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Welcome to /wfg/! your thread to communicate with other trainers.

This is the thread for all your Trading, Battling, Raiding and Camping needs!
Missing a version exclusive?
Want try that team you are building?
Maybe need a Pokemon or two to fill your Pokedex?
Wanna do a Giveaway?
Need a carry for a difficult Raid?
Feel like doing a BBQ with other trainers?
Say no more!

Please try to not offer clones or modified Pokémon, or at least warn about them and no "hacked/injected" Pokemon please!
Have fun Anon, and be excellent to each other!

>Now Prepare to face the mighty Infernape (October 3-6 & 10-13, 2024)

>Ranked Battles Season 23 Is Under Way!
Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet Ranked Battles Season 23 has begun!
Running Until Thursday October 31, 2024, at 4:59 p.m. PDT.

Regulation Set H Has begun! From August 31, 2024 - January 5, 2025

>Current Mystery Gifts
Mythical Pecha Berry Gift (No code - Receive via the Internet)
Neo-Kitakami Case for Rotom Phone
D0T1STPARTNER. (November 30 2024 - 23:59UTC)
L1KEAFLUTE (31st Aug 2024 - 06:59 PT)
>1x Sweet Herba Mystica / 1x Spicy Herba Mystica
SWEET0RSP1CY (30th Sep 2024 - 06:59 PT)
>Sprigatito with Partner Ribbon
L1K0W1TH906 (30th Sep 2024 - 06:59 PT)
TEAMSTAR (31st Oct, 2024 - 06:59 PT)
>Chest-Form Gimmighoul
SEEY0U1NPALDEA (30th Nov, 2024 - 06:59 PT)
>Terastal Cap
WEARTERASTALCAP (30th Nov, 2024 - 06:59 PT)
>Expert Belt
SUPEREFFECT1VE (28th Feb 2025 - 06:59 PT)
>30 Quick Balls
G0TCHAP0KEM0N (28th Feb 2025 - 06:59 PT)
Y0AS0B1B1R1B1R1 (28th Feb 2025 - 06:59 PT)
>Roy's Fuecoco
909TEAMUP06 (January 31, 2025 - 06:59 PT)

Previously on /wfg/>>56528085
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hey /wfg/ I need Luxury Balls in Brilliant Diamond so if you have BDSP I can repay you with virtually anything you may need in either Let's Go PikaEevee, SwSh, SV and/or PLA for every 30 LBs you can providme in said game. You name it, a pokemon. something from my spare shinies, rare items balls in your game of choice, maybe breeding or evolving services, maybe something from BANK, your choice, your price.
pic made me think this was gonna be a Wiimmfi thing :(
lol same some music instantly popped in my head >>56649839
fuck it, I need to do an online trade in Heartgold to unlock a Pokewalker path

who up for it? I'll keep checking the thread over a few days
teach me how to do it and I may be able to help you
heck yeah my dude it's like 1AM for me but we can totes do it later this week, my discord throwaway is moreswordsdev

It's been years since I've done it last, but all you need to do to enable like 99% of Gen IV/V online features is change the primary DNS to on your DS


Also remembered, I think this is all you have to do on like DSi or 3DS if its a Gen V game. But if it's Gen IV or you're on a normal DS or Lite, you specifically need a WEP wifi connection.

If you test it on your own and start getting mystery gifts, you know it worked.
gonna test it and reply once I get things running
I thought you could just buy those in that game.
No, in bdsp it is at best a 1% drop every 400 steps in amity park.

The fact that this guy demands like 30 of them per trade is a crazy person or expects, you to ask for something really high up there
I could've sworn I saw them at the league.
you can but im on a fresh file and you cant get them in a consistent way until you hit Volkner's city.
that's why im trying to buy them in bulf from other anons.
balltism is a hell of a drug man
Fellow balltist.
I wish I could be balltistic again but HOME and Dexit killed it, plus the fact that balls are more accessible now.

I could live with pokeballs being more available, but generation eight also kinda kills the rare move / ability / ball collection i had with the weird HOME rules. At least we still have ribbons but... i don't know. It's a lot of effort.
No, you buy them at the Sunyshore City.
god I love wiimmfi so much. I wish I could do the battles, but I lost my original DS wire so I can't consistently get back online ;~;
im blessing you fellow luxury balltist
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im blessing you fellow luxury balltist
Shiny Meloetta for completing all three SV dexes gogogogogogo
Do you need Iron Leaves and Walking Wake for it?
>they ALL have to be caught in SV
Eugh. Fuck that, I think I imported every returning pokemon into SV, so I would have to re-catch be 3/4 of the game and DLC's pokedexes.
Good thing I checked to see if there was a new thread before making the new one. And hopefully it seems that things slowed down thank God for that.
One Job.
Onto the pile she goes
No, neither do you need Pecharunt
At last, motivation to finish SV's DLCs
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I did SV and PLA and this shit is next...
Slow and steady wins the race
And then you get to the bottom and realize you can never complete it
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such is life
I guess this will be the thing to finally defeat my mental blocks about only having one of each pokemon.
Well not as slow as before but a bit more manageable.
>traded off my koraidon ages ago
>now need it for Melo
>GTS reqs are all fucking level 100 furfrou
Any friendly anons willing to do trade backs?
Just start a new save and home that shit over
What is this fucking level 100 Furfrou plague anyway?
Should I catch a bunch on Ultra Sun and dump them over into HOME?
They are asking for specific forms you can only deposit via GO.
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So ive completed all 3 pokedexes in the game and i have all the pokemon necessary in pokemon home but because some pokemon are from go, SM, XY, BW they dont count towards the Home pokedexes
So i have to catch a blueberry academy porygon and evolve it into porygon z and pretty much all the trade evolution mons too
How the hell do you get a level 100 furfrou in home? Its meant to be impossible right?
>Its meant to be impossible right?
First time on the GTS?
it's the modern level 1 Rayquaza
That's what it's looking like bro
>Average speedrun time is 7 hours
Meh, not so bad ig
Transfer your new startter to your main file and stuff it full of performance enhancing drugs to speed up the run
It won't be disobedient?
Your own mons always obey you (depending on the level they were caught/encountered)
>What is this fucking level 100 Furfrou plague anyway?
Furfrou loses its trims when it goes through Bank, which means the only way to get them currently is through Go, and they're regional. Which makes them EXCEPTIONALLY rare and highly valued. They're trade fodder. Expect their value to depreciate immensely once Z-A is out since Furfrou was in the trailer, so transfer over some Furfrou from XY if you're looking for potentially decent trades before then.

You can raise one in XY or SM/USUM to level 100, but they're looking for level 100 trimmed Furfrous, which are impossible at the moment. Like the other anon said, it's the level 1 Rayquaza of the modern time.
Oh wait I misunderstood lol. Good idea
Yo, long time no see!
To clarify, do you need to specifically catch them, or is breeding fine? Because outside of Legendaries and Mythicals you don't really need to catch much, as you can simply transfer the necessary parents in and breed/evolve the offspring from there

On the one hand, I really like that they're doing this. I always thought the game-specific dexes were stupid and pointless so giving you cool shit for completing them is pretty awesome. I'm also happy that I pretty much already completed the SV dexes, only missing Kleavor which was trivial to get

On the other hand, this means I'll likely have to do a lot of catching for SWSH and BDSP and a LOT of GTS trading for PL:A and the Let's GO games, which is gonna take a while. GO is a non-starter since I absolutely refuse to play that shit, so hopefully they don't get it in their heads to reward players for completing that dex

Also, I wonder how long it'll take for them to add these rewards to HOME? Calling it now, SWSH's reward will be shiny Victini and it'll release right around Christmas because the colors match
I don’t enjoy the idea either but the game specific dexes was a natural evolution because after Gen 6 everyone and their mom had living dexes and transferring over mons when catching is supposed to be the main content of the game isn’t ideal. Anyway I don’t mind regional dexes. I just delete all the mons not new to the man living dex once I register them all and get my reward.

That being said. HOME at least gave you a cool wallpaper to show off to your friends…who probably dont have HOME
It doesn't change a thing. All you do is transfer your shit into the specific game and breed it, evolve it and be done with it. Now with SV it's even easier since trade evos and such can be found in raids.
>game specific dexes was a natural evolution because after Gen 6
Gen 6 did in fact track game specific origin in the regional dexes.
I’m not sure that tracking was the point of my statement. The point was that Gen 6 made full living dexes really simple by design. That could then be transferred to Gen 7 to complete a good portion of the dex. Literally everything except the new pokemon. Either fewer pokemon releasing since Gen 6 I wouldn’t be surprised if they decided that transferring pokemon wasn’t how they intended for you to play the games initially.
It still slows people down considerably. Enough to bitch about it. Raising Pokémon is easier than ever, but breeding and trading is still a bit tedious.
BBBro! long time indeed! IRL keep me away from vidya, jaja, and how are you doing pal?
I actually just need the balls, finally took the shoot and got Brilliant Diamond and plan to fill its HOME dex in one go, so I need to catch everything again here (dunno if its actually possible due Spinda).
>GO dex reward
Thank god they went full retard with Spinda
>dunno if its actually possible due Spinda
Spinda isn't in the regional dex, so irrelvant for home
thank fucking god.
offer is still up /wfg/ I can help you filling your HOME dexes too in exchange of those sweet Luxury Ball.
>how are you doing pal?
Not bad. I still need the rest of the Scatterbug, Spewpa and Vivillon in Beast Balls, but I've kind of put that on hold for the past month or so because of work. I'm often too tired to do much else, but I'm usually still lurking here. If you're still able to help me out with that I'd really appreciate it
>I actually just need the balls
Oh, then go to Sunnyshore Pokemart/Pokemon League, they sell them there for 1,000 Pokedollars a pop. You may need to do some grinding to get enough of 'em. On the topic of Legendaries you'll need to buy Shining Pearl in order to catch Palkia, or at least trade from someone else in order to get it. I don't know if I have one in Luxury Ball but if I do I'll trade it to you
I have my dexes completed in-game. Do I have to dump them all in Home to get the Meloetta or can home somehow get synced with my ingame dex? I'm too lazy to dump them all.
They must get Home trackers for Home to track them. Move them to your Home boxes and back.
No what's going to happen is that I'm going to sandbag and your going to regret asking for multi.
Heartgold anon here, still need to do this trade, but there's a wrinkle, I have to do it with someone who has a non-english copy of the game (and registered in another country in the GTS center). No rush, just looking to make wiimmfi connections.
A little disappointing Meloetta has the HOME OT, but I’ll survive.
> On the other hand, this means I'll likely have to do a lot of catching for SWSH and BDSP and a LOT of GTS trading for PL:A and the Let's GO games, which is gonna take a while. GO is a non-starter since I absolutely refuse to play that shit, so hopefully they don't get it in their heads to reward players for completing that dex
They already do that. I know the shiny mew and Celebi required completing their respective region dexes
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Anyone up for some quick trade back and forth so I can evolve my Seadra into Kingdra? Last one I need for the Meloetta.
sure, drop a code
Thank you.
Happy to help.
anyone able to help me evolve a slowking?
working on meloetta
Sure, drop a code
5666 4388
thanks bruv
No problem.
>incentive to make living dexes
>tomorrow new outbreaks
kino times
Trading is easier, but wouldn’t raids just work too?
They do. I registered Politoed like that without needing to trade.
Ok good, that was my plan because I’m antisocial like that
Also some evos you can just evolve in PLA if you have hard time finding the raids.
Yeah, that's how I got Politoed.
Rhyperior, Magmortar, Electivire and the Porygon line I used PLA to evolve.
I just wasn't in the mood to reset or search for raids so I asked for trade.
Would anybody be willing to give me an ability capsule in scarlet? I got an ability patch only to realize I was looking at the wrong thing.
Sure, let me get my switch and I'll help out.
Q46F2J is the lobby ID if you're still around.
Heck yeah, let me figure out how to join that,
Go to the yellow booth at a pokemon center.
I'm in the lobby, I'm Vitamin K
That pile of salt is one of my favorite mons. I keep one in my team always.
Thanks a million amigo
No sweat lad.
Any of you lads able to let me borrow Miraidon before we trade evo a few things?
Literally the one thing I'm missing that I can't do on my own, the trad evos would just cut down on time
Wait, fuck, I need Conkeldurr too :[
>try to trade a malicious armor for an auspicious armor because I want a shiny armarouge
>keep getting the same fucking chinese guy trying to trade me a ceruledge
if any of you can save me I'd love that
Why do you continue to post images that are as old as the board itself?

Don't stop;_;
Still here?
yeah, currently considering if i care about shiny meloetta enough to go catch a bunch of shit when I'll never be allowed to use it online
drop a code i can give the armor
use your post number
hey thanks

it's impossible to find some exclusive trades at this point because everyone has moved on
Yeah it can be brutal for latelets, no problem
I have to go to bed now, but pls, I just need Conkeldurr & Miraidon ;_;
I'll come back later tonight
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I got so many I have to re catch because I never did living dex, plus i gotta replay Scarlet for Koraidon (I traded my original away) and need an Iron Bundle, but everything else should be easy catches
>This is just one of the first
>BDSP might have one
Get your Spindas right now.
smooth brain poster spotted
my mistake, tough guy
You're both gay now kiss and make up
If I don't have the scarlet DLC, is someone still able to trade me a DLC pokemon? Probably a stupid question.
yes and yes
I'll help you if I'm around later. Timing hasn't been my strong suit in this general
I don't own BDSP or Let's Go and don't have a link to Go. I'm at 100% Home completion on all those games. It is possible
I am so glad I finished all the HOME dexes and have a living female luxury ball dex. It’s been fun to do it only from the switch games so there are just a handful of Pokémon left.
What pokemon do you want?
I never really bothered to do dex completion but I guess now is the perfect time to do so. I just wish I could import mons because I like having only one type of mon on my team but that's a me problem.
This shit means I actually need to buy SwSh and BPSD.
SwSh might not be too bad, but the Sinnoh Dex ain't small.
remember to catch 'em all!
Fellow mono-autist...
I'm a Bug sorta guy, but Ice is my backup team.
Reminder that a living dex is not enough if you want to comfortably import things into different switch games.
You should also keep dupes for Swoosh and SV
Shit and Shingle
Scat and Vomit
hey /wfg/ since Im sorting and clearing my HOME boxes I was thinking on doing a give away of all my spare stuff, just in case anyone needs something to fill their Let'sGO/SwSh/SV/PLA dexes.
its a mixture of breeding rejects, chain catches and random captures
will post the post tje pics later today just in case someone's interested (once I finish sorting them by mark/origin game)
free of charge of course, but if you can toss me a spare luxury ball or two on BDSP ill be more than happy
I'm at work right now, but I'll be free to trade later tonight around 7pm Pst/19pm Est
>free of charge of course, but if you can toss me a spare luxury ball or two on BDSP ill be more than happy
You can buy them in bulk yourself at Sunnyshore Pokemart and the Pokemon League shop
10pm Est, my bad
Excellent, thank you.
I was hoping for a Gligar, with a toxic orb if it's not outside the realm of reality.
The SwSh HOME dex is 400 mons, IoA is 210 and CT is 210. The Sinnoh one is 150.
However, raising Pokemon in BDSP Sinnoh is much more tedious compared to SwSh for the mons that can only go there.
>However, raising Pokemon in BDSP Sinnoh is much more tedious compared to SwSh for the mons that can only go there.

Your best bet is sending them to Arceus because that game has EXP candies
May as well post again since more people are completing dexes.

I'm looking for an Iron Crown/ Iron Boulder in luxury balls. I have a spare Raging/Gouging caught in luxuries already, and a 2nd save where I can catch them in different requested balls if you have another kind of balltism.
any kind anons able to help me evolve my last 4 trade evos?
just need 2 now
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anyone with 2 spare copies of both, Galarica Cuff and Wreath can give me a hand?
I can give you Ability Capsules/Patches, rare balls or anything in exchange, I need to evolve 2 Galarian Slowbros and Slowkings in SV to complete my Dex, can toss a shiny Goomy or Shiny Cyndaquil from GO too
I have enough twigs for 2, if you can help me evolve a couple things
deal. I have access to Shield, PLA and Scarlet in case you need any particular evo item/method
I can just tell me what you need anon.
thanks but just need gen 9, code?
the slowpoke with the kings rock needs the Galarica Wreath the one with the Capsule needs the Galarica Cuff, keep those items if you want.
so, do you need a particular evo item or something in exchange or just trade evos?
just regular trade, graveler and gurdurr
ok, thanks in advance bro
thanks man, appreciate it
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and thanks for the patches too
no, thanks to you pal, enjoy the patches! and have not a good day, but a great day
Can anyone help me evolve my seadra, magmar, and graveler
I just made a sandwich, wait 20 min or if someone else helps.
Okay thanks
I can help but I'll be using my alt since I'm saving an outbreak on my main. Just tell me what you need anon.
I just want to trade and then trade back to evolve my 3 mons for my dex completion
Sure I can help with that just drop a code.
Okay 55559999 is code
THANK YOU! i appreciate it!

I wish they got the welvome back message, was a cool thing in previous gens
No problem anon and so do I, it was a very nice touch. I hope you have a great night/day anon.
I will. Hope you have a good one too
They do in HOME iirc
Any violet bros have aipom line or shieldon for me?
Just a sec, going to catch them.
Thank you for going through the effort. Do you want to do it through SV or home? (i'm not familiar with the latter)
SV is good
Let me know when you're good, no rush.
Ready, use this post as code.
Thank you friend, now to finish out the starters.
Happy to help.
Do you happen to be around still? I fucked up, I need Alolan Sandshrew. I didn't realize it was an exclusive as well.
Yeah no problem just a second.
NTA but No you don't bro, just go catch one they have an event going around right now.
Oh yeah the event is on just go get one.
Ope didn't even realize, thank you.
I have this Sheldion caught in Blueberry, looking for a Craniados caught in Blueberry so I can get the Home shiny Meloetta
Sure, drop a code.
Thanks, code is this post's number
Thanks again!
No problem
I need Conkeldurr, Dusknoir, Basculegion and Clauncher if anyone can help with touch trades.
You can get those from tera raids.
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How much does a permanent Iron Crown & Iron Boulder usually go for?
I got a shitton of apriballs and shinies and I'm just now finishing the pokedexes.
Someone gives you cloned ones for free, you get hacked ones yourself from those websites or you play the game again and get your version paradoxes again and trade them to some guys copies in Reddit.
Do I need to beat kitakami to get to blueberry?
Free if you reply before I go to bed and I remember to look at the thread. Home trades only
Nope, as long as you bought the DLC you can access either after their "intro", then you are free to explore them

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