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Last Time:
>Thread gets killed by Teraleak shitpostiong
>Wagie beats covenant
>How did this win the gamejam
>Tiramisu beats Desolation
>S-surely E7 soon...
>Ose is playing Unbreakable ties, the kino is approaching
>Bunken drops Giovanni's Origins
>Yet another interesting idea ruined by shit devs
>I continue my slow trek through Peridot

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images.


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator
Time for le backtracking
gg again
>and i will never understand how the tranny expo judges determined this was THE game, more than the PMD game, more than berserk, more than....okay, i guess that's kind of it kek
It's really baffling, especially since I'm pretty sure there's multiple 'judges', meaning at least a good bit of them had to vote for it
I think that was Apex maybe?
>Aurora Beam
I got btfo'd kek
Whiteouts: 11
Good to know for when I stumble on a legendary I can use though
Since everyone told me Opalo is really easy, I'll be doing a Shitmon run.

I won't be using anything UU and above in the BW metagame.
>we NEED twitter thread #5785872193 about typhlosion being a pedophile because...we just do, okay?
At least the board has something new to sperg about I guess
Thanks, and thanks for getting new bread
It is cynical, but I do really think the Rosenfag is friends with the judges or something, he seems very well involved in that community to a bigger extent than I saw with any of the others
Yep, Apex
It also had villains based off the 7 deadly sins and was also about going into a weird parallel world as well, so it actually did remind me somewhat of this game as well
But Apex also just had a lot more going for it. The APEX MC, the cool traversal, some neat levels, lots of neat custom sprites and music, etc.
I'd shake her milk.
vgh...I don't want to autism in the safari zone for a scyther...but....
Yeah, it's still better than the umpteenth schizo thread, but DUDE, PEDO TYPHLOSION LMAO and the constant twitter threads over faggots crying about it is still not great kek
At least there's SOME entertaining bits beneath all of it though
I believe you can get scyther from that one forest area, i think beneath the grass gym town
Even with that it'll probably end up being easy kek
I assume you'll also do set mode and no items in battle, which might be ok
I think interacting with the signs gives you a dex entry for that Pokemon.
yeah I remember the apex mc being a gigachad on par with super eevee
Time to start up back Peridot.
>Leak was revealing some fascinating stuff, but everything went to shit because the leaker is a nigger surrounding himself with literal discord trannies
>Said leaker also lives in a third world country and has absolute dogshit internet that would put even my backwater shithole internet to shame
>Twitter tourism is at an all time high
>Faggots from literally every single board on 4chan are converging on /vp/ and making the board even shittier than usual
It was fun while it lasted.
GG Wagie, sorry you had to endure that crapfest of a game.
You can get Scyther in a route to the south of the Grass gym town like Wagie said.
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>Fisher Fisher
While true, I'd rather catch one at 30-35 (I assume) than one at 20 or something kek
MotoGODS...DemiceCHADS....we won
Lugia bros....it begins.......
Fair enough.
You can farm power herbs by headbutting trees, also Pinecos have focus sashes on 'em.
While Sashes would be nice, I don't really see a need in farming them t b h, especially with the limited bag space
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I had to backtrack all the way back to the pokecenter twice because of the item limit and Pokemon storage limits, these are two things I do not miss from earlier gens.
>Lugia is a boss
Hopefully I can still get it at least, I already have way too many Flying mons and if this game has a boss with a fast Rock attack (Aerodactyl) like Lance in FR and SS I'm really fucked.
Again, fair enough, I'm having a massive headache because of the item cap.
Glad I went and battled the trainers on the routes first kek
>Got Pokerus
Why can't I ever get this in games where EV autism is necessary kek
So yeah, first Opale impressions

1. It feels very close to mainline Pokemon games. Far less edgy than your average Rebornlike where billions die in the opening scene
2. There's a ridiculous amount of effort and love in the maps
3. Its indeed linear and easy, but somehow not boring so far

I never use Items, I never noticed Desolation has that option lol. It just invalidates the game to me
Pokerus gives an exp boost, you don't gain EVs in battle.
Whiteouts: I think I stopped at 13, so it's 14 I think
>Lugia gets a +2 boost in everything
>It spams Safeguard so you can't status it
Also, just checked the leaks thread real quick.
>Gen 3 had heavy Atlantis inspirations, Latios is based on Timaeus and Latias Critias
>Metagross is based on the antikythera aka an ancient Greek computer
>The original leaked stuff about gen 3 that showed us Latiken had a girl dressed in a toga
>Gen 3 has an absurd amount of obscure and really cool references to ancient Greece and it's legends hidden in the leaked files
Greece bros......we were fucking robbed......
Opalo starts out really slow sadly.
Whiteouts: 18
This is one of the worst fucking boss fights I ever had the displeasure of facing, Lugia takes no damage, one shots everything and has +2 evasion, so you can't fucking hit it, you can't cheese it in any way whatsoever because it has both status immunity and it also has Swift in it's movepool just to make sure your own evasion cheese can't counter it, why, just why?
ScytherGODS...it's beginning
Leech seedCHADS...CurseGODS...
I like that legendaries are actually strong, but yeah, the evasion is definitely a bit much kek
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>Beats Lugia
>Nothing happens
>Oh shit was I supposed to catch it?
>Resets fight thinking I fucked up
>You can't catch it
I wouldn't mind them being strong T B H, but this is just stupid.
The Marowak you fought earlier was meant to clue you in that named Pokemon can't be captured.
I assume this npc does something after beating it
Thanks bro
>Far less edgy than your average Rebornlike where billions die in the opening scene
I mean...to be fair...a few thousand people do die in Opalo's intro lol
orevald all this talk of greece makes me wanna play olympus, is that the one you played already or was it pantheon?
I am still so sad we didn't get gen 4 beta Lickylicky, gamefreak had a really cool concept and they just said FUCK IT.
Yeah but it's not well conveyed in this instance since nothing happens, I reset the fight out of curiosity and I can't beat the boss again because it's RNG cancer.
Olympus was the one I tried recently, premise is really interesting but the game sucks absolute ass.
thanks, I'll try out pantheon then
I'll nerf the boss a bit. I didn't realize how dumb it would be because I never really went into it underleveled. Just +1 defense should make it scary without being totally stupid. Or maybe a berry?
I had a thought of making the three birds' cries play after the fight because that's how you unlock them.
It really just sounds like it's the evasion in particular that's kind of shit
work kept me busy yesterday but now I have some time. figured I started this game called pokemon dregs
it doesn't look to be much but the main deal with this game is you only use pokemon with a bst up to 475, with the exception of your starter one of the elemental monkeys

beta lickilicky also tells us why lickitung needed rollout to evolve in the first place. oh well
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wait a second
making good progress with my as-slow-as-humanly-possible run
just beat roxanne and brawly and got the share exp
the final team i'm planning eventually is:
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the professor of this regionis looking absolutely thrilled to be in this game
are you also nicknaming your pokemon
It's +4 for each offensive stat, +2 speed, and +6 for each defense alongside +1 evasion. Legendaries should be more difficult when you can catch them, but I think that boss encounter would be fine without. The other legendary bosses don't function that way.
>Icy milf milkers got me acting unwise
It's mostly the evasion like Wagie said, that and the Safeguard spam, it makes dealing with the boss absolutely hellish.
We could have had a cool yo-yo chameleon, but noooooo........
It's a pretty clever pun name,
gonna try out pantheon because greece is cool and they fucked animals in mythology, very topical
no the focus of this run is talking to every npc and translating everything they say
i never liked nicknaming in general
I want to keep Safeguard as an anti-cheese measure, but not having boosted defenses should help. And without boosted attacks, you'd be able to more easily withstand its hits.
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>gotta get satchel to dad, but don't have any pokemon
>professor tells his cubone to use bonerrang on mon attacking me
>cubone aims at me instead and clubs me in my skull
thanks bro
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>people are leaving work just to hear the professor give a lecture and learn
so glad that mentality is seen today...certainly
wew kek
I think maybe +2 in both defenses sound fine (assuming it doesn't have roost), but I've also currently got a lot of DoT options so my view is probably slightly biased kek
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Kaizoxisters......LAWDSxissies.........how will we recover?
Man these regional designs are fire

Ah I almost forgot that because it wasn't brought up again. Yeah, they game starts slow in terms of story
>one of the questions is "how do you feel about people touching your stuff?"
>pick most opposed to people touching my stuff
>get this
just like me fr fr. so glad it didn't recommend the cow kek
keep an eye out for the regional version of G.farfetch'd
I'd have to program a new item if I wanted to give it +2 defenses.
I decided to just not give it any inherent stat boosts and have it hold a silver berry. It's already a Lugia that can potentially outlevel your entire party.
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Was doing a few catches and I noticed Miltank has a considerably higher special, based, I really wished Tauros' had remained 70 after the special split. Oh, on another note, can you believe we actually had a Ratatosrk Pokemon all along?
>Makes a Pokemon based on an cuntish squirrel from Norse myth
>Turn it into a cat
Why is Gamefreak like this?
The regions on Opalo are easily some of the best aspects, though sadly a few are really buggy or locked to the second half.
Tauros and Miltank both got buffed special attack.
I posted an update for the rom, btw. I got rid of the evasion boost on legendaries and swapped Lugia's item during that fight. There's still nothing noticeable that happens immediately after the fight, but I can't think of anything good right now.
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>head back to town to say bye to parents
>head up to town's temple to it's legendary, kyogre
>kyogre itself shows up just to tell me to fuck off from the temple
imagine trying to enter a temple in greece and zeus sends down a bolt like "where you think you're going?"
Aero's AI is pretty retarded kek, it like spamming EQ on Jumpluff for some reason
I see
If that does turn out to be too easy, you could always make it a gold berry and add a def or spdef boost kek
I'll probably try and fight it pre nerf first, but noted
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did this come out at the same time as ties? neat if it did
>gold berry
>on a lugia
Are you out of your mind?
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>first regional is shinx but fire type
>second and third are both bugs, one surskit bug/ghost and this thing.
>this thing is framed in the mc's house, labeled GOD
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Common MythCHAD W
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Did the fight like 3 times each on both versions, Lugia just acks to Curse, or even leech seed + protect spam kek
I'd say that Swift and especially rain dance are dead moveslots, and safeguard doesn't do much to stop DoT cheese unfortunately
Ironically, the nerfed version is technically harder for DoT cheese because the berry lets it last another turn or two to (hopefully) click aeroblast and nuke something
Though I'm aware that DoT isn't something everyone's teams can readily take advantage of, so I wouldn't
haha...perhaps a little kek I thought about saying Roost and have it hold a Miracle berry instead
Wouldn't balance around it* I meant
Miracleberry would be redundant with Safeguard, but I considered it. Why would I use a Gold Berry on the Silver legendary?
Also I'd say this is fine for telling the player desu, it's not like there's another exit to accidentally miss it, unless you can teleport in caves i guess? idk if you can
Yeah, I meant replacing safeguard with roost and having it hold the miracle berry, but that's probably a bit much, maybe not now that it doesn't have any statboosts though
>Why would I use a Gold Berry on the Silver legendary?
fair kek
I was just thinking about Orevald's point where he kills the Lugia and reset because he didn't think that was the intended way to deal with it.
Ah, maybe something like the bird's cries and a textbox saying they've all scattered?
the rival in this is the girl on the right, lira, who interrupted the professor's lecture and basically knabbed the water type starter. we're now at the first gym town, where the gym leader claims we're a couple just based on a glance. idk why she reacted like that, doesn't everyone have a kino cave?
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I can only think of realidea doing this where you can find rivals actually at the pc during the gym challenge. I think another one did it but I can't remember
anyways cute rival


does say end of the year or january unfortunately

Is it maybe possible when the stat boosts flare up to also include a "This Pokemon doesn't look like it can be caught..." message? I know you're supposed to figure it out from the Marowak, but most people would probably think they're supposed to be able to catch the legendary
Tbf also, we've played quite a few games where legendaries have a "boss battle" form with stat boosts or accompanying Pokemon, and then will immediately refight you where you can catch them, so our own expectations are a bit screwy kek
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Also forgot about this but I saw this earlier

>mythchads in charge of making engaging gameplay features
Just roll the 1/100000 chance bro

>those designs
Fucking spics holy shit kek. Rejuvxisters, how do we stop getting mogged...
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I would want there to be as few text boxes as possible. The battle theme for bosses is different from everything else, as is the intro message. I get it's something you can miss, but it's also a fight you might not complete on the first try so I don't want to frontload the battle with a ton of button presses before he's able to actually begin his second chance.
>grass gacha
the part where simply having a hidden ability is thrown in there is worrying, I wonder if they won't include ability patches so you gotta do grass gacha. same with iv vitamins, are you doomed to 20 or below ivs unless you win the grass gacha? can you get a legendary/mascot pokemon with sub 10 ivs? anyone who applauds that system is beyond saving
They say the different rewards only roll once, so yeah getting your super special legendary with perfect IVs is 1/25000000 as opposed to 1/10000000
>can only get HAs through the faggotry
I assume not if things like held items are also on the list and they seem too lazy to get rid of every wild mon's held item, and I imagine there's a fair amount of shiny autists they wouldn't want to alienate, but they'll likely have highly expensive HA capsules and such
I would find it really funny if things like shinies or max IV mons are only locked behind this, and it'd be so much rarer than just trying to find them normally
>2 grass types
>1 Water type
>3 Flying types
I'd be more disappointed if I did have a problem t b h
>roll a 1/1000 chance for one tile on a route to maybe have something
>can roll nothing since there's no guaranteed special occurrence
epic gameplay
Who the fuck even cares about max friendship wild pokemon kek
The whole Greek aesthetic in Panteon seems really amateurish and cringey tbqh.
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>the dialogue so far is everyonr talking about how shit the pokemon
I mean I get it, but still
Back, was finishing my end of day rounds.
And wowe, the leak keeps on giving.
Noted, I'm not very well versed in updating roms, can I do download it again and keep my save as is?
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pretty easy, got a mareanie beforehand that wiped the first two and weakened the last. the gym gimmick was listen to someone and find the trainer that matches their dream partner 3 times, do it correctly and you get a destiny knot after beating the leader. but of course she's already taken
>can I do download it again and keep my save as is?
Yeah, just as long as the new one has the same filename as the old.
>And wowe, the leak keeps on giving.
what now?
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haven't seen hex girl in awhile actually
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>Ghetsis was originally a schizo who actually believe separating people from Pokemon was a good idea and he acted all high an mighty
>Ghetsis' plotline and character seems to have heavily affected Lunsamine's change in USUM as they for whatever reason decided to make Lusamine a dindu just like Ghetsis' original character
>Ghetsis almost sounds like he knows about the forbidden Pokefucking myths and is trying to prevent them
>Shadow Cofagrigus
>Second part of the leak was finally put out, it's just XY builds I'm fairly certain
>Not new necessarily but the character sheets for a few characters like the gen 4 protagonists dropped
>Dawn wants to be a housewife who tries her best
>Lucas likes Linking Park
The updated builds of Peridot aren't working with my saves, scheisse.
Oh also, we nearly got a Pokemon that was literally a randomizer, as in it could evolve into any Pokemon ever. As well as learning that Blaziken and Lucario were developed together and it's heavily hinted both were inspired by Egyptian gods, namely Horus and Anubis.
Were you using save states? Or loading it from the menu? I should have specified.
Both, I was using save states during important catches.
And when you try and load anything from the title screen you don't get a "continue" prompt?
every fan game should have hexy so it can be a good game
>Your items are lost a la Clover if the opponent steals them
Glad I found this out with Xatu's Twisted spoon instead of my lucky egg/exp share kek
Nope, save state folder is clear, save folder is completely different.
Ah, nevermind, the enemy can't steal those I guess kek
Did you overwrite the old rom?
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Nope, were did you post the updated build btw?
That explains it. You can just move the .sav file you currently have to where the updated rom is.
>were did you post the updated build btw?
Same link as before.
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got my first badge first try. it's the good old "first gym is bug trainer that has fully evolved pokemon", didn't expect him to have a full team though. the battle itself was rough especially with his pokemon spamming infestation and most of his team having berries. I had to rely on pansear beating most of them

>Shadow Cofagrigus
looks like they wanted to try out ghetsis' original character with lusamine, probably they think her character in SM was a little heavy for kids
>Dawn wants to be a housewife who tries her best
the girls yearn for the kitchen
I think it worked this time around, danke.
GG, how is Dregs so far?
>The girls yearn for the kitchen
Kek, just as Masuda intended.
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Shiny sheep.
>Fag finally doesn't catch me while my team's flagging
>Gets btfo'd
desu he could probably go up a couple of levels here, it's a little weird he's the same level as the other rival a couple of towns (and a badge) back i think
Though maybe I'm just a tad overleveled thanks to Pokerus
I didn't even knew Bide was reworked, seems kinda crazy.
haha bros...ready to go vndervvater in empire....?

thanks bro. what're the odds you have limited oxygen
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this seems broken
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>how is Dregs so far?
it's alright. nothing much has happened yet. the first gym was pretty challenging though so I expect more boss trainers to be hard
>Ruby pendant
>Emerald Ring
Thanks, and haha...
I'd be (a lot) more surprised if there wasn't t b h
>Insurgence underwater assets
>There's likely going to be a fuckload of ways to die underwater because Octavius hates the player
>Remembering the absolutely hellish water based fields that were listed in v11 and got removed
H-hahaha........it's so fucking over.......
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>calm mind tm this early into the game
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some plot happened, mysterious masked men stole an academy prodigy's surskit and did some magic shit to it, it's now this. the last fight before this the pokemon's level was 14, but who gives a shit look how cool it is
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lira went to challenge the 2nd gym leader and he brushed her off. apparently her brother is a dickhead that literally can't lose because of some special pokemon he has, sounds like victini
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So the game takes place in the 2010's if I remember the dates right
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you don't fight your rival as soon as you get your starter here, this is the first battle. most of his pokemon are physical attackers so switching ekans around a lot helped my here. I tried to setup and sweep with cutiefly but got fucked over by confusion hax so I had to let pansear bail me out again
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beta 1 for sure, didn't get to do much but two gyms and some rival fights. it was pretty fun though, one crash at the start then smooth sailing, not a lot happened but it's 3 hours so can't really judge it. looking forward to more
Neat of the devs to make an item basically made for Lucario
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And I forgot the image
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Holy fucking kino that is beautiful.
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What a rare thing, in all my years I don't think I have seen a guy with a turtle fursona
thanks bro. easily in the upper tier of regional designs
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With a name like that I was expecting a person with the american flag for hair, with a shirt that says oil and a Braviary at his side
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Seeing this is reminding me that I am a fair bit happy that my autism didn't lead me to the path of obsessing about others like this
I tried changing the clock a few times, trying to see if there was any order to the clock puzzle, but honestly I ain't got a cluck how to solve it.
I'd make a joke about him being an /a/ poster, but he's way too buff for that.
Whiteouts: 15
As expected, sun boosted firemons rape half my team
Gengar getting D-Bond for CHARIZARD was kino, Is that fag speed invested or something kek, it outspeeds my whole team and rapes them
Holy kino
i can't wait for him to have octillery and rapidash plushies in the next version
you're overthinking it, think of the regi puzzle
solution if you want it it's just going clockwise around the perimeter of the room starting at the sign
GG. yeah, i think you're supposed to buy some damp charms or whatever from the fag near the ground gym town first kek
GG. very cool regional too, hopefully a bit more is done with the greece premise since it didn't really seem to be that prevalent from the screenshots
thanks bros.
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Oh dear lord everyone in that palace is a psycho
Why is this guy so desperate to get rid of his Cyndaquil? Come to think of it he had a Piloswine too.........
Oh, I thought that was the other one.
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Very nice
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>Gamefreak got hacked by one of these schizophrenic trannies
What's the world come to?
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In the frontier battles one of the trainers randomly started playing some spanish song
Does anyone know where it is from if it happned to someone?
I swear I've seen that exact formation of underwater walls in empyrean.
I'll probably do this tomorrow
At least I don't need to level grind thanks to pokerus
Thanks bros
>i think you're supposed to buy some damp charms or whatever from the fag near the ground gym town first kek
Probably kek, it completely slipped my mind
Hope you boxed an infected mon so you can pass it on to more things.
Yep, I've got a couple of infected mons in there not that I'm planning on swapping out any mons though, my team of half shitters have come this far, they're making it to the end
Callight it a night, been grinding a fair bit both due to me getting some new mons and for preparation agaist the elite 4 even though I haven't beaten the last 2 leaders yet, might hunt down the birds tomorrow, dunno where they might be though truth be told.
>check out /v/
>new fomo slop to shitpost about is metaphor re fantazio
>>>>>buying an atlus game on release in The Year of Our Lord Twenty Twenty-Four
hmm....i don't know how long it'll be until we start doing multi-LPs again, either

....it might be time....it's been a long time, and i did promise to revisit this game one day
I don't know whether to restart this or just play from right after the champion. I don't actually remember a ton of the plot of this game other than it ends on a cliffhanger
probably will end up restarting it out of mental illness, but yes, i'm going all the way to whatever unholy fucking bullshit white man got to in his playthrough. i beat virtualization, i'm beating this

i hope i have this shit installed correctly kek

honestly i would've been surprised if the hacker wasn't trans desu, seems to be the case for a lot of epic L33T hackers nowadays
you can just check the audio files
is it the song with 'canalones' or the one listed under 'micorazon'?
i found it's still worth doing some level grinding mostly for the money
it's a cost of 2000$ or so to join a gauntlet i think, then you get 3 star pieces that sell for around 14000$, thus a nice surplus
if you're running low on cash for revives and potions that is
really if you're afraid of the E4, i'd recommend getting a strong fighting type or 2, you don't need to overplan for it
It was micorazon, don't see any more info in the files beside it
oh i didn't see this. yeah, it wouldn't be the first time empire has stolen shit
the underwater asset pack i think is public use, albeit, so could just be a very ''''coincidental'''' similar arrangement
we could do mauve when everyone's ready, but I'll join you on empyrean. even with the gp/money grind I'd much prefer doing this over myth
Did you explore the coastal lab?
I'll probably join you after I'm finished here, gotta get caught up on the pokefucking lore after all
I am (was) decent enough, ~15 revives and hyper potions is probably enough, so long as I don't eat shit on the E4 kek
hell, you guys just want to turn it into empyrean multi-LP 2? this time we can all delve into the hell of Edge of Eternity and wifebeater Kyurems
maybe ashime can join on if he's got the time and hasn't played this
I'd be down, but I vote we abort if that remenscencia dlc drops and we're not even in the future bit
>maybe ashime can join on if he's got the time and hasn't played this
As if by some stroke of fate right as I opened the newest thread about to ask for a good recommendation you post this. Link me to a download and lets go.
Bird sexo always has priority over everything barring maybe heat death of the universe.
>decide to check out the amber/venam fight in LAWDS renegade since rg mentioned it was dogshit

>>>>infernal field, the based and epic field that neuters all fire type weaknesses and buffs dark types an ungodly amount
>6v12 against a fire specialist and a poison specialist that has fire and dark types
>multiple crested pokemon and megas holding regular items, including but not limited to
>life orb mega camerupt
>charti berry mega CHARIZARD G
>magmortar that gets +1 defenses from the field, +1 defense from a crest, an assault vest, causes an eruption every turn
very cool. i wonder if they'll remove typ*losion

of course kek
haha...here you go
https://mega.nz/folder/CVpB1SDC#jrCuI_XnLoQoEfaVxrU5Mw for the edge of eternity mod
i guess we'll start tomorrow, after rg finishes peridot
and also orevald as well assuming you want to join in on the replay, my bad
Any objections to me starting tonight? I'll probably be among the slower to finish given how inconsistent my schedule has been lately.
>for the edge of eternity mod
should be fine, it's a long game. EoE adds more postgame stuff, fixes some things, and it makes the battle ui show more information I think.
go for it
has some important QOL that cuts out the extreme grindiness of a few of empyrean's major mechanics
also adds some ridiculous postgame content
because i am a sperg and don't like to feel left behind even if it's just one person playing, i guess i'll begin now, though i do have to head to bed really soon kek

i have no idea if whatever debug script rg made to work with this game even works with edge of empyrean. i guess there's only one way to find out
with this question, he killed millions....

>do you want to take the path of the octillery, or the path of the typhlosion
I'm not turning off gp/cards because some part of me enjoys the bike loop, so I'll probably start now to get started on that relaxing loop
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I mean yeah only a real degenerate would have one in their team!
>the first question of the game is asking me if I remember
>the MC says he doesn't
scarily accurate

don't cards rely on wild mon autism anyway, not running in circles autism?
you run in circles for the plums, you use the plums to buy the apartments, you then make the money running while you hatch the eggs, money for card packs. it's a perfect system...haha...
How difficult is this game? Anything I should be expecting going in?
>The mod is still unpacking from the zip archive
>1 GB filesize zipped
okay, so this is where you activate the 'shit mechanic turnoff' button

white man, I assume you're >>56664832 and are sticking around for a bit. can I just touch this button and still get the glorious autism ride in postgame? i remember you still had to get a bunch of platinum mons and such
Actually had a bit more time, so I finished this off kek
Whiteouts: 20
They all had a lot of shit that raped my mons (except for the first one) kek, the Champion's BVLL outsped and ohko'd my entire team, leading me to pp stall EQ so Gengar could ko
iirc I had to make one specifically for EoE, I'd probably have go dig up the mega folder kek
the circle of life, haha...
it's not really difficult, BUT
as stated there are a few statbloat mechanics that require nigger-tier levels of grinding to engage with and will make some bosses basically flat out impossible if you don't. i don't know how manageable they would be using the mod that i'm using but I presume a lot moreso.
as far as 'what should I expect' as far as things like story, just, ah, experience it....
with the gp/card system on and playing through hard mode it can get very nightmarish. Thinking about it, I don't know how the mod balances out certain fights without gp/cards.
And the bros
Tentacruel was mainly there to even out my types and because I needed something for surf kek
I called half of them shitters earlier, but they mostly performed well so long as I didn't encounter something that fucks up my types
G fucking G bro. yeah that TAVROS is an absolute MENVCE, i'm surprised it isn't his ace or something kek (though I know it being a gen 2 hack snorGOD is way more fitting)
>that magician girl
gg and congrats
i remember one thing about this game, and that is the fusions

and i remember a certain one of the pokemon that can use fusions
I'm not picking that pokemon this time, I will never live down the allegations
>Twitter trannies found a leaked sheet regarding team Galactic that makes them out to be soulless materialists who do not care for nature or god
>Said trannies immediately put it in their heads that team Galactic are "muh soulless capitalists" and that the gen 4 MCs were "MUH HECKIN BRAVE COMMIES"
>They're now spamming /vp/ with this shit
Fuck's sake........
Noted, I got HeraCHAD, so it should go well.
Yes, but the hints didn't help and professor Maple didn't really say anything of note.
I don't think I will, I loathed Empyrean's endgame so fucking much and I'm someone who loathes the type of grinding and schizophrenic Empyrean's postgame expects from you.
Depends on difficulty, but harder modes are anal sometimes, the boss fights also SUCK ASS and the bosses are just massive damage sponges who are immune to all status and take no damage whatsoever.
i wonder just how many jokes we're going to make this time around, knowing what we know now

also man i still really like the intro to this game, it just has that classic PS1 jarpig feel. chrono cross, grandia, BoF4, xenogears...fuck, bros

then it's time for me to live up to them
apparently he beat some of the allegations, kek
fair enough. GL for the E4 tomorrow
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>Race selection ranges from white and goes all the way past nigger and straight into half-Slakoth rapespawn
kek okay
Congrats and GG. Second E4 a cute.
Good team too.
It was way better when people were typhlosionposting desu.
Fair enough sitting this one out.
>i wonder just how many jokes we're going to make this time around, knowing what we know now
remember that shadman is in this game
check your dex
I'll probably write up a review tomorrow and then start up Empyrean, and probably will come back to do postgame
Thanks bros
>yeah that TAVROS is an absolute MENVCE
definitely, while it was more common than I would've liked to get outsped and basically swept by one mon, The BVLL was the first one I had to PP stall via switching back and forth kek and snorlax just got D-Bonded lel
I think a decent part was that I didn't interact with EVs at all kek, I dunno if I'm just imagining shit, but it definitely feels like bosses start using EVs or something at some point
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I don't know if you can say that
i completely missed this is a fucking acid brownie and coke joke the first time, kek

i can't wait for one of the tourist trannies to get >>56666666 with some retarded shit in regards to the leaks and then the board goes apoplectic over that for the next week or so, like with the corv vs tinkaton fighting
i do not remember this kek
fuck it's been a while
It's pretty tame until postgame.
Just beat the elite 4 playing rocket dragon den edition
Pretty good hack but it really has some glaring flaws that annoy me
famous last fucking words!

GG again.
well remember in gen 2 it's not EVs but stat EXP, i actually don't know how feasible it is to even code that on enemy mons. i know it was literally impossible in gen 3 hacks for a while to have EVs on enemy mons (and it's still impossible in gen 4/5/6 as far as I'm aware)
could just be shit speed DVs and the bosses in lategame having perfect ones desu
None of the main game bosses have EVs, only the max level rematches. But many of them did have higher than average IVs.
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The leaks might have mindbroken me. I can't read otherwise innocent stuff like this in a pokemon game without thinking twice about it.
>tourist trannies
I expect them to get bored and leave within a few days. At least I hope they do and don't decide that this is a new quasi-furry hangout board to migrate to.
>i actually don't know how feasible it is to even code that on enemy mons
It's very easy in that there's a tutorial explaining exactly what is needed to give certain teams stat experience for each mon.
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This won't lock me out of anything right?
roll credits

might honestly do that after i'm done having my mental breakdown with this game desu
ah, cool
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This name has already justified itself.
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Holy shit kek
This was a winner and the game just started.
It shouldn't. At worst you'll want to turn the autism back on once you start getting the items that let you skip the grind.
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>Loveball by the bed
>Bed in a secluded corner in the basement
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apparently trainers can have shinies, which really sucks considering what I need one for
woah woah woah woah woah I didn't consent to this
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Your parents were into some concerning things.
>well remember in gen 2 it's not EVs but stat EXP
true, but EVs is easier to say and I don't remember enough about Gen 2 mechanics to accurately name them kek
Ah, that'd probably do it then kek
The price of being able to ignore IV autism when they're not explicitly shown onscreen...
honestly same kek, there's so much shit that can be read differently once you know, and Empyrean is going to be a goldmine of it, haha...
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I didn't actually think the game would let me do it
>the MGS alert noise
>the professor saying ara ara
>the dad leaving his house, going to the evil base, getting captured and it becoming an official report in somehow maybe 10 minutes
i forgot how enjoyably retarded this game was

haha...it will become much more apparent how fitting it is
oh you have stat shit around your UI? wonder if i fucked something up
>Cage in the basement
>Books on biology and reproduction on the shelves
Yeah I gathered as much.
I'm already making inferences just looking around the basement. What a wonderful choice of game after the leaks this is shaping up to be.
RIP candlebro
man i even forgot the MC in this game talked and had these weird cringekino moments kek

i'm actually curious how that'll affect a certain scene later, if at all
they're a little bit different, it's basically EVs but you can max out all stats
get used to it
maybe you turned stat display off in the options?
hello, best written female rival in a pokemon fangame

i forgot to roll a type kek, i doubt i'll go with that this time, especially if i'm going to be living life on the EDGE...of eternity's postgame content

i guess it might be turned off for the hal section in the intro
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How old is this game again?
she's willing to do ANYTHING for power
>run towards entrance looking for the fisher guy's lure
>see an exclamation mark
>run down the stairs
>nobody's there
this stupid ghost fucker better not have made me schizophrenic
can't use him anyways so I figured I might as well see if he's restricted like lucario
Like my favorite character Grim Darkwood?? Thanatoskino incoming???
>get used to it
le sigh...
>hello, best written female rival in a pokemon fangame
one of the few things I liked from this fangame is how her and the guy rival's progression through the whole thing was
The leak season memes are never going to end, are they..?

I swear to god I wasn't even trying to force it kek
I just picked Froakie since an autistic game deserves a suitably autistic starter, and....
Was made around 2015 iirc, but then got remade fully a year or so ago. Obviously he didn't see much point in swapping out the memes
fucking kek
Crazy how we wouldn't have thought anything of this like a week ago
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>Casually run drugs to get a starter
It's more believable than professors handing them out of their own goodwill thoughbeit
There's this point where certain memes are so old they become endearing in this time capsule kind of way. This sure isn't one of them, but it leaves me hope that there might be some better ones around that time period lying around.
when you do the quest for the old man your entire party gets experience for it like this, it's nice for an early boost but it's so weird
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>Go outside as glownigger Dad
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I too am waiting for the cataclysm depicted on Pokegöbekli Tepe
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Interesting tutorial battle.
>loud BANG every time you start a battle
missed this

i think this time i'll try to use more of the omuran forms, since i don't recall actually using any the first rodeo. not having to deal with GP cancer should help.
isn't this machop straight from soulstones? and i know for a fact soulstones was made well after this, just another thing jos stole

haha...just ignore it for now, goy..
oh hey look guys i found a cult leader

...is it intentional this sprite is used this early
>running around the forest using the dowsing machine because apparently you get a super rod for finding that guy's lure
>it's just in the next town in a visible pickup item ball
I hope wailord is worth all this trouble because he's the only guy I know of (that I can use) that would need a super rod
>check wailord out online just in case
>it isn't flying type
Lucarioman... I'm going insane...
I want those nails you faggot
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Oh no...
What's the meme with GP?
Dratiniis the real reward.
how long will it take before she starts asking her husband for these kinds of things

i don't even think there are regional forms in unbreakable ties doe? could be wrong and one npc uses one or something
gp is basically making purebred pokemon through breeding. I don't want to get much into it until I start the loop, but I will say that part of the fuckery is the dev implemented an inbreeding penalty, if you keep just making the same family tree breed for eggs the offspring will have 0 ivs at some point
um, mc-kun, i think you're facing the wrong way...

actually stopping here for now before the 1st gym. it's getting way too late

this is how it starts...
GP is one of this game's very special pro-fun systems

basically, it stands for 'generation power'
all pokemon start out with GP 0
if you breed two pokemon that are GP 0 you get a GP 1 pokemon which has way better stats
if you breed two GP 1 mons, you get GP 2
so on and so forth, all up to GP 5
it's as fun as it sounds, and you'd need GP 5 shit for some lategame fights if you didn't turn it off with that robot at the start
>tired of waiting for my pokemon to level naturally via exp all
>going to rare candy them
>rare candy level limit is 43
>when three of my pokemon have naturally leveled to 47
okay now I'm actually going insane
oh yeah
forgot about that pokemon
I remember there being a fakemon seviper mega and looking through the PBS theres also a dunsparce mega
I don't remember anything about full-on regionals though
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I'm glad this game's dialogue predates the widespread usage of the word bruh.
>Need 2^5 pokemon in the same egg group per team member
epic. Looking forward to getting tired of it by the third mon and debugging through the second half of it.
The rare candy cap lags a bit behind the actual cap for the rest of the game unfortunately. I suspect it's due to switching players periodically. Nothing the XP All can't solve.
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Edgemode MC is not something I was expecting when I started the game
Also everyone that Rodolfo had in his life is officially dead or at least part ghost it seems
went through all that rigmarole for the super rod meanwhile dreepy is just in the grass with a 10% encounter rate
that's going to really bother me especially since I'm fond of switching pokemon so often
granted it's not like the game's requiring me to keep myself at the level cap to continue progressing
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She decided to be more subtle with the cabbagefrog on mine. I'm curious what determines which ones they pick relative to what gen/type you picked.
>epic. Looking forward to getting tired of it by the third mon and debugging through the second half of it.
If you tough it out to the ditto It gets significantly easier.
Don't forget that inbreeding makes them have 0 IVs too (iirc), haha...
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What did he mean by this?
Sounds great h-haha.
that crustle hits hard man, 3 attempts.
when you get the phone you also get crafting, it's not really needed but you can make a lucky egg very early on if you farm the bakery
Does this game have an EXP All or was it made in the era where switchtraining everything to soft cap was standard design?
I don't think the expall exists. However I'm pretty sure you can buy exp shares. Post game also has a tea that instantly maxes out your level.
How expensive are the XP Shares and how early on are they?
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>Torchic, Ralts, regional Machop, regional Shinx
This is a good start.
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you get one from have 15 mons in the dex at doorriver, the wiki says you can buy them at the training safari which I think isn't long past that. I think door is third gym town
this guy just gave me a choice scarfarino???
but that item is le op????
the tower seems like it's going to be a whole thing and it's a bit late so I'm stopping before I walk in
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Truly the kino I needed in my veins
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what is that statline on a level 1 mon?
I'm a retard and screencapped the wrong tab. This seems abnormally high just eyeballing it. Was the Kricketot line buffed?
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it's possible, it could also be how the game balances things out when you turn off the gp/cards
I didn't end up turning off GP/Cards. I was going to give the mechanic a chance before I debugged/turned it off.
It wouldn't be the first fangame to have undocumented buffs to shitmons tho.
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oh, then maybe it got a buff. caught one for comparison
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kek that's sure a design.
That's pretty big at a glance.
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1% chance
How does this mechanic work?
it's equipment in it's own slot so they can still have a held item. every pokemon has it's own card, and they come in tiers, normal/shiny/plat, with boosts being 1.25/1.5/2 respectively. combining that with the boosts from GP and the shiny/plat bonus you start making some real monsters. here's the rub though, trainers have that too
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Sounds fun haha. This is almost assuredly going to be a game I get tired enough of the grinding tedium to debug by the end, but we'll see.
forgot to mention that if get dupes or you need money you can sell them, even the normal ones sell for 50k
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Well that looks really cool.
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>(((noah))) tries to jew you for some nails
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The fuck is this?
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Does every pokemon have a card or only select ones?
a weird rat with the ability to gain more exp. every single pokemon has it's own card, even different forms. treecko card can't be used by grovyle, etc.
stopping here for now, made it to shawmonk. the plum loop begins soon
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got the second badge. this one was easier, mostly because I had stronger pokemon like zangoose and sudowoodo. mantyke and noctowl still made things complicated but none were too hard to handle
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Easy bulk up sweep. Calling it a night here.
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>first evil team grunt has life orb magby with cross chop
oh wow these sweats don't play around
We will LIVE through the robbening
Will we THOUGH
Enjoy it. You haven't even seen the peak of it yet, haha...
Seems pretty reasonable?
>zangoose is considered a shitmon
Feel like that's going to be a consistent thing, where a pretty good mon is just called trash just because.
>this ended up being more typedo shitposting, meganiumnigger edition
I guess it could've been more annoying
Meant to post image
How long until the breeding autism begins? I'm debating catching my 32 government mandated Magikarp ahead of time.
Also is there a document that shows all the craft recipes?
Thanks bro.
Poking around the PBS yielded
I guess I just underestimated Kricketot's bulk for super earlygame.
Speaking of strong earlygame mons, Averat seems ridiculously strong for a route 1 mon.
this should be it
I really wouldn't start it until you get one of the real estate apartments and the bike. you get also can get the oval charm at some point, but can't remember when.
Thanks. Retarded question, but how do you put more than 1 of an item into the first slot?
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PowerlevelGODS we won

>Feel like that's going to be a consistent thing, where a pretty good mon is just called trash just because.
Schrodinger's shitmon is a mon too niche for kaizoshart gameplay but also strong enough to make discordtrannies dilate at the sight of it.
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Bros.....WE WERE ROBBED........
>Sick as fuck beta art for Megas
>A peanut raptor mon
>A fucking glow in the dark alien chameleon mon
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That's suspiciously early. I guess the ring itself will be gated until the 100 hour mark as is tradition?
The beta war cutscene in XY showed Giratina in the war for some reason. This made me think of Rejuv.
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>Come up with the sickest Pokemon designs ever
Megas become available fairy early (relatively speaking) in Empyrean.
They were going to appear in southern Kalos :^)
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>just spams dragon rage
wild pokemon seem more aggressive in this then other ones where they use random attacks
it's possible fangames will start putting them in like they've done with the spaceworld stuff
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a lot tougher now that I don't have quilava, but taillow was able to get most of them, with aron dropping rocks on scyther. axew also got some cheap shots with dragon rage, kek. still 4 attempts though. also after beating the shawmonk leader you can enter the room behind him for a scyther egg
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Bumping with a proposed QOL change.
Safari Shinies have a 100% catch rate.
it's weird that shadman's theme is the same one ashen frost uses for goofy moments
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Apparently southern Kalos was going to have a really big dungeon of sorts, apparently for legendary related stuff, people also noted the Mewtwo encounter in XY originally had an unlisted legendary meant to take it's place, like Zeraora, holy fuck gen 6 was a complete fucking trainwreck.
That's a really based change, I'm jumping back on Peridot soon to do a few rounds of hunting there, sadly the leaks have fully consumed me, it's some fascinating stuff.
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I'm just doing the plum loop and I find this thing, luckGODS
How do you get the cards for evolved pokemon? Is it some exponential function combining base form cards or something silly like that?

Nice shiny.
very close, you can craft them by having the base form card+card upgrade, which you can buy as early as dooriver department store for 25k. also this game has something beyond shiny, platinum pokemon, which gives it a 1.21 boost in stats just by existing. 0.06% chance
also thanks, sorry for being ungrateful
All we know about south kalos is the map doc that shows 2 towns, 2 cities (one of which is Kiloude City), 4 dungeons, some 7~8 routes and 3 special locations.
The special locations are the only ones labeled. It's Poké Transfer, Battle Island (battle facility) and Mirage Island.
Even in docs listing maps before it was scrapped south kalos locations have placeholder names so it probaly was scrapped before they got around to work on it.
>Stat boosting cards
>Stat boosting shinies
>Generation point stat boosts
Surely all of these mechanics aren't multiplicatively stacking and surely the entire postgame isn't balanced around you having a full team of plat shinies with plat cards and 5 GP on each h-haha.
my numbers are gonna be so big dude
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Epic mapping moment.
Do you really think someone would do that? Just go and make a disgaea game with a pokemon coat of paint?
that could explain why I like the loop so much.
Image limit reached. Anyone got the new bread?
I can see it. I can only hope it's closer to Disgaea D2 or 5 and not 3-4's level of tedium.
What does the mod change in particular to make this less grindy? Or does it just add content?
it adds content and you can turn off the new mechanics, something you can't do in normal empyrean. It could do more then that but I wouldn't know, I've only played normal empyrean twice so most EoE content and changes are new to me.
I can bake I suppose if no one else wants to, any ideas for thread image?
Noted, I just strated catching up with the leaks again since I went to bed early last night.
also I looked at some of the changes in the documented folder, he put in the reborn e18 ai for trainers, no wonder they're annoying
Since most everyone is playing Empyrean, do I make it a /vp/ plays Empyrean thread?
I can bake if nobody else is
I beat Faucichu at the lake.
>any ideas for thread image?
Typhlosion picture, just to see if anybody browsing the catalogue even notices it's not a Typhlosion thread kek.
I'm so numb to this by now I didn't even register anything was amiss.

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