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Human trainers, this is all I got.
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I love it when the girl is not only barefoot but she's holding her stinky shoes as well!
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Here's a Hilda blessing
Can I get Cubchoo concept art please?
Stirrups uohhhhh
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My favorite Frontier Brain
Wait, she wears stirrups?...

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God damn she's cute
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Some anon converted the colored PCT files to .png yesterday
Those are great niggy, thx for sharing.
god I love fighting trainer girl feet... Greta, Maylene, Bea... im gonna coom....
>site unsecure, can't download
>file might be tempered with
With no socks? Enjoy your blisters, smelly feet, and rocks in your shoes. Fagot.
>fagot doesnt know how to take care of their feet
your loss anon. more cute clean feet for me!
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Need help finding Natane (Gardenia) beta info/sprites
Catbox is safe, don't you have some option like
>open anyway
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I remember seeing ms paint-y badge case mugshots from D/P, but I don't have them anymore
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Is that her age?
Post Candice onegai
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I also have the black&white versions if you want
These look awesome, and yeah I'd like to see the BW version as well. Thank you!
i miss this character design/art style so much
Are those colourings part of his job OP?
I do have those; thanks bro. I'm trying to see if I can find earlier designs for her entire body. I'd like to make or commission art of it if so
Specifically, I want to see if she always had her legendary midriff, heh.
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I'm not OP, but I believe they were colored by GF

Ahhh, this is reminding me of how much I used to fap to the gen 4 gym leaders as a preteen. Gamefreak needs to go back to these types of designs
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Ahh fair enough, thought he turned them to .pngs in order to use a similar technique to spriteover. Nevermind then.
Is there a urara sheet?
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Ohhh yeah, though I remember a lot of pokegirl threads on 4chan that has a lot of great pictures. There were these big tit pictures of the gen 4 girls I loved so much.

In retrospect, it's weird looking back at that time I was waiting for gen 5. So long ago
>Flannery, 25
Huh? I never got the impression she was that old.
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I don't read nip, does that really say she's 25? Man they treat her like a child in other media. Also pic related
I'm pretty sure her OR/AS counterpart is younger.
>she certainly is less developed
Beta byron cracks me up, but at least his beard looks like an actual beard.
Do you have gen 1 E4
Love this artist, a shame his site is such a mess now.
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Any official nudes? If not, I'd like to thee the closest thing there is.
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Here's Phoebe's pantsu
Based, thanks for that. Phoebe is cute.
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Not a character, but this is the best thread to share this hi-res Emerald map
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>missing the reference
Your loss.
Beta Gardenia and Maylene look so cute…
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Speaking of the DP badge case, here's something interesting I just found:
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The third badge is the only one with cleaner versions
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Wasn't there info about Sabrina being like 20 or something?
>same age
>darkrai looks like a complete fucking dork with his hair pulled back

Me too, buddy
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Is there Drake/Beta Lance in there?
That "16" is showing what's her height un the usual design, she's 12 in that one, see middle left and filename
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Since many sheets have the character's height compared to Ash's, this may be useful to guess their actual heights
It's for contrast showing the height difference between flashback and current Candice. The "sai" kanji is crudely written.
Any information about Nessa
Was thinking on printing 3d models "in scale" for a miniature game... But damn models would be really small
CANON GRETA FEETS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quietly hoping for any scrap of Ghetsis info.
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>smelly feet

I will
Imagine being the reason Miriam takes maternity leave.
The Gen 1 part is only about Pokemon and these character sheets only cover characters that are from the games originally.
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is there an acerola one out there?
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File path or fake
Aren't these still without a source? I've yet to see one posted.
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No es fake.
Source: dood-trust(dot)me
ash is marked as 1.2m in a couple of them
Miriam's feet do not smell! She keeps them nice and clean.
Does anyone have the link from the second drop of anime images I only have the first and links from centro have expired.
get back to Twitter centronigger
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Anyone got the sinnoh starters concept art
Heihachi mishima
Ught, wearing shoes without sucks will only get your feet hurt
Which folder and are there more?
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Hot! though kinda dissappointing she's wearing something underneath, it would be sexo if she just canonically doesn't wear anything. Stiil love Phoebe, her feet are cute as always!

Based anon

I love Miriam's feet so much, they knew what they were doing showing her feet first upon introduction

BASED. She 100% keeps her feet clean and well kept. I bet she gets pedicures every week!
in the Pokémon Anime and TCG Art
It's the only height comparison I've seen. That subfolder specifically only has individual Gen V Pokémon, like that Cubchoo
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Do we have Brock's height?
Has a Candice one bee leaked?
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Never mind, I found a bunch of them. They were .pdf, so I didn't saw them in my gallery.
That being said, the anime usually isn't that accurate regarding canon sizes.

(The next ones are drawn detailed)
Is there a second folder? I thought everything posted here came from 02_ポケモンアニメ設定
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Hey OP, would you happen to have some Best Wishes! settei? I only have them in a very row resolution, saved from 4chan /tr/ from the times when that title was still in production.
Not OP, but I have the Pokémon, the Cynthia that has been posted around, >>56650407, and pic related.
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>taller than Brock
Does anyone have Weavile and Mawile? Or Milotic?
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Thanks, this will certainly be useful, sorry for interrupting your dump.

Kek so this old art wasn’t that far.
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is it normal that all the concept art is in PDF format? i know about pdf/png conversion but it takes an eternity
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https://pdf2png.com/ can convert them in a batch
does do it that weird thing where it puts every single converted picture into a file of its own?
every pdf/png converter i've tried so far does that thing (yes even when converting in batches).
that's my main problem
Anyone got Caitlin or Sabrina?
Doesn't seem to be any Gen 1 or 5-specific character sheets, sadly
It puts each pdf into a individual folder, yes
Found it. Sad. I was hoping to see Georgia
is there anything on Cynthia?
age maybe ?
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Damn he leg long
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Asking again. Do we have anything on Sabrina?
Even HGSS Sabrina is fine.
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zweilous concept art?
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Oh thanks man. I missed them
Is Wallace in here? All of his designs? He got three for the anime (RSE, orIginal, ORAS)
>razor sharp pixel art
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wait, I'm doing these by evolutionary line rather than by individual species like I initially planned, so it's not 9+1 pics

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>RSE, original, ORAS
It's actually RS, E, ORAS. I've only found the Emerald design (my favorite Champion, but I won't post now because I'm busy), though the ORAS concept art can be found on Bulbapedia.
I remember looking through some of these and there's some that are unscaled
but I guess image quality preservation is a lost art nowadays
I meant the anime only outfit
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Never mind, I found the RS one (which is just him without the cape)

I'm not busy anymore
>Liza and Tate were going to be Bug and Grass leaders originally
Both are 10 according to these
Steven Stone
Kinda bullshit how he only showed up like once during AG
The way the episode was written seemed like it was foreshadowing him showing up again. He was probably going to show up and be revealed to be the champion during the Magma/Aqua arc, only for him to be replaced with Lance because they were shilling FRLG at the time.
Bunch of Magma grunts
...Just the usual two for Aqua, though
Is there any concept art for Audino/Mega Audino?
Cave of Origin was mentioned in the Dewford Magma v Aqua ep too plus there's actual Anime promo art for Wallace. Emerald came in and ruined it though.
Can somebody just give me the Japanese version? These "translations" are pre-2010 Google Translate levels of bad, and there's a lot of info that's being obfuscated or lost.
>date is 2002
>has the Emerald cape
How interesting
bruh why is her ass so flat
I'm currently doing her facility and wow sleep is fucking bullshit if I don't wake up within the 3 turns I'm dead by ref
I want to fuck the girl on the right until her pussy runs out of natural lubrication so she has to rehydrate and we need to use a whole bottle of lube.
Anything for Serena or any other Kalos girl?
Newest is BW, sorry
I'm still searching for Dawn's bag made my Sugimori
The settei outright says he's League Champion, but it doesn't mean anything until XY since Emerald content began seeping into the anime before Tate and Liza, so Juan was going to be in and Wallace was going to be Champion.
Both of 'em
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Did any movie characters get model sheets?
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I've missed this one
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Thought that girl grunt would notable enough, pokesho.com drew her for some reason.
Still hoping for Brodie and Milo/Aqua Spy.
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That’s neat, so they used both games’ grunts and added their own for more variety.
Rocket Minions used to have this settei, but I never found it in a better quality.
Lmao Crasher Wake looking like a Larping superhero
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Only M11
> metapod is bigger than kakuna
> drawn as half its size on a chart meant specifically to stablish heights
I'm taking a break from dumping but please look through this shit for yourselves
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Took me some time to recognize him
I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't know half of their heights (or if they did they didn't know how to interpret "0.4m" or whatever when its a spider or a bird, basically the same problems sizefags have)
so they just winged it. And some of them they made bigger/smaller just because it was cool (the movie birds in particular, jesus christ)
Yeah that's Steven Universe
>they didn't know how to interpret "0.4m" or whatever when its a bird, so they just winged it
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I genuinely never thought that we would ever get a reference sheet for the Lady Trainer, yet here we are. I always wondered what her hair looked like from different angles.
lmao, bro had to wear the bandana to hide that hairline
why are they blurry
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I have always found Glacia's original design to be underrated, even if the ORAS redesign is leagues better.
It seems they used this concept art to design his US/UM clothes
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I wonder why they chose these funky heights for Whitney and Jasmine, are they supposed to be adults?
We already know Brock was supposed to be 15 in his initial appearance from his character sheet so are they supposed to be in their 20s or something? I always pegged Whitney for a teenager personally.
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Anyone find Ashley?
>The had anime ref sheets for Elite Four that never showed up
God tier character design.
I hope someone makes an imgur album so we get a more transparent view of the files, instead of just blindly downloading them.

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