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Spotlight Edition.
Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread question: Come up with an interview hosted by your OC.
>Thread task: Victory lap! Post some of your favorite artwork of your OC from the past ten months and say hello to your newest fans.

>/tog/ archives

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls [NEWBIE-FRIENDLY CREATION TABLES WITHIN]:

>I don't know how to draw!
Picrew links, Sprite-making programs and resources, and AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials and Drawing Program Downloads:

Previous thread: >>56557592
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Handful of posts from last thread.
First of all...

The second Community Booster Pack starts NOW!

Take Pokémon to the next level: the Xth Level!
With LV.X cards, gain new abilities and attacks to turn the tides of battle in your favour!
MEGA Pokémon also return as LV.X cards!

>Use https://pokecardmaker.net/creator to create your cards.

>Access the recently-expanded Schizo Resource Pack here for backgrounds provided by the Archivist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15yLgfXZUNxehHv79cBMEk5M8dueHg_9e?usp=sharing

>Edit your background/card style with https://www5.lunapic.com/editor/

>Submit your cards here: https://forms.gle/rinJ5WeXFW25GQva7

Submissions end December 11th, all rules and resources included in form link!

>You can read about them and how they work here: https://files.catbox.moe/0vg83h.png
>Mega Pokémon will be reintroduced as LV.X cards also, be sure to place the following rulebox on the left just under the image border: https://files.catbox.moe/h63wnz.png
>Example of a regular LV.X card: https://files.catbox.moe/1bz70x.png
>Example of a MEGA LV.X card: https://files.catbox.moe/pj4cms.png
>To create a LV.X card, select the Sword/Shield Base Set type, and under Subtype select LV.X
>Look at existing LV.X cards here: https://pkmncards.com/level/x/
>HP limit is 210.
>Replace the SV1 tag in the bottom left with TOG2

Don't be afraid to post any cards you're happy with here too for the thread to look at.
Second post:
CIRCE's Theme: Black Roses
C - https://litter.catbox.moe/54t4ew.mp3
E - https://litter.catbox.moe/z32jyh.mp3
F - https://litter.catbox.moe/x140j1.MP3

Counting up the votes on Thursday, other choices that don't win are still eligible to be reused as a theme "remix". Currently we're stuck at a tie.
And finally...
Who are you giving candy to?
What kind of candy?
How has Circe not been arrested for public indecency yet?
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I feel like I didn't really put any thought into Ivy's outfit and just slapped her in as an after thought, so I whipped this up just now for those of you who maybe wanted something more substantial.
>This would look so good on canvas hanging on a wall.
I'd hang you on a wall and admire you all day if I could, thanks anon <3
Late one rainy night, as a young boy lay in bed, he heard it—the soft squelch of something wet outside his bedroom window. He pulled the covers tighter, hoping it was just the wind. But then, a whisper of a voice cut through the silence, and his heart pounded in his chest.

Curiosity got the better of him, and the boy peeked through the curtains. A pale face stared back, hovering just beyond the glass. She had long, tangled green hair, soaked and dripping with thick, black slime. Her eyes were wide and empty, and the slime clung to her like living vines.

Terrified, he leapt back from the window and hid under his covers. But that same night, and every night after, she returned—always watching, always closer.

Soon, she wasn't outside anymore. The young boy would catch glimpses of her in the mirror, lurking in the dark corners of his room. He heard her footsteps, slow and wet, creeping toward his bed when he was too scared to sleep. He would shut his eyes tight, wishing her away, but each night, she grew bolder.

One evening, the boy raced down the hall to tell his parents after seeing her once again, the lights flickered out. The air grew cold, and he felt the presence behind him. Turning slowly, he saw her standing at the end of the hallway, her hands slick with oozing slime. She moved toward him, her ghoulish green eyes locked onto his.

Desperate, the boy backed into a corner, trembling. The girl was inches away now, her sickly green hair dripping onto the floor, a thick puddle of slime forming at her feet.

And then, with a strange tilt of her head and a quiet, eerie smile, she leaned close and whispered...
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Kid's gonna become a man this Hallooween.
Kek now that I read it over, it does read like that
Ah well
Goodnight lads, cast your vote for Circe's theme if you haven't already
Well, in your defense, lots of candies leave things slimy and sticky so, innuendo or not, is a good short seasonal story.
Have a nice rest!
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where do i even start
i bet there are already a million and two ghost trainers with goth vibes around right
what would be some good gimmicks to start with and build upon from
We have so many fucking Ghost Trainers.
But we always have room for more.
Start with the
>I don't know how to make a character!
Bit disappointed Merumo didn't get the OP nomination but it's pretty fitting in a way. It was Koa's idea to put Azelie as the OP image after the Z-A reveal, now she's back for the second major happening of the year.
Sorry Wolke anon.
We need an artfriend to trace this image with one of our ghost girls
>i bet there are already a million and two ghost trainers with goth vibes around right
Yes and they're all precious
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>Koa's idea
Woah what? That wasn't me. I haven't posted in an hour or two. I`m trying to come up with an interview. I had zero input on the OP, I don't really care for that.
No, not this one, goof; the one back in February. When tourists thought Azelie was leaked content and our archive IP count doubled overnight.
Thanks for that, by the way. That was seriously clutch.
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>Thread Question
Emily's kinda too asocial to go out of her way to interview anyone, so--
>Thread Task
I got this commission recently. Some details are wrong though cause it finally getting done was met with constant fucking speedbumps. Never gonna commission that artist again desu. New Emily reference sheet from the same artist as the first ref sheet will likely come in like a month or so since I am gonna be discussing each part of it with the artist step by step like I did the first one.
I need the names of all our goth OCs for a popularity poll
Hasumi, Wolke, Grym, Circe...who else?
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!!!! i'm so glad you followed through with pawmot it's mad fucking cute here! the scenery is absolutely gorgeous, i'm printing this out and putting it above my desk to look at when the work day gets rough. 1000/10. glad you liked my take on the thread task too
this is a look pulled right out of a magazine! she looks great here, the coat design is especially cool with its layering, fucking peak as always
i expect everyone else to post creepypasta, due on my desk by the end of the week
>i bet there are already a million and two ghost trainers with goth vibes around right
yes and i demand more. don't fret about stepping on other people's toes and just roll with the ideas you've got. if you're really pressed for ideas though, we have more perky goths than actual doom and gloom types
>tourists thought Azelie was leaked content
Did that happen? I unironically just proposed her because she's from Kalos. Lucky coincidence.

Oh hey, Emilyanon! It's been a while. What's up?
I've been here the whole time, just wasn't posting any pictures. Also been procrastinating INSANELY HARD on Chapter 3.
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not sure if i'll be able to come up with an interview but i'm always prepared to shill my own art, so here's some of the nicer stuff that's been put together over the course of these threads.....plus some animations that have to be linked instead (some of these have audio so mind your volume)

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I genuinely dislike most things I make but I hate this the least. Also I lost the Luke camping picture when my computer reset.
Good choice.
Camping Luke is in the archives along with the musical version.
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forgot I made this trainer ID. was fun to make, might replace the AI art with something good after I've improved.
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found it
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last one
That's pretty solid for something made by the Bingbot. I'd recommend using that as a reference image while you practice those drawing techniques I outlined the other day. The face is nice and simple and the eyes have that strong \| motif that we're looking for.
I have a few ideas I have yet to draw but lemme run them you fucks

I wanna make gym leaders that focus on mechanics over simple monotypes, and so far I have

-Type Match-up Gym leader that has Protean/Libero Sprigatito, Scorbunny, or Froakie that depends on your starter

-Ability Gym Leader that runs Contrary Shell Smash Shuckle & Shedinja

-Doubles/Speed Control Gym that either runs Rain/Swift Swim Pokémon & Bruxish or a Maid/Butler that runs Psychic Surge Trick Room Indeedee & After You users

I can only think of some sort of RPS/Janken them for the first guy and the Maid/Butler for the trick room guy, but the rain & bug guy have me stumped atm
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Paldea Uber Alles (Dead Kennedys Cover)

>I am CSO Jacinto Franco
>I'm a hack and a fucking crank-o
>Soon I will be head of state
>Champion Geeta will soon go away
>I will be Caudillo one day
>I will command all of you
>Your kids will all cram in school
>Your kids will all cram in school

>Paldea, Uber Alles
>Paldea, Uber Alles
>Uber Alles, Paldea
>Uber Alles, Paldea

>Corporate fascists will control you
>One hundred percent all legal
>You will jog for the master race
>And always wear the happy face
>Close your eyes, can't happen here
>Big Bro on white Rapidash is near
>The Empire won't come back, you say
>Work it up or you will pay
>Work it up or you will pay

>Paldea, Uber Alles
>Paldea, Uber Alles
>Uber Alles, Paldea
>Uber Alles, Paldea

>Now it is 2024
>There's a knock at your front door
>It's the new corporate secret police
>They've come for your fat lazy niece
>Come quietly to the camp
>You'd look nice as a drawstring lamp
>Don't you worry, it's only a shower
>For your clothes, here's a pretty flower
>Die on Glimmora poison gas
>Sandaconda egg's already hatched
>Your life will be brought to a decrescendo
>When you mess with Senor Franco
>When you mess with Senor Franco

>Paldea, Uber Alles
>Paldea, Uber Alles
>Uber Alles, Paldea
>Uber Alles, Paldea
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Always nice to see more fan content!
I wrote this from Alex's perspective but it probably works pretty well from Phos's perspective as well especially since she's canonically into punk rock
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I kinda want to try an interview before bed... wait a sec... maybe...
Wolke had been featured twice in the OP in the last 4 threads, so trying to mix it up.
But who doesn't love more Wolke and friends?
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>lemme run them you fucks
Okay, okay, you can run them. Sheesh.
>bug guy
Literally just take a bug maniac and give him some distinct features. A spider web pattern shirt or a hairstyle resembling Shedinja/Ninjask's ninja hat. Entomologists are all colossal dorks, you've seen one, you've seen their entire wardrobe.
Wake vest for waterskiing. Gotta go fast.
Whoa, shit, really? Fair nuff, then.
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Feel free to take Koa's interview!

Your character is on the path to the new Dragon trial in the Vast Poni Canyon, and they come across Koa. How will the meeting go?


The bug guy hit me immediately after posting, its a bit oxymoronic, but as Shuckle and Shedinja have a "shell" focus, maybe the guy could be an outdoorsy kinda NEET type that hides in a sleeping bag 24/7, but later on they could ditch the bag after they discover some confidence and take on more of a butterfly look
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Ah this takes me back but I feel like questions like this should be reserved for our first anniversary thread
Only real niggas remember who this is (I think this is like one of two or three times he ever actually got drawn)
I love the way you shade your art but I can't put my finger on the way to describe it. It's... satin? Shiny? Gradiated?
Posting my updated OC info for anyone that didn’t see it last thread!

TLDR= Eva, a Trainer who lives in a village near the Sinjoh Ruins. She comes from a long line of "Stagekeepers", basically devouts of Hisuian descent who are "chosen" by the Almighty Sinnoh to be caretakers of the Mystri Stage and high-speakers of the Almighty Sinnoh's word. Eva is the 341st among the Stagekeepers. However, this role has become more of a curse rather than a blessing, as Eva was "gifted" with the power to hear the voices of the legendary Pokemon given birth to by the Almighty Sinnoh, only problem being she hears them constantly and she can’t turn it off.
One day, Eva lost her best friend to an avalanche during a pilgrimage, and fell into deep despair because of it. Throwing away her role as a Stagekeeper, Eva now curses the name of the Almighty Sinnoh and wanders the entire world in search of a way to being her friend back. She would do ANYTHING to achieve this goal,including putting people, Pokemon, or even the entire world at risk!

PERSONALITY= Eva is very antisocial and frequently butts into other people's business. She's both cold and cruel, having a deep-sated hatred for the deities she once worshipped, and/or for those who worship them, along with those who get in the way of her despairing pilgrimage. Despite such negative and malicious traits, Eva's pretty kind and well-mannered with other people, so long as they stay out of her business.

>Eva is the 341st among the Stagekeepers.
Does Eva have a Corphish on her team?
I can't remember any other goths honestly
Wolke isn't even a goth, she's just obsessed with Ghost types
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Oh you better believe I'm doing something special for this one. Give me a few minutes.
Yeah, I'm surprised. There's tons of ghost trainers and people with Banette or Mimikyu (and Mawile) but not very many other actual goths.
Charlotte and off-the-clock Iono are kind of an inbetweener case, I guess? More just general dirty kid vibes, really.
>Post some of your favorite artwork
Not mine, of course, but this is the drawing that started all of this and it would be remiss of me not to repost it after mentioning it earlier. The piece of art that was simply too perfect to sit on the sidelines and allow it to be forgotten:
Ruka-anon! Good to see you again. I’m about to turn in after posting my interview template, but it’s always neat to see all of you guys after a while.
>Not mine, of course
NOT mine. Of course?
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>Not mine, of course
It’s 3:45 AM and I’m retarded.
So I guess Hasumi, Circe and Grym then?
I could have sworn we had like at least 5 or 6 goths.
Aaaand time.
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For reference
Here I am laying in bed realizing I never bothered to answer my own thread task.
I'll do it in the morning.
Have a good night!
How would she feel about Luke? He protects Azelf in a post lake Valor explosion Sinnoh
So I've kinda been paying zero attention for the past week, what's the current thread projects/going-ons of the moment?
There's your chapter 3, EiF coming to a close (not soon, but we are reaching the final point), Alex has finally started to decide if it should drop a chapter or if he should make it a part 1/part 2 thing, the new booster pack is coming, and bibianon should have something for Halloween.
I think that's all there is. And if I forgot something, you guys can call me a dummy.
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I admittedly haven't even started chapter 3, I've been procrastinating THAT hard about it
>booster pack thing
Ugh, I should get around to that but I also am feeling too lazy uuuugh
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>Thread question: Come up with an interview hosted by your OC.
I might come up with an Ivy interview, what better way to put off on your writing than with more writing?
>Thread task: Victory lap! Post some of your favorite artwork of your OC from the past ten months and say hello to your newest fans.
It's been such a great time here in /tog/, really glad to have found a creative outlet like this :)

You always make me blush bibi-anon <3
>glad you liked my take on the thread task too
I didn't just like it, I loved it- seriously so good.
Such a good use of this meme format
If you're ever not around to shill your art you can always count on me to do so cuz wow, just look at all of this. The Bibi vs Ruka piece is prob my favorite, it just sticks out in my memory from when I first started posting to /tog/. That and the story ruka-anon made was really cool, an amazing collab. I don't think I've seen the art in the bottom right before, but wow- the three of them look so awesome. What did I do to be blessed with 2 amazing alto looks in one day?

I think every artist is always hard on themselves. I truthfully love your ms paint luke drawings and I'm always so happy to see you post new ones every now and then. They're really some of my favorites

>crystal shards music
hooooly this is amazing, thank you so much for this! Pop star stage 2 is exactly the vibe I was going for and the animated leaf effects you added looks awesome. I'm truly blessed <3
This pic makes want an Emily version. Her, her fluffy hair, and her big black shirt. I wonder if it should have a pack of juice or a can of soda.
Huh, we hit 7 just now. I guess things are calming down.
Or is just poképhiles during their refractory period. They SHOULD eat the berries. Fruits are good for your health, your body, and your endurance. Remain healthy boys.
I awaken briefly
Love it!
I'm stull surprised that Midori ranked SECOND in the popularity poll, beating even Grym. Her influence grows, and the myaa-posting gives her power...
Speaking of BEWWIES, we need more item and tool cards for this /tog/ booster.
Still on vacation so I can't do a full collage but I was really proud of how this came out. Not quite sugomori but it still evokes it.
Haha gothic lolita counts right ?>>56645621
I still feel honored for all the super good Ruka pics you did. Your rendering is always so good.
I still feel honored that my pic inspired you so much. Sorry I haven't done much on this level of quality since. Takes me a while.
Nice to see you too!
I often think of other /tog/ characters to have ruka battle. I think ivy would be super fun.
Cool. Fighting Rita and Ruka would be fun.
A gym leader that just fights you
I try to keep a positive outlook to the stuff I make. I think the only thing I can say with any certainty that I'm actually proud of is my ability to craft and run trrpg campaigns people actually want to play.

MS Paint Luke is fun to draw, even if it's a comfort zone. They're pretty neat and I'm glad you like them so much.
MS Paint Luke could be Luke drawing in his little notepad, being all cool and innocent. Is really neat.
Oh good Ruka-anon was there anyway lol

>wake up
>no one did my interview

It’s over… Alola has fallen… billions must do Z Move dances…

I joke (no obligation to do it lol) but drawing a Koa chud might be funny
Isn't this that annoying cunt from /xivg/ on vg
Who? She is Emily, you must have the wrong guy.
One last bump before going to bed. See you later, guys.
Woah, close.
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I've been missing so much stuff that I wanted to comment on, aaahh... Like >>56642647 has such beautiful colors, >>56625989 is so nice and cozy, >>56598021 and the perfect faces...

All's good. OP image deserved it!

So we answer the questions posted by the other anons or we only do the host side?

This may sound mean but I really like the one with Miko crying. It's so emotional, I just wanna hug him. Was there a story behind it?
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You too.
>Pop star stage 2 is exactly the vibe I was going for
Pop Star stage 2 is the only--and I do mean the only--reason why Autumn is remotely tolerable for me. Cheers, bud.
>we need more item and tool cards for this /tog/ booster
I'm working on it.
>Sorry I haven't done much on this level of quality since. Takes me a while.
You can't rush perfection, just enjoy your vacation.
We'll get there when we get there!
Thanks for being so sporting. Fun fact: if you look reaallly closely at Azelie's lower lip, you can see the infamous strawberry lip gloss that I certainly didn't mention back in September.
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Eva’d most likely be conflicted with that!
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This was always one that stood out to me in the archives. I think all your work is amazing and I especially love the sugimori style you accomplished here. I'm not as familiar with Rita as I am Ruka, is she Ruka's rival from Unova who has a Gothorita? Or am I confusing her with someone else?
>I think ivy would be super fun.
Ivy did spend her college years in Kanto, maybe the two crossed paths at some point in Saffron or Celadon. I'd imagine they'd click well and go shopping afterwards or something.
>A gym leader that just fights you
Ivy if she were a gym leader
If it's any consolation, I plan on filling out the Koa interview later when I have some free time. I know it's not necessarily "canon", but I just need to think up a plot hook for why Ivy or Miko would be in Alola. Most likely for vacation.
>So we answer the questions posted by the other anons or we only do the host side?
For the TQ, you'd only be doing the host side. Koa-anon's interview or Alex's interview are good examples of this.
If you were filling out someone else's interviews, you'd be answering the questions posed by the host. the /tog/ writefaggotry pastebin in the OP has some good examples of this under "[Furia, Community Contributions]:" or "OCs dream of Furia, featuring Raphael Cervantes:"
>This may sound mean but I really like the one with Miko crying.
Haha, no worries- I like it too for the same reason. I'm not the best at portraying emotions, so I was happy with how that one came out.
>Was there a story behind it?
Someone came up with the prompt that "[picrel] stole your OC's ace, how would they react?" and in Miko's case he would understandably just cry while his other overprotective Pokemon would try and get it back for him.
Wow this is such a pretty scene, I love how all the cute details make it so lively.
>why Autumn is remotely tolerable for me.
Can I ask why Autumn is so rough? How do you feel about the other seasons?
The chorus of legendary voices is a pretty interesting concept that can go in a lot of different directions. Is it a bestial chatter of "Hungry," "Thirsty," "Mad," "Sleepy," "MAD," "Fruit? Are you fruit?" "MAD," "Don't look at me."
Or do they have much more complex thoughts and motivations? If this is the case, you've got a serious challenge ahead of you if you plan to actually delve into what it means to hear their voices--you're not just writing one character, you're writing many.
In a similar example we can cite, the Malkavians from the World of Darkness tabletop series are a vampire clan of incredibly gifted oracles. But they're all pulling their visions of the future from the same source, so the information they get comes out as garbled schizophrenic nonsense because the advice they receive might have been intended for another Malkavian on another continent. This causes the Malks to act really irrationally as they try to make sense of all the conflicting prophecies they're tuning into.
At any rate, the voices go a long way towards justifying being a grump because either end of the spectrum would be equally intolerable to have to deal with.
I really like the idea of her being antisocial and also a busybody.
>I WILL sort out your problems.
>You WILL be grateful for it.
It's a fun dynamic, and helps keep her likable even if she's villainous.
I do not like the switch to Hatterene, for the simple fact that she doesn't fit thematically. Hatterene is a mind reader that gets agitated by the strong emotions that she can't tune out. Very relatable for Eva, but it begs the question: why would they ever want to be around each other? If the voices are intolerable for Eva, it would be magnitudes worse for Hatterene. Clefable, by comparison, is an isolated mon that needs quiet in order to thrive. You see where I'm going with this?
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>Can I ask why Autumn is so rough?
It's nothing too dramatic, really, but I'll play it up for a laugh. I'm a summer fae. To me, Autumn heralds the ending of a year and the passage of time in all the worst possible ways. Life wanes, the days grow shorter, the vibrant colors of yesterday's natural tapestry are reduced to a sea of dull brown. Driving anywhere responsibly becomes an exercise in anxiety. Is that a living creature bounding across the road or is it just another leaf on the wind? As we struggle for purpose in life, what greater insult is there than the simple act of raking leaves? Your precious dwindling hours of daylight are invested in doing yardwork, and all of your efforts are rendered completely futile for you to do it all again the next day. And the next day. And the next, until in all its uninvited obstinance, winter arrives to blot out the sun and smother the world in cold, grey death for the next five months. Autumn is the decay before stagnancy, it's the very antithesis to life itself.
Oh yes, how I've come to hate Autumn.
An energy drink for sure. I'd probably commission the idea at some point in the future but for now Emily's new ref sheet is still being worked on.
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Anyone that doesn't vibe with Autumn kino is big gay.
>Archivist is a summerfaggot
I greatly appreciate the criticism! Lotta valid stuff-

* I think it could be the former, in the sense that Eva has no idea how to turn them off and they all cram into her head one after the other, driving her mad. Latter sounds VERY interesting to implement, so I'll keep that in mind in case I *really* wanna delve deep into that!

* I guess you're right on that! I always thought the idea of Hatterene on the team would be fitting as a manifestation of Eva's current personality, considering how violent-natured it seems to be. I'll leave that bit of symbolism to Hydreigon then, being her Ace and all.
Autumn gang >:)
We love pumpkins, we love leaves, we love the reds and yellows and browns, we love gray skies
This was beautiful. Despite the decay you speak of, I think the vibrancy and explosion of color Autumn brings is something to be admired. Like one last hurrah, the warm fire colors invoke feelings of coziness before, what I consider to be the real enemy, Winter strips it all away.

I'm also a summer fag. Like a plant, I also crave and function in sunlight and the short, dark, and gray days of winter are just so depressing. It should be illegal for it to be dark outside at 3pm.
I also think about how OCs battling and my PTU brain thinks up class combinations for a lot of em.

Would definitely make for an interesting meeting
NTA. Everything good in the world is purely temporary, bemoaning the transience of the good things is a fool's mindset. Embrace the actual message set out by Gen 6's entire plot line.
I hate the reds, yellows, and browns. They all need to go back to where they came from.
TA. Bemoaning the bemoaning of transience is a fool’s mindset. It is perfectly normal and natural to lament the fact that good things do not last forever.
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Your mom be moaning my name
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Is this somehow surprising to you?
See me, I'm a winterfag.
Hate the heat, me. I sleep so much better when it's colder, and I'd much rather try and keep warm at night than try to keep cool at night.
But autumn mogs summer and winter both.
Winter gang >:) we love the cold, we love the short days, we love the snow

(I just genuinely love all seasons because nature is cool and I'm often in awe of the world around me)
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As for me? I’m a spring guy. The weather is balanced, it’s generally a pretty cheery time and my birthday happens in April, so it fits. I still remember when you guys found out how old I am lmao
I ended up going to bed. And I've just been lazy in general. I am a bit iffy on if I should answer it though since I don't wanna set anything in stone since after Kalos in the fic I am dragging my feet on atm, she WILL be in Alola on something of a vacation arc where she ends up caught up in the major events of SM/USUM but takes it more as an "adventure for fun" rather than as seriously as she does the current enemy she's facing in Kalos in the story atm.
Just make it non-canon, that’s what most people will probably do anyway. That’s what people almost always do with these things
Looking it over, I have no idea how to go about the last part considering Emily's rather...unique...standing on things.
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Holy shit, a remix of one of my character themes has not only overtaken Grym's theme in the first 24 hours alone, but also DWARFED the original theme of the character. (Remix has 356 views, original has 64)
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Busy busy busy, never a moment to catch my breath.
I'm stepping out for a bit to make some salsa with my Mexican friends (not a euphemism), I'll be back later.
Congratulations, bud, you should buy me a drink to celebrate. I'll be dumping a few more cards for you when I get back.
If you want help with that… I think Mo-o wouldn’t dislike Emily. Yeah, Koa and Emily might have disagreements, but Mo-o can tell that Emily wants to do good in her own way. That’s not something he’d snarl at.
Hmm...btw have you read the 2 chapters I finally got off my ass and put out? Chapter 2 was a bit of a mess format-wise but I think the input I got from it will make Chapter 3 much better.
I’ve had some university work yesterday and today but I’ll sit down to read it all while I try to patch up my own writing. Congrats on having finished things, BTW!
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Speaking of cards, how's this for a new Midori card?
I feel like confusion is a more fitting status for this. Poison might give off the impression that she smells bad... unless she does.
Oh, that makes more sense. Thanks!
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There we go
Sh**n's doing his rounds again.i have his images and his catchphrases filtered, so I won't see them but just a heads up.
Do you think 10 jalapeños, 6 hungarian waxes, 5 habaneros and a carolina reaper will be enough material for a jar of salsa?
Would Polara be considered a goth girly since her ace is a ghost type? What about the poison specialist girl who's always sick and wears a mask? What's the criteria here?
Hmm... I don't think so.
Not even a pastel goth style, really.
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>I'm not as familiar with Rita as I am Ruka, is she Ruka's rival from Unova who has a Gothorita? Or am I confusing her with someone else?
You nailed it. I haven't drawn of written much about her in a while cuz I wanted to focus on Ruka before fleshing out other chsracters more.
Basically she moved to kanto when she was younger, because her dad had work in lavender town. Due to being a lover of gothic and occult stuff she thought she'd fit right in, only to find that lavender town has since abandoned its more creepy roots in favor of a more peaceful radio tower. Because of this She hates kanto and wants to go back to unova. She hates ruka's lackidaisy attitude and vapid materialism. (The irony being that she herself buys expensive makeup and outfits to maintain her gothic Lolita aesthetic.)
She uses mostly ghost,psychic and dark pokemon.
>Progress Report
Second fight scene is finished, I am now writing the buildup to the climax. I'm not super motivated to write today, so I'm probably just going to finish this up tomorrow and Friday. Barring some total bullshit or a complete lack of motivation, this should be ready to go next thread (a word of advice: only ever set goals that you are certain that you can achieve, otherwise you will fail). Then I'll write out the Koa interview. Truthfully, I want to start writing it right now, but I don't want to get on a sidetrack of a sidetrack. If everything goes smoothly, I'm going to finally start working on Black Blaze again on Monday, likely releasing sometime in December and then take a break from writing for the rest of the year to mull over how and if I should begin to write Alex's (extremely long) story or just resign myself to permanently writing one-shots. I was going to put this matchup to a vote, but now I think I'm just going to go with the first and most prominent thing that I've had on my mind. But this does beg another question. Someone told me a few threads ago that they don't think any one character has a claim on Pokemon-themed attire, and to that I say, are you sure? I still feel "unclean" about doing this, so you know what that means. Outfit design suggestions welcome (I can't draw them, only write them out)
>thread lasts six days
>seven days
>six days
>three days
>leak happens, emergency overdrive, thread archived after four days
>on track for another four days
You can't really fault yourself for missing the deadline on that one.
>are you sure?
Yes, pendejo, I'm still sure.
>Pokemon-themed attire
Yes we are sure. Even in the official canon there are multiple characters with Pokémon-inspired outfits. Go for it.
Which to me is really funny, because I thought Alex looked down upon anyone who dressed "strange".
Okay so I've encountered two minor setbacks.
The first is that I have to now come up with a new jacket for Alex in Trespasser and edit some more detail into the one he wears in Carving Up Human Souffle.
The second one is that the filehost I normally use has been down recently, so I have to migrate all of the hyperlinked images to Catbox now.
There's a world of difference between a hoodie based off of a Sharpedo (that's what I'm concerned I'm ripping off) and shit like this. What kind of person wears this shit?
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>hoodie based off of a Sharpedo
Is this your oil tycoon bro?
someone who's not afraid to serve massive cunt
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I genuinely forgot this was 4chan for a moment, I'm pretty sure you and I are the only ones who know what this phrase means
What exactly are you going for, anyway? Legit a hoodie like >>56661684?
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ty! i guess shiny probably works
if you've got no fans left that means i'm dead brother. don't think i caught the drum one before but i've never felt so grateful to see such an aghast fantina
neat ideas. as for the rain leader? maybe some super ornate parasol? if you make her a girl you can have the theme extend to the cut of her dress too. or go for a newscaster sorta look
i wonder if nyx counts? i mix up her styles a bit but her outfits are always mostly black, though maybe she's a little more punk than goth
lovely animation!
get this shit in louvre pronto. i'm happy i've left just as much an impression on you as you have on me anon
likewise, i was super honored you chose to write up a battle between our ocs. i've always found your work and aesthetics super inspiring, so really i have to thank you for bringing out the best in me. hope you're taking it easy!
i swear i'm on it king but the crushing gears of overtime keep me from writing
2/2. fucking spam filter
cheers to cold weather! i get where people are coming from on spring and summer but i've always felt way more comfort in the chill and gloomy skies of winter and fall
heart hands wolke for the soul....as for the interviews just write up one/answer others from an ocs perspective
seconding this opinion. pokemon themed clothes are a series staple, go nuts
levels paralleled only by ivy's incredibly inspired heeled crocs
No, just a jacket, unless you have a legitimate suggestion for a hoodie but not like >>56661684
Alex would kill himself before wearing an anthro hoodie, more like something that just vaguely resembles one of his mons, I actually have the first jacket mostly down, it's the second one that I'm struggling to replace because it's built around a rather basic design, a black leather jacket with a white band shirt and black jeans with a black face covering, you know the look
I really don't understand what you guys are doing to get hit by all these spam filters.
No idea. Maybe some mod change a few parameters before leaving the crew just to fuck with everyone.
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I just had the most brilliant idea.
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This wasn't my brilliant idea, but I figured I'd post it anyway.
I hate not using lineart.
Then what is your brilliant idea?
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I was wracking my brain wondering how I'd set the scene for Koa's crossover. Phos wouldn't be an option, Franco was... kinda doable, maybe. He had a few flimsy excuses to be on scene, but then again he's already 3:3 on the crossovers. Azelie on vacation? It would be kinda funny to have her Gardevoir turn Kommo-o's Fighting/Dragon cloaca inside out with a black hole, but she's also had a lion's share of attention lately.
And as I was shading the underside of Torchic's wings, I was struck by a sudden realization: There's another character I forgot about who would be perfect for Alola's setting.
Throwing a dart on the board at random but, would it be Franco's assistant? The girl I forgot her name, but was with him during his initial Area Zero scouting.
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hikigaya hachiman

he hates nice girls
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Not quite. Ida's like a lovestruck puppy always following her boss around.
Nah, it's someone else. You'll sea what I mean in the morning, I'm too sleepy to hit the booze right now.
Ooh, I really love the brush stroke technique you used on that Mega energy.
So what's his story?
>So what's his story?
Well if MyAnimeList is anything to go by "an apathetic high school student with narcissistic and semi-nihilistic tendencies. He firmly believes that joyful youth is nothing but a farce, and everyone who says otherwise is just lying to themselves."
My naive and trusting nature was deceived...
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Marina (Water-type Gym Leader)
Title: The Hoennian Diver
Love the kimono. Very cute
Cool gen. City view, autumn road. Is nice.
Gonna end up flooding my folder with a bunch of these by the end of it all.
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I think this one turned out pretty well.
Hey newfriend, there's no need to be modest. If you want to introduce your character, it would help if you told us more about them. If you're unsure about the details, there's plenty of links in the OP to help guide you along.
I agree, that's the best one we've seen in ages.
Can she surf too?
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Cutting early the usual crap, Brendoombro I got something for thee. Hope you don't have any peanut allergies
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Why the fuck does the chick on the left look like debbie from american dad?
Anna's annas
Circe's theme is ready, with F having won the poll.
Gonna upload it tonight.
47 cards have been accepted for the booster so far!
Keep 'em coming. You have plenty of time.
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Which Type is currently the most used? Which ones are the least used?
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Today's ITEM card is...
Functioning as a much more malicious version of Phantom Forces' ROBO-SUBSTITUTE (https://pkmncards.com/card/robo-substitute-team-flare-gear-phantom-forces-phf-102/), this perilous plush can buy you some time to set up AND punish the opponent!
Currently, Psychic energy has the most entries, while Dark has only one.
I've got five darkies on my to-do list, but right now I want to make sure Fire gets some representation after being almost completely forgotten in the first season.
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In the meantime, here's the full set from last night.
Cool set
Thank you. The Torchic line is one of my all-time favorites, so I really wanted to do them all justice.
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Today's cards by me are...
The Diglett line!
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>Another 100 new IPs counted in the writefag link
>Post some of your favorite artwork of your OC from the past ten months
And before I go one more day neglecting this, I'll actually answer my own thread task.
It's been an amazing journey going from the MS Paint works of January to where we are now. Even though writing is and will always be my main focus here, I've loved being able to learn alongside talented artists that I can look up to and absorb knowledge from like a rum-soaked sponge. None of this would be possible without you.
My absolute favorite is the drawing of Phos and Franco together. Not only is it nice to see them under different circumstances, I feel it's the best showcase of their dynamic.
Can I get a full version of that Dugtrio art? These are terrific.
This one?
And thanks!
Circe's theme is now up, sorry it took so long to make.
Just like Grym's, this theme also applies to her /tog/ self.
Nah, sorry, the middle one, but that one's nice too.
I gotcha, big man.
Dude, ever since you learned how to use the bucket tool properly your art has skyrocketed in quality. I kneel.
Nah, he just upgraded his art program and learned how to use a brush. He’s said before that he wants to redo all of his MSPaint art at some point, when he does it you’ll see that the improvement is mostly in resolution. He was just inherently good from the start, his tools just limited him.
It helps that I was drawing all throughout my school years, but it was all very basic, self-taught doodles.
In elementary school, it was filling my folders and notebooks with Kirby; Kirby 64 and its ability combos going a long way towards inspiring me to think creatively. I was dormant for a few years, started drawing again in high school (I unknowingly recreated Buckley's Ctrl-Alt-Del comics to a degree that would have been considered outright plagiarism if I was remotely aware of his existence, B^U face and all), then put down my pencil shortly after ORAS released and would only very rarely be compelled by my Pygmalion waifu obsession to draw again between years-long stretches of time before sticking the final product in a paper shredder and returning to being a sulking couchsurfing NEET.
Digital art has for the most part been a totally new frontier for me.
Which is why we had really funny amateur mistakes like only using one layer (because Paint) and wielding the paint can tool like a neanderthal swinging a femur bone cudgel.
Good times, good times.
Very early WIP. I wanted to make a random sexy guy but ehh. Also I only just realized I kinda ripped off Bibi's cardigan. ...actually the more I look at him the more Bibi I see in him. Sorry, I swear this wasn't on purpose. I'm still working on him anyway.

I like all your art but it's amazing to see how you've improved over time!
Fun fact: Grym's halloween outfit has a hood, which makes it twice as spoopy when she put it on--AAH!
That's actually so cool. I want one like that!
I still have a binder of old mementos from the high school era. Just in case I ever needed some incentive to kill myself.
But I still like this one.
And, uh, the background too?
Him? HIM?!
Here's Grym's hoodie WITHOUT Grym!
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my bad.
Some assembly required, evidently.
I'll take it from here, thanks.
I'M SORRY. I'm a girly girl, I can't into manly stuff.
That's a cool doodle btw. Looking at old drawings feels cringe, so I threw all my old stuff out a few years ago. But in retrospect I kinda regret it. If you shift your perspective it's also prove of how far you've come over time. IS that your first OC?

Disembodied spiky nipples!
you fucker, I thought I had made an error!
Those are just the hoodle's spikes, but god damn it I can't unsee it now!
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I should not have opened that binder. I remembered that crap being worlds better than it actually is.
I absolutely regret the hell out of shredding the waifu drawings especially now that I have to live with the knowledge that I held onto... that, all this time.
>IS that your first OC?
IN a manner of speaking. He wasn't strictly Pokemon, just a seat filler for the generic "gamer on a couch" comics of yesteryear because while I was happy to draw anyone who asked (and I did so poorly), I was adamant in never ever drawing myself. The hair floof was a really fun way to pass time in class. If you saw the line of action tutorial I drew up for Luke the other day, it might look familiar.
Nah, if he was a full-fledged Pokemon Trainer, he'd be really bad at it. Abysmally bad. Getting bodied by the local Bidoof bad. Lord knows the poor kid was just trying his best, but he was doomed to be the eternal punching bag.
>Getting bodied by the local Bidoof bad
reminded me of this https://youtu.be/JvMrM0qX1dM?si=444qt0TjS-WphXHn
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gonna....answer that interview....soon....just gotta hold out one more day.....
>Nah, it's someone else
cassie! cassie! cassie! great stuff with the torchic set anon, way to bring my favorite starter line to life! the lineless torchic almost had me think it was a 3d model
as always it genuinely makes me very happy to see you better your craft, you've made a ton of progress in such a short time, so i hope you're proud
>kinda ripped off Bibi's cardigan
man, you anons really get self conscious about that huh? it's not like i own the concept of letting a jacket lazily drape off the shoulders, it's a very cool design so i hope you don't beat yourself up over feeling like it's similar to an existing one. but uh. on. another note. i kinda got jumpscared by this because i had a scrapped character with almost the same haircut. picrel. anyways, why don't you tell us about him?
such a cute hoodie, the halloween looks you put together are great anon!
i mean this in a positive way but looking at this takes me right back to highschool, simpler tools, simpler jokes, simpler times....i'm getting a weird secondhand nostalgia. makes me almost wish i didn't toss all my old sketchbooks away
Silly silly fun fun facts about...

>Midori puts :} at the end of every single text message. Except when she's really mad. Fear the absence of the :}.
>Midori has a vocal tic where she adds "myaa~" to the end of her sentences. This is equal parts maddening and cute.
>She may be airheads at times, fail to grasp the basics of personal space, and is a VERY strange girl, but Midori is by no means an idiot. She's very quick to point out flaws and gaps in a plan or theory, has at least 2 masters degrees, and should the corresponding anon accept it - has managed to match wits with Emily at least once.
>her favourite color is green (who knew?!)
>Midori doesn't smell bad, but she does take at least three showers a day. She can't wash the smell out, but she'll come out of that shower positively RADIANT
>it's rumored that her bizarre smell may be the result of an accident involving the soaps and perfumes she works so hard to create...
>Midori was born in Kalos. Specifically, Laverre City.
>Midori's favourite berry is... the STARF berry! She's made it into a soap that changes scent with every wash.
>Midori was initially designed as a hikki bug type specialist who was heavily rumored to be a person who has sexual relations with her bug Pokémon, despite her never actually doing anything of the sort. This was scrapped in favor of another character that wasn't a type specialist, with Midori's focus being her odd scent, profession and love of slimy Pokémon
...is he a yandere/menhera too? Cause that's kinda what I was going for and I get similar vibes from this one. If so, I already love him. Tell me more? Why'd you scrap him?
As for my guy, I just really want a hot guy to draw fanservice-y pics of tbdesu. In the back of my mind I still have an idea for a snobby shota and decided to make a hot brother for this hypothetical character. So far my idea for his backstory is just, he used to have a speech impediment (stutter) and was bullied as a kid, grew up into a hot ikemen who turns all the heads and now he has lots of friends but he's secretly still bitter and antisocial on the inside. Idk who he'd be yandere for but I just kinda wanna have him act like one.
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>such a cute hoodie, the halloween looks you put together are great anon!
Thank you!
Grym and Circe's project selves also join a handful of the project cast in Halloween festivities too!
>Midori was initially designed as a hikki bug type specialist who was heavily rumored to be a person who has sexual relations with her bug Pokémon, despite her never actually doing anything of the sort.
>This was scrapped
Somewhere, Masuda is screeching and getting redder than a Tamato Berry.
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To the one person who cares, I've got another illness update for you: I've continued having throat problems despite a substantial decrease in coughing. Nighttime and waking up is still by far the worst time of the day for me. I went to the doctor to get re-evaluated and re-tested once again. Came back negative for everything, but the test for mononucleosis is infamously unreliable (10-30% chance of a wrong answer). The good news is that now I'm going to be doing what I should have done in the first place: taking a steroid. No side effects currently. Hopefully this is all resolved by the end of next week. Also, I am still low on motivation and have seemingly hit a roadblock on my villain for the climax of Control Human Delete.
>It's not like I own the concept of letting a jacket lazily drape off the shoulders
But you kind of do. You were the first person to make an OC (and one that had staying power as well) with that feature just like you were the first person to make an OC with a Pokemon-themed jacket (maybe even Pokemon-themed outfit as a whole) and the first person to make a boy who wears a crop top, so those ideas will be permanently associated with you and as a result; only extremely broad concepts that can have many interpretations such as "corporate bad guy" won't linger in a creator's mind to nag at them about whether or not they are ripping someone off. When considering one's "originality", we try to trend towards attempts at iconoclasm in order to be as "original" as possible, reusing a similar concept can make us seem "unoriginal". Hence why I did >>56661170 because using a normal jacket over one based off of a Pokemon would be a broader concept to interpret and thus would be more original even if it's more "generic".
does she make myaa based puns? how often does she do it? would you say it's......myaandatory? love the fact that she's sharp under all those eccentricities. not to say the ideas bad or anything but i'm fond of her current iteration a lot more than the og hikkineet concept
hmm maybe a bit? definitely not overtly so but the concept was that he was stalker-y, mostly as a result of being a fledgling reporter. when i was still figuring out what bibi was going to be like he acted as a semi-companion/pov character, since i thought a cool framing device for her adventures would be to tell them as if they were headlines in a school newspaper. he was kinda apathetic and super disillusioned about not being allowed to report on the team star stuff the year prior, so when bibi rolls along and her magnetism is apparent from day one he tails her since there's no better material to report on. i scrapped him since i kinda didn't know what else to do with him though, and frankly, if i wanted to view scarlet's plot through the perspective of other characters, it's not as if the kitakami and area zero crew aren't options worth delving into. the idea just seemed to get dry pretty fast lol
>fanservice-y pics
i kneel before your honesty. here's hoping you figure out the right character for him to make....happy? miserable? both? great art as usual either way
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very scary
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Introducing Alolan Ivy- finally finished Koa's interview. This would take place after the events of her current adventure


Aw I love her, thanks for giving me the lowdown on her. I feel like you and I have similar tastes when it comes to Pokemon so it's always a treat seeing the stuff you come up with Ruka-anon.
I know I'm a bit late to the party, but I'm a total sucker for Pokemon themed outfits and clothing, even if its just a subtle nod to a Pokemon.
>>56643633 My Ivy Autumn outfit is inspired by shiny Sigilyph and her purse is basically a woobat puff. Something about Psychic types is just so fashionable. I think Alex would definitely be able to pull off some sort of Sharpedo hoodie or jacket. I'd recommend looking at some of the Sygna suits from Masters EX for inspo. Some are a bit over the top, but there's others that are tastefully done. Grimsley specifically has a sharpedo outfit. Unite fashion is also worth looking at
Is this the secret third Hoenn water gym leader? Or just a gym leader from the Hoenn region?

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>the crushing gears of overtime keep me from writing
Hang in there bibi-anon
>levels paralleled only by ivy's incredibly inspired heeled crocs
I'm glad someone appreciates the high heeled crocs as much as I do. I'll never forget the new outlook you've given me on fighters wearing heels
divine punishment for our sins
These came out sooo sooooo good. Something about the lineless torchic really hits the spot just right for me. And I love the city bg's for all of them. You've outdone yourself
These are also super cool. I love the Basic Dugtrio card, and the rocks coming out of the frame on the lvX card is a great touch
Cute! Honestly, I also kinda felt I was infringing on Bibi territory adding a cardigan to Miko's school look- there's only so much you can do to dress up those god forsaken uniforms
Aw jeez, hope the steroid works and that you feel better soon. Sorry to hear Alex-anon :(
She does indeed make Myaa~ puns
I hope her friends can Myaanage it.
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Goodnight lads.
Hope you enjoy Circe's theme!
Again, sorry it took so long to do.
Good night, man. Circe's theme is really good.
I'm going to fucking kill a myaan.
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you nyaggas are lucky that emily is asleep and can't sperg out
That's better.
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>go play vidya game
>come back
I am going to fucking kill you all.
You mean you didn't find them very punny?
I HATE puns.
Oh no, where there be pun-ishment?
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>grammar error AND a pun
I'll never recover from this
Just a Gym Leader from Hoenn
[Tragic news]
Autumn has been here for all of four days now and it's already completely killed any motivation to drink.
I was not prepared for this to be an issue and I don't know how I'm going to deal with this moving forward but I'm going to do my best to try and power through.
>.just gotta hold out one more day.....
Do your best, baby, do your best.
>my favorite starter line
King, sometimes I worry that maybe I come off as a little too attached or seem pretty clingy, and I get concerned that I don't give others enough space on their own. But when I see all the parallels between you and I, I'm convinced that we were just simply meant to be friends. I don't write this script, I just have a really good talent agent.
>i hope you're proud
Immensely. /tog/ and everything that has been created in it and because of it means the world to me.
>makes me almost wish i didn't toss all my old sketchbooks away
Yeah, I can confidently say that the high school era stuff doesn't get any better than this example, but it gets so much worse. I used to think these were good, great even. With age comes wisdom.
>grew up into a hot ikemen who turns all the heads and now he has lots of friends but he's secretly still bitter and antisocial on the inside
Wow, this guy is literally me.
Welcome to the "throat fucked up by forces beyond our reckoning" gang. The throat burn back in February was a funny capstone on a very absurd week back then. It's not funny anymore after eight months of living like this.
>so those ideas will be permanently associated with you
Everything you just said is completely insane. You need to relax, myatherfucker. Create your own character and you don't need to worry about comparisons.
>Everything you just said is completely insane.
If you think that's insane, you're probably going to have a stroke when you hear about why I refuse to draw.
>you don't need to worry about comparisons.
Oh but I do. And that's the main thing I need to worry about. Don't want to steal any ideas from someone's original content that they donut want me to steel
Thanks for stepping in for the interview, you did a great job.
Stufful is a great fit for her team, and now we have one more for the Dead Moms Society.
>fighters wearing heels
You mean the ankle exercise comment? Maybe we'll never know who wrote that one, but I'm sure he's incredibly tall and ruggedly handsome all the same.
>Something about the lineless torchic really hits the spot just right for me
Thank you. The TCG project has been a great opportunity to expand my knowledge of photoshop, and I really wanted to go above and beyond for my favorite starter. The idea of a Blaziken looking over Chicago from atop a skyscraper has been a childhood dream of mine, so I thought the time was right to finally be able to do it justice. Torchic in particular was inspired by the weird optical illusion in the Helioptile drawing from a while back that made them look 3D. The Mega is one of the coolest drawings I've ever done, I think.
What's the myatter, little fella? There's no need to be so myad about a bit of wordpway. VwV
>when you hear about why I refuse to draw
Let's hear it.
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Late to the party, but better late than never

Maybe another time. These says I've been so busy I didn't got ideas for an interview, sorry.

Reposting my first gen of David. Is funny, in perspective: that long ago I was like "eh, I'll just post this, a bit of random fun in a semi regular thread. Maybe no one will care". And here we are, almost one year together. Hooray for /tog/!
Who knows? Maybe next year I will actually bother to draw. Like an actual drawing, not just a chibi.

1. All deserve candy
2. Gummies for Midori, marshmallows for Grym, chocolate for Circe, mints for Hali, and maybe novelty lollipops for Polara
3.She got lots of "milk candy" from the officers when they took her to their patrol car.

Here's my interview. Like I said, at this point in his story, David is in aa love triangle situation with a side of water demon, so that's the whole thing.

See you in the next thread, guys!
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>What's the myatter, little fella? There's no need to be so myad about a bit of wordpway. VwV
Luke's response https://pastebin.com/vyBBbbyW
was fun to write, I'll be doing others as this got me back in the swing of writing. I also love collaborative stuff like this.
Is Midori one of "them"?
Took way too long for me to do, but here it is

Let's have a great new day, /tog/!
A twofer? Well, weren't you the busy little spelling bee last night.
No, but she's got that same acrid smell as the excitable greasy-haired weeb girl from high school that makes people wonder.
>David is in aa love triangle situation with a side of water demon
A what with a who.
Ever since I gained consciousness in school I always despised art class. Why? The first assignment was always a self-portrait. I never tried hard on it. I always just got it over with as fast as I could in order to get it out of my sight. When I was in high school, I always wanted to take art class but stayed away from it for the same reason. Well, apparently it’s a requirement, so I took it against my will. I took quite a whole to finish it, and it looked, okay? But I still hated it.

Two nights ago I had a depressive episode (they’re getting less frequent I think) in which amidst thinking about my mediocrity I gained an epiphany about why I never really tried art despite wanting to all of these years. The truth is, when it comes to art, I kinda just… hate my own creation. I made a sort of “eye test” a few months ago with some possible eye designs I had for a hypothetical artstyle. When I tried translating them onto a face, I immediately became disgusted with it, did not save the file, and have never opened the “eye test” file again, and I didn’t even remember that I even made it until yesterday. That made me realize that it’s just going to be the same cycle for a long time, creating *shit* for several months until one day I stop being disgusted with the things I put out, and that’s just something I can’t bear. Furthermore, it’s not really even that rewarding. My artwork will always have less value than others because it is just simply of lower quality. My best wouldn’t even be close to some people’s worst. Not really a point in trying hard to do something that others can just do effortlessly. Innate skill will always beat hard work.
>Why do you write, then?
The reverse is true for writing. I am just simply innately good at writing, I never had to practice at all for it. I am better at this than the overwhelming majority of the population because I was just born that way. This is going to be a 2 part post so just bear with me
I never had to “practice” writing, just got into it very easily. The deep flaws in my Pastebins are mostly just a lack of effort because it’s shorter form content that I don’t put as much dedication into.
>Your artwork has value just because you put effort into it
That’s the Marxist labor theory of value which is objectively incorrect
>I like your artwork anyway
Well, I’ve got you in a Catch-22 of misery. If you say you like my artwork, I don’t believe you, but even if you were being sincere, I kinda… don’t care. Encouragement and compliments actually kind of make me upset because I just know in my head that my artwork wouldn’t deserve it. Like, go praise the stuff by people who actually know how to draw, not my stupid stuff. But even if you somehow enjoyed the stuff that I make, I personally don’t enjoy my own stuff, so who cares? The opposite is also true, even if for some reason I enjoyed the stuff that I made, I know that others wouldn’t, or wouldn’t as much as they enjoyed the others.
>Then why write at all?
Writing has a much lower skill ceiling for me and as a result I don’t rely as much on its value, but even then, I’m still quite aware that it has less value than something like EIF. If I ever felt like writing was no longer enjoyable to me or enjoyable to other people, I would quit it as well. The gigantic one-shot I have planned is also a litmus test, if it doesn’t make the impact that I expect, then that’s my cue to pack up and leave because I have failed to cultivate an audience.

Simply put, it is not enough that I enjoy my work, others must enjoy it as well, and it is not enough that others enjoy my work, I must enjoy it as well, and I must have sufficient amounts of both in order to continue. I kind of have that for my writing, but I don’t have it at all for my artwork. So that’s why I not only don’t draw, but I also refuse to draw. It’s creating something that’s just worthless and has no purpose.
Uegh, I'm awake.
For the record, I don't think anyone "owns" the concept of off-shoulder clothing, it was because mine was that and also pink that I thought I was getting too close to Bibi's design.

Ah, I see why you decided he was unnecessary. But I still think it's a cute design.

I wanna say your first few tries at anything will almost always suck and you just need to keep trying. But to be honest I get it. When things don't translate from your imagination to the paper it can feel incredibly frustrating. I'd be lying if I said I have never been discouraged by it. I even relate to the whole imposter syndrome bs where you don't believe anyone who compliments your work. However, I also recognize that this is an issue with myself that I need to work on. Have you ever upset someone by telling them you don't believe them when they praise something about your work? For me that was a good reality check and made me realize I'm hurting not just myself but others too by accusing my friends of lying to me.
Honestly, a lot of what you say resonates with me, and hearing it come from someone else really puts it into perspective. I want to encourage you to not let your negative thoughts stifle your creativity.
>That’s the Marxist labor theory of value which is objectively incorrect
I used to think like this too but now I think that it's not the effort that counts but whether or not you enjoy making art. Even if it doesn't turn out perfect, as long as you enjoyed yourself in the moment it wasn't a waste of time.
Do you at least enjoy writing or do you only do it to satisfy others?
>my artwork wouldn’t deserve it. Like, go praise the stuff by people who actually know how to draw

Insider secret, even those of us "who know how to draw" hate our own shit. In my experience, very rarely will an artist appreciate their own creations but that's not to say we don't recognize our own talent.

I think whether your art is deserving of praise or not is determined by those who give it out. Not everyone has the same tastes, so just because you don't like it doesn't mean no one does or should.
It’s kind of a shame that I’m in this situation because I do think I have a decent amount of creativity. If anyone remembers that tryhard JRPG/Gacha-ish DnD outfit I made for Alex, I spent like two hours on that between researching mechanics (that I couldn’t even get properly) and my own imagination checking to see if everything made sense. I’m pretty good at making verbal descriptions, I just find the process tedious which is why they sometimes seem lazy or “missing something” in my writing. But now imagine if I had wasted those two hours trying to draw. It would look like shit, cause I can’t draw. In fact, I would have to probably be working on artwork for a year or more before I could draw that in a quality that is *maybe* acceptable. As opposed to just putting it out there in an hour or two in writing. That’s just not really worth it. Neither myself nor anybody else would value my creations nearly enough for me to want to do this. It’s better off just staying perfect in my mind and slowly forgotten. I don’t deserve the mental anguish of wading through shit for several months in only the PROSPECT of finally making something worthwhile and my writing frankly doesn’t deserve that effort either. It’s just a stupid anonymous edgy fanfic on the internet. It’s just not worth it to put in so much effort into something that’s not even that good. I’m better off just doing what I do well. Who said that trying is the most important part? Don’t believe those liars.

In the end, there’s just simply not enough time. I’m old now and I have things to do. More important things than making mediocre drawings. I’m better off sticking to that which is lower difficulty and higher enjoyability. It’s good to know when to give up, and I know that art is just something I should give up on.

I’m aware of how sappy all of this sounds and I kind of feel guilty of wasting time with this. I just wanted to finally get this all out into text.
>Have you ever upset someone by telling them you don't believe them when they praise something about your work?
I have a near total disregard, contempt even, for the feelings of others, unless I’m very close to them (and that’s mostly just because I want to retain them) and while I’ve never been in that situation, if they pissed me off to the point where I did that, I’d say they deserved it.
>I want to encourage you to not let your negative thoughts stifle your creativity.
Encouragement just kind of doesn’t have any effect on me. Nothing will break through because my perspective has been so heavily fortified by my life experiences that I’ve heard it all, and it all bounces off of me. Frankly, I’m on the side of my negative thoughts, I’m having them so intensely for a reason and it’s probably just my brain safeguarding me from further anguish.
>I think that it's not the effort that counts but whether or not you enjoy making art. Even if it doesn't turn out perfect, as long as you enjoyed yourself in the moment it wasn't a waste of time.
And I just… don’t, honestly.
>Do you at least enjoy writing or do you only do it to satisfy others?
I kinda do, but if I ever stopped enjoying it, I would shamelessly quit on the spot. Sunk costs aren’t a factor when analyzing present value.
>Insider secret, even those of us "who know how to draw" hate our own shit. In my experience, very rarely will an artist appreciate their own creations
That just lends me more credence to my current perspective desu
>I think whether your art is deserving of praise or not is determined by those who give it out.
I disagree, some people’s judgement is more clouded and less reliable than others, like I said before there are some people who subscribe to the sappy “you put in the effort and that’s what matters” bullshit.
>choosing to fail on my own terms rather than risk failing to measure up
Well gosh and golly gee, if it isn't a mirror of my misspent youth. Sounds like you never had enough positive reinforcement growing up to inspire some confidence.
Life is a game, anon. You will fail and fail and fail again until the day you die, but the only way to lose the game is if you don't learn from those failures. If you are learning, you are winning. It's really that simple.
If the lesson you take away from those failures is to blame yourself for trying, then you'll spend your entire life running away from proving what you're actually capable of.
Withdrawing from the world isn't the cure to bad habits, it's madness. Why have eyes and then choose to be blind? Why be alive and not live? This isn't truth, it's a trap of the mind.
My break's over, but I'll be back for you later.
Jeez, why's everyone so emo this morning.
Can't speak for the others, but I've had this nasty catarrh thing since FEBRUARY and it makes me miserable
>Sounds like you never had enough positive reinforcement growing up to inspire some confidence.
No, I actually got a shit ton of it and still do. I am literally just too smart to believe it, because I analyze myself much more objectively (and I guess harshly by extension), or if you don’t want to chalk it up to intellect, then just simply otherwise biologically unable to absorb encouragement and confidence, I see right through their overestimations of me and their attempts at comforting me VEILED as encouragement; it’s a big inspiration for Alex’s “I see right through you” attitude when confronted with someone who’s very clearly putting on an act like Phos’s newly adopted street persona.
>That just lends me more credence to my current perspective
Just trying to let you know that this self loathing isn't unique and that those you deem better than you feel the same way.
>“you put in the effort and that’s what matters”
I think if someone is praising your art based on this, they're not actually praising your art but rather you for putting in time to do something (even if that time spent was a "waste")
The praise I was originally referring to was in regards to what you create, not the process or lengths it took in which to create.
>some people’s judgement is more clouded and less reliable than others
Regardless of what you think of a person's judgement doesn't change the fact that someone else might enjoy your creations. Thinking otherwise is like saying "You're not allowed to like or enjoy this thing because I don't."
>just too smart to believe it
Or too dumb to get past your own assumptions of others
Thought I'd get silly with the TT.

Luke's interview is for a babysitter does your OC have what it takes?


wrote this while extremely sleepy-tired. Hope I did a good job making it funny
also, you may have to improvise an ending. I don't remember if I gave it a proper one. I will now take a melatonin and see if I can't force myself to sleep.
>Just trying to let you know that this self loathing isn't unique and that those you deem better than you feel the same way.
If that’s true, then I’d just argue there’s only more layers to the issue. My best isn’t close to anyone’s worst here but I guess that’s probably true for every tier of art, I know a guy who’s been drawing for like 7 years and can accurately tell people’s experience and when I asked him to analyze something once he told me that the artist behind the thing I showed him had like 10 years of experience. But there’s much more validity behind the concerns of beginners, the gap between stick figures and decent anime art is much bigger than the gap between decent anime art and great anime art.
>I think if someone is praising your art based on this, they're not actually praising your art but rather you for putting in time to do something (even if that time spent was a "waste")
That’s… kind of meaningless? I’d feel insulted if this was the case, it feels like a participation trophy.
>Or too dumb to get past your own assumptions of others
I can’t and shouldn’t try to convince you that I’m too smart and/or objective to believe the encouragement thrown at me throughout my life, I just know from my experiences that people overestimate my abilities, and that they’re really not that great even if they are “above average”
Okay, now I'm feeling like I stepped into r/atheists. No matter how smart you think you are you can't see into other people's heads and frankly you cannot possibly know all the time if what they're saying is genuine or not. What you perceive as deception may very well be the other person's true feelings, and declaring those feelings foolish just makes you sound chuuni.
I like your work and all but I wish you'd loosen up a little. I hope this is just your depression speaking.
I’m not a mind reader but that doesn’t necessarily mean that even if something is genuine that I really have to care about it. Like, someone might think I’m stellar, but that doesn’t change the fact that I am not, nor do I think I am. I said this before, I don’t think people are genuine but even if they are I don’t really care because it doesn’t change MY perception of MY work. It just really doesn’t affect me, if you want to call that tunnel vision that’s fine, but if someone says that what I made is good, if I think that it is shit, or can PROVE (somehow) that it is shit, that’s what matters to me.
Hey buddy, I often find myself in the same boat. Though I do enjoy the process so I always have a good time. Even if I think the final product is ass and know exactly where the blemishes are I've learned that people will either not notice and don't know your mistakes are mistakes. Or, cool thing is, the people who know you made a mistake will often be cool enough to help you make it better.

Why do others have to like your art? Why is bad that there are works better than yours? If you don't care about the praise, why cate about the criticism? Including your own?
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Some dynamic bone fun
Circe finds it hard to do Yoga when there's a bounsweet trying to play.
>Why do others have to like your art?
What point is there in art whose artist is the sole consumer? Has anyone ever developed a video game just so that only they alone can play it?
>Why is it bad that there are works better than yours?
I think it’s great that some people have the talent to fully realize their creative vision and either for a price or out of pity sometimes realize the creative visions of other people. But it’s also demoralizing because they reflect a standard that is completely unattainable for most people…
>If you don’t care about the praise, why care about the criticism?
Criticism is simply more insightful than praise, people progress when they are made aware of what they do wrong (so that they can fix it), nobody has ever progressed because they have been made aware of what they do right (because they are already good at it, and will continue to refine it independently of praise received because they are just simply good at it).
>Including your own?
I am all of me, and as a result I give myself precedence. The only thing that really matters in the end is what I think, I’m inevitably going to prioritize my own perception of my work because I am the one making it and I decide if and what to make. Someone who makes things that they don’t like is torturing themselves or being tortured. That’s why I just now refuse. It isn’t worth the certainty of hating my artwork for who knows how long for the possibility of maybe someday not hating it. There’s just not enough ROI.
>What point is there in art whose artist is the sole consumer?
Sometimes people do stuff for themselves. Why bake a perfect cake if you're the only one eating it? Why write self-indulgent porn if you're not showing it to anyone else? Not everything is meant to be shared.
>Why bake a perfect cake if you’re the only one eating it?
Bold of you to assume that the average person could bake a perfect cake. Anyone who does that is most certainly either a dedicated baker for their family or as a career and is probably just tired of having to always share.
>Why write self-indulgent porn if you’re not showing it to anyone else?
Shame and protecting your image, but I’m sure that people would share self-indulgent porn if it somehow carried no consequences at all. That’s less of “doing it for yourself” and more of “keeping it to yourself because it’s a good idea to”

Admittedly, this stuff is kind of case by case, but artwork is clearly a case where it’s something meant for exposure and enjoyment by more than just yourself, unless it’s something obscene and self-indulgent in a repugnant way.
There's lots of ways to help people. Sometimes taking care of someone when they're sick, sometimes kicking them in the nuts.
I want you to understand that you are not just insane but you're also an idiot. This idea that something has to be great to be worth doing at all is completely delusional. People throw dodgeballs at the side of a building for fun. People kick cans around for fun. People subject themselves to playing really shitty games because "it's fun with friends." The experience is a medium for spending time socializing with others. Where's the ego in this thread? We support each other. We learn from each other. A sadness shared is halved, a joy shared is doubled and somehow you just don't get it.
You set yourself up for failure through no one else's fault but your own. You say it needs to be great but then you make excuses for why you haven't tried. You say you need an audience while also saying you don't care what people say. You've spent the better majority of ten months antagonizing people and deciding you know better than them and intentionally, knowingly, ignoring what people tell you and sabotaging the thread's growth so you can hoard it to yourself, but then you demand that other people listen to you. And for what? What audience do you plan on cultivating when you do nothing but wallow in pity and push people away?
Why should we listen to you? You've spent all this time being too "intelligent" to try and now you have to choose between changing your attitude or doubling down on playing a loser's game.
Happy Friday, everyone.
I'll wait for this to blow over.
Ah so we’ve reached the part of the discussion where people are saying what they really think. I was anticipating that it could come to this. At the risk of turning this into an argument I’m going to address your points.

>This idea that something has to be great to be worth doing at all is completely delusional.
I didn’t say this and if it seems like I did, then I didn’t intend to, or you’re just simply not a good reader. My point throughout this thing is that something has to be enjoyable to be worth doing, and that artwork frankly just isn’t enjoyable to me because of the several issues that I’ve mentioned.
>You say you need an audience while also saying that you don’t care what people say.
I don’t care about what people say in terms of encouragement, because but the fact that I consistently ask for input and STARTED THE TREND OF MAKING POLLS should tell you that I consider people’s input even if my rhetoric today doesn’t suggest that.
>You spent the better majority of ten months blah blah blah ack
Absolutely inane claim given the fact that I’ve actually produced content here including some interactive stuff like my interview or participating in other people’s stuff and have never directly insulted people’s content.
>Wallowing in pity loser’s game blah blah blah
Admittedly, opening up about this was probably a bad idea but this is also literally the first time that I’ve gotten “emotional” and probably also the last. I am not telling anyone to not do what they want to.

I don’t know who you are but you sound like that coward who occasionally comes in to pester Emily and I know for a fact that you aren’t >>56694025 because good god the shift in tone is uncanny. Seriously dude if you aren’t going to be respectful then just fuck off back to your Discord, as negative as I can be sometimes I don’t appreciate outright shitflinging because that’s the kind of thing that actually sabotages this thread’s growth.
I don't think that's a trend
Sorry to say, but as this place gets bigger people are gonna tend to make polls to keep track of stuff
Hey its Lukeanon, just woke up from a much needed nap.

Was me, and was my only contribution to this conversation. I just want you know you're not alone. Just last thread I was feeling pretty down about my stuff. I'm not gonna try to cheer you up or nothin' since honestly that's entirely up to you to be receptive to that. I respect it. You don't have to believe I'm genuine. I'm just some dumbass on a pokémon image board after all, all I can do is be consistent in my support of all the TOG homies.

Now let's get back on track and have some fun, yeah?
Don't worry anon, I'm that one guy who doesn't like you to begin with and still doesn't, but I'm different from the earlier guy up there. I'm putting my cards on the table to point out my biases before I talk shit.

Alexanon is a smart guy but he uses those smarts to intellectualize and rationalize his loser mentality stemming from whatever deficiency he'd suffered. You should think about what your mentality is going to lead you and if that's where you want to end up.

More than likely though, nothing anyone says here is going to convince you or give you some sort of revelation. In the end you'll just rationalize your way to your decided conclusion and use that as a way to justify your own misery. Which is fine, live your life, but despite not liking you I still think it'd be nice if you could change for the better. You'd probably scoff at this sort of idea, but you can't logic your way to happiness or fulfillment. Life does not depend on rationality, it's just a tool we navigate through it.

Anyway you can ignore this or whatever if you don't want to start an argument, I don't either but I do think you should think about trying to be different.
NTA but I did write another post earlier where I might have come off as aggressive and I wanna apologize for that. I don't agree with a lot of what you wrote but I don't want you to feel unwelcome. I was trying to get you to look at things differently and thinking it would make you feel better but as >>56696321 said it's up to you. Sorry if I came off as pushy, I got a little emotional over this whole thing. My bad. I could keep talking but I'm afraid it'll end up sounding condescending if I try to give advice.
I certainly was, I hope more get posted for me to react to. Hint hint cough cough
Koanon here. Thanks to those who answered the interview and those who plan to! I want to reply to everyone but I realise there has been some kind of drama. I will wait it out.
no koanon, we need you to post more to change the mood of the room! have you never heard of coming up for air?!
I'll be knocking out both as soon as I get home from work today.
I might have been exaggerating a bit with the "trend" thing but I am indeed the first person to prominently use Strawpoll. Archivist has used it twice, once to determine which Gaiden gets written first and once to mock He Who Shall Not Be Named by asking if anyone was ever actually angered by his antics
At least you have the confidence to show your work. It's normal and natural to feel bad about it, and it's also perfectly normal and natural to give up or sadpost about it (not that I am saying that you should). I kind of got the impression that you didn't like me from our lack of interaction but I'm glad to see that's not the case. Even though I don't care much for encouragement I at least care that people are trying to make themselves seem genuine about their advice. Although, this does bring me to one point that I have neglected to mention. You see, throughout this entire time there's one thing that has kept me from trying artwork besides my hatred of my own work. It's the fact that I don't have the proper equipment. I've always wanted to draw digitally but don't have the programs to do it or a fucking tablet and while I can afford them I don't know if I want to spend money on a hobby that could only MAYBE make me happy. Aside from that, I also just feel like the stuff I make would eventually bore people. "Wow, Alex drew something edgy again" and also the fact a lot of the media I consume (mostly music) revolves around basically every negative subject and I don't want people IRL asking questions. I'm sure Archivist is going to post about how much he wants to buy me a tablet now. And yeah, I saw that post and while I was a bit confused by the tone I at least could use it as an opportunity to clarify that I don't think that I'm a mind reader.
It's really nothing, I just decided to answer a question that Archivist had and it kind of turned into me just dumping a bunch of sentiment that I had bottled up.
>I kind of got the impression that you didn't like me
Is it because of this thread task? I bet it's because of this thread task.

Nah, I don't think there's a single person I dislike here. I do like goofin and gaffin though.
On the lighter side of things, my previous post helped me make an important discovery. I had to edit out two replies in order for this to pass the spam filter. >>56683881 also had five replies. However, >>56683898 and had seven replies and >>56682948 and >>56654185 and >>56654417 had six replies and they passed the spam filter. From this we can conclude that you can make about 5 to 7 replies before you get filtered.
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This post also got filtered and I had to remove one reply. I am not sure what exactly causes the spam filter to choose to filter based on the post containing 5, 6, or 7 replies, however, but it may have something to do with "double replies" like >>56697163 or the bottom of >>56697397. It may be helpful to put a screenshot of >>56697543 in the Mega.nz somewhere. I told you I was smart.
Alright, I'm gonna head to bed.
Goodnight man. Cute dori.
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As much as I'm sure it was all important, can I get that tl;dr rant in a more nutshell form?
Dude is trying to cope about having mediocre skills when everybody here is giving him the tools to improve.
Rome wasn't built in a day, true. But the trip of 1000 miles also starts with the first step. Is up to you if you take it or not. And who knows? Maybe you'll find something nice. Is a long trip after all.
Not as mediocre as you
I see. I'm of the opinion that some people are naturally better at some things better than others and that people should just stick to their natural talents. Everyone is meant to fulfill a specific role-- not do it all themselves, but some people have a higher tolerance for the longer, soul crushing process of building a skill they aren't innately good at, so if he has the fortitude for it he should keep trying at it.
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It's really nothing, I just decided to answer a question that Archivist had and it kind of turned into me just dumping a bunch of sentiment that I had bottled up.

Also, I think the group of Discord raiders that was targeting you is targeting me now, trying to make me think that some of the regular anons secretly hate me. Or maybe some of the regular anons really do secretly hate me. I have no idea.
I ain't got time to hate. Half the people you hate don't know the other half don't care.
Yeah I'd bet on it being raiders to some degree. Seems they got bored of me cause I was just brushing them off.
no I can assure you it wasn't raiders. I don't like you but it's not like I'm praying for your downfall either. I kinda get why you think it might be but I don't think anyone cares that much to dunk on you.
Don't think that. The last thing anybody needs is that an anonymous group of people hate for being... you.
We fight schizos here, we don't create them.
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Good work, detective.
We're going to kick off the festivities a little differently for a change. Tonight's masterpiece theatre is powered by Hard Truth toasted coconut rum. Let's see if it tastes as good as it smells.

Oh, this is going to be a productive night.
Cheers bro
I am being productive in another way. Fixing my sleep schedule got nice and tuckered out, wish me luck fellas
Good night, man. A good, proper night of sleep fixes everything.
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Not quite the usual level of polish on such short notice, but I'm satisfied.
Godspeed, dreamer.
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>people doing the Koa interview now
>I'm still not sure what Koa's Kommo would think of Emily at this point, and I'm kinda waiting for Koa to give Chapters 1 and 2 of what I wrote a read so he can tell me
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Write it however you want and then blame the victim for not having a timely response.
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Threads moving too quick. It's only been three days...
Starting with TT. It's this one because it's one that I spent the most time on.
Background is ai, but I'll paint it for real soontm.
This is seriously number one! Cute !=bee Wheaton Volbeat. He has paid his dues in full with this outfit and sign.
I didn't make that last drawing, but s/o to the other anon that did.
>Koa is back
Welcome back Dragon Tamer! >>56657608 Young Dragon Tamer.
This is my favorite Ivy outfit. It does something for the character after seeing so many outfits that allow a lot of movement.
This gives her image a slower pace which I really dig. Nice Wooloo bag too.
Underrated post. Baller Blaziken. Going to be on the lookout for Mega Blaziken on the streets.
Brendoom jumpscare! Why is a Venemoth bullying someone into a corner.
>Why is a Venemoth bullying someone into a corner?
Poison types are very effective against Grass types, but I doubt Venomoth is faster than Breloom.
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conspiracy theorist
Cool. What is he schizo about? Pokémon being aliens? Somebody being a Ditto? Ultra Beasts invading the world?
And what about his team? His aptitudes? Perks and quirks?
his psychic mons collectively fuck with him by inserting thoughts into his mind.
he fully believes he is a vessel for a higher being, as only telepathic messages sent from the divine are strong enough to pierce his mighty tin foil.
god wants his elgyem pampered and fed organic sitrus daily
You don't say much, do you?
Cute. Love him already!

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