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Pokémon Unite is a 5v5 MOBA where your objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.

>Test Server (Needs VPN)

- Darkrai (October 17th)
- Psyduck (November 14th)

- Armarouge has been released
-Sylveon lootbox and Lucky Ice pop event has been released
- Patch notes:https://unite-db.com/patch-notes

Previous: >>56563421
Armarouge fire spin will now get countered by Umbreon, Ttar, and Urshifu.
i must post about my supple creamy girl...
i was going through withdrawal...
Ninetales, Blastoise and Zoroark are probably overbuffed a little.
Guys is the next battle pass owl or mimiku I really want to know.
Is darkrai out tonight?
>dice event for Darkrai
Fuck me I hate when they do this shit.
Bugged ass game. EoS soon.
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>costume party clefable didn't return
Already sort of out, you need to complete the dice slog or pay.

MMQ. The holo is meh, but the secondary Trev one is worth buying it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xJspTb3Ewc
The next Sylveon-tier holo went to Gengar, it's much worse than the cheaper spacesuit one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9VQj562WCk
The price for rerolling the dice is 250 coins now kek. Greedy greedy...
What the fuck greedy as hell
I didn't think the Ninetales buffs would do much but that things a fucking menace, also out of all the Darkrais I've seen not a single one has used shadow claw/dark pulse
Ttar already countered her before, since he also ignored defenses. I'm more concerned about the 50% less damage on Charizard they literally made Charizard into a walking ult like Machamp.
It starts at 100 still. I saved up coins for darkrai anyway
r.i.p mime thread
>completely ruin machamp
>call it a buff
yeah it's over, why am I not surprised
>my mamo build that nobody else used nerfed
>cram nerfed again
>fire spin armarouge fucked up
fuck you timi
>>fire spin armarouge fucked up
It's still pretty good anon it's roughly the same as the old fire spin but instead of defense you get shields, didn't notice any difference gameplay wise.
But his armor cannon definitely needed a nerf, I was 2 shotting tanks from half way across the screen
>they literally made Charizard into a walking ult
It's worse than that anon. Charizards unite damage came from his unite automatically applying burn, and they just nerfed charizards burn boosted autos by 50%, you are probably better off not uniting at all.
Unironically charizards best set is his fire punch/flare blitz just accept your role as a cc machine.
>This patch sucked, they ruined Machamp. The point of his unite is you can activate it, get the buff and use his other moves before having to use barrage which was your escape option or game changer move. They had no reason to change that mechanic and then reduce its duration and attack speed.
>Zoroark buff to Feint is really good now so that is the new staple, sucks we no longer have i-frame but with the hit/run with Feint and the new damage, I'm hitting better and running away faster. Cut should have got a buff though.
>I hate the back and forth to Night slash nerf/buff to night slash though
>>night slash started at 8 secs on release
>>then got nerfed to 10 secs
>>then got a damager nerf
>>then buff its CD back to 8 secs
>>then got another damager nerf and its CD was nerfed to 9 secs
>>Now its back to its original CD being 8 secs and nightslash+ being 7 secs when Zoroark was 1st released
>Its a retarded up and down hill.
>No Pika nerf isn't a shocker, fucking rat.
>Ninetales is fine. They basically un-did the hotfix nerf to her Glass cannon build Avalanche/Blizzard. The stats buffs is small and won't be as effective still since Veil didn't get a buff. The only good change was letting snow warning activate more since that move activates on mobs in team fights which is stupid.
So I've basically been gone since Falinks dropped

What're the major changes to the game. Are EX Licenses still and thing and busted?

I used to play Defender so what're the current Meta Defenders?
EX is gone, kinda hard to say which defender is top right now as a patch just hit.
>cram nerfed again
>Pikachu escapes nerfs
Is it really just a pubstomper?
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Not it is an accurate patch. Cram gets nerfed once again and Pikachu gets all the love and support.
If we need to rank the most hated mon in Unite by the devs, Cram is king for taking 1st place
Ho-oh is still the top defender. That should be self explanatory but some players will be retards and throw games even when they pick Ho-oh
Fuck, I wanted a battle pass holowear for the owl damn it not for the buffs but I wanted special effects like the Charizard holowear, fuck you timi mimiku doesn't need the holowear it had one a few months ago.
>Dragonite Outrage nerfed
Did it deserve this?
What's the day 1 consensus on Darkrai, I haven't seen any yet.
>EQ already slowest move
>Considers Icicle Crash strong
>actually mentioning stun duration being too long
>AidsTree, Cumbreon, & Hoe-Oh remain untouched

Butthurt chinks at it again, you lost get over it
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>cram nerfed
New code: Pokeween24
Let's you pick a unite license from a limited pool
I've only seen one set being used and that one seems okay. I'm still deciding if I dump my gems to get this early or just put up with the dice and get it later.
poking her with my ween all night...
>zoroark buffs
I’m so glad the speedster with the longest dash in the game on a 4s cooldown (that resets its other move that allows it to stunlock people, again, as a speedster), whose passive gives full heal and acts as a ward in a game where wards don’t exist, got a buff

Speedsters are genuinely braindead in this game holy fuck. Even if they somehow mess up they can still just press unite and get the 80% move speed buff and teleport across the screen in seconds. So balanced!
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>Eeeveelutions are genuinely braindead in this game holy fuck.

Now your statement(s) are true
Is aegislash still good?
They both face the same level of consequences for misplays; effectively none
At least stored power espeon can’t stunlock me as it dashes across the screen

Suck an ad's cock
Tinkaton and Galarian Rapidash next
finally some good fucking food
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>Galarian rapidash
shit after shit when are they going to start adding decent picks like arcanine, lugia, toxtricity or something
More garbage, cool! Makes it easy to not come back.

I'm assuming this takes us to Feb (which will just be another legendary) so I'm safe until at least march
Cannon Armarouge v2 and Dodrio v2. Both sound annoying to play against, but we'll see the numbers.
Huh. Mobbros, do we have a chance?
can you earn the darkrai holowear without owning darkrai or is this another jewish trick?
Probably can, at least it was possible before. I got a Machamp holo before the mon itself.
;( why do they persecute him so
what the fuck did they do to machamp jfc
absolutely disgusting
if making its ult slightly worse is what it takes to get any buffs anywhere else I'll take it
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>best horse is coming to unite
>another trannymon
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look bud, i know being terminally online has rotted your brain inside and out, but you need to understand that purple and green are not part of the trans flag.
He definitelly should take meds
zoroark goes down in two seconds, and with the endless fucking CC every mon gets you have zero excuses.
OOPS! All fairies!
Trump lost Chud you WILL buy and play the cute pokemon and wear cute dresses no more cool shit like dragons and turtles with shell canons just pride flags and pretty pink pokemon and bbc porn for good sissy’s like you
I'm not a burger, dude. I just want some cool bugs
>worse rapidash
thank god Masuda's favorite is coming next month
>Despite being a Pokémon that becomes stronger in the later stages of battle

that is a fucking lie this mon has one of the best early games that they expect you to snowball with cause mamos late game is fucking mid if not bad
fuck them nerfing earthquake

eh this change is fine i always used the unite move instantly anyway not much of a big deal
now if only they gave him a ACTUAL BUFF
Of course not. The whole point of it is for you to buy darkrai and grind for a skin
that's fine... at least... there's no more fire types coming
Machamp is strong enough as it is
Cross chop + Submission gives him insane mobility on par with Crustle and his unite lets him low health squishies before finishing them off.
That's enough. There's no need for him to be the team-wiping machine that he used to be. If you want to kill fatties go play something else
>Also look at /pug/ asking for more all-rounder buffs
thought you guys hated broken all-rounders but really you guys are a bunch of hipsters hating on the newest broken thing
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>really want friend to play unite
>convince him to play by saying i'll give him cash to buy charizard's knight holowear since he associated knights with his favorite character ever
>open the game after getting on phone with him
>charizard nerfed hard after he was excited to play zard

i guess i should just scizorpill him....?
At least your friend can enjoy the botgames.
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My girl's finally gonna be free from Prison Parade?
Was only a matter of time
POKEWEEN24 free unite license.
Did anyone like Darkrai's gameplay? It feels like the most boring speedster.
I'll tell you when it's available for coins.
don't buy him the skin
It will make it easier on him when he inevitably decides to quit the game due to the shitty matchmaking
>Decide to forgo one of my usual items and use exp share since I'm playing a supporter anyway
>trying to support the slowpoke that came down with me to bottom
>he gets two levels on me
>baltoy spawns by goal, would've had the level and healing advantage
>instead slowpoke runs off toward spawn for some fucking reason
>enemy team's jungle comes and rapes us
>everyone else on my team feeding
>try to get ray but we lose it with two goals left to their like near max
>try to surrender
>they all refuse
>just go afk in spawn till it's over

what's the point of wasting an entire fucking minute? and how can people who play this game be such retards?
Remember, the optimal time for an attack on an inner goal zone is 2:20
Why were a defender and a supporter sharing a lane? Were they both retarded?
I was supporter, I play a Pokemon that's meant for bot lane and locked in first of my team during readying up. Why the slowbro went slowbro even after I locked in my choice and came with me to bottom I don't know, but I was trying to make the best of it to no avail
Can't believe they are giving us the cool Darkrai skin for free. Gonna buy that and then Dakrai with coins later. Won't be surprised if they changed it in the future so you have to buy the mon first.
Darkrai worth a ban or no?
Yes. You should always permaban the newly released Pokemon so the whales get angry, uninstall and kill the game.
Take the triopill anon.
>having friends
Tink is cool and Grapidash is unexpected at the very least even if the thing really should have just been made to be cuter rapidash.
Remember /pug if you want to cuck squishy faggots like Pika and other CC mons, play Blastoise and Snorlax.
Block/Fail does wonder since you not only tank their CC/hits but Fail easily catches up to enemies now.
Rapid-spin 50% buff lets Blastoise just spin to win with spout as a squishy mon only tickles him now.
If you want the recommended emblem builds and item build just ask
How boring and predictable would it be to get Koraidon for february?
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Volcarona when, bros?
You'll get Slither Wing instead.

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