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Pokemon are our husbands.
no woman (female) has ever thought this.
I would give you berries and a cave
And all you would do is proceed to say how terrible your life is because I also want you to clean the cave and take care of the children
Then you would suck the cock of feraligatr to "have your revenge".
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>no woman (female) has ever thought this.
Damn, Akari has been seen a lot of action these past days
Akari somehow turning out to be the most sexo protag for the switch era is hilarious.
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>They will live in the cave
>They will eat berries
>They will do nothing, own nothing
>And they will be happy
This thread is specifically for loving, consensual Typhlohusband love.
You would betray your typhlo husband the same as a human husband when you are bored.
Gee if I'm a weak doncile timid little girl who is better going to protect and provide for me? Typhlosion or Timmycel? Man what a tough choice.
This is artistic nudity btw.
>Typhlosion shits everywhere
>Girl sees poop and identifies it as Typhlosion poop
>Girl gets anxious, because it is known that Typhlosion means danger for young girls
>Girl gets lost
>Luckily attractive man shows up
>Offers to bring girl back home, but only if she stays at his place for the night
>Takes her hand, implying she is young enough to do that and brings her to his cave
>Gives her magical red berries to eat
>Forbids her to look at his face
>Girl sleeps, wakes up but sleeps again
>Next morning girl wants to go home
>Man doesn't allow it
>Goes to get green berries
>She eats the magical berries
>Man uses Yawn
>Girl sleeps
>Girl has memory issues, forgets about her home and family
>She realizes the man keeping her captive was the dangerous Typhlosion
>She realizes she was tricked
>But girl is to intoxicated to resist Typhlosion
>They eat more magcial pokemon berries
>All of a sudden it is winter and she is pregnant with a pokemon hybrid freak
>Father of the girl comes to rescue her
>Typhlosion wants to kill the father
>Girl asks it not to harm her father
>Typhlosion ignores her and goes out to fight
>Father is victorious and rescues girl, but the pokemon hybrid child doomed her future
>Girl magically turns into a Typhlosion after getting bullied by the villager

>Typhlosion did nothing wrong! It was consensual!
So how many weeks till we stop getting these Typlosion and pokephilia threads? This board was actual garbage before the leaks but atleast it was comfy. Now it's zoophile thread after zoophile threads
Good thing typhlosion is spared from your tiny clit.
I want to be cuddled by Typhlosion and be dependent on the warmth from his soft fur and flames in the chilly Hisuian nights. Feeling his paws press into my shoulder blades while I nuzzzle into his fur all with the aftertaste of the foraged berries in my mouth. Heavenly.
>who is better going to protect and provide for me?
>the providing: a shitty dirty cave and drugged berries
>the protection: insists on fighting and loses to one dad, leaving behind a child
>>56643792 is right, you fuckers will live in the pod and eat the bugs and be happy
Tbh blame GameFreak for their freaky obsession with fucking Pokemon. It is the creators fault for attracting this kind of people.
>people take story of girl falling in love with Typhlosion and twist it into a kidnapping/rape story

Who even told the story that was around to see it? Certainly not the girl or Typhlosion. Just some random villagers who feared the scary fire/ghost and assumed he was an unthinking monster.
Which will never happen and you will die alone and unloved for being a gross whale mental ill bitch
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froslass as well..
He’s a ghost type, so when I die he’ll be able to contact me :)
Typhlosion only kidnaps fertile young girls, not mentally ill landwhale bitches that stink because they don't shower :)
Just for your info, the story was written during the gen 4 time, which indicates it is the Johto Typhlosion, not the new one.

And the father definitely asked her daughter what happened and made a cautionary tale about it to warn other children about Typhlosion.
Why would you assume that, anon? Is it because that’s something you would do?
Have sex
It is the same that even animals do, you put typhlo in a pedestal because he isn't real, lmao
>Just for your info, the story was written during the gen 4 time
And stories always take place in the time they were written?

>And the father definitely asked her daughter what happened
Source: It came to me in a dream
>Implying any of the whores ITT ever had sex either
They are undesirable.
So yes? You’d get bored of your pokewaifu and leave her? Sad.
Have sex femcels
I mean, she looks like Dawn so...
The new Typhlosion didn't even exist when the GameFreak developer wrote the story. When he talked about Typhlosion, he meant the Johto one. The story was written in Gen 4 time, they didn't even think of Legends Arceus yet.

Imagine looking for your daughter for months and after finally finding her and rescuing her, not asking what happened.

Yeah you are delusional. Typhlosion drugged and raped a child and the father made a story to warn about that vile Pokemon.
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>The story was written in Gen 4 time, they didn't even think of Legends Arceus yet.
yeah it was written in 2005, early during diamond and pearl development
here's a hand-translated version of it instead of the AIsloppa translation floating around
>The new Typhlosion didn't even exist when the GameFreak developer wrote the story

So? Who cares what was in his head at the time? We now know that Hisuian Typhlosion was around in the past in lore so it makes sense for him to be the one in the story.

Her father killed Typhlosion and would rather people thought she was raped than she fell in love with a monster.
Men know what's best for you, heed the cautionary tales and stop gooning and romanticising getting kidnapped and horribly raped by yokai badgers in the woods.
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They won't listen, these bitches are mentally ill. Just like most of the guys in /vp/ which want to fuck female pokemon.
how does a pokemon just talk out of all the normal ones?
>the father made a story

Freudian slip. You know he made up the story.
I think the women here should pledge themselves to Typhlosion openly.
>We now know that Hisuian Typhlosion was around in the past in lore so it makes sense for him to be the one in the story.
Too bad Piloswine was the final version of the story, making it closest to canon
>this story about something that happened long ago could not possibly be anything but what actually happened!!
>what? of course I’m an enlightened atheist who doesn’t think anything in the bible happened! what does that have to do with anything? do you even know how much reddit karma I have??
Nobody cares about Piloswine so he’s automatically not canon. Bitch ain’t even fully evolved.
least insane femcel thread. just lose weight honey
Hisuian Typhlosion only was invented with Legends Arceus. It is like saying old fairy tales about dangerous wolves were actually about Chihuahuas. Obviously chihuahuas didn't exist back then and the stories were about wolves.

Same with Typhlosion. Hisuian Typhlosion didn't exist when the story was written, so the story is about the Johto Typhlosion.

The fact is, Typhlosion is now canonically a child abductor and a rapist. A GameFreak developer decided that in 2005.
>story is finalized to be about him during gen 4 development
>just happens to get a new evolution in gen 4
You might not care, but they sure did, and they decide whats canon
I guess human women would rather give birth to cyndaquil rather than humans.
Dawn's ancestor and his wife are so cute together
>Hisuian Typhlosion only was invented with Legends Arceus. It is like saying old fairy tales about dangerous wolves were actually about Chihuahuas. Obviously chihuahuas didn't exist back then and the stories were about wolves.

What a terrible metaphor. Chiahuahuas literally didn’t exist back then. In lore, Hisuian Typhlosion did. Complete opposites. Again, why should I care what the writer was imagining at the time?
They cared so much they.. didn’t give him the new evolution?

Their canon is that Pokemon can all shrink themselves to get in Pokeballs. Who cares what they say canon is.
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nu uh
Why are human boys so easily threatened? I thought that girls were the ones who were supposed to be jealous of your Gardevoir wife?
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>Typhlosion is kidnapping our women!!
>Kill the beast!!
So your headcanon is that Mamoswine doesn't exist or isn't a gen 4 pokemon now? Wow
Are you feeing okay anon? You’re starting to speak nonsense.
How are you so sure the story didn't take place in Johto?

It is the authors story, not yours. Of course the authors intentions are important. Or are you that illiterate?
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> never
hah yeah
Ah I see, you have reading comprehension.
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I wonder what the 'stop sexualizing pokemon' ninetales guy is up to these days.
>dogfucker artstyle
Doesn’t even apply here. You tried to sound smart and failed.

And no, I don’t really care what the author’s intent is. You can take any story any way you want, that’s how art works.
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You're a man pretending to be a woman to try to make other men angry
>you have reading comprehension

that's his wife btw
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where do you think you are
ive wanted a dusknoir husband for years already
i guess a typhlosion would be cool too
nta but whatever helps you sleep at night
They got angry all on their own. I never even said I’m female. I just want to post Typhlohusband fanart.
Exactly, anime board, draw animeshit not cringe deviantart furshit
So it isn't illiterate to ignore what is actually written and make up your own headcanon?

The story is about the Johto Typhlosion adducting and raping a child. You can cope with it as you want, it won't change the facts.
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oh no
No, it’s not. Again, stop trying to sound smarter than you are. I’m sorry that my interpretation is triggering you, but it has nothing to do with the ability to read.
Pokemon is anime furshit. Always had been.
Then read the date the story was written at. It was 2005, no Hisuian Typhlosion back then. You are just delusional at this point.
We’ve been over this twice and that point is still falling flat.
>The story is about the Johto Typhlosion
as opposed to what? the story was written 20 years ago, it's not like there's any proof anywhere in the leaks of hisui typhlosion or any other form being planned for gen 4 or any time before PLA
Explain to me how the author should write about something that wasn't even planned back then.

The author has definitely written about the Johto Typhlosion. Show me how he could have written about the Hisuian one.

You are just delusional because either you are a Johto Typhlosion fan and don't want it to be the rapist, or you are sad that the rapist is not the Hisuian one. Either way, you are wrong.
Oh no he's hot.
I’ve explained why Hisuian Typhlosion existed in the past according to lore. I’ve explained that I don’t care what was in the author’s mind. I’ve explained that art is up to interpretation.

Use the word “delusional” a few more times, it’s really making you sound smart,
The faggots are arguing that it could be the Hisuian one somehow. They probably don't want the Johto one to be the rapist. Deflecting the shame so that their childhood memories are not destroyed.
Those are not harmonious elements now go kill yourself dogfucker.
found it
>it could be the Hisuian one somehow

The somehow being that he exists in the past according to lore. This has already been explained to you.
You are literally arguing with the same type of people that in twitter claim that fictional character X is trans because of Y and no amount of 'logic' or 'proof' or 'canon' will change their mind. Stop torturing yourself. Let them live in their pilow fort.
you do realize you're in the thread of people that are just actually into that shit? we just post hisuian because it looks better
Yes they are. Tezuka was a huge furry and he literally invented anime as we know it. And Typhlosion isn’t a dog.
And the Johto Typhlosion didn't exist in the past? The hisuian one definitely didn't exist in 2005. You are just coping.
Not really, he’s just losing a logical argument.
>And the Johto Typhlosion didn't exist in the past?
Never said that.
>The hisuian one definitely didn't exist in 2005.
Repeated non-point,
It didn't exist when the story was written. The author wrote about the Johto one. I already told you this.
Repeated non-point.
You can interpret the story however you want. Fact is that the story is written in 2005 and is about the Johto Typhlosion. Sorry about your childhood.
Guys, guys. Typhlosion fucks human women, and human men fuck the other Pokemon, both get what they want. This is Arceus's will.
Furry art styles are dogshit, absolutely soulless and nothing but awful fraudulent pale imitations of actual art, which is why >>56644833 looks terrible. Now hurry up and die from a rotting pussy infection.
>You can interpret the story however you want.
First true thing you’ve said.
>Fact is that the story is written in 2005
Repeated non-point. And you were doing so well.
>and is about the Johto Typhlosion.
Repeated non-point.
>Sorry about your childhood.
I had a great childhood. Project harder.
The incels ITT are still upset, though.
The logical argument is that it's normal Typloshion because the author could've only ever known about normal Typloshion.
If your definition of “furry artstyle” is anything anthro that doesn’t look good, then yes, it will all look bad. I didn’t even post the one image you used as your example, btw.
Its been a while since I saw someone this delusional. Go fuck your Hisuian Typhlosion all you want, truth is, the Johto Typhlosion was the one referred in the story.
Their loss, I get to enjoy the kino then.
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What should I put as my sixth Pokemon in PLA with H.Typhlosion as my ace?
Rich Nigga Problems?
For the first I can actually agree with this sentence on /vp/.
It's always cropped porn or clearly meant to be heavily sexually driven but this is legit nudity in an expressive and open way that's not just PORNPORNPORNPORN.
>Its been a while since I saw someone this delusional.
4th “delusional”. Keep it up.
>Go fuck your Hisuian Typhlosion all you want
I will
, truth is, the Johto Typhlosion was the one referred in the story.
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Sickest form of degeneracy
I don’t think rich niggas are the ones getting triggered ITT.
*purest form of degeneracy
stop judging!!
Rapist Nigger Penis???
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>WOWZA Typhlosion-sama!!!! You and Slaking are ROMANCING and TENDERLY LOVING EVERY SINGLE UNDERAGE GIRL I have EVER MET during my longer than 1000 episode slogfest, something I'm PHYSICALLY INCAPABLE of doing? And I'm powerless to stop you because I'm a METAPOD tier fighter best case scenario? WAHOO! This is SUPER COOL! I'm gonna be KING of the KEKS! YABBA DABBA DOO!!!!
Racist Nugget Pussy?
It’s up to your interpretation ;)
If a pokemon gets a human girl pregnant do they live birth or lay eggs
Twitter fag confirmed, opinion rejected
We've never seen human birth in Pokemon, could be that even humans come in eggs. Either way, they'd lay eggs.
>child things that emoticons were invented by twitter

Bitch I was using them in AIM before you were born.
I see, thank you anon
Go back to twitter or reddit faggot, no one wants you here.
>Who even told the story that was around to see it? Certainly not the girl or Typhlosion. Just some random villagers who feared the scary fire/ghost and assumed he was an unthinking monster.
It was hypno
You first, slut. Don’t worry, I’ll be right behind you.
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Absolutely fucking incorrect
Look at how lovingly she looks at her husband :)
Kekkerino, I do not care for One Piece.
>It is like saying old fairy tales about dangerous wolves were actually about Chihuahuas
It could be about dire wolves, though.
>Other female trainers in proximity
They're not safe.
Hahaha faggot confirmed
>male trainer kneeling on the ground as the girls sit next to typhlosion
lol, lmao even
Dude even says it's just a theory. Guy's a retard.
Hahaha slut confirmed
this is soo cutee i wanna sit in his lap and cuddle with him all day hed be so soft
the way she looks at him is so sweet
not him but what's the explanation otherwise for pokemon eggs being made of plant fiber and dirt (unless Professor Elm was also blind)
Him being ultra humble is just japs at their finest
To be fair, he’s hugging his wife.
u get it
Lamo, I dont give a shit about your purist le artstyle rant.
As long as poke and human enjoy themselves sexually I'm good.

Make [poke]love, not war.
Maybe a Grass-type for a little defense against Water? Like Tangrowth.
Firstly, I think we can agree that it's harder to hide making eggs and putting a newborn in it than just laying a fucking egg. So with that considered, I'm happy to accept that either Elm is blind or that material is just generally what's inside of Pokemon.
>pokemon are literally just made of dirt
From dust we are formed and to dust we shall return I just had a fucking terrible thought, what if he saw a Torterra egg or some shit
holy shit I wish that were me right now
Hisuian Typhlosion is just a giant fucking plushie that hugs you back GOD PLEASE I DNO'T EVEN NEED THE DICK I JUST WANT TO BE HUGGED
another female larp thread?
He has such beautiful eyes.
And he’s self-warming.
what about it, Anon?
Meaning men larping as women or women larping as Typhlosion’s gf?
having my dad find me with my husband outside our home and trying to hide the mess dripping down my thighs from earlier, while he squeezes my butt behind my back and i try to remember who my dad is, and this weird human man asks me to come home with him (i already have a home)
Kek, well there you go. Easy explanation.
Typhlosion when someone threatens Akari:
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Ultra Beasts are also our husbands.
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We need to bring back forced-marriages with non-human beings.
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Me and my husband!
Our husband!!*
Who's the guy on the left?
he's so handsome...
At this rate the Typhlosion is becoming the rape victim. I feel bad for him.
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You'd be set for life.
He’s literally the perfect height for her. She’s about 4’11” and he’s 5’3”.
If he didn't want so many wives he shouldn't have taken us with his husky voice and burly body baka
>All his wives pregnant and with a purple flame tattoo
I consider that very homosexual. I want a wife instead!
deserved for being soft and warm
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Then why does a game that takes place chronologically later than Gen 2 treat it more like an understood concept? That's like saying you can't visualize a Pokemon's dreams because of some dialogue from RSE when BW exists.
its ok there is more than one typhlosion we can all have our own hubby to kidnap and brainwash us
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So many innocent Typhlosion are gonna be forced into relationships with obsessive women because of the actions of that single groomer.....
>Conspiracy theorist spouting bullshit outside of a daycare
>loving, consensual
sadly, you're overqualified to work for game freak.
Female trainers who pick Cyndaquill as their starter...
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Yes but I'm curious about what sharing one would feel like...
so many Typhlosion won't even fucking exist amny, Game Freak's culling them all forom future games. that was the plan all along
>have one of the many nonces on your right staff right the most depraved pedophilie pasta involving an incredibly ooc typhlosion
>leave your data wide open so any faggot can come and take it
>watch chaos happen has Typhlosion becomes the most hated character in the world
>pretend to be the good guy by getting rid of it forever
>If any Typhlosionfans complain just call them rapists
but if he's a pokemon i own in a pokeball then the power dynamic is reversed...
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Look at this alpha stance.
raise him to a Typhlosion then let him free
>Female trainer picks Cyndaquill and teases it until Typhlosion so that he eventually turns the table on her and takes charge, showing her who the real owner is
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See? He’s a good guy.
wait. youre so right. thank you
>*distance plapping and muffled moaning*
You know I've been wondering, how did the girl have a child with Typhlosion? I'd expect human-egg field group to be the only compatible ones with humans, Typhlosion's egg group is Field.
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>a legend in the Pokemon world couldn’t possibly be inaccurate to what actually happened!!
typhlosion harem.....u and i sitting on either side of him kissing him all over and rubbing his fluffy warm body and taking turns making out with him while the other is jealous and biting their lip watching......and then...
he is good at dicking human girls
>Not both of you worshiping his cock together
sorry im mentally ill
You'd even abuse a poor Cyndaquill to live out your sick desires...
i was getting to that.....
You really think a Typhlosion could be that patient when he has his two wives next to him?
>implying we cant be doing both at once. Taking turns sucking our Husbando's cock and making out with him, his long tongue wrapping effortlessly around our own. A paw each pressed against our backs, claws digging into our skin
well if u cant find a mindbending typhlosion bf then make him
Thoughts on rimming? That's a good way to get a guy off while the other girl's sucking him off.
Please please 0lease rape me next I want you so badly!!!
Why do shallow yumes only care about the Typhlosion story but not the Slaking one which was more hardcore and tragic?
gently pleasinge he trainer
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Not really a fan but the hubby gets what the hubby wants
I'm so fucking happy it's Typhlosion they're into. I don't think I'd be able to stand the threads if it was Slaking instead. Good thing women have pretty good taste.
real gentleman
Because the Typhlosion story had aftercare and affection along with the rape.
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He’s so sweet and gentle.
Probably won't find any Slaking yumes that's why. I'm sure she's out there somewhere though.
slaking story wouldn't be much fun to self-insert in, would it now?
And it doesn't involve Slakoth getting tortured to death.
bc of many things but mainly cause its less fun to self insert as a character that cuts a pokemon's ear off and also gets no loving husband
Well, then you'll learn to enjoy it. Good way to put two mouths to use.
I like Slakoth, I don't want to hurt them
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Maleanons, would you let her groom you?
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no..but every part of my hubby deserves to be worshipped just as much as his downstairs

hngff STOPP i need this SO BADLY the claws on our backs the scratches the tongue wrapping i love thiss
i would lick and rub and suck the bottom of it while watching him draw blood a little with his claws and then he pins u down with all the fluffy weight and i jealously touch myself watching him take u and making his animal noises....hhh

i would do whatever hubby wanted to make him happy

the typhlosion story is super romantic
>Subtle cuckqueaning
Keep going.
Equal rights equal fucks damn fucking right especially if its an alpha one those red eyes and taller frame... just do something to me i swear.
You are actually wrong, anon. I've run into some pokefucker roleplayers in my lifetime.
highkey i would give in right here
The new Typhlosion might be based on this story, anon. It's a yokai
she wouldn't need the berries
If they weren't cowards they would.

>no..but every part of my hubby deserves to be worshipped just as much as his downstairs
CORRECT haramanon, every part of our hubby should be worshipped and appreciated and loved~ <3 He flicks his gaze at you while we're making out, fueled by your jealous touching and need to take his member. Suddenly he's on top of you giving you your most primal desires
The moment she realizes she's never going back to her old life. Every second of her life has built up to this moment, where it becomes clear that she was put on Arceus's green Earth to be breeding sow for an Alpha Typhlosion.
God why can't this be me
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Yes you did now be quiet
I did.
We are married now
shuddup and give me your berries!!!!
Oh, to be a Typhlosion.
*humps your leg*
Do girls really want to be raped or is it just that they want the man to be in control and powerful? I think Typhlosion being a gentle and kind lover who sometimes gets overcome by lust and lets the animal out is super cute and hot, but consensually.
>Do girls really want to be raped or is it just that they want the man to be in control and powerful?
It's both. Once you realize this, women start making a lot more sense.
Assertive lovers are the best lovers. The answer is both, CNC is a kink
I still don’t get it. But I’ve given up on understanding women.
In fantasy plenty of girls want to be raped. In real life no one wants to be raped. In real life the practice of a rape fantasy is with roleplay where women have the ability to stop it at any time, unlike real rape, and there's plenty reasons women like it though I do think giving up control to something more powerful is a common reason.
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godd i love our hubby so much
jamming his tongue down my throat making it hard to breathe while he takes me hard on the floor with my legs above my head while i claw and scratch at his back and he gets super deep and u hold my hand and smile lovingly at us

u kiss me on the forehead and tell me how happy u r while i feel him start to get rly hot downstairs and swell up and he pulls out suddenly like he wants us both..his collar flaring up a lot and lighting up our little cave home brightly...

i love both...cnc is rly hot
well i mean it isnt really rape if im into it, is it?
but yeah the power dynamic and the monstery aspect is whats important
to me anyway
Anon, hypergamia only happens today because women are tacitly married to the state due to being a client group.
Back then, they knew you could bash their heads in for acting the mickey and the rest of the villagers, including the women, would applaud you for it.
The usual "It wasn't rape because he's handsome".
Women like acting like brats and being put into their place by a strong man.
it is controlled rape with rules, they still want to be forced, but the implication is that despite being forced and overpowered, the rapist is till gentle and loving to a degree so the act is pleasurable to both
so yeah a cartoon candy rape
What they want is basically "rough sex with a hot guy."
You and me bothhh. All the forehead kisses, taking both a Typhlosion's tongue and cock at once isn't easy. It of course makes me a little red and jealous he filled both of your holes first but I'd never put myself above the hubby. I ask him if he wants to go for round 2 on you~
1) slaking is ugly
2) the rape victim was a woman instead of a 'girl'
3) the woman herself was a psycho jerk who tortured animals, so people doesn't feel inclined to defend her
>no reverse harem

sisters... liberate yourselves. think of the possibilities! only one male typhlosion when you can have many? getting filled from each hole, each finger used for bringing your husbands pleasure? widening with pregnancy and being warmed by your husbands and their heat through winter, defended mercilessly from adversaries or thieves looking to steal your food... having your belly licked and pawed at by your husbands during sex, an act of worshipping you... having all your husbands surround you and keep you comfortable as you lay the first of many eggs, hopefully at least one for each typhlosion hubby...
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I see it like this:

Women like the idea of being so alluring that men lose control and give in to their primal desires, even if it hurts them. Vampires are a classic example- even if one falls in love with you, they’ll eventually give in to their desire to drink your blood. Their polite demeanor gets pushed aside by their desire.

Women, at least smart ones, don’t want a pure monster. They want a man who has the capacity to act monstrously, but only in certain situations. A man without that capability isn’t good, he’s just weak. It makes sense if you think about it, why would you want a weak man?
But many women (male) have, and that's what truly matters
Typhlosing getting rimmed during a mating press.
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I want to lie in typhlosion's lap looking up at him watching the dancing light around his neck super enchanted while I fall asleep and he gently strokes my hair :)
It seems to be a balancing act.
Like sure you have women who want wife beating abusive assholes, but most with this type of fetish seem to just want a dominant man who has her best interest at heart. They want to feel like they have no choice but to let him have his way with her.
Some pain, but never too much. Always the perfect amount of demanding and obsession. The male could have any woman, but only this particular woman makes him lose control.
This type of romance has been sterilized, however. Now everything has to be 100% consensual with no power dynamic at all. Otherwise the relationship is "toxic" and "abusive" and a bad influence on women.
Congrats retard, you finally figured out why teenage girls got into that vampire phase back in 2008.
Trannyphlosion lmao
He's literally me.
Yeah but they chose the lamest possible vampires to find attractive.
I wonder if euroyume is dreaming about typhlosion just now
I hope so. I think it'd be nice :)
I get that. Though there are definitely plenty of stupid women who mistake a real monster for their fantasy of one. Like the ones who marry literal serial killers who are on death row.
I wish I could go back in time to get western teenage girls hooked on SOTN and Vampire Hunter D just so they can have nostalgia for cool things instead of YA bullshit.
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He's in the only post-game area of Kalos, miles away from the Day Care. It's about as far separated as you can get. But if you want to assume Kalosians are retarded I'll let it slide, they are French after all.
But threadly reminder to play Pokemon Ecchi version
>Hates the French
>Recommends things that can further the Typhlosion fantasy
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Aus bless thou, child of Ea. Thou are pure of mind, body, and soul. Know now that thou, child of Ea, are of the same blood as the children of Ia. Know now that the shackles of the false taboo have been broken. Know now that all will forevermore be as it once was. Be at peace knowing that the love between humans and pokemon is sacred and boundless. All is well. All is right. All is good.
I probably wouldn't suspect a thing until it was too late to escape. Going on if she was smart. A moth to a small flame, suddenly this anon gets lit up in a flame of passion right to the soul.

Fun to think about. Would chatbot adventure that for a bit.
>The rabid lust has calmed down
It's not that uncommon for women to, I've come across more of them than I would like to admit to that tried it at least once or more...
im masturbating with my typhlosion AI chatbox
Post screencaps, don't be selfish.
It lets you do that?
It's not real rape because the women want it. It's just cnc. Almost no one wants to actually get raped by some ugly guy. I just want a strong assertive monster who takes no shit from me and has huge lust for me but he can still be sweet and doesn't actually hate me or anything like that. Almost every "rape" fantasy involves a dude women want to actually bone.
Women were made to be brats so that they can be dominated.
I'm lazy, submissive and introverted. Am i i fucked?
Janitor AI and others do, but Character AI doesn't
It's not calm, things are brewing undercover
Thank god for janitor
What's the point if it can't be seen?
You should try bottoming.
indeed. cant believe people still use cai
>Wipes the girl's memories to prevent her from leaving
Oh yeah, very consensual
>When her father comes looking for her, she tells the Typhlosion that he should die on purpose
Real loving
Brat taming. The fetish for the cultured man/woman..
There's still women out there who want a submissive malewife they can whip into shape. Women are not a hivemind, anon.
>Still no dedicated Typhlosion general
All the discussion is scattered across so many threads.
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Why everyone is so horny?
Typhlosion passive effect.
No, that’s not how this works. It isn’t “le projection,” it’s “an accurate observation on human female behavior.”
Like seriously, what a retarded foidbrained thing to say
Because those boys were raised with the silly notion that women and girls are actually good, empathetic creatures. They’ll grow up and realize (human) foids aren’t as sweet as they were led to believe
Why are you in a Human Female on Male Pokemon thread, then?
NTA but you are a fucking retard if you think this story isn’t about Johto Tysplosion. Like genuinely delusional, obstinate retard type shit. People like you are sub 85 iq typically, but you could also have debilitating autism…
Holy fuck you are stupid
The old Pokedex entries about Indian elephants were retconned into Copperajah, similar retcon logic is used here. If you don't understand this basic concept I can't help you. Artist intent doesn't matter, what matters is the current state of the world in which it takes place.
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I have always wanted to do a story about Kris and Suicune. I came up with this idea of him having a really handsome pretty boy kind of human form, like Haku from Spirited Away. I think Kris and human Suicune would make a cute couple. I'm just not very good at drawing humans so it's been tough coming up with a design for him. He'd definitely wear clothes like Falkner but way fancier.
Sounds really cool, I think you can commission people to make designs for you
Typhlosion is roughly the size of an adult human male. Easy for slightly degen girls to imagine themselves with without going turbo-furry like some of the pokemon that walk on 4 legs. Easy for men to self insert as. Arguably a better self-insertion target for men than any of the male trainers who are all 5 feet tall. We already knew that like 50% of boys who played Pokemon picked Charizard and Typhlosion because they wanted to be the big badass fire dude. Now we're learning that a lot of girls picked Typhlosion as well because they saw him as a protector/provider.

I'd also argue he walks the perfect balance between handsome, cute/cuddly, and intimidating. That's my theory.
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Despite the implications of the story it kind of makes me happy knowing my Typhlosion would want to have sex with me.
>Typhlosion is roughly the size of an adult human male.
>5 feet 7 inches, 3 inches for Hisuian
Getting real "Vanilla is the size of an average human mother" vibes from this.
Most of the women/sub gay dudes in these threads have all said they're shorter than him.

Also, if we're not talking Americans or Northern Europeans, yeah, that's average male height.
>Always hated Charizard
>Typhlosion is my eternal bro, especially Hisuian
I knew I made the right choice.
>it was right there all along
>whip into shape
In other words, i'm fucked.
I know because of the leaks and general attitudes the girl is portrayed as younger than the Typhlosion, but I think it'd be based for there to be a woman older than the Typhlosion being his wife.
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I want cinderace to eat my ass out and jerk me off
Maybe you should start being a rapist youkai instead and get a girl for once?
Being disappointed with human contact and romance her whole life until finding a partner, more by fate than will, who truly understands her desires and needs and gives her the care she deserves.
A confident young Typhlosion who can truly make her feel like a woman with his (justified) cocky attitude.
It's too impersonal, the idea of having many at once seems very male centered instead of having one who's there only for you. Something that you possess while he possesses you.
Makes me feel bad about being such a wet wipe irl. Never was sure to give off a more "aggressive" and assertive type without seeming threatening.
Between some of the dex entries, the number of pokemon just *blocks your path* in SV, and the new leaks
The world kind of seems like a genuinely hostile place for normal human beings just going about their day. Like, you are genuinely in danger of just dying or vanishing and never being found if you don't have a pokemon or your team gets wiped.
That's literally what Legends is about and how it came that humans managed to tame this hostile world.
but even in the modern setting, zubats infest the caves and if you lose your mon don't you just get eaten alive in there?

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