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>autist OP count: 106
>threads since counter: 112

Previous thread:

Rusefox GF pastebin:

Zoroark Mom & Blind Son write.as:

Zoroark GF stuff (bouts of high horny, lewds not shown):

Untitled fic (deceptive Zoro GF):

Mega Ruse (chronicles of freakin' huge ruse foxes):
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Thanks for starting it, no idea if it'll survive the leak surge.
i'm digging the ancestral fox
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This was either remarkably poorly encoded or had a truly hellish amount of metadata in it.
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>Regular Zork being aggressive towards the H.Zork
Nice change of pace and more type-appropriate.
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The leaks were …neat I guess?
Was his mom a rattata? If there's enough human in there, even if it's quadruple-recessive, there should be humans born to 2x Pokemon parents and vice versa
this but with mew
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no fellow ruse been betrayed by his wife and had no idea about it.
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Halloween approaches. Prepare to surrender your sweets.
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it looks so scared and sad…
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It's hard not to be sad and afraid when your thread could die at the blink of an eye :(
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Damn that ass is nice
The very best Pokemon
Anon what's the sauce for this art I can't find it
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>Blue eyes turn orange
What is the power of a Zoroark unleashed?
the better dark/fire type
Why did the anime make him look so lanky
18 pounds of weight loss.
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Clearly you need to help them no longer look so gaunt.
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Their descendants got thicker
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Untold generations of child-bearing hips
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Too much Unovan food
>Too much
Heresy. That's just the right amount of thicc
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Could you repeat the question?
No, I’m male.
It won't end
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>Zoroark at the front of the line
What did they mean by this? She isn’t even in the leaks like that
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But she does fuck humans
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They all fuck humans
pokemon women are just the female humans in the pokeverse
I think the implication was the long rumor about N being the offspring of a zoroark, no doubt that would be relevant again seeing the leaks show humans birthed from pokemon is at least something GF has considered possible.
Chibiterasu is that you?
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Heads up, Xitter is doing dumb shit again with AI so there’s a good chance artists are going to start purging content.
And the artists are gonna be retarded and post them somewhere that is doing the exact same thing. If the service is free, you are the product.
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>tail intact
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>tfw you lost your tail
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look at those chompers!
oh fuck yes
Zoroark is the best pokemon. The best blend of anthro and feral. The best blend of maternal and seductive.
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Pearly whites!
Make sure to brush your mon's teeth every night!
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You know Zoroark can keep up their own hygiene, right?
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Good morning world!
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Not me, I sleep
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Please stop posting pictures of my mom
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Me on the lower left
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Look how much they are struggling! Blowdrying that mane is a two man job minimum.
lol they drew a real bubble butt on betazork
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her red mouth corner dimples are EVERYTHING.
actually i meant pic related
is this a loss?
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Mane and tail is too busy. They blend together in the beta sprite, which is probably why they joined them into the ponytail.
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Oh, but Ninetales gets to keep both?
I see how it is.
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