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Meowzers Edition
Last Thread: >>56560887
As of this thread, there will have been 44 Kiki threads posted on /vp/
Thread Question: Which one of Kieran's Pokémon is your favourite?
First time baking a (kiki) thread, hope I didn't fuck anything up
Been waiting for this thread so I could post this.
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Sad bald kiki also cute..
Total kieranfags death!!
True but at the hands of Kieran
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Haha, No you fool
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Hydrapple desu
His face is hilarious, it's really accurate to how he looks in the game.
Licking Kiki's cueball...
Always want to bite his tail.
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New thread, posts tighty whitie kiki
>Uwaah (but in a Tohoku accent)
>Carmine laughter
>It's because you don't listen to what I say (that I've stripped you)
Hornier than I thought...
Now get those tighty whities off.
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Of course, that's only for Part 1 (Teal Mask) Kiki.
Part 2 (Indigo Disk) Kiki wears briefs and Carmine is the one
>Screaming in Tohoku.
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Kiki must have been very embarrassed...
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I don't usually post here but I found this image really funny so I have to share
Now Wedgie him!
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Lmao. Cute
ENM is very based and cute.
Thanks for the new thread! Wonderful job.
Poor baby...
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i wish i was carmine...
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Me too..
I wish I could pants Carmine...
Dunno how to properly translate top right. Something like:
>I can do it myself!
>It's already done...

>Kieran (14)
>Carmine (6)
>I have to be strong as your big brother.
>Because he's the eldest son.
>A young girl reading Ciao
(which seems to be a girl manga
>Big bro
(repeat 3 times)
>Kieran, you idjeet!
(She's saying Suguri no Baya, which I think is the Tohoku accent version of Baka so.)
Desire to act bratty to your brother, who is four years older?
Sex with Carmine while Kiki is in the next room forced to listen all night long
Based. Groping Carmine's flat ass and running your fingers through her bush...
Not Kieran related, sorry, but if the anon who does translations is here, would you be able to translate this? Sorry for all the text.

Like three posts above you, my dude. Anyway, give me a few minutes.
i really, really like this image. may i save it?
>Botan-chan (Penny) studied a whole lot on the internet on how to make boys feel good, but since she lacks dexterity, experiences and confidence it's obvious that she's a virgin girl. But still, her bravery is super cute, her power is around 120000000 and virgins won't notice at all.
>Where did she [angery face of probably Peony but I'm just spitballing here] learn all this?
>Video knowledge: I'm just copying what I see, so the way I move is a little different and loose (but I'm still a virgin)
>I've heard that back of the cock can feel pretty good, but doesn't this hurt?
>I know this stuff better than anyone, so I have to lead everyone.
>Juliana: Badump Badump (or really, any heart beating sfx)
>Nemona: You're so enthusiastic, Penny!
>Does it hurt, Arven? Is everything alright?
>I'm using my tongue and lips so my teeth don't come into contact. Ugh, what should I do? This isn't going well.
>I've read that boys are visual creatures, but I wonder if I'm too vulgar they'll end up hating me...
>Even if I'm hated now, it doesn't really matter since I wasn't liked to begin with
>Big mistake, Arven loves Penny!

Lesson here? Must restrict Kiki's internet access.
NTA but this is the Pixiv artist who drew that.
>Must restrict Kiki's internet access.
Respectfully disagree. The idea of Kiki being simultaneously a cute virgin and a sex god who tries his best makes me diamonds...
But he'll gain unrealistic sex expectations and think we hate him for not being able to put out very well!
Can relate to these doubts very well actually. But what if he learned from more realistic "sources" as opposed to porn? That's more what I was thinking of
i want to protect my big sister
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i want to do a double battle and humiliate them both
Holy shit, that translation matches my interpretation of Penny perfectly (minus Arven's involvement, of course)! Fantastic work. She's a virgin, but she's watched enough porn to know what she's doing. Thank you so much.
Has anyone else here read Applin on the Run?
Nope, but now I might. The writing seems good, which is always a good kick in the ass for me.
Currently going on a Kiki fan art downloading spree on Elon Musk's favourite sand box because artists might go ape shit on deleting their stuff...
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>Currently going on a Kiki fan art downloading spree on Elon Musk's favourite sand box because artists might go ape shit on deleting their stuff...
Smart... I'd do that too but I'm lazy...
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Update: skimmed the fic. Well-written and I really like their version of Juliana and how she thinks in general but especially about biting Kiki's neck...
... which is in fact close to what I have in mind for the fic I'm writing...
... actually, it's not the first time I come up with fic ideas independently and then read something similar in other people's works, I know that when I finish and post mine, it'll look unoriginal...
I know it's not anyone's fault and it's probably a common thing in the fan fiction sphere... but god damn, I'm frustrated at myself.
I'm lazy too and Twitter is a pain for navigating and saving art, but I have to fight it off if it means salvaging some precious Kikis.
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Originality is overrated in my experience. I'd love to read a fic with a similar concept to Applin on The Run...
Honestly, I kinda hoped that it'd give you inspiration, since it felt like it synched up so much tonally with this thread...
>I'm lazy too and Twitter is a pain for navigating and saving art, but I have to fight it off if it means salvaging some precious Kikis.
Ganbappe, anon.
As a Bedefag I'm jealous of Kieran's popularity. What does Kieran do that Bedon't? No intention to offend, I'm genuinely curious because I wish I could feel something for Kieran myself.
Did you play the game? I feel like it's pretty easy to understand if you did so I'm curious.
Bede was good too but he's definitely far more brat-like, unlike Kieran who starts sweet and nice and turns bitter over the course of the story because of (You) which makes it feel more personal. Also Bede's story is, as everything in SwSh, very half-baked. His character development happens sudden and mostly through Opal, so it's difficult to feel a personal connection to it. It doesn't really feel like you had an impact on him.
With Kieran, you're the catalyst of his entire character. He also very obviously has a crush on the player, while Bede seems to genuinely dislike you at first.
Oh, originality is indeed overrated, don't get me wrong. Great writing can come from the simplest ideas, and if my fics ended up inspiring someone else I'd be over the fucking moon. My WIP does have something similar to this fic as we discussed some threads ago, I hope you'll like it... gotta keep working on it even through life bullshit. Kiki fandom deserves it. It was indeed an inspiration and my hat's off to the author, so thank you!
>Ganbappe, anon.
Cute, cute, cute! Just finished downloading (hopefully) everything from two artists, one of them being the one who drew the cute Kiki covering up like a nude model I just posted.
I like Bede too and I totally understand your sentiment. I was jealous of Raihan and Leon's popularity because I always preferred him, Allister and Piers. But I don't think he's that similar to Kieran. Also seconding >>56673608
I haven't played SwSh so I don't feel qualified to talk about Bede's character, only Kiki's... but it might help if you elucidate why you like Bede in the first place.
I'll keep rooting for you anon and I'm glad to hear that it was a good inspiration too.
>if my fics ended up inspiring someone else I'd be over the fucking moon
Well, if it counts, the idea of your fics has gotten me off my ass to start prose writing, for the first time in a long time, again.
the virgin nipple-covering Penny vs the chad unbothered Kiki!
this is the pep talk a lot of femanons need right now
and here's one for the boys too
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>I'll keep rooting for you anon
Likewise Anon, you have my full support! Can't wait to read anything you have in store.
I'm incredibly glad! Thinking of suggestion to give you has been a great exercise in out-of-the-box thinking
>That art style
>That dom Kiki
Mean while these Kikis are beautiful...
>aged up shit
no thanks
i wish i could be ogerpon so he could love me
wish he stayed a manlet even if aged up
emulator crashing kiki...
dick worshipping kiki...
>armpit job is so good.
>Can't wait to read anything you have in store.
Haha, I'll try not to disappoint.
Likewise, likewise.
Thanks, anons. I did play SV, yes, and it's true that Bede and Kieran are different, so perhaps the only reason I'm comparing them is because I've seen many Bede fans who also like Kieran. And because both of them have obsessive personalities, I guess? My favorite Bede is the PokéSpe one specifically because his yandere levels for the chairman are much higher than in the game and they never go down even after Opal shows up, so I don't know... I guess Bede would have been more popular if his arc revolved around the player more and the story he's a part of was written better as a whole.
You get me Anon.
Pit job is great but hair job wins in my mind. And no Anon, you won't disappoint!
>his yandere levels for the chairman are much higher than in the game and they never go down
That's already an interesting point to his character, I think it would've given Bede an extra edge if it were in the games.
>his arc revolved around the player more
Not necessarily just the player. I think giving characters some dynamics between each other helps a lot in making them memorable. Bede does have those (Rose like you mentioned, or him teasing Hop), they should've been just a bit more fleshed out imo.
>Are the sweet candies tasty?
>Lets come again.
>Come to think of it, this might be the first time we've eaten something together like this.
Well, as I said before, I haven't actually played SwSh but you're basically saying you like Bede because he's a yandere, right?
It's undeniable that Kiki's character is heavily coloured by his obsession, first with Ogerpon, then with the player/Terapagos, but the striking transformation that unfolds between Teal Mask and Indigo Disk, that the Teal Mask ends on such an ominous note in regards to what Kieran will do next, ... it's all quite well though out and executed, imo.
And like the other anon said, Kiki's other character dynamics, particularly with his Elite Four are fertile grounds.
>aged up slop
gnight /kiki/ gen
fatty patty bulimic kiki
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What are they looking at?
Pokemon leaks
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Gay porn
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It looks like Florian is slurping up Kiki’s cheek…
Startling Kiki!
Do you guys think there's any chance of getting Kiki in anipoke?
(Please help me. I'm coping badly seeing how they're only showing Carmine...)
... with a Kikiss on the lips!
Anon I'm sorry, but so far there's been no indication of his existence in the anime. Which genuinely baffles the mind. Only form of hopium I can come up with is that he could appear later. I'm watching the episode unless some bullshit gets in the way, and if she mentions him it could maybe perhaps be a hint for future episodes. But really, I'd hate giving Anons false hopes like this.
And he's the only thing I actually want out of the anime, too. Mother fuckers.
Have patience. We're still doing foreplay.
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There is a chance, but it's slim.
I think we're gonna get Arven'd ngl...
I want to believe but I'm heavily doubting he's going to pop up.
>Carmine is with Briar and has a Sinistcha. (First indicator, since it was after their school trip Carmine became Briar's assistant.)
>The festival they're attending is called the Harvest Festival and not the Festival of Masks. (Second indicator this takes place after what happens in the Teal Mask)
If anything, we might get edgy Kiki if this is during his Champion Reign?
YES, at least a cameo
To be fair, Carmine can have Sinistcha during the Teal Mask if you do it after completing the base game. Still, I do think the probablity of having a shy cute Kiki is very low at this point.
I don't really understand why anime made Arven a mute character with no lines..
Chrome dome!!
Maybe to avoid spoilers about Sada/Turo?
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Sick kiki
Damn bratty cute sick Kiki! Need to nurse him and give him bed rest and chicken soup
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Kieran and Carmine being naughty!
Brother and sister sneaking off during the festival!
Going back home when nobody's around!
Sneaking into bed!
Playing with eachother!
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Tis the season to post Halloween Kikis
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I want Carmine to hold Kiki down while I....
Yes Anon, keep going. While you...?
Give him a nice footwash? Trim his hair? Clean his ears (see Mimikaki)? Pat him on the head? Tickle him until he cries laughing?
He's gonna show up. They will align the anime canon with the game canon. Arven was proof of that.
We know that Horizons had troubled development and that it was criticised internally for being too disconnected with the games. I'm guessing they wanted to have a separate kind of canon at first but now align more with the game canon.
Arven will 100% show up again, otherwise they wouldn't have shown him. We know they'll go to Area Zero in the future, Arven will definitely be there for that.
Kieran will also definitely show up. We don't know if the SV protag is canon to Horizons yet, so it's possible that Kieran's story was changed. Perhaps it was him who did actually catch the other(?) Terapagos.

Have hope, anons. I was also sure that Arven would never show up but here we are. Horizons is very carefully planned to synergize with the game and stir up speculation like we saw with Terapagos. They are teasing us cause they know how popular Kieran is.
damn anipoke producers, doing denialplay on us...
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>They are teasing us cause they know how popular Kieran is.
And what a tease. But you're right Anon, I want to believe. The Kiki might be out there.
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>Horizons is very carefully planned to synergize with the game
That's the main selling point for me. I love when things connect like that. This infographic is a nice illustration of how things line up.
Thank you, kind anon. I will remain hopeful

Speaking of anipoke Kiki, what kind of voice do you imagine he has? Any voice actors you think would fit him?
Not that Anon but I've posted about the voice actress I'd like to hear on Kiki here, if you haven't already read it in the past: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56486568/#56504462
What about you, what do you imagine Kiki would sound like? I love talking about this stuff
need kiki to nibble my ear...
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choose one
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Need to hold Kiki close to my chest and hear him go meowzers...
Right one. Need more assertive girl-on-boy action unless I'm misunderstanding the dialogue, that is
I definitely know what left and right are.
>Left: Route where Suguri (Kieran) wins
>I love you Aoi (Juliana)!!
>I want you to be my girlfriend!!
(Lit: I want you to become my woman)
>Right: Route where Suguri (Kieran) loses
>This was the most fun fight yet!
>Thanks Aoi (Juliana)!
>Suguri (Kieran)
>There was something I wanted to tell you if I won this fight.
>I like you Suguri (Kieran)!
>Will you become my loved one!
(TL note; koibito is usually translated as girlfriend/boyfriend but I decided to be different today)
>Bottom: A SuguAo that was thinking the same thing to tell each other
Right was easier to translate, but I like both equally as much.
I'm picking left though.
>Need to hold Kiki close to my chest and hear him go meowzers...
So true...
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Thank you for the translation Anon! Google Lens translated "koibito" as "lover" which I took to mean "cheating partner", kek. Both are beautiful but I'm picking right!
>So true...
Oh also, it is reasonable for koibito to be translated as lover, given that it's literally "love" + "person/human". Anyway, gnight kiki
I have gained the title of "The Kieran Girl" at my local tcg league. When someone doesn't remember my name they just call me the kieran girl and I am proud.
wowzers, to be recognised like that. I'm jealous
Have some sweet Kiki dreams Anon!
I'm proud of you too Anon, it's wonderful that you wear your love for Kiki on your sleeve
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they would be good gang members
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Semi-threadly "begging for Masters Kieran" post feat. Carmine
Have a better version Anon
I love that voice, it fits him so well!!
To be honest, I was thinking of Sakamoto Maaya, AKA Ciel Phantomhive's voice actress (from Black Butler). I think she'd do especially well in those moments where Kieran starts losing his mind.
me and kiki smoking our opps!
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>I love that voice, it fits him so well!!
>Sakamoto Maaya
Excellent pick, Anon! She's so famous I would've never thought of her for Kiki, but her Ciel voice really fits edgy Kiki. Nothing would make me happier than hearing shota-voiced Kiki...
You just reminded me I've been wanting to watch Black Butler forever
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>Paldea and Blueberry Academy Champion
>Grape (Uva) Academy's Aoi (Juliana)

>Her sexy and divine response is a hot topic!!!
>Sexy thank you.

>Don't point at me! Hey!
Nice! Now, onto the next level turning "the kieran girl" into "kieran's girl"
>Sakamoto Maaya
I'm only really familiar with her voice work in Type-Moon properties, but I think I can see it.
Kiki cheering for Juliana is the cutest
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What about groping Kikis?
>I wish I could catch Aoi (Juliana) with this ball...
Also cutest because he's both naive and lewd!
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So true!
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What is this expression trying to say?
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He is happy to kikiss with MC
Sticking my dick in kiki
Holding kiki down as I press further into him
Rubbing my dick up against kiki's prostate against his will
Mating pressing kiki
Cumming inside kiki
Kiki love.
>Suguri (Kieran)'s cheeks are so soft.
>So sudden...
>Ah, sorry. Did I surprise you? ><
>Eh... are you stopping?
>I'm the hero/main character/protagonist, so I can handle anything?
... tohoku accents cute... Adequately translating shujinko.. hard...
want to rub Kiki's face...
He got his 10 pc niggets
This thread is awesome if you ignore the gay shit
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Kiki and egg
where is he carrying the egg
His bed.
to incubate with his body heat? cute
This is so, so cute... Kiki holding Protag's hand up to his cheek, and Protag's other hand shaking...
Kieran? Did you lay this egg?
>hehe, Kieran's pretty cute
imagine telling kiki it's a ogerpon egg just so you can watch his disappointment when a rattata hatches from it
I imagined that and realised that Kiki isn't that naive/gullible
Piss off Drayton, he's mine!
Reminds me that anipoke Leon has the same seiyuu as Jotaro...
the artist commentary says that he's only playing the game because he couldn't get the actual kiki to play with him
>tfw no kiki to wake up in the morning with
Sounds about right
Why even live... I just want to play with his hair while he falls asleep, listen to him breathe, count his eye lashes while his eyes are closed...
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Pretty much just pic rel
... Eyelash counting is a new one to me. But very very cute nonetheless.
On a related note, I find it kind of interesting that most of the fanart that has Sugu sleeping (non-sexually) with Aoi/Haru in the morning has him wake up first.
It makes me wonder, would you rather be stirred by Kieran after he wakes, or would you rather wake first?
Waking up earlier does seem to give you a lot more options. You could wake him up, however gently or teasingly erotic or not gently you wish, you could get up early and prepare nice things for him...
Then, I suppose there is the third option of waking up at the same time.
Kieran stole the egg from Jacq that was meant for Florian. Would he get Turtwig, Chimchar or Piplup?
Piplup would syngernize with his rain team best, wouldn't it?
That sounds about right.
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Cute boy kiki
Waking up earlier sounds perfect and just the way things are meant to be. I'd wake him up gently, with a kiss on his forehead, then one on his cheek, then one on his neck... and if previously agreed with him I'd give him some little kisses on his cock, to stir him in the gentlest, lewdest way possible. If he hasn't woken up yet, maybe I'd keep kissing him just to hear his spontaneous moans of pleasure...
Consensual somnophilia, here we go
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Kiki x Florian is the best thing ever
Cute somnophillia anon...
Personally, I'd try to wake up early and make him breakfast but I usually end up sleeping in most days.
Even better than sliced bread?
none of these niggas seen the set of kieran drugging his besties and raping them
hot as fuck tho
He would have the most vivid wet dream.
link it then
That's such a sweet thought, Anon. But yeah, with my fucked up sleep schedule, realistically I also wouldn't be very good at waking up first, haha.
Well, maybe I have. Link?
Yes! And then when he actually wakes up, he'd beg for more...
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Kek at him telling Drayton to kys
Couldn't have happened to a nicer person.
6763555 Danbooru is what theyre referring to i think
>carmine and Juliana
... I kinda expected Amarys and the rest of the BBE4 ngl
that sounds kinda hot
> Even better than sliced bread
As much as I live me some bread in gonna have to say yes
I couldn't picture Amarys in that situation. She's pretty keen on her little robot LARP and so probably would see seggs as an inefficient use of time.

Funny enough the only thing that seems to snap her out of it is Kiki, but she can't have him >:(
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>so probably would see seggs as an inefficient use of time
it's rape, it doesn't matter what she thinks
It's sleep sex, she's sleeping.
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>Hey Kieran, what are you wearing right now?
>Why are you asking about such a strange thing out of nowhere?!
>What do you mean, strange?
>Grandma sent me some clothes, but Kiki, you're still wearing briefs, right?
>Florian... did you overhear that?
>No I didn't.
>It was meant to be in reverse! I didn't mean to speak in images!
post kikis that need correction
i will correctivly rape kiki with my pussy!
He's so cute and embarrassed...
Based, let's correct him together Anon
He’d definitely be more embarrassed but would he be cuter if he went commando?
I think he'd be just as cute but going commando implies less shyness imo
Well, it could be there was no clean underwear left, so he’s forced to go commando
Dumb little Kiki forgetting to wash his underwear... Very cute and would give me easier access when we sneak off during classes for some naughty action
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