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ironie comming from the hoe who tried to rape ash every episodes she was in.
nice headcanon
That one never evolved into Meganium.
Feraligatr is the only innocent johto starter
Zoomer trash
Giga Chad
human created number.
how should a pokemon know when a girl is legal?
exactly they don't know.
ok pedo
>how should a pokemon know when a girl is legal?
her level retarf
you don't know what that word means
uhh that's a grandma
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i think you mean 16
she was 4'10"
she had a bit too much to drink &
her older cousins got wasted and passed out in their rooms
i put my head in her lap & she ran her fingers through my hair
i leaned up and started kissing her softly, then hard
moved her to the middle of a large circle carpet on the living room floor +
kissed her gym shorts off and took what i wanted.

poor little thing was so tiny
my cock bent on her cervix
i dont think she enjoyed it
i had my arms under her so she couldn't squirm away
she let out short pants that would cut out along with her breath on each thrust and an occasional "oof"

she was covered in rugburn and
marks caused by her lover biting & sucking the skin

she called me non-stop for weeks afterwards
& eventually told me she could hardly walk the next day

and before you faggots talk shit to me,
i was 20 yrs old at the time so i was basically protected by the romeo laws
damn that wasn't even hot
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your coomer brain is so rotted that vanilla sex is unappealing to you
consider again your life choices

the only pussy worth eating is low-mileage
Even in the US, it's 16 in most states.
romeo law = THREE years dumbass
you raped an underage high school freshman
someone shouldve kicked your ass
there was barely any sex and it sounded like it hurt her

you are right about the other thing though
That also depends by where you are.
>hurt her
>she is blowing up that niggas phone afterwards
obv she liked it anon
you need to learn how womens brains work
14 in Germany
yeah after the fact but during the act itself
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Care to explain this then?
have you never had a pet dog before? ever? they do this
that's a bayleef doe
Based rapist, sounds like you got that fire weasel in you.
Hmmm this thread seems very much like an American ethno-centric view. It discounts the cultures around the world, instead referring only to its own ethno-centric, lawful neutral perspective. It is also strongly society-based, and society is becoming considered increasingly more offensive to the general public. Please consider other cultures and their ideas, perspectives, and ethics, before making a thread that broadly brushes with a strongly US centric POV. Thank you.
Only if the legal guardians of the younger party gives their ok.
See >>56640657
Americans fucking sucks, they think they're the protagonists of the world, the arbiters of truth, and they believe they can judge others based on the sheep mentality of their own country.
>Nuh uh! The way I was brainwashed is better than the way you were brainwashed
Jump off a cliff, burger.
Oh ew it's a zoomer
the age of consent is 18 cry about it third worlder LOL
I noticed these comments come from gays/trans users here.
They’re afraid of their competition, which is female.

Remember these people are not your friend
It's 16 in like 60% of US states...
>All the people blaming underages (Zoomers) for the OP
>The same people who wants to fuck underages (Zoomers)
Pokemon fans are hypocrital
never heard of hatefucking?
Fictional characters are not real people, /pol/schizo.
Actually age of consent varies from state to state in the USA. It ranges from 16 to 18 depending on the state, with it being 17 or 16 in most states.
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The only time AoC was addressed in the franchise was in the Pocket Monsters the Animation novels by Takeshi Sudo (the original head writer for the anime) where they state that 10 is the legal age because kids leave home to go on their journeys at that age
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>i was 20 yrs old at the time so i was basically protected by the romeo laws
Can't believe the pedo from that one Transformers movie was real all along
Wrong. People virtue signaling like this are almost always pedos
There shouldn’t be one
Yes he also said marriage was allowed at 11.
OP here. I actually don't care what you write about or enjoy in fiction. I just like watching Typhlosionfags seethe.
As a FeraligatrKING, I can understand.
I only wish it happened to Charizard.
Just fucking imagine
People who virtue signal always tend to be hypocritical, especially those who grandstand on morality.

Many such cases.
Crazy how shameless of a pedo Shudo was, and no one stopped him
he has his asscheeks out bro no johto starter is innocent
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My man.
DAMN fuck, imagine if it was Charizard.

If I were the leaker I would've just changed it immediately, no one would've never realized
I’m told age of consent is 20 in South Korea so please do keep crying on about how big bad Uncle Sam won’t let you lure kids into your van.
insult you online
16 is legal in pretty much the entire world and most of the USA.
Sure, your dog would love to wait until reaching that age.
Nah, the hand wringing about ages is a very new thing, mostly driven by the morality police on the internet.

Eg. George Lucas's wanted to have Indy's love interest in Temple of Doom be a 14yr old virgin priestess.

16 is legal in my country and nobody blinked an eye at 16yr olds having sex, I was a borderline late starter for taking until I was 17. It's only when the internet age has taken over that we're all so much more connected that the CA and NY age of consent stuff has become almost the default. Most Americans think it's 18 even when they're living in a state where it's 16.
Age of Consent is 16.

But it also has Romeo laws that mean you can go all the way down to 13 as long as you're younger than 19.

The AoC was 13 until 2020, lol

>Sex with anyone under 13 is illegal no matter what your age
>Sex with anyone 13-16 is illegal unless you are under 19
>You may have consensual sex with anyone over 16 if you are an adult
Why are zoomers so obsessed with 18? It's like a magical number to them. Finding a fictional character(!!!) who is 17 years 364 days 23 hours and 59 minutes old attractive is apparently LITERAL child rape but the moment they are canonically declared 18 or older they go SEXOOO MOMMY MILKERS
Do they really lack any sort of nuance? What led to this black and white thinking?
>Black and White thinking
My god...
american politics, everything's been getting more and more radical because of it and the two-party system
>Do they really lack any sort of nuance? What led to this black and white thinking?
Zoomers spend their time on computer-controlled systems, which means constant scrambling to obey the all-spanning decrees of The Algorithm. They've never interacted with a system that requires human judgment to make decisions on a case-by-case basis instead of blind adherence to a code of law. Thus they cannot conceptualize the necessity of human judgment for difficult problems, and want to remove human judgment from any part of how society is run.
This is the origin of a lot of modern bullshit:
>Zoomers don't like "innocent until proven guilty" in rape cases, because sometimes rapists aren't convicted. Thus we get shit like #BelieveAllWomen and #MeToo, because that means women are listened to all the time, which the zoomer mind considers better than relying on the judgment of the courts.
>Zoomers don't like police using lethal force, because sometimes innocent people die. Thus we get #BlackLivesMatter and #DefundThePolice, because they believe unilarterally disarming cops is better than allowing a cop to judge whether to use lethal force.
>Zoomers don't like power imbalances in romance, because the powerful might coerce the powerless, who cannot credibly demonstrate they're happy because that's exactly what someone under duress would say. Thus we get shit like the age gap discourse and Tiktokers who call themselves a minor at 21, because they believe banning unequal relationships is better than allowing someone to judge whether someone more powerful than them is taking advantage of them.
The similarities to Friend Computer in Paranoia, and the blatant totalitarianism, are the point. These are the people that Davos has raised to own nothing and be happy. There is no coincidence that Zoomers are more communist than any other generation. They think private property, free markets, job interviews, and school choice are all evil, because they all rely on human judgment.
15 in my cunt.
How will americans cope...?
It's 14-16 in most parts of the world, Americans are just retarded.
Brother the AOC is 16 in pretty much 90% of America as well. The only reason why 18 is a meme is because of the usual suspect states have it that way
Isn't 16 still the majority even if you only refer to the United States specifically?
When he says Usual Suspect states, he means CA and NY. The loud majority
>raped a young girl
>ignored her as she tried to shower you with love
am i supposed to find this hot
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Not even lmao, NY age of consent is 17. The reason everyone thinks US is puritan is because Hollywood was the center of cultural output for half a century, and CA has the most puritanical sex laws in the country.
For further reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_the_United_States
Blue is 16, brown is 17, green is 18.
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Actually it's 10 in Shudo's version of the Pokemon universe, which is the only canon one for anyone who's not a Nintendie corporate whore.
It's not real the way it is depicted / it's not how that law works.
calm down typhlosion
Not where I live
Depends on your country really
2 female teachers at my old high school got fired for this
one of them was extremely friendly to me all the time but I didn't do shit
It's based on perceived mental maturity. Culturally, we associate end of teenage years with end of highschool, so it follows that the age of consent should be 18. It might be kind of backwards that you can fuck before you can even drink based on this argument, but it's just because we weigh those things differently.
>Culturally we do [Headcanon]
Most Western nations and most of America has age of consent at 16
I would guess it's probably because zoomers were preyed on their whole lives by adults playing minecraft/undertale/smash bros with them and stalking them on social media trying to groom them. So they really hate pedos for ruining their childhood and making some of their friends commit suicide.
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wish i was born in the pokemon world
this kinda horrifyingly parralel's medieval times not giving a shit in our world.
ok valid statements but regardless of that I choose to believe we all would benefit for all the law to have the age of consent be 18 also hell no I don't fuck with gays/trannies not trying to get groomed I only agree that sometimes those minorities do "sometimes" say good takes to an extent that's all I will say
make it match alchohol anon 21. coward.
oh shit thanks for the great suggestions anon I do forget about that sometimes regarding alcohol give me some slack I beg of you
but that way an 18 year old
>can't consent to sex
>can't drink alcohol
>can drive
>can vote
Based millennial coomer chad

Cringe zoomoid think of muh chillems faggot
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>most countries can agree that you're not an adult until you're like 18 years old or so
>pretty much no law can agree on when you are sound enough to give consent on sex
the fact that the moralfags say "age of consent is 18" is funny, cause this isn't just funny hahaha, this is actual law and I bet my ass one day, someone will spout this retarded shit only to get a reply of "no, it's not." and of course they'll call you a pedo for knowing this, even though this information doesn't require you to dig through pages and pages of law... it's basically one wikipedia link away
fix voting and driving too.
>this is actual law
then please explain what "sexual misconduct with a minor", a criminal charge, means in the eyes of the law, defining "minor"
God you're so fucking stupid. You should lose your privilege to voice your opinion you infatalized fuck.
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Friendly reminder that Americans take drinking age (purported to be 21) just as seriously
being chronically online in a world where people appeal to extremes
Almost always true
Moralfags telling you what the AOC is is funny because they're under the belief that the rest of the planet abides by the laws of their state.
>get called into the principal office for joking with friend about killing each other
>meanwhile the vice principal was caught fucking the teenage girls during lunch breaks
stop posting, typhlosion.
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Depends on the country. It's 16 in the majority of western countries, actually.
Would have been based if you married her and had children. As it is, you're just a faggot.
>the only pussy worth eating is low-mileage
I only take no mileage. Anything else is used goods. I don't compromise on quality.
That's Americans for you, anon.
>They've never interacted with a system that requires human judgment to make decisions on a case-by-case basis instead of blind adherence to a code of law.
Chinks and currymunchers do this too. Too by-the-book, not flexible and adaptable.
>germany poland czechia blue
Your map is wrong, drinking age is 16 for germany and <18 for poland and czechia
We can only dream.
Yes I know about Spain, but sex tourism is still unfortunately illegal.

Gotta find me a Japanese schoolgirl who wants to settle down early. Anyone know the best prefecture (or specific location)?
They're all faggot hall monitors
To be fair, Gen X is like that too, and they're mostly the parents of zoomers. Guess we'll see how the alphatards turn out with muhllennial parents.

I swear every generation after the silent generation are fucked.
Happy now?
>drinking age is 16 for germany
Only for beers and wines.
>disgusting American fake English
It's "infantilised", you degenerate inbreed.
I use British English AND American English as I please. Cry about it you fucking baby.
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Funny how California alone redefined this not just for the entire United States, but practically for the whole planet (or at least any part of it that cares what the US has to say).
Like, when I was growing up, we were all taught that the AoC is 16, and no one questioned it at all. But at this point, it might as well be 18, and 16-year-olds are the same as gradeschoolers, you shouldn't even talk about anything adult in their presence.
Sauce? Is thia AI?
not in my home
You niggers do realize that you have to be 18 to star in pornography right?
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Zoomers are retarded and hypocritical, they give a blind eye when artists draw pic related
Who the fuck was talking about pornography you dumb fuck
Yet you need to be 21 to drink alcohol. Why? Is fucking really the less serious of the two?
Considering you're jerking off to drawn pornography with teenagers in them, I think that takes more priority than age of consent laws
No, that's just America being extremely fucking retarded once again
See >>56653446
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That's disgusting, you're a disgrace to the human race and the glorious British empire.
Isn't Annie's entire shtick that she's a small and neotenous adult? It should have been Marie.
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>drawn pornography
Anon, I hate to break it to you, but they're not real people.
>fictional characters are more important than real people
What the actual fuck is wrong with zoomers
You might want read over what you just typed buddy cause there's no way you actually meant to say what you just posted
I only jerk off to MILFs, pedo
if any of those MILFs actually fucked you then they would be pedos
You're replying to three people to admit that you can't even get a girl your age (or younger)?

Damn anon, that's just sad. I almost feel sorry for you.

You are violating those poor women by jerking off to them against their will. That's sexual harassment. You belong in jail.
saved & based
should be 25
it's 14 here
It's weird how they latched onto Skyla with the leaks not because she's Latina but because she's 18. Like that's the thing that arouses them and not her being an exotic female.
grow up hater!!!!!!!!
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>someone should have kicked your ass
if i could time travel and kick my own ass i would
felt a bit sneaky afterwards\guilty
but i dont think it was overly rapey
she def had a crush on me beforehand
>sleeping with a woman makes you a pedophile
>references some retarded movie made for mouthbreathers\shia "fans"
are you pretending to be retarded? you better not be
will never be a furfag
furries must be made fun of\laughed at like they would have been in the 90s
i dated other people since
some more attractive, but none were as tiny as she was sadly
its not based to have children out of wedlock
i wont have kids with someone i dont trust
i wont have kids with someone i wont marry
i dont have sauce but heres another image
im not even sure where they came from honestly
somewhere on these boards months\years ago
14\15 is too young imo
i had a roommate years ago who was that young
she was dumb as a box of rocks
Pedo means someone who is sexually attracted to people under 18 and he is calling you a pedo because you want to fuck 13 years olds. And no faggot, claiming that they are "hebes" or whatever made up words that no normal people use anymore you fags come up with won't make people not call you a pedo
The age of consent might be 18, but the age of non-consensual is now
half the people in india are pedos. are they not human?????
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>barely any sex
>hurt her feelings after the fact
she got hardfucked for nearly two hours, would faint pinned on the carpet and kept regaining consciousness getting pounded- in loops..
towards the end i was "gentle" with her but basically just playing with my food.
her pussy grabbed tight & would pop\quelch\queef
the dark carpet was soaked\stained with her sweat\cum
when the sun started rising i started worrying about her family members waking up and catching us in the act

i didnt 'hurt her feelings' we still dated a few months after the fact but the economy was bad in that era & i skipped town\moved out of state.

she sent me letters for years but gradually we grew apart
This is honeestly the funniest shit to me. Normalfag coomers will see a character that looks young, but might act and be older, and call it pedo. Then they'll see a 14-year-old character, or just one they find attractive, and fall over themselves to rationalise and justify this 'exception' like saying "she has the body of an adult". It's like nah, nigga, the reason we have age of consent is for mental maturity, not physical maturity, otherwise it'd be 14 for girls and like 20 for guys
mental immaturity is hot too. see: japanese girls who act like children
There's acting like children, and actually having the mental age of a child. The former is fine, the latter is because they literally haven't been on the Earth long enough to make informed choices. That's all, technically, matters with consent and why it's usually around 16-18 years
>usually around 16-18 years
18 is pretty rare globally speaking. There are more countries that have 14 and 15
This is not an ethics debate you sperg
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Holy based
Webm related brought back memories of when one of my 5th grade teachers who I accidentally called mommy once and jokingly smacked the butt of in the middle of class diddled me on the last day of school. I talked to her about my penis getting hard and she started talking about how normal it is and that it's nornal to touch myself, then she asked to see me get hard and when I pulled my pants down she started rubbing it until I came. Then while I was in a post nut daze and she was pressing my face into her tits, the assistant teacher came back so she had to stop what she was doing and the assistant made me leave because I wouldve missed the school bus home
The youngest mother was 4
>Reverse pedophilia
I'll show you ethics

*unzips dick and pisses in your mouth*
>getting worked by CHADophilia
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lol I used to say this shit as a joke, funny to think it's actually canon
this is crazier than the leaks, what the hell
It's like a.... utopia

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