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Did Skyla being a Latina make you like her more or less?
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Idk, depends on her phenotypes. I’d be OK with her being a criollo for instance, preferably Italian.
Now I know she will age like shit.
>Sofia Vergara is 52
I don't see how this changes anything as a Chilean, so she is Latina and ok? So what?
Yeah, I'm thinking SEX.
I thought she was okay before, but the fact that people are now obsessed with her over this simple characteristic has made me completely lose whatever interest in her I did have.

She did age like shit, the only part of her that’s still “youthful” is her complexion.
Always thought she was hot since I first played B/W.

Her being Latina makes me hope that there's a lot more art of her now.
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I always assumed she came from Poke-Latin America.
This vindicates me
I liked her before, race/ethnicity fetishism stopped being arousing to me when I was as a teen.
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Why would it make me like her less? I'm not gay
What are the other profiles?
Nothing really changed
Appreciate the art boom though
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Why are latinx like this?
I don't really care, I just like seeing more art of her
You are mentally ill
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skylas big fat juicy...
i was here before all those people and i will be here after they all leave
I wanted to fuck her and impregnate her before. I still want to fuck and impregnate her now.
Hair dick.
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The amount of latinx leeches desperate for any shred of representation is pathetic.
>the character doc also mentioned her having dark eyes
(she doesn't)
>also mentioned her speaking another language
(never happens)
>doc says she has an "ethnic temperament"
(she doesn't)
>docs say Elesa is 15 and Skyla is 18
(the final Elesa is obviously older)
Fucking kill yourselves, you never liked Skyla in the first place.
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Man, I've needed an image for this bizarre phenomenon since forever. Weird fucking fetishists.
>Mexican sombrero
>Brazilian Kuruminha
Nigga Sudacas hate Indios, they think of them lower than you of your people of melanin.
I fapped to her since the beginning and was the one reminding fans who skipped BW that Mallow has more similarities in design to her than Shauna. If anything, her new fanbase however one may judge the circumstances that got her more attention are outweighed by the fact she has more attention now.
post more sexy skylas
No a single latin have made a single picture of her after this, stop talking shit out of your ass and fuck yourself schizo
Definitely more
You spergs keep saying this shit but all I can see while checking Spanish Twitter is the rape pokemon so I will just call you a retard. Retard
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What flavor of latina do you want her to be?
She's from New York, so she's probably Puerto Rican which is basically being American
lol what so a black from the cayman is british?
You'll never be white
Less unless she happens to be of Japanese descendance.
>which is basically being American
On the basis of being a Puerto Rican descended New Yorker.
seriously though, she's so breedable
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She is still white so it doesn't matter
I mean, ‘Hispanic’ can mean just about anything.
How old is Skyla?
18 minimum, canonically 20 cause of B2W2
You'll always be a nigger
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Nothing changes, I still like her but I still prefer Elesa.
Elesa is built for latino boys.
Only DAWBs think it exclusively means "caramel skin"
This is latinx cope.
The Latinx cry about representation from other groups, mainly blacks until they get pandered to and now suddenly it's okay. They're way more whiny than they claim blacks are.
Ok Jerome Tyson
I have never seen such thing, take your meds already people shouldn't be enduring your mental retardation
Don't get uppity, Jose. Your people live by la raza to where you dye your hair blonde while still being dark as a potato. You'll never be white .
Shadow the Hedgehog here
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They gain weight super easily because of Mesoamerican genetics, so more
How do you say "plap plap plap get pregnant" in Mexican?
I liked her for her not her race
Do you think Anya Taylor Joy is not white?
Plap plap plap preñate, preñate, preñate
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We’ve been over this, latinx Skyla was scrapped. Her beta design has her with the typical latinx traits you’d expect.
I don't care, she's Latina now.
Normalfags on twitter for some reason started loving Latinas. Wonder if they will get jungle fever again to go full circle.
Zoomie generation probably never watched Liveleak I guess.
The cartel doesn't generally kill women though, and they certainly aren't members beyond the rare mob wife, what point are you trying to make?
People are obsessed with race these days, whether it's hating it or fetishizing it.
I love her no matter her race. I always knew she wasn't white either way.
Diet, anon.

The reason why Sofia Vergara keeps a good figure at 51+ is because she doesn't have to eat like a pauper.
You can masturbate to her while imagining her saying "chántame ese peazo e paté, toy entera e caliente". I'm sure that would enhance your experience.
To be fair, the Disney Channel+Live Nick generation grew up with plenty of attractive Latinas on screen.
Less, I will not pollute my White genes with these THINGS.
I should've said the combination of the two. The US isn't the number one soda consuming nation in the world, Mexico is
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To be fair, they use real cane
Not a statistically significant difference in terms of energy storage/absorption, only in flavor
My point was more that there's a reason why Mexican Coca Cola is harder to put down.
I'm partial to the Mountain Dew Throwback personally
Just enjoy them before the age of 25 when they balloon into goblins
No change
This is no different than you niggers calling Skyla a Latina when shes hispanic.
Based. Fat Skyla is best Skyla.
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Will the Skyla train ever end?
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For me? It's the one sperg on Pixiv who sent requests to literally HUNDREDS of artists (both fat fetish artists and random Pokemon artists) asking for pictures of Skyla with a full belly, and he psyopped it so hard that he even created a tag for that on Pixiv (#大食いフウロ) until all the artists converged and realized "huh, art of Skyla with a stuffed belly isn't any sort of meme or viral challenge, and nearly all of us were requested to draw this, maybe it's one guy begging us to draw this all along?"
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I'm latino myself and let me tell you, latinas are fucking insufferable.
I always liked Skyla but I know I'll just have to ignore any fanart of her drawn past a certain date to avoid dealing with this shit.
Based mega autist singlehandly creating content of his waifu with his top fetish.
God I got a message from him asking exactly that. I regret not doing anything for him now 'cause his account's now gone
Wow, firsthand evidence! Sorry you got bugged by a sex pest, there are more than there ought to be in the chubby chaser community. So I assume you're an artist who draws normal fanart of the Pokemon girls?
blonde people are the only age like shit
Yeh. Chatted quickly with him with DeepL and told him I would consider his idea.

A few months later I checked my PMs again and I noticed that one was already gone along with his account
I don't give a shit, I just appreciate the influx of new art.
As well as the fact that anyone who jumps on the "she is Latina" wagon also must by extension accept the "sexy" and "slim but large chest" descriptors.
Latinas are the superior feminine specimen from 20-40. This is a fact science has proven.
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Ironically Rouge species is south american
It's not gonna take its meds, but it will continue to whine. Which is ironic.
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absolute fucking retard
>okay here's ONE that stayed pretty past the average, ignore the other million that curdle at 19

Burlap sacks. 99% look like squat, misshapen burlap sacks filled with potatoes before they hit 25.
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You say that as if whites aren't also primarily composed of pinkish-red trashbags with a minority of supermodels.
The truth is the vast majority of humanity is just plain ugly, especially you. If you weren't you wouldn't be a miserable faggot arguing racial politics on the Pokemon board of 4chan of all places.
>Honduran bat
Central America
Whites built the world Pedro, if it weren't for us, you'd be rotting at your mud hut.
I love big fat Mexican grandmother's and want to make love to them. Those squat little pug faced trolls get me rock hard nocap frfr
Yet all you do is sit here coping, seething and losing your hair. What a waste of your Aryan genes.
>there's a reason why Mexican Coca Cola is harder to put down
>mfw just bought three cases of those from the local Sam's Club
I have a problem...
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I enjoy the new consensus of Skyla being a Latina but as far as what kind she is I can only see her as Puerto Rican and nothing more. It annoys me to no end that other Latinos who are not Puerto Ricans try to claim her as Mexican, Sudaca, or Centraca (lol nobody from CA better not be doing that all your women are fucking disgusting and will never look a fraction like her). She's from Poke New York so it's obvious she's Puerto Rican and she's not a nigger so Dominican is absolutely out of the picture. And before that muh "Hispanic" schizo starts reeeing about the semantics, no fucking Spaniard is going to claim her as they would rather douse themselves with gasoline, light themselves on fire, and let the Muslims reconquer Spain and turn it into a Caliphate before they let anyone as dark as her be called Spanish so she's automatically Latina by default.
>no fucking Spaniard is going to claim her as they would rather douse themselves with gasoline, light themselves on fire, and let the Muslims reconquer Spain and turn it into a Caliphate before they let anyone as dark as her be called Spanish
Go outside.
>no fucking Spaniard is going to claim her as they would rather douse themselves with gasoline, light themselves on fire, and let the Muslims reconquer Spain and turn it into a Caliphate before they let anyone as dark as her be called Spanish
I'm Spaniard and she could perfectly be from here.
Don't really care. Introducing a concept like that randomly will probably kill discussion about her though because now everything about her is going to be viewed through a racial lens, whether "positively" or "negatively", rather than her just being a cute tan anime girl. Even if you were to consider it canon which is questionable to begin with, you'd never know from how she canonically acts, speaks, or looks alone so it does nothing except give latina fetishists something to goon over because she has the correct label slapped on her now.
She's unovan anon
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Dude, Spaniards just spent over a year swearing up and down and screaming and crying that a character as brown as this was obviously one of them. They're not gonna care.
She looks mediterranean (with some vague north african feel to her) to me, but I'm a white American so what do I know?
>114 replies
>26 images
I like how you think.
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She's Colombian, cope. Even flies her own coke plane.
Vague ass description that can mean Spanish, Portuguese, Italian or Grecian
And North African and Levantine.
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I like the exact same as I did before, all the extra art of people hopping the trend is nice though
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Reminder that this design was the likely the Latina description version
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Let me sum it up in three letters: Y E S
I like her the same, she doesnt look latina to me though.

on the plus side, if shes latina, hopefully that means more art of her in sandals/chanclas, which means more feet pics!
i dont give a fuck what her race is supposed to be. shes a fictional anime girl.

I am happy about it because it is incentivising people to draw more horny art of her. This is all that should ever matter.

unfortunately there arent enough teenfuckers out there to capitalize on Elesa. artists either want milfs or children.
I’ve lost 5 nuts to her this week
Both incredibly based takes.
We need art of her eating TexMex NOW!
Going in for round 6
brown is good
Cute :))
This is the correct take
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Holy shit, is Lenora finally getting art now!?
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since this is a skyla thread is there any reason why skyla acts like a calm caring big sister in the games (mostly masters) but like a total fucking bitch on the anime and manga
yeah pretty much only japanese artists would make art of her...
all she needed for westerners to start making a ton of art is the confirmation that she's legal lmao
explain this sonic meme
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Shadow likes latinas, why?
Her original "girlfriend" was called Maria, that is the most common girl name in LatAm.
Gerald Robotnik was a LatamBoo, so much so that he had a 1:1 recreation of the master emerald altar in his space colony, he went ahead and Married a Latina, same went for his son, his son had Maria Robotnik.

This makes Eggman part Irish and part Latino as well.
What happened with Elesa?
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Mi amor...
>Salma Hayek is 58
meanwhile 34 year old pure white Emma Watson looks like a scarecrow
Revealed she's 15.
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For me she's as hot as ever, love the fanart of influx though.

But the most hilarious part is that fag in the board that insisted that she was flat only for the leak to reveal she was explicitly conceived with large tits
Oh, damn. No Elesa art from western people then :(
Well, it counts as Latina
maybe for the better, or they'd make her with gratuitous dark skin, lesbian haircuts and fat proportions
>Honduran Bat
The clues were always there
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Don’t care about the race war. The Hispanic community is feeding us new Skyla art by the minute.
Ah, she soars like the Mexican golden eagle.
Skyla can’t be a centraca because she’s actually attractive
Skyla is an Argentinian latina not a mexican latinx
This anon actually lives around Latinas. Everybody denying it are beaners or fetishists in denial.
In every country there are attractive and ugly people, if we are going to start insulting, let's just post morbidly obese Americans using handicap carts at Walmart.
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pretty much
Retarded, obviously the guy is an architect
She's way fatter, but her face is still pretty
no one knows?????
it was scrapped, she isn't latina anymore
This is White erasure
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That's the perfect body type.
disgusting for real
I would do things to that Skyla that would make her pass out from ecstacy
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You cannot satisfy this body.
she got bond burgered
>sex in the US lasts on average 10 minutes
>in Mexico it's 30 minutes
None of you can handle Skyla.
>Puerto Rico and Brazil are fighting over Skyla
It's like watching two crackfiends fight over a porn magazine
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I swear this entire website is populated by ESL retards who don't know what the word "concept" means.
Sure won't stop me from finding out if I can or not.
Lol Typhlosion
She was always stumpy.
I completely understand why GF never published most of this stuff in art books or other fun junk like that. Too many people incorporate every piece of what-if trivia into their headcanon the instant it drops.
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Skyla’s tummy!
What different things would a talking Skyla barbie say when you'd squeeze her?
"Let's go on a hot air balloon!"
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Uh oh.... Skyla's in danger.....
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck i need skyla sex so baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
Why do people keep omitting the Typhlosion in question was a human?
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So does Skyla canonically have the largest breast?
Based Man poster
>She's from Poke New York so it's obvious she's Puerto Rican
Are Puerto Ricans the bulk of Latinos in NY?
>speaks a foreign language
>hispanic/South American
Skyla isn't "latino", she's actually speaks Spanish and comes from a South American country so she can't be from Mexico(North America), Honduras, or Puerto Rico(central America).
Some dude that makes meme dubs of Sonic games made one with Shadow going to Mexico because he just loves Latinas.
Her design notes had her as a super skinny, 190cm tall Fr*nch 15 yo
>Her design notes had her as a super skinny, 190cm tall Fr*nch 15 yo
Bruh she's really that tall?
Yes. There are 1.1 million Puerto Ricans in New York City.

>South American
Source? "Hispanic" just means "from a former Spanish colony".
Did she fucking eat him?
According to the design notes, yeah.
Her beta design also had bare legs.
Can you post it?
what would be the perfect team for her
I think he is talking about an in-game team, not an orgy.
3 Hawlucha, checks off her flying specialty and the beaner representation
Canon Skyla speaks 0 Spanish
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My bet is Honduran because of her bat or Puerto Rican because of her political status with the USA.

Honestly, nothing in her design says Mexico or Brazil to me, I even remember that before the leak it was theorized that she and her grandfather were Native Americans, probably because of the association with Braviary and that her grandfather looks like the typical Native American in "modern" movies.


And by the way, Honduras and Puerto Rico are Central America and North America respectively (although in some books it is classified as insular America), look at a map if you don't believe me.
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It's crazy how just two magic words (she's 18) can spark a whole new wave of horny art
She could be from an indigenous Honduran ethnicity.
less, because the majority of them are touched by their relatives and have several BPD episodes
So Nemona and Skyla will become Snorlax tier lardasses in the future?
Less! Fuck myself.
I want to do that Hot Shots gag with her where you fry eggs and bacon on her belly.
I sure as hell can try
man I hate spicish
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>"Pinche boludo te voy a chingar.'
I'm thinking it's this
I can go over an hour with a condom on, foreplay excluded even
Ludicolo has a duckbill
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Imagine a Ludicolo using its sombrero as a helicopter to fly over the Unovan border
peak female
Skyla = sex

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