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I don't care that some retarded intern who was only at GF for 1 week made up an autistic story about Typhlosion feeding a kid some berries.

Typhlosion will always be cool as shit.

Believing that retarded story to be canon is like believing Chris Chan's Sonichu comics are real Sonic canon.
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I can't help but feel that this is a forced cancellation attempt by vindictive fans of that speccy 'pro nuzlocker' that hates Johto. It's just too convenient that Ursaring and Octillery were also thrown under the bus.
Typhlosionfag cope
typhlosion fans would be battered wives if they ever married
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that's the only explanation that makes sense. Hell, its possible Game Freak was in it, They wrote the fucking thing, and let it get leaked.

>Ursaring and Octillery were
at least their stories got to have consent, zoomers just especially hate Typhlosion in particular
Why even get mad? Women love Big Typhlosion Cock, the story just further solidified it.
The stories are myths. They were not actual events that happened in history.
And it is amazing to me how many people apparently don't know what that word means.
>intern who was only at GF for 1 week
Nobody tell OP Suguru is still employed at Gamefreak
His normie brain won't survive this information
are you naive enough to think lynch mobs care about actual events?

if that retarded nonce wrote that shit about Charizard, he would have been fired that day, blacklisted and exiled from Japan.
The memes around Vaporeon are also based on a shitpost and thus non canon, yet the first thing that comes to mind is "Did you know...".

People stick to that because it's funny, and in the case of Typhlosion, insanrly funny.
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uh oh rapist melty
Why the fuck would GF only write pokephilia fanfics and PokéGenesis shit, with nothing in between
No one cares if they're myths or not
They care about the story existing in the first place
And it wasn't even a kid.

They probably were trying various iterations, until we ended up with the simpler versions in the Canalave library.
Just the Typhlosion one had a Piloswine and Slaking variations.
Chris-chan's Sonichu stuff isn't Sonic canon?
Right!? He's awesome, and still one of the best
>retarded intern who was only at GF for 1 week
Try active chief director of the entire setting of the franchise, who works both with the anime team, on the games, and gives setting advice to the people working on Pokemon Masters.
That's the guy who wrote this stuff.
Why do you pokefuckers spew out lies like that bullshit?
It's Sugimori libel time baby
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Suguru Nakatsui's name is on the files.
All of Pokemon is fiction. It doesn't matter. It's over for Typhlosion.
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I just find the absurdity of all this too funny to be mad at, and can only hope everyone's in on the joke. Too many serious people on both ends.
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[citation needed]
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All myths are true, nignog.
>Typhlosion shits everywhere
>Girl sees poop and identifies it as Typhlosion poop
>Girl gets anxious, because it is known that Typhlosion means danger for young girls
>Girl gets lost
>Luckily attractive man shows up
>Offers to bring girl back home, but only if she stays at his place for the night
>Takes her hand, implying she is young enough to do that and brings her to his cave
>Gives her magical red berries to eat
>Forbids her to look at his face
>Girl sleeps, wakes up but sleeps again
>Next morning girl wants to go home
>Man doesn't allow it
>Goes to get green berries
>She eats the magical berries
>Man uses Yawn
>Girl sleeps
>Girl has memory issues, forgets about her home and family
>She realizes the man keeping her captive was the dangerous Typhlosion
>She realizes she was tricked
>But girl is to intoxicated to resist Typhlosion
>They eat more magcial pokemon berries
>All of a sudden it is winter and she is pregnant with a pokemon hybrid freak
>Father of the girl comes to rescue her
>Typhlosion wants to kill the father
>Girl asks it not to harm her father
>Typhlosion ignores her and goes out to fight
>Father is victorious and rescues girl, but the pokemon hybrid child doomed her future
>Girl magically turns into a Typhlosion after getting bullied by the villager

>Typhlosion did nothing wrong!
Homosexuals, the story is just an old Japanese tale where the employee switched "wolf" to a Pokemon to see how it reads.
Explain why zoomers have been complaining about 18 year olds dating guys 5 or more years older than them then
Envy that they are old now. They want older men to date older (used up) women, so that they still have a chance after spending their youth as hoes.
Which old Japanese tale would that be?
I for one am looking forward to the countless fapfics
>typedo hugbox thread
i saw typhlosion hang himself

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