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the TRUE best girl of Gen 1
Sabrina is so hot
so true
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I like to redraw Sabrina and OG Courtney a lot, probably my fav Pokégirls.
You just know her psychic powers come from the fact that she has pokemon genes.
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HGSS Sabrina is pretty hot but I also enjoy her old design too. Those nice black stockings are perfect
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himecut + stockings is a powerful combo
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Couldn’t have said it any better.
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I need HGSS Sabrina so bad
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How badly?
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I know that her HGSS design is slightly divisive, but I've always liked the concept of the vaguely creepy weirdo actually putting in effort to fix their perception
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Her shoe size is 24cm
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very. Like I want her to use her telekinesis to stroke my cock without even touching it
Classic. Why HGSS Sabrina for that one though
because I like that design more. Maybe it's the short hair and the midriff (and she looks good in pants)
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Reminder that her and her father are part psychic pokemon
Wait a damn second, Venomoth is a Bug/Poison type.
Why does she look so slutty in HGSS?
it's the midriff and exposed arms
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Worship pits
There's ironically not much art of her hypnotizing trainers
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…Or whipping them for that matter.
Is she trained in both mind and body?
Of course.
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None of the fanart posted ITT is remotely as sexy as her official sprite
The tight white pants are the hottest thing about the design.
i love this psychic lesbian
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She's still my favorite pokegirl
nothing wrong with having 1 curve ball
What do you like about Sabrina?
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Hime cut (her and Rei ruined me)
She uses my favorite Pokemon, Alakazam
I thought her anime episodes were cute and I like the miniarc in the games where she tries to become more outgoing
All of her redesigns are pure sex
Her anime episodes were very unique with the way they took with Sabrina. I always enjoyed them though, it's a nice little take. She got a massive glow-up in the games starting with the HGSS redesign. I like all her looks but I won't lie, her redesign is so fucking hot. That outfit does so many things to me, I don't know where to begin.
>i dont know where to begin
well try
You know she has a Hypno ancestor, right?
Those tight white pants turns me on. The midriff with that nice tank-top. It's just asking for her tummy to be worshipped. Thighjobs with Sabrina would be amazing too with those hips. I want to straight up just use it as fap material. She doesn't have to be naked, I can just go at it looking at her bottom half and her navel.
We find out anything about her from the leak?
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"Hmph, then go ahead then. If you want to so much, then do it. Worship my abs. Stare into my navel. Get lost in my tummy."
Y-Yes Sabrina. Your tummy is so good. You already can read my mind so you must know my preverted thoughts and what I wish to do to you.
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FINALLY a Sabrina thread and I can't look at the time nooooo
Keep it up
Hello friend.
The tight white pants really are hot as hell
….. take that as a no.

It’s a tad unsettling to find out gym leaders aren’t always adults.
I don't think it's that much of a bad thing. I find it funny people take it a tad too seriously but it's interesting at least to see such info.
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Cute pits
Guess I’m one of those people. Age in Pokémon kinda messes with my head on the one hand we have got 10 year olds running around with potentially lethal creatures and I always kinda though of gym leader as being a job that the league payed you to do, ya know test trainers and give badges, so if they are kids that starts bringing up questions of child labor.
Well there are kid Gym Leaders and Elite Four even with characters like Poppi and Tate and Liza. I don't let it get to me all that much. They do have a role but they're Trainers and people too. I imagine it's a role they willingly took, not just a job but that's just my own two cents.
In any case, with Sabrina. I think she's a young adult, somewhere in her late teens to early/mid 20s, but again that's just my own view.
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I swear the amount of shit i watched as a kid gave me macrophilia.. includiong her cuz there was an episode where she was shrinking people down turning em into dolls in the anime..
Need more psychic doms who could been and shatter my mind
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I got my first erection after while looking at a Sabrina panel in the Pokemon Adventures manga
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I fucking love Sabrina's Team Rocket design. Though I do wish she had an exposed midriff like Jessie. My dick would shoot right off.
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Did we get anything Sabrina related in the Teraleaks? Not even HGSS concept art?
Those hips and butt.
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FINALLY some femdom art, Jesus Christ
Doesn't seem like it
Femdom's a shit fetish, fag.
I want to suck Sabrina's tits and drink her tasty tit milk.
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Is she weak to hypnosis?
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Man I wonder where Hun went...
I thought Sabrina was the strongest Psychic-type Trainer?
This is 100% consensual.
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glorious esper ass
Would you be her doll, anons?
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The little spoken heart when turns Red into a little doll.
55% accuracy
Same here Anon >>56655826

In case you’ve managed to read it, how do you feel about EToP portrayal? She sort of switched places with those ghosts.
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I want that ass so bad
She must reek badly
Is the OG Sabrina still the only Pokegirl with a hime cut? Feels like such a missed opportunity.
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Love her with a whip.
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Do you think that she would shoot nude scenes in her new actress career?
Only available to all the perverts shooting the many porn scenes at Pokestar.
A porn starring Sabrina and Diantha...
What would it be about?
Hard to tell, Sabrina is obviously a femdom icon, i've always seen Diantha as a lesbo/bisexual but she almost has no personality...
It could be Sabrina focused using Bellelba as she's captured a lone boy. Maybe Diantha can join in too and assist her in claiming him.
One of Sabrina's favorite activities is pantsing shotas with her telekinesis.
Why would she do that? That's very rude!
It's a gym leader's job to make sure trainers are ready for anything.
I feel like Sabrina has perverted motives by doing that to only shotas...
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NOW it's the perfect design.
the flip is better imo
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Muh dick. By far my favourite aritst.
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Animé, HG/SS, FR/LG, R/G/B (Manga), R/G/B (games).

Surprised it lacks G/S/C one (the one in the middle here), but her art is very rare overall.
On a scale of 1-12 how mushy is my brain gonna be after I get caught looking at them?

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