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>Kalos got fucked over because XY needed to meet yearly deadlines, then its only attempt at redemption pushed aside because of Sun and Moon's problems
>It's about to get neutered again because GameFreak thinks people can't handle deep lore
What is it about Kalos that makes it so fucking cursed? It wants to be a good region but they don't let it.
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What game is Khu talking about here?
They were too busy letting their local nonce right pedophillic smut to slander Typhlosion. to give Kalos the time and effort it deserved.

Sorry, Kalos deserved better. and Typhlosion deserved to be part of a franchise that respected it enough not to slander it by falsely portraying it as a rapist.
>>GameFreak thinks people can't handle deep lore
>Keep seeing messages across various Discord servers of people being genuinely upset after learning about the Typhlosion "lore"
They probably can't.
If you think Khu would have access to this early a response you are retarded.
Nothing he has ever mentioned has ever been high level.
>GameFreak thinks people can't handle deep lore
They can't, but it's not about that. The actual leaked beta/scrapped designs + videos + gen 10 plans are more damaging than the stories.
Gamefreak is too retarded to handle a 3d game still but minors working on palworld could do their jobs just fine
Palworld is also buggy as fuck though, we just have lower standards for """indie""" (as in not made by more than 100 people) games.
It’s possible that Gamefreak or TPC finally went searching for shit and found his source, or they told him they had to stop leaking shit.
maybe nintendo leaked it on purpose to see how people would react and if they should include something like that in the game
He's also been pretty consistently wrong for awhile yeah. Khu hasn't been reliable for a bit.
Them talking about Rica and Ikue was more damaging. Second is probably Typhosion trending for the last 2 days. Anything we know about ZA could be complete bullshit, and all we know about Gen 10 seems to be Islands, which shouldn’t affect anything.
Changed for what reason? Basically nothing of Gen 10 has been leaked.
But his (incredibly vague and easy to fit into almost anything) predictions are (sometimes) correct! he must be legit!
Khu is basically always wrong. He either has the worst insider ever or is just LARPing as a leaker at this point.
what I think is happening is the leaker is trying to blackmail nintendo and nintendo is countering by canceling the games and making new ones so the leaker no longer has leverage
wow nintendo sure wins there!
that's not true, he mentioned the dragon palace which was something that the very high up talked about when talking about what to do with the anime
>leaker who's never gotten anything right and only throws out vague hints that could be taken a million ways so he can go "that's totally what I meant" when info gets announced
MEGAS is (present tense) a better leaker than Diddler Poo
>Kalos got fucked over
>leaker who's never gotten anything right post-SV
Fixed, there was enough correct information down to a specific bit of cut content that nobody would know if they didn't check. He's been a complete fucking faggot who's definitely wrong since then though, so you're right.
Southern Kalos was planned and got into the game, before it was scrapped before release. And it would be released for XY2 or at least a DLC combo that predates SS DLC.
>got into the game
>scrapped before release
So it was never in the game.
by being robbed of an identity to make room for KANTOOOOOOOO
Pokemon Let's Go should be released during the 3DS. That way genwunners got their 151 fill.
thats not how video games work, retard
people still think Khu is legit?
>SM is an anniversary game
I don't understand. Why can't Pokemon Z be one and they must push out a new gen?
xy didnt shill kanto enough
Kalos was rushed and unfinished
Even the Battle Maison generic trainer lines were reused from BW. It's only ORAS they bothered to change them.
I promise you GameFreak doesn't give a fuck about scrapped lore.

It's that threat of a playable ZA copy that's got them ready to raid and sue.
Isn't it basically confirmed that XY got fucked over cause of Game Freak's want to focus on other franchises? I'm not crazy, right?
It's always bizzare how people rewrite history with Khu, now claiming he was never a legit leaker.
Up until SV he had a good source, and he might be getting reliable again.
>B-b-but khu funny riddle me chinese me so dum me stick finger up my bum
>Someone else does the job Khuck should have done
Get out, just get the hell out of here.
If this is real I'm angry as fuck because an open world island hopping adventure for Gen 10 sounds awesome, like a Legends Hoenn but mainline
Thats barely a coherent sentence
They're not cancelling the games that their hardware relies on to reach mass popularity (other than Mario Kart)
Oh look, Khu is being vague as shit so he can once again claim that he "predicted" something
>American redditors
ftfy. These creatures cannot be considered "people"

the past few days have demonstrated that people CAN'T even handle a non-canon copy paste of greek myths. We're about to witness the lore equivalent of GF running away from dungeons after kids whined about Mt. Coronet.
Works on my machine.
Khu is also a known pathological liar and a fraud
Porn is not lore. If it was, Game of Thrones would actually be good
It was intended though, but they did not finish it so they shipped it without it,
They very apparently CAN'T handle deep lore.
>Typhlosion ruined Kalos remakes
screencap this
retarded ass nigger
>Southern Kalos was planned and got into the game
Cool. Can you show me these Southern Kalos routes in detail?

Kanto doesn't exist in the game.
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>Can you show me these Southern Kalos routes in detail?
Sure. You can see them both on the town map in addition to every area that was in the final game as well as the distortion from where they edited them out of the pre-release map.
There’s nothing there.
Let's all be honest
Do Shitlos even deserve a second chance? If you're an intellectual, you will realize that, no, Shitlos do not deserve a second chance
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>There’s nothing there.
Except there was. They literally had to edit the geography to obscure it from the final map where they had planned the areas.
> Except there was.
Cool. Show me the routes they made.
Shitlos deserves a second chance cause XY release was probably the most fun I ever had with a game on release. The 3ds not being hacked yet plus a worldwide release brought everyone together to investigate the game and shit. Plus alot of my friends who skipped most of the ds games played XY on release and that weekend was just alot of fun. Legit if I could relive any pokemon game release it would be XY despite the games being mid af in the long run
It doesn’t deserve a second chance because it already succeeded on the first chance.
They planned on making them but ended up not finishing the game so they just slapped mountains there.
>it already succeeded on the first chance
nice one
>but ended up not finishing the game
The fact that they didn't make the whole region they planned to. What is your definition of unfinished?
>absolutely nothing leaked
>oh no!! better change everything!
are they retarded????
>The fact that they didn't make the whole region they planned to
They did though.
Then where did they make those Southern locations they planned on making? Show me where they finished the region by making those places they wanted to make.
>then why did they plan something and then plan something else?
Do you understand how game development works?
>answers the question with a question.
I'll answer yours with a "yes". Now answer mine.
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>Do you understand how game development works?
Do you? It was removed so late they couldn't even scrub all evidence of it until SM
Southern Kalos is almost a half-step away from GS levels of game revision.
>I invented a fanfic about how an icon works so that means they didn’t finish the game!
KEK wow you’re fucking desperate.

>I'll answer yours with a "yes"
I don’t think you can without lying.
>He deflected as expected
So we agree that the leaked image reveals that at some point they planned on making the map look like that, to the point they programmed the map into game files. Now how late exactly was this? Given the rest of the map layout is EXACTLY the same to the pixel, it had to have been pretty late in the process. If that's not a sign that it was unfinished, idk what is.
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>>I invented a fanfic about how an icon works
YOU might have. But the facts don't lie, the Kalos mark is a pentagon. The only place it isn't is in the dex since Southern Kalos was gutted from it.
> Given the rest of the map layout is EXACTLY the same to the pixel, it had to have been pretty late in the process
Given how it uses a fucking FRLG Red sprite as the player icon, it had to have been pretty early in the process.
>I invented a fanfic
How is that a fanfic? The sectors of the pentagon (and yes it's supposed to be a pentagon based on how other gens would reference Kalos) would be highlighted as you unlock a dex section, it's pretty obvious what happened there.
How? Also, answer the question you were asked first. You seem desperate not to.
>Given how it uses a fucking FRLG Red sprite as the player icon, it had to have been pretty early in the process.
Not really. Look at the build date, it's less than a year from release. As seen with DP, SWSH, etc. the visual assets always come last.
>games aren’t allowed to have more than one icon because I need it to match my narrative
>I need to switch my narrative to fit my headcanon because it might imply my favorite game (SM or SWSH, your pick) is shittier than XY was
And the thought that XY could have been even better makes you seethe. We get it.
>the visual assets always come last
The visual assets…like the world map? Thanks for debunking your own argument, sagefag.
>and yes it's supposed to be [FANFIC]
>Thanks for debunking [FANFIC]
>FRLG Red sprite as the player icon
What a fucking retard. They definitely used that as a placeholder until the very end and swapped it for Calem. It's not like they carried through every gen's protagonist in release order or whatever dumb theory you're implying. Regardless, it was in a functioning version of the game to the point where they had a region map in it. That's not something in conceptual stages. That's a plan and proof of intent of making the region like that. If they scrapped the idea early, the rest of there region wouldn't still have been so North Heavy in the final release and be identical in layout to the pixel to this leaked map. They would have shifted it down. But no, they slapped clouds and mountains everywhere. at the last second.
>They definitely used that as a placeholder
Just like the world map. Glad we agree.
>like the world map
yes, just like the leaked one. they just couldn't make the locations materialize for some reason so they quit making it, meaning it's unfinished.
That's not fanfic. Other depictions show Kalos a pentagonal.
>they just couldn't make the locations materialize for some reason so they quit making it,

>games aren’t allowed to have more than one icon because I need it to match my narrative
>Just like the world map
The world map wasn't a reused placeholder from a previous game you fucking mongrel. Not every statement is true about every thing all the time. The world map is a new asset they made as a representative of the new region, not an old one. The player sprite is a placeholder for testing purposes and prevent leaking of new content
>>games aren’t allowed to have more than one icon because [FANFIC]
>The world map wasn't a reused placeholder
So? It’s still a placeholder.
>leaked map fully functional in 60 fps
>file was found in 2012
yep, it was pretty late in the process. Feel free to hang yourself, Kaloskek
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i think this entire leak has taught us that genwarring is utterly useless and that no gen was behind the downfall of pokemon, game freak themselves were the downfall for taking all complaints too seriously, and nintendo's at fault as well for not allowing game freak to have more employees to actually fix the fucking issues.
of course not like it'll stop you faggots from taking the easiest bait in the world anyway
>fully functional
Cool, show the maps they made then.
Regardless, it is evidence that they intended to make the region look like that. The purpose of the protag placeholder is for testing purposes and prevent leaking of new content. They do this late in the process anyway. None of this applies to the map, which would be new content anyway.
I said the map was fully functional, not the 3d assets within each location THEY NEVER MADE. Them not ever making them means it's unfinished. If you disagree with this without providing your own criteria for how a game could be considered unfinished, you're outing yourself as a miscreant.
1. That’s not how unlocking in the pokedex works, it always shows the full silhouette and just colors in the correct section in based on the area
2. The full pentagon doesn’t even match the shape of the beta map
3. Having a fourth section for south Kalos doesn’t even make sense because it would just be the postgame with the entire national dex like the battle zone in DPPt, not an extension of the regional dex.

This argument is terrible and shows how desperate you are to shit on XY. Are you seething because the game still has more content than BW?
> Regardless, it is evidence that they intended to make the region look like that
Until they intended to not make the region look like that. Do you understand how game development works? Do you understand how developing -anything- works?

>I said the map was fully functional
With placeholder graphics? This tells us nothing.
>This argument is terrible and [FANFIC]
Changing strategy doesn't make the facts any less true. They cut southern kalos.
>they cut thing during development!
And I’m supposed to care because….
>That’s not how unlocking in the pokedex works
it would have if they wanted to make it happen in Z
>The full pentagon doesn’t even match the shape of the beta map
It's a simplification; obviously it won't be just a smaller version of the region's png
>it would have been postgame
no one knows this for sure, and even it were they could have made it an extension of the regional dex. Why are you claiming to know how they would have handled it?
Just respond and carry the arguments. Why are you always trying to diagnose someone conversing with you? Just let your words carry your fucking worth.
>Still has more content than BW
This isn't true. Stop starting genwars. Mention any other gen again in this thread proves you're escalating the conversation to genwarfaggotry.
Where the fuck do these kinds of retarded narratives come from?
>Until they intended to not make the region look like that
And how do you know this? They clearly intended it if they made the map with those southern locations.
>do you understand
Why do you keep asking this every time you dodge my questions to you?
>With placeholder graphics? This tells us nothing.
It tells us it's pretty late in the process. 2012. a year before it shipped. That's like ZA now.
I'm not asking you to care. Just admit it's unfinished because they planned on making something and didn't even make the thing.
>The full pentagon doesn’t even match the shape of the beta map
This argument is terrible and shows how desperate you are. The pentagon in the FINAL doesn't even match the shape of the final map's pentagon.
why the fuck are we arguing about what a pentagon looks like now
the kids are too blind to realize their game's region's shape
nothing changes whatsoever. it's been baby binky sucking trash and still will be.
that said, I'm baby and love all them.
Said lore (which is also mythology) is not even in the actual games. It was scrapped content. So the entire thing is multiple layers of not being canon.
>"Firufy gaijin don't rike ouru rore. Re mustu nottu puttu muchu effort into ZA asu retribushun"
>"Does that mean we don't put any of the lore in the game?"
>"No, we will puttu no effort into postu gameu content. Only firufy gaijin car aboutu postu gameu."
>It wants to be a good region
maybe on planet retard, kaloskuck
>it would have if [FANFIC]
Not an argument.

>It's a simplification
Therefore changing the shape at all would be unnecessary, retard.

>no one knows this for sure
So your own argument is worthless since you don't know for sure. Good to know.

>Just respond and carry the arguments
You don't have an argument.

>This isn't true
Yes it is.
>And how do you know this?
The beta and final game not having it.

>Why do you keep asking this every time you dodge my questions to you?
Because you clearly don't understand how development works.

>It tells us it's pretty late in the process.
You think FRLG Red was going to be the player character in XY? Wow, you're retarded.
>Z is fanfic
It was confirmed cut content anon. If they didn't plan the South, the region icon would just be the pentagon. You have yet to address this.
>changing the shape would be unnecessary
unless they wanted to only make it a full pentagon with the South unlocked, which is the obvious only explanation unless you're a blind retard.
>your own argument is worthless
How? I don't care so much if it would have been postgame or not, other if it was fucking made or not.
>You don't have an argument
I stated my argument and you responded with ad hominem. yet you accused me of lacking an argument and I consistently asked you to re-engage in good faith. Funny how that works.
>yes it is
No it's not, genwarfag.
>the beta and final game not having it
But the beta map has it, meaning it was intended at some point. You still have not accepted this.
>you clearly don't understand
How so? Please enlighten everyone what I'm missing about game development.
>You think FRLG Red was going to be the player character in XY?
So this is what you do, huh. Put words in people's mouths and criticize your own words. Graphical polish in an in-game map is among the last things to be refined, but so is replacing a placeholder player icon for leak prevention also a last minute change. You still aren't addressing the fact that it's confirmed from 2012, which is late in the process.
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>But the beta map has it,
>denies the beta map having it
>posts something else
Yes, the beta map has them, but they weren't made. Address the topic at hand without cheap deflection. Why weren't the locations in South Kalos made?
>Yes, the beta map has them, but they weren't made
Yes, just like how FRLG Red isn't made the main character of XY. What's your point?
>just like how FRLG Red isn't made the main character of XY
But they ended up changing it to Calem anyway because Red was a placeholder. That's replacement, not removal or quitting. What's the excuse for the planned locations in South Kalos never being made?
>But they ended up changing it to Calem anyway because Red was a placeholder
Just like how they changed it to northern Kalos anyway because the map was a placeholder. Glad we agree.
>he map was a placeholder
No, I already said how it wasn't. Try reading anon. The use an EXISTING player icon placeholder to beta test interractables and prevent design leaks. The new region is new no matter what, so in that case it's indicative of their plan, especially given the rest of the region is fucking identical.
TLDR A being a placeholder doesn't mean B also is. Not everything is always the same about every single thing every time.
>The use an EXISTING player icon placeholder to beta test interractables and prevent design leaks
So? It's still a placeholder.
>It's still a placeholder.
The purpose of the protag placeholder is for testing purposes and prevent leaking of new content. They do this late in the process anyway. None of this applies to the map, which would be new content anyway, so it isn't exactly a placeholder.
ITT retards collaborating with other retards to push an equally retarted narrative onto other retards
>The purpose of the protag placeholder is for testing purposes
Just like the map.
>mention Kalos in a bad light
>yawnie has a complete meltie and deflects
Sounds like nothing has changed
>ITT retards collaborating with other retards to push an equally retarted narrative onto other retards
We know anon. They've been doing that to defend SM removing the natdex for years. Now they're having a meltdown that XY could have been even better while SM/USUM/SWSH were all shit because they were meant to be.
No, the map was not made with those locations for testing purposes only. That's an incredibly dumb statement to make. How do even test a fucking png? Again, not every argument applies to every thing.
>waiting until page 10 to respond
You lost.
>no argument
You actually lost
I'm more than grateful to see what they really had in store. and mournful now that it will get taken away by the subversive leftist hate cults and fun-hating suits.
We both know this isn’t true since you waited until the last second to try and get the final word in while not bumping the thread because you don’t want to embarrass yourself further.
>We both know this isn’t true
>cites reasons completely irrelevant from the argument at hand, instead opting to seethe about something else like a screeching boogeymanfag.
I'm still waiting for your rebuttal. Stop seething.
>I'm still waiting for your rebuttal
If this were true you wouldn’t have been hoping for the thread to die.
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Maybe he saved because you consider it as "last reply wins" for some reason instead of actually providing substantive rebuttals like yo should have. Everyone's waiting.

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