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/vp/ did this
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>pedophilia is an extremely serious matter
Wow that's the most pathetic thing I've ever fucking read
Multiple paragraph rant at 25 is suicide-worthy. Waht the fuck is he doing with his life.
Ending it hopefully
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Kill Redditroons. Behead Redditroons. Roundhouse kick a Redditroon into the concrete. Slam dunk a Redditroon baby into the trash can. Crucify filthy Redditroons. Defecate in a Redditroon's food. Launch Redditroons into the sun. Stir fry Redditroons in a wok. Toss Redditroons into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Redditroon's gas tank. Judo throw Redditroons into a wood chipper. Twist Redditroons heads off. Report Redditroons to the IRS. Karate chop Redditroons in half. Curb stomp Redditroons. Trap Redditroons in quicksand. Crush Redditroons in the trash compactor. Liquify Redditroons in a vat of acid. Eat Redditroons. Dissect Redditroons. Exterminate Redditroons in the gas chamber. Stomp Redditroons' skulls with steel-toed boots. Cremate Redditroons in the oven. Lobotomize Redditroons. Mandatory abortions for Redditroons. Grind Redditroon fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Redditroons in soi. Vaporize Redditroons with a ray gun. Kick old Redditroons down the stairs. Feed Redditroons to alligators. Slice Redditroons with a katana. Feed Redditroons poisoned food. Force Redditroons to walk the plank. Kneel on a Redditroon's neck. Flatten Redditroons with a tank. Cut off a Redditroon's limbs. Light fireworks in a Redditroon's ass. Falcon punch a Redditroon in the face. Make Redditroons into fiction. Lock Redditroons in a cage and drown them underwater. Nail Redditroons to a cross and stab them. Throw Redditroons off buildings. Crush Redditroons with a hydraulic press. Attack Redditroons with acid. Lock Redditroons inside a brazen bull. Burn Redditroons alive. Drag Redditroons across a wall of spikes. Pour molten lava on Redditroons. Send aliens to abduct Redditroons. Blow Redditroons up with dynamite. Cave in a Redditroon's skull. Jam a Redditroon into a geyser. Execute Redditroons via firing squad. Lynch Redditroons. Flay Redditroons. Exsanguinate Redditroons. Drop nukes on Redditroons. Use Redditroons as guinea pigs for dangerous chemicals. Total Redditroon Death.
I mean... he's autistic.
absolutely pathetic
>I mean...
You belong with him.
Lmao typhlosionfags fucking deserve it
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This is not real but it would be nice if this weeds out the weak and retarded from the franchise.
yeah that;s what they get for not being rapists
You're browsing r/pokememes, anon...
This is shitbull cope, probably a nigger wrote it
He has more fans than ever before.
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Typhlosion is my favorite starter and I still can't imagine being this mind-broken over a meme. I genuinely feel bad for people who are mentally unstable enough to care this much about something so stupid.
no Game Freak did it when they let a nonce write pedo fics of slandering a beloved character. Typhlosion was decently liked before you faggots swallowed Game Freak's lies and turned Typhlosion into a pariah.
Do these people not realize they can simply NOT look at the "Typhlosion is a pedo" shit?
Couldn't imagine letting trolls have any power over my life like that
>be typhlosionfag
>ignore the shitposts
>enjoy the porn
feels good
>they're also brandishing all Typhlosions as sex offenders
this is mental illness, the leak is the gift that keeps giving
Because your kind mass migrated here in the past few days.
rumao the redditfag should just learn to ignore it like i do with skibidi toilet bs my zoomer relatives keep talking about
>get falsely accusdd of rape
>become more popular
you sure are naive to how the world works, I wish I could be sheltered as you.

their reaction is excessive but consider how Game Freak's pedo fetish resulted in Typhlosion being canceled and will inevitably result in Game Freak erasing Typhlosion from the franchise forever as a scapegoat to appease twitter mobs, its a justified reaction.
>pedo fics
They're ancient myths venerated in Japanese and native American folklore. I can't imagine what kind of reddit/youtube/twitter brainwashing you have to go through to want to cancel people's cultural history.
feels good being both a typhlosion and a rape fetish chad
>your kind
Evidently you have a reddit account otherwise it wouldn't be the old layout.
Is the image from dragalia lost?
I understand anonimity is a novel concept for you, but the fact that my name is anonymous doesn't mean I'm OP.
>constant spam on /vp/
>endless youtube videos
>news articles
Yeah Typhlosion isn't the most talked about and liked pokemon right now. Keep dreaming. Typhlosion is bigger than the biggest leak in gaming history.
good news for you then, in a coupe of days you can ignore Typhlosion too because it will get Trotksy'd
for me it's
>be typhlosionfag
>my favorite pokemon had sex with women
>therefore your favorite pokemon is a virgin cuck
>enjoy being a fan of a chadmon
Then these retards going to say "yeah but he groomed a child tho" and I'll respond my chad starter made a child fell in love with him meanwhile your favorite pokemon is a trainer slaver rumao
>isn't even canon
No one cares about that, people care about shit that was officially created by the people who make the core Pokémon games.
It being canon or not doesn't matter, it's objectively and undeniably real.
And I'd do it again
>It hasn't been a week, and I'm already done with this joke.
Too bad. We're just getting started
I feel like this whole ass shit is stupid
I mean, like Typhlosion isn't even a human
>over 25 years
Definitely bait from one you faggots
>also an autist (like most people here)
>was also bullied
>also played GSC the most
>Also liked Typlosion as the best starter (and Cyndaquil is adorable)
>able to laugh and take part in the memes
How much do you wanna bet he has Typlosion porn in there?
He is probably a furfag living vicariously through a thyplosion fursona
Good. Keep chasing people like this out, they're the types that ruined the interent
Gen 2 is one of my favorite gens but I picked Totodile so HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Anons are going to try and dunk on him but I feel bad for him. It's not his fault the rest of his peers are retarded and love pedo/predator accusations for some weird reason
It is. You are who you associate with.
everyone is joking... you do know that right
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I get that he's autistic, but adults shouldn't be *that* attached to fictional peo- ...animals.
Dude probably popped a boner when his autist brain imagined Typhlosion smashing some pussy in vivid detail and it mindbroke him.
>hurr durr I'm so emotionally mature and developed, I've never gotten irrationally upset over things that are arguably silly
I pray none of you ever have to be responsible for someone. The lack of compassion and empathy (even if what he's saying is utterly retarded) is shocking. I'd advise you all to have sex, urgently.
unironically, he'd probably be fine with it if not for the rape. If not for that unnecessary element it would be no worse than any of the other stories and would have fizzled out already.
It's not his fault you're a weirdo who just wants to desperately fit in and laugh at the watering down of abuse
what a faggot
For 5th time of course I fucking know it's a joke you retard. But if you've experienced SA then the obsession with making jokes about abuse this year hasn't been fun I cannot lie. And you can't avoid it because it's everywhere online.
Typhloshitters and Johtoddlers constantly outing themselves as the most sensitive and useless retards in this fanbase. Congrats, now they know a fraction of how Hypno fans have felt for nearly 30 years.
what a heterosexual person
Ignore them anon, if they're virtue signalling on a Pokémon basket weaving subforum then they're already too far gone
what about a giant fire badger brainwashing a random girl in a stupid fable (that was never even released officially) has to do with your life experiences? No matter your gender you need to get over it, the world doesn't revolve around you.
I have compassion and empathy for people with real problems lol.
>if you've experienced SA
SomethingAwful? That would make it even funnier if you're an oldfag. And I did and I still think this is funny.
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>now they know a fraction of how Hypno fans have felt for nearly 30 years
I've been very happy. There is no reason for them not to be happy as well.
Your favourite Pokémon is a pedophile? Jesus, anon. I’m so sorry. Take the week off, you can come back to work when you’re feeling a bit better. I’ll bring some soup over after work.
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>But if you've experienced SA
I have when I was younger and this stuff has me laughing my ass off. We cope in different ways.
No one ever touched this little pussy maggot, including his parents never hugging/holding/interacting with him as a child so that's why he's so severely autistic and cries over pokemon. He's probably crying because he's jealous a Typhlosion got laid and he can't.
>Multiple paragraph rant at 25
25 years of just playing Pokemon games, he's probably in his mid-thirties
its a pokemon. this is stuff 6 year olds cry over
Speak like a normal person you fucking faggot. You didn't experience "SA", you were raped in the ass, and it will happen again if you don't grow a nut.
That's why he's attention whoring on reddit for upvotes so he can stare at them and imagine love
Why would you have compassion for someone crying about a fictional character?
I can't feel sympathy because what he is saying is extremely retarded, there's no way to relate to him and the more I think about it the weirder he becomes in my eyes
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My bro has been scrapped from everything for something he didn't do and you don't see me crying.
Children would handle this more maturely than zoomers on Reddit and Twitter.
>Male Typhlosion fans having mental breakdowns
>Female Typhlosion fans creaming their pants
Are you sure you guys aren't just jealous he has better game than you?
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typhlosiontroons having a complete meltdown over a few edgy memes makes it ten times funnier
the whole thing feels like a forced meme, but i could say the same about vaporeon etc. sure the stories were amusing and unexpected but this shit has been milked so dry like that annoying kid that thinks if something is funny the first time, it should be funny the next 20 times for the next four hours.
i dont think its funny, im just very horny and want a typhlosion to knot me
Every post like this makes it funnier
this I'm just here to ride the badger porn wave
wish something like this would happen with my favourite
>just roll with your loved ones delusions
No tranny, unless you have alzheimers, I will not indulge your retardation. I will help you realise your reality view is warped
The plebiter is right overused discord zoomer memes are cringe
> Female Typhlosion fans
Nobody wants to hear what trannies think about this
>I pray none of you ever have to be responsible for someone.
>I'd advise you all to have sex, urgently.
Why are you contradicting yourself in the same fucking line?
bro I don't care about the reputation of fictional monsters. if you're genuinely laughing at this material then good for you, enjoy yourself, i hope pokemon becomes more interesting next gen because clearly people are starved
He doesn't actually know what sex is
sex is when you eat the berries
I worked with a guy who watched his parents get shot in the face and then his grandparents he went to live with who saved up money to send him here was raped to death. This is a non issue among non issues and deserves no empathy
Kinda like why other boards spams gore and shit at random, to purge the weak out or man them the fuck up.
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… now imagine the rapist was a typhlosion
Let there be total normie death for all of those who take scrapped fictional folklore about a videogame as a reason to purity-spiral themselves into their own nooses
Imagine being so buckbroken by chadphlosion.
This guy should just off himself honestly
crying and writing an entire preamble to your suicide note because you can't handle typhlosion memes is absolutely wicked

/vp/ does a lot of dumb shit but a least i've never seen a /vp/ anon do that
The internet should be blown up
Twitter and Reddit did a phenomenal job of grooming the perfect retard cattle. They're like animals with no actual thoughts in their brain. Just consume then chop off your cocks or kill yourselves worthless dogs! Yes xir!
Nah. Just make it to how it was 25 years ago. Only white and Asian middle class dudes
I hate autistic people so much it’s unreal.
Why are u guys so mean…
He isn't. Being an actual autist and claiming to be autist because you are just a "quirky timid person who doesn't know how to deal with emotion but totally could in reality" isn't the same. Dude is clearly the second.
wh*tes are the ones shitting up the internet thoughever
Bro, Typhlosion is one of my favorite mon and I'm not going full sperg about some stupid folklore. Plus, go complain to GameFreak, we didn't make the story, they are the one responsible for keeping this shit around. And, no /vp/ didn't do shit, people would still have gone crazy about it on social medias anyway, they don't need us for that.
Lol. Lmao even.
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>Mr. Mime
>Vaporeon, Gardevoir, Goodra etc. but not into the pokefucking
And more. Fans of these have had to deal with unwanted shit thrown at and associated with their faves for years. All this past day or so has proven is that Typhloshitters ironically can’t take the heat.
why? Feraligatr is cooler in every way. Fire starter are the most boring picks
>not boring
Is this bait? Are you that hard pressed for yous? When did you cut your cock off and turn it into a vagina?
What's the specific typhlosion story?
I've seen the slakoth, octillery, ursaring, Arceus and rapidash ones but not that it.
>Gardevoir but not into the pokefucking
that's even weirder they would like that dogshit if they aren't fucktarded enough to want to fuck it. That's so far beyond retarded that primordial ooze must be playing pokemon apparently. Not worried about hurting the feelings of some primordial ooze.
So this is how /vp/ got Pokemon back.
So...how does it feel? Got what you wanted? Ruined it for all the normal people, you got your little obscure game back after scaring away the people. How do you feel?

Knowing little Jimmy threw his little typlosion plush and Lapras desk figure in the trash after being tainted. Thinkin about Slaking grapin his favorite trainer May.

Feels good huh?
A lot of girls like Gardevoir in my experience, because it’s like a beautiful magic princess.
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You look at that Reddit post and tell me that person is normal.
>girl lost in woods
>handsome man tells her he will take her back
>camps at night
>here's some berries
>don't look at me while I am sleeping
>wander around the woods the next day
>hey are we going back
>no *taps head and she falls asleep*
>this continues
>girl finds out the man is typholsion
>she meets her dad despite typhlosions protests since her dad wants to kill him
>she gets pregnant and has a human presenting child of his
>dad and typhlosion about to kill each other
>girl says don't kill my dad
>he dies and dad takes her back
>town makes fun of her halfbreed kid running around with typhlosion pelts on their back
>they fuck off back into the forest and transform into Pokémon
Close your eyes then you fucking downie nigger. Obviously you like it enough to keep looking at Twitter. Because you were fucking groomed hardcore. Log off or fucking kill yourself.
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There's a 90% chance that whoever wrote that is a gonadless transexual.
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>Typhlosion isn't even a human
She thought otherwise thoughever, before it was too late at least…
This is some masterful concerntroll bait
I said one of my favorite, never said I only liked fire starters/mons, I easily prefer Squirtle over Charmander. I actually like all 3 in Gen 2.
boo hoo tranny, the world doesn't revolve around your every whim.
>Can't handle being alone with himself because it would mean having to learn to accept and love himself
>"It's probably a trans"
Checks out.
Damn, you clearly don't care much about your bro.
All humans are half-Typhlosion.
Why would Typhlosion, a non human, be subjected to human-based laws and morals?
Lemur pussy has a gigaclit the size of an adolescent human's dickhead and big flappy cuntlips, your point being that you're a gay zoomietroonie?
did any of their controversies end up being the 7th most tweeted thing on twitter, get compared to real life pedophiles, and blow up so massively they ended up being called a pedophile by forbes? All in he

you aren't even fucking trying
IIRC the person who wrote that post used to be a femoid before removing her ovaries and getting her cunt sewn-shut, meaning that not only male redittors are mentally-ill by default.
groomied zoomie troonie
They did the right thing in this case. I'm glad redditards got groomed into never reproducing.
You forgot to say "I'm trans BTW" as usual.
trvthnvke but /vp/ isn't ready for this
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People have no sense of humor.
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He tried to warn us all this time . .
I hate you more.
Why are you forced to work with Haitians?
Woah, I hate everybody on this board too, anon! even you!
>ass mad about a fucking fictional creature while being around or over the age of 25.
Anons are right to mock the fag in OPs picture, just as they are right to mock you.
Empathy and sympathy should be reserved for real world problems, not first world bullshit like
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>spooky text about Typholsion maybe part human
This is satire right?
He was actually a pretty cool dude. Did his job and kept his head down and we talked agriculture. He was Somalian
my first though was faggot.
if they're trolling then my response is still faggot
>Ruined it for all the normal people
Good, fuck the normies.
fiction is wasted on the retarded
Why do you people call people like this normies? This is a subhuman freak.
How fucking retarded do you have to be to make this post? Sonic fan is a fairly good indicator but still
Pedophila isn’t funny. Niether is a beloved character being framed as one
both are really funny
>Knowing little Jimmy threw his little typlosion plush and Lapras desk figure in the trash after being tainted.
I'm thinking I should go dumpster diving for a while, get them, and make them a couple of holes to have fun.
>Thinkin about Slaking grapin his favorite trainer May.
I'm thinking that it was about time already. Slaking has the whole "rape correction" thing and nobody has done anything yet.
Normies are subhuman. Freaks will inherit this planet.
>Oshi no Axed
Don't care.
nah. now the pervert that ruined Typhlosion reputation getting fired, that would be a hoot and a half.
Alright, gold point. I am sorry for any harm I've caused.
uhhhh I'm not a woman or biologist but does it not have to open up for stuff other than reproduction?
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Unironic agenderqueers shouldn't count as human beings anyways.

You have zero idea how Asian mythology works as a leftoid subhuman.
Even more proof typhlosionfags are finally getting what they deserve
I wonder if that place could have any chances to improve if it wasn't an islamic shithole.
mediocre. do better.
Somalia is fucked because it is full of Somalians. Look at its neighbor Ethiopia which is christian majority and still being a (albeit slightly better) shithole. Hell during Somalia's civil war Ethiopia literally tried to interject and convert them
Oh whats this?
>Save an animal
>Get waifu as reward
Japanese God must be a cool lad to give you that fortune.
pure fucking reddit
>a tame sexual joke like Vaporeon
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Zoomers are such bitch-made little faggots, it's not even funny.
I swear half of it has to be projection you can't be this vitriol over something and not have at least some insecurity with yourself over it.
I hope ohmori or masuda wrote it so they get canned and commit seppuku
We already know who wrote it since the file was named after the person who wrote it. It was Suguru Nakatsui
It's not so much projection as much as it is covering for something.
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It's weird, because your post is worded like that would result in anything but mirth on my part.
Very. Also, fuck normalfags.
>it's not funny anymore when it's MY favorite pokemon
Sucks to be him.
Why is this fag treating it like Typhlosion is a real entity getting slandered irl lmao
This is the mind of Johtoddlers
Gonna be honest, /sthg/ fren, yes.

The Tera Leak legitimately gave me almost everything I could've wanted as a Pokémon fan that isn't my literal dream game.
Everyone that I hate is in complete and utter shambles right now AND all the shit I already liked is even cooler than it was before the leak.
I am happy to say the very least and I hope something similar (heh) happens to Sonic too.
Fun fact shadow the hedgehog game just leaked early too but yeah I hope they too get a giganigga leak soon. In fact i hope all franchises and IPs get gigs leaks. Let's see into the minds of these horny jap salarymen
Why are people with aspergers afraid of sex?
>So...how does it feel? Got what you wanted?
>Feels good huh?
Yes, actually.
>how does it feel
>Got what you wanted
And more.
>Ruined it for all the normal people, you got your little obscure game back after scaring away the people. How do you feel?
>Story is about a young woman who gets lost in the woods, and is saved from freezing to death by a Typhlosion/Piloswine who takes her in, feeds her, and let's her stay in his cave
>The two fall in love and have a child together. Typhlosion/Piloswine only goes after her father when he starts tracking them, believing the Dad was going to murder their child for being an abomination.
>When the father finds and kills the pokemon instead, daughter is deeply and genuinely distraught over it
So where's the pedophilia and rape you guys keep blabbing about? It's almost as if nobody actually read the stories and is regurgitating (and getting pissed over) what they heard in a game of telephone. The only story that comes off as kind of rapey is the one with the Octillery/Lapras - and it's the Pokemon who's getting raped in that one, not the human.
I haven't read the Octillery one yet, but it makes me wonder: why the Hell that guy fucked that octopus? What kind of train of logic made him go "hey, this fish I caught looks funny.... I'm going to shove my dick in it!"? Was he that lonely and much of a weirdo? He probably was a casted out that was stoned because he was raping the local fauna.
Why did Game Freak treat Typhlosion like a scapegoat to indulge their rape fetish
/vp/ does exactly this except it's about trannies or the schizo of the month instead
>why the Hell that guy fucked that octopus?
Because it's a gender swapped retelling of the story of The Fisherman's Wife, where the lonely wife of a poor fisherman who's been gone for weeks lets herself get seduced by a male octopus she finds washed up near their house by the sea, them gets herself knocked up. Literally every one of these stories was taken from actual myths and slightly edited to make them Pokemon-themed, replacing the original animals/youkai that were originally in the stories with Pokemon.
You know, if GF truly had balls, they should have implied that tentacle porn is a thing in the Pokéworld.
>You have zero idea how Asian mythology works as a leftoid subhuman.
What's even funnier is that it isn't even exclusive to asia
So the overreaction to it is really bizarre
Never spoke to any of the female Swimmers in Hoenn, I take it? Pretty sure one of them has something to say about some Tentacool she ran into...
Anakin: LIAR!!!!
All I remember is too much water Not even memeing, they were cannon fodder to my Thunderbolt Gardevoir, and one swimmer pair where a boy was forced to follow his sister until she has a boyfriend.
I bet that kid became a "substitute" after some time.
Feels fucking great thanks for asking
Do you at least remember the lesbian school girls in the Abandoned Ship who get pissed that you interrupted them in their secret make out spot?
They weren't lasses (sadly), but a couple wanting treasure. I also remember the couple near Slateport saying that I should leave their tiny secret spot, and I was like "I can see two kid tubers from here, a fisherman down there, and a Male Swimmer going back and forth. This place isn't a secret, but ok."
>he doesn't know
All these zoomie faggots are so detached from reality. They care more about fictional characters and sandniggers in shithole countries than their own neighbours.
They'll screech about orange man all day but happily support genocide in the name of mudslimes (and even if you hate Jews, mudslimes are still worse).

They're completely detached from reality and are riddled with narcissism. Time to gas them like the Jews they love/hate (depends on the weather, I think).
Of course I don't know. I'm a Pokéfan, not a 2hufag.
Reddit when people are having fun
I'm an incel and state forbid me to have relationships.
I have no idea why twittard troon zoomies are obsessed with defending those dune coons even though they would fucking kill them in a heartbeat. They're so disillusioned with reality that seeing shit like them falling into a mental breakdown over a fictional pokemon character is less than surprising at this point.
>I have no idea why twittard troon zoomies are obsessed with defending those dune coons
because idpol dictates that dark skin = victim
>hurr durr I'm so emotionally mature and developed, I've never gotten irrationally upset over things that are arguably silly
Because they're braindead, brought up by communists in the shithole education system. Ironically, they're the most racist people because they're trying to divide people based on skin colour and the rest of us either don't care or just want to carpet bomb the entirety of the middle-east because nothing would be lost if we did that (and we'd be able to mine all the oil for ourselves).
>they're trying to divide people based on skin colour
>the rest of us (...) just want to carpet bomb the entirety of the middle-east
404 self-awareness not found
Now they know how we feel when fucking retards keep insisting our favorite anime girls are "lesbians" or trannies.
Yeah I don't get how you can be a Pokemon fan and not be completely numb to pedo jokes at this point. It's leading me to believe all these anti-Typhlosion posters aren't just annoyed that the jokes is lasting too long, but that they're genuine pedos in the closet.
Having compassion and empathy for people who hate you is just being a cuck, anon.
Hey, is all about being honest. The only reason we haven't nuked the East is because
>1) Is no longer allowed
If we bomb, we'll get bomb'd, and I don't want to live Fallout yet
>2)We need Israel
Our "Greatest Ally" will runs us a heavy bill if we destroy their promised land
>3) And most important Apocalypsis
If we conquer the East, it will be the first step to the whole walk of the end of the world, and I love the world, is a nice place. Besides, I think we would all love the world if we realize that only 120000 will be forgiven, and the rest will die (which at 8 billion people, it may be a bit overkill).
My ex boss in a game that was literally entirely about my niche waifu and making art about her turned out to be a pedo. Ruined everything, our reputation and activity has never been the same since. Still think cunny be funny.
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>implying sandniggers being subhuman trash has anything to do with their skin colour and not their ass-backwards beliefs that have made them a Trojan horse society for centuries
>intentionally taking part of the comment out of context just to make an "us vs. them" argument that didn't exist
>also failing to understand the irony of the original post
Are you just retarded or did your parents drop you at birth too?
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Why are troons always like this? Let's get to 100% already.
>implying sandniggers being subhuman trash has anything to do with their skin colour
it has to do with genetics, the same genetics that determine their skin colour. their skin colour isn't the cause, it's just a telltale sign.
nobody actually thinks melanin in and of itself makes you more or less retarded, nobody thinks people get dumber when they get a tan, that's a leftoid argument you mentally challenged larper
Okay? Even if any of that was true, this is just a moving-the-goalposts-tier argument, shit-for-brains.
>Okay? Even if any of that was true
people who are in the right and winning an argument don't usually have to say this
again, 404 self-awareness not found
Cope. I don't even know what you two are arguing about, but cope lmao.
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Shut up, zoomer.
Ohh yeah? Were was that trainer and his Typhlosion when Epstein and Diddy did their atrocities feeling like gods over life and death? Fucking Typhlosion is on the list 100%
cheap bait
Retard lmfao
the people saying this have 10 iq at maximum. there was no reason to combine pokemon with mythology that includes rape and murder. Retard. Why do you act like they had no choice but to combine pokemon with mythological stories about rape and murder? Oh right because you have 10 iq maximum.
True, i hate when faggots try to steal a character from a cartoon or game for toddlers and call them a tranny. They just want to go like
>See, your favorite character is a tranny. Don't you want to be like them? :) Being a tranny is so normal that this character in a cartoon for toddlers is one :)
This comes from people who have never in their lives consumed anything beyond corporate writer's room board approved slob and industry produced YA novels. They have no experience of the wide world of stories historically and globally.
The specific brand of johtoddlers this is ruffling deserve it, honestly.
Japanese god is a woman who sleeps with human guys, that's literally the origin story of the Japanese Imperial family
Typhlstein bros... it doesn't look so good
Kitsune waifu cutscene from that chink monkey game
It will get epsteined/ get the Porygon treatment by big N
How is the govenment bullying you from obtaining sex?
Hello Rabbi
>thread about typhlosion being a pedo
>jews come in to cry and seethe about muslims for some reason
Holy victim complex

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