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which one will be the first third world region?

i think either brazil or mexico
We already got Unova
They already did that 21 years ago with Orre
If they didn't waste waste the previous region on Spain without the S, it likely would've been Brazil. We'll likely have to wait another decade now though. Africa is off limits until we actually learn anything about their history and the Japanese hate most Asian countries that aren't China (even then they still hate China) so we won't see anywhere there until 2054 when the war happens and the Koreas merge again

So we're sticking with Euro regions until Italy, Germany, Russia and one of the Scandinavian countries (likely Sweden or Finland) are covered. We also might return to US and cover LA properly like they intended in the leaks
Hopefully none of the latinx regions.
What if Kitakami were to become a full-fledged region, with new Pokémon, locations, and characters to boot?
I'd like to see India.
Egypt, India or a SEA country. Nintendo hates Latin america
Indonesia or China (Hong Kong)
Brazil, lots of japs there, good relations
just imagine a non island version of alola
They did Spain already.
Lmao, so many salty Latinx
Probably wrap all Latin America into one
Sar Turkey should be blue Sar
Gen 5 already had the third world rep.
italy is technically third world now
Personally I'd love to see how they'd do with Brazil, given the diversity of climates and biomes there are over there, while Mexico would be more aesthetically recognizable to an international audience. Maybe get a bit of the Andes for a colder, mountainous portion of the map?

Wasn't Orre based on Arizona or something? I remember reading something to that effect somewhere.
Arguably we already had one, with Galar. But thats just the bong inside me dying as our country continues to devour itself and spiral into clusterfuck of irrelevance
what is that first-world country right at the top of Brazil?
French Guyana, technically still part of France and, therefore, the EU.
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Why TF is China a red aka developing country?
You'll be dead before you see it. Still plenty of first world countries to whistle-stop through.
Doesn't matter, it doesn't exist to Game Freak per their universe.
It's only first world by association too, it's as shitty as the rest of south america
I honestly don't think there will ever be one.
Because it is. Practically everyone in the world (Including Xi Jingping himself) classes China as a developing country. Only the US doesn't because they dont want china to get the free shit developing countries get from developed countries.
Because 90% of the population lives in poverty, eats dogs and cots, don't act like humans, etc.
Oh. Well fug. I thought they were on par with the US though?
No matter how much China tries to be a developed nation, it always fucks up and half asses everything. Its still at heart just a tool like a plough horse to make things for more developed nations.
>I thought they were on par with the US though?
Not even close. If you're a social media cuck and think that every city in China is Chongqing, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, or Hnng Kong, yeah. But the reality is that most of China is an impoverished shit hole
Aren't rural US places also shitholes?
Its also very well known they cheat at the IQ grading too. They only take results from top universities. First world china is just a thin veneer.
You mean urban places
Sounds like Detroit
I mean like, everything outside of cities
Yeap but that's pockets of the usa vs most of china you don't see outside the cities
Oh my
A shit hole by western standards is still advanced by regular Chinese standards
Please, give us China, such a wonderful culture and some much potential.
It's the logical choice.
>French guyana
This shit is just anglo cope + UN + Japan/Korea (because honorary aryans or some shit)
Also how the fuck is Russia developed and not China?
It's the opposite.
Cities in the US have third world crime levels, the comfy places are in the countryside
You mean EU but yeah, this shit is /pol/bait, related to OP question, I want Italy.
Exactly, could make the same argument as >>56644176 for Russia.

China is on-part if not superior to them, either put both in developing or developed, but right now, it makes no sense.
What about Singapor?
Mexico has more pokemon based on it than Brazil, although I think China has even more.
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>high number of japs
>many different climates for type diversity
>they could captlize on Capybaras being meme animals
>has a ton of islands they could use for DLC locations
>full of monkeyfuckers and eaters
>historically porr salesbase for nintendo products
They're not shilling at you until you start buying their shit ronalhdinon't.
Old, outdated classification system just like 1st/2nd/3rd worlds that has been memed into meaninglessness. Nowadays, it just means "country I don't like."
As the other anon said, just like the UK, for the US the cities are the shitholes with 3rd world levels of crime and ridiculous inflation and cost of living.
The countryside of the US (And the UK on that note) is both affordable, significantly lower crime levels and gets to reap the benefits of a developed nation's infrastructure.

Its this weird catch 22 where all these original superpowers condensed and centralised a fuckton of power into their cities due to trade and production coming from them, because of their location in elation to the ocean and how they could receive shipped goods

They used that power to grow their economy in massive ways and establish themselves as the world's superpowers. And of course this wealth spread across the countryside (e.g. bumfuck nowhere in India has nothing, meanwhile bumfuck nowhere in the UK has 5G internet, power, clean water etc.)

But now the rest of the world has caught up, and these centralised cities like new york and london are dying of the self inflicted poisons of being a massive population centre in a comparatively small area, built for production rather than living.

China is following the exact same path, except they are behind countries like the US and Germany and haven't quite caught up yet, and have MASSIVE swathes of land that have not yet felt the benefits of the GDP generated by the major chinese cities. They may never, seeing as the CCP doesn't really seem to care kekw
Bric countries are in that zone of sort of developed and sort of developing. 2nd world if you will. Russia just get grouped with Europe since is near the European continent.
Neither Russia nor China is developed. Russia just keeps lying to the entire world about how much money they have to the point were they believed it themselves. And now they've been exposed as they cant even beat a tiny eastern euro shithole in a war
>self inflicted poisons
Such as?
Then why did you put that shit in the OP?
Interesting, thank you
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Argentina, it has the most biomes.
I hope they'll have Giratina for the world play lolz.
What made you think I am a huemoneky? I just posted facts like Brazil having the second highest Japanese population in the word or how capybaras are very popular animals specially in Japan where they are in quite a few zoos
It's all about Japanese appeal, you couldn't really make a Japanese area in India or Mexico the only other major thurd world countries or have that many Japanese characters
And their shithole small towns are full of druggies, tweakers, and crazies that'd shoot you for looking at them funny.
Shartmuttmerrica is third world
Why is Australia part of the north when that shit’s visibly in the south this system’s rigged as FUCK
That is now a map of 1st and 3rd world countries. Learn what words mean.
Unova already happened.
South America canonically exist though
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The main problem with living in a rural area is that if you happen to need something that requires specialization, like if you end up catching some rare disease, you're kinda screwed (they have to pay doctors a lot to move to a hospital in a rural area because most are not willing to do that)
The weird thing is that all these urban professionals vote against their own self interest. Like, you'd expect these lawyers/doctors/silicon valley guys to be like "wow I have a pretty decent life and would like to not get stabbed by a crackhead, I should not vote to release criminals from prison early or enable entire tent cities full of druggies" but for some reason they value virtue signalling more than their own safety, and that's how you end up with cities like SF where the tech nerds get stabbed by crackheads or step on infected needles

The only good answer, really tired of the random theme park country regions
Brazil because Mew and Amazon forest. Also japs love it for some reason.
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Africa was developing under European colonial rule. Development completely stopped afterwards. It's not developing, it's regressing back to a primitive state. Anybody saying otherwise is coping.
What exactly would Africans be doing today if it was never colonized?
GF should turn Kitakami into a full region. I’ve enjoyed Teal Mask.
Exploring space
They're only considered shitholes by leftoids, because they aren't diverse enough for their tastes.
>Brazil is home to the largest population of Japanese origin outside Japan
What the FUCK?
>More recently, a trend of interracial marriage has taken hold among Brazilians of Japanese descent, with the racial intermarriage rate approximated at 50% and increasing.
just like europe whenever g*rms or angl*ids seize power. Medchads need to rise up again.
>we wuz emprahs 2000 years ago n sheeeeit
pay your debts you manlet greaseballs
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>fear mongering over high crime rate
Tell me you get your information exclusively from rightoid talking heads and never look up anything yourself without telling me
They'd probably be in a similar place to India today, or maybe Brazil. I don't think anyone educated on the topic thinks they were ultra advanced at any point, but their advancement rate certainly took a massive hit. I'm talking about western Africa here by the way, the part that was hit the hardest by colonialism. Africa is a huge continent.
>common sense is that Japanese descendants are studious, disciplined, do well at school, pass the admission exams more easily and, in most cases, have great affinity for the exact science careers
That's all asians in general
H-How did you know my name?!
Calling the cops is considered racist now, so of course the numbers "went down"
It's about time Florida got a region.
No, just East Asians. Southeast Asians are like the opposite. Lazy troublemakers who get into nigger culture.
Right, forgot about that.
we already got
I think Brazil would be likely. I can also imagine GF designing a region that vaguely resembles the African continent as a whole, and a similar shot at a generic Latin America focusing on pre-Columbian civilisations and myths.
And Galar. If the region's champion is brown, it's a third-world region. The most effective metric.
I get the joke but first world is literally defined by the US, as for the tq I'd say either India or Mexico are likely
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>Calling the cops is considered racist
>Being this mentailly ill
Ah yes, the default NPC rightoid response of "d-doesnt count!" whenever someone shows your how your cult is a lying echo chamber.
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Not before California
>why is China Red
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More crime happening in blue cities, which is actually consistent with what the rest of us who are not insane leftoids are saying in this thread
They'll simplify Latin America as much as possible into a single region, perhaps designating Mexico as their DLC area.
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I agree with the other guy. I've always wanted a manatee Pokémon.
Isn't most of London's population Muslims now?
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Don't care, this is some skitzo shit, it's not even relevant to the main topic, but good lord
>Calling the cops is considered racist
My sides went to orbit, I never expected to read something so fucking deranged on /vp/ of all places.
First of all, "blue cities" don't make me laugh. Every single city is blue. Republicans only win in nowhere counties with 8 people each and lean on the electoral college to win them races.
Secondly, you realize that this graph has 0% in the middle, not at the bottom? So aside from one little spike, it actually dropped significantly after that, and the rest of the time is mostly below average?
Third, this is just homicide, not crime, which is what we were talking about.
>what is dewgong
Is that not a dugong?
Most of the US is.
The cities have rotting infrastructure, are riddled with abuse, are debt traps, and filthy. Drug use us rampant.
The rural areas are the same but with more militias and less gangs.
>The rural areas are the same but with more militias and less gangs.
If this insane cope keeps you creatures out of rural areas, I'll let it slide.
I’m fine with us being in that position. Most people and places don’t know much about us or care enough to learn and only care when something controversial happens and/or is a slow news week (E.g. Australia on fire again when the Americas are starting to get it just as bad as we are).
Well, yeah. They're very similar families. I figured the distinction wouldn't matter much.
Now that I'm seeing a direct comparison, it would be fun to have a big chunky manatee Pokemon.
Brazil, Italy, or the U.S. again
They technically did the U.S. twice already (NYC and Hawaii)
They won't do a spanish-speaking latinx country seeing as they just did spain, therefore Brazil is the only place in LatAm on the table. The Amazon rainforest is a unique geographical feature to base the region around, and while there are jungles in other countries such as Southeast Asia, the Amazon is the most iconic.
China or Russia could be fun regions but it might be safer to avoid due to politics. Maybe Gen 11 or 12, but unlikely next.
Italy is the most likely unused European country left. They've exhausted the rest of Western Europe. Germany and Scandis are too boring. Eastern Europe sans Russia is similarly boring. So the only European countries you really have left are Italy(+Greece?) and Russia. I don't think they would ever do anything from the Arab world or Indian subcontinent. Southeast Asia is possible but harder to justify when you already have Hawaii, Brazil, Hoenn, etc.
Inb4 "Sinnoh is Russia"
Also that's not keeping anyone out, no one is going because they're shitholes with nothing there.
Pokemon set in South Africa. The starting town will be Orania
japanese people have a weird fetish for Mexico and its culture so probably it.
pretty sure homocide is indeed violent crime
>the entire eastern Europe

"developed economies"? I think the term "developed economy" is just am euphemism for white countries.
Oceania is the only one I can see happening.
Are you actually retarded or just pretending.
It's not as good as it could be due to the population being mainly negroes, but the purchasing power is better than in the rest of South America thanks to French government's gibs
Slavery, cannibalism, human sacrifices, neolithic architecture of mud and straw....basically what they were doing until whitey took over in the 1880s
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>I'm talking about western Africa here by the way, the part that was hit the hardest by colonialism

You don't know jack shit about African history or colonialism.
Literally all the cities in West Africa were built by Europeans during the short lived colonial rule between 1880 and 1960.
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Btw this pic applies to every single capital (or major) city in West Africa (and pretty much all of Subsaharan Africa except Ethiopia and Somalia).
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This isn't twitter or reddit, acting smug isn't gonna get you any updoots touristfag. I can also post the murder rates in Chicago or LA if you want, but the fact of the matter is, murders have gone up, so it's not just "rightoids making stuff up"
What do you have against people just wanting to be safer? Are you a degenerate crackhead seething you can't gank people?
Literally your own graph that you posted showed a decline in murders, if you weren't too retarded to be able to read it. Plus your graph only shows one city. And I asked if you were actually retarded or not because imagining that the murder rate is analogous to the violent crime rate as if there aren't perhaps other types of violent crime that may be much more common is so stupid that I had to check.
Kek, take your pills, thanks for the laugh.
I'm surprised it wasn't already Mexico to be honest.
We already got sinnoh. That's based off of a third world nation called Russia.
One country at a time, Ivan.
Because the entire "global south" concept is a load of horseshit meant to sow division along specific lines. Any nuclear power being classified as "developing" is laughable.
There’s already a region based on the uk.
We already got (first world country that I'm calling third world as an insult)
Texas obviously they want to stop the evil Jews from controlling the weather with their space laser.
The most popular Irish name among new borns is Muhammad so the British must step up their game and convert to Islam.
So high and mighty, fucking Americans.
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Russia is 1st world, nigger
>the Japanese hate most Asian countries that aren't China (even then they still hate China) so we won't see anywhere there until 2054 when the war happens and the Koreas merge again
The extent of Japanese racism is heavily overstated on this website because /pol/ likes to idolize Japan as their based model ethnostate but in reality it's mostly confined to the older generations, the youth are very progressive and they all listen to K-pop and watch K-dramas. I would not be surprised to see a Chinese or Korean region in the near future.
>The weird thing is that all these urban professionals vote against their own self interest. Like, you'd expect these lawyers/doctors/silicon valley guys to be like "wow I have a pretty decent life and would like to not get stabbed by a crackhead, I should not vote to release criminals from prison early or enable entire tent cities full of druggies" but for some reason they value virtue signalling more than their own safety, and that's how you end up with cities like SF where the tech nerds get stabbed by crackheads or step on infected needles

It's because they actually live in San Francisco and understand that homeless people are not a real danger despite how Fox News fearmongers over it to hicks in Oklahoma.
Russia is 2nd world, dumbass. "1st world" doesn't just mean "a rich country".
Only strictly in terms of total economic output, and even then they lag the US economy by about 40%. They have a handful of developed cities along the coast and some decently-developed ones in the interior, the rest of the country is shockingly poor by developed standards.
Going by their economy is stupid because it would mean no country on earth is "developed". China is just poor as shit because they have corrupt authoritarianism leadership that sucks up all the money for themselves, and refuses to develop the western half of the country that is technologically 300 years behind the rest of the world.
only vaguely related but it's funny to me how these are twitter filenames
at this point 4chan and modern twitter are basically just the same thing, which certainly explains the absolute state of every /v/-adjacent board
>Literally all the cities in West Africa were built by Europeans during the short lived colonial rule between 1880 and 1960.
>I'll prove this by posting pictures of cities existing pre-colonisation
The fact you can recognize what is a twitter filenames means you're part of the problem
>villages of neolithic straw huts are "cities"

Nigga (lol) please....
They're large collections of people permanently settled in a single location with division of labour. Those are cities. City does not mean "big fancy stone castle".
They had iron. You don't know what you're talking about.
>They're large collections of people permanently settled in a single location
Calling them "large" is reaching.
None of the settlements mentioned in the pics above had more than 5,000 inhabitants in the late 19th century.
Even Timbuktu, the largest and most architecturally impressive city in the region, counted a mere 4,000 inhabitants in 1894.

>with division of labour
They didn't have this, that's precisely why they never evolved past primitive huts.
Each individual had to build and maintain his own hut by himself, which took a great amount of time that couldn't be put in developing other activities.

>They had iron
Which they didn't use as construction material in any way.
Archicture-wise, they remained neolithic.
Considering Spain a first world country is quite a stretch.

I think geographically Argentina has more material to be a region. More than Spain at least.

But I think Greece or Italy are a good guess for Gen 10
Holy cope... We are reaching levels of "d-doesn't count!!" that shouldn't be possible...
Villages of primitive huts are never "cities" and no amount of copium will change this fact.
Late 19th century Subsahran Africa had no cities and was extremely backward, both when compared to the rest of the world (Europe, Asia, the Americas...) in the same era and when compared to Subsahran Africa in the 1960s, after 80 years of European rule.
This is fact, anything else is cope.
Keep coping. "D-doesn't count unless it's THESE materials a-and THIS headcount and uhh uhhhh.... a-and THOSE technologies!!"
Your narrow and ad hoc definition of a city would leave out Machu Pichu, Gobekli Tepe, Memphis, and even ancient London. Educate yourself before you speak, everyone else can see you're just reaching to justify a bias.
I have a coworker like that whom I'm teaching right now. He's quite insecure and is trying to outman everyone and makes disrespectful remarks and I don't know if he's acting retarded on purposes to try to be funny or if he's being genuinely retarded. HELP, what can I do? I really don't know how to deal with someone like that. It's like the only winning move is not to play.
India will reign over the world and the Pokeworld.
Wouldn't be surprised if it was Vietnam/Malaysia/SEA country mix, or Egypt. Or China.

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