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Come here for talk about all things Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

Previous thread: >>56541582

PMD Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/tr8i1aiQ#AWzqkesoNSeSUGjHSug5dw

PMD Fangames Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/QuYRBJAL#JhfXAuBdsZhQ_7jeIslqHQ
Romhacks Overview/Reviews: https://rentry.org/pmdglph

PMD Guides: https://pastebin.com/Dbq61R5u
Explorers of Sky Romhacking Guide: https://rentry.org/skytempleguide

Everything about the Clover Guild: https://cloverguild.com
Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/tim0el1aug
Mobile Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/nczd6q0isq
Drawing Request: https://rentry.org/DrawReqPublic

>Go-to duo, with all pokemon considered?
>Go-to hold item?
>What the fuck was Wigglytuff's problem?
Reginostic Cults in the PMD World…
>What the fuck was Wigglytuff's problem?
He's acoustic.
>What the fuck was Wigglytuff's problem?
I still believe he was written to originally have ulterior motives that were later scrapped for a more wholesome experience.
Bullet's origin story is literally about him staring at pokemon ass and the second one heavily implies a relationship with Mimi, they died though, unlucky.
as for Smith nothing's been implied with him and Furret, and I think he doesn't even know Nida in lore
Stories from last thread:
>Tropius-anon wrote about Tropius wanting chocolate and delivering boxes: https://rentry.org/tropiuscocoacargo
>Ribombee-anon wrote about Team Buckler saving someone in a tree: https://rentry.org/RibombeeFlashTree
>Anon wrote an intro for Team Eevee: https://rentry.org/CloverPrelude
I don't see the big deal. I mean, as long as someone doesn't force the pokefucking and degeneracy on other people's characters, is it even an issue?
I always played Cyndaquil in PMD games as a kid and would have evolved to Typhlosion if I didn't have to 100% the game to unlock it, but I never got that far.
Huh, I accidentally missed that last story entirely. This mistake has been corrected.
His only childhood friend was a convicted felon who got arrested right in front of him. We're only left to wonder what constitutes a felony for a pokemon.
>>Go-to hold item?
goggle specs
>>What the fuck was Wigglytuff's problem?
who the fuck knows
>>What the fuck was Wigglytuff's problem?
Nothing, nothing at all. Wigglytuff and Chatot did absolutely nothing wrong, ever.
no one said it was a big deal lol, I was just listing down the in-lore pokefuckers for no reason
the franchise is ruled by pokephiles anyway, and if you're into pmd you're at the very least a furfag in denial
I have the uncensored notes for my PMD OC's right here and that includes the description of their genitals.
One year later and there are so many eeveelutions now. I'm so sorry for what I've done to this guild
It's not your fault. Eeveelutions are just popular.
It's not your fault anon, there was already an Eevee before Adrian on the early stories whose partner was a Riolu. Both were conveniently memory holed, curious...
Idea: Level reset dungeon in the next PMD as a mandatory storyline dungeon, how would this go over
We fucking murdered them and the anon who wrote them. I don't want to see another damn Eevee and Riolu pairing in this Guild again.
Pray to Satan that Z-A doesn't add a riolu/lucario regional then.
deepest lore
I am going to write a Riolu and Eevee pair to spite the anons above me.
We're about to own every fucking chud in this thread
Either people finally learn how to play the game, or they say the game is bad and never touch it.
High chance of >>56650783 happening but I feel like a level reset dungeon, if made a little bit easier than the usual ones, could actually draw more people into the actual game alongside the story
He had at least three other good friends who cared enough about him to come looking for him when he wasn't around to play.
He actively chose the felon and criminal over other kids his own age that wanted to play with him.
I dunno man, Igglybuff was in no way a lonely or wayward child. He was not hurting for friends when he met Armaldo
I’ve always been just as interested in the gameplay of PMD as the story, maybe this would cause people to at least appreciate the gameplay more
In fact, Super already experimented with this idea with the Thorny Shadow Path, a 15-floor leader only level reset that you’re required to clear for Staraptor’s connection mission
>villain group are pokemon who worship Regis
Do they have anything that plays music in the Clover guild? Or the PMD world?
whats the coolest romhack? love this series but didnt even know there were romhacks of it
I like the idea of most psychic types being able to either create sounds with psychic waves or even beam music directly into someone's brain.

I don't know if they have a way to like, record and play back music in any meaningful way. It seems like live music and performances are extremely popular for this reason.

I wonder if the PMD world is able to utilise radio waves in any capacity. Has there been experiments with sending and receiving different frequencies?
presumably the porygon line would be able to do things like that
or any "artificial" pokemon, probably
if you liked explorers of sky I highly recommend you check out https://x.com/PKMM_ESPEP0/status/1819372615326146746 its really good
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Each one of these 4 triangles represents a major religion in PMD

Describe them and their beliefs. Who would follow each one?
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Well, there is ONE thing...
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>Cyndaquil watching his teammates
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POV You’re Cyndaquil and Regigigas just got released from the Concealed Ruins
Realistically if there were a level reset dungeon that were required for the story it would just be an easy dungeon that just serves as a tutorial for the concept, and then they'd introduce some harder optional ones during the story instead of just saving all of them for the post game
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>Cyndaquil wins
music to my ears
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day 16...
cleanup on aisle clover
Actually Porygon did during the summer festival kinda. I think he downloaded some soundfont or something
The "blood" is white
Blood ?
>they died though
I guess Regigigas got them after all…
Wait a minute, why was anon isekaied as a human?
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I think the most interesting thing that could occur would be a sort of schism, and that could best be achieved by having the outer trinities of Lugia, Ho-Oh, and Regigigas be in conflict with the main Arceus pantheon.

The in-world explanation for this could be that Arceus, while the ultimate creator (and the pantheon that was and still is overwhelmingly supported because, well, Arceus is the acknowledged creator of everything). But for some reason Arceus was negligent, not stepping in when Dialga began to grow insane long ago (but deciding to intervene when a few Pokemon were stuck in the Dark Future?) and not preventing Rayqyaza, Kyogre, and Groudon from fighting one another. Thus arose the "Guardian pantheons," where Ho-Oh, Lugia, and Regigigas rebelled against Arceus, which could explain why their respective domains overlap with those of Rayquaza, Kyogre, and Groudon. Evidence for them being upstart gods could be the fact that they have their own servants, whereas all other Pokemon seen are subservient to Arceus.

It'd also make sense for the Guardian pantheons, though separate from one another, to be on good terms (or at the very least Ho-Oh and Lugia since they roosted alongside each other in Johto). Maybe >>56651524 is the case (that'd be fun) and is seen as the black sheep of the Guardian Pantheons?

So you'd have the main Arceus Pantheon and the three rebellious Guardian Pantheons of Lugia, Ho-Oh, and Regigigas, with the Guardian Pantheons being seen as heretical by the still-popular Arceus Pantheon.
Continuing >>56660107, you could have the beliefs of the Arceus pantheon be pretty straightforward, with a Pokemon believing in Arceus foremost with all others being servants to them that can be invoked when the occasion calls for it.

The Guardian Pantheons could operate differently, with Lugia, Ho-Oh, and Regigias having a more personal relationship with their servants since it's much smaller; they'd also be more specialized with Pokemon that have close ties with the Skies, Seas, and Earth worshiping Ho-Oh, Lugia, and Regigias respectively. Perhaps their servants could act as "angels" for different aspects, such as Registeel being the God of Earthen Minerals or Suicune being the God of the Northern Lights, the two being respectively important to Pokemon that mine or for Pokemon that live in the north of the world. So belief wouldn't be followed by type, but instead by occupation (and therefore making some followings hereditary for flavor even if the Pokemon no longer is in a related line of work).

Anything else I might be missing from the chart/religion in general?
If you want to use that as a headcanon, go ahead, but there’s no reason to believe it would apply to the entire Pokemon world. There could be lots of disagreements about what Legendaries are more important than others. And some groups/societies may not even be aware of certain Legendaries, or choose not to accept Legendaries as gods at all.
>War of the Gods
guilds should recruit porygons en mass to act as communication specialists
one mandated per team
How would they get so many Porygons? They’re rare, and Pokemon don’t know how to build them.
geez anon i've done the hard part of coming up with the idea, do a little leg work yourself
le epic highschool drama anime but everyone is a god of [thing]
breeding them with dittos, duh
Well, good thing it's definitely headcanon lol. I'm just a huge fan of the War in Heaven.
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>hay bed
they're gonna fucking die there is an open flame right there
Only low empathy schizos dislike this.
Keep seething Chespin you shitter, hay beds are a fucking tradition and you're not gonna get us to stop using them.
Made you dingles a remix

Pleasant, though I'm not certain how relevant.
Cotton is just as flammable as hay, Chespin...
This is actually pretty good. Where did the acappella vocals come from?
What about rotoms? They could theoretically do the same thing. Hack into the Porygon ethernet
>Go-to hold item?
Does anyone not use X-ray Specs?
>he doesn't use tight belt so that he doesn't have to worry about belly ever again
then again I played mostly the older games
Are mega links dead?
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Must design PMD characters to fulfill no greater narrative purpose.

>Oricorios change their form by drinking nectar from special flowers that are rare and only grow on a special island out at sea.
>The species flock there every year and gather when the flowers are in full bloom.
>The flowers are carefully preserved and each Oricorio is only permitted to change their form once per year at this gathering.
>These (relation unspecified) are a dance/cheerleading duo. The market is pretty saturated with Oricorios, but they still want to make it big.
>They are mean stacys.

What names are best?
>Orla & Carly
>Dot & Erica
>Kennedy & Mackenzie
based slut birds
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I always use X-ray Specs as my general use item. Only use Tight Belt in original Rescue Team, due to buried items and recruitment spawn grinds, and Friend Bow to actually recruit the,.
The first set of names seems best, mostly since I try to avoid human names.
What is this?
Also the guy's a retard for acknowledging a letter from his ISP.
Nah, blud, I also love both sides in war in Heaven, but some things shold be left where they belong, crossovers just for the sake of it are dumbest shit ever.
>bros torrenting switch games without a VPN

ISPs dont catch stuff from websites/browser downloads.

If only switch nsp websites linked their 8gb games to encrpyted download servers or something
if only
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smartest zoomer
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day 17
Can't go a single day without some gay shit being posted in this thread
Your post is gay shit
This is him being sent to heaven, actually.
But those are all human names.
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I have no idea what you mean.
I know what you are but what am I?
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What happened to Kiyo?
What happened to a lot of our members? Exactly.
He's still in the draw board occasionally but I don't know if he's working on anything
The anon is busy with school, I think.

That's just the case with a number of anons who aren't straight up NEETs or have very loose schedules.
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i'm lurkin'
been working on some non-clover projects plus a bunch of life stuff got in the way
your drawings are so cute. Pure soul.
>Fern tries to cash in a 1 free Linoone ride ticket.
>It expired yesterday.
He's missing the thing around his neck, though
Also, here's a suggestion for another comic:
>sneasel is panicking because it looks like something horrible is happening to booker
>actually, he's just molting, which looks freaky but is a normal process for a bug
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He is absolutely that kind of guy
>he doesn't know cloverguild cynda lore
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Does the PMD world have degenerates who write/draw human smut?
Given no one knows what a human actually is/the powers that be seem to make sure that knowledge isn't retained in any way that'd derail the setting, I'd say no.
Maybe Maggie? Depends on if you count human-turned-pokemon and also I'm not sure if she does actually write humans. The story the anon wrote was just joking about Grovyle and Dusknoir
Pika absolutely does.
They sure are.
Why is every other fucking fanfiction or comic just Explorers? Like, not even a retelling, usually just the plot to Explorers with some different partner mons chosen.

Sky is so fucking overrated and I'm tired of seeing the same fucking plot over and over and over again. Write some goddamn original stories in this wide open setting filled with so much potential.
there's human larping from one of phanpy's story, and thing is that they got hands on doujin material and think that it's a legit human encyclopedia
I don't read PMD related fiction or read any comics but holy shit, that is so boring. Why would anyone waste time writing something that's already been written?
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After all these years it might be time to accept that most people just like Explorers more than any other game in the series, your nebulous "overrated" critique is not going to change anyone's opinion.
There's no shortage of fanfiction that doesn't follow any of the games.
Team Misfits but as Megg, Mogg, Owl and Werewolf Jones.
Cyndaquil is WW Jones
>PMD Red on gba
What am I in for? Got Machop and my partner is Totodile
>What am I in for
Fun. And the best spritework in any of the games. I miss friend areas so much.
I miss that cute fox
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mfw no kiyo cider sentret beast or linoone updates in months
I swear I'll eventually be done with all the stories I'm writing just give me a few more weeks to finish reading a gacha's plot
It is weirdly common. I know when I was really young, (like 9 or 10 years old), I wrote my own little story about my adventure in the Rescue Team world. It was basically a copy and paste of the plot. Really wish I could find the notebook I wrote it in now but it was probably thrown away ages ago

I guess writing for Clover Guild was just inevitable
Some of them just disappeared. Others are still in the group but aren’t making any OC anymore (or making very little OC). It’s hard to stay motivated to participate in a group long-term after the initial excitement wears off. And there’s also real-life things that can keep you busy so you can’t participate even if you want to.
It's not terribly hard to find unique fanfics and comics though. Like I get it, seeing Treasure Town and the Wigglytuff Guild gets tiresome, but it's hardly that big a deal when there's a fuckton of great, original works.
Such a pity that I'm no longer legally allowed to not find any of this shit beyond cringe and not look like a pedo when trying to enjoy it in public. . .
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Sounds like a personal problem.

t. I'm 30+ years old.

Also what the hell do you mean in public? Stop looking at Pokémon on your work computer at the chud factory.
It's time to bring kiyoposting back
Alien question detected.
Dear God no. If anyone wants to start that shit they can take it to /trash/ where it belongs
The quiz has a question about aliens, and answering it a certain way pretty much always gives you Machop. Which is bad, because Machop is the weakest of all the starters.
There is an alien invasion! What will you do?
>Ignore it.
Machop here. I never got the alien invasion question.
Even if you don't, there are a whopping 6 other answers that give you +3 Brave, which makes Machop really easy to land on. (the alien invasion question gives +4 Brave)
It's oddly imbalanced, all the other natures only get +1/2 answers and a single +3 answer at most.
Which ones give +3 Brave?
I think it was a trap, due to how many bosses fuck up Machop.
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Man, everyone shitting on machop. Machop was pretty good from what I remember, because fighting stab is pretty good, and karate chop had high crit rate. All the bosses being fliers doesn't really matter because type matchups matter less, and you should be stunlocking bosses anyway with seeds and shit anyway. As a kid though he maybe woulda sucked shit. Plus picrel
>karate chop had high crit rate
Not in base RT, they forgot to give it that.
The shit talk is mostly because, objectively speaking, he is one of the worst characters for that game and that is not debatable. Being the worst character in a PMD game isn't a big deal though because these games are kinda fuckin' easy
>get cubone in RT
>doesn't actually get an attacking move until level 9
Machop is hideously ugly.
I never played Cubone in the original but I did have him as a partner in RTDX and he was strong as shit. He gets Bone Club at level 7 which is much better than his original rendition. Lightning Rod makes him very good to pair with a water type partner as they'll bait electric type attacks more often. Bonemerang is also just isnane in hallways. If you don't have a good room clearing move for whatever reason, a very good strategy is to just run back into a corridor and spam the fuck out of that move since it every enemy in its path twice with STAB.

Also he can learn Blizzard
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day 18
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also fixed yesterday one because i keep forgettin smeargle has a neck fluff
He is not coming back from this one
this is how i die
>nobody suggested to make a horror comic of chespin seeing cider’s bed and making the most grotesque face imaginable
>nobody suggested cider capturing chespin in a SAW style and forcing him to either sleep in a hay bed or if he refuses, watch wooper get killed by a snover
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Hi! I made a Chapter 2 for Team Eevee:

I also realized that, based on the characters I'm writing, some issues are inevitable, and my solution is to slap a bandage over it with a new character, which is the picrel I got off the internet. I'll try to write him into the guild (unlike Team Eevee which has some journeying to do). I also used it as a chance to try out present instead of past tense:
I expected this to be a shitpost from the image attached, but weirdly, I actually find myself liking Ikarus. He'll get along great with Sableye, I'm sure.
Haven't read the main story yet; will do so soon.
Chapter 2 is also quite interesting. No errors that couldn't be solved by spellcheck, although I wasn't looking all that hard. I'm curious to see where these guys go next, anon!
please proofread your stuff
A concern I have is your story says ferals are made up of sentient Pokemon. In Clover Guild the writers have mostly gone with the depiction that ferals are some sort of constructs or spirits created by the dungeons as a means to repel or destroy invaders. They may sometimes escape their home environments and populate the wilderness, but for the most part we skimmed past the weird implications that the games left us with that there's potentially wholesale innocent slaughter involved.

I personally subscribe to the idea that the ferals are at a majority a population of these specters, while there's also the rare victims who fell in the dungeon and were assimilated by it. These would be the pokemon you'd find, knock some sense into, and finally rescue.

Enclosed is an inspired shitpost doodle.

Ikarus is supposed to be from an alternative Earth where things have different names and spellings, including Earth.

Noted! Not too happy with the quality of the first story so I don't mind going back and retconning it at some point, and I'll keep this in mind going forward. Outlaws, however, are most definitely non-constructs, right? (Also thanks for the explanation+doodle lol)
Outlaws are 100% ne'er-do-well sentient pokemon who have cheated, lied, and ultimately betrayed the mutual trust of society. Some anons take liberties on how advanced of a bounty system it actually is and what level of criminality takes place. There is some former criminals who are under various forms of reformation/liasionship in the guild as a second chance.

I personally don't try to get too edgy because that just becomes a downward spiral after a point. People likely won't complain if someone who takes innocent lives gets a miserable end, though.
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>Given no one knows what a human actually is
This gives me an idea for >>56696912

>Guildmons open a book on humans to see what the natives think they look like
>Artist's depiction of a human looks nothing like a human or/and is horror manga levels of creepy/cursed
>Alternate Earth
This is a really cool idea. Is the Eevee from the same alt universe, or just regular Earth
I'm about the read through part 2 of the prelude, so I may get my answer there.

I never asked about it, but I just sort assumed this was the way it worked and wrote my stories that way. My characters could not justify battling and hurting dungeon mons if they were real and sentient. It seems cruel, like overhunting wild animals for no reason.
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Wanting to fuck Kiyo came with the territory tho, he shouldn't have TF'ed into sex incarnate and complain afterwards.

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