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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

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Previous Thread: >>56583503
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been looking for a mobile game to grind. would you say its a good time to start? worth rerolling? any notable tips/advice?
she took 18k gems and nothing.

rerolling for arc units would've been better, like a month ago. wait for a new master fair on late november.
also, tips/advice, you can reroll every sync pair in that month. and get 1 copy each.

Once you've gotten a bunch of limiteds, free pairs are key.
Always make sure you've got a pity (or near pity) when you start rolling for something to add to your roster. Especially Master Fairs and Arc Pairs.
>Still, Could Be Worse
I find this game extremely difficult to recommend. You're going to have zero gems at pretty much all times because the devs cheaped out this past year and have zero units because 90% of the roster is limited banners.
Took 50k gems for one of her amp zero iono, life is hell
i did get a lot of gen pool units. would've loved to get malva for flying single.
nice. i got iono with 2.9k paid gems.
18k gems. I was already thinking of stopping by that point.
Flying? She's fire type.
>ex role: sprint
I always get underwhelmed by this. Non support + sprint is pretty much as disappointing as support + tech. She sets up hail so why the hell not field?
Got shafted by iono banner, but this made my week
Just downloaded
How hard will the grind be for costume Cynthia
you need 36.6k gems to pity normal banners. 45.6k for arc suits.

We get about 20k-30k gems per month.

Sygna Suit Cynthia is currently in the free ticket, but random with 5 other poke fairs.
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>costume Cynthia
What flavour?
>check boorus
>only like 6 new images of her were uploaded
what a flop lmao
Its basically a month of saving.

Master Fairs are around the corner after all.
> Zero gems
> Economy is 300-340k gems per year
> Zero units
> 70 pairs for free + event + a fuckton of gen pools
the problem with Shauntal is that she's a Velma knockoff and nothing else, at least Wicke has tits.
>this normie checks boorus instead of direct source sites
why would you choose to not see the other 95%+ fanart from pixiv, twitter and poipiku?
>How hard will the grind be for costume Cynthia
Getting all 6 Cynthias will take you close to 1,5 years.
The latest one was this anni and she will probably only rerun in late 2025 or later
for the rest - just save gems and wait reruns
Is op image a new costume or just custom?
It's a shame because this is a fucking elite design
meet >>56672390 >>56672441
you are rate limited, please check later
So now that it's been a couple days what's the verdict on Iono? Got Shantaul in two multi’s so I’m considering going for her if there’s nothing that interests me in November’s datamine.
>what's the verdict on Iono?
pretty mid depending on your ghost roster
How ass is Shawnty?
Shiny ho-oh? Cracked

Top 10 supports in the game since golden week 2022
Mediocre AF, her niche is non existent.

Good if you have like, 0 limited ghost types, missed event victor and don't like giratina
Guess I’ll wait to see if there’s anything better in November. If not I may roll her just for the outfit.
Social media were a mistake.
Outfit > anything else

If you really like it go for it

I've never ever used my Xmas Rosa in 5 years but I still am very happy about having gotten her
This man plays the game right
>Outfit > anything else
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I love my cute wife Whitney! Look at her bounce around! Doesn't she look so bubbly?
Shauntal can solo Moltres
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Wait till you find out about the seven Chaos Stevens
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>7 alts
do i need to download blendr for models like these
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Don't insult my wife like that. It's been a busy week and Skyla's hogging the attention.
dang, she's huge.
Flutter mane i mean.
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>don't even remember the banners for july or august
>spent whatever amount was needed to reach 500/500 for arc cynthia (1 copy)
>was planning to quit after anniversary so spent whatever remaining f2p gems for lear cause he's based as fuck
>october leaks showed another froslass on a unit that's actually with a good pokegirl
>15k gems scrounged up the last few weeks before her banner dropped
>2 copies
not bad, still likely to quit soon sadly cause I've been on auto for this game for nearly 2 years and capping stamina hard while almost never doing the CS infinite Legendary battles or rally. Not even sure why I kept playing past year 3 as a day 1 player yet here I am. At least got one last ice unit I really loved the pokemon of before stopping at the end of this month

was a fun first 3 years even if the anni units for the 3rd year was ass followed by KANTOOOOOOOO and copy paste units for 4 and 5. With how little f2p gems the game been giving out for over a year, don't see much reason to play anymore
Your waifu?
one of many honestly but ghost type glasses girl with ice type hit a lot of marks. Especially froslass being most favorite ice type
Irida for example is fine, looks more like a serena clone despite being gen 4 but having glaceon was a good bonus to shoot her up my list
Its ok, most people are mass migrating to bluesky
Is it? I've seen SSWally use tech + sprint do silly shit on Youtube
I don't usually say nice things about this game but the Halloween battles were neat
aka 4 outfits compared to Steven's 6
Man I thought the only ones dropping out because of a 9-10% decrease in f2p gems were just tourists
don't visit these threads as often anymore, maybe once or twice every few months but ever since pretty sure end of year 3 or maybe leading up to year 4 the less f2p gems was getting ridiculous while the units released was also getting out of hand.
I have 0 paldea units and almost 0 galar as well if not for the half year anni with marnie and bede

as for the gems, needing to save up 2+ months to get 42k which is I think where you can get 300/300 or 36k was too much, seeing gem count for some months literally ranging from 19k-22k was a gut punch especially consistently not a one time off
even if I didn't do the new endgame content they've given us the last two annis to give us more to do like Champ stadium and the element specific types, legendary gauntlet rallies and the weakness battle stuff, it didn't interest me enough cause they didn't give gems anyways. Hell even though it took me a few months after the last BV happened, I even rushed that to get shauntal gems for the banner
> "Ridicolous"
Until earlier this year the monthly average was 1500-2000 gems out of 27-29000 lower per month at worst lol
We also almost never got sub 21k two months in a row since 2021, please stop.
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> last 4 months were also all decently higher than last year's
Lmao at august 22
Pretty sure that's when Ash showed up
She's the writer of all that fanfic lore from the leaks people overreact about, right?
Yes, something you and every single retards who posts "sex" or "sexo" will never experience
Oh absolutely
Okay I don’t care how popular she is, she’s fucking adorable
I won the roll let's go
Kissable gremlin
Is it too late to start?
Start what?
What arbitrary regional bonuses.
Is there a comeback mechanic/bonus?
Played this game some time ago and dropped it, if I still manage to recover my profile through nintendo accounts I'm thinking of downloading it if I see some character that I like getting nice stuff.
I think they give you gems if you come back after a while. But I'm sure it's only around anni and half anni or something like that. It's not just "Hey you haven't to played for 8 months ? Here 6000 gems"
That kind of sucks, I guess that I'll keep an eye out near the datamine time at the end of the month then.
I wonder how long it'll be until they start lending you one old freebie seasonal like they do with Fairs. There's 10 different Fall units now
The banners are unsustainable and they know it. The problem with old holidays is they have that shitty paid step up banner. So if you actually want to guarantee the one you want you pay up instead of dealing with 0.2% odds. And you already get the random ticket halfway through the step up banner so they don't want to give it for free.
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wowzers.... i should impulse pull on low gems more often
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Do these stupid fucking coins expire at the end of the month?
What would May (Classic) be paired with? Shroomish?
faggots would say that the reason is skyla and her meme, however shauntal has been always a literally who
>expecting classic may
LMAO. even then, if may gets an alt of mix scout or something like that, it would be probably sceptile
They're not going to go an alt where the face is completely different
yeah they expire. You have to use'm otherwise they become to Gold Coins. The useless currency of Masters.
So this "event" is a one time thing? They should just have it every month nobody is rolling for those dusty ass fairs anyway
>Hears the Halloween battle theme
>"Lightwood laminate, lightwood laminate..."

>She didn't think this through

Hell yeah she is. Glad she finally got something.

Yes and no. There's no PvP so being behind ultimately doesn't mean much.

No in the that the weekly battles are "build your own difficulty" and can mostly be cleared by powered-up F2Ps while you collect strong characters to raise the ceiling further. You don't need to draw duplicate copies of characters because you'll slowly earn move candies that provide the same benefit when applied.

Yes in that there are more limited characters than you'll ever be able to grab, with free currency drops reduced a good bit this year over the last couple (presently usually 22~24k a month against a 36.6k guarantee). Once you get lucky on a roll can keep saving you build up a stash, but there are more peeps vying for your stash than ever before.

Meh in that the monthly special battles are generally unit checks, be it the endless legendary boss rush or the high score battles that ask you to use certain types for bonus points, so you'll fall behind the day oners and whales... but so will everyone else, so play for personal best if you want.
the thing about is for people who get 5/5 of a pokefair, since they're getting a new levelling mechanic once they hit 5/5.
at level 1 to 4, they get improved damage/sync/max moves if applicable.

But at 5, they gain a new passive.
why whitney

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