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It's actually impressive how they managed to remove all the charisma and identity of these three, with the result of Simisear being the least liked pokemon of all time. I bet fat Simisear could have been someone's favorite
They're still shit but yeah the final versions are extremely faggoty
Simipour is an improvement over the beta design.
>Simisage has more of the punkish swagger Sugi mentioned
>Simisear is a lazy fat fuck
>Simipour looks like an obnoxious pushy nerd
We had a nice evil trio on our hands and they extracted all the soul.
TPC hates creativity and sanitized anything fun out of this series
it's basically been confirmed people in suits ruined this franchise
pack up go home
they look so lame in the final
just waiting for the (You)-addict to come say the final versions are better
why was simisear a lardasd
I actually would have liked the fire monkey if he was fat and cute like that. The other two are still shit tho
yeah her monkey vag isnt hanging out anymore
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Your post made me realize how fucking large and stupid those ears are.
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Still has her bare ass out
Simisear is the only one of the three that's vastly superior before it was finalized
I still prefer the final designs but I appreciate the beta ones
He is supposed to be the "hear no evil" monkey of the three wise monkeys
The other 2 also have big ears.
he's male
Top is much better
Fat simisear is kino
unova was designed to flop
I can guess they scrapped the fat one to avoid having another snorlax like. sad. kinda nice, and that tongue gives it so much personality.
Fat simisear was cute why did they ruin him?
It was to cool, we need to make them lame on purpose
I honestly think it was because they wanted them to be the same in every way including stats, and it wouldn't have made sense for a fat monkey to have the same stats as two skinny monkeys
having good looking pokemon in unova would have caused it overshadow KANTOOOOOOOOO!!! so Turner had to uglify them all
Simipour always looked like shit, though both designs mixed could have worked for it specifically, otherwise agreed. Simisear in particular, I would have loved that design.
fangame regional starter variants save me plz
Simisear looks like a huge twink with those hand motions
The final version looks better.
Simisear's redesign is definitely the biggest tragedy here. They turned a simple and likeable fat bum design unto an extremely unlikeable nondescript thing. I have no idea what they were thinking but it sure did backfire horribly, because Simisear is regularly ranked as one of least popular mons of the franchise.
every gen 5 beta designs is better than final product lol sugimori really wnated every design be ugly no wonder it flopped
Objectively wrong
for whatever reason gen 5 had an obsession with copy/paste designs: the genies, the klink line, Vanillish/Vanilluxe, the monkeys, it's a level of copy/pasting that we'd only ever seen before in the lake sprites in gen 4 and only ever saw again with some gen 9 evo lines
Poor chespin
"We can't allow this to compete with KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO's Snorlax"
fat simisear is great, would catch
Thats Quilladin, Chespin was the favorite of the three when it was revealed
Anon... one of gen 5 biggest complaints was that it copied gen 1 + the greatest hits.
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Probably because of the way gen 5 sprites were animated. With such a big dex, it's easier to create new Pokémon if they can at the same time just reuse the same sections over and over across a same evolutionary line.
Yes, it fucked with the line.
a real answer: you can't choose the monkey you get (at first) so they didn't want people to feel cheated from getting a monkey whose design they didn't like, so they made them more homogenous later. It's telling that the next time they gave you a "second starter" (gen 6) they let you choose
>Anon... [FANFIC]
That's literally the reason why some Gen 3 betamons were scrapped.
Zoruak was called a Lucario rip-off.
>better zebstrika looked better
>beta woobat line looked better (swoobat still looked stupid admittedly)
>beta conkeldurr line looked better
>sawk and throh still looked dumb
>beta genies looked WAY fucking better
>accelgor is still an amazing design, but the bug/steel beta looked way better than final
>liepard looked fucking amazing
>gigalith had better body details
>serperior looked way cooler and more regal
>audinos OG sprite and proportions looked 100x better
>elemental monkeys looked better
>musketeers were unfinished but the final designs are awkward looking ass so I can only assume the trend continues
>hilda looked cooler
>hilbert looked cooler

Amazing, truly amazing how GF took designs that would have solidified unova as perhaps the coolest region yet and would've had no problem standing on its own, and diluted it down into boring "safe" designs that nobody fucking liked. They had a serious issue of overthinking and over-revising
>>serperior looked way cooler and more regal
Can you post it?
it's a sneasel lucario hybrid
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>They had a serious issue of overthinking and over-revising
that's not the reason
What does he think about the ice-cream popularity?
So where do you can see the gen 5 betas? I want to see the spider and the moth
I’m sure you call it that. Problem is, the majority of people don’t
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People hate the monkeys so much. It's really quite interesting.
Assuming he actually said this, I genuinely cannot fathom the logic behind this line of thinking. Kids love cool shit wtf is he on?
How is that even more regal? It's just longer spikes and using its shiny colors.
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dont forget about this guy
They're also still Dexcut five years later.
this is what happens when not enough people tell a person that he's wrong
it's the correct line of thinking, otherwise you get shit like digimon
>The Cyndaquil line won this vote
this post is literally that one meme image with the chopped fossil and the penguin lmao
I genuinely hate Unova and I think these monkeys probably are what made me dislike pokemon for that very small time in my life. My least favorite region that actually probably wouldnt be too bad if that fat monkey stayed in the game. Sad they made the ugliest pokemon ever instead.
I don't like Thwackey, but I do respect its adherence to the "awkward ugly teen middle ground" theme starter middle evos tend to have, cause damn it is ugly. Quilladin is in the image too, but I think Quilladin is cute.
Also lmao-ing at Glameow. Maybe more people would like it if was actually available in any of the games besides Pearl.
>llama zebstrika
>wombat line
I didn't see it
maybe a little but this line didn't have much detail anyway. Him sitting on a mound may look cool but you guys complained about Kingambit so I doubt you'd like it if it were official
>sawk and throh
not a fan of either but the betas were worse
this can be corrected with posing. Until then, Not a huge fan
as I'm sure you meant
It's literally just the edgy eyes, not a huge difference. They merged its line like they did with Blastoise
the beta was great, but it's so different it might as well be a different mon. Nothing exactly wrong with the original
more details couldn't hurt but it's a great design as It is
>serperior I agree with this anon>>56660263
haven't seen it
>elemental monkeys
I'd say an in between of the official and the betas would be ideal. I like the theming of the originals to remain intact but to also diversify them and make them seem more like middle stages. For a while I wanted them to evolve again but this is a decent compromise
I have only minor complaints about their final designs. Maybe have these betas as a weaker form like keldeo
New thing syndrome, Hilda and Hilbert are among the "coolest" looking in the series.
except its not because I can see that some beta designs were still trash. The beta designs for gen 3 on the other hand, are almost all shit, you don't see me glorifying these bad designs just because "beta". Cope. Sometimes official/final isn't always best, GF can make mistakes.

The lowest common denominator
Only Simisear looks better, Simipour is uglier and Simisage is the exact same
>what being groomed into eating Turner shit for more than a decade does to a zoomer
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So Arceus is a pervert right
They were neutralized because they would have competed with the boring gen 5 starters.
90% agree with this post, that faggot is a classic case of a drunkard suffering from "grass is greener on the other side".
Only the elemental monkeys and arguably Liepard are better in their betas.
>turner boogeyman
anon he basically just did golurk line, vanillite line, and mandibuzz line. That's 2/3.
Monkeys tend to be unpopular IRL because chimps and monkeys trigger a really strong derivative of the uncanny valley, people tend to be repulsed/violent towards them or love the fuck out of them depending on if the brain reads them as "Mutated threatening human" or "Wrinkly lil fuzzy baby" basically, but when controlling for that response with simplified representations where that reaction can't occur, reception trends negative even in cultures with high veneration of apes and so on for cultural purposes or with species known for being less of a direct competitor to early humans, removing any possibility of an evolutionarily motivated psychological pressure.

Common citations are the ears, gangly limbs, two sets of hands, and the fairly body-conforming fur with an exposed face, as well as a strong association with noise and uncleanliness. The further divorced from this an ape species is, the more universal its appeal. Lemurs for example are almost entirely exempt from this distaste, with even individuals claiming that if it were permissible they would likely kill a monkey if presented with the ability to do so off hand expressing a liking to Lemurs, frequently comparing them to cats.

It's actually quite fascinating.
>gen 5
>have the most pokemon
>still get less picks in both #1 and top 6 favorite pokemon than johto
They're shit either way
I mean Digimon's biggest issues historically are basically everything but the designs. It's generally either diverging from the original anime formula too far for the shows or being "Yet another grindy ass miserable monster raising game" for the games, the only reason people buy those games is they like the designs and are desperately hoping that one of these days Bamco will pull its head out of its ass and release "Adventure the Self insert Videogame" that lets you just pick a partner Digimon and go instead of doing jank ass shit like "Actually they're Youkai who just look like Digimon for some fucking reason" VNs and "Grind for 300 hours with a team of entirely replaceable shitmons you don't care about like if EV/IV/Nature/Egg Move autism was mandatory" RPGs, tellingly the ones of those people liked best tried to keep the grinding slog to a minimum.
Why are beta pokemon designs so kino, but the final designs that end up making it into the final product end up looking so disappointing
Man, I forgot that they even fucking evolve. What the fuck?
Not really, they're just exotic because we didn't get them, a bunch are objectively inferior if you put them side to side and really stare at them for more than 15 seconds, others are more like sidegrades that would've been good either way.
>glameow #1013
what the fuck?
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post the whole thing, retard
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Mainly because GameFreak fucking refuses to put it in a game that doesn't have Palkia on the front cover
>beta woobat line looked better (swoobat still looked stupid admittedly)
>beta conkeldurr line looked better
>beta genies looked WAY fucking better
>liepard looked fucking amazing
>audinos OG sprite and proportions looked 100x better
>elemental monkeys looked better
>hilda looked cooler
>hilbert looked cooler
i'll give you the rest, but these are fucking brain-damaged takes
the monkeys are just so lanky, ugly and weak-looking. They aren't dopey enough to be cute, just to be off-putting
I hate gf
these are probably the thing i'm most mad about from the leak, i get that the logic realistically was probably what >>56659970 said, but god damn did they have to make them that shitty?
Simisage looks the same, just not showing teeth.
Simisear is a big downgrade from beta, I agree.
Simipour is a small improvement from beta.
Overall, if Simisear is the only one dragging the trio down.
Maybe the problem with Glameow is the fact that it's a cat Pokemon, they always have many cats to pick from so it loses its niche in the regional dex.
>Monkeys tend to be unpopular IRL because chimps and monkeys trigger a really strong derivative of the uncanny valley
Only the furless chimpanzees
Why cant they just redesign the final mons just like how they redesigned chubbychu into anorexiachu? How come that theyre willing to redesign the series's mascot but not the ugly shitmon final designs?
why redesign a bad pokemon when you can just permacut it from the franchise
He is japanese they like goofy cute meme shit designs, just look their official mascots
This retard ruined pokemon, i hope he gets replaced asap
Previous designs don't change from Gen 3 onwards because that was the point where Pokemon becomes fully commercialized.
That retard created Pokemon and most Pokemon from gen 1 were like that too if you want cool designs just play digimon anon
But why?
That's not true in Japan, yokai watch designs were goofy and it dethroned pkmn there, yokai watch tried serious more mature design in shadowside and it was the lowest selling yw game
They're only perceived as kino because the fact that you didnt get them makes it seem special in our brains.
If the betamons were in the final products then they wouldnt be liked anyways
Gen 1 pokemons are overrated and shit, so my point still stands.
So what? Mickey mouse had a bajillion redesigns throughout the years, why not the pokemons?
most beta designs this time around aren't too impressive
the gen 2 early build had a lot more memorable stuff desu
That's from western cartoon to cartoon(which doesn't abide by logic and consistency). Pokemon cares more about maintaining design consistency. Can't, say for instance, suddenly make Incineroar stand on all fours and change his back structure and still say that's Incineroar.
the shitty genies are the worst offender
>the monkey trio being evil
well you're gonna like what they're doing with them as the ZA starters
>still pretending that the monkey will be in za let along satrters
the monkeys trio make every games they’re in sell less. the only reason GF could ever have to make the ZA starters would be for the game to flop harder than little town hero
Damn, XY sold less?
Unovaflop is a megaflop
it sold less than sv and swsh, yes. it would have sold better If the monkey got cut.
>old game pre-go without dlc sold less than new game post-go with dlc
You're not wrong, but let's be real, the Pokemon to get least favorite votes is the kind of thing where you could redo it multiple times and there'd be a handful of mons that end up in last place.
>d-dosent count
typical ds/3dscuck mentality
unova pokemon are so shit and forgettable nobody talked about the new poketoon episode about ducklett lmao
you're coping too hard

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