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Your new gooner canon isn't real.

Even if it was "real" its foke lore not actual history
Let's ignore all the in universe myths within games that turned out to be real.
Like what lmao
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Typhlosion explosions in human women isn't canon.
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cool reddit link, OP!
I don't have shitter so I can't read your "debunk".
Same with autistic Cyrus
I'm more pissed off by "ewwy pokemon stories". Fucking baby speak.
Even if you are right, which you did not put evidence besides dude trust me, its too late, the genie can't be put back in the bottle.
Do you see how many upvotes it has? You can count on the information in that link being authentic and passing fact check.
It's too late
the only thing this says is the name of the author was wrong (we figured that out day 1) and that the girl in the typhlosion story probably wasn't a child. everything else about the stories is real. and it only regards the typhlosion story. i'd ask if you read it but since you posted a reddit link to a twitter link i know you just read the headline, which should instead say "one part of the typhlosion story was misinterpreted"
>localizers at it again
Imagine trusting this bastard.
This. The damage has been done.
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WTF so the Typhlosion allegations are true? Typhlosions goon on human women?
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>look at shitter to see what this faggot has to say
>hey guys, I (((REACHED OUT))) to some JP translators! (((they))) say the story is actually child friendly and it's all just a big understanding!
>NO, this is no rape!
>NO, I won't share my sources!
>NO, I won't show what the actual translation is or what the kanji really means!
>just trust me bros!
>"story is fake guys i swear"
>the mistranslation was about the girl not being, well, a young girl
Reddit and Twitter for you, right there.
im japanese and translated it; it's rape
COpe this anullifies everything done until now, typlosion isnt a bad guy yu lost
>"It wasn't translated properly so it doesn't count!"
>Still the same shit
uoh pls be my husbando~
Even the redditors replying in the thread are saying the core story is the same.
Don't care, still gooning. I'm a pornsexual bop lover.
>she wasnt a young grill guise she was just led by the hand to the goon cave and her father spent months looking for his missing adult daughter
Ok faggot
>Typhlosiontards when they have to pick between being a coomer mascot or fading back in obscurity
Charichads keep winning either way.
............it still raped her
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Did they never heard of japanese folktales and greek myths? Why are they so surprised?
>read the “debunk”
>nothing changes or gets debunked

As for the xitter post in question:
>Japanese mithology is very vague about the age of their characters, but we can safely assume that the bride would be around 16-20, which still comes off as weird, but it's definetely not a toddler
So... Still can be interpreted as a minor.
>I reached out to some professional JP to ES translators who got the translation fact-checked, and cleared out the details: Typhlosion didn't kidnap any child to assault them; but rather, disguised as a hermit, saved a young woman during a snowfall and brought her to his home
Everything about this can still result in rape
>While it may come off as the Thyplosion actively hypnotizing and taking advantage of the young woman; people forgetting about their life after interacting with the yokai is just a recurring trope in Japanese folklore.
What part of being a trope makes it any different?
>Giving birth to a monster and a human's child is just a way to represent that the woman may never be human and go live with her folks ever again, since her blood is now related to the spiritual world and can't go back. It's a point of no return simbolized by the birth of new life
In what way is this still not getting knocked up by a monster who raped you

tl;dr this is a gigacope, Typhlosion still mindbroke and raped a human girl, no "It's out of context" doesn't matter because context doesn't change what happened
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Typhlosion bros, how did Charizard get 6 different forms and beat us on this? It's not fair that Charizard keeps winning and our Typhlosion is going to be sent to horny jail by Nintendo.
>piece of shit intentionally spreads a lie in an attempt to tear someone down purely out of unwarranted spite
>the overwhelming majority swallows the bullshit with only a few fair minded people willing to even listen to the accused
>the media swoops in and blows the entire situation out of proportion.
>A small but dedicated group of rational people are properly investing the situation in the background while the chaos unfolds.
>turns out the accusations were bullshit and the accused was put through hell for nothing
>a very small percentage of the "people" harassing the accused give a half-assed non-apology, but most just plug their ears and double down on rationalizing their disgusting behavior
>the heroes who solved the mystery get no reward, the REAL victim (as in the accused party) gets no compensation, and the filth who started the lie along with the media outlets who fanned the flames get no punishment
>nobody learns anything and this continues to happen again and again and again, with people only caring when their neck ends up in the noose
Jesus, this is some next level cope lol
>Typhlosion's cancellation campaign results in his reputation destroyed despite the accusations being false
Whoa... Just like real life!
oh no he only raped a "young woman" not a child this changes everything I am sorry raphlosion
suck it up, buttercup
they still had sex and had a baby
it's real, only difference now is that based typh is clean from malice
Hisui Typhlosion dumbass it’s real it’s canon deal with it
get a new joke
>Japanese mithology is very vague about the age of their characters, but we can safely assume that the bride would be around 16-20, which still comes off as weird, but it's definetely not a toddler
>taking stories that were scrapped anyways so seriously they have to prove its fake
i miss the days when autists were sent to asylums
Exactly fuck localizers burn them on a stake
Charizard is a cuck Typhlosion is a Chad
Japan are more pissed about this they are shitting the west and there nips saying Nintendo should stop releasing Pokemon stuff outside Japan lol they are mad too about the rica Matsumoto ikue otani leak even rica posted on her Twitter it was false
>regional Pokemon from insert Japanese foke lore that was never implemented in the games made by one person and is inconsistent with Pokemon lore itself
mentally retarded or a nigger
little yellow mf'ers should be nuked again imo



this is literally just restating shit anyone who paid any level of attention to the leaks would already know and then drawing completely incorrect conclusions from it
typical twittereddit slop
Wtf is this about?
The leaks aren't fake. It's just that Americans don't understand Japanese yokai tales and folklore. End of story.
now debunk the 19 others
Calm down autismo, still going to make fun of the walking eclair
Americans apparently also don't understand what 少女 means either. To anyone speaking Japanese, its clear that the girl in question was between 6-15 making Typhlosion a pedophile
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>Uhhhhh 少女 can be might be intdrpreted as an older girl not just a younger girl, so its our victory! Fuck off weirdos!
Seriously fucking kill yourself.
nope its real
>in an attempt to tear someone down
Typhlosion is not a "someone"
It is a fictional creature used primarily as marketing material for a major entertainment corporation
Illiterate inbred nigger. The legends are from Sinnoh. What was ancient Sinnoh, Hisui. What Typhlosion existed in ancient Hisui and has illusionary powers. Now turn yourself into a ghost type. Fucking tourist.
i thought shoujo capped out at 17? am i retarded?
either way it's still below age of consent by burger standards so we'd still have the autistic outrage.
>I reached out to some professional JP to ES translators
>JP to ES
Anything they had to say can now be immediately disregarded.
The stories arent fake, its just that the text was machine translated
there's no real cap on shoujo, generally it's under 18 but girls can use it up to 20 and some use it up to 25 even if it's weird.
based anthony
fuck original op's babysitters
It capped at 15 at the the story was written (2005) so trying to argue that "she was 16-17 I swear" is hilariously retarded and disingenuous
the "girl" gave birth without issue, so she could't be a prepubescent youth
she's most likely 14-15, making typh a hebechad, and thus, not pedophile
No fuck off and die racismo
it was just one typhlosion
the rest of them were not rapists
It's the all lowercase hope this helps exclamation point smiley face that pisses me off, zoomers that write like that should be exterminated
thanks for the info anons. i'm still not great with japenese so i appreciate it.
Dekinai spotted. 少女's upper limit is 16 or 18 in recent years.
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this is the only real important part of that twitter thread that retarded zoomies need to read
in truth, the rapist typhlosion is as canon as mujina is to real life. it's not real, and the typhlosion in question didnt exist either. it's just an old folktale from hisui where people were your average person was terrified of bidoof
do you truly in your heart of hearts believe it makes a difference at this point

it's part of the zeitgeist now
the source is reddit and twitter? just further proof the leak is real

"ewwy pokemon stories" - yes it's definitely real
>5 pokédollars have been deposited in your account
>autistic pokemon fans so upset about typhlosion being called a rapist that theyre redefining what rape is
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>western twitterzoomers when the japanese folklore-inspired story doesn't get peer-reviewed by DEI consultants before being posted
No, shit, let this run its course. Pokemon Adults will have rape legalized by the end of the year at this rate.
>>angry gen alpha pokemon fans so upset about typhlosion not being rapist that they're redefining what rape is so that they can continue their one joke so they can complete their plan to get typhlosion canceled and blacklisted
I was expecting the link to be a proper translation but it's actually just a twitter nigger faffing about how "erm actually this is a parody of real folklore" which everyone knows already
Except Mujinas dont exist in our universe but Typhlosion does in the pokemon world you disingenuous faggot

Do you think nobody would freak out about Zeus' many myths if he showed up tomorrow?
The Cutting Room Floor even has a proper translation, and attributes it as an adaptation of a Canadian First Nations myth called "The Bear Mother".

The twitter user defending Typhlosion literally is trying to use Japanese myth to debunk something based on Canadian First Nations Myth while crying people are misinterpreting it because of machine-translation.
>no you dont get it goys, it’s ok for yokai to rape people
the left can’t meme
They specifically also chose a small fraction of folklore that involves animal fucking or that they could shoehorn in sex instead of the 99% of of fairy tales that don't.
>Only difference is the girl isn't a child and Yuu is actually Suguru which we already knew
even in the thread they're arguing that the OP is bullshit
>Only difference is the girl isn't a child
The japanese uses shoujo which is literally used for girls between 7 and 17. Him saying she was 16~20 is pure cope.
>but we can safely assume that the bride would be around 16-20, which still comes off as weird, but it's definetely not a toddler
don't the xttier people want to tear you apart when a guy on his thirties dates a girl at her twenties?
why are they suddenly fine with that number?
>According to medical records, the earliest human pregnancy on record belongs to Lina Marcela Medina de Jurado, a Peruvian woman who gave birth to a son, Gerardo, on May 14, 1939, at the age of 5 years, 7 months, and 21 days.
>This remarkable case was made possible due to precocious puberty, a rare condition characterized by early onset of puberty.
>Medical assessments confirm that Lina Medina was less than 5 years old when she became pregnant, making her the youngest confirmed mother in recorded medical history. Her small pelvis made it impossible for the baby to pass through the birth canal, requiring a cesarean section delivery.
>Lina Medina was born on September 23, 1933.
>Her pregnancy was diagnosed in 1938, when she was 4 years old.
>Gerardo, her son, weighed 5 pounds 8 ounces at birth.

You'd think so, but you would be wrong
yeah the suguru thing was found out in like an hour kek
just goes to show 99.9% of people dont bother to get a single fact from the actual source
nakatsui is turbobased btw that motherfucker gave us femdom ledian
It's in the comments
>Trying to gaslight people after gamefreak admitted the leak was real
Fuck off coper.
you will never be a woman
you will never be a man
Then how can I shove my cock in your mom?
>linking to a reddit post instead of the actual article
there's no article, it's a reddit post linking to a twitter post.
>the most shitty damage control imaginable
wow so it's still a story about a young teen being kidnapped and raped
They didn't.
>uhhhh yo momma
You haven’t been inside a woman since the day you were born and never will be again.
>You haven’t been inside a woman
But I was inside your moms last night libtard
Just a kind reminder to all those zoomies that Zeus of Greek mythology is a serial rapist and pedophile.

>Hes not a child rapist
>Hes just a teen rapist

Good job cracking the code Captain Autismo, you really made a difference

>slaking story uses 女
>typedo story uses 少女
>twitter retard doesn't understand basic kanji
my goat beat the allegations
in old Japan adult women lived with their parents
everyone with a working brain knew these leaks were fake, but any time you pointed it out here you'd be downvoted because "why would Gamefreak admit there was a leak if it wasn't real?" like you retards honestly believe everything that comes out is a real part of the leak
Yeah who gives a shit faggot who gives what you trannie have to say fuck off this board and return back to your hugbox.
she's called otome so an adult woman
literally just a stalk brought a baby level pf implied sex
I want to beat the shit out of that Redditor just for unironically using "ewwy" to describe something he's uncomfortable with.
乙女 is Otome, 少女 is Shoujo.
Cope some more.
You fucking retard, what you think "少女" means? Otome is "乙女" you dipshit nigger
If it's a girl or adult it really doesn't matter and only xitter cared about that and it's rape. We already knew about the author being Suguru but retards tried to keep saying he was called Yuu to call the author a tranny for some reason. Don't take a stupid yokai story serious holy shit. Just laugh and move on.
>she's called otome so an adult woman
the story uses shoujo 少女 (used for 6-15 year olds)
aww, who gives a shit what nip fans have to say they're unsufferable as the faggots on western social medias.
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thank god i dont use shitdit, shitter, shitstagram, and shitbook. i just enjoy my rape porn in peace.
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Hey, retard, look for "乙女" in this text
Obviously the one who has their name covered up is (you) anon, kys.
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you will never be a real woman but a guy with a mutilated penis, an axe wound, a second shit hole.
>trying to use the old Japanese definition by looking at etymology
>text is purely in modern Japanese without old Japanese syntax and grammar
>is perfectly readable with a basic understanding of modern Japanese
Retard nigger
she's otome
>hmmm ahkshully, the text says he "raped a young maiden" not that he "raped a young child". This means typhlosion didn't rape anyone!
This is the most pathetic shit I've seen all day.
clearly because onna is just woman while otome is virgin adult woman
so slaking fucked sloppy seconds
see >>56664789

it's a folktale of old sinnoh
>Typhlosion, the animal with no concept of human growth cycle, is a pedophile
it doesn't say he raped anyone
>少女 used even after the girl had given birth and is mentioned with her baby long after papa had killed & skinned Typhlosion

>Typhlosion mindraping the girl into forgetting about her family after she mentions wanting to return home to her worried family by touching her

Raws on the left, you can easily verify that shit yourself even if you dispute the accuracy of the provided english translation.
Link: https://tcrf.net/Development:Pok%C3%A9mon_Diamond_and_Pearl/Documents#pmyth.E3.83.90.E3.82.AF.E3.83.95.E3.83.BC.E3.83.B3.doc_.28Typhlosion.29

tl,dr: Typhlosion is confirmed rapist and pedo
He took a woman captive and she beared his kid

Is Typhlosion now god and the woman the virgin mary?

Is the kid cyndaquil jesus?
It's writtenin modern Japanese, using modern Japanese definitions. It isn't using classical folk Japanese, so those definitions do not count.

It'd be like looking up Greek/Latin/German definitions of everything posted ITT and saying we're actually using the Greek definitions of words due to the etymology. Which we aren't. You stupid fuck.
Only the twitter normalfags are hating on it, 2chan is memeing about all the rape just as much as us
おとめ can be as young as 12
t. Player of 乙女ゲーム
see >>56664789
adult woman
master level translators have arrived
everything is fine now
It's an old tale but it's not written in old sintax, the other tales like the slacking one posted in >>56664590 disprove your bullshit, keep coping.
>Noooo the magic animal respected the age of this village girl!
>Noooo it wasn't rape, he never said he was raping her!
A stalk brought the baby
is every Pokémon in day care consensually fucking? you abducted a wild ralts from its family, put it in daycare with a dusknoir
is that consensual on both pokemon?
Don't forget

>nooo the classical Japanese definition is unmarried woman even though none of it is written in classical Japanese, but they must be using the classical definition for this one word and one word only as an exception, Typedo isn't a pedo I swear
It's written as a classical folk tale
Stop coping because you can't read
>posts some shiddet link
>doesn't just post the """correct translation"""" instead
>calls a hack a leak
fake and gay damage control by GF
otome is adult woman

woman vs unmarried woman
stop coping
Translation error or not he still committed those atrocities
It's written in modern Japanese, not folk classical Japanese. That's why people here can read it. If it was written in old Japanese, itd be a complete mess to make sense of because even Japanese people can barely read Japanese more than a few hundreds years old
>literal allegorical folktale not an actual thing that specifically happened

so she turned into a typhlosion? so humans can just turn into pokemon without bills machine now?
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>insist it's otome
>woman vs unamrried woman
>fails to see there's no reason for the tales to use two versions
>fails to see it's written in modern japanese sintax.
>tells others to stop coping
It's written as a classical folk tale, you gotta stop coping
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why are r*dditors so eager to victim blame this young girl?
So the only thing actually in contention is the age of the girl in the story? Not the other parts about Typhlosion drugging, gaslighting, and raping her too? This is the hill Typhloshitters are dying on?
yes there is
slaking girl is a slut
typhlosion girl isn't
its a tale of old sinnoh
simple as
funny thing is that, it's based on native american folktales.
>story written <20 years ago is a classical folk tale
I don't know where you think they pulled these stories from, but they're from Game Freak's hard drives, not the Tokugawa Shogunate
damn bro not green berries! so he gave her lum berries which cleared her status conditions!
>cleared her status conditions
>pregnancy is a status condition
>Typhlosion forced her to abort multiple times before she carried a baby to term
holy shit, it's even worse
Written 20 years ago irl
Written 100+ years ago in universe
Keep being fucking retarded
Pokemon language isn't even Japanese its its own symbols so your little cope means nothing
It's not canon, anon. It doesn't exist in the Pokemon universe in any form as much as the unused beta sprites.

Typhlosion also used his mind control powers to make the girl forget about her family when she wanted to return to them
you heard it here first folks taking panadol actually aborts babbies
any medicine a sick pregnant woman takes aborts their babbies!
Could be Aguav berries.
>A hold item that restores HP but may confuse
>Pokemon language isn't even Japanese its its own symbols so your little cope means nothing
See>>56664968 >>56664854 >>56664789
>>56664685 for cope that means nothing because Japanese doesn't apply
ah yes the typhlosion mind control powers that's he's totally always had
says green not green and yellow
also aguave heals hp and is said it only confuses those who hate bitter berries
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Here's some ancient japanese text, please read it to us as you purport you have the same ability to read it like you can with modern japanese.
It's Hisuian Typhlosion so he's got ghost powers.
Blame the author for giving Typhlosion ability to make the girl forget things by touching her. It's retarded, but that's what the Japanese raws say. I guess you could interpret it as Typhlosion simply bashing her head in and causing amnesia
by your own logic its not even really a typhlosion because they cant shapeshift into humans or speak or mindcontrol anything and humans cant become typhlosion
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Typhlosion gets Extrasensory via egg moves.
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This shit is hilarious, the focus on the kanji shit is funny because it falls apart the moment the father enters the picture.
It's a child gathering fruit in the forest with the cautionary tale of both don't go into the deep woods and don't talk to strangers, the most common ass folk tale there is lmao.
The cope is incredible.
Pokemon doesn't use Japanese in universe to begin with

ah yes the mind control powers hisuian typhlosion always totally had

the point is its allegorical and not actually a typhlosion but instead the yokai which typhlosion was influenced by
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>and that the girl in the typhlosion story probably wasn't a child.
The very story implies it was a child. She follows the Typhlosions orders with unquestioning childlike innocence. A grown woman doesn't act that way. The story doesn't work if you imagine the character as an adult.
extrasensory is special
typhlosion taps her head so that's physical contact
also making someone flinch =/= mind control
unmarried women lived with their parents in old Japan
its exactly the same as an adult and the yokai has an effect on her
the shaking girl got mindraped to carry slakoth baby too
>Source: Trust me bro.
>Girl: I-I want to go home...
>taps her in the head
>W-What was I saying
It's obviously a flinching move. If it wasn't Extrasensory then it was Zen Headbutt, which he also gets. Or rather, Zen Pawtap. The deal is that Typhlosion HAS psychic powers.
Source Japanese culture
in fact asian culture in general

>In western countries, adult children usually become independent and live separately from their parents. But in Japan, many adult children live with their parents until they get married. People do not think this is at all strange.
>typhlosers in the denial stage of grieving: the thread
none of those moves are mind control moves
Source: believe me
The woman in the Slakoth story is attacked and rendered unconscious. Unlike the girl in the Typhlosion story, she is keenly aware of what is going on and even tries to run away but faints from being "overwhelmed by fear" when she realizes who the Slaking is.
>got mindraped to carry slakoth baby too
She didn't. The text clearly states she "intended to abandon it but couldn't bring herself to do it". This is the reaction of an adult woman who feels motherly compassion towards the innocent infant even if it is the product of rape.
Not a retarded reddit link, an actual honest to god source that these stories fucking come from
I'm convinced it's just one guy and he's just shitposting. I cannot imagine anyone coping this hard over anything.
see >>56664870
Typhlosionfags are full of shit
Typhlosionfags been seething, malding & coping since the leak and its wonderful.
Always could, remember "It happened one morning, a boy with ESP woke up as a Kadabra"? And that's just Gen1.
>Typhlosion shits everywhere
>Girl sees poop and identifies it as Typhlosion poop
>Girl gets anxious, because it is known that Typhlosion means danger for young girls
>Girl gets lost
>Luckily attractive man shows up
>Offers to bring girl back home, but only if she stays at his place for the night
>Takes her hand, implying she is young enough to do that and brings her to his cave
>Gives her magical red berries to eat
>Forbids her to look at his face
>Girl sleeps, wakes up but sleeps again
>Next morning girl wants to go home
>Man doesn't allow it
>Goes to get green berries
>She eats the magical berries
>Man uses Yawn
>Girl sleeps
>Girl has memory issues, forgets about her home and family
>She realizes the man keeping her captive was the dangerous Typhlosion
>She realizes she was tricked
>But girl is to intoxicated to resist Typhlosion
>They eat more magcial pokemon berries
>All of a sudden it is winter and she is pregnant with a pokemon hybrid freak
>Father of the girl comes to rescue her
>Typhlosion wants to kill the father
>Girl asks it not to harm her father
>Typhlosion ignores her and goes out to fight
>Father is victorious and rescues girl
>Girl is doomed anyway because of her pokemon hybrid child
>Girl magically turns into a Typhlosion after getting bullied

>Typhlosion did nothing wrong! It was consensual!
>Hit her head
>Lose her memory
>Clear of all charge
Yeah. That's the basis of the Mystery Dungeon games and series?

>Typhlosion fags coping and seething this hard
lmao the thread got hidden
>Checks the catalog
>Control + F title
>visible on row 4
on the sub retard
Oh, lol.
where is the wurmple myth from? It's not in the pmyth folder?
Retard. Otome is usually written as 乙女. Why the fuck would they use 少女 for otome? Kys dekinai.
Note that the implication of otome is that it's a young virgin woman.
Meaning, they're not using otome here, because they're still using those kanji after she got knocked up and gave birth.
>a girl was still forced to have typhlosion’s child
>a guy still came inside an octillery/lapras several times
I don’t get it, what exactly was debunked here?
its nothing but seething & coping dude.
By this logic Epstein and Diddy-kun are innocent since they never impregnated the kids they kidnapped and molested
Only thing that the Typhlosionfags can argue for is that instead of mind control Typhlosion just beat the memory out of her by hitting her on the head= 少女の頭を叩いた). But I wouldn't call that very strong defence against rape & grooming allegations
There was definitely some kind of mind control stuff with the pokemon berries though.
In the pokemon world, berries have various effects and we don't know how they would affect small human children.
Also the story weirdly highlights the color of the berries, how they are gathered (mysterious lights) and that they eat the berries everyday.
We have other drafts with different mons and the light isn't in those; I'm pretty sure the "red light" is meant to be Typhlosions flames.
>get force fed a stack of pomeg and hondew berries to max her friendship value out
Have we been brainwashing our Pokemon this whole time, anons...?
>piece of shit intentionally spreads a lie
Where is the lie? >>56664870
where's the lie fag? explain, go on use your "reddit intelligence" to totally stick it to the 4channers dood.
If it isn’t a “someone” then it can’t rape anyone, making the accusations even more bullshit
This has to be the most retarded cope in this thread
And that is saying A LOT
Twitter is so fucking funny a random fag can say trust me bro and they will eat that shit up. The new translation isn't even that different and the mistranslation is concerning irrelevant side shits, and then he spent half of threads for the le Japanese different folklore different culture shit when the original story is fucking Canadian
>I-It was mistranslated!
Cool, can we see the corrected translation then?
Then fuck off. He a pedophile nigga, he likes little boys and girls nigga.
They got torn apart in the comments and the post got removed but Typhlosionfags are still clinging to this lol
They did this to twomad by the way.
Go back.

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