends either of the three Pokemon depending on which story we are viewing, and afterwards, that Pokemon goes on to fight someone on their behalf, the origin of Pokemon taming and battling. We can even see the girl's father as a rival Pokemon trainer who breeds and evolves people.
>thinks children can consent to body mutilation
nah, not gonna take stock in a single thing this groomer apologist has to say. how this man still hasn't been publicly ostracized is beyond me
if only
what does the disguisting act of slanderious pedophilia "help explain"?
Or God and the 14 year old he noncon'd to make baby Jesus.
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It's been a fun time watching normies lose their shit at lore that was there for 20+ years. A circus I didn't even have to pay for.
it's really telling how many "fans" were suprised by this. tell me you're a normie without telling me you're a normie
This whole fiasco is a perfect example of why gatekeeping should be practiced.
>Oh you're interested in this franchise and want to get involved. Here's some lore for you to read up on, now get to studying because all of this will be on the test.
>Don't like the lore? Then fuck off.
I honestly hope this serves this drive normies away.
>ew. pokémon fans are creeps. Look how they reacted with the lore leaks.
Good. I'm glad you think that. Now stay the fuck away from my hobby.
I miss the days when Cr1tikal was a faceless, deep voiced mystery man goofing off and playing video games instead of yet another dramaroach.
>I honestly hope this serves this drive normies away.
As do I anon, but you must remember this single important fact when it comes to normies; They have the memory and attention span of a goldfish with ADHD on crack. They will forget about it in a week or so.
>my hobby
Do incels really think they own the world's most popular IP?
I miss the days when Typhlosion had a sliver of dignity and wasn’t treated like a pervert. Good times, Good times.
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>Do incels really
Oh man, you really showed them by calling them incels. Totally didn't blow your own cover and exposing yourself to be a infiltrator leech like a retard.
Chudddy meeeltttyyy
Good. They have nothing to apologize for.

The only people upset about this are sheltered zoomers that have lived in a sanitized society for so long that they’re freaking out and crying upon getting a taste of reality.
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>I'm not angry, YOU'RE ANGRY. C-C-CHUD!!
Good. GOOD. Let the hate flow through you. Expose yourself more so everyone can see that you do not belong.
buzzword insult aside, who do you think makes these franchises what they are to begin with? It ain't the normies whonare gonna drop you when the newest shiny toy comes out. Go look at star wars and what it means to turn your back on the fans. Look at how it turned out for them.
This is absolutely not the kind of PR that Gamefreak wants around their franchise.

They're probably going to do their absolute best to stay quiet, but you know they have the Nintendo ninjas out in force to go get the leaker and fuck him up
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Virgin Mary gave birth to wolves.
Turks were born from orphan fucking his mother which was wolf.
Folklore is wild and strange.
And you retards take it literally.
Oh, I thought that looked like Dawn, but the outfit was different so I wasn't sure. Is she older here then? Assume some time has passed since the other game.

I keep mixing him up with Asmongold...
that's murder
>I keep mixing him up with Asmongold...

Shiori, shouldn't you be streaming 7 Days to Die right now? The final zombie raid is starting.
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Ohhh no nono no
Wholesomesisters... our response?
>Cancel Gamefreak

Wouldn't be a bad idea
Now it looks like if somebody tried to copy Mogeko Castle out of memory.
stfu NPC drone they do have things that will be apologized for like removing the national dex and lying to consumers/customers who actually have functioning brains retard
the softer lines of the woman's body turning dark, thick, and bold (putting aside the obvious messaging behind the disfiguration and blood) in the last panel is telling. even the shading makes it stand out from the rest of the painting. like that experience becomes inextricable from who she is. >>56642452 describes it better, that was probably the artist's intent. the painting feels quiet before ending on a loud, abrupt, violent note... hard to explain. but if the idea was to make it uncomfortable/distressing to look at, they did a good job. sucks it got turned into a meme, it's a thought-provoking piece.
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ok cool, but sause
Holy shit what the fuck am I looking at
Its because humour is the only way to cope with helplessness. People have finally realised that there is no way to stop evil and these kind of scandals will happen again and again.
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It's genuinely surreal and a bit disturbing to see how normies seem to roll casually with rape jokes now as long it's a celeb doing it. I've seen people screech at someone for making a joke about the rapist in that mouthwashing game and then go on and casually repost a P Diddy meme. It feels like people care about fictional characters that don't exist more than real life people that were actually preyed on and violated, it's fucking bizarre.
You are on a website that basically embodies that last part...
>It feels like people care about fictional characters that don't exist more than real life people that were actually preyed on and violated, it's fucking bizarre.
The real life people that actually had their lives destroyed live in a place far away and it's not like they have anything in common with the normalfag themselves, so it's okay
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Typoo's entry wasn't even the best rape story of that whole leak.
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Why did he do it?
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I stopped considering leftoid Twattertroons like you as actual human beings after a some second-rate Nascar driver got fired for some edgy "'raysis"' shit his dad once said AN ENTIRE DECADE BEFORE HE WAS BORN. You woketards aren't even worth to be considered an intelligent living organism at this point.
>Implying that cheesecake anthro duck lewds made by Don Rosa himself aren't trivially easy to find on auction sites
Also TheGiantHamster supposedly had worked for both Disney and Don Bluth animation studios as a cel frame artist, that's allegedly why his TLK lewds are so consistently on-model.
cum inside pokemon
> days when Typhlosion had a sliver of dignity
So never? It was always knockoff Charizard for contrarians. Liking it is basically a sign of someone born too late to have gotten into the pokemon trend while it was hot, clinging to a shallow imitation of pokemania’s golden boy.
what if the girl in the story just had somnophilia tho
This is how women will tell you being cum into without permission is like.
The question is, will you believe them?
what is the rape painting and the rape comics?
it means the horrible black spikey entity eventually becomes part of her own silhouette via rape. so the rapist is always part of her and she is disfigured and destroyed in the end. pair the last photo with the first its a similar composition but the first is untainted while the last features the male rapist body as part of her. she has become damaged and disfigured beyond repair. of course a moid wouldnt get it lol. simple violent creatures.
Exactly. Everyone keeps on ignoring this. You don't want this PR around a kids franchise, even if they are just "jokes"
I want to believe you anon, I really do. But at the same time I strongly doubt that is why the majority of make these jokes I think a lot of people just have no empathy and only care when something is close to home.
Yeah but that's expected from the artists here. Not from """normies"""
>Nintendo ninjas out in force to go get the leaker and fuck him up
Don't exist
Different demographics. Normalfags joke about rape all the time. Leftists, who tend to spend more time online and get offended by 'triggering' topics, also tend to be social outcasts who found solace in fictional things. Now they feel as though their safe space is no longer safe and cry about it.
No, you're just emotionally incontinent. Comes with having a vagina.
You're lucky men psyopped themselves into thinking women could be equal, and then making women into de facto soociosexual moral arbiters.
Some day your bluff will be called though. What are you gonna do then?
fuck typhlosion(chad) instead of slaking(u) duh
the blackest of pills
time to escape(rope)
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Twittards and /vp/oreons are barely media literate, or even literate in general, but I can see why the fanbase is reacting this way. Pokemon even at that point had been marketed as a squeaky clean cutesy kodomo anime experience, so even telling basic folklore would be jarring to people using highly marketable Pokemon Creatures (borderline baby cartoon characters) instead of crummy animals. You already saw these people coping with headcanons to soften things when the same writer’s nature documentary-tier dex entries made it into SM/USUM.
..I'm a femanon, so you maybe misaimed that there. And thats not what I personally find it like, mostly I just do not like the cum dripping out of me and staining my clothes.
cum does not stain clothes. moid detected
It absolutely does leave a residue, but then so do female juices. It's truly terrible on black underwear. Looks bleached or something. Very strange.
this is an internet meme nice try moid. i would know because im obsessed with textiles and chemical cleaners. it does not leave a mark even when laundered with just water. unless you have some weird fucked up salt and vinegar pussy
>woman think women only have access to cum
Female solipsism is getting ridiculous
this dude looks like guzmas ultrabeast. ITS YA BOIIIIII
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stains do not equate to crusty residue. nice try though moidfem larper. study laundering a bit more instead of finding eurphoria in fancy english words. how would you even survive in the pokemon world if you didnt know how to wash your own underpants?
Leftists are the ones making Epstein and P Diddy jokes, just check retardera or twitter. It's apolitical
actually, doesn't Ash's mom give him cleaning supplies in the first episode of the anime, before he leaves for his journey? he later uses a pair of latex gloves so he can touch pikachu without getting shocked because he still hated Ash's guts
so basically anyone who watches the ashnime should know that people in the pokemon world know how to do laundry
oh yeah, and Rotom-Wash exists
yeah thats why people here who dont know anything about laundering are fakefans. kudos on picking up on that through my post lol. also please dont google what i googled to get that image if you want to spare your innocence because holy fuck some people are off their rockers.
This is unironically true. I know it sounds edgy and elitist but normies discovering the internet en masse in the late 2000s and early 2010s was a disaster for society. It’s been a disaster for oddballs who gravitate to online spaces because normies suck up all the oxygen and drive more cash to platforms, which makes a bigger incentive for commercialization and everything turning into a samey monopolistic hellhole. It’s been a disaster for the normies themselves because they psychologically cannot handle the internet and it’s left them utterly mind broken to the degree we have nazis, commies and other terminally online ideologies affecting actual society and also the normies are all now deranged and generating widespread cultural chaos. Facebook and its consequences etc. etc.
GF is going to overcorrect as a reaction to the pearl clutching just like they did when Japanese kids got filtered by Mt. Coronet
they're going to fuck this leaker to death when they find him. Between this and Rica Matsumoto having to do damage control, the amount of damage this one guy has done to the brand is immense
Exactly. This is why it sucks. Bye bye remotely interesting Pokédex entries
>Facebook and its consequences etc. etc.
That's really only a tiny part of it. What normalized the internet was the introduction of the iphone in 2007. This created two stark and distinct time periods. You can notice it in any media you experience. Anything from before 2007 (2008 because of some spillover) has a certain level of basic quality that makes things quite tolerable. Anything made after 2007-8 is nearly without merit. Removing the barrier of entry to the internet and enabling access literally everywhere was a significant cultural shift that can't be undermined. The introduction of the iphone is the backbone that supported all the social media platforms and their destruction of the promise of the internet. The brainlets will blame the culture war because they are abhorrent homunculi and the midwits will blame the economic collapse of 2008 due to conditioning. Once you realize it's all because everyone has the internet everywhere that we leave in a different world then it all makes perfect sense. We know the solution, social media will destroy society unless we destroy it.
Yep. For a lot of us millennials who've been here for years, we had this distinct online/offline split and have had to balance being chronically online with our real lives. We'd go looking out for online spaces to discuss with likeminded individuals, with similar interests. Each community you found was somewhat unique.

Then social media became dominant and society was thrust into being chronically online without a choice. People got filtered into a handful of big websites where they are sorted by algorithms and forced into consuming content whether they look for it or not. Then we had the smart phone revolution, and people became connected permanently, to apps which are designed to keep them picking up their phones and using it again and again. Combining the two has meant that there's no difference between online/offline with a lot of people nowadays and it's one and the same. Different to us in the past who'd have used online pseudonyms and such. The fact that breaking anonymity is seen as an intellectual checkmate these days says it all.

And like you said, all that nazi, commie, and terminally online ideology has filtered into actual society and shit that would have been seen as frienge a deacde ago, is mainstream now. A good example I like to use is incel culture and terminology. I've always found terms like mogging funny, but looksmaxxing, etc. was the reserve of mentally ill faggots. Now all of that is mainstream and used unironically by Gen Z and Alpha, who take it seriously because their online/offline personas are exactly the same.

It also doesn't help that the Internet is basically filled with 'content creators' who want to make money, and need your engagement, so it leads to more and more outlandish and outrageous engagement bait. As with these leaks, I can scroll social media and I'll get a dozen people saying "NEW POKEMON LEAK LORE JUST DROPPED, LET ME TELL YOU WHAT THIS MEANS FOR POKEMON", etc. even if I try to avoid it
Just because you're a femoid who can look like shit without significant consequence, doesn't mean looksmaxxing/mogging is without validity as a concepts for the other half of humanity.
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>I've always found terms like mogging funny, but looksmaxxing, etc. was the reserve of mentally ill faggots. Now all of that is mainstream and used unironically by Gen Z and Alpha, who take it seriously because their online/offline personas are exactly the same.
This wouldn't have been a problem if the redpill/blackpill wasn't true on some level.
For example, nobody, absolutely NOBODY takes flat-earthers seriously...
The fact that looks reigns supreme? That women are only sexually attracted to a tiny minority of men? That "personality" is irrelevant if you're good-looking enough? These are all things social media proved to be correct. Dating-apps sent us back thousands of years into the primal past.

The future is gonna be glorious. Get ready
>I've always found terms like mogging funny, but looksmaxxing, etc. was the reserve of mentally ill faggots. Now all of that is mainstream and used unironically by Gen Z and Alpha, who take it seriously because their online/offline personas are exactly the same.
It felt so weird the first time I heard someone say looksmaxxing irl.
For sure, these things exist. A lot of incel shit, it's rooted in reality, despite the denial of women who pretend that they don't care about these things. But the extremes they take it to and how angry they get about it? That's mental illness.

It's now funny how younger Gen Zs and alpha take it seriously. To the point it affects their mental health too, because they're all chronically online retards who are obsessed with getting more online clout on social media and they know being good-looking helps with that.
good thing some peoples definition of what they consider good looking is different to others
>It felt so weird the first time I heard someone say looksmaxxing irl.
Yeah, I was talking to my nephews about it recently and they were all over it. Weird since repeating those things a decade ago would have had people call you incel freak. I have no doubts that someone like Elliot Rodger would have been famous and 'liked' nowadays, had he not become incel Jesus.
>That women are only sexually attracted to a tiny minority of men?
unironically true, just think about how animals work. The females all reproduce with only the most fittest males, and looks matter the most in human society. As long as the male doesn't kill you or the kids before they reproduce, personality doesn't matter much.
Monogamy was created for the benefit of males. Otherwise women would just either form harems with the best males or not reproduce at all. And we're seeing the latter now that polygamy is frowned upon (for now).
Women always appeal to subjectivity in order to obscure factual reality. The one female behavior that is most disgusting to me.
Women are a monolith.
In fact, the saying "women aren't a monolith!!" proves that they are.

Men have more viriability in just about everything, including sexual tastes.

For example...
Lots of men are into fat women. There is no wide community of women specifically into short guys liks BBWs enjoyers
Lots of men are submissive and want a dominant woman
Almost ALL women are submissive deep down. Sub men are fucked because even the female "Doms" don't actually enjoy domming that much and usually end up with with a man who can "out-dom" them
Genuinely I think a lot of young people aren't well mentally these days. It's just so frequent and prevalent that it's easy to mask though. The most well adjusted people my age are those who use the internet sparingly, either out of past negative experiences which made them stop using it or people who just never cared. Although they're rare
just find one with autism problem solves the brain issues shall make their tastes different.
There's a lot of online pressure to look/act/think a certain way Algorithms normalise certaint typees of behaviour, aspirations, and expectations. We have grifters everywhere trying exploit this too.It doesn't surprise me that they're mentally ill when they're constantly seeing the lives of the top 0.0001% in terms of looks, money, and lifestyle; or constantly being told that they have to believe XYZ to socially conform to issues that aren't even relevant to them lest they get doxxed or socially shamed. They don't know about a world outside of that.
Unironically, the more autistic the woman, the more human she appears.
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>Monogamy was created for the benefit of males. Otherwise women would just either form harems with the best males or not reproduce at all. And we're seeing the latter now that polygamy is frowned upon (for now).
Polyamory and "ethical non-monogamy" is polygamy making its big return.

Honestly, I could accept women desiring only the top-tier males. I would 100% accept to be a beta-bucks to my intellectual equal.
The problem? Most women are psychologically boring (at best) or horrible (at worst)
Shit like this >>56653395 (not me) is impossible to unsee once you notice it.

4chan was right again.
2D is, indeed, better

I unironically agree. It's my last cope
Autism is an overmasculinization of the brain
An autistic woman becomes male-brained and, therefore, becomes capable of empathy, genuine friendship, has interest outside of herself, etc.

Almost all anime girls - and pokémon characters - would be considered "autistic" if they existed;
They're written by men for men
>Most women are psychologically boring (at best) or horrible (at worst)
A lot of them are, true. I've been burned by a lot of female friends who were incredibly two faced. Made me very hesitant to make friends again and now I'm always wary. Luckily it's not all women or even most, just the BPD ones.
We triggered some femcel
as opposed to the behavior you're engaging, which is clearly not obsessive at all
Yeah the MLP scat porn seem more in line of some pussywhipped m'lady'd white knight
Go post a thread about it on pol. I'm sure you have a lot to say about how you wish you could talk about rape fantasies over family dinner
He already just explained you braindead dust mite.
Yeah TyPedo is done
wow the jannies really just gave up huh
They were up all night jerking off. Let them get their morning coffee
There is nothing wrong with bitching about capitalism and pissrael though
Fuck capitalism and Israel.
This represents your brain getting raped by retardation
I think we broke one of the Typedo supporters
>Conflating liberals with leftists
Leftists are the ones doing the moral grandstanding to be seen as more progressive. Liberals are more likely to go with the normalfag status quo
THIS to ALL anons;
I don't care if you're the most pathetic desperate sad virgin loser, do NOT understand ANY circumstances care about a woman that has BPD unless she's your family and even then distance yourself.
Fuck em, use em, sure, but do not care.
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We need to summon ACTION HANK!
I botched my sentence but Do NOT let yourself CARE about any woman with BPD ---- EVEN IF SHE LIKES POKEMON.
do not fuck her either, please. Are you insane? Do you want to be tied to her for the rest of your life??
cringe and wrong, fuck off retards
> Fuck em, use em, sure, but do not care
That’s asking for a false rape accusation
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You're talking about centrists
Leftists have bigger things to worry about than identity politics; liberals are the ones making a big deal out of it because they still can't see the big picture
Your average leftist could be a gay neon violet haired furry with 30 piercings living in a polyamourous group of 8 and still be a million times less obnoxious than your average vocal liberal who spews misandry online
Fantastic point, yeah. There are several ways of avoiding that, but to be safe probably should NOT.
Don't stick dick in crazy
Have you just never had sex? Any woman can do that to you at any time for any reason. Including if you didn't even fuck them .
>Leftists have bigger things to worry about than identity politics
>an animal fucker faggot living in an aids den is better than a landwhale feminist cunt
hmm odd argument
Kill yourself. The whole knock-off Charizard thing was relatively recent meme made by late-zoomer/alpha.
>butthurt leftist immediately resorts to identity politics
where is pic from
Because the latter is more likely to stay in their own lane instead of sending death threats to random people online
Well, on second thought, you're right. Only crazy bitches ever want me, so I'm coping hard. I'm lucky as fuck my life isn't ruined.
someone should like, make rape illegal or something!
>Because the latter is more likely to stay in their own lane instead of sending death threats to random people online
no they're not. They're cancelling you because you won't make them cake or let them groom your sons online
>calling all parents pedos for cleaning/dressing their own children
>m*les are born by raping their mothers from the inside
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Or how about no.
I spent enough time on /leftypol/ to realize the lot of you are more interested in policing pronouns than building anything resembling class solidarity. What you're telling yourselves is one thing, reality is another.
>the painting feels quiet before ending on a loud, abrupt, violent note... hard to explain.
Yes I get what you mean. The quiet and peaceful domestic life invaded and violated by a violent stranger. She is irreparably deformed by the event. It's like we all know this story down to the marrow of our bones.
and of course obnoxious, ineffectual poindexters who has read 300TBs of theory but fail to realize we're 100 years removed from the 1920's
took you a while
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He's right tho
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>Is she older here then? Assume some time has passed since the other game.
Yeah she's 15 in PLA (12 in DPPl).
pokefags and nintenchildren are saying they're "traumatized" by the typhlosion lore. What faggots.
he is genuinely leaps and bounds worse than the yokai badger ever was
What people need to understand is that the myth docs show a solid and thorough development process for a finished product that is a) fit for mass public consumption and b) based on a rich and nuanced world with substance and its own soul.

The harrowing fables of the myth docs are not present in the games or any of the other public media in their complete form — however, subtle hints of their influence exist (whether in the form of pokedex entries hinting at the mysterious folklore like origins of some pokemon) or in pieces of lore delivered second hand through NPC's etc.

The reality of real world historical culture is filled with darkness and brutality, these are aspects of the human condition. One place that we find these aspects interpreted most often is in fairytales, gruesome parables with cryptic lessons for curious minds.

People need to get a grip. In the Pokemon universe Humans and Pokemon are cooked from the same divine cosmic spark — that's the total sum of what we've learned from these concept pieces, that's the idea the writer was exploring, and through the effort of taking their world building to such an extremity the development team have successfully breathed life into their product.

stfu and if u dont like this shit you are gay retard who is gay
#MeToo buckbroke normalfags so much they apply their shit to fiction
YOu forget that people are fucking stupid and don't understand the creative process.

This is why you have midwit niggers thinking it's some deep lore.
And the day people understand the basic concept of "It's not in the media so it's obviously not canon," you will be seen as a genius
>obviously not canon
concept of 'canon' is in and of itself so fucking retarded when it comes to pipeline of creative process to finished product
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... I like short and chubby and nerdy guys... not everyone is like you say.
I would say I struggle with empathy, in that I'm often suspected of not having it because I'm not very good at communicating since I grew up reading books and typing online so talking things out really fucking sucks and I put my foot in my mouth so often.

Offtopic, but Cosmo always kind of reminded of Kirlia. Anyone else see it?

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