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So in Diamond and Pearl, we're communists fighting off the evil Nazi capitalists from destroying our world?
Commies get the rope
Only in your dreams, you meek snow nigger.
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>Nazi capitalists
the text literally says the world lacks order and rules.
Nope since Cyrus is just curtain head from SMTIII Nocturne. In other words we are fighting the commies from team galactic.
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No, the world lacking "order and rules" is Team Galactic's worldview, not objective fact, which is why they sought to change it. The final paragraph literally says that Team Galactic believes in this extremity.
Nazi cope
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>So in Diamond and Pearl, we're communists fighting off the evil Nazi capitalists from destroying our world?

This is the level of literary analysis from materialists.
The moral of Diamond and Pearl is that God is real. The legendary Pokemon aren't just 'powerful animals', but actual gods we're direct descendants of, and modern humanities compulsive desire to secularize and seek materialistic solutions to everything has poisoned & destroyed our relationships with each other, nature, and the gods.

Team Galactic is a literal Gnostic Organization who's goal it is to enslave the gods and force them to recreate an entirely atheistic reality devoid of God.
to me it seems more like the message is 'fuck materialism' rather than 'fuck capitalism'.
not that the two are entirely disconnected, but there's a distinction.

i wouldn't word it that way but i also don't disagree. whatever.
>from destroying our world?
Yes, if only so they could destroy it themselves.
Or are you going to tell me the Magikarp in Lake Valor were filthy capitalists?
The series has always been about how technological progress in the hands of bad people leads to the destruction of nature. The series is green-pilled and always has been (since RSE at least).
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>The moral of Diamond and Pearl
Diamond and Pearl had no moral only Platinum did.
How? Cyrus is the autistic commie who wants to destroy all borders lol We are beating the shit out of a commie cult in gen 4. This is a fact
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>Dawn is a communist
>communism is also divinely ordained
Puedo morir como naci, sabedlo
Puro sencillo y optimista.
Mis pies sobre la tierra como un arbol
En las filas del partido comunista
Las filas del partido comunista
No she’s not since she believes in God. Cyrus is an atheist commie autist faggot. Get your anus wrecked commie fags!
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The leaks say quite the opposite. Cyrus is literally a "the west has fallen" poster but with power, destroying the spiritual to arrive to his utterly soulless capitalist dystopia because he thinks that's what he truly wants.
>worst region is commieslop
Always knew Sinnoh was shit
>worst girl is a pinko
Always knew Dawn was shit
Failed ideology
The theme of DPPT is balance. There is plenty of bad in the world but also good. Cyrus hyperfocused on only the bad in his life and that sent him off the deep end, this happens to many of people in our life.
True in the design doc it says the main themes are “moderation” and “love”.
>Nazi capitalists
OP doesn't have the slightest understanding of politics whatsoever.
Communism and capitalism are two sides of the same coin. They both have, at their center, atheism.
You know. That thing Cyrus is confirmed to be. That thing that is about denying the existence of the being that is central to the Sinnoh region and its lore. With the protagonist being named after the action of bringing light.
Bringing divine light to repel godless degenerates was exactly what the "nazis" were doing, and communism and capitalism had no problem teaming up to stop them when they did.
Bump this ya’ cunt
I hate that I even have to bring this up, but capitalism and communism are both funded and controlled by jews, Hitler's Germany was anything but capitalistic, every single National Socialist policy was focused on the well being of the German people and the growth and well being of families, let it being a reminder that Hitler loved nature and animals and under him Germany implemented the first nature protection laws in the world. Germany was raped to it's knees under the Weimar republic, a system entirely controlled by jews, under the Weimar republic Germany was reduced to utter depravity. Jews controlled every sector of the country, from the news outlets, schools, culture, everything, pornography became widespread and common, the first "tranny" was created, a mutilated abomination that died not long after it received a gaping axe wound. Germany went from a nation ripe with tradition and greatness to a shithole infested with immorality and debauchery, all thanks to the jew and their parasitic nature, the same is true for America, the same is true for the whole world, the same cycle has been repeating since ancient times immemorial, Rome, Babylon, Egypt, all eaten from the inside out by a disgusting hooked nosed parasite, they always play both sides, always have, now is no different.
>/pol/ cope about how the jews control everything for the millionth time because the tradwife hebe is a commie in pokemon
Not really? I couldn't care less about that, I'm only elaborating a talking point that should be understood.
It's not even a talking point.
To be fair that's effectively the plot of most JRPGs in some way or another.
>The moral of Diamond and Pearl is that God is real.
Holy fucking cope
Why are christcucks like this?
>destroying our world
>they represent the excessive and extreme aspects of the real world
Sounds more to me we're the based centrists while Team Galactic represent nutjobs like commies and nazis.
Based Cybertron Poster
why are Atheist so buttmad?
The nazis were huge environmentalists, and communists ever giving a fuck about the environment is laughable. The USSR redirected rivers and destroyed the Aral Sea for muh cotton farming, and Mao's China tried to commit sparrow genocide because they didn't understand how the food chain works.
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Vamos prendiendo la Mecha a la Bomba,
¿Porque?, Porque ya esta Preparada,
Vamos prendiendo la Mecha a la Bomba,
¿Porque?, Porque ya esta Preparada.
Cámara de Diputados,
Cámara de Senadores,
Una llena de Tarados,
La otra llena de Traidores.
Tarados de Nacimiento,
También por convencimiento,
Traidores por Inconciencia,
Y también por Conveniencia.
Vamos prendiendo la Mecha a la Bomba,
¿Porque?, Porque ya esta Preparada,
Vamos prendiendo la Mecha a la Bomba,
¿Porque?, Porque ya esta Preparada.
Cry about it plebbitor.
Both Commies and Nazishit are cringe.
Kill yourself
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Japs writing this shit while slaughtering millions upon millions of dolphins and whales is completely laughable
>in the capitalist world
>its just socialist chinks that want their peepee to grow
Retarded take
Communism will win
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I guess we know how the economic model works in pokemon now, and how the regions relate to each other.
It's basically a version of the USSR with each region being a distinct and mostly autonomous nation but still part of the wider political block.
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Yes because every japanese person ever killed 1 million dolphins anon.
God you guys need to get fucking euthanized.

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