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BW & XY source code will usher in a new era of Romhacks edition

Notable Games:
ROM Hacking:
>Making a GBA ROM hack: pastebin.com/bvSkBkev
>Gen 4-7 tools: pastebin.com/WvTzcdPR
>Disassemblies/Decompilations: github.com/pret/
>US Platinum source: github.com/gainax3/retsam_00jupc

Pokémon Essentials
>V21.1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/7o3yjnuxniojmad/Pokemon_Essentials_v21.1_2023-07-30.zip/file
>V21.1 Hotfixes: https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/1376/
>RPGMaker XP and others: https://archive.org/download/rpg.-maker.-mz.v-1.1.1.-inclu.-dlc

>Tilesets: www.mediafire.com/download/sd99pug37y4v4se/Ziddy%27s+DS+Style+Tilesets+RMXP+.rar
>Archived asset library: rheg.booru.org/
>WIP Gen 5 tiles: imgur.com/a/CiudS

Notable fan game communities: >www.pokecommunity.com/forumdisplay.php?f=289

Last Thread: >>56495773
no it won’t
Nah they will stay in Gen 3
>BW & XY source code will usher in a new era of Romhacks
I'll believe it when I see it.
E4 idea
Weather themed (Ground/Rock, Water, Fire, and Ice)
read >>56667713
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Who’s David. I am a tourist from /m/ who very much enjoys boardcows
He has a bunch of history including being a lolcow on /v/ and making weird af Gopro videos but I'll summarize his /vp/ stuff.
>Wants to make a fangame
>Draws fakemon and makes posts asks for advice
>People give him advice, he doesn't listen, scraps it, then restarts the process
>This happens for years till the point where people get pissed at him.
>Starts samefagging to defend himself. but makes it too obvious.
>Retard has all of his personal information linked together so his history starts getting brought up around here while people tell him to fuck off
And that's where we are today. Both the fakemon and romhack generals hate him because he's been doing it for years.
I think he's usually on discord these days. Rumors have it that he's convinced people to work on his game for him there so congrats to him I guess.
>very much enjoys boardcows
ah, a fellow man of culture.
short version, his fangame has been stuck in development hell for years and is a laughing stock.

longer version, he's a fakemon artist who has been posting about making a game for at least 3-4 years now. except all he's done is redesign the same handful of Pokemon and the region map, over and over again. he's literally scrapped and redesigned his starters like 20 times. the game has made no progress besides that, except for a few sprites and maps which he's had commissioned, and then usually throws out because he changes his mind and scraps the design. oh, and doesn't have a job while he's paying for these btw. and none of the people he's commissioned will work with him anymore because he's an autistic piece of shit who constantly asks for redesigns and shorts people on pay.
all the while, he posts constant minutia updates about his umpteenth redesigns. it's incredibly frustrating to watch him ignore legitimate advice people have given him about game dev while he spins his wheels in place because he can't make up his mind over the most basic things.

on top of that, he's been a notorious poster on drawthreads around the site for relentlessly demanding artwork of his fetishes, mostly girls in swimsuits and weird sadistic shit. he's been blacklisted by all the draw communities because he harasses artists who draw for him. if you want the good stuff, look up 'grandiafag' or 'rivierafag' in the /v/ archives
Any gen 2 romhacks with latios/latias?
Just downloaded the hgss source code and the sdk from the bw leak

Turns out the source is literally well documented so any arguments by pret about it being "muh useless we can't use it!" are bullshit so I want to take it on myself to do the real translated documentation

I am inexperienced with nintendo build tools though, can anyone help me getting it to actually build into a ROM so I can start the process?
>BW & XY source code will usher in a new era of Romhacks
I doubt it. Nothing has come out of the previous source leaks in 4 years.
Any Typhlosion games yet?
Do we have Dev-made tools for it? The Gen 3 source code leaks had them.
no, there will be more gen 3 faggotry because modders are gay
>BW & XY source code will usher in a new era of Romhacks edition
I wish I had your faith
codelet nig here
why can't I open another rom hack on HMA? It is possible with another program?
i love gen 3 it was my first game and i don't get why modders only use gen 3 for their mods, is it because 4 and up have those low poly 3d models or something?
they still cant expand the pokedex and add more pokemons for gen and gen 5 games fyi
gen 3 is by far the easiest to hack and has the most resources that you can add to your hack.
Would the new source code leaks fix any of this? Might as well mod on Gen 5+, since Gen 3 hacks are quite stagnant for a couple of years at this point
The gen 4 decomps already exist. The issue is that they're harder to work on and have less features developed by the community. The gen 3 decomps are already capable of simulating 99% of modern pokemon features. The only reason to switch to gen 4+ hacking is graphics which is one of the most time-consuming aspects of hacking.
Why do people want gen 4 - 6 romhacks anyways. Playing on a DS emulator is a pain in the ass because of the two screens. I personally hope they got BDSP stuff because that would really open the doors.
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>he doesn't have a 3ds
trolling is against the rules you know.
I want BDSP hacks to take off so there's more good options to play in 3D, and a full 3D game that has all mons.
What about HG-Engine? Aurora Crystal is gonna have gen 5/6 mons, maybe even up to 7.
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Play my romhacks.
who's trolling?
Slight 3D graphics and environments can help you create more immersive, varied and complex environments.
But those same listed factors also limit it due to the budget and talent constraints.

I think it's worth it to just make a really good romhack or two.
this fag wishing a death that will NEVER happen >>56667713
Was he the guy who made that firered hack a few years back that was laughably bad? Where the type charts all unbalanced and he added a ton of "hardmode" features that the game was unplayable buggy from the start? I think it had a teleport feature and like 50 starter options.
>firered hack a few years back that was laughably bad
that's like 50% of gen 3 hacks
Sorry to clarify, the hack name also had Firered in it specifically. It was something like "Fierce FireRed" or "Raging Red".

He would go into a fit when people gave feedback about bugs and freezes. I remember he gave Dragon type like 10 weaknesses and was really serious about how hard he planned out the game. From the start you could teleport to any town.
>"I remember he gave Dragon type like 10 weaknesses"
Holy kek, we need this madman to step out of retirement stat
Pokemon Peridot 2 with gen 3+ beta designs when?
and pokemon clover is kino
I don't think that was David, David's brand of autism is very particular and recognizable. but, this sounds hilarious regardless, would love to see it.
Did that mod also have some big titty character? And that might also be the playable character?
No, David could never finish a project
I dont remember on that. I know it was unfinished. I really kinda miss it now, it played like a parody game but was 100% serious. It had:

NVE attacks did something like 1/8 damage. Neutral attack was decreased to something like 1/4. Super effective was x4

Every attack had flinch chance, increased by speed. Fast pokemon had a near 100% flinch chance on attacks.

Some really weird specific rule about ghosts on the type chart, like "does double damage with special attacks". No other types had special rules like this.

Unbalanced edgy new attacks like in pic.
still a troll desu, please understand retard.

don't cry when mods bans you.
I know I have problems, but you probably need some therapy.
based david BTFOing trolls into oblivion.
I get banned like once a week dude, it's nothing.
quit pimping you satanic glowie abomination, you know, trolling is ban worthy and you will seethe eternally if this happens.
That was Jason Godwyn, a grade A faggot.
The game was called Rapid Red. I remember that because he used to shill it here whilst pretending it wasn't him who was posting it.
>Ragengagement baiting to bump the thread out of page 10
nice page 1 bump, retard.
I'm sick of you forcing this trash on everyone,you needs a rapist.
oh no guys I got banned!!!!
>reset ip
>continue posting
*drops mic*
inevitable rangebans says otherwise
when they good
Not that anon, but ban-evading on 4chud is frustratingly easy. You just need to pay for a IP Proxy service subscription, and you're done. It's like 100 IPs per cent. I don't get why jannies don't buy those IP Proxy subs themselves, and manually ban the IPs. It's so easy and yet they still haven't done that.
if Shawn doesn't get a rangeban, I'm not going to get a rangeban for poking at an autist. the truth is, I've said much worse shit to David before, and I'm still here. the mods don't care. why are you simping so hard for him anyway? he's not a redeemable person. he's a complete asshole, and he's earned his reputation here. get over it.
getting rid of rangeban is not that easy, you must migrate to another city/state/country which is annoying.

also Proxies are forbidden since 2013.
>he's not a redeemable person. he's a complete asshole.
just like most of /vp/ and probably most employees.
At least he's still better than that one guy who made some concept art of a school bases game and kept trying to get other people to collaborate, but he just wanted other people to make his dream game for him.

Low bar, but it's still a bar.
>also Proxies are forbidden since 2013.
Yes, but jannies can't tell the difference between Proxies and normal new IPs
And trust me, proxies still work, even if they're banned. I remember schizos bragging about having a Proxy sub each time they get banned after a spree of posting gore. That's how I know about that 100s of IPs for a single cent fact.
true! but most other assholes here don't turn themselves into a target by posting with an identity. you reap what you sow. also, David has a reputation outside of this board and even outside of this site as being a notoriously difficult autist. most people here are autistic to some extent, yes, but this guy is on another level. he's been ostracized from every single group he's ever interacted with for repeated anti-social behaviour. that's not the same as people being asshole anonymously here to blow off some steam.

anyway, I bet David is happy the internet archive is down so people can't post his pedo rape video anymore.
>the internet archive is down
shame torrents backups are still up
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are you retarded on purpose?
Yes it's banned. But that doesn't mean that you aren't able to use them. Only once you get caught your IP is banned for a month or year.
You really need to get out of /vp/ for once. There are bigger schizos than in this pond.
>thinking i will leave /vp/ for once
people like you the same mindset as literal troglodytes, if they didn't see them they don't exist. them learning about the subject is when the subject was invented.
Honestly when AC finally comes out I might try learning the HG-engine just so I can pick and choose certain things for my perfect patch of it.
if this david is comes anywhere even close to duel's faggotry i will be very surprised
That is actually exactly what he's doing except with his washington region. He's actually gotten a few people to write his music, shinies, and mapping for him.
tourist here, is it actually possible to make a full on custom pokemon g4-5 fangame with tools like pokémon ds map studio or are there restrains i'm not aware of
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I've had these for a long time now. Thoughts?
Based as shit, love em and the artstyle anon
Thanks. Wish I had the patience to put them in a game.
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that's what David has always wanted, for people to make his game for him. he's the quintessential "ideas guy" who saw games like Clover being made in collaboration and thought that all he had to do was put his ideas out into the ether and people would come make them for him - not understanding that those collaborative projects came together because the devs had common bonds and visions, and that David himself is just a prickly, anti-social weirdo who doesn't have the skill or sociability to achieve something like that.

good for him if he has found people to work for him, but the reality is he's probably paying for them. like somebody who can't get laid so they hire a prostitute. with money that he doesn't even really have, because he's an unhirable NEET who gets fired from every job for being worthless. anyway, at the very least he seems to have slowed down posting on /vp/ so whatever. I think he got scared off from people digging into his past. this thread would have been David-free if other people hadn't brought him up. not that I'm helping.
Whats their deal? Like concept and lore wise so to speak
Their coloration helps them store things in their cheeks, which is why they look similar to pokeballs. Haven't thought about much else besides that.
(As someone whos worked with david i felt i should give input on this as you nailed it) i think the main issue david has is his project (pokemon evergreen) really doesnt have any identity aside from being a pokemon fangame that has fakemon in it. There is no interesting hook, story, or concept someone reading a recruitment thread would be interested by. He has the art skills (or at least seems to) and so in that regard hes actually got a skill thats pretty in demand within the fangame sphere, and if put on a project with an actual direction, i think he would be pretty successful. I think he falls into the trap a lot of fangame developer falls into where they want this great ambitious game made, just not by themselves
Thats actually a super neat concept, well done! My project has a rodent mon thats female only, not as clever as what you cooked up
You got a problem with that?
That sounds like that Pokemon Pink that would be posted all the time here awhile back.
Thats it! Good ol Jason. Im assuming then hes no longer active, sad. It was a fun sort of autism.
My project has troubled development, that's for sure. It was supposed to be a comfy fangame taking place in an area where I live in, but sometimes I'm not sure how long I can continue on.
How long until people will be able to make romhacks with the source codes that got leaked, like will ppl be start right away or does it need to be decompiled first?
Look, as much fun as it is sometimes to dog on you, and then questionable things you do on the side, i think what you really lack is creativity, sad to say. Those first few generations are fun, ill give you that, but if someone wants to have a comfy pokemon experience, why would they play evergreen over the classics? In this day and age, people want to be challenged, or told an interesting story. The concept of “a pokemon fangame with fakemon” and nothing else, might be a draw for players, but not so much contributers.
I think you're right. I'm not cut out for making a fangame after all.
That wasnt my point but if thats what you took away from my replies then ok
Since you mentioned story, the game's story is that you and your rival made a bet to see who can become the Tahoma region's Champion. During that, there's a villainous organization called Team X who are creating a machine that will mind control every owned Pokémon in the region. The leader is a Malamar and the machine will be used to amplify his mind control powers
Do we get to fuck Professor Sequoia after becoming champion?
An ok start, id say for your end you should flesh that plot out a little bit more. What is the history between the player and the rival? What events lead to the bet to become champion? Why is being the champion important to the player and the rival?

As for the evil team bit, even if a big unorthodox the reveal of the leader being a malamar is fun and could be pretty memorable if executed correctly.

Another big thing to focus on is the history of the Tahoma(?) region. What kind of history does a land like that have? What are its origins? What kinds of things are important about the region? What myths and legends does it hold? Its hard for me to put exactly into words what im trying to ask here but i think your region is what really makes the game

As for your fakemon, what significance do they have to your region aside from being from washington? What role does each pokemon fill in the tahoma ecosystem? How and why do they live there?

These are a few things i havent seen much of from you that can really elevate Evergreen to the next level. Im sure these are things you would like others to help you with, but if you cant answer most of these on your own without the input of others maybe that says something about your work ethic. You dont need to answer these questions now, but i think asking yourself these questions and finding an answer is really what you need
>My project has troubled development
buddy, people told you 5 years ago exactly how your development was going to play out. and it happened just like they told you it would. because you refused to listen and take advice. and judging by your replies itt, you continue to ignore advice. it's like anything meaningful people say to you just goes straight over your head, and you only ever respond to what you want to hear. there was never any "troubled development", because there's barely been any development at all. it's you who is troubled. all your problems have come from your own personal flaws that have been pointed out to you repeatedly.
your story is shit. it's generic and boring. there's no hook, and nothing interesting here whatsoever. it's the most by-the-numbers, cookie cutter Pokemon plot you could possibly think of. I get that you're trying to emulate the sparse stories of old Pokemon games, and that's fine but that's what this guy is trying to tell you: nobody gives a shit about it. and there's certainly nothing in there that's going to attract talent to work on your game, or even an audience.
your fundamental flaw is that you're trying to be the Ideas Guy, which is a flawed position to begin with - except you don't even have ideas! you constantly ask other people to come up with your ideas for you, and the few things you do come up with are extremely generic and devoid of character. so what good is a creative director who doesn't even have a creative vision? or any game dev skills to speak of. the one skill I will credit you for having is drawing fakemon, and you should prioritize that instead of trying to helm a project which is clearly out of your depth. plenty of people would love to have you contribute to their projects with your drawing skills; but, you don't have what it takes to be in charge. I know this is just going to go in one ear and out the other, but ffs dude. you need to take a step back and look at your life. how much money are you throwing out on this project to commission shit, when you don't even have a job? and you're probably just going to throw out all that work when you change your mind again. come the fuck on. wake up.
remember when d*vid made an animated video about a guy raping his daughter
Well, this project has been worked for a year and a half so far.
Those are actually good ideas. I'll think about them.
>Well, this project has been worked for a year and a half so far.
...not counting the other three or four iterations of the same project under a different name
The previous project takes place in regions based off of Chugoku and Shikoku. Evergreen is a revival of Cascades.
but it was all back to back development using the exact same project as a base
the only differences between the projects are what you chose to arbitrarily scrap and remake
What's the best gen 2 but in gen 3's engine hack that's fairly vanilla? There seems to be a few of them and some add later mons and typing which I'm not that interested in.
Tahoma region’s gyms
Hoquiam: Normal
Port Angeles: Grass
Olympia: Poison
Tacoma: Steel
Seattle: Electric
Everett: Flying
Bellingham: Dragon
Victoria: Fairy
I'm playing Unbound for the first time, it seems like a nice game and I want to try new mons that I haven't used before/in a long time
anybody have tips on making puzzles? I'm going crazy trying to make stuff like gym puzzles, strength or ice path puzzles. it's my least favourite part of mapping by far, but also pretty much the only part I have left.
Shut up
For most types of puzzles starting with the answer and working your way back is usually the best way to get a first draft. It ensures the puzzle IS solvable, and gets you something you can iterate on to add/remove false paths and test for softlocks. And draw/test it out on paper or in ms paint until you have something reasonably passable to implement so you're not having to rebuild maps a bunch. Color coding to keep forward, backward, and false paths clearly distinguished helps too, as does labeling steps in order to keep track of exactly how much you're asking the player to do. Examples:

Start with your entrance and exit tiles, connect them with a series of numbered arrows, assume a rock or wall or whatever at the head of each arrow. Once you have the path forward trace it the other way to see if you can get back to the start, if so you have a relatively easy starter puzzle, if not then add a few more arrows and obstacles to get you back be it roughly along the same path or an entirely separate one. Add a few extra accessible tiles to start from and obstacles that are slightly out of line to create false paths that don't break your solutions to add more complexity. In testing try moving in every direction from every tile you can reach to find softlocks or unintentional solutions, move stuff as needed to fix. For large ones don't forget your viewspace is small and it can be hard to figure out where you are or where to go if landmarks go off screen too much.

You have to remember you need 2 tiles space because the player has to stand behind and often walk around the rock. Determine where the rocks need to go, draw paths to where they will be to start with. Add some obstacles that need to be navigated or removed. Make sure the player can't block themselves in anywhere without an exit, getting the puzzle into an unsolvable state is fine when it can easily be reset.
thanks anon this is helpful
What's the best rom hack for emerald with gen 9 pokes and mega evolution? (Is there even one?)
Are we only supposed to post shit when we're on page 10? Why didn't you guys tell me sooner?
>gen 2 but gen 3 engine
Uhhhhhh... most gen 2 hacks with updated mechanics seem to usually add later stuff too, like Polished Crystal and Prism.

Post your team progress in the current teams thread and share some thoughts on the hack if you feel like it. Still my personal favourite hack.
does anyone know where I can get this rather old hgss romhack, "hard gold"? seems elusive and the only link I can find is from some random guy but he made it in french
>with gen 9 pokes
Have spriters even started on that project? Maybe try asking on the Showdown forums.
Why are the spainards much better at making high quality products than the English?
They aren't, the english are just THAT bad nowadays.
The Spanish pokemon fanbase is at its peak, while the Anglosphere is, or was, stagnating for years now.
I hope we get some amazing romhacks now that the source code leaked for gen 4 onward
Will the source code for XY and BW allow people to speed up the games and boost performance? Like snappier battles and transitions and move animations for a much better experience? And in XY’s case, optimize the games to fix the dogshit lag?
yeah if they optimize the code. with the source code you don't even need to emulate anymore with enough time
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Thanks for this redbull Anon.
Shutup shimy, go back to JP.
yeah, now is considered lost media thanks to the feds.
yes it will
Would it be feasible to learn some Spanish, just to interact with the Spanish side of the romhacking community? I could probably get some greasemonkeys working on my rom.
Most certainly wouldnt be worth your time if thats how you see spanish fangame devs lol
Start with an impossible puzzle and figure out what you would need to change to make it solvable.
no it wont
yes it will you wokegender
what's a woke genedeer?
Schizo speak
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outsourcing/document/説明書類 has 2 ~10 min videos that demonstrate map editing in maya

Would this revitalize Gen 6 modding and mapping for a bit, given if you're proficient in Maya?
read >>56696075 and >>56668130
Yes it will.
if people knew how to 3d model, we would've gotten custom region gen 4 hacks a decade ago.
such a cool concept and cute mons, anon
the first stage is adorable
what are their types?
Probably never, unless I find someone to do it with. Making something in gen 3 or 5 would be fun, but solo projects are way too time consuming.
Anyone using the leaked gen 3 map maker tool?
For what? Porymap is better for gen 3 and Ds Map Studio is better for gen 4.
For first projects, do people generally jump to making new mons and new regions or do they start smaller with a limited map and established Pokemon?
If you want to finish something in a reasonable amount of time, go for the latter. Just to get your bearings.
Hey you guys might have good opinions on this - what is the best, least edgy but still somewhat adult fan game? I’m playing Xenoverse right now, and while I like it I hate the overworld sprites and music. Was thinking of playing Rejuvenation or Redalia System next. If all else fails I’m just gonna play Sea Glass.
depends on what your goals and skill are. but generally, starting with the latter, a small project, is better so that you can learn the ropes without getting overwhelmed. jumping headfirst into a massive project without any prior experience is how you end up like David, or any other number of vaporware projects. it might be possible if you understand the work involved and have an established work ethic, but a lot of people overestimate themselves.
Yes it will.
It's really easy to burn out on a larger project, as well. All of that intention and understanding goes out the window when you no longer have the drive to work on it.
I've been tempted to give his Yellow legacy rom a try.
The trouble is that he made a few decisions I don't really care for but it might be worth powering through.

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