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well i need cock too but you don't see me whine about it
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fight me you pansy-ass fucked up looking deer
regigigas wants to give arceus ptsd after beating up child arceus.
that skeletal looking motherfucking husk of a creature doesn't deserve to be all mighty.
I'll stomp his ass with this weird bong I found
So Arceus has two children with a human, these become Palkia and Dialga.
However they can't fuck each other to make humanity since people already exist and in that version they also make the lake trio when Arceus is the one that actually does it. They are themselves actually human.
This means Palkia and Dialga use their human form to beget the race of pokemon with other humans.
Which explains why the line between humans and pokemon was so blurred back then, as pokemon were themselves the result of gods reproducing with humans and only began to slowly change their shape over time because of their power.
How much cock?
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kys ugly shitmon
>Touch divine pussy
>Disintegrate into a pillar of salt

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>femdom by a goddess
separate your soul from your body and build replicant bodies to put it back into far in the future when there's a cure for white chlorination syndrome
I lust for Pokémon. If I ever had a soul it's long gone.
Arceus didn't create humanity. When she descended down to the earth to recover, mankind was already propagated.
It was mankind that recovered Arceus and gave her children.
That's the weirdest implication. The first pokemon born on earth, Palkia and Dialga, were born as human.
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You are foolish, Aus. You claim to be the rightful god of this realm, when you are nothing but a usurper. I molded the earth you claim as your own, and knew you were a threat to the natural order, and so, you had to be perished. You killed my brothers and left me to rot like the daemon you are, and yet, my army has been growing. You placed a curse over my body, to force it to lumber just long enough to stomp me back down into the dirt where you belong. But you made a crucial mistake, Aus. One of your own creations, a creature that can free these tethers, one that can break my limits.

I'm ready, you unworthy stain that lingers on my planet. Are you?
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Specifically human ones
Arceus only approves of human make x female pokemon relationships
It can't be measured since space didn't exist yet I'm afraid
based lesbian relationship appreciator
based gay relationship appreciator
Reminder Arceus is male, which make this gay even if he turns himself into a woman
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Who did arceus fuck again? And who was the giant? The alternate names and titles "god of light" makes it hard to tell.
>Looks like a deer
>Becomes a woman for Human cock.
Yeah, I'm thinking God was buck broken by Human men
Probably the “Legendary Figure” referenced in the Sinnoh Region who eventually died and became the lake Trio
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Four 4 more turn
single hot vaporeon here, wbu
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turns? hilarious.
who needs turns when aus themselves gave me the tools to break my limits.
So what's the current idea on lore? Gigas is one of 18 egg fragments and the rest died and turned into plates/were used as the base of other mons?
It can’t be Gigas because the Giants are explicitly not Pokemon but people are forcing it because Regigigas demifiend is hilarious
In that version, pokemon and humans already existed.
>This was a time when the world did not have a definite shape.
>This was a time when the boundaries between gods, people, and Pokémon were blurred.
>The absolute god Aus gave birth to the giant, who shared its raging power, in order to create the ultimate world.
>The giant had the power to destroy, consume, and purify everything.
>Through the power of the giant, all walls were broken down and the world expanded.
It sounds like Arceus had already created the world and humans and pokemon, but wanted to make it bigger, make it "ultimate"
In this version, the giant is unnamed and just becomes Mt. Coronet. There's another version where the giant sounds like Giratina, and was also created alongside Dialga and Palkia
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What’s the appropriate reaction to this situation?
Babymaking sex with Arceus
immediately feel a rush of sadness because i know how "god fucks mortal" always ends
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Honestly I think that Arceus taking on the form of a human woman and giving birth to Dialga and Palkia through sexual intercourse is beautiful and original rendition of the whole creator deity shtick. It's a very sweet story. But of course because the internet has turned everyone into porn-addicted faggots all you hear is "ZOMG ARCEUS TOOK BHC BACKSHOTS!! SHE FUCKS HUMAN MEN!! HAHAHA ARCEUS GOT THAT SKIBIDI GYATT!! It's fucking tragic how irreversibly damaged the current online landscape has become thanks to normalfags.
your drawing looks like shit
bold of you to post a reasonable take on a board that's currently 90% populated by twitterfag zoomers.
>that pic
Would help her out, cherish her and oir children (even if I have to fight an evil titan to protect them)
back to twitter with you trannyfag
I want to see a clip of Regigigas suplexing that god nigga
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>tfw these leaks have brought more public interest and attention to the franchise than anything released after gen 5
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do not rope me into your genwar, cur.
Lewdposting pokemon will always be an amusing pastime. It is only when it leaks out of the web into real life that it crosses the line.
I agree, it's only funny up until the point where normalfaggots join in, then it's no longer funny.
Its not about being funny. Its not a joke.
>rape isn't funny guise
show me on the doll where the typlosion touched you anon
>"I need about three fiddy"
Yeah because none of the lore in gen 6 onward beyond Eternatus being in a meteor is interesting
Wait I thought Arceus made Dialga and Palkia and they made humans? So Arceus made humans, then had sex with one to make Dialga and Palkia?
It's mythology, inconsistency and being contradictory are its bread and butter.
I actually keep with and play all the games, and I forget Eternatus even exists all the time because it's such a non-presence in the SwSh games and lore. It only gets mentioned in the 11th hour of the plot, only to immediately get beaten and caught by the player.

Meanwhile, most other legendaries have tons of hints and hype surrounding them, or at least a big dungeon you have to get through to catch them. Eternatus has none of that.
This is how sects form. This is the stuff that leads to Protestants and Catholics being at each others' throats for hundreds of years. We're going to have people arguing over which came first, humans or Palkia.
>about to joke with a schism ove whether Arceus or unnamed chad came first
>remember greeks already did it with Tiresias
Mythology really is great
lets be real, the dub voice they got for jewel of life sounded a little fruity
Play with her plump and canoical belly
Since the human ended up turning into three pokemon (lake trio) I proclame my gnostic belief that no pokephilia ever happened at all.
I am right btw
I wish Areceus and the female pokemon stories were getting attention, everywhere people only care about the gay pedo typhlosian story spamming that shit everywhere.
fool, that's the wrong type of weezing
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he's male
>Name translates from latin to King of the Giants
>not a Giant
Was there an Arceus story in the leaks? What did I miss?
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Only in the anime movie and those guys operate on a different canon
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>Arceus left
First time reading a human/god romance story?
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I never really read these kinds of stories, no. I'm a sucker for human-pokemon romance, so I really wish Arceus stayed together with the human lol
>Ooooooh, I am the last of the giants,
>my people are gone from the earth.
>The last of the great mountain giants,
>who ruled all the world at my birth.
>Oh the smallfolk have stolen my forests,
>they’ve stolen my rivers and hills.
>And the’ve built a great wall through my valleys,
>and fished all the fish from my rills.
>In stone halls they burn their great fires,
>in stone halls they forge their sharp spears.
>Whilst I walk alone in the mountains,
>with no true companion but tears.
>They hunt me with dogs in the daylight,
>they hunt me with torches by night.
>For these men who are small can never stand tall,
>whilst giants still walk in the light.
>Oooooooh, I am the LAST of the giants,
>so learn well the words of my song.
>For when I am gone the singing will fade,
>and the silence shall last long and long
that Human Male who fucked Arceus?
it was The Emperor.
We know, OP
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I wonder if he was inspired by the headless one of the greek magical papyri?
Thee I invoke, the Headless One.
Thou that didst create the earth and the heavens.
Thou that didst create the night and the day.
Thou that didst create the darkness and the light.
Thou art Osorronophris, whom no one hath seen at any time.
Thou art Jabas; thou art Japos.
Thou hast distinguished between the just and the unjust.
Thou didst make the female and the male.
Thou didst produce the seed and the fruit.
Thou didst form human beings, to love one another and to hate one another.
Hear thou me, for I am thy prophet -----, to whom thou hast committed thy mysteries, the ceremonies of Chaos.
Thou hast produced the moist and the dry, and all that which nourisheth created life.
Hear me, for I am the Angel of Paphro Osorronophris: this is thy true name, handed down by the prophets of Khem.
Hear me: Ar, Thiao, Rheibet, Atheleberseth, A, Blatha, Abeu, Ebeu, Phi, Thitasoe, Ib, Thiao.
Hear me and make all spirits subject unto me: so that every spirit of the firmament and of the ether; upon the Earth and under the Earth; on dry land or in the water; of whirling air or of rushing fire; and every spell and scourge of God shall be obedient unto me.
I invoke thee, the terrible and invisible deity who dwellest in the void place of the spirit: Arogogorobrao, Sothou, Modorio, Phalarthao, Ooo, Ape, The Headless One.
Hear me and make all spirits subject unto me … (etc)
Hear me: Roubriao, Mariodam, Balbnabaoth, Assalonai, Aphniao, I, Thoteth, Abrasax, Aeoou, Ischure, Mighty and Headless One.
Hear me and make all spirits subject unto me … (etc)
I invoke thee: Ma, Barraio, Ioel, Kotha, Athorebalo, Abraoth.
Hear me and make all spirits subject unto me … (etc)
Hear me: Aoth, Abaoth, Basum, Isak, Sabaoth, IAO.
This is the leader of the gods.
This is the leader of the universe.
This is the one whom the winds fear.
This is the one who, having made voice by commandment, is sovereign over all things - monarch, ruler and helper.
Hear me and make all spirits subject unto me … (etc)
Hear me: Iou, Pyr, Ieou, Pyr, Iaot, Iaeo, Ioou, Abrasax, Sabriam, Oo, Yu, Eu, Oo, Yu, Adonaie, Ede, Edu, Angelos Ton Theon, Anlala Lai, Gaia, Apa, Diachanna Chorun.
I am that, the headless spirit! Having sight in the feet -- strong, and the immortal fire!
I am that, the truth!
I am that, who hates that evil should be wrought in the world.
I am that who lighteneth and thundereth.
I am that from whom is the shower of the life on Earth.
I am that whose mouth ever flameth.
I am that, the begetter and manifester unto the light.
I am that, the grace of the world.
“The Heart Girt with a Serpent” is my name.
So come thou forth and follow me, and make all spirits subject unto me, so that every spirit of the firmament and of the ether, upon the earth and under the earth, on dry land and in the water, of whirling air and of rushing fire, and every spell and scourge of God shall be obedient unto me.
IAO. Sabao.
Such are the words.
Not op but both of them share the same abilities excluding hidden ones
unfortunately you chose a timeline where your hubby reincarnated as a girl, better luck next time!
She comes back when he dies fighting the giant and then his spirit becomes the lake trio
Oh yeah well I'm better than you and better than them because I enjoy both
What now fag
Lucas and Dawn are incarnations of her children, Dialga and Palkia.
You mean you don't like people regurgitating garbage from the blacked porn they watch? Made for big bl-I mean human cock.
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Mythological depiction of Arceus's descent to Earth
they absolutely fucked for days.
Months actually.
Okay where the hell is this arceus fucking a human lore I can’t find it
Isn't Arceus like Zeus in that Arceus became a woman so he could have crazy sex with a human to get his socks off? It would make sense due to Diamond and Pearl being based Greek mythology.
theres like 3 versions of the creation myth one of them has arceus fucking a human then having dialga and palkia be their kids that do incest
Good, because Arceus is a guy and has a hot horse cock.
I think Arceus is partly inspired by Zeus but I think she's also inspired by Amaterasu
She probably still came to visit her family on earth when she could, you know to seen her children grow and have her husband hit her back walls.
Maybe that's why she's so grumpy now, poor gal hasn't gotten vitam penis in millennia.
No. It seems more like she fell in love with him after he nursed her back to health (while she was disguised as a human). It's not like Zeus pretending to be whatever in order to have sex with random women.
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The duality of mon
Greedy girl, she wants all the semen for herself
Regigigas will learn to use the power of humans to finally beat Arceus.
There was absolutely no reason for her to take the appearance of a human woman unless taking dick was her goal all along
No shit it has everything
>Cool stories(unlike the games)
>Kick-ass implications about dozens of species and legendaries
It made the entire thing feel more alive and interesting in tons of ways
To play devil's advocate, he probably thought disguising himself as something weak and unassuming would be a good way to hide from Regigigas until he could recover, especially if he feared the possibility that Gigas recovered from his injuries first
Then why not a child?
Or an old person?
Or a puppy?
Or any other weak and unassuming creature that inspire instincts of protection?
No, let's turn into a hot woman in prime breeding age instead.
Because after getting the beating of her life by regiCHAD, she needs someone to take care of her in the most intimate and profound way
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My beautiful goddess wife

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